The Proposal Birthday Surprise

A year have past since Magnus's amazing birthday with his friends and handsome boyfriend, Magnus was so happy that year with his handsome boyfriend Alec and all his friends and he hope that his next birthday will be amazing as well.

That night somewhere at the woods, at the Lightwoods cottage mansion near the lake, inside the master bedroom, Alec and Magnus were both on bed with the bed sheets covering them except for their bare chest, all their clothes were scatter to the floor, and they are both laying in bed together.

Alec was laying on the bed on his back with one arm around Magnus's waist and the other arm is behind his head, and Magnus was laying on Alec's chest listening to his heart, after they both have a wonderful sex they ever have.

"Wow, that was great." Said Magnus as he smiles.

"It was amazing." Said Alec as he smiles.

"Well, tomorrow is my birthday, so do you have any specials plans for tomorrow?" Asked Magnus as he smiles.

"Well, yeah I plan something special, but it's a big surprise and you're going to love it." Said Alec as he smiles.

That got Magnus to smile at his handsome boyfriend, and snuggle closer to Alec's chest, and started to go to sleep as he felt tired, then as Alec was about to go to sleep, he got a phone call from Jace.

So Alec started to grab his phone and he move out of the bed slowly, then Alec turn over to his boyfriend and laid him down on the bed making sure that Magnus wouldn't wake up from his sleep.

Then Magnus reach out for Alec as soon as his waist was pull out of his grasp, but instead he grab one of the pillow's from the bed and he used that instead of his boyfriend, and Magnus have clutch the pillow close to him and Alec smile at his boyfriend.

Then as Alec have started to left the bedroom to make sure he is somewhere quiet, then as his phone kept on ringing, and Alec answer his his phone.

Alec: Hello?

Jace: Hey Alec, hows Magnus doing?

Alec: He's okay now, he's just sleeping and I was about to sleep as well.

Jace: Oh, sorry about that, I just wanted to call you that we have everything ready for Magnus's birthday party tomorrow.

Alec: Oh good, are you sure that everything is ready for tomorrow?

Jace: Yeah, we make sure that the decorations are perfect, everyone know what they are doing, and the food is. . . RAJ, HOW MANY TIMES DO I HAVE TO TELL YOU, DO NOT EAT THOSE CUPCAKES YET, THE LAST THING WE MEED IS FOR YOU TO EAT SOMETHING BEFORE THE PARTY EVEN STARTED!

It got Alec to cringe a bit as he pulls his phone away from his ears for a bit, he was a bit shock that Jace was yelling at someone, and then he started to speak.

Alec: Uh Jace. . . Is everything okay?

Jace: Yeah, sorry about that, it's just that Raj was about to eat something that we already made, but don't worry, I stop him before he could do anything.

Alec: Okay Jace, remember I want it to be perfect.

Jace: Okay Alec, I got it, but I wanted to ask why you want everything to be perfect?

Alec: I just want it to be.

Jace: Okay, I'll see you tomorrow then.

Alec: Yeah, Ill see you tomorrow.

Then after Alec have finished his phone call, Alec have started to go back inside the bedroom to get some sleep for Magnus's birthday tomorrow. But before he could go inside the bedroom, he started to go to his desk and pull out a small black velvet box, and started to remember what he did during the afternoon.


During that late evening when Magnus is with his friends, Alec was heading to a bakery called "Maryse Sweet and Treats" to talk to someone about something important, then as he went inside, he saw a women who is about to close the bakery.

The women has long black hair tied into a ponytail, has brown hairs, she wears a dark red long-sleeve dress that goes to her knees, has a black coat on, and has black heels on. The women's name is Maryse Lightwood, and she is Alec's mother.

"Hi mom." Said Alec as he smiles at his mother.

"Alec, what a nice surprise!" Said Maryse as she smiles." What brings you here?"

"I thought I'd actually stop by and see the place." Said Alec as he smiles." I'm really proud of you to open up your own bakery."

"Thanks, I'm really happy to finally open up my own bakery, with a little help with Asmodeus, Luke, and Jocelyn, my business is booming up." Said Maryse as she smiles." It's really coming together, isn't it?"

"Yeah, it's really nice mom." Said Alec as he smiles at his mother." There's actually something I wanted to talk to you about."

"Sure, what is it?" Asked Maryse as she smiles.

"Um, Magnus's birthday is tomorrow and we have plan a very special birthday for him tomorrow." Said Alec as he explains." Everything is ready for tomorrow."

"That's really great Alec." Said Maryse as she smiles.

"Yeah but the things is about what happen two years ago." Said Alec as he felt a bit upset.

"I know that mom, it just that when it happened, it made me realize how much he means to me." Said Alec as he explains." And that I can't live without him."

"That's what love is Alec, it make us realize how much you two wanted to be together, and that your souls find each other." Said Maryse as she smiles.

"Just like with you and Asmodeus before you marry dad?" Asked Alec as he look at Maryse.

"Yeah." Said Maryse as she smiles.

You see, before when Alec, his sibling, Magnus, and their friends were born, Maryse use to date Asmodeus back then, and they were known as the most romantic and perfect couple back then. But they have to break up when Asmodeus have to move to another state for his father's business.

So when she met Robert Lightwood, during her years at Alicante University, they began to date and married after they graduated and have their first born son which is Alec, and had their second born which is Izzy, they even adopted Jace when he was ten years old.

But as time went on, their relationship went a bit horrible, they always fight so much and couldn't agree on anything, and Robert has an affair with another woman and wanted to leave Maryse and her kids, until when Maryse got pregnant again with Max.

So when Robert found out that Maryse is pregnant again, he stop his affair and went back with Maryse, and when Max was born they became a happy family again. But after when Max turn five, things change have change and Robert continue his affair and always treated horribly to his children even Alec when he came out.

But one day, he went to far when he said that even Max was never born, he would've left Maryse, Alec, Izzy, and Jace a long time ago, it cause Max to run and died from a car accident, after his death Maryse couldn't take it anymore and divorced Robert and kick him out of the house.

After she got her divorced, she is inherited all the money and business and Robert gets nothing, she was happy that her children are now happy, and when Alec dated Magnus, she couldn't feel more happy and proud that Alec found someone to be with.

Then when she met Asmodeus again after many years, they began to date again and they are both proud of their sons that they have found each other and love each other with all their hearts.

"I'm so happy you two found each other." Said Maryse as she smiles.

"Me too mom." Said Alec as he smiles." Which is why I need the family ring."

"What?" Asked Maryse in shock.

"I'm gonna ask Magnus to marry me tomorrow on his birthday." Said Alec as he smiles.

"Oh my god." Said Maryse in shock and then in excitement." Oh Alec, I'm so proud of you!"

Then Maryse started to hug Alec and Alec hugs his mother back and they both smile at how Alec is going to propose to Magnus, and Maryse gives the family ring to Alec, and he started to leave to go back home.

End of flashback

Then Alec have started to put the small black velvet box back inside the desk, then he started to go back inside his room, he saw that Magnus is still asleep, he smile at how beautiful Magnus is, then he went back to bed and sleep with Magnus as he wrap his arms around his beautiful boyfriend.

Alec saw Magnus still sleeping, then he took off his sweater and pants, but still has his boxers on, and then he started to go to the bed and lay next to Magnus, then pull the covers over to his waist, and started to held Magnus close to him, and started to sleep with Magnus next to him.

The next morning, Magnus and Alec were both still sleeping in their bed, the covers were covering them but their bare chests were showing. Magnus lay his head on Alec's head looking so peaceful, while Alec has one arm behind his head and the other wrap around Magnus, and he was sleeping as well.

Then Magnus started to wake up, then as he lift his head, he look at Alec who is still sleeping soundly from last night and didn't bother to wake up.

Magnus smile at how peaceful Alec is, then he raise his hand and lay its on Alec's chest and then he massage it a bit, it cause Alec to moan a bit when he felt Magnus's hand, and then he started to wake up.

"So, you're finally up." Said Magnus as he smiles.

"What time is it?" Asked Alec as he still look tired.

"It's like 10:00 am, apparently what we did last night, I think we overslept." Said Magnus as he smiles at Alec." And to be really honest, I have never seen you this tired before."

That got Magnus to smile at Alec for what he had said, then he started to press some kisses on Alec's chest, which have cause Alec to moan a bit, and then as Magnus kept on kissing Alec's chest, his mouth capture one of Alec's nipples between his teeth and gave it a tentative bite, sucking on it slowly, and Alec arched his back and cried out in sheer pleasure.

"Oh god, do you have. . . To do that. . . Seriously it makes me want you to do more often." Said Alec as he moans and rubs Magnus's head." Seriously, it's like a drug that I really wanted more."

"Well, I guess that I'm your drug for now." Said Magnus as he smirk at Alec.

"So, are you really happy to be with me?" Asked Alec as he smiles at Magnus.

"Darling, as long as I'm with you, I will always be happy to be with you." Said Magnus as he smiles at Alec." And we are both still young after we have graduated Alicante University, I bet that we will still be together."

"Yeah, I'm sure we will." Said Alec as he press a kiss at Magnus's shoulder.

Magnus ran a hand through his hair as he rolled onto his back and grimaced at the feeling of the gel in his hair. He glanced over at Alec and smiled suddenly. "Want to take a shower with me?" he asked, reaching out to trail his fingers down Alec's abs. "Seeing you all wet sounds incredible."

"Sure, sounds like fun for me." Said Alec as he smiles at Magnus.

So Alec and Magnus went in the bathroom, then Magnus turn on the shower, and wait for the water to warm up. Alec stood next to Magnus and smile at how beautiful Magnus is, his body was rippled all over with tight muscle, and his skin shimmer a bit which make it glow gold, and his eyes sparkle with a hint of gold.

"You're the most beautiful thing I've ever seen." Said Alec as he smiles at Magnus.

"Alexander, you're making me blush." Said Magnus as he blush.

Then as Magnus touch the water, he started to feel that the water is so warm, then he took off his bath robe revealing his naked body, which have got Alec to blush at his beautiful Magnus is, and Magnus saw the look on Alec's face and roll his eyes.

"C'mon Alec, let's just get a shower now." Said Magnus as he look at Alec.

Then Alec started to take off his bath robe revealing his naked body, then he step into the shower, then Magnus started to go into the tub as well, the water washed over their face and hair. Then Alec push his hair back from being soak, and Alec leaned back against the wall, and Magnus lean back at Alec's chest.

"This feels nice." Said Alec as he smiles at Magnus.

"Don't just stare at me Alexander." Said Magnus as he roll his eyes." Please hand me the shampoo."

Then Alec grabbed the shampoo and walked over and step up behind Magnus, then he wrap his arm around Magnus, then he kiss his neck as he moved under the water with Magnus.

"Can I please?" Asked Alec as he smiles at Magnus and lean back against his chest.

"My handsome boyfriend washing my hair for me?" Said Magnus as he smiles at Alec." Go for it."

Then Alec started to massage the shampoo into his hair which cause Magnus to moan at how Alec is scrubbing his head to make sure that he got all the product out of Magnus's hair.

"You like that Magnus?" Asked Alec as he smirk at Magnus.

"Oh god Alexander, you have the strongest hands ever." Said Magnus as he smiles." And that's saying something."

"Turn around Magnus." Said Alec as he smiles.

Then Magnus started to turn around, then he tip his head back so Alec could run his fingers through his hair, then Magnus closed his eyes as he rinse the shampoo out, which have got Alec to blush as he look at his beautiful boyfriend.

"Wow, you look so gorgeous right now Magnus." Said Alec as he smiles." Which one of these bottles is conditioner?"

"You're the cutest Alec." Said Magnus as he reach behind Alec to grab the bottle. "I've got this Alec."

Alec nod his head as he curl his arms around Magnus, then he kiss his neck and across his shoulder while Magnus conditioned his hair. He trailed his hands over Magnus's chest and stomach and down his sides, teasingly touching him just enough to make goosebumps cover his skin.

"Alexander, you're distracting me, and I can't seem to focus." Said Magnus as he moan a bit.

"Well, you distracted me all night with your kisses, so it's my turn." Said Alec as he smirk.

"Oh, so it's going to be like that Alexander." Said Magnus as he smirk." Well okay then, I'll show you a better distraction."

Then Magnus started to go behind Alec, then he started to trail his hands over Alec's chest, Rhein he started to massage his chest which have got Alec to moan in delight and started to get goosebumps on his skin.

"Oh god Magnus, this feels really good." Said Alec as he moan.

"I know that you like this." Said Magnus as he smirks at Alec.

Then Alec started to turn to face Magnus, then he started to kiss Magnus, which cause Magnus to kiss him back, then he slowly press his finger into Magnus, and Magnus's breath hitch up as he moan. And Alec massage his boyfriends butt and smirk at Magnus.

Then Magnus made a pleasure sound as Alec press against his hand. Alec could tell when Magnus loves it because Magnus jerked up, the he grab hold of Alec's shoulders.

"Like that?" Asked Alec as he smirk.

"Let me rinse my hair at least." Said Magnus as he rolled his eyes.

Then Alec pull his fingers out of Magnus, then Magnus turn around to step under the water. Then Alec press firmly against his back, sliding a hand down Magnus, then Alec grab Magnus by the length, stroking him until he hardened all the way.

"Oh shit!" Said Magnus as he hissed.

Then Magnus stick his head under the stream of water to rinse his hair as fast as he could. Alec just grinned against his skin, stroking him slowly, thumb catching on the head teasingly every few strokes, which have got Magnus to moan again, and Alec smirk at Magnus's moan.

"I want to learn how to be good for you Magnus." Whisper Alec against his ear." I want to be able to make you come so I can watch how beautiful you are, you looked so hot, and far too beautiful to be so mundane."

"Keep talking like that and you won't have a problem making me come at all." Said Magnus as he smirks.

Once Magnus had his hair rinse out from the water, he turned around and he kiss Alec hard, reaching behind him to shut off the water. Then after they kiss, Alec reach over and open the shower curtain, then he reach for a towel and give one to Magnus then he got himself one and wrap himself around the waist.

Then as they both step out of the shower, Magnus started to try dry himself, but Alec thought that Magnus looks so beautiful as he looks dripping wet. Before Magnus could completely dry himself, Alec grabs both parts of the towel, and he pulls Magnus close to him,  much to Magnus's surprise.

"Um Alec, I'm trying to dry myself, you're going to get yourself wet." Said Magnus as he look at Alec.

"I don't care, I just love you so much." Said Alec as he smiles at Magnus.

Then Alec and Magnus have both kissed each other as Alec drag Magnus close to him with the towel, then after a few minutes later, they both have finished kissing, and then Alec left the bathroom to get dress in the bedroom while Magnus gets dress in the bathroom.

After a few minutes later, Alec is wearing a blue tailored shirt on, a black blazer coat on, black dresses pants on, and black dresses shoes on.

Then as Alec is dress for Magnus's special birthday, he received a message from Jace that the party is all set in the ballroom of the grand hotel that's twenty minutes away, and it got Alec to smile at the message he received. Then he grab the small black velvet box and put it in his pocket.

"Okay, I hope everything goes well as I planned." Said Alec as he look nervous.

"Alec?" Asked Magnus as he finished getting dressed.

Then Alec turn to see Magnus is wearing purple collar long sleeve shirt, a black blazer tailored coat on, black slack pants on, and black dressed boots on. He also has blue tips on his head, dark blue glitter eyeshadow on, and black eyeliner on.

"Wow, Magnus you look even more beautiful than ever." Said Alec as he smiles at Magnus.

"Why thank you Alexander." Said Magnus as he smiles.

"Well, let's get going now." Said Alec as he smiles.

So Alec and Magnus have both started to leave the loft, then as they have arrived at the outside of the building, they both saw the same limo that they have taken last year at Magnus's last birthday and they both went inside and started to go to where the party is.

Meanwhile somewhere that's twenty minutes away from Magnus's building, the others were at the Plaza Hotel, inside a ballroom, Clary, Jace, Izzy, Simon, and the others are all in there getting the party ready when Magnus and Alec have arrived, and they are all wearing their party outfits.

"Okay, we got everything ready for the party." Said Clary as she smiles.

"That's good, Alec said that he and Magnus have just left and will be here in about twenty minutes." Said Jace as he smiles.

"Man, this party is going to be a big hit." Said Fangs in shock and amazement.

"I agree with you baby, I wonder why Alec wanted us to make this party more special?" Asked Kevin as he look at Fangs.

"I don't know, does anyone know?" Asked Fangs as he look at the others.

"All I know is that Alec said that he want this to be perfect." Said Cheryl as she explains.

"Yeah, it seems like Alec is planning something really big." Said Toni as she explains.

"What makes you say that?" Asked Izzy as she look at the others.

"Because the other day, I saw him looking really nervous about Magnus's birthday." Said Toni as she explains.

"Maybe is because he wanted to make sure that Magnus's birthday will be better than the last time with fail surprise birthday party." Said Esmeralda as she look at the others.

"I don't think so, Magnus forgave him after that." Said Simon as he explains.

"Yeah, Magnus forgave him, I'm guessing that it has to be something else." Said Jacob as he look at the others.

"Yeah, but whatever it is, it seems like Alec is really secretive." Said Ben as he look at the others.

"Yeah, he seems really secretive for the past few days." Said Allison as she looks at the others.

"Well, what it is, it seems really big for Alec." Said Briana as she looks at the others.

"I think I agree with Briana." Said Bat as he looks at his girlfriend.

"Well, looks like everything is ready, now all we have to do is wait for Alec to come with Magnus, and the party will start." Said Stella as she looks at the others.

"I agree with Stella." Said Underhill as he look at the others.

"Yeah, all I know is that Alec really wants Magnus to have the best birthday ever." Said Aline as she smiles.

"Yeah." Said Helen as she smiles at her girlfriend.

"Well, can't wait to party!" Said Lydia as she smiles.

The others are all excited for the party to start when Alec and Magnus get here and they all wonder what is Alec's big surprise to Magnus that is so secretive.

Meanwhile somewhere that is five minutes away from the hotel where Magnus's birthday is being held, the limousine where it has Magnus and Alec inside, they were both still taking pictures before they arrive at his party, and Alec kissed Magnus at the cheek as he took a picture of them.

"Seriously Alexander?" Asked Magnus as he look at Alec.

"What, I can't help it Magnus, you are just so gorgeous." Said Alec as he wrap his arms around Magnus.

"I wonder how long until we get to the place, I'm getting really impatient right now." Said Magnus as he rolled his eyes.

Then when Magnus have mention that, suddenly Magnus and Alec have both started to feel the car turning to another direction, and then they both look to see that they have arrived at the hotel where the birthday party is being held.

"Oh, we're turning in!" Said Magnus in excitement." Alec, we're here!"

Then as the limousine stop right where the hotel entrance is at, Alec opens the door and got out of the limousine, then he held out his hand and help Magnus get out of the car, and they were so amazed at the sight of the hotel.

"Wow, now this is so fancy hotel." Said Magnus as he smiles.

Then as they both walk inside the hotel, they were both amazed at how the inside of the hotel is, the inside has a beautiful diamond chandelier in the center of the main room, the floor is clear as glass, and there were many beautiful paintings hanging.

"Wow Alec, this place is so amazing!" Said Magnus in amazement.

"I know, apparently my mother, siblings, and I have always love to come here for vacation." Said Alec as he smiles.

"Wow, now that is impressive." Said Magnus as he smiles.

"Well, if you think this is impressive, you should see the ballroom." Said Alec as he smiles.

That got Magnus to get really excited for what the ballroom looks like, then they saw a security guard standing at the entrance of the ballroom, so when Alec show the security guard his and Magnus pass, he let them in and they went inside the ballroom.

Then as they enter the ballroom, Magnus was surprised and amazed at how the party is, there is a beautiful diamond chandelier at the center of the ceiling, many confetti's fall to the ground, there were a lot of tables and chairs for everyone to sit, and there was music playing.

"Oh my god!" Said Magnus in amazement.

"SURPRISE!" Shouted everyone as they get out of their hiding place.

"Wow you guys, now this is so amazing!" Said Magnus in amusement.

"I know, I always heard many great reviews about this hotel!" Said Simon as he smiles.

"And I have to say, this hotel is like so amazing!" Said Clary in amazement.

"By the way Magnus, your cat Chairman Meow is with our mother, and she is taking care of him." Said Jace as he smiles.

"Oh that's good." Said Magnus as he smiles.

"So what do you say Magnus, you want to start the party?" Asked Aline in excitement.

"Yeah, let's get this party started!" Said Magnus as he smiles.

That got everyone to cheer and started the party and they all started to have fun. Magnus and the rest of his friends and boyfriend were having the greatest time of their life, Magnus dance with all the girls that offer to dance with, he even dance with his handsome boyfriend, he talks to friends, they all have refreshments, and there was a funny moment when Raj have spill punch all over again when he trip over the snack table and they laugh.

Everyone talk and have so much fun together, they all have Magnus's birthday cake, after they sing "Happy Birthday" to him, and now they are about to open Magnus's presents, which got Magnus to smile.

"Well, now that we all have Magnus's delicious cake and have fun dancing, it's time to open up gifts!" Said Clary as she smiles.

"Happy birthday Magnus!" Said everyone in happiness.

"Especially me." Said Izzy as she smiles.

"Here, I knew how much you love that coat we saw the other day, so I got you it!" Said Clary as she smiles.

So Magnus grabs Clary's birthday present, then as he unwraps the box, he open it and inside was a new black trench coat with silver buttons on it.

"Oh wow, this is the same coat that we saw a few weeks ago!" Said Magnus as he smiles." Thanks Biscuit!"

"Your welcome Magnus." Said Clary as she smiles.

"Open my present Magnus next." Said Simon as he gives Magnus his present.

So Magnus open up the present, Simon gave Magnus a CD of the song "This Is The Hunt" that they and the rest of the Glee Club have all sing during the National Glee Competition and win first prize, and Simon recorded it for Magnus.

"Oh wow, it's the song that we use in the National Glee Competition and won first place as champions." Said Magnus as he smiles.

"Yeah, I knew how much you love that song, so I decided to record it for you." Said Simon as he smiles.

"Open mine next!" Said Maia as she hands Magnus her present.

Then when Magnus have open the next present, Maia gave Magnus a silver leaf necklace with diamonds on it.

"Oh my god, this is so beautiful Maia." Said Magnus as he smiles.

"I knew you always have a taste in jewelry, and that necklace made me remember how you think diamonds are so precious, so I got you it." Said Maia as she smiles.

"Thank you Maia." Said Magnus as he smiles.

Then the rest of the Glee Club have gave Magnus a big scrapbook that has many pictures of him, Clary, Simon, and Maia and the rest of the Glee Club and the rest of their years together during in Alicante University.

Lydia got Magnus a new makeup kit for himself, Jace got Magnus a new pair of dark blue slack pants, Izzy got him two bottles of cologne that are rose and lilac, Underhill got him a pair of emerald star earrings, Raj got him a leather jacket that has the word "Warlock" and pentagram star on the back, Aline got him five bottles of nail polish of different shades of red, and Helen got him six pair of lip gloss.

"Oh my, these gifts are amazing you guys!" Said Magnus as he smiles.

"Thanks, we all know how much you got a sense of style." Said Izzy as she smiles.

"Speaking of which, you really need to give us advice on how you got such style." Said Helen as she smiles.

"Sure thing Helen." Said Magnus as he smiles.

"Hey, where is Alec?" Asked Izzy as she look around the room.

"And the rest of the Glee Club?" Asked Jace as he look around.

The others have look around to try looking for them, then Magnus found a note at the table, and he saw that it was from Alec, so he open the note and read it.

Hey beautiful,
Your eyes sparkle so bright like the stars, when I look at them, it reminds of the night stars, come outside to the garden for a big surprise

Once Magnus have finished reading the note, it got Magnus to chuckle softly at how Alec have wrote the note, so he started to go to the gardens where Alec tells him to go, it got the others to get curious when Magnus walk to the gardens, so they follow him.

Then as they have arrived at the garden, they were all so amazed at how beautiful the garden is, it has so many beautiful red roses, there are many beautiful chandeliers hanging glowing is a beautiful gold color look it's noon, and the night sky is full of beautiful stars.

"Wow, now this is a beautiful garden." Said Maia in amazement.

"Yeah, those are so beautiful and so red, that is so Cheryl's color." Said Clary as she smiles.

Then as Magnus was so amazed at how the garden looks so beautiful at the night time, Alec have came out to the garden while the Glee Club came out from the other side of the garden, and it got Magnus to get really curious on what's going on.

"Alexander, as much as I love this amazing surprise, what is going on?" Asked Magnus as he look at Alec.

"Well, this is one surprise gift that I have been waiting for to give to you." Said Alec as he smiles." And this present I'm going to give you shows how much I love you, hit it Jacob."

Then as soon as Alec motion Jacob to play the music, all of a sudden, music have began to play, and then the Celestial Angels have all began to sing the song that Alec have chosen to sing to Magnus.

The Celestial Angels: Love

Then as the Celestial Angels kept on singing the song, it got Magnus to get so surprised at this amazing gift that Alec prepare for him, then as Alec took a deep breath, he also started to sing as well.

Alec Lightwood: There's nothing you
Can do that
Can't be done
Nothing you can sing
That can't be sung
Nothing you can say
But you can learn
How to play the game
It's easy
Nothing you can make
That can't be made
No one you can save
That can't be saved
Nothing you can do
But you can learn
How to be you in time
It's easy

Alec and Celestial Angels: All you need is love
All you need is love
All you need is love
Love is all you need

The Celestial Angels: Love

Alec and Celestial Angels: All you need is love
All you need is love
All you need is love
Love is all you need

The Celestial Angels: Love

Alec Lightwood: Nothing you can know
That isn't known
The Celestial Angels: Love

Alec Lightwood: Nothing you can see
That isn't shown

The Celestial Angels: Love

Alec Lightwood: There's nowhere you
Can be that isn't where
You're meant to be
It's easy

Alec Lightwood: All you need is love
All you need is love
All you need is love
Love is all you need

The Celestial Angels: Love is all you need

Alec Lightwood: All you need is love
All you need is love
All you need is love, love

Alec Lightwood: Love is all you need

The Celestial Angels: Love is all you need

Alec Lightwood: Love is all you need

The Celestial Angels: Love is all you need

Alec Lightwood: Love is all you need

The Celestial Angels: Love is all you need

Alec Lightwood: Love is all you need

The Celestial Angels: Love is all you need

Alec Lightwood: Love is all you need

The Celestial Angels: Love is all you need

Alec Lightwood: Love is all you need

The Celestial Angels: Love is all you need

Alec Lightwood: Love is all you need

The Celestial Angels: Love is all you need

Alec Lightwood: Love is all you need

The Celestial Angels: Love is all you need

Alec Lightwood: Love is all you need

The Celestial Angels: Love is all you need

Alec Lightwood: He loves you

The Celestial Angels: Love is all you need

Alec Lightwood: He loves you

The Celestial Angels: Love is all you need

Alec Lightwood: He loves you

Then after Alec have finished singing his song to Magnus, everyone have all clap and cheer for Alec when he have sing that song.

"We first met at Alicante Academy in our first year." Said Alec as he smiles at Magnus." I both first met when we bump into each other after our late activities, and we both became great friends since that day."

That got Magnus to smile at Alec at how they have first met at Alicante Academy, when they have finished their after college activities, and they both met each other at the hallways and became great friends at first.

"And for those of you that know me know I'm not that brave to come out of the closet before, but when I met Magnus he help have the confidence and bravery to help me get out." Said Alec as he smiles." And made our souls connect as one."

It got Jace and Izzy to smile at Alec, before Alec have came out, he never show that he is gay to anybody, because their father Robert Lightwood has always put the pressure on him so much, but when Magnus met him, he help him

"Our souls knew that our hands were meant for each other fearlessly and forever." Said Alec as he smiles at Magnus." Which is why it's never really felt like I've been getting to know you."

"Aw, that's so sweet." Said Raj.

"Shh." Said Underhill as he shush Raj.

"Sorry." Said Raj as he roll his eyes.

"It's always felt like I was remembering you from something." Said Alec as he smiles." As if, in every lifetime that you and I have ever lived we have chosen to come back and find each other and fall in love all over again, over and over, for all eternity."

"Aw Alec." Said Magnus as he smiles.

"And I just feel so lucky that I found you so soon in this lifetime because all I wanna do, all I've ever wanted to do is spend my life loving you." Said Alec as he smiles.

That got Magnus to smile at how Alec is dating those thoughtful words to him, even the others all thought that it was so sweet, then when Alec thought of the right moment, he started to go down to his knee, which have got Magnus to get really shock, as well as the others.

So, Magnus Bane my amazing friend my one true love. . ." Said Alec as he took out a velvet box." If you really love me, Alexander Gideon Lightwood, will you marry me?"

Then Alec have open the box and show a beautiful ring, that is gold with a beautiful heart diamond at the center, as Magnus look at the ring inside the box, he felt like his dreams have finally come true, as the others wait for Magnus's answer, tears came out of Magnus's eyes and smile at Alec.

"Yeah. . . Yes Alec, I will marry you!" Said Magnus as he smiles.

Then everyone have all cheered and clapped in happiness and excitement that Magnus have accept Alec's proposal, and Alec was so happy that he got up from his knee and kissed Magnus, and Magnus kissed him back.

Then Alec started to put the engagement on Magnus's finger, and Magnus have admire at how beautiful the ring is, and then everyone have all gather around them to congratulate them for the proposal.

"Congratulations you guys, I'm so happy for both of you, I think I'm about to cry right now." Said Izzy as she felt tears in her eyes.

"Oh Izzy, please don't cry, cause if you cry, I'm going to cry." Said Jace as he look at Izzy.

"Congratulations you two, I knew that you two are perfect for each other." Said Clary as she smiles.

"Thank you Biscuit." Said Magnus as he smiles." That's really sweet of you to say."
"So when are you two planning the wedding?" Asked Cheryl as she smiles.

"We don't know yet, but we want to wait for a bit and figure out what the wedding will look like." Said Magnus as he smiles.

"Well, I know that you two will have the greatest wedding you will ever have." Said Simon as he smiles.

That got Magnus and Alec to smile at Simon for the kind words he said, and everyone have congratulated Alec and Magnus for the engagement, and Magnus knew that this has been the greatest birthday he have ever had in his entire life.

Shadowhunter: The Mortal Instrument belongs to Freeform

Riverdale belongs to The CW Show

The song Alec have sing "All You Need Is Love" is from the TV Series "Glee"

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