Chapter 50 👑

This chapter is dedicated to Rahmerh_ and  thatgirlzara_

They are the two people that first commented on this book. I don't know if Rahma still reads it buts he was the first person to comment when I publish it while Zara is the first to comment on the first chapter. So girls, this one is for you. Thank you.

She says "Beauty is pain and there's beauty in everything, what's a little bit of hunger?"

"I can go a little while longer" she fades away.

She don't see her perfect, she don't understand she's worth it, or that beauty goes deeper than the surface oh oh.

So to all the girls that's hurting, let me be your mirror.

Help you see a little bit clearer, the light shines within.

There's a hope that's waiting for you in the dark, you should know you're beautiful just the way you are.

And you don't have to change a thing the world can change its heart.

No scars to your beautiful, we're stars and we're beautiful.

-Scars to your beautiful, Alessia Cara.

Daihaah haven't seen Jabeer ever since the day he slapped her. She was beyond furious and was actually a bit thankful that he didn't show up because if he did, she wouldn't be able to stop herself from saying something that will irk him more than he was the other day. And now she's sure he wouldn't have a problem raising his hand on her if he didn't the last time. He's simply unpredictable, one minutes he's acting as if he won't hurt and the next he's getting worked up because she simply told him the truth.

Her mind keeps drifting back to her family? Are they perhaps looking for her? Yes, she knows they must be. They won't give up on her like that. One thing she knows for sure is that her Ummi is worried. What about Adda Anee? Is she stressing herself over this and not taking care of herself? But Hermano will surely take care of her? What about her twin sister? They might not be close but blood is thicker than water, they still have this bond no one can understand. What of Mami? Knowing how she is, she's probably the one thinking most on how to get her back.

But most importantly what of Prince? Surely, he cares but just how much?

Staying here has given her a lot o time to think about them. He had always been there for her but she keeps pushing him away. Yes, he's not perfect, he has his flaws, some of which are hard to look over but he's only human, he is bound to make mistakes too.

Now the question is, will she still stay with him once the 99 days are up?

Just like any other day she spends locked in this place, she stayed the days alone with food brought for her very now and then. She was really slowing losing her mind from staying all alone in this place. The only she has to take her mind off everything is the TV and who in their right mind will just kick back and watch TV while being kidnapped? There's only so much a person can take being all alone for weeks.

That is, until today.

She was taken back when she saw him walk into the room. From his posture and facial expression you can tell his restless, but she decided against saying something about it not wanting to say something that'll earn her another slap on the face. She's sure he won't mind delivering it.

He stopped only when he was in front of her before he dive his hand in his pocket and pulled out a passport which he threw on the table in front of her, "Take this, let's go" is the only thing he said; his voice gruff.

Now if she has sense she would've done exactly what he said because clearly he wasn't in a good mood but then again, it's Daihaah we're talking of here. The girl likes playing with fire.

Daihaah ignored him and reached her hand to take the passport with brows creased. She opened the passport and looked at her picture but with a different name, age and basically a whole other identity that's nowhere near hers, "Samurat Abdolai..." she reads the name that's supposed to hers, "This is not my name" she stated.

He stared at her, "I didn't know that, I thought it was" he said sarcastically hissing lightly, "Just get up let's go. We don't have time to waste" he gestured with his hands for her to stand up.

"Where are we going? You're not thinking of taking me abroad are you?" Well he just gave her a passport so of course he's taking her abroad, it's not like he likes collecting passports for fashion to match the fancy-napping of hers. That is, if that's a word.

"You'll find out soon enough, now don't make me repeat myself Daihaah, just get up let's go" He said slightly irritated.

Daihaah threw the passport back on the table, "I'm not going anywhere with you" she said shaking her head as she leaned back on her seat.

"Must you always be so stubborn? Do you know the troubles I went through for years to get you? And this is how you treat me?! After everything I did?!" He asked raising his voice at the end.

Daihaah stared at him with a passive face, "Nobody asked you to" she stated not backing down from the stare off they're now having.

"Don't talk to me like that, I am your father!"

"No you're not" She answered calmly contradicting his edgy mode and composure as he looked like he's about to explode.

He inhaled and then exhaled trying to calm himself from lashing out on her, "Daihaah get up right now or I'll make you. I'm not joking right now"

"What will you do? Slap me again? Go ahead, and then I'll hate you more than I already do. What type of father does slap his children that he claims to love? So go ahead Mr Jabeer Waziri, slap me. That's all you know how to do right?" She is playing with fire, and she knows that. But her tone was laced with anger, and not fears. She doesn't fear what he'll do.

He closed his eyes, "I didn't mean to do that, I will never raise my hand on you..."

"But you did"

He sighed, "We don't have time for this, now get up"

Daihaah crossed her arms and leaned back once again. She meant what she said, she's not going anywhere with this man who's adamant on separating her from her family. Not today, not ever.

If he wants to take her then he has to drug her first if not she's not moving an inch from where she is right now.

"You leave me no choice then..." This made her swivel her head to look at him but before she can talk or even fight against it he has her nose covered with some handkerchief that is without a doubt is drugged. She was left with no choice but to inhale it and immediately the darkness consumed her as her body fell inert.


"His slight leaves at exactly 11:35pm today. He booked two flight tickets so I suppose the second is for Daihaah. He's planning on taking her to Edinburgh, he has a place there. He took me there once one summer" Layla said walking into the living room after getting off the call with Jabeer's assistant that she wasn't able to get a hold of till today. She was also able to know that he's taking his car and his driver from the office to the airport supposedly because he labeled the trip as that of 'business'.

Mami nodded standing up, "He won't be allowed on any flight. The minute the people there spot him they'll alert us. Now we have to go and wait there" she said looking at the people that she's going with. Just five squaddies that the Major brought with him. They'll be enough for the mission; they're his best though they'll meet with the police there. For something like this they can't underestimate a man like Jabeer Waziri.

"I'm coming with you" Prince said attempting to stand up but Qamrah cut him off.

"It's dangerous" she said. "We all know how dangerous he is, he definitely has men there. I won't put you in that situation"

He sighed, "Mami you seem to forget I attended a military academy right? I can handle myself pretty well" He said standing up too.

"I'm coming too" Muhsin offered. He looked at Prince and smiled, "I may not be experienced in the military but anything to save his wife" he added making prince nod in appreciation. Ever since their trip to Karaye, the two have made small efforts to become friends.

"I have the perfect thing I need you to do" The Major said as he looked at Qamrah whom nodded in agreement understanding what he meant. "But I have to warn you, it might be dangerous" he added looking at Muhsin whom nodded with a determined look on his face.

"Well I signed up for that. It will be boring if it isn't dangerous"

"Ok then since you're up for it"

Layla looked at him with wide and worried eyes, "Be careful"

He smiled, "I will" he leaned down and placed a kiss on her forehead.

"Faruk I need you to stay here with your wife, Aisha and Layla. I trust you with them" Mami said turning to Hermano who nodded in understanding. He loved his Hermana but someone has to stay and take care of the women since even Sultan is going with them.

"We leave in thirty minutes, you can all do what you have to do before then" The major sad dismissing them all.

Prince nodded and wlaked out of the living room and upstairs to his room with Daihaah. Ever since she left staying in the room had been torture, everything reminds him of her. Every single thing. He couldn't handle it so he moved to the room opposite that one, but it still reminded her of him. It's the room she always goes to when they argue.

He'll give anything to see her face again, even if they'll argue he doesn't care as long she will be there with him.

He closed the door behind him and made his way to the bed sitting by the edge. His eyes moved around the room until it settled on the closet door. He closed his eyes as he reminisce a memory that now seemed like an old one even though it has only been a month ago.

"I'm going to start vlogging too" Daihaah said stepping out of their closet tying her turban cap in the process.

Prince whom was sitting on a chaise lounge by the window of their room looked up from his laptop and raised a brow, "Yau kuma? Vlogging again? Why that of all things?" he asked surprised because she has never showed any interest in it, though the girl loves watching people's vlogs anyhow but still.

She shrugged, "I just want to do it too, I mean Jannah's doing it and the girl has over twelve thousand subscribers already, and her vlogs are really fun to watch. I like Kulu's vlogs too, Ummeta Rabiu's and that of this newbie that goes by the name Love, Fatima. Their vlogs are simply to die for. So, I want to start one too"

He nodded, "Ok then. You can turn any of the rooms into your studio for it" he said moving his gaze back to his work.

"Well...." She dragged, "Ya Aamir" she snapped her fingers walking closer to him.

He looked up again, "Yes, what is it again?" he asked raising a row.

Her lips curve into a mischievous smile, "Well...I was hoping you'll make them with me"

He frowned almost immediately before shaking his head, "You're crazy woman. Me? Vlog? Please, that is something only you women enjoy" he focused his attention back on his work knowing that she won't stop and she'll just stop him from working and he needed to finish looking over this proposal he got from some building company.

She pouted, "Come on...pleaseee. Just do this for me pretty please"


"Pretty please with a cherry on top?"

"Daihaah I said no"

"Oh come on bro!" She exclaimed a little bit irritated.

He stopped what he was doing and tilted his head slightly; he raised his head and arched a brow, "Bro? That's what you have resorted to now?" he asked, his face stoic.

She shrugged trying to hide the smile on her face, "What did I do now?"

He shook his head deciding to just drop the topic.

"Ok just do the first five vlogs with me then you're free" she tried to compromise.

"Why are you so adamant on me doing it with you? I don't see the people you mentioned doing it with their husbands so I'm sure it's not a male thing" he said this time not looking up.

"Well Ummeta and Hawwa Indimi started their vlogs before they got married so they have their own subscribers already. Jannah and Fatima aren't married but I however! I'm married, and it just so happens that my husband is the Aamir E Khabir. I'm certain I'll get thousands of subscribers because of you" she explained with a wide smile on her face as if she's certain this will happen.

"So you want to use me" he stated simply.

She fiddled with her fingers, "Well I wouldn't say use... Just a famous husband helping his dear wife gain subscribers on Youtube because that is what good husbands do"

"Is this why you married me?" he teased feigning seriousness when deep down he's considering giving in. It can't actually be that bad.

"No! It's just the bonus that comes with marrying you" She stated, her smile turning into a grin.

He sighed, "If I say yes will you let me work in peace please?"


"Then fine, I'll do it with you as long as you don't make me do stupid things" he gave in hoping that she'll let him have his peace to continue his work.

She squealed, "Thank you! And there won't be anything stupid, just a few Tik Tok videos here and there"

"What type of blogging is Tick Tack again?" he said closing his laptop. He has given up; she won't leave so he might as well just forget about working now.

Her smile fell as she stared at him as if he's an alien, "Damn you're one heck of an old man" she muttered under her breath.

"Language" he reprimanded making her roll her eyes.

"I'm not five I can pretty much say whatever I want"

"You're right you're not five but sometimes you act and whine way more than a child will" he said leaning back crossing his arms as he watched her as she's sitting on the other end of the lounger.

"Hey!" she wanted to protest but he cut her off.

"Will you tell me what the Tack Tick is?"

She let out a dramatic sigh and slapped her palm on her forehead, "It's TIK TOK and it's an application. There are a lot of videos you can remake. Some of which are really cool"

He hummed, "Sounds like something jobless and mentally unstable people will do and the last time I checked I'm neither of those"

She gasped, "Ok I find that very offensive because I happen to make some of those videos as well so which category do I belong to?"

"Jobless ones" he didn't hesitate to answer.

Her eyes widen at his words. So he thinks she's jobless?! Her lower lip quivered as her eyes sting with unshed tears, "You knows words hurt. So I'm jobless?" she asked as she used her hands to try and wipe her tears that are now falling.

He panicked; he didn't know she was going to take it this seriously. He only said what was on his mind but he was joking about her part, "Baby I'm sorry, I was joking" he tried to apologize but she cut him off using her hands to cover her face as she sobbed.

He moved closer to her and tried to apologize but she left it fell on deaf ears, "Ok fine! I'll make the videos you want, all of them just stop crying"

This made her squeal and jump up from her spot with a wide grin on her face that made her resemble the Cheshire cat as if she wasn't the one crying just seconds ago. She wiped what's left of her crocodile tears, "Great! Lemme get my phone, we have a LOT of videos to make" she walked off leaving him stare at her in disbelief.

That day she really did force him into making a lot of videos with her even though at some point he complained of being tired but she didn't let him. By the end of the day they had over thirty video drafts. That day he promised himself never to promise to help her with such thing again; he had enough of those videos. But if he was being honest then somewhere deep within he liked it. Not making the videos part but spending time with her part. Making the videos was horrifying.

A sad smile made its way on his face after remembering that. He put his hands in his pocket and pulled out her phone. The only thing they found on the counter of the kitchen where they last knew she was. Her profile picture is the same as his, the same picture they snapped in Dubai together.

With one thought in mind, he stood up and went to the closet to change.

In shaa Allah, come hell high water he'll get her back today.

He changed out of his outfit and into a black t shirt and matching black denim and jacket and finally a black Air Jordan 1 Mid SE shoes. He slipped his phone and that of Daihaah's in his pocket before he headed back downstairs where all the others were dressed up and waiting.

Time to go get back his wife.


Jabeer tapped his legs impatiently on the floor as his driver drove them to the airport. "Drive faster!" he said to the driver whom quietly nodded, his cap bobbing along with his head before he sped up.

Daihaah whom was still knocked out stirred a bit making him turn to look at her. She raised her head up first and then blinked before her eyes moved around the place until it settled on him, then they widened. She looked out and saw the buildings blurring as the driver drove fast.

"It's about time you wake up" he muttered looking away from her.

"Where are you taking me?" She asked through gritted teeth as her eyes narrow at him. She knew he wouldn't tell her and that made her anger spike up.'

He simply ignored her.

"I'm talking to you!"

He turned his head and glare at her, "Shut up unless you want me to drug you again" That shut her up; she didn't want to be drugged. She wants to at least have the chance of running away from him once they're in the airport but she can't do that if she's drugged, so she kept mum.

The next few minutes passed in silence as they neared the airport. Daihaah kept her gaze outside refusing to spare the man that calls himself her father a glance. She didn't want to say it but a little part of her has given up. If he succeeded then there's no coming back, he will have separated her from her family just like he wanted because she's sure he has plans for her there. There's no way he'll keep her in a place where she can easily run away. Besides, she knew nothing of where he's taking her, heck she doesn't even know which country it is.

Her eyes well up at the thought of not seeing any of her family members again. So this is it? She wiped her tears that fell unknowingly. Now is not the time to cry, she should be strong. Maybe just maybe there's a little bit of hope left.

When she raised her head her eyes met with a piercing pair of dark orbs that seemed oddly familiar. Her brows scrunched up in confusion until realization dawned upon her and her eyes widened. She swiveled her head and looked at Jabeer who is looking at the passports in his hand along with their visas not paying attention to her, maybe.

When she moved her gaze back to him again and their eyes met he placed his finger on his lips indicating for her to keep quiet, she slowly nodded careful not to draw any of Big boss's attention. She gulped as she thought of how the hell he managed to slip in without big boss noticing.

Jabeer turned his head to look at her; she tried to hide away her shocked and slightly happy expression with an indifferent one hoping he won't see past it. He kept his gaze on her for a moment as his lips set into tight line before he looked away and she immediately released a sigh of relief.

For the next few minutes that passed, she kept fiddling with her fingers, something she does when she's nervous. She didn't know if she should be happy to see him here or fear for him. If there's one thing she is sure of is that Jabeer is behind what happened years ago. His men were the ones that killed their driver in cold blood and that same day he got shot because of it. He survived last time but what if it's worse now? Of course, she still doesn't know that it was Layla that shot him so in her eyes Big boss is still responsible for it.

Just as Muhsin made eye contact with her again, he looked around the place and decided to go along the plan. Since there's still a fifteen minutes to get to the airport, in five minutes time they'll reach where the Major and the others are waiting for them to catch Jabeer once and for all, that is, if he speeds up. And he was about to do that when he felt something cold pressed on the back of his head.

"Not so fast son"

Daihaah's eyes widen seeing the smirk on Jabeer's face, but that wasn't what scared her, it was the pistol he held, "Park here" he ordered but Muhsin refused to do as he said only to irk him more, "Don't test me patience, I said PARK!!" he roared.

Muhsin did as he was told knowing if he didn't, he'll end up dead, and he has a child and wife to return to. He parked by the side, "Get out" Big boss ordered as he opened the door to his side too. He stepped out with his gun still pointing at Muhsin and watched as he got out with his hands up.

"You too come out" he gestured to Daihaah whom gulped before doing as he said. It was like the past event happening all over again, except this time the boss is here himself to do the dirty work.

Big boss laughed at the scared expression on her face before turning back his gaze to Muhsin who looked indifferent, as if he doesn't have a gun pointed at his forehead, "You didn't think I wasn't going to find out did you?" he asked raising a brow with amusement written all over his face.

Muhsin dropped his hands as his gaze held that of Big boss's unwaveringly.

"I am Jabeer Waziri, I'm smarter than you boy!" Big boss boasted with a cocky laughter following afterwards. His eyes followed Muhsin's hands which reached to his pocket probably to get his phone, "Keep your hands up! Or else I won't hesitate to kill you. Don't think I will because of my daughter, honestly you don't even deserve her"

Muhsin kept shut and calm. His expression didn't give out either fear or anger. It was blank, simply nothing!

"I SAID RAISE YOUR HANDS UP!" Big boss shouted. Something about Muhsin's calm demeanor told him to think that something's wrong but he didn't pay much heed to that.

In the same calm manner, Muhsin raised his hands up just as the man said.

A car came and parked behind them making Big boss look back, his smile stretched when he saw two of his men walking towards them. The two men looked just like the ones that Daihaah saw that same fateful day in terms of how brawniness that is but only way much more. One of the men handed him the car keys which he collected with his other hand. "Take care of him" was the only thing he said to them.

They nodded and went towards Muhsin whose stance changed into that of getting ready to fight; sure he can take out one of them but not two. They resemble those sorts of bouncers you'll hear of in mafia clubs. But, he wasn't going to go down without a fight. And he did put up one, one which he lost to. By the time they were done with him he was barely able to stand upright. While the two men were fine except that one has a black eye and the other has a busted lip.

Big boss laughed at his state, he walked towards and crouched low to meet his height, "This is what happens when you try to take my daughter away from me", he said before he stood up.

Muhsin coughed, he looked at Big boss and smiled revealing his teeth that are now stained with blood, "You haven't won yet"

"But I will" was the only reply he got as Big boss made his way to Daihaah whom stood there crying silently. There was nothing she could do. Albeit she did thought of running away, but to where exactly? She wouldn't run far when he'll get her. He turned to offer Muhsin one last smile when his smile turn into a frown, as his eyes widened. His two rookies that were just smiling victoriously seconds ago has guns pointed at both their heads by two men dressed up in soldier uniforms.

He was about to swivel his head when he felt something being pointed at the back of his head, "Don't even think about it Jabeer, it's over for you" Qamrah said.

She and two of the soldiers stayed back following Jabeer's car from behind just in case something like this happens. It was Qamrah's idea and she was indeed right. They maintained a safe distance of ten minutes in plans that he will be rounded up with them behind him and the Major and the others in front.

Big boss's heart picked up. He slowly turned and looked at her whom now has the gun pointing at his forehead with a determined look on her face. "You lost" she said her lips twitching up a bit. "I told you I'll be the one to put you behind bars"

"I'm not behind bars yet am I?" he dared to ask.

"But you will be"

"Are you sure about that?" He asked a smile making its way on his face.

She should've seen it.

The little conversation he started was the distraction he needed to pull out his own gun and aimed it at her. Now it's a gun to gun face off.

Qamrah against the one and only Big boss.

Who will survive?

Qamrah looked behind him to see the two men and the soldiers fighting, her one mistake. She shouldn't have taken her eyes off him because the moment she did that, he clouted the gun out of her hand making it fall somewhere on the floor. She didn't give up though, she tried to punch him which he blocked, she took that moment to give him a good kick in the guts but faster than the reflexes she had he hit her face with the gun in his hand making her fall on the floor. She might be a soldier, but the strength of a woman is nothing compared to that of a man.

He didn't waste a second before running to the car the two men came with and quickly got in leaving Daihaah there, he knew attempting to take the girl will only make him lose time because she will fight back.

And he didn't have time, he needed to save himself. His two other men are preoccupied with the soldiers and Muhsin too much to notice him trying to escape.

By the time Qamrah got up and took her gun, he was already in the car revving it to life. She didn't hesitate, she shot the car once, twice and was about to shot the third one when he drove the car towards her with such speed that the next thing that echoed around the place is the loud thump and an ear piercing scream that followed afterwards.

Even the men that were fighting stopped and looked at the source of the noise. Muhisn's along with the other men's eyes widened at the sight of Qamrah on the floor and a blood pool forming around her. Big boss didn't waste a minute to reverse the car and drove off in the direction they came from with the speed of Vin Diesel in fast and furious. If there's ever a fast and furious in Nigeria then he'll ace the role of Dominic Toretto.

One of the soldiers took the other car and followed him while Muhsin and the other guy held the two goons as Daihaah ran towards Qamrah. Once the men were restrained, Muhsin brought out his phone and called the others while the other called for help.

Daihaah shut them out as all her attention is on Qamrah whom has blood coming out of her mouth and head. Her figure looks as if she without a doubt has broken bones. Her cloth is already drenched with blood.

"Mami..." Daihaah said unable to stop the tears streaming down her face. She held Mami close to her with her head on her lap while she held her hand. "Stay with me Mami please" she choked on her tears as Qamrah's eyes begin to shut down.

"Daihaah..."Mami croaked out as she tries to fight the darkness threatening to engulf her but it was hard, and she doesn't have the strength to fight it. "T-ta--ake.."

"Shh don't talk" Daihaah said not minding to wipe the tears that fell on her face.

"Dai—daihaah take c-care of A—a—amir" Mami managed to croak out as she coughed blood again.

"Don't say that, don't talk as if you're leaving" Daihaah was heaving as she choked on her sobs, "You're not going anywhere"

Mami tried to smile but fail miserably, "I—I said I—I'll protect—t you even if my life d—depended on it" she held Daihaah's hands with the small strength she could muster. Her eyes atrted to drop but Daihaah shook her slightly biting her lip.

"Stay with me Mami please..."

Mami blinked a bit as she coughed again, by now Muhsin has ran towards them despite how badly his body ache. His eyes watered at the sight of the woman he considers as his second mother as life slowly drained from her face. He wondered if by the time the ambulance gets here she'll still be alive.

And that just that thought hurts.

"Daihaah, do—don-t leave m-my son please, he needs y-you w-he-n I'm gone" Mami said raising her eyes to look at Daihaah whom looked like a mess with tears streaming down her face like a waterfalls. "Please..."

"Mami...please stop saying that. You'll live; you'll see your grandchildren. Isn't that what you always wanted? You won't leave us yet" Daihaah said watching Mami's eyes close. Muhsin closed his eyes and looked away as the tears he had been fighting fell. He couldn't bear to see her like this.

Finally, they heard the sound of ambulance coming and the sound of cars parking, most probably the others just got here. Mami smiled a bit before her eyes closed and her body fell limp.

Daihaah's mouth open wide as a new fresh batch of hot tears stream down her face, she placed her hand over her mouth to muffle her tears. Her body shook with each and every tear that fell, it has been long since she felt this much pain and losing Mami sure was like losing her own mother.

She watched with teary eyes as someone took Mami from her, she didn't have the strength to even fight it. She couldn't do anything. It was as if her body isn't even hers, it felt numb.

But if she thought hers is bad then she didn't think of Prince. Once her eyes fell on him she looked away, she couldn't bear to keep looking at him. No one could. It wasn't a sight anyone will like to see at all.

She didn't pay attention to anything anymore as she keeps on sobbing; she shut away all the voices around her. The only thing she could feel right now is the pain, it was too much.

She didn't care who was it that placed something around her as she was shivering due to crying so much.

All she felt was one thing.

The pain.


The place was eerily quiet as everyone awaits the doctor's presence. It has been five hours since the incident and hours since the doctors have been performing surgery on her. The tear ducts are strained, the tears no longer fell. Only the pains remained and believe me the tears seemed like mercy compared to it.

Daihaah sat on one of the chairs with her head on Samhah's shoulders. The poor girl was the only one strong enough to console her; no one could as they were each engulfed by their own pain.

One of the soldiers that left with the others to look for Jabeer whom escaped walked up on the family along with the Major by his side. He went to Sultan and shook hands with him before he spoke, "Any news?" he asked.

"None yet" Sultan answered.

The Major nodded.

"Anything on him?" This time it was Faruk that asked.

The Major sighed. He looked at all the faces of the people there before he spoke, "He escaped. There's no trace of him anywhere"


Daihaah walked into the ICU where Mami has been kept for weeks now. It has been weeks since the incident and everyday were no less than the other. The pain never left, and they welcomed it. Prince in particular only leaves the hospital every once in a while but other than that he stayed with her throughout no matter how much the others protested, he never pays heed to them.

And today was no different; she met him there sitting on the chair close to Qamrah's bed with her hands in his and his eyes on hers. You couldn't tell what he's feeling because he has shut all of them out, even Daihaah. And she gave him the space he needed, she never bothered him.

She closed the door softly behind her and made her way in stopping only when she reached the bed and stood opposite where he sat. The two fell in silence with none of them uttering a word. She is used to this; it's just like every other day. He hardly talks to anyone; Faruk said it is just like the time she left 16 years ago.

"Is this how you felt when Ummi was in a coma?" he asked and she shot her head to look at him, she was beyond surprised that he actually talked to her.

She moved her gaze back to Mami and sighed, "Yes. Every day hurts more than the last" she answered honestly.

He kept mum. And that was how minutes passed with none of them speaking. It gave them time to think over everything; everything that happened since the beginning of the journey.

"Let's talk outside" prince said standing up. He didn't wait for her as he head out.

Her brows furrow but nevertheless, she followed him where she found him outside. Once he saw her out, he gestured or her to go outside with him. Together, they walked out of the hospital and made their way to where there were trees and benches set at various places for one to sit.

He stopped and turned to her. He didn't say anything and it was not sitting well with her, it made her nervous actually. She wanted to know what's this is about.

"So..." she started.

"I need you to answer me honestly Khadijah" he said seriously making her more confused but nevertheless she nodded. "Do you want to stay with me?" he asked.

She was taken aback; she wasn't expecting this at all. And now that he suddenly asked it out of the blue, what is supposed to say? "Why are you asking me this?" she found herself.

"Just answer"

"The days aren't over yet" she said trying to make sense out of what he's trying to do.

He closed his eyes before opening them again, "I don't care about the days Daihaah, that's not what matters right now. If you don't want this anymore just tell me and I'll let you go right now. I don't want you to stay with me because you're forced to, it isn't right. Do you want and annulment Khadijah?"

Daihaah was out of words. Is he really asking her that? This is what she wants right? It's what she always wants and now he's giving it to her. He's giving her, her freedom. She can leave is she wants to, and then she can finally stop counting the days. Finally...

She looked back at the building they came out of and then moved her gaze to him. She knows she shouldn't make her decision because of any of them but for her own self because she will be the one to live with the consequences of her action. She has a choice now.

Prince is giving her that choice.

Her eyes met his and right at the instant she knew her answer.

Through the lows and the highs I will stay by your side

There's no need for goodbyes, now I'm seeing the light

When the sky turns to grey and there's nothing to say

At the end of the day, I choose you.

~Alesssia Cara, I choose.



~Kaje ganin yarinyar da rannan tabaka handout. Oh so you thought l wasn't gonna find out? Hmm.
            Soyayya dadi by DJ Abba😭😭😭 I love that song.

Don't mind me😂😁.


Finally! I'm done!

Don't kill me, there will be an epilogue.

*Sniffs* Lemme save my tears for the epilogue.

And my author's note, I'll save it for then.

For now, it's farewell guys!

And before you have high hopes, I'll upload the epilogue on the 17th.

My brain: Don't say it.

Me: *Bit my lip* *squeals* 99 DAYS MY PRINCE AT 200K+ VIEWERS GUYS!!!!!!

THANK YOU. Sorry brain.

My waec friends haffa? It's August fourth fa💃💃💃💃💃

I love you guys!

Love, Jannah


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