Chapter 49 👑

Abuja, Nigeria.

Khadijah Daihaah's POV

Days passed in a blur. I've eventually lost track on counting my days here, not that I can actually tell the time, whether it's daylight or night time. So, for all I know I might've been here for a week, two weeks, or maybe more.

All I know is that with every day that passes, I fear my so called father less. He hasn't done anything or even attempted to hurt me, he has always been patient and as polite as he can be. At first I didn't believe him and he didn't try to convince me, he just told me I should believe what I want to believe but what he's telling me is the truth.

To say I was confused will be an understatement. The first thing that made me believe him is that he's Layla's father. Even then, it didn't clear my suspicions. Well that was until he explained everything. He said that he and Ummi have been married for ten years until they separated due to some unwanted circumstances. I asked him what those unwanted circumstances were but he told me it's nothing I should worry about, that it's all in the past.

I asked him how he ended up with Layla and then he told me he had custody of her while Ummi had mine. Now, I'm a business student not a law student so I know nothing about the conditions of custodies and whatnot so I didn't ask more on that. The next thing I asked him was why Ummi never told me about him and why I never knew of Layla's existence. He then said Ummi wanted to keep me away from him, and for the past 21 years he had been trying to find a way to get me. And it just so happens that it had to happen under this circumstance. All he wanted was to get to know me, his daughter.

And that was all. He didn't answer any of my numerous questions again saying that it will not be of any use to me.

Another thing is that he won't tell me where I am no matter how many times I asked him. He wasn't always here and when he wasn't I was left in the room he locked me up in. I've tried to escape many times but the damn door won't budge, and with no windows so I'm simply stuck!

The only good thing about being here is that one, I wasn't tied to a chair and tortured, I mean that's what kidnappers always do right? And two, I only eat what I want. He always asked me what I want and he'll have the food prepared for me and when it's ready a lady brings it for me. I tried to talk to her but it was like talking to a wall, she won't even spare me a glance much less pay heeds to me. The third thing is that the drawer is freaking stocked with Abayahs and pajamas to where when I'm going to sleep. Now the thing I care about are the abayahs.

At least I can label this kidnapping as one thing, fancy.

I have not been kidnapped before but I know this isn't how a person is being treated after being kidnapped.

The door creaked open interrupting my chain of thoughts, I raised my head up from the chaise lounge I am sitting on and my gaze fell on my 'father'. Just like every other day he visits, he has this smile on his face that makes him look younger that he is.

"How are you Khadijah?" he asked taking a seat on the couch opposite where I am sitting.

"Slowly losing my mind for trapped here for too long" I answered nonchalantly looking away from him. I'm still not comfortable around him nor am I being nice to him, and in case you're wondering why, it's just this simple reason that the man freaking kidnapped me!

"Don't worry you won't be here for long" is his only answer.

"What do you mean?" I asked genuinely concerned. Is he finally letting me go back to my family? Or what?

He shook his head, "Don't worry about it, you'll know when the time comes" he dismissed the topic, or should I say tried to dismiss it.

"Are you letting me go back to my family?"

"I already told you they are not your family" His eyes hardened a bit.

"Are you perhaps forgetting that I'm married? I have a husband, a mother, a sister, a brother and in laws to go back too. I think that pretty much certifies them as my family"

"I said they are not your family" he said through gritted teeth, his eyes narrowing at me slightly but I didn't stop or back down, I'm certain he won't hurt his daughter as he says because to me, he is not my father. My father is my Abba and as far as I'm concerned my father has passed away.

"You say that all you want but they are still my family. As a matter of fact do you know that my twin sister is with them? You know why?" I raised a brow a smile making its way on my face seeing him getting worked up. I have never seen him angry ever since I came here, mostly because I never did anything that will irk him.

But I'm Daihaah after all. I will not be Daihaah if I don't annoy him.

"Shut up"

"...Because she considers them family too. Because she knows they are family, I am her family, Ummi is her family" I probably shouldn't have said that.

I didn't see it coming, but believe me I felt it. The sound resonates in the room loud enough for someone outside to hear. The sting on my cheeks pretty much reminded me that it really happened.

The man slapped me!

"I told you to shut up didn't I? Look what you made me do now! Keep this in mind Daihaah, next time I tell you to shut up and you refuse, it will be worse" He said glaring at me before turning around to walk out.

My eyes sting with unshed tears "Let me go back to my family" I said once he reached the door.

He turned his head to look at me, a smirk making its way on his face, "Oh Mia Cara, you're already home"


Jabeer leaned back on his seat with a wide smile etched on his face. His eyes moved to where the wall clock is as he tilts his head to the side. Mentally, he counted the minutes that passed waiting for her to arrive. He knew by now she would result to coming to him just to face him as her efforts to find her daughter in law has been futile. Plus, he saw when she drove into the building and parked her car.

Tick, tock...

55 seconds...

Three minutes...

The door to his office swung open and even though his eyes were still on the clock he knew it was her; who else will just storm into his office? This made his smile widen if possible knowing that he got this reaction out of her.

"Where is she?" Qamrah asked, her tone having an underlying anger in it. Her eyes narrowed at the calm figure that's Big boss. Her anger spiked up seeing the smile dancing on his lips.

Big boss chuckled before his lips curled into a wide smile, "Have a sit please Qamrah, you look stressed" he said pointing to the chair in front of her. When she refused to do as he said and instead continued to glare he sighed and stood up heading to where the coffee machine is.

"Where is Khadijah?" Mami asked again, her eyes shooting daggers at his back. She fisted her fists by her side trying to calm herself seeing how he ignored her.

"I thought you're the mighty Qamrah El Khabir" he said his back facing her. "Shouldn't you be aware of the location of everyone around you?" he asked turning his head to look at her.

Jabeer pulled the cup filled with now black coffee and walked towards her. He placed it in front of her before retreating back to his chair where he sat down and leaned back. "Have some coffee, it'll help you relax. I can tell you need it" he offered politely, or what he feigned to be polite.

Mami closed her eyes for a second, "Answer my question" she said through gritted teeth. The man is seriously trying to temper and she's close to throwing a fit. But she wouldn't give the satisfaction of seeing her so worked out, because that is exactly what he's trying to do; get an emotion out of her to satisfy him.

He shrugged, "I don't know. But I know my daughter is safe wherever she is" he answered nonchalantly waving his hand to dismiss the topic.

"I'm going to ask you again, where did you take the girl? If you don't tell me I'll have to bring Layla into this"

Jabeer sat up placing both his hands on the mahogany table, "Go ahead, I dare you. You think I don't know you already told her everything? But let me remind you I am still her father though; do you really think she'll trust you more than me?" he raised a brow, his smile turning into a smirk.

Mami smiled contradicting her irked composure, "I don't think so, I know so" her smile broadened seeing the way his eyes hardened, "Bring back Daihaah or I will involve the authority in this—"

"And tell them what?" he cuts in, "That her father kidnapped her?" he raised a brow, "Does that make sense to you Miss Soldier?

"—you know what? Sometimes I forget you and I are in laws, we should start acting like it don't you think? After all you've done a great job in taking care of my daughter for me" he added when he saw her lips set into a straight line knowing what he said really did make sense. The first one that is, the second nonsense of being in laws doesn't matter to her, as long as she is concerned Usman is Daihaah's father not this man, he is simply a cell donor.

Now back to the first thing he said that actually made sense.

Daihaah is his daughter; she can't report him for anything such as kidnapping his own child.

"I won't ask you for her location anymore" She said making him shrug, "But just so you know...

There are a lot of reasons for you to be arraigned. We both know that and I will stop at nothing to see you behind bars. Keep this in mind Jabeer, soon you'll pay for everything you did, I will make sure of that. And as for Daihaah, I will have her back with us, her real family" She gave him another once over before turning on her heels and head to the door.

"You know Qamrah I have succeeded in making you feel how I felt when she separated me from my daughter, yet in a way I failed because you'll never truly feel how I felt..." his words stopped her in her tracks, but she didn't turn. Her hand is on the door knob waiting for him to finish sentence so that she'll leave, "...But your family will" he finished.

She turned her head slightly wanting to say something but decided against it. He's not worth it, she told herself as she made her way out banging the door shut all the while in her head thinking of a way to put their plan into action. Whatever he's saying is just pure nonsense. He's just bluffing to distract her from main aim that is getting back their daughter.

They just need someone, someone that'll help them. Someone that knows everything about Jabeer's wrongdoings and is willing to confess against him without fear of the outcome. But who will it be? Who will be willing to do something like that? ...then it clicked.

She just found the perfect person.

Now it's time to visit the person. But first, she needed to meet the rest of them waiting in their house to make up a plan to get Daihaah away from him and in the way of doing that, bringing forth all evidences that will have him arraigned.

Once she made it to the parking lot, she brought out her phone and dialed the number o the one person she knows she can count on, "Comrade", she opened her car door and slid in, "I need a favor"


Lamido walked into the living room cautiously internally still thinking of why Big boss asked to meet him now of all time. Because of this, he had to travel all the way from Karaye to Abuja in just a short period of time. Big boss stood in front of window with his back turned to him just like the last time he saw him, except that this time there were in his house not his office.

Big boss turned around, a wide face splitting smile on his face, "Lamido..." he exclaimed gesturing to Lamido to come further in as he was still standing by the door."Come, sit" he added making his way to the center table where two couches are situated opposite each other.

Lamido gulped not out of fear but out of fear but out of surprise, he had never seen Big boss this happy, and honestly it's nerve wrecking. But, he didn't dare say a thing about it afraid he might ruin the man's mood. He did as he was told and sat on one of the couches.

Big boss stood by the table taking one of the two glass tumblers filled with Allah knows what and hand it to Lamido who didn't hesitate to take it remembering what happened last time. It was clear as day that big boss is in a good mood so he was somehow certain that he wouldn't try to kill him.

"Today is a good day my dear ally. Today we celebrate" Big boss said, his smile not wavering one bit. "Come on, drink it. And don't worry, I didn't drug it so just enjoy"

He took the other cup and brought it to his lips before taking a sip, "I finally have my daughter with me!" he exclaimed.

"Congratulations boss, this means that our work is over aye?" Lamido asked after taking a sip of the drink.

"Not really, that annoying Qamrah still has eyes on me like a hawk. She will stop at nothing to get Daihaah" His smile fell into a frown at the thought of the woman that gets under his skin.

"That's bad then" For the first time since Jabeer knew Lamido the man is talking like someone who has sense and not some dumb man.

"It is..." Big boss shake his cup slightly, "But she'll not get anything. She won't ever find her"

"And why is that? The way you talk about her meant that she won't give up at all"

"She has to give up when Daihaah isn't in the country right?" He raised a brow, a smirk taking over his features.

"You're talking her abroad? Where?" Lamido didn't actually care about where he's taking her. All he cares about is that he will finally be free from this man.

Big boss shook his head making his way to his table, "You don't need to know that" he said placing the tumbler on the table. He pressed a button and one of the drawers of the table pulled out revealing a big black bag, same size as that of a briefcase. He took the bag and walked back to Lamido and hand it to him, "Here, take this. A token of my appreciation for everything. I won't need your services anymore"

Lamido cautiously took the bag and placed it on his lap before opening it. The bag is stocked with bundles of one thousand naira neatly arranged. How big boss got this money? He didn't know but it wasn't like he's complaining. When he looked up, Jabeer is already looking at him with a smile on his face, "Thank you boss"

"It's nothing" Jabeer waved it off. "After everything you did to me, this is nothing. I never really thanked you so thank you Lamido. You have been a great help to me from the very beginning" he said genuinely.

"I should be the one to thank you boss..."

"Don't start that nonsense with me, take the money or leave it" Big boss snapped, the man should just take the damn money and shut up.

"Sorry" Lamido quickly apologized.

"You can go"

Lamido didn't need to be told twice as he quickly stood up and all but ran to the door with the man clutch close to his chest tightly.

Once he was out, big boss sighed. Now that he's done with Lamido, two days from now he's taking her to Edinburgh, Scotland where he'll leave her in the care of one of the women he know there. That way all of Qamrah's efforts will be futile. Afterwards he'll think of a way to get Layla back on his side. No way is he letting his daughter stay with them, he's sure his daughter will choose him over them.

Yeah, all will go according to his plan.


"It won't be easy, the Senator is smart. But we can get him, I can assure you that" The Comrade, some Major in the army that Qamrah knew and asked a favor from said rubbing his two palms together before he rest them both on his lap. "But like you said we need someone that will testify against all his crimes though I know you have evidences already but we have to make sure he can't get out"

Qamrah sighed, "Comrade she's been gone for two weeks without a single trace, it is like she's wiped off on the face of the earth. We can't find anything that will lead us to her"

"That's where you're mistaken" The Major cut in, "He knows you're after him, and what do you think he'll do?"

"He'll try to get Daihaah far away; he'll take her somewhere far away from us" Prince cuts in. Though in the inside he's a wreck, on the outside he's pretty composed unlike the last time. Most men in his shoes will look like shit but he doesn't.

The Major nodded, "That's correct son. And the best place to get her far away from you will be out of the country"

"So my daughter is out of the country?" Ummi asked fearing for the worst.

The man shook his head, "No, it doesn't necessarily mean she's out of the country already but it might be what she's planning on doing"

"I have access to his schedules; I can look into it without him knowing" Layla offered making the man nod in agreement.

"And I know the person that knows everything about his crimes. The only problem is he won't open up easily, that's where I need your help most" Qamrah said moving her gaze back to the Major whose smile widened.

"If my men have to beat him to pulp then so be it. We know how to make a person open up, don't worry about that. I'll handle it. All I need is name; I'll trace him down and get the answers"

"I'll go with you. I'm sure you'll need my help" Sultan Kabir chimed in holding his wife's hand in support.

The Major nodded once again, "If you say so Sultan, you yourself can be quite intimidating" he joked a bit making them smile.

"So it's settled, Layla you'll look into his schedule while we go and pay Lamido a lovely visit"

"I'll come with" Prince offered but Mami shook her head no.

"I need you and Muhsin to go to Karaye and see if you can find something about Lamido there"

Prince glanced at Muhsin whom nodded without sparing Prince a glance.

And with that, everyone set out to do what they were assigned to do.


"I'm sorry for the way I reacted. I shouldn't have done that" Prince said as the flight they took to Kano took off. Both he and Muhsin are on their way there and since they left the house, none of them uttered a word to the other. "I shouldn't have done that. It was uncalled for"

Muhsin turned to look at Prince before he chuckled, "I never thought I'd live to see the day Prince Muhammad Aamir will apologize"

Prince glared at him, "Say something like that again and you won't live to see the light of another day"

"Whatever. But, I guess I kind of deserved it"

"No you don't. You had her best interest in heart, that's what I should've thought off before hitting you like that"

"I get it, you were angry" Muhsin stated as a matter of fact as he brought out his Mac book that he brought along with him. "I would've done the same had it been it were Layla in Daihaah's shoes"

The two fell into silence afterwards, none saying a word more to the other. It was an unspoken agreement that they will both shut up and think about everything that has happened so far. Appreciate the things they needed to appreciate and regret some things they shouldn't have done.

"You know she loves you" Muhsin said after a while.

Prince sighed and leaned his head on his chair, "It doesn't seem like it" he simply answered knowing that if she's given a choice right now, she wouldn't hesitate to leave him.

Muhsin stared at him as if he grew two heads, "Are you stupid or something? Or maybe you're blind?"

"Excuse me?" he raised a brow not finding what Muhsin said amusing in any way. I anything, it actually annoys him.

Muhsin sighed, a long one for that, "The girl is head over heel in love with you. All of us can see that, but it just so happens that only you can't see it. I really don't understand you two's relationship, it's darn complicating. You love her, she loves you. Instead of you too to embrace it you're pushing each other away. It doesn't work like that"

Prince stared at him crossing his hands over his torso, "Just so you know not everyone's relationship is all rainbows and cotton candies like that of you and Layla"

"Rainbows and cotton candies...what are you? Like five or something?" he asked genuinely curious, is he the same Prince he knows? Seeing that Prince isn't willing to open up any time soon he shook his head, "Never mind that. Look Aamir, Layla and I's relationship is nothing like..." he tried to use the words he used earlier, "Rainbows and cotton candies. We've fought too, we had misunderstandings, a lot of them actually but did we give up? No. We kept going. See no one's an expert in this marriage thing, you just go with the flow and learn along the way. That's the same thing you and Daihaah should do, even though it's not easy. You have to at least try"

"You don't understand Muhsin, she'll leave me the first chance she gets" Prince said for the first time willing to have a mature conversation with Muhsin with no qualms, sarcasm or hidden hate. Just two bros talking trying to figure out the puzzle that is women.

"How sure are you about that?"


"Will you let her go?"

Prince sat up and looked at Muhsin dead in the eye, "If that's what she wants then I will. I won't force her into anything"

Muhsin stared back at him and saw the sincerity in his words. No doubt he is being serious right now. "It won't come to that. Trust me this once, she won't leave you"

Prince leaned back and closed his eyes, "Let's find her first"

"We will. In shaa Allah"



Finally I'm able to write a chapter!

I had this writer's block, five days and I couldn't write up to two thousand words!

Biko you should manage with 4k words, I tried.

Now let's talk of comments, seriously you guys should bless me with comments maybe I might just update earlier this time. Last chapter got 500 comments, let's get more than that here pretty please...

Also, if you haven't watched the trailer for stars align, then you should go and check it. I've uploaded it since.

I'll miss you all once I'm done with the book wallah..

Te queiro!

Love, Jannah.

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