Chapter 48 👑
Aisha could swear that almost everyone was rejoicing and looking forth to her wedding with the young councilor. Her father being the selfish and money thirsty man he is didn't think twice about handing her hand in marriage when the rich young man asked for it. To them, he was seen as the richest of them all. And so, her father simply didn't care. He didn't care one bit whether his daughter is happy or alright with the marriage as long as he would gets the money being her father.
And so, not even a week after the man met her father, the two were married. The man didn't bother to do a background research on Jabeer to know the family he is from, his parents and his life because he simply doesn't care. It's like he didn't care that which hands his daughter will fall into because of the matrimony as long as he got his pocket filled up which was what Jabeer was exactly planning. He'll do whatever it takes to have her as his wife.
Aisha on one hand had only seen the man once and so had no sort of feelings towards him. Jabeer however, ever since the first they he saw her wanted her to be his, regardless of how she would feel or anything else. In that perspective, you can call him selfish for putting his wants first before hers.
In his life, he claimed that he had seen a lot of beautiful women but there was something about her that he saw. Perhaps, it was her innocence that made her stand out amongst all her peers that made him want her; badly.
At that time, she and Qamrah were the best of friends despite their differences in skin color and ethnicity. Her mother once took her to Katsina, the same time Qamrah visited her aunt and that was when the two clicked and have been inseparable since then. To Qamrah, she was happy to finally have a Nigerian friend as all the people she'd been around either stay away from her or criticize her for not being one of them.
Qamrah had been the optimistic one amongst them despite her love for the army. She kept telling Aisha to have faith that this might just turn out to be for the best. That maybe, she will fall for him and they might have a happy life together.
Oh how wrong she was.
If only she had known the hell hole Aisha's father had thrown her into.
At first, the first and second years of the marriage, he was okay to live with. You wouldn't call him the best, but living with him wasn't that bad. She hardly sees his anger unless she goes against what she says, and she didn't dare do that. All the warnings her aunts gave her before she got married is imprinted in her head.
Eventually, after the third year, he changed. His reason is because he started to doubt her fecundity and so thought of her as barren. He didn't show it that much at the time till around the six years of marriage and still, no news! Something that Aisha had learnt about him during her time with him is that the man is obsessed with kids. He didn't care if it was a male or female child, he just wants kids of his own; kids with his blood running through their veins; kids that'll take his last name and keep it going for generations to come. He'll do anything to have his own kids.
At first, he was just abusive with words, that is, until it became physical. It was like he was a whole other man with a heart of stone. He would beat her to pulp and then stop her from reporting to her family. The one time she made the mistake of reporting to her father, the stupid man made her return back to her husband and told her that it's none of his concern. She was already heartbroken by her father's words but the consequences she faced later from the monster that the world calls her husband were far worse. So much that it made her wish that she had kept her mouth shut from the beginning.
"Why don't you marry a second wife? Marry a wife that can give you the children you always desire?" She asked one time when she thought he was in his right mind at the moment. That again earned her another round of beatings before he warned her never to utter those words to her again. He wants her to bear his children and no other woman. Every time he beat her up, he'll leave her alone to cry alone without caring one bit about her.
Another thing is that he had always been a man with big dreams in the political world. He had plans for his life to be bigger than he is. So, some of the times he will travel to other states and make alliances with other politicians in hopes of being in an even bigger position. Those were the only time Aisha had peace in her house, when she was sure that he is another state away from her and would not be able to hurt her. But those moments were always short lasted.
Eventually, as time passed Jabeer became a member in the house of assembly, another reason for Aisha's father to shun her away for money. That was around the same time Qamrah visited Aisha since she got married only to find her best friend on the floor with swollen eyes and busted lips after receiving yet another beating from her husband. She had visited her a lot of times before, but she never found her in this condition till now.
Qamrah was quick to get her to the nearest hospital for treatment. She wondered what the reason was to find Aisha in such situation and her husband not in sight.
She was left with no option but to squeeze the truth out of Aisha whom had never told her the truth of what happened. To say that Qamrah was furious will be an understatement. She vowed to get Aisha away from that man no matter what it will take. Being married to Sultan and being and soldier was a lot of help. Several visits to court, display of evidences and hearings later, Jabeer was left with no choice but to divorce Aisha.
At length! She was free after ten years of marriage.
Aisha's mother whom was unaware of what was happening to her daughter wept like never before and apologized profusely though she knew her apologies won't do anything to heal the pain her daughter went through.
Let's just say, one person in particular, Aisha's father to be precise wasn't happy about the sudden turn of events. To him, that meant an empty pocket.
Aisha vowed never to get married again, but that all came crumbling down when she met Usman. All the walls she built around herself, he slowly knocked them down. It wasn't easy, but he did. He didn't care that she was barren, that wasn't the reason he loved her.
After her three months Iddah, the two got married much to everyone's pleasure, especially her father's because Usman wasn't poor. Though Aisha's mother and Qamrah were still wary of the idea of the decision of her being remarried again, they still supported her. She knew it was stupid to get married so soon and it wasn't that Usman was pushing her into it, she just couldn't help it. Anything to get her away from the insults her father throws at her for being an embarrassment.
In the first month of their marriage, she realized that she's pregnant with Jabeer's child. She blamed herself for being so stupid not to notice that she was pregnant during her iddat period. It wasn't her fault though, after the thought of being barren was imprinted in her brain all those years she had given up on the idea of being pregnant so she took the headaches for being just as a result of the wedding hullabaloo.
Usman though had no problem with her being pregnant, had no choice but to let her go until she has safely been delivered off the baby. Aisha's father tried to contact Jabeer to tell him the good news but as Jabeer had become hard to contact, he couldn't. Don't get him wrong, Usman is rich but not as filthy rich as Jabeer is.
Nine months later, Aisha gave birth to two adorable twins which came out as a surprise since no one knew she was having twins. At the moment, only she and Qamrah knew and were planning on it being a surprise to the others. She had always contemplated on naming the child either Maryam, her mother's name, or Khadija, Usman's mother's name as the woman had been nothing but nice to her even though she and her son had separated, they were planning on getting back together after.
Let's just say that thought all went down the drain when one of the children turned out missing the same nights he gave birth. It wasn't even up to an hour after she delivered them. The moment one of the nurses took the babies to dress them up. It might be instinct or just after, but Qamrah insisted to go with the woman even after her protests. The woman dressed up Khadijah first, and Qamrah took her immediately to show her to the family despite the little argument the nurse put up. Qamrah didn't take it to be suspicious though as it was the hospitals rules buts he was none of it. The plan was to introduce Khadija first then Maryam to astonish them.
Obviously, the plan failed when after five minutes there was no sign of the nurse or the baby. Qamrah went to check on her leaving the baby in Usman's arms but all her efforts turned futile when there was no trace of the baby or woman, it was like they were never there.
The reaction of Aisha was something none of them wanted to talk of ever again. But who can blame her? She had her daughter taken away from her with nothing left of her but a picture that Qamrah snapped of the two babies before she was taken away. Not just Aisha, but her family and that of Usman's too were worried.
They all knew this is the work of one person alone, Jabeer Waziri.
Usman had heard of what her ex husband did but he didn't think the man was that heartless. Heartless enough to separate a mother from her newborn child is just wicked on a whole other level.
With that knowledge, they knew that they needed all the help they could get and that was around the same time Mami suggested the betrothal idea to Aisha.
The El Khabirs have always been known to made deals only if they will benefit from it. That's why, for the love the Fareeds have for Aisha, Baba Sarki didn't have a second thought on putting some of his land as treaty for it. Qamrah wasn't happy of the deal her husband made, but she accepted it either way since it was the only thing he's offering and they need it.
Larai however brought forth the fact that because of the woman her husband decided to marry, she puts all their lives in danger; she will not sit and just watch. She needed some sort of protection for her children too, and so the betrothal of Aneesah and Omar came into the picture.
But one thing's for sure, they would do everything it takes to keep Daihaah away from the psycho that's her father and any information relating to him.
When Jabeer found out about this, he knew he needed someone from the inside whom will help him; someone that will willingly betray his family for money. And he found the perfect pawn.
Lamido. The stupidest of them all.
Unknowing to them all, Jabeer that already married again even before he and Aisha got divorced, and had a son with the woman. He kept the woman in Abuja while Aisha is in Zamfara, her hometown. The woman didn't question him when he brought a girl and told her that they will adopt her. The woman never knew that he had a wife and that the girl is his real flesh and blood. All he told her is that she is his relative's child whom passed away. So, the woman named her 'Layla'.
And the woman blindly believed him because he never gave her a reason not to trust him. She knew nothing of the man he is behind the demeanor he puts around her. To her, he is the perfect husband and perfect human. He made sure to always be in his best behavior around her.
If you're wondering why he remarried again after claiming not to want another wife or why he is always good to her? Then just keep in mind that her father is filthy rich and so marrying his daughter made him his biggest endorser.
It wasn't about the love or about the child; it was about the power and money. In fact, he never loved the child he had with her and never showed that he did, the only child he loved is the one he had with Aisha.
He had Layla, but he still wanted Daihaah. He wanted his daughter and he will stop at nothing to get her.
Layla however grew up knowing that she was adopted and that they are both not her real parent. When she confronted Jabeer about it, he didn't tell her he is her real father knowing how close to her mother she is, she will just go and blab about it to her. So, he told her that he will help her find her real family and that she should not worry much about it, she has his full support. Even though he told her mother that she is his relative that passed away's child, the story he told her is entirely different.
Perhaps it was the fact that he had been watching her success on finding her family or that he didn't know she knows Mami, or maybe even because Mami never told her anything concerning Jabeer that's why Layla too never knew he is indeed her real father.
That is, until now.
Layla sighed placing her hand in between her palms as she let the information Mami just gave sunk in. She inhaled and exhaled slowly before raising her head to look at Mami, "So what you're trying to tell me is that my dad, is I and Daihaah's actual father,a nd that he's your ex husband?" She asked moving her gaze to Ummi who sullenly nodded.
Layla made a small sound of understanding as she tried to make of the new information. She knew always of Lamido involvement in this but never her father. And now what? He's behind all of this? Is her dad really capable of doing what they said he did? "And he's Lamido's boss?" she asked again trying to put the pieces together.
Ummi's eyes shot to Mami as confusion masked her features, "What does Lamido has to do with this? And how long have you been in contact with Maryam? This is all very confusing" she asked. She never knew that Mami was in contact with Layla nor did she know that Lamido is involved in Big boss's plans.
Faruk's brows furrowed, "Mami explain please. We're all very confused here" he said making Mami sigh.
Prince who has been pacing since ran his fingers through his hair, "No! We're all wasting precious time here. My wife is out there with her psychopath of a father! We don't have time for story telling right now" He said raising his voice at the end. From his whole posture you can tell he is on the edge. If it wasn't that they stopped him, he'll be out looking for his wife with or without their help.
Sultan raised his head to look at his son, "Muhammad, calm down. We can't do anything if we don't know the full story" he said softly yet his voice was stern, leaving no place for argument.
Prince knew what he said was right but he couldn't just keep calm and watch them tell stories. For Allah's sake it has been hours since she had been missing without a trace, they can't just expect him to just chill, kick back and listen to stories right? Or maybe they expect him to get a chilled Pepsi and popcorn and listen to their stories.
Is this super story or what?
Exactly. Ridiculous. That's what the situation is right now.
Mami looked at her son's distress. It wasn't that they weren't worried about Daihaah, they are. But if Layla being here proves anything is that Jabeer won't hurt her no matter how psychotic he is, he won't hurt the daughter he went through hell to get. She looked at the faces around the room before deciding to answer the questions they all have, "Yes. Lamido is working for Jabeer. Larai was too..."She looked at Aneesah whose eyes widen with unshed tears, "Indirectly. She didn't know that Lamido is working for someone bigger than she thought. And when she found out, she tried to rat them out and he couldn't have that, so he killed her" She paused when she heard Aneesah's sobs. Faruk wrapped his arms around her as she buried her face in his chest and cried softly at the memories of her late mother.
"Jabeer Waziri is Layla and Daihaah's father. He kidnapped Layla when she was a baby and could've taken Daihaah too had she not been with me at the time. He took care of Layla and made her who she is today so you might all be wondering why we kept Daihaah away from him right?" She paused to see their reactions before she continued, "That's because Jabeer can be a psychopath. He might be all nice and lovely now, but there's no telling what he can do what he will do when she doesn't do what he want. And we all know how stubborn and sassy Daihaah is. History might just repeat itself. Jabeer had done a lot of things that can land him in prison for life. Which brings us back to me" Her eyes met that of Ummi's knowing eyes which held guilt and sadness, but she just smiled at her to assure her that everything is ok now and it's not her fault.
Mami looked at Aamir whom is watching her with restless eyes and to Faruk whom raised his head to look at her with his arm still wrapped around his wife. "That leads to the reason why I left 16 years ago" she heard a small almost unnoticeable sharp intake of breath from beside her. She turned her head to look at Sultan whom was watching her with curious eyes and she can tell that he had waiting to hear this since she came back yet he never pushed her, "Jabeer hated my guts and so he blamed me for everything. Because if it wasn't for me then he and Aisha will never divorced and he'll never have been separated from the children he so dearly loves. And so, he wanted me to feel the same way he felt, the same pain of losing your loved one" She inhaled and exhaled again as she closed her eyes to gather her thoughts.
Memories of that fateful day came rushing back. It might've been years already but the pain she felt that day was still there. Someone held her hand as if it to assure her that everything's is alright and she didn't need to turn to know that it's Sultan, she continued, "Before I gave birth to Afnan, he met me. He gave me an ultimatum. It's either I leave the country entirely with no means of communication with my family or he'll take Afnan away from me just like he did to Layla. I knew he wasn't bluffing, because I know how cunning he. He knows how to get what he wants when he wants it and so I dare not upset him no matter how formidable I am. At the tie, I wasn't nearly strong enough to go against him so I laws left with no choice but to do as he said" She didn't look at them when she finished her sentence. She is still feeling guilty for leaving them without an explanation.
"Why didn't you tell me any of this?" Sultan asked, "I could've protected you and our daughter"
She lets out a small humorless laugh, "You don't know him she murmured, "I know him" she looked at Ummi whom had the same look on her face, "We know him. You guys don't"
"——The only person that knew about this was Aisha, but that was the last thing I told her. I never told her how I came back to Nigeria and looked for Layla. I told Layla the truth, but I never told her that her father is behind it all because she was too young to process that much information, yet, the girl is smart enough to think of a plan that will protect Daihaah from Lamido because to her, he is the enemy. That was all I told her" She looked at Layla and the girl knew it was her cue to continue the story.
Layla licked her dry lips before she spoke, "There's no way I could help her by myself and so I knew I needed someone to look after for me without disclosing anything on me or the truth. And that is where Muhsin came in. He had a hard time believing what I told him but eventually he did. At the time, he and I are just friends that met in school, and because he was older than me he came up with the plan of making her fall in love with him because that is the only way he can get really close to her. At first, I didn't like the idea of playing with her emotions but he pointed out that it was the only solution. That is until the time of the betrothal will come just as Mami said"
Prince narrowed his eyes at Muhsin who ignored him, "I get that you're angry at me for playing with her emotions like that but you have to understand, that was the only thing I could do at the moment. And if I had to make a choice like that again then I will" this time it was Muhsin that spoke.
That was all it took for Prince to lose his calm, "I'm so sick of hearing this nonsense" he said. Before anyone can speak or understand what he meant, he already has Muhsin in his grip by his collar and a punch landed squarely on his jaw making him stumble back. He didn't stop there, he landed another punch that will definitely leave a bruise on his face before Faruk quickly pulled him away from Muhsin whom didn't fight back knowing he deserved it.
"Enough Muhammad!" Sultan said standing up to glare at his son for his brash behavior, "What is the meaning of this nonsense? We get that what he did was wrong but his intentions are pure. We're all angry at him but that doesn't give us the right to throw punches like that" he reprimanded but nothing will calm the raging Prince right now.
Prince pushed himself away from Faruk whom was restraining him with much of a fight, "You all weren't there" he said through gritted teeth as she looked at them all, "You weren't there when she regained her memory. You weren't there when she was crying because of her dear love Muhsin whim turns out to not love her at all. You weren't there when she was blaming me, blaming all of us for him! You weren't there when she was blaming herself for forgetting the man that doesn't even love her!" he yelled, his eyes shooting daggers at Muhsin.
Muhsin sat up wiping the corners of his busted lips, "I told you didn't I?" he asked his words coming out breathless from the punches he just took. He looked up and his eyes met that of Prince, "I told you I'll do anything for the person I love"
Prince tried to reach out and punch him again but this time Faruk was quick to restrain him before he can do more damage than he already has. "Let me show you what I can do for the lady I love!" he said fighting against Faruk's hold but it was futile. True, Muhsin is strong and he can fight Prince, but there's no way he can fight a raging Prince that easily.
"Omar get him out of here, he needs to calm down" Sultan said and that was all Faruk needed to start dragging Prince out but he pushed him away. Prince sent Muhsin one last glare before storming out with Faruk trailing behind him to calm his brother.
Mami sighed and looked at Layla, "Layla go with Muhsin and get him an ice bag for his face" she said.
Layla being the wicked girl she is chuckled lowly before nodding.
"Why are you laughing?" Muhsin asked his eyes slightly narrowed at her.
She stood up just in time he stood up too. She held his hand and helped him make their way to the kitchen, "Because you deserve it" was her simple answer.
Back in the living room, Ummi sat back on the couch and face palmed herself, "Where do you think he took my daughter? Perhaps his house?" she asked raising her head to look at Mami who shook her head.
"That will be too obvious" she said.
"Don't worry, we'll find our daughter" Sultan assured the two women.
We'll go back to Daihaah and Big boss in the next chapter...
What do you think will happen?
I don't have much to say...
Except... See this y'all
I feel like publishing them😭😭 But I know you guys sill not buy it all all😂 it's alright tho.
Love, Jannah.
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