Chapter 47 👑

Khadijah Daihaah's POV


That's the only word that will explain how I'm feeling right now. I feel betrayed by everyone. I just feel like there's no one I can trust in my life. Lies. They all fed me lies and I blindly ate it all up.

I might be angry with them right now but I don't hate them.

The only person I hate is I. I'm so stupid to trust them all that blindly. I should've known from the way Mami talked that Muhsin doesn't love me. That secret however I knew only Mami knew so the rest all found it surprising but not as much as I did. At first I couldn't believe my eyes, but I had no choice but to accept the truth.

My identical twin marries my ex fiancée.

It has a great catch to it.

If it's a movie or book I'm sure it'll be a hit.

Back to my sad reality, twelve days. It's been twelve days since I locked myself up in our room refusing to step out or let anyone in. They all know I wanted space so none of them disturbed my privacy. The only time I open the door is when they bring me food and even then I made sure that whoever brought the food left before I open it.

And if you're thinking of work, then I work from home. Though not all the time, I've been to the office for seven to eight times I think. And even then I leave as early as possible and return before the time they usually come to check up on me. And by they I mean, Layla, her husband, Adda, Hermano and occasionally Mami and Ummi. At work I always avoid Prince and thank God we didn't have board meetings often. There's only been one board meeting and believe me it was torture to stay in the same room with him. Thankfully, he didn't say anything to me and neither did I, we avoided each other throughout.

At home I send all my day in the room and only open the door when they brought food for me.

I might be angry but I'm not stupid. No one should joke with food no matter what. I don't joke with my food. Food is life.

And that results to my solution to my problems; watching TV and drowning me in misery and pity. I know it's pathetic since the first few days all I did was cry, sleep and repeat. I'm more than thankful that none of them tried to talk to me because I'm sure if they did I would've broken down at the instant.

The door creaked open breaking my chain of thoughts. I looked up expecting to see either Mami or Ummi knowing them by now they'll think they given enough space. Unfortunately though, it's none of them.

I looked away and rolled my eyes pulling the comforter up my body, "You know you're the last person I want to see right?" I asked not turning back to look at him.

I heard him chuckle, the nerves! Why am I not surprised though, he's always like this, "Yeah I do. I'm also the person you hate the most right now" he said with humor lacing his tone.

I scoffed, "It's a good thing you know then" I said turning around to glare at him as he leaned on the door. Somehow he find my anger amusing and so he still had that smile on his face as if he's watching some comedy show.

I sighed reaching my hand out to pinch the top of my nose, "What do you want Muhsin?" I asked seeing that he has no intention on saying anything serious.

He grinned, "You know it feels good that you finally call me that instead of Mubarak" he said but seeing that I don't find his words amusing he sighed, "I know you need an explanation..." he started as his features start to turn into that of seriousness, "And although I'm not the one to give you all the answers, I know I still have to explain myself"

I smiled sarcastically, "Wow, I didn't think you know you owe me an explanation" I said sarcastically rolling my eyes again. This only made him chuckle again.

"You'll never change" he said shaking his head at me.

"I don't know...people change, a lot" I said for the first time being sincere and I know my tone must've given him the hint that I'm talking about him.

He nodded, "Yes, people do change. If you look closely, you yourself have changed too"

"I had to. I don't know if you've noticed but my life isn't exactly all rainbows and cotton candies like it used to be. For starters, my entire family has been lying to me for God knows how long" My voice raised a bit as the anger I've held back resurfaced.

He blinks as all trace of lark disappear from his features, "Daihaah we all care about you. Everything we did is for you"

I chuckle humorlessly averting my eyes away from him, "I can see that" I mutter not really meaning it. They all keep talking about doing this for my sake as if they think it's easy for me to take it all in that easily. So they think it's okay to play with me and lie to me to 'protect' me? For Allah's sake I'm not some child that doesn't know how to take care of myself.

Silence followed afterwards as none of us spoke. He knew I needed to calm down or else I'll just say things I don't mean out of anger, and then later I'll regret.

When I knew that I've calmed down and am no longer a spitball of rage, I sighed, "So you and my twin huh?" I asked with a small smile on my face. I'm still getting used to the fact that I have a sister, a twin to be precise; and that she's married to my ex boyfriend.

He smiled; "She cares about you" was his only answer.

I wasn't what I was expecting, but I'll take that.

"She feels really guilty that you have to find out about us, like this. The circumstance and timing isn't exactly perfect" he added as a frown took over his smile.

I nodded, "You don't seem guilty" I stated as a matter of fact because it is true. There was no trace of guilt whatsoever on his face.

He shrugs his shoulder slightly as the edge of his lips twitch up a bit. He is still leaning on the door but he straightened up a bit still maintaining a reasonable distance between us. "That's because I'm not. I love her" he admitted in a heartbeat.

I raised a brow as my head tilt to the side slightly, "Is that suppose to make me feel jealous?" I asked jokingly but we both knew there was a hint of seriousness.

He shook his head no, "No it's not"

"Good" I muttered, "Because I'm not" I said finding it oddly surprising that I honestly don't feel jealous of them. Maybe it's because I don't really love him as much as I think I do. I can't really be sure but still.

He smiled so widely that I could see a glimpse of his pearl white teeth, "That's good. She's always been the one I loved and I would do anything for her. I know it wasn't good to play with your emotions like that but it was the only way I could keep you save and look after you for her. Believe me if there was an easier way I would've done it, but there wasn't" he explained and though his smile was still intact, there was an underlying seriousness in his tone.

"We were never getting married were we?" I asked trying to put the pieces together.

Once again, he shook his head, "No. And let's just say my parents weren't that happy about it. My father understood, my mother though... she stopped speaking to me but she eventually came through when she met Layla. She said despite the fact that you two are identical; she finds a piece of you in her. Eventually, she accepted everything" he said, "I've always take you as my overdramatic little sister though" he laughed when I glared at him.

"I'm not overdramatic!"

"You are. But I'm serious though. And now I see you all grown up and married already" he pretended to wipe his invisible tears with the pad of his thumb.

"You do know I'm the same years old as your wife right" I raised a brow with a smile dancing on my lips.

"Yeah but she's older" he said cockily as if that meant something. He and Prince should be friends; they are really alike when it comes to that part. "But seriously, you should give Aamir a chance; we both know you love him"

"I don't!" I argue not wanting to talk about that because truth be told I tried as much as possible not to think of him lately but it's impossible when everything in the freaking room reminds me of him. So yeah, it's impossible to not think of him.

He gave me a bored look as her pursed his lips forward a bit, his eyes narrowing slightly, "You seem to forget that I do know you right? I don't acre I know no one will tell you this but Daihaah it's about time you stop lying to yourself. You love him, you love Aamir. I know that, everyone can see that and deep down you yourself know that. So, I suggest you stop wasting both your times and just admit it to yourself"

My face became stoic-void of any emotion as I refuse to let him see that his words affected me in a way. But there's no way what he's saying is right. I don't love Aamir, that much."Muhsin you-"

"No Daihaah I mean it. Stop lying to yourself. Let me just tell you the sooner you realize and accept that the better. And don't you tell me that you don't love him that much, you do love him so much" He said sternly.

"Why are you doing this? Why are doing that for him?" Was the only thing I could utter at the moment.

"What? Telling you the truth? I'm telling you that because I know that only I can make you realize that. Daihaah I know deep down you're still worried of how I will feel, even after knowing that I'm married to your sister. I promise you, whatever we had meant nothing in the sense you take it to be, in the way I made you believe it. I only did that to keep an eye and protect you; I don't have feeling for you and deep down you know that you don't love me to. You are married Khadijah, don't ruin that marriage because I promise you no one can love you the way he does. Plus, you need to stop blaming him for everything; it's not fair to him. I know he and I have not started on the best terms but I've always been vouching for his love for you. I know it's difficult for you to trust me or nay of us but just think about it. Promise me you'll think about it?" He asked as he stood up away from the wall he was leaning on which is beside the door.

I couldn't talk. Some part of me wanted to believe him but another bigger part doesn't want to. But not wanting to give him another reason to lecture me I nodded not trusting my vocal cords at the moment; I just don't.

He smiled, "So you and I...we good?" he said with hopeful eyes.

I smiled a bit and nodded, "Yeah" I whispered knowing that he can't hear me, "We good" I said louder now making him smile wider than he already was.

The door knob twisted before it opened revealing a stunned Adda Anee as her gaze fell on Muhsin before moving it to me. "Am I interrupting something here?" she asked with confusion lacing her tone.

Muhsin shake his head, "No. We're done. I have to leave before Aamir kills me as the time he gave me is up" he said feigning fear though there's humor written all over his face and tone. He turned to me, "Remember what you promised me Daihaah. Don't forget" when I nodded, he took that as his cue to leave leaving Adda and I.

She pushed the door closed before turning to look at me biting her lips a bit, something she does when she's nervous. I get it though, she's worried I'll yell at her and tell her to get out, but I won't. I'm tired of sending them all out. The least I can do is listen to them even if I won't forgive them.

"Do you want to talk?" she asked raising the tub of ice cream she has in her hand, "I brought ice cream" she added with a small smile on her face.

As much as I tried to hold it in I couldn't, so I smiled widely at her. Eating ice cream when one of us is down has always been our traditions, that and watching movies on Netflix. I nodded as she made her way closer to me.

"I have to warn you though, I only brought one tub. Faruk wouldn't let me have another one" she said pouting at the end as she sat on the bed facing me, the tub and two spoons in between us.

"It's okay"

"So...You okay?" she asked seriously as she focused her gaze on me.

I sighed, "Well I'm alive and in one piece" I tried to joke but she didn't laugh so I dropped it. I sighed closing my eyes momentarily knowing that I can't hide anything from her so it's better I just tell her everything, "Honestly Adda I don't know what to do or feel anymore. I'm so confused right now. I mean everything that happened is just too much for me to take in and I just...I just don't know what to do" I whispered the last part as my eyes sting with tears. I've held it in for too long not having it in me to talk, open my mouth and actually explain to someone how I feel. I've always been good at faking happiness and hiding my emotions away from people but not anymore.

I sniffed when the tears started to fall and used my pal to wipe them away which was of no use as they just kept falling, "Adda I don't know what to do" I said raising my head to look at her with my tear filled eyes.

If possible, her features softened more than they were before. She stood up and came close to me sitting beside me. She wrapped her arms around me and placed my head on her shoulder as I wept silently, "Daihaah I can't tell you it's okay because it's not" she whispered as she rubbed her palm on my back, "But one thing I'll tell you is that I'm sorry. We all are. What we did was wrong and we're so wrong for that"

I couldn't answer, all I could do right now is just kept crying. But when I finally did, my voice came out hoarse, "It hurts Adda. It hurts so much. I don't know how much long I can keep going on like this. I'm tired wallah" My body is now shaking as I cried harder onto her shoulder. I didn't want her to see me like this, heck I don't want anyone to see me this vulnerable but I can't help it.

"Shh..." she whispered holding me closer than before, "It's okay. Cry. Let it off your chest. You've held it in for too long" she cooed and that was all I need to sob uncontrollably.

She is right, I do need to cry and get it off my chest. I couldn't keep holding it in any longer. I'm not that strong. Everything's taking a toll on me.

I don't know how long I spent crying, but once I stopped, she didn't say anything. She only brought the tub closer to us and hand me one of the spoons. She looked away when she handed it to me but she was too late, I saw the tears on her face. She quickly wiped it away and turned to me with a small smile on her face hoping that I didn't see it. I decided to just go with the flow and pretended as if I didn't see it. It is the least I can do for her at the moment.

I wasn't in the mood for taking ice cream at all, but I knew this meant so much to her and so I took it. We were both silent throughout; each lost in our thoughts.

I looked at her and saw that her eyes is on the ice cream, but her thoughts seems so far. I smiled a bit, she has come so far. There's this glint of happiness in her eyes no matter what the situation is and I think I know why, "You got what you wanted" I said making her look at me perplexed.

"What are you talking about?" She asked looking genuinely confused.

I smiled, "Do you remember when you first found out that you're getting married?" I asked.

She chuckled lightly, "How can I forget the day I cried my eyes out. And it wasn't the marriage fact that irked me the most, it's that I found it out from Inna Nana and Inna Balki" she said rolling her eyes at the memory.

"Yeah. You were so down. And then I came to talk to you and we ended up talking about the type of husband you want"

She pretended to think keeping her spoon in the tub as she rubbed her two palms together before placing it on her thighs, "Yes. You asked me what type of man I want him to be" she said with a smile on her face at the memory.

I chuckled, "You said you wanted someone that understands you and love you; someone who accepts you for who you are. I also remember you saying you want a simple life but then here you are! Future Queen" I exclaimed and we both laughed, "But at least you got the man you hoped for even if it isn't the life you want"

Her wide grin turned into a goofy smile, "I got a man even better than the one I hoped for. And even though it wasn't the life I wanted for myself in the beginning, I'll choose to live this life a thousand times as long as Faruk is here with me. We'll face everything together" She said softly and honestly. She can tell the love she has for him by the way she talks.

"I'm happy for you" I said genuinely because I am happy for her. She deserves happiness, everyone does.

She waved it off, "Enough about me, let's talk about how you've grown! And you have a twin, I have a sibling that I don't even know of" she chuckled and I couldn't help but laugh at how high pitched her tone is, "It's still kind of weird whenever I see her I always think she's you. That is until I see how calm and collected she is unlike you..." She used her hand to gesture to me, "You're anything but calm" she said seriously making me pout, this made her laugh.

"I am calm and collected!" I argued.

She pursued her lips forwards, "You? Calm? Please go and shower seff you smell badly" she said wrinkling her nose in distaste leaving me to gasp at her.

I didn't shower because I've been sulking since and it's still around 10 fifty something in the morning. Plus, today is Sunday so I have the right o slack all I want and even with that I know I definitely don't smell. I leaned down a bit and sniffed myself, I don't smell. "Wallahi Adda I don't smell" I pouted which only made her shake her head at me.

"Daman how will you know? Please go and shower, you smell really badly. Is this how you want to meet people? See please go and learn from Layla how to dress up seff" She said feigning seriousness but failed as she smiled.

"So she's now your favorite huh?" I asked glaring her slightly for what she said earlier.

She shrugged, "There's nothing to pick. You're both my sister and I love you both unconditionally. No matter who's clean and who stink" I found it sweet at first but her last statement definitely annoyed me.

I got out of the bed throwing the quilt off me, "Fine! I'll go and shower, stop disturbing me please" I said stomping to the bathroom.

"When you're done, meet us downstairs. Mami wants to speak to us all" she said before I closed the bathroom door muttering a 'yeah yeah' under my breath.

I stripped off the pajamas I had on and got under the shower. I don't know how long I spent there but by the time I was done, the place is fogged. I wrapped a towel around my body and another one around my head as I washed it and it is unbraided. Braiding it isn't exactly the most important thing to me right now.

When I came out, Adda is no longer in the room and the tub she came with is missing. Everything else is still the same except that she made the bed before she left. I sometimes tend to forget that she's a neat freak too.

I walked to the closet and quickly dressed up in a simple A shaped Ankara gown. I didn't apply any makeup on my face not even powder or kohl as I didn't like the that much. Besides, I'm not exactly in the dressing and make up mode right now.

When I stepped out of the closet whilst typing my head tie I was surprised to see yet someone again in the room. I guess I should've known they'll come swarming in since I unlocked the door. I brought this on myself.

He looked up from the place he is sitting on the bed and looked at me, "Go put on a veil. You and I are going somewhere" he said.

I internally sighed, I wasn't in the mood to even step a foot out of this house, "I'm not going anywhere with you" I said lowly looking away from him.

"I wasn't asking" he stated, his tone challenging me to say a word more. Knowing that spending my time to argue with him is pointless, I shed and went back to the closet and picked out a matching veil and draped it over the gown. I slipped into a pair of flats before walking back into the room where he still sat where I left him.

When he looked up, he nodded slightly, "Let's go" he said standing up and heading to the door with me trailing behind him like the obedient wife I am because I so want to go out with him right now.

You got the sarcasm right?

How can you not?

"Wait, I thought Mami said she'll talk to us downstairs?" I asked as we made our way downstairs. "Shouldn't we go to her first?"

"She's not here yet, and I'm sure we'll be back before she arrives. And even if we don't, they don't mind waiting for just a couple of minutes more" he explained to which I just nodded though he can't see me as he's in front.

No one is in the living room but there were voices from the Kitchen, probably the others. We made our way to the parking lot quietly and same thing happened as we got in his car and he drove to only Allah knows where. I didn't ask him where we're going because I know he wouldn't tell me and he didn't even attempted to do so, so I just kept shut all through.

My gaze wasn't outside at all. No, I was simply playing my phone mindlessly as he drove quietly.

A long silence followed before the car came to a stop. When I looked up I was surprised to see the familiar building and the sight you can get from here. A smile involuntarily made its way on my face as I opened the car and walked out ignoring the fact that I'm not alone.

I started walking towards the backyard with him trailing beside me. Just like the last time I was here the children were all lovely and playing around with one another. Some in groups while some individually. I smiled seeing how enthusiastic they are s they play.

"Thought they'd take your mind off everything even if it's just for a while" He said from beside me.

"Thank you" I muttered not looking at him.

We made our way further and I immediately spot familiar faces of the caregivers I met the last time I was here. They exchanged pleasantries with Prince before we walked around the place watching the happy kids. Something about their sight is heartwarming.

Some of the kids remembered me and so they forced me to play with them. Not that I'll go around jumping like a monkey and clapping my hands but, I told them jokes and we laughed. Some of the kids dragged Prince away and I haven't seen them since then.

Today, the babies were brought out too as some of the workers were trying to cheer the babies up. But, one particular familiar baby couldn't stop crying. By now I can tell the girl is a cry baby, the same baby that Muhsin had to pacify the last time.

I walked towards the lady that held her and smiled, "Can I?" I asked gesturing to the baby girl in her arms.

She smiled and nodded before placing the baby on my outstretched arms. I cradled the baby and cooed at her, trying to cheer her up. The little girl is beautiful with unique hazel eyes and button nose and small pale pink lips. Her head covered with a coral pink cap. Her only problem is that she won't stop crying. "Shhh baby" I cooed again in a baby voice as I cradled her closer to my chest but she just won't stop.

"You're doing it wrong" a voice said from behind me making me turn to him with a raised brow.

"Let me" he added taking the girl away from me. For a minute I wanted to ask him what he knows about babies but then decided to keep shut.

He kept making funny faces at the baby muttering some things to her. It didn't take long for her to stop crying. Before I though Muhsin is good with babies but Prince is a natural. Then again, it isn't surprising. The man did have a daughter so it's understandable.

I walked towards the woman that held the baby before as she was a couple of feet away from us.

"Hi. If you don't mind can I ask what the girl's name is?" I asked her politely pointing to the girl that is laughing in Prince's arms.

The woman smiled as her gaze fell on the duo, "She didn't have a name when she was brought here so we just named her"

"Oh, what did you name her?" I asked turing my gaze to the woman momentarily.



I walked into the kitchen to take water to drink while Prince went up to change as we just got back and Mami along with Ummi and Sultan are here already, as we saw their cars outside. I honestly had fun today with the kids even though we were only there for an hours.

"Amyrah, good afternoon" A maid said coming into the kitchen disrupting my chain of thoughts.

I smiled; "Good afternoon" I answered back bring the bottle of water to my lips to take a sip of it.

"Gimbiya Amarya seeks your presence in the backyard" she informed making me nod muttering an ok.

I quickly gulped down the remaining water before dumping the empty bottle in the dustbin.

I made my way outside and started walking towards the backyard as the maid said. Though I knew that we were all supposed to meet in the living room; she might just want to say something to me personally so I didn't think that much about it. I'm used to talking to her alone.

The wind blew in my face making my veil off my head and onto my shoulders. I raised my hand to wrap it back up again when I felt a sharp sting on my neck. Reaching out my hand to the place, my brows creased up when I felt nothing. That is, until I started walking again, my eyes slowly dropped and everything became pitch black.


When I woke up again my head is aching a bit, not that much though. I groaned silently and sat up only to realize that I'm on a bed. I looked down to see me still in the outfit I had put on earlier, before I moved my gaze up and stare at the unfamiliar room. It took me a minute before all the events that happened last came rushing back.

I began to panic realizing that someone rugged me and brought me here. Though the room isn't bad, heck it's luxurious and looks nothing like how rooms where you keep a person you kidnapped in. The room has everything ranging from TV, chaise lounges, bean bags, and whatnot except for one thing, windows. There's no window in the room so I can't tell the time. Therefore, I don't know how long I've been here or where I am.

I cautiously slipped out of the bed careful not to make any noise that'll alert whoever is outside the room that I'm awake. I still don't know if the person is planning on killing me no matter how ridiculous that sounds.

There are two doors. One must be the one for the exit and the other the bathroom. I went ahead to open the one that I suspect to be the bathroom and indeed it was an en suite, a quite fancy one if you ask me. It had everything a person will need, anything I will need, it's stocked.

Now the other door has to be the exit. I contemplated on going to open it and when I finally decided to girl up and do so, the door opened making me step back in alert.

My brows creased up when I saw the man that walked in. Honestly I was expecting to see some crazy girl with face heavily baked with makeup claiming that she loves Aamir and I stole him away from her. I mean, that's how it always happens in all the book I've read before. A small part of me also thought that maybe, just maybe it might be Hannah.

But the case is neither of those.

Instead, a man walked in all adorned in a slate blue kaftan with a matching Zanna Bukar perched on his head. He is taller than me, like around Prince's height tall. I averted my gaze not wanting to keep looking at him as he just stood there staring at me too.

"Let me go, please" I pleaded knowing that I can shout at him. Who knows what he might do to poor me.

"Go to whom?" he asked, his voice throaty a bit but at the same time deep.

"My family" I answered turning to look at him.

He creased up, his laughter resonating around the room, "Family? You call those people your family? The people who keep lying to you and betraying you?" he asked with a hint of anger.

I bit my lip nervously, "Everything's in the past. And how do you know about that?" I asked trying to look like his words didn't affect me, but it did. Because I know he is right. But I will never let him see that. For all I know he might be a maniac or a serial killer.

"I know a lot of things. And believe me when I tell you all those people just want to keep manipulating you. They don't love you. They will keep on lying to you because they don't love you" he said taking a step closer which made me take a step back as I shook my head.

"No. They love me" I said, more to assure myself than him. He is just spewing nonsense and nothing else.

"You know I'm telling you the truth mia cara" He said confidently as if he is sure of everything he is telling me. "I know everything. And if you'll let me. I'll tell you all I know, I'll tell you everything that so called family of yours keep hiding from you. You can trust me" He said, his voice coming out lower in the end. It was almost soothing, seeing that since he came he didn't look like he mean any ahrm but who am I kidding?

The man kidnapped me!

"How long have I been here?" I asked looking around as I don't know the time since there's no windows.

He shook his head, "I'm sorry but it seemed like the idiots that work for me can't do their jobs right. They drugged you with something strong. You were out cold for 72 hours" he explained.

72 hours?!

Three freaking days!

Ya ilahi! I'm sure my family must be looking for me.

But wait, that's not the most important thing right now.

I looked at him, my eyes slightly narrowed, "Who are you?" I asked.

He smirked, his eyes holding a mischievous glint. "Most know me as Big Boss"

"The world knows me as Senator Jabeer Waziri. And you mia figlia will know me as your real father"


So.... before anything else.

So you people can comment that much but you kept leaving me with 400 hundred comments abi. Now last chapter you gave me 1000+ comments in 24 hours! Like woah....

I'm sorry there's no way I could reply to all that but I replied to the ones I can.

I would've asked you to give me 1000+ comments here but I'm not that wicked.

But! Let's just say the higher the comment the higher the chances of updates. Damn I miss school wallahi, economics students where are you.

Wait, apart from Demand and supply which other topic do you remember in biology? I know I can remember figures of speech.

Now back to the book.....Big Boss is here! And his identity is out.

Have you guys noticed the flashbacks I keep giving, first between Aamir and Daihaah and then Daihaah and Aneesah. That only menas one thing, the book is coming to an end. I wanted to finish before June ends but writer's block is real!

Also, if you don't follow my IG account, please do so, I will soon drop the trailer for STARS ALIGN, the sequel of this book.

Plus, if you haven't read my book 24 Hours, read it and tell me what you think of it. Those that are already reading it, keep calm I'll soon update in shaa Allah.

Love, Jannah.

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