Chapter 46 👑
Khadijah Daihaah's POV.
Thankfully, Grandmother didn't ask us to stay any longer after the four days we intended to stay from the very beginning. So, we left on a Tuesday and returned back to Abuja. Now the problem is I came down with a cold. A very terrible cold and believe me I didn't like the sneezing, coughing and headaches at all. That made my dearest husband makes me stay in bed rest for a week even though I got better five days after. Neither he nor I went to work even after I told him that I was fine but he said quote unquote "I am nursing my sick wife so work is the last thing on my mind right now"
The thing is that even after he said that, he still worked from home time to time. I knew there was no way he could stay away from long for long either way. But honestly I don't see the reason for him to stay since I'm much better and I could take care of myself but he wouldn't listen. So that is how I ended staying at home for the week that followed. And when he was convinced that I am finally better, he still said I should 'take a few days to fully recover' and when I asked him about my work he said I shouldn't worry about it.
Instead of staying idle like he said I did my work from home.
Now staying at home wasn't the thing that bothered me. What bothered me is that this only delayed my intentions of going to visit Ummi. Whatever Mami asked her to hide she might've moved it from her room but I can't be too sure. I'm not giving up though, I know it's wrong to go invade her privacy like that but when it involves me I can't help it.
I asked Prince if I could go and visit her and he said that I could go on Saturday which was two days after I asked him. I was simply restless but I somehow managed to hide it from him because he didn't seem suspicious of me. It was becoming really hard to hide things from him as seeing that he can easily read me like an open book. Must've been because of the time we've spent together and all.
At last, the Saturday came. I tried to contain my eagerness as much as I can but it was harder than I thought because I woke up earlier than I usually do. It's not like I could leave at the moment but still. It gave me a lot of time to make breakfast as early as possible.
By the time I was done with setting breakfast up on the table for us, Prince walked in after his daily morning exercise than he once got me to join him. Let's just say it didn't end in my favor which only proved that my body isn't meant for any kind of sport.
"Good morning baby" He said cheerfully taking his seat in the head of the table as I placed his tea in front of him.
"Good morning Prince" I replied trying to be just as enthusiastic as him but I failed somehow because honestly, deep down I was kind of nervous about today.
He puckered his lips a bit as he narrowed his eyes slightly at me, "Why do you keep calling me that?" he asked.
I sat down on my seat, "Call you what?" I feigned ignorance because I know what he's talking about.
"You know what. Why do you keep calling me 'Prince'?"
"Because that's what you are" I simply answered as I started eating my food ignoring the fact that I know he is still glaring at me which I find amusing by the way. "Also, isn't that how you want people to call you?"
"What are you talking about?"
I turned to look at him and he honestly looks confused, "Are you seriously telling me you don't remember?" I asked chuckling a bit.
He shrugged, "I don't"
This time I laughed at him which didn't help with the glare he still had but I didn't mind, "You have one bad memory"
"Will you just tell me what you're talking about?" he asked and from his tone I could tell he was started to get irritated a bit.
I chuckled and took a quick sip o my tea before adjusting my sitting position, "Okay. The first time we met, during Baba Sarki's 30th anniversary. Inna Nana was insulting me about what I wore which I was already used to by the way when you came in all Knight in a raven Kaftan to save the day even though afterwards you told me you didn't do it for me but still. When she called you 'Aamir' you told her it is 'Prince' Aamir, so yeah. That was the day you labeled yourself as Prince and you can't change it" I couldn't help but chuckle at the memory that didn't seem like such a long time but it's been three years already, almost four and here we are.
"Technically, that wasn't the first that we met. The first time we met was when we came to talk about Faruk and Anee's wedding" he said chuckling at the thought which only made me roll my eyes.
"Yeah but we didn't talk did we? So it doesn't count"
"It does count. We might not have talked but admit it, I caught you more than once stealing glances at me" he said with a cocky smile on his face which only made me gasp a bit.
"I was not! You were the one looking at me" I mumbled because I know I wasn't looking at him. I might've thought he was handsome but for some reason I can't seem to figure out I wasn't interested in him at the moment. It was almost as if I was in a relationship or something but that's just ridiculous, I have never been in a relationship before so that's not it.
He creased up, "Just admit it, I won't blame you. After all, I know I'm irresistible" he is now being egoistic.
I leaned forward to look at him as if inspecting something. I squinted my eyes a bit as I tilted my head to look at him closely.
"What are you doing?" He asked giving me the look at screams you-are-being-creepy-right-now.
I leaned back on my seat and shrugged, "Nothing. I was just checking to see how big your head has grown with that ego of yours. With the way it is right now, you might not be able to pass through a door" I said with a straight face which I couldn't hold for long. I burst into fits of laughter at the shocked expression on his face.
It is simply priceless.
"I do not have a big head" he exclaimed reaching his hand up to run it through his coils.
I just shrugged still not wiping the grin on my face. "And then you told me to go and change because my outfit gains 'too much attention'" I continued with the story of the first time we met, in my perspective since he said that wasn't the first time we met in his perspective.
"Yeah and you refused to do so, and I told you that it's not over yet. You are so stubborn" he said smiling as he remembered the time too.
"And you are too bossy. How could you think I would've listened to you? You can't boss me around like that"
"I couldn't before but now I can" He raised a brow daring me to challenge him on this because he knows he is right.
"Touché on that" I said as my grin turned into a small smile, "And here we are now. Three years later, married. Who would've known that will happen?" I said as I brought my tea to my lips and took a sp
When I looked at him he had a smile on his face too, "You would've been my wife one way or the other"
It was now my turn to raise my brow, "And why do you think such?"
He shrugged; "I just know" he looked away and started to eat his food leaving me to stare at him.
I'd be lying if I say I haven't learned to enjoy his company in just the days we've spent together. He's more open with him; actually he opened up to me completely and told me everything. He doesn't hide anything from me and that enough makes me want to trsut him completely too.
I only have 55 days left. But for the first time I'm beginning to contemplate my decision.
Will it be worth it to leave him?
No. The real question is can I leave him?
But I can't make any decisions in haste. Any decision I will make will have to be after my visit to Ummi's house today.
We finished breakfast in silence afterwards. And together we took the empty plates and cups to kitchen and washed them as I hate leaving dirty dishes lying around like that.
By time we were done it was a little past nine so I went up and took my shower and dressed up. It's not like I'm going to her house now. Knowing Ummi she'll give me an earful on going to her house that early.
When I came out, Prince is seated on the bed waiting for me, "Just give me half an hour, I'll be done by then" he said keeping his phone aside as he attempted to stand up.
"You're coming too?" I asked because I planned on going there alone. I can't have him interrupting whatever I'm going to do today.
He looked at me as if I've grown two heads, "Yeah, I am. You think you're going there alone? What type of son in law will I be then?"
"Fine, I don't need you to lecture me about being a good son in law. Just hurry up"
"No promises" he said taking him time to walk to the en suite.
I shook my head knowing that he will definitely take an hour or more, and he said something about women taking time to dress up. And it's not like he's always like that, he is just being like that to annoy me because he must've saw how impatient I am right now.
I walked towards the bedside table where I placed my laptop and took it. Making my way to the chaise lounge by the window, I sat down and placed my laptop down before turning it on deciding to just get some work done while he's in there not that there's much to do but still.
Just as I've though, the shower and dressing up and whatnot took him more than an hour considering that he was working in the space of a snail. By the time we left our home and made our way to Ummi's house he had successfully annoyed me to the very end. Plus, the most annoying thing is that he kept acting as if he didn't just take an hour of my time.
Once we made it to the car and he revved it to life, he tried to start up a conversation with me with I ignored by turning on the radio
"The President has travelled to the United States where he is planning to make a deal with the US government to help Nigeria about the importation of goods considering that the border is closed. In the mean time, the Vice President is acting as President. And so far, everything has been running smoothly without any hindrance.
In other news, the Minister of Finance, Mr. Sunday Olawudeju, the Minister of Agriculture, Alaji Usama Sambo, the Senator Jabeer Waziri, and the Senate President Alaji Haruna Idirisu along with Aliku Dangote have joined hands and donated a sum of ten Million Naira to the foundation that helps Orphans all around Nigeria.
Here is Ruth Aguelo with the news in details..."
I reached my hand out and turned it off as I have started yawning already. I don't know why but news is just so boring.
"Why did you turn it off?" Prince asked turning around slightly to look at me before returning his gaze back to the road. "I was starting to like it"
I looked at him as if he has grown two heads, "Sometimes I tend to forget I'm married to an old man" I mumbled but soehow I must've said it loud because he heard me.
"I'm not old" he argued.
I nodded my head sarcastically, "Right. You're not old. You're aged"
"Same thing" he bickered, "And what even make you say that?"
"Because only old people like news" I said in the duh tone.
I should've probably not said that because all through the drive he just kept talking and stating 1001 reasons why I should like news ignoring the glares I kept sending him to the point that I gave up and joined the conversation too. In the end, we came to a compromise that news can be educating sometimes.
When we arrived at Ummi's home, it was a little past eleven and I didn't waste any time going to the house leaving my dearest annoying husband who took his time to walk behind in all his glory.
Once I stepped in the flat, the heavenly scent of incense filled up my olfactory senses. It smells just like home. The same smell I've always came home to as a child. The time when I had my family, the time when my Abba was here with us. I don't know how Ummi managed to live here all alone even though Anty Asmau lives in the next flat but still.
Adda Anee tried to get her to stay with them but she refused, I tried to get her to stay with us but she remained adamant even though the men told her it was alright. She said she wanted to live here on her own and so we had no choice but to do as she wished. She took one of my cousins that's also an orphan and took care of her. The girl is just in secondary school but she was more than happy to stay with Ummi. Today being Saturday I'm sure she's with Anty Asmau as the girl and her daughter are really close.
No one was in the living room so I made my way upstairs where I knew she would be. I didn't bother knocking or anything and just went in. And just as I've thought, she is there sitting on the bed talking to someone on the phone.
I made my way to where she is seated and lay on the bed with my head on her lap while she pats my head. After a minute or two I heard her saying her goodbyes to whoever she was on the call with.
"Dijeh na, how are you?" she asked placing her phone aside.
"I'm fine Ummi" I answered closing my eyes as I relish every second of the moment. I've always loved to lay with my head on my Ummi's lap as we talk. It's a bond we share and also one of the reasons I love being her only daughter more.
"Masha Allah, how about Aamir?"
"He's fine. He's downstairs seff"
I let out a yelp as she used her hand that was patting my head to smack my shoulder, head. "Keh har yanxu bakida hankali ko; It's like you still don't have sense. How can you leave him alone downstairs all this while?" she asked and the woman didn't give me a chance to answer as she smacked my shoulder again harder than before.
Sensing that she's going to smack me gain if I don't move, I quickly stood up and maintained a safe distance between us, "Haba Ummi, it's not like he's a guest here"
She glared at me hands akimbo, "Dijeh if I slap you you'll see your ancestors. Hurry back downstairs and entertain him I'm coming"
I pouted a bit, "Entertain him kuma Ummi? With what again" I don't know what's with Ummi. It's not like he's in some stranger's house. Plus, it's not the first time he's been here.
She sighed shaking her head at me, "Must I tell you everything again? Bring him something to eat and keep him company I won't take long" she explained as if she's teaching me how to recite the alphabets again. With that she sent me out of her room.
I went to the kitchen and got a salver from one of the cupboards. Heading towards the refrigerator, I pulled the handle and just as expected it was stacked with snacks and soft drinks. Picking out some chocolate glazed donuts and cupcakes and placed them on the salver along with a can of Fanta.
I picked the salver and walked to the living room where he was sitting down typing on his phone, as always. I swear one day I'm going to hide that phone away from him for a whole day and I'll see what he will do then. Or maybe I might just hide it for a week even.
I placed it in front of him without him even looking at me as I did that, or since I walked in for that matter. I sat on the couch opposite him after doing that and silence fell upon us.
He raised his brow and looked around before settling his gaze back on me, "This reminds me of the time I visited you before our wedding. We are sitting in the same place we were last time" he said.
I thought about it and chuckled as I realized he is right, "You're right. That was the time that you said you make me nervous which wasn't true at all"
"Oh really? That was the reason at the time you couldn't even look at me in the eyes right? Because I do not make you nervous" He taunted raising a brow.
"That's not it. I could so look at you"
"No you couldn't. I remember you couldn't even talk when I talk. You were flustered especially when Suhad and Jannah left us alone" He said laughing at me when I hid my face in my palms.
"No I wasn't" I argued raising my head to glare at him. "Moving on...Then you said you're leaving for Abu Dhabi. And then afterwards, you didn't contact me, not once" I remembered how angry I was at him during the Henna day when I saw him after weeks of not being in contact.
"Wait, was that the reason you were mad at me when we met the day you got your Henna done?" When I didn't answer, he took that as his answer and laughed not taking the glare I sent him into account, "Well dear wifey, I couldn't call you because Suhad and Faruk wouldn't let me. Something about not talking to you till our wedding day which I obviously broke during the Henna day but still. Aneesah put them to it and so they took the liberty of taking away my phone from me"
I was about to reply when a salaam had us whisking our heads to look at Ummi who walked in with a grin on her face when she saw Prince.
I just sat there in silence as they exchanged pleasantries with Prince acting all responsible, reserved and shy. Can you imagine? Him, shy?!
Wonders shall never end.
"Aamir I'm so sorry this foolish girl didn't tell me you two are together. I can't believe she even let you all alone here" Ummi said turning around to glare at me to which I just pouted.
Prince whom is now sitting on the carpet despite Ummi's protest shook his head, "It's nothing really" he answered with his head hung low.
Wata sabuwa...
"No seriously Aamir. I wonder how you're coping with her shenanigans" I'm telling you, my mother loves to embarrass me a lot. If not, what the point of saying all these to him please?
I sat there quietly watching them as my mother kept pampering him forgetting about my existence and at a point I wondered why I actually came here. That was till I remembered what I was actually here for. I waited for the perfect time and seeing that they were engrossed in their conversations forgetting about me was the perfect timing.
I stood up and attempted to walk pass them when Ummi stopped me.
"Daihaah where are you going?" she asked.
I bit my lip as I tried to think of an excuse, and when I did, I plastered a big smile on my face and turned around, "I'm just going to powder my nose"
Thankfully, she didn't ask any questions and just nodded. I released a sigh of relief as I walked away from them and up the stairs.
I entered the room opposite Ummi's at first and after a minute, I walked out and checked the hallway making sure that there was no one there. I can still hear faint voices of Ummi and Prince talking which is good for me.
I tip toed to her room and as quietly as I can, I opened the door careful enough not make a sound. Once I was in, I quietly shut the door close behind me. Walking in to the room, I sighed as I realized that I have no idea what exactly I'm looking for and where I should look for it.
Great. This makes everything much easier.
Note the sarcasm.
I decided to start with the closet and looked for anything that seemed familiar, or out of place while making sure that I don't mess her neatly folded clothes. I looked in between, beside and even under her clothes but there was nothing there.
I tried doing the same with the vanity table drawers but there was nothing there too. By now I'm sure I must've taken time but I wasn't just going to give up. Not when I've come this far.
I walked out of her closet and made my way to the bedside drawers where I opened them one by one. There were a lot of papers there and I didn't have enough time to go through them all thoroughly so I just opened them as fast as I can. Most of them are just things that are none of my concern.
After checking all drawers, I was beginning to get frustrated because there was nothing in this place.
Not one thing or hint.
Realizing that they'll soon start wondering how I spent too much time already, I stood up and released a fed up sigh. I placed one of my hands on my waist and the other on other on my forehead as I gave the room one last once over.
I didn't think it will be this hard.
Shaking my head, I decided just leave since this is pointless and a total waste of time.
Turning on my heels, I attempted to walk away when my stupid self lose my footing to something. Thank God I quickly regained my composure before my face kiss the cold floor. Now I saved myself from falling but my leg hurts like hell. It's like I bumped into a rock or something.
I quickly sat on the bed and looked at my foot that is turning red by the second. I rubbed it trying to soothe the pain before looking down to see the thing that I bumped into.
I couldn't see it completely. Actually it's just half of it I could see but from that I could tell it looks oddly familiar. Ignoring the ache in my leg, I leaned down and took a hold of the box, pulling it from under the bed it seemed to be hidden.
Once glance at the box and I knew I've seen it before. But where?
I let my finger trace the wooden box which has no dust on it whatsoever. My brows furrow slightly as I tilt my head to the side racking my brain trying to remember where I've saw it.
Then it clicked!
The day before I left for Adda's house I found Ummi sobbing whist holding something in her hand. Whatever it is she held she hid it in this box before clearing it up under her bed.
Not wanting to waste another time I placed my hand on the top and started pulling it up but stopped midway. One question was running in my head over and over again.
Am I ready to find out what's inside?
Whatever it is it was clear as day that she didn't want me to find out what it is.
I honestly don't care anymore. I am this close I can't back off right now.
I quickly opened it before I could start having second thoughts again.
It was now or never.
My brows furrow together as a frown took over my features. The first thing I saw is a phone. Not just any phone but my phone. Well technically it used to be my phone until I lost it. Now thinking about it I can't really remember how I lost it. It just...disappeared?
Keeping the lid of the box aside, I placed my hand in the box and brought out the old iphone 7 which now has a slight crack on the screen.
I don't remember it having a crack before.
Underneath the phone was a picture. An old picture; a vintage to be precise. Bringing the picture out of the picture is studied it. My frown deepened as I looked at the content in it. I know who the person in the picture is but the other...
There has to be something wrong with my eyes.
This just can't be.
Deciding to deal with it later, I folded the picture and tucked it in between the bun I made of my hair wanting to hide it from anyone just in case. I'll worry about the picture later; I need an explanation for it.
My hand was shaking slightly from what I just saw as I fumbled with my old phone trying to switch it on despite knowing that it might just be out of charge. But there's no harm in trying right?
Looked like luck was on my side today because the phone switched on the moment I pressed the on button by the side. It was locked though but it's no problem because I know the password. It's the same I use for my phone now; 'Sleep'. As simple as that because it was the last thing anyone will suspect.
Everything was just like I remembered. The wallpaper is a picture of Jannah and I. One of the numerous picture we've snapped at our Hadda school on our last day there. And to be honest, we both look really stupid but at the time we thought it was dope.
I accessed the pictures app wanting to see more of our old pictures and laugh because I'm sure it will be hilarious.
Now the thing was that the thing I saw wasn't what I expected. One folder in particular titled 'Mi Amor' caught my attention. I was expecting to see pictures of me and Ummi though I don't remember creating such folder but still.
The first picture I saw left me gaping like a fish. I was quick to swipe to the next one, and the one after it and I kept going on and on wanting to confirm if it's really what I'm seeing. It wasn't just pictures, there were videos too and screenshots of video calls.
And in every single one of them Mubarak was there.
And I was there...
I didn't know when the phone slipped out of my hand as my head started to pound more painful than it has ever. My vision blurred as the pictures played in my head over and over again. The voice, it was back again except that this time instead of hearing one sentence a lot of statement kept playing in my head making it impossible to pay attention to any one in particular.
Somehow I found myself on the floor clutching my head tightly.
I just wanted it to stop.
My eyes well up and I could feel the tears streaming down my face but it was the least of my concerns right now. I felt like someone was whacking my head with a sledgehammer mercilessly. "STOP!!" I yelled but to my ears it sounded distinct and more like a whisper than a yell. "STOP PLEASE! I CAN'T TAKE IT" I clutched my head so tightly that I can feel my nails digging into my scalp but I didn't care one bit.
The pain I am feeling is way agonizing that it made the pain in my scalp nothing.
I didn't hear the door opened, nor did I hear people walking in. All I felt was arms wrapped around me and faint sounds of people talking. Someone was shaking me, trying to snap me out of the trance but it was pointless.
I was stuck in the little box all alone and no one could save me.
I was trapped with no means of escaping.
Even when I trashed, crying, pleading with every fiber of my being for someone to ease the pain it didn't do anything. Even when my eyes were threatening to close as my eyesight blurred, even when my breathing labored, even when my head felt like a mountain; no one could help me.
The voices were becoming much louder as snippets of Mubarak played in my head over and over again.
I didn't know how long that lasted but eventually I gave in to the darkness and welcome dit with open hands for it is the only thing that can help me right now.
"I can't be sure of anything right now till she has woken up. Although my best guess at the moment is that she has Paranoia. I'm sure her old doctor told you that it is the side effect of her gaining her memory especially after it has been this long. But, let's just hope that it won't be that bad"
I heard someone say. Another voice that sounded familiar said something in response but my mind wasn't on them at all. My head doesn't hurt that much but it still has a dull ache; nothing I can't handle at the moment.
I peeled my eyes open and thankfully the room isn't that bright. The lights had been dimmed down and the only source of light is from the curtains that are moderately drawn up a bit. Now looking closely, this isn't the hospital. It's Prince and I's room back in our house.
Swiveling my head to the side, I saw him walking into the room. At first he didn't notice that I'm awake because he turned to close the door. But when he walked further in and saw me he all but sprinted towards me immediately engulfing me in an embrace.
I don't know if it is due to what happened, it definitely has to be, but I pushed him away from me which wasn't that hard considering hold me that tightly.
The look on his face wasn't that surprised almost as if he was expecting it which is good.
He should expect it.
I remember what happened lastly before I blacked out.
Heck! I remember everything!
I remember my life with Muhsin. I remember how much I loved him. He and I were supposed to get married but then we got into an accident and that was how I forgot him.
And they knew...
He knew...
All this while they all know but what did they do? They turned me into a fool and made me marry Prince.
"How can you do that to me?" I asked as my eyes narrowed at him. My voice wasn't raised, it was low but it was coated with venom.
He sighed as his eyes closed before he opened them again and looked at me, "Baby...I'm sorry—"
"Sorry?" I chuckled humorlessly, "Sorry will not justify your actions Aamir!" I am fuming mad right now. I just want to raise hell on earth on him, of all of them.
How could they do this to me?
"Baby I didn't have a choice, you have to believe me" he tried to hold my hand but I snatched it away from him.
I sat up swatting his hand away as he tried to help me. I can do this by myself without his help. I wasn't in tears, heck my eyes aren't even stinging with tears but the anger wasn't subsiding one bit. If I am being honest then I'll say even I didn't want it to subside. "Try again Aamir, I lost my memory not that I'm fucking stupid. And now you're telling me to believe you?"
He sat on the bed close to me, this only made me move away from him which and for a second I saw hurt flash his features but it left as quick as it came, "I'm not going to apologize for not telling you about him"
The guts...
If he wasn't still my husband islamically I would've slapped him right across the face because he deserve it, "You are so selfish" I said. It came out as more of a whisper but loud enough for him to hear.
He ran his hand over his face before turning around to face me, "Yes Daihaah, I'm selfish! I'm selfish because I love you!" his voice was raised a bit, but not enough for anyone outside to hear.
"Well I love him!" My eyes now sting with tears as I whisper yelled.
"You don't mean that..." he shook his head as his voice was firm, but somehow it betrayed him because it wavered a bit almost as if he doesn't believe his words he himself.
"I do mean it. You know, he know, heck everyone knows! You all know yet what did you do? You kept it a secret away from me just because you want me to marry you! Why? Is it because you want me to fill the void Hannah and Noor left?" I was playing with fire because I knew that was low of me to bring them into this but I couldn't help it.
He separated me from the love of my life.
I can't even imagine how Muhsin must've felt to see me get married to Prince.
I can't imagine how he felt every time he saw me yet I can't remember our life together.
"Don't bring them into this" He warned as his eyes narrowed slightly; the veins in his temple making an appearance. I knew he was at the verge of losing his temper but I already lost mine the moment I woke up.
I decided to ignore him, "Why not any other woman? Why me?!"
He didn't say anything. He just looked away and didn't even look at me again. But I wasn't done with him yet.
"Why? Why are you so selfish?! You know, you all know how much I love him. He and have plans, we were going to get married—"
"You would've never gotten married either ways!" he cut me off.
"And why the hell is that?!" My voice never got higher than merely whisper yell, and that is because I don't have the energy to spend on yelling at him but his is very much booming.
"Because you are betrothed to me! You were destined to be my wife from the very beginning. He came into the picture ruining everything" He yelled for the first time. Even as he talked earlier he didn't let it get to the point of being labeled as 'yell' but now he just did.
I shook my head. He is lying. That's all he knows how to. He's just saying things to mess up my brain, "That' not true" I muttered shaking my head.
"It is—"
"It's NOT!" I said glaring at him.
"Why can't you just trust me? Daihaah you better than anyone should know I will never do anything that will hurt you"
I wiped the tears that managed to fall furiously, "I did trust you, and I forgave you every single time you messed up no matter what you do to me even though I looked stupid while doing so. You lied about Hannah, I forgave you. And what did you do now? You fucking lied to my face! How can you look at me in the eyes every single time Aamir and not feel guilty?! Do you know how I felt every time I had a flashback? Let me tell you, it hurts! Let me tell you Aamir, it hurts like hell!" I didn't know when I hit the bed with my hand trying to make my point as my voice become lower as another sob came over me again, "It even got to the point that I was too scared to tell you, any of you. You know why? Because I thought you guys might think I'm crazy for hearing voices in my head. I should've known" my voice came out lower at the end contradicting at first when I was yelling at him.
His facial expression softened as he reached his hand out to hold mine but I slapped it away, but he didn't give up. He tried to do so again and it ended up just like the other time.
I turned my head to the other side not wanting him to see the tears in my eyes, "Just get out" I whispered hoping that he hears me.
"I SAID GET OUT AAMIR!" I yelled turning around to glare at him and believe me, if it could kill, he'll be six feet under right now.
He quietly got off the bed, "If you need something, I'm only call away" he said and instead of answering I turned my head to the side not wanting to keep looking at him.
Even when I heard the door click shut, I didn't turn. Instead I leaned on the headboard and cried silently. Cried as I thought about what my life would've been had I not lost my memory? I wondered why they all didn't tell me. Why did they tell me? How could they hide something as important as this from me? Don't they want me to be happy?
And then again I feel guilty. Guilty towards Muhsin. God knows how he must've felt every time we met and yet I can't remember him though he looked happy the last time I saw him. But I'm sure he was being like that just to make me feel better.
As soon as those fifty five freaking days are up, I am leaving. If I have to go to Muhsin and apologize I will. After all we loved each other. I still love him. I mean it's nothing compared to what I felt for Prince but honestly, all I feel for him now is resentment.
I hate him!
I hate him for being so inconsiderate and selfish, as always.
He had always been a selfish man, what should I expect?
I should've never trusted him, he was no good and I just blindly fall for him.
And then what? He's telling me that I was betrothed to him? Does he think this is the eighteenth century or something?
Lies! It's all lies.
Does he think I'm stupid or something? I might've fallen for his words before but never again.
The door creaked open again and I still didn't bother to look up to see who it is knowing that it's probably just Prince coming back to apologize again. After all, that's all he knows how to do. "I thought I told you to get the hell out. I'm not forgiving you so you better disappear from here. I don't want to listen to any of your pathetic excuses again" I said loud enough for him to hear and disappear.
"Should I leave too?"
I immediately swiveled my head when I heard her voice. Mami stood by the edge of the bed alone. She must've came here all alone.
I tried to smile but all I could muster up was a small sad smile, "You knew I was there didn't you?" I asked sniffing.
She flashed me a small smile, "I knew my daughter is smart" she said as we walked towards me and sat where Aamir sat minutes ago, except closer and this time I didn't move away from her.
"Why?" I asked wanting to know why she sent me there. I'm not stupid, I knew she intentionally said everything so I could go and find out on my own.
She shrugged, "No one wanted to tell you but I knew you had to know. We can't tackle the issue in hand if you don't remember everything"
I closed my eyes as tears were threatening to spill, "Why didn't you just tell me?" I asked still not opening my eyes.
"Daihaah you have to understand, it wasn't my place to tell. You needed to do that on your own" She reached out to hold my hand in hers and I let her, "All I could do was guide you. And I did"
I didn't know why but out of all of them, she is the only one I could trust. Maybe it was because she has been by my side from my beginning. And if it wasn't because of her, I would've still been in the dark so I guess I owe her that. I'm still mad at them, all of them, even my own mother. I have so many questions for her and I need answers.
"Why didn't they tell me? Why didn't he tell me?" I asked my voice breaking down as I opened my eyes to look at her. At this point I'm sure my eyes are bloodshot red but I didn't care.
So much has happened today already.
Her features softened as she moved closer to me. She sat close to me and embraced me making sure my head rested on her shoulder as she rubbed my back as I cried. She didn't say anything. She knew I needed to cry to get it off my mind and she is willing to be the shoulder I cry on.
This is one of the reasons I saw more as my mother than a mother in law.
I don't know how long I spent crying but I knew it took a while. When she was sure I was done crying, we switched our positions so that she was leaning on the headboard while my head is on her lap as she softens my uneven hair. For a second none of us spoke till she broke the silence.
"Daihaah did you remember what I told you during the barbecue?" Mami asked.
I nodded. At this point I don't there's anything that I've forgotten. "You said a lot of things"
She nodded, "Yes. But I did say something about this situation before hand. I told you that whatever happens you shouldn't blame Aamir for it. I know you might think we are all being selfish but some things aren't ours to share"
"Mami he could've still told me"
"So that you'll go to Muhsin?" She asked making me nod, "How sure are you that he still wants you?"
I thought about it for a moment. Surely it has been long but his feelings for me can't just fade. "He loves me" was the only excuse I could come up with at the moment.
"My dear, sometimes we do things for the sake of our loved ones even if it might hurt others. But one thing you should know that we all have your best interest in heart. We love you" She said, but her tone and words only made me more curious than I was earlier.
"Mami why do I feel like there's more secrets?" I asked even more because I need to talk to my mother, she has some explaining to do.
Mami just smiled a bit, "You know I won't ask you to forgive Aamir" she said changing the topic which didn't go unnoticed by me but I let it slide.
I've unraveled enough secrets for today.
"Good" I muttered under my breath because I wasn't going to forgive him and it's a good thing she knows that too.
It seemed like she heard me because her smile turned into a sad one, "But Daihaah you can't deny that he loves you"
I turned away from her because I know it's not true. He loves me? If he loved me then he wouldn't have lied to my face. And he dare gets angry at me for wanting to leave him all those times.
99 days. That's all it takes for me to be with him. It has only been 44 days yet my life has take turns down unforeseen street. I wonder how the rest of the days will be like.
"I know you don't believe me when I tell you this but it's because of the love he has for you that he forgave me, because he knew it meant that much to you. Daihaah you changed him, I can see that, we all can" I knew she is only defending her son but I really can't blame her. The love a mother has for her child is immense.
I kept shut. I didn't say anything not because I didn't know what to say but because I knew if I open my mouth to talk she won't like what I would say and I can't do that to her. It's not like I want to do it, it's just that I can't trust any of them and my mind keep playing scenarios that contradicts their words.
I know why though.
Paranoia. Just like the doctor said before I woke up.
Yet somehow, even though I know the reason I can't fight it at all. It's who I am now.
It's who they've made me.
"I know you haven't consummate your marriage" She said out of the blue.
If it isn't for the melanin in my body I'm sure my face would've turned ugly shade of red. I don't think I've ever been this embarrassed in my whole life.
Who says such things all of the sudden.
I'll tell you who.
Mami, aka Qamrah El Khabir—my mother in law that's who.
She chuckled seeing my facial expression which only made poor me—the victim of such embarrassment, hide my face in my palms.
"I know you might be wondering how I know that but it's that obvious. Everyone who has eyes can see that he's taking baby steps with you, considering the circumstances you two got married. Do you think it's all men that can do that?" She continued thinking that it might ease my embarrassment—it didn't.
And what did she do? She creased up.
"He's a man Daihaah" Yeah I think know that, now please shut up, "If it were some other men in his shoe they would've gotten what they want one way or the other either from you or somewhere else"
Geez, way to be blunt about it.
Ladies and gentlemen, it's officially national embarrass Daihaah day.
"You're wondering why I'm telling you this right?" she asked chuckling at me.
Yeah I do! My vocal cords just aren't working anymore.
"Daihaah I'm just trying to let you know the extent he goes for you. You have to at least give him credit for that" Seeing that I wasn't going to speak at all, she put her fingers under my chin and forced me to look at her, "He's not a bad person Daihaah, he's just a man hurt and in love" she said, all trace of lark gone from her expression.
I blinked and look away. As much as I love and trust her, I can't trust her that blindly when it comes to him. I just can't. Blame the paranoia if you want but a small sane part of me agrees with it too.
That doesn't change the fact that he lied to me. I might've forgiven him easily before but not anymore. This is bigger than all those other times.
Not wanting to talk about this any longer. I sat up not looking at her and reached my hand to my head and immediately felt satisfies that it is still in a bun. I slowly untied it and brought out the folded picture that I hid there earlier.
I opened it and looked at it one more time. When I looked up, Mami had her eyes on me. I knew she can't see it from the angle I'm sitting so I held her hand and opened her palm placing the picture in it before letting go.
Just as expected, her facial expression wasn't that of surprise at all. She seemed as though she is expecting this which only confirmed my suspicions.
"I need answers" I pressed, my voice not wavering. I know she is the only one that will give me the answer I seek for that's why I'm asking her.
She nodded as a look of determination crossed over her features, "And answers you'll get. I promise"
After my talk with Mami she left to give me the space I need to prepare myself as she went to call the others whom are all apparently waiting downstairs as if they care for me when it's originally their fault I'm here.
I stood up and went to the wash my face and mentally prepare myself for this. When I looked at the mirror, my facial expression looked nothing like me at all. My eyes were red and puffy and my face is bloated. My eyes lost that glint it normally has and instead it looked dull, lacking any liveliness completely.
It hurts to see my reflection like this so I looked away and washed my face as I originally intended to do. Afterwards I washed it with a face towel and just sat there for a few minutes to calm myself before facing them all. I can't let them see me like this.
After how many minute I don't know, I stepped out and was immediately welcomed by the sight of my family. Ummi, Sultan, Mami, Hermano, Adda Anee and Prince were all here. All of them except Mami gave me the same look.
And I hated it. I hate that they all kept looking at me as if I needed their sympathy. I don't. If anything they should feel guilty for putting me in this position. They all contributed to this in a way. I bet they must've loved to see me look all stupid.
Choosing to ignore them, I made my way to the bed where I left it. I leaned down as bit as my fingers graze the picture before I picked it up again.
I made sure my face is passive, void of any emotion as I moved towards Ummi who is standing closest to me. Her eyes were pleading, pleading with me not to do this but I had too. Everyone else except Mami looked at us with confusion.
If it was some other day I'll do anything to get that look off my Ummi's face but not today. Today I needed answers and I will get them.
I held my hand out holding the picture for her to take. She looked at me and then at the picture before taking it out of my hand slowly.
"Daihaah..." she started but I cut her off.
"I need answers Ummi. What does this mean?" I asked and although I hate to do this, I needed to.
"Daihaah, forget about this please" she pleaded and my heart break at the sight. All I wanted to do is hold her in my arms but I couldn't. I have an idea what it means but I needed her to say it. I needed to hear and see it to believe it.
"No. I can't forget this. You know I can't. I need answers" I pressed despite hating myself for forcing this out of her but it was now or never. She can't hide this forever.
"It's all in the past" she whispered looking away but I caught a glimpse of the tears in her eyes.
This was the reasons he was crying that night.
Though some part of me understood this I still need clarification.
"Is it what I think it is?" I asked as my façade broke slowly. The walls I've built earlier are crumbling down right in front of my eyes and I can't seem to do anything about it.
"Ummi answer me!" For that minute I seemed to forgot of all the other people in the room whom are watching us in confusion.
"I don't know okay!" she yelled turning around to look at me making me flinch because of how red her eyes look, "even if I tell you now Daihaah it means nothing! I know you'll have questions. Questions whose answers even I am seeking! I want answers too, but did you see me asking people all around for it? NO!" she yelled again, though it wasn't that loud but still. Seeing the look on my face, she sighed, "I know you're confused right now. But trust me when I say this. If I confirm your suspicions, you'll have other questions and I don't have their questions" she said holding my hand but I shook my head ans slipped it out of her hold.
I said I needed answers, I need them.
I looked at Mami whom is still the only person that's not looking at me with pity or confusion. "You promised me" I breathed out as my eyes sting with tears but I won't let them out, I won't.
Mami nodded, "I know Daihaah" she said making everyone turn to look at her. She moved her gaze from me to Ummi, "And I think I have the answer to both your questions"
"What are you talking about Qamrah?" Ummi asked but instead of answering, Mami just went towards the door and walked out leaving us all with our thoughts.
No one spoke. They were all just exchanging glances between themselves wondering what's going on. They'll get their answers soon just like I will.
Not even a minute later, Mami walked back in. Just as I opened my mouth to say something, a figure walked in behind her making all our attention turn to her.
I could her gasps behind me but it was like I was frozen in my spot.
She too was just looking at me, just me and not everyone else.
She walked closer and my legs worked on their accord too as they took me closer to her.
"Who?" Was the only thing that escaped my lips at the moment, "Who are you?" I managed to find my voice and asked.
She smiled as her eyes fill up with tears, "I'm Maryam" she breathed out, "Maryam Layla"
My eyes simply followed her up and down. From the perfectly arched jet black brows, the doe eyes, slender nose, rubicund lips and hour glass figure.
I had my suspicions when I saw the picture but I'm sure now. Actually I'm more than sure.
I didn't know if I should cry or rejoice.
Looking at her was simply like staring at my reflection.
I have a twin sister. An identical twin sister and she's standing right here in front of me.
I have lots of questions. Questions that I can't seem to voice out at the moment but they seem to be stuck at the back of my throat as I choke back a sob.
"Maryam" Ummi's voice came from behind me snapping me out of trance.
My twin sister for the first time looked away from me as her eyes settled on Ummi, "Ummi..." she breathed out as a tear escaped her eyes.
"You're alive, you're really alive" Ummi said as if she couldn't believe her eyes. She didn't waste another second before throwing her arms around my twin engulfing her in an embrace.
I am still shocked. I have no idea what to think so or say at the moment. I was awestruck to say the least. Ummi hugged her as if her life depended on it. I didn't know how long she spent hugging her while I just watched them but when they finally pulled away, Ummi turned to me with a grin on her face, "Daihaah, meet your long lost twin sister, Maryam who is..." Her eys trailed off as she looked at Layla's now swollen tummy which somehow both of us didn't notice before. "You're pregnant" Ummi stated as it was more of a statement than a question. "You're married?" Now that was a question.
I am happy for her truly. Honestly, I'm happy for the first time today. I just don't know how to react.
Layla only nodded. But instead of looking happy she looked down. She looked at Mami who nodded and walked out again.
"Maryam what's going on?" Ummi asked looking concerned seeing Layla like that. Honestly, even I am worried.
Shouldn't she be happy right now? She finally meets her family.
She tried to smile a bit looking at Ummi before moving her gaze to me; "I want you all to meet my husband Susu..." she trailed off just in time Mami walked in again with someone trailing behind her.
The small smile I had on my face disappeared as all the color drained from my face. I gulped turning to look at them all, "Get out" I said in a daze so my voice didn't come out clear but I'm sure they heard me.
"Daihaah..." My twin tried to walk towards but I stepped away from her.
"I SAID GET OUT!!!" I yelled as my vision blurry again for the nth time again.
This surely shut her, and all of them up. They all stood up and one by now all slipped out of the room leaving me all alone, again. I didn't know how long or how loudly I cried but by the time my body finally gave into exhaustion, only one thought was running in my head.
After everything that happened today.
I regained my memory and remembered how much I loved Muhsin.
Everyone kept it a secret from me.
My mother hid away the fact that she gave birth to twins.
I have a twin sister.
And she's married and pregnant.
To none other than the very Mubarak Muhsin Murad.
And there it is!
It feels so good to finally unravel the secret.
To all of you that thought Susu is big boss, you're wrong!
I swear I've been dropping hint that Muhsin is Susu since the very chapter I introduced Layla into the story.
And Lalya is Daihaah's twin sister!
Also, it's my crush's birthday. Or I meant, ex crush but still. For the sake of him, I'm dropping the chapter today😊❤😉.
Now, since I wrote a 10,000+ words chapter, I need 800 comments before I drop the next chapter. If I can write ten thousand words, you guys can give me eight hundred comments.
So if you want your next chapter, comment! And just to be precise, constructive criticism that's all I want.
I didn't want to say this but someone left a comment on the last chapter that really annoyed me. I know talking about this might seem like I'm being rude or snobbish but I need to talk about it either way.
This is MY book, so I don't need you to bring your cheap self and be telling me how I should make my book be. Just because it's called the 'COMMENT SECTION' doesn't mean you have the right to drop any sort of comment you like. I'm human so I have feelings. And my feelings will get hurt if you drop rude comments on how 'It's all about my book not me', and how you have the right to say whatever you want.
PLEASE! I'm begging now. Say something constructive or else hold your comment I don't want. You can't drop a rude comment and expect me to just welcome it open handed. It's not every day I make use of my home training.
And well, that's just it.
Good night.
Love, Jannah.
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