Chapter 42 👑
Khadijah Daihaah's POV.
As soon as I left Prince's office I head to mine wanting to rectify the issue at hand as soon as possible. I asked my secretary to get me a list of all the potential investors that have the most tendencies to pull out their investments first since Ya Aamir said I shouldn't worry about the stakeholders, he'll handle them. So that makes my work a lot easier.
Though some part of still thinks that he only said that so I don't have to meet way too many men since most of the stakeholders are men and there's no way he'll be comfortable with me meeting them. I know if he had a chance he'll stop me from meeting the investors too but I won't him. That will only mean that he's doing my work for me.
I already have one board member on my neck.
Once tractor head overhear this then I don't think I'll hear the end of it.
Not that I want Prince to do my job anyways.
So here I am, going through the list of investors. I decided to start from those that are closer and have most stock with us. That leaves me with two options. One is some Chinese man who is currently abroad so that leaves e with the other person. The person is Nigerian and is more of an anonymous person since he invests under a new firm.
I guess I'm meeting the Nigerian today.
This shouldn't be hard right.
Besides I've had my sectary check with his assistant and he agreed and set the meeting to take place today at 2pm. What intrigued me though was the location of the meet up. It was some orphanage which the person's business supports.
"Are you sure this is the location?" I asked my secretary raising my brow at her.
She nodded immediately, "Yes Ma'am. His assistant said that's the only time he is free and that's the only place he can meet you. Other than that he has plans for the next two weeks" she explained making me nod in understanding.
"Okay. You can go" I dismissed her handing over the other Chinese guy's folder to her. I need her to still try and contact him to know when he'll return. If it's not possible to meet him soon I don't mind having the meeting over video call. Saves me the time of being in the presence of some stranger for hours.
Once she is out of the office, I sighed and checked the time on my phone which reads 12:12pm. That leaves me with an hour and minutes to meet him. I have enough time to spare so I spent the mean time going through the investor's report and thought of ways to convince him.
Honestly the problem is a minor setback; I just needed to get him to see what I see.
Or more like get him to understand that.
I honestly hope this will be easy and that he's nothing like tractor head.
I don't want to deal with another mad person today. I've had my own fair share already.
And that was how time passed with me going through folders and setting up other meetings within the week. Some people just agreed to talk over the phone instead of meeting so I was more than grateful for that.
Once it's two thirty I left the office knowing that since the orphanage and the traffic and all, I might just get there on time and not be late. Just as I thought, traffic was bad and if it wasn't and enough I didn't know the place but thanks to development there's nothing we can't do.
I got there in second time with three minutes to spare. I found a place to park my car and got off. The orphanage is a lot bigger that I thought it was and the inside is indeed beautiful. A lot of children are playing in the backyard. You can feel the happiness radiating off them as they run around with huge smiles on their faces. Some of the little ones were playing by the side with toys.
"The sight is beautiful isn't it?" I turned to see a woman of the same height as me dressed in a blue top just like some of the adults here which they all paired up with black jeans. She had on a black turban cap on and a warm smile on her face as she kept her gaze on the happy kids.
I nodded with a smile of my own etched on my face, "It's heartwarming" I said turning to look at them before moving my gaze back to her as she does the same.
She stretched out her hand, "I'm Alisha. I'm in charge of the kids' welfare here" she introduced as if to remind me which is odd by the way.
I just internally shrugged the thought away; I must be confounding stuff now. "I am Khadijah Fareed" I said taking her hand in mine as we shook hands, "I'm here to meet with an investor in my company, he said to meet him here" I explained hoping she'll know what I'm talking about and if possible tell me where he is.
Her smile turned into a grin as a look of realization was over her features, "Of course, Mrs El Khabir. He's expecting you. This way please" she led the way and all I did was follow her to the other side of the play yard all the while I looked at where were going and occasionally looked at the kids play.
I've always loved watching kids play.
Something about them just makes me happy.
It's enticing to see innocent children playing around with no care and knowledge of how the world can be. They are too young to have any problems that adults have. And in their eyes everything is just rainbows and cotton candies. Sometimes it makes me want to be a child again just to be like them, just to be happy all the time.
These kids might be orphans but they seem to be having the best time of their lives.
Honestly, the sight is beautiful.
We stopped in front of a figure that has his back to us as he talked to some people in front of him. I wasn't nervous but now I am, a little bit though. I think I just forgot everything I want to tell himAlisha cleared her throat before speaking up, "Mr Murad, Mrs El Khabir is here" she informed and almost immediately my brows furrowed.
I know that last name.
He turned around cautiously before fully looking at us. He smiled in amusement when our gaze met, probably because I'm gaping like a lost fish. I'm sure my eyes are wide as saucers because God knows I'm awestruck.
He is the investor I am meeting.
Well this took a turn quicker than I expected.
"M.M Murad?" I asked to make sure even though I know that indeed it is him.
He chuckled, "It's Mr Murad now but yeah, my friends call me M.M Murad" he said a seriously but a second later a smile took over his features again, "Mrs El Khabir. It's nice to see you again"
I look around to see Alisha and the other people have left us all alone. I looked at him again before chuckling lightly, "I honestly can't believe it's you I'm meeting" I said but the instant I realized how it sounded, I tried to defend myself, "Not that it's impossible but I'm just surprised and obviously taken aback. No offense"
He shook his head; "None taken Mrs El Khabir" His smile is just like I remembered. It was oddly familiar though. Obviously it must've been because we've met a couple of times before. Yeah, that is definitely not it. "Let's talk inside shall we?"
I nodded as I let him lead the way inside the building away from the kids. Inside the building is painted in bright colors of varieties, the walls having lots of cartoon banners and posters. Everything in the place is child friendly.
No wonder the kids like it here.
There were some kids inside too watching TV, some painting in one of the rooms we passed, some writing, while some are just sleepily peacefully.
We stopped in front of a double door which M.M Murad opened. We both walked in what seemed like his office where. It was pretty big with one side of the wall covered with a large book shelf from the ceiling to the floor, same with the wall opposite it. The other wall had a huge window with white floor length curtain with were moderately drawn up to let rays of light into the room. There was a big mahogany table with a posh white chair in front of it. Amidst of the office is comparatively big glass table with a chair one each side of it, one facing the last wall with has a huge flat screen TV. Everything in the room is white except for the carpet which is auburn with specs of white in it.
The place is honestly beautiful.
Like really beautiful.
"Take a seat please" he said pointing to seats by the center table.
I smiled and muttered a 'thank you' as I take one of the seats and he took the one opposite mine.
"Oh and by the way, happy married life. I heard about it" he said, his smile not wavering one bit. If this was some other person then I'd been creeped out but not with him. It was honestly a familiar feeling, being with him that is.
And it has been what? A few months since we last met. Five months I think.
"Thank you" I said genuinely, "I didn't know you own an orphanage" I said what I was thinking. I just had to ask.
He shrugged, "It wasn't mine at the beginning. I know the owner, he is a close relative so when he passed away I took over for him" he explained as his eyes moved behind me to the shelf.
"And you now invest in El Khabir corp" It was a statement not a question and he obviously knew that.
He finally turned to look at me again, a smile dances on his lips as he shrug his shoulders a bit, "Well kind of. Prince and I both invested in Sayhan foundation. That is until he bought some of their assets involving those I invested in and become a major shareholder. And that's how I ended up being stuck with El Khabir corp" he elaborated and I found myself nodding in understanding.
That made sense.
"Well speaking of El Khabir corp. I hope you're not planning on pulling out your investments" I said seriously but I know he can see the plead in my eyes.
He's a major investor, there's no way I or anyone in El Khabir will want him to pull out.
He raised a brow at me, "I might..." he shrugged again and my heart jumped to my stomach. Figuratively though. Obviously.
I'm dead.
"But that doesn't mean I would" he added and believe me, I didn't know when a sigh of relief escaped my lips, this made him smile. "You see, El Khabir corp is good for business. Besides, Aamir might just have my head if I pull out my investment"
"You know him?" Of course he knows him, they work together. But that's the case. Only people like really close family call him 'Aamir'. Everyone else is just 'Prince'. So hearing him call Ya Aamir 'Aamir' is a bit....I don't know, like surprising.
"You can say that. He and I go way back. We have history" he simply answered as if that answers everything.
Here's the thing.
It doesn't.
It only arise more suspicions.
But I shouldn't think of such. After all I got what I wanted; he said he won't pull out his investment. That was a lot easier than expected, not that I'm complaining but still.
"Oh" was the only thing I could voice out at the moment, "So just to be clear, we don't have to worry about you pulling out your investment right?"
He nodded, "My loyalty lies with your company. You guys bring me money" he grinned. It was so contagious I found myself reciprocating it.
I checked the time on my phone and saw that fifteen minutes had passed already, "Well thank you for the assurance. I'll take my leave now" I said standing up.
He nodded, "Will you like a tour of the orphanage before you leave? I saw that you are fond of the kids already. I'm sure they'd love to meet you. They love meeting new people" he offered.
"I honestly don't think so. Aamir might just start to wonder what's taking so long" I said trying to come up with an excuse even though I know he wouldn't acre knowing that I'm in a meeting now. And it's not that I don't want to meet the children, I do. But there's something about M.M's company. I simply like it too much it scares me knowing that we'd only met twice under different circumstances that will not make us anything more than acquaintances
So yeah, in my own perspective I'm way too comfortable around him.
And I can swear the things he do is familiar.
Like way too familiar.
"It won't take long, seriously" he urged, "But if you don't want to then it's okay"
I sighed. I can't say no to meet them at all no matter how hard I try. So that's how I ended up meeting the children, a whole of them actually. Some of the kids are really talented, you should see the things they painted, and it's just mesmerizing. Most of the boys are outside playing either football or basketball, typical boys.
They have babies here too, but there are only three of them and believe me they are absolutely adorable. Two of them are asleep but the one that was awake wouldn't stop crying. One of the workers had been trying to pacify the baby but all was to no avail. Just as I thought of trying to take the baby, Mubarak beat me to it. And yes, he told me his name.
He walked ahead towards the woman and extends his arms and as she understood what he meant she put the baby in his arm. He cradled the baby whispering something in the baby's ears till the girl stopped crying.
The woman that had been trying to pacify the baby smiled seeing that the girl has finally shut up. She walked out but before she passed me she offered me a warm smile which I reciprocated.
Once she was out of sight, she let me alone with Mubarak who seemed to forget about my existence and is in another world with the baby.
"You know you'd make a great father" I said smiling at the sight. This finally got his attention as he raised his head snapping out of his trance only to shrug with a sly smile on his face.
"I've had a lot of training" he responded with a small grin on his face. "I had to"
I hummed with an amused smile on my face, "I can see" I gesticulated to his posture and everything. Obviously he did have a lot of training, he knew exactly what to do. "Your wife is lucky you know"
All trace of lark in his eyes disappeared and it was replaced with seriousness and yet he still managed to keep the smile on his face, "I know" he said as the little traces of lark came back.
I chuckled, "God! Egoistic much?" I said rolling my eyes to which he laughed.
"I couldn't help it" and we both laughed at that. We both know he was being cocky, but I can't really blame him. But one thing know, he knows a way to ruin the moment and the little compliment he got.
Once our laughter died down I sighed as I couldn't wipe the smile still lingering on my face. This is what I meant earlier, I enjoy his company way more than I should. I can't help it though; he made it too easy to be comfortable around him. "But I'm serious though. Your wife is lucky" I'm hoping he won't say anything to make me take back the compliment.
He raised a brow as his squint a bit, "Why would you say that?" his whole veneer isn't completely amused but with hint of seriousness. He might still have that smile on his face but you can trace from his tone that he is being serious.
This time it's my time to shrug, "How will she not be? You're just so down to earth, funny and care about a lot of people. Obviously everyone in this orphanage like you ranging from the children to the workers, heck even the babies like you..." I exclaimed pointing to the sleeping girl in his arms, this made us laugh again because she stirred awake a bit probably because of how loud I was. I pressed my palm on my lips to muffle my laughter while he pressed his lips tightly to muffle his. We kept quiet as he cradled her back to sleep again.
"So yeah, she's one lucky woman" I said lowly so I won't wake up the girl again.
This time he smiled a genuine one, not a mischievous one. You can clearly see the happiness in his eyes, "Yes she is" he said a little absent mindedly as he looks away for a second. When he finally looked at me again his features softened, "You're a good person too Daihaah"
My smile falters a bit, "How can you say that and how do you know my other name"
He pretended to think, "I can say that because I know you and two, how can I not know Mrs El Khabir's middle name" he chuckled, "Everyone knows the Mrs Khadijah Daihaah El Khabir" he was teasing me and he liked it.
I rolled my eyes, "Whatever. And by the way you don't know me"
"I do know you" he said seriously as the smile disappeared from his face.
I raised a brow, "How?"
"This is the third time we're meeting so obviously I know you..." he chuckled when he saw the glare I sent him.
"You're not serious wallahi" I hissed lightly as I chuckled along too.
"Yeah yeah. It's getting late; you should probably get going before your husband starts looking for you" he said placing the baby in her crib.
I checked the time and saw that it's a little past three already. I nodded as I made my way to the crib and looked at the baby. By Allah the little girl is so cute. I'm pretty sure she'll grow into a beautiful lady in the future. I kissed her forehead before Mubarak escorted me out. I bid the workers and the kids farewell whom made me promise to visit them some other time again. Obviously, I couldn't help but say yes. I'm pretty sure Aamir will love to come here with me some other time again.
All the way to my car, neither Mubarak nor I said a word. But we didn't need to say anything. The silence is peaceful and I couldn't stop thinking of my day with the children. They really know how to uplift a person's spirit.
Once in front of my car, I turned to Mubarak, "Thank you for everything Mubarak. El Khabir corp appreciate your support and I had a great time with the children"
He smiled, "It's nothing really. But do come back some other day, you should bring Aamir along too. I'm sure they'll love him just as much" he suggested making me nod.
"In shaa Allah. Thank you again"
"No worries. Goodbye Khadijah"
"Goodbye Mubarak" I turned around after offering him another smile and got into my car. I revved the car to life and drove out of the parking lot and to the office promising myself to come back here again some other day in shaa Allah.
When I left work again it was four already so I drove back home. Prince called me and informed that he'll be back after magrib and I didn't ask why. Once I got back home, I showered again and changed into a white top and a matching high waist skirt white I topped with a periwinkle kimono and a white veil and flats. I already told the maids not to cook so I didn't have to worry about that.
I head to the backyard and use the door joining our house and that of Adda Anee's preparing myself or her wrath. Ever since they got back to Abuja I've never visited her. It wasn't my fault though, I was busy.
I exchanged pleasantries with the workers I saw outside the house whom I've grown close to over the short time that I'd spent in her house.
Once I got into the house, I met her in the living room all dressed up in a polka dot jumpsuit and turban cap around her head which was pulled back. In front of her is a big jar of nutella and another one of pickles.
Can you believe that she is eating both together?
Her head snapped up in my direction and when she saw it was me she glared at me, "Oh Allah! Allah yayi! Daihaah finally remembers my existence!!!" she exclaimed to no one in particular
I cringed knowing that she's about to shower insults and all sorts of accusations on me. I swear this pregnancy is turning this woman into a mean witch. You know those kinds of witches from your village who only say bad things about you. Yeah, that's the type she turned into.
I walked towards her with a small smile on my face and mustering up my best apologetic look, "Adda Anee, I'm sorry wallahi—"
"My friend shut up! See please help me with waina from the kitchen. You'll see it in a warmer on the counter. Just get me six and then tell Luba to give you that chili pepper Mahira brought from me the other day" she cut me off looking away as she ordered me.
I nodded knowing that if I want peace then I'll do as she said. I went to the kitchen and got her waina and chili pepper just like she said and took it to her. Once I placed it in front of her, I went to sit next to her to apologize when she stopped me again.
"See bah, there's this coconut and lime juice in the fridge, get it for me" she said and I quietly did as she said. I got the carafe of coconut and lime juice along with a glass cup and brought it for her.
This time I didn't attempt to sit down, "Is there anything else you want?" I asked politely not wanting to set off the ticking bomb that is my sister.
She still didn't look at me as she stuffs her face with waina, "Yes. Go to Luba and tell her to give you the Brownie and muffins I asked to bake for me. I told her not to put icing on the cupcakes. I want you to do that now. Frost them for me"
I nodded and head to the kitchen again. I asked Luba for the brownies and the cupcakes. Afterwards I got everything I'll need to frost them and did chocolate frosting. Afterwards I set them all on a plate and took it to her only to meet her halfway done with the waina.
"Is that all or is there anything else you want?" I asked once I set the plate beside her.
She finally looked at me then sighed, "No that's all" she muttered making me nod before sitting next to her. I rested my head on her shoulder wrapping one of my arms around her shoulder.
"I'm sorry Adda. Wallahi I was busy with work and everything that is why" I apologized.
I heard her sigh again, "It's alright"
I raised my head from her shoulder immediately, "Really?"
She rolled her eyes with a smile on her face "Yeah really" she chuckled.
"Thanks Adda naa" I hugged her only to have her push me away.
"Biko move lemme eat my food" she said turning her attention back to her food.
I shook my head at her just in time to hear footsteps coming down the stairs. I raised my head and saw Hermano coming down the stairs.
"Hey Hermana, I knew I heard your voice" he said walking into the living room with a smile on his face.
I smiled back, "Wallahi it's your wife that has turned me into her maid just because I have been too busy to visit" I complained only to earn a smack on my shoulder. I muttered an 'ouch' only to turn and see Adda glaring at me.
"Qaniyarki da busy. See this girl, when you grew up? Jimin yarinya!" if looks could kill, I'll be six feet under.
"I'm sorry" I apologized just in time she raised her hand again to smack me.
She glared at me one more time before turning to her husband, "You kuma it's now that you heard Daihaah's voice you decided to show up koh? Wato kur matannnan ta dame ni that's why you hid in your room. Toh wallahi get up ma ni I want to eat awara and pizza" she said pushing away her plate of half eaten masa.
Hermano pouted a bit, "Haba Rouhi you know it's not like that, I had work to take care of from home that's why I had been upstairs since. I just concluded it"
"Did I ask you?" Adda asked raising a brow with a bored look on her face.
Hermano sighed again, "No" he replied solemnly and I had to bit my lip to stop myself from laughing at them.
These people will not kill me.
Adda pursed her lips forward, "Oh toh! Oya malam Umaru stand up and go get me what I asked for"
Hermano massaged his temples as he closed his eyes for a bit, "Babe I honestly don't know where to get Awara for you right now" he tried to reasoned but she was having none of it.
"Ohhh so you'll not buy it? Your baby wants to eat it and you're saying you'll not get it for the him ko? Shikenan!" she exclaimed reaching out to get her phone.
Hermano's brows furrowed, "What are you doing?" he asked seeing as she hastily unlocked her phone.
She looked up and glared at him, "What does it look like I'm doing kuwa? I'm calling Mami mana since I'm now disturbing you as if I'm the one who got myself pregnant!" she said quickly dialing on her phone.
Hermano instantly stood up, "Babe you don't need to do that. I'll go and get it for you now"
"Nooooo. I'm disturbing you right? It's alright. Lemme just call her"
"Babe I'm so sorry, please don't call her. I'll go and get it now" he pleaded and this finally got her to stop.
"Oya hurry up and go" she waved him off making him sighs again.
He turned around making his way to the door but not before saying something along the line of, "Pregnant women and their stupid hormones"
"What did you say?" Adda asked raising her phone again.
"I said I love you!" he yelled back.
Adda smiled and then laughed at his choice of words, "I love you too"
This two are endearing and funny wallahi.
Another update.
So team I MISS MUHSIN, haffa.
I like Muhsin ooo.
Aneesah and Faruk are so cuteee.
Okay bye.
Love, Jannah.
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