Chapter 41 👑
Ignore all typos please.
Khadijah Daihaah's POV
I went upstairs and changed into a pastel abayah which has its hem covered with sequins. I don't know why but I think pastel is now my favorite color. This time, I combed my hair properly before tying it into a tight bun, and lastly wrapping a moderately big veil into a hijab. I paired it up with a snow white bag and wedge heels. I applied little make makeup which consists of powder, lip balm and kohl.
When I made sure I have everything I'll need in my bag, I head downstairs where Ya Aamir was waiting for me all dressed up in a sapphire three-piece suit with the jacket and neck tie in his hands. "Help me with my tie please" he said when he saw me heading towards him.
I had the urge to raise a brow at him because I know very well he can tie his own tie but I shrugged the thought away and went to help him. Now thanks to my dearest wedge I'm not so short in front of him anymore and I think he noticed it too thanks to the slight smirk on my face. He just chuckled at me though. He mutters a 'thank you' once I'm done and together we made our way to the parking lot where he got into his car and I got into mine.
Since I know the way, I didn't wait for him today. Instead, I drove ahead of him and got there before him. The spot I parked yesterday was open again and so I parked there again. Today, I didn't meet Suhad waiting for me so I simply made my way to the elevator ignoring the not so discrete glances I kept getting. I wonder how I didn't notice them yesterday. Must've been because I was too wrapped up in my thoughts to even pay any heed to them.
A couple of hours later I found myself in a long boring ass meeting with grating board members. To make matters worse there's only two women here, me being the third. So apparently there's a problem and it's the PR team's fault. Can you believe these people? I've only started working yesterday yet they are blaming me for my team's incompetence? Clearly it was the former PRO's fault because he didn't manage them well. But did these people see that? No. One of them to be particular seemed to enjoy blaming me for everything.
Prince and Suhad were not here, they had something to attend so they'll be running late. Hermano is absent again today. Must've been because of Adda Anee, the woman can hardly let him rest with her demanding things anyhow. So, here I am stuck all alone with these idiots.
God help me.
"Mrs El Khabir— Oh my bad! Miss Fareed..." One of the board members and the only person that had been on my neck since the meeting started said intentionally, "Clearly you don't know how things around here are. You just started yesterday yet your team is causing us trouble already" the man who seemed to be in his early thirties said as he crossed his legs. From his posture and the way he talks you can tell he's one of those egoistic people. Somehow I think he is convinced that I got the job not because I can handle it but because I have my husband wrapped around my fingers.
That's just crazy, really!
I sighed counting one to three in my head before talking otherwise I'll vent my frustration on this man. He has been spewing nonsense since, "Like you said, I started yesterday so I didn't know what is happening. If you can give me a week I can rectify the issue..."
"No..." he cut me again and I had to bit the inside of my cheek not to lash out on him, "You see Miss Fareed that just proves that you don't know how this works. Yesterday, you're suppose to search any loop holes in your team and fix it before anything else"
"I will do that but I need time..."
"You see I don't even get how the CEO can hire such a young person to manage a department as big as that of the PR's. Obviously he should have let his little wife at home. You women should not even be at work" he said with a smirk on his face ignoring the way the two other women and I send him a deathly a glare.
I seriously hate men like him.
"Instead of throwing accusations at Miss Fareed why don't we do what we're actually here for? We need to think of a way to handle this problem, we're losing money the very minute we are talking now" One of the two women said. Her blonde hair tied in a curly bun with a strand falling out. She had a thick Irish accent as she spoke.
Thank you.
At least I'm glad that one person has sense here.
"Women are suppose to stay at home and cook for their husbands not at work which they clearly can't do" the man with head like tractor said ignoring her. This made the two other women protest but he just ignored them. How can people as dumb as him be part of the board members please? "Tell me? Did you even graduate from school?"
"That is enough!" An older man who's hair has a bit of grey ones said glaring at the other man who looked away. "We're not here for childish fights. Ever since when did the boardroom turn into an arena for spewing nonsense?" he asked glaring at the man with head like tractor who pretended as if no one is talking to him. The other board members start mumbling words amongst themselves in agreement with what the old man said. They too were annoyed by how unprofessional he is being.
"Miss Fareed if you may please inform us if you have a way to tackle this issue" the man said benignly as he now turned his attention to me. Honestly I'm more than glad that one person gets to shut that man up.
I sighed in relief, "Well obviously the news about what's happening has broke out so the stakeholders will start to doubt us and our potentials despite the fact that we have been with them for years. Some investors might try to pull out their investments too. So I think I'll have to meet with the stakeholders first, then the investors and convince them that this is a minor setback. I'll meet with a few people from the media too since they keep spreading the news in business world" I explained moving gaze from the old man to the other members, "That way we can fix the problem head on and tackle it before it causes more damage" I waited for them to say something. Some nodded while some just kept quiet and thought about it.
"That's a good idea. In the mean time Mrs Donovan I want your team to come up with something that'll get our sales right back up in the chart"
And of course he just had to show up now.
I mentally rolled my eyes as he and Suhad walked in and took their respective seats.
Like the lizards they are, the board members just nodded their heads in agreement as the blonde wrote something down.
Prince crossed his legs as he sat on his seat and turned his gaze to the guy with head like tractor, "Do you have something to say on this Mr Sameer?" he asked in a calm tone so much that it kind of surprised me. I thought maybe he'll be all cold towards the guy but he's acting all calm.
This is a first.
The guy with head like tractor just glanced at me, or more like glared, "I still don't think it's a good idea. How do we know that the investors will listen to her?" he asked not taking his eyes off me and believe me it took everything in me not to glare back.
"They will listen because I am the PRO" I answered back.
"You keep singing that you're the PRO yet you haven't done anything to prove it. If anything, since your arrival we have lost a lot of money because you can't do your job right"
"Yeah well maybe—"
"That's enough!" Prince cut us off but that wasn't enough to break us part from the stare off. Eventually I rolled my eyes and looked away not wanting to keep looking at him.
I just don't get the man.
What's his problem?
"Mr Sameer if you don't have any suggestion on how to tackle the issue then we'll go with her plan" Prince stated his calm demeanor not wavering one bit.
Tractor head guy only adjusted his sitting position placing his hand on the table finally taking his eyes off me and to Prince, "I do have a plan and I involves you hiring someone who actually knows what to do and how do their jobs right"
"What are you trying to say?" I couldn't help but ask. I knew what he was insinuating but I wanted to see if he has the guts to say it.
He swiveled his head and look at me, "I mean he should fire you"
I huffed in disbelief then snickered.
I'm stuck with mad people.
Mad people I tell you.
"Anyone in favor of Mr Sameer's proposition?" Prince asked looking at the others.
No one attempted to support him.
And this only angered tractor head more.
"Then it's settled. We'll do as she said"
Tractor head shook his head glaring at the other board members, "What is wrong with you people? How can you choose this girl over what I suggested?" he almost yelled.
Keyword, yelled.
And like I said before, I'm stuck with a mad person.
"You should really learn to keep your mouth shut sometimes" I rolled my eyes leaning back on my seat.
"You're all dismissed" Prince said ending the meeting but no one stood up.
Somehow the smirk on my face must've angered tractor head more because if looks could kill I'll be six feet under right now, "Shut it!"
"Mr Sameer I have tried being nice but today you just seemed to like testing my patience. Now, one more word you say to my wife which doesn't sit right with me and that'll be the end of your job here" Come hell or high water Prince still managed to stay calm but his eyes were narrowed at tractor head.
And I'm not even complaining that broke one of our agreements because I honestly don't care anymore.
"You can't be serious right now" he said in disbelief.
"Try me and see" Prince said in a tone void of any emotion staring right back at tractor head till he eventually looked away. Prince stood up seeing that none of us planned on leaving any time soon.
I honestly didn't know when he walked to me because tractor head and I are having another stare off, "Baby let's go"
Excuse me.
Ba— what?!
In front of everyone here?!
He didn't give me time to gather my thought or think much about this because he grabbed my hand and dragged me out ignoring the stares. I know he didn't care but I do. Thank melanin otherwise I'll be red right now out of embarrassment, partially.
Since the boardroom is in the 25th floor, it didn't take long before we were in the confines of his office. I didn't get the chance to complain or say anything because the next thing I know is that I was in his embrace with the familiar cologne filling up my olfactory lobes.
"I thought we agreed no PDA at work?" I asked but it came out muffled.
He placed his head on mine, "And I thought you know me too well to know that I'll not follow any of that agreement" he answered making me smile.
Of course he wouldn't.
"Why did you do that?"
"I had to stop you before you kill one of my board members" he said his tone laced with humor and if I didn't know any better then I'd say he was serious.
He wasn't.
The man was seriously laughing at my expense.
"That man is annoying with his head like tractor" I mumbled trying to defend myself because I was slightly upset that he is laughing at me but of course it only made him laugh harder.
"You already gave him a name" It wasn't a question, it was a statement; one which we both knew the answer to because it was simply that obvious.
I pulled out of the embrace slightly narrowing my eyes at him as I made my way to the couch leaving him there to laugh his heart out. I can't believe he found this amusing.
"The man was seriously testing my patience!" I said rolling my eyes at the thought.
"He and the old PRO were close friends so I guess he's just angry that I had his friend replaced" he said as if that will justify the man's action.
It didn't.
So what if his friend was fired? It wasn't my fault.
On second thoughts it might be but still.
It still didn't justify his actions.
Prince after calming down walked to couch and sat next to me taking one of my hands in his and started playing with my fingers, "Just don't let him get to you" he said a bit seriously and though there's a smile on his face I knew he was indeed being serious so I just nodded.
I moved closer to him and rested my head on his shoulder as silence fell upon us. It was calm and holding no tension whatsoever. And honestly I liked the silence. But I knew we can't keep ignoring last night as if it didn't happen. We need to talk about it sooner or later.
"You know it's not your fault right?" I said and almost immediately I felt his body tense. I knew he understood what I meant and so it made this a little bit easier.
"Khadijah not now please..."
"No we have to talk about it. We can't keep ignoring it you know" I said sternly knowing if I don't he'll find away to change the topic.
"It is my fault. Had only I listened to her none of this would've happened" his voice was low and I knew he is beating himself for everything.
"Yes, you didn't listen to Hannah but it was qadr. Besides you know Allah does not burden a soul with more than it can bear. You might've lost your daughter but that is just how Allah willed it to be. He gave her to you and He took back what he gave you. Instead you should be grateful that you had a chance of having a daughter. Look at the brighter side, life isn't over. You have your family with you, each and every one of them. You see maybe Allah didn't will for you and Hannah to be together forever, this might just be for the best"
He kept quiet for a minute and just as I thought he wouldn't talk, fingers lift my chin up making me look at him. He had that passive look on his face that I couldn't tell what he was thinking but he just kept staring at me as if he's a puzzle that's trying to find the pieces, "What did I do to deserve someone like you in my life Khadijah?" he asked softly almost too inaudible but I heard him. "What will I do for you to forgive me for everything?" he asked and I didn't think twice before answering him.
"Forgive your mother. Aamir no matter what she is still your mother and your paradise lay at her feet. How do you expect me to forgive you when you can't even forgive your own mother? Listen to her, I'm sure she has her reasons" I said hoping that he'll listen to me. I'm serious this time; I'm willing to put everything in the past as long as he will too.
He nodded, "For you, I promise I will"
My eyes widened at their own accord, I was taken aback. I didn't expect him to agree that easily, "You will?" I knew my voice showed held disbelief but I couldn't help it.
This made him crack a small smile, "Daihaah I've always been a selfish person and I've seen the consequence of my stubbornness. I don't want to lose someone that I care deeply about again. And so to answer your question, yes I will"
Prince didn't need to knock; he just opened the door to his home and walked in. He didn't ask anyone but somehow he knew that Qamrah will be here. She has always hated staying in Katsina with that much people. Most of them don't like her and they didn't bother to hide it. They always favored Anty Rabi more. And now after disappearing for years only to return now, they were bound to talk about her anyhow. Not that it matters much to her; she can handle anything they throw at her but still.
This is hard for him but he promised Daihaah he'll set things straight and he'll not back down on his words. So immediately Daihaah left his office, he picked up his car keys, his coat and head out to the place he once called his home.
He met Samhah in the living room watching Allah knows what. Immediately she saw him, a big smile took over her features as she got up from the couch and ran to him engulfing him in a hug. Prince chuckled, he knows she'll never grow up. But he's not complaining, he wants his little sister to stay little forever if that was possible.
"Yayana, Kaman kasan I was thinking of you wallahi" she said cheekily and Aamir couldn't help but chuckle. Amongst his siblings, she had always been the one that that loved speaking in Hausa all the time.
"What do you want?" he raised a brow knowing that she wants something.
She battled her lashes, "Yaya you see wallahi I want to go shopping with Adda Anee, can I borrow your card please?" she asked and if possible she grinned wider.
Prince shook his head putting his hand in his pocket bringing out his card and handing it to her, "Don't make me go bankrupt please?" he asked seriously knowing that giving this girl his card is like shoving drill down his pocket.
If possible she grinned wider shrugging her shoulders, "No promises. Love you Yaya" she hugged his once again before skipping up the stairs to her room.
Aamir just shook his head at her behavior. Seeing that Qamrah is nowhere in sight he knew she must be in the kitchen and true to his words when he went to the kitchen he saw her there baking somewhere as her hands were covered in flour as she was kneading dough.
Some things just never change.
If he was being honest then he honestly didn't know what to tell her. He just came here and now that he's looking at her he was out of words. How will he start apologizing? What will he say to justify his actions?
Qamrah who was unaware of his presence just turned and was startled to see her son standing by the door staring at her, his face void of any emotions. Her eyes were wide as her mouth was slightly opened, "Tafalay alsaghir" she breathed as she started walking to where he was. She didn't stop till she was in front of him. She cautiously reached out his hand which she wiped earlier to touch his face as if not believing that it's really him. She smiled widely as her yes tear up a bit seeing that it is hi indeed, "It's really you" she whispered now placing both palms on his face.
"I'm sorry" was the only word Prince could utter at the moment. He didn't know what else to say. "I'm sorry for everything" he muttered but he knew she heard him.
Qamrah chuckled as she blinked back her tears and before Prince could comprehend what was going on she engulfed him in a tight hug as if scared that if she hugged him any less he'll disappear.
Prince hesitated as he was taken back. He thought that she wouldn't acknowledge him even but engulfing him in a hug just left him speechless so he did the only logical thing he can at the moment and that is to hug her back.
To say that Qamrah was happy will be an understatement. She was beyond happy that he is here with her. She never thought that he'll ever forgive her or at least apologize, "Don't apologize tafalay alsaghir. I'm sorry for leaving you. Wallahi kan ladaya 'asbabi; Wallahi I had my reasons. You know I love you right?" she said and though he was taller than her he heard her.
He shook his head, "Ana aa'elm. Ahbak mamy. Ana asif ealaa kli shay;I know. I love you Mami. I'm sorry for everything. Wallahi I am. I just, I have been through so much that I thought I'll feel better if I blame you for everything since you left. lm atawaqaf ean habik abdana , lays limarat wahida; I've never stopped loving you, not for once. I was just so scared to open up again only for you to leave again" his body shook and immediately Qamrah knew what was happening before she could see his face.
She pulled back and her heart broke seeing the tears in his eyes. To most he might be cold and emotionless but she knew her son. Deep down he is a big softie and a cry baby especially when it involves her.
She held his face in her petite hands; her brows furrow together, something she does whenever she was being serious, "Anzur ily. Uedik bidhaka ; ln atrikak maratan ukhraa; Look at me. I promise you this; I'm never leaving you again. I'll be here till the day I die" she said genuinely.
All Prince could do was nod. He believed her. He believes every word she said.
Soon enough they ended up in her room with his head on her laps as she runs her finger through his soft coils as they sat in silence. If it was before then the silence would've been accompanied with tension as thick as a blanket but not anymore. They loved the silence.
To Qamrah she enjoyed reconciling with her son and to her this was more important than everything. Because of this, she was determined to do everything she can to protect Daihaah even if it meant putting her own life on the line, after all she promised to protect her and treat her as her own daughter 21 years ago. Prince however loved the silence; it felt like he regained a big part of his life which was true by the way. But he felt like he needed to tell her about everything that happened to him. Ever since he was a child, he never his anything from her and he was determined to do again. So, he mentally prepared to tell her about everything that he had only told his wife.
"Mami..." It felt so foreign to say those words after so many years, "I need to tell you something" he breathed in deeply as he waited for her answer.
She didn't stop playing with his coils, "What is it tafalay alsaghir?" she asked softly.
"I need to tell you everything that happened while you were gone" he admitted making her smile faintly though he can't see her.
"Ana balfel aerif kula shay balfeli; I already know everything already" she said much to his astonishment.
"Yes. Everything"
"Kayf?; How?"
She shrugged pushing her hips forward a bit as she smiled, "I have my ways"
He just sighed because if he was being honest then he was happy that he doesn't have to relive that again.
"Aamir?" Qamrah started again making him hum in response. "I'm sorry I wasn't here for you and your daughter. Just know that Noor is in a better place in shaa Allah"
"You don't have to apologize again Mami. By Allah I have forgive you" he answered earnestly meaning every word he said. He just fulfilled the promise he made to Daihaah and he was happy about it and thankful to her for making him do this.
"You want to know why I left don't you?" she suddenly asked out of the blue.
Prince set his lips in a tight line and thought about it, "As long as you are ready to tell me. It doesn't have to be now"
Qamrah nodded, "When the time comes. I promise you'll know everything" she said knowing that this will all soon come to an end the there will no longer be any secrets left to hide and no one has to be hurt again.
"Ok Mami"
They kept quiet again as the place became eerily quiet. There was one question in Qamrah's head though. She knew the answer but she wanted to hear it from Aamir himself so she asked him.
"Aamir, tuhibu Khadijataan ;Aamir do you love Khadijah?"
Aamir smiled as he thought of her, "By Allah I love her more than anything"
Toh fa, Allah yayi Aamir anyi hankali.
Qamrah and Aamir, Godddd.
So their today is our tomorrow after all.
Daihaah and tractor head..
Those telling me that I'll come for their janaiza if I updte next month wallahi kunga ba ruwana. I don't know up and I don't know down.
Comment lemme see what you're all thinking of.
Love, Jannah.
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