Chapter 40 👑
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They just stood there staring at each other none knowing what to say. Well, more like Aamir not knowing what to say while Daihaah's thinking of what to do. After all she just saw the little exchange between the duos even though she didn't really hear what they said. Even with the evidence and everything deep down somewhere she was hoping that it isn't true.
Unfortunately for her, everything is true.
And when Prince snapped back into a reality and realized the pain she's in, he stepped forth towards her and attempted to hold her hand only for her to snatch it away. This made him sadder than he was earlier and maybe it did make him feel remorseful for hiding it from her, "Daihaah please just..." he started only for her to cut him off with a sigh.
She was beyond tired of this back and forth relationship they have. Right now she's just tired! She knows she should be angry with him, she should be crying, she should feel the pain and everything but it was just not there. She felt nothing! Numb, is the only word to explain how she's feeling right now, "Aamir just stay away from me. We'll talk when we get home. Just not here" she said her tone void of any emotion and that just scare him more.
That word assured him that it is not the end. If she still considers their house a home then she isn't planning on leaving him.
That's a good start for them.
He was hoping she'll shout at him, say whatever she wants to get everything off her chest but she just bottle it up. God knows that's the highest level of anger when it comes to Daihaah, "Daihaah just let me explain, please" he pleaded trying to get close to her gain but she just stepped away from him.
"Aamir please! If somewhere deep down inside of you, you care about me then please just leave me alone for now. I want space, I need space right now" her eyes were on him the entire time, except that while his display guilt, hers display nothing! Not even a single emotion.
Prince sighed and nodded, stepping away as she made her way pass him and to where her car is. She meant what she said, she wanted space and right now that's all he can do for her.
If he was being honest with himself then he too really needed space. He needed time to think over what just happened and what to tell Daihaah. He really hopes she won't blame him too just like Hannah did. He's lived with so much guilt already. He sighed once again before making his way to his car.
Daihaah tried not to let herself think of anything as she made her way back to their house which turned out to be successful. And once she was in the confines of their home, she packed up all her necessary essential and moved to the room opposite theirs. She needed to get her thoughts together before she'll be ready to face him.
Maybe if she wasn't so robot-like at the moment she would've taken a moment to admire the room's beauty but it was the least of her concern at the moment. So, she did the only thing she could right then. She performed wuduh, said her asr prayer, prayed to Allah to see her though everything's she's going through in her life. Once she was done, she folded the prayer mat and her hijab before getting under the covers and closed her eyes willing for sleep to come.
It didn't take long for her to give into the darkness that consumed her whole being.
After all, it has always been her escape from this world and everything it throws at her.
Khadijah Daihaah's POV.
When I woke up it was a quarter to 7pm. Quickly, I jumped off the bed and into the en suite to perform ablution and say my Maghrib prayers. Once I did that, I changed out of the abayah I had put on since morning and into an oversized crimson with white stripes turtleneck tee with white pants and lastly a black veil which I carelessly tie into a head tie. I wasn't really in the mood for dressing up or anything.
The events of what happened earlier is still very much in my head as I make my way downstairs but I don't let myself indulge in it too much. What I did let myself over think about is Hannah's last words before she walked out. She said;
If you are shaken up because of this secret then I don't know how you'll handle the rest. It's really drolly how you think you know everything. If I were you, I'd keep an open mind that there's a lot more to come. Believe it or not, the El Khabirs are your last resort.
And that was it. However it only raised my suspicions but in a way helped me think of the thing I'll do know. I've already made my decision.
Once I reached the kitchen I was met with the sight of Prince sitting on one of the stools by the kitchen island. As always, all his attention was on his phone and I really couldn't see his facial expression from here so I don't know what look he's sporting. In front of him is a mug probably filled with coffee. Though it's late in my opinion to take coffee, he never cared.
I made my way quietly inside, pass him and to the refrigerator where I pulled out a flagon of orange juice. I was hoping the maid didn't cook anything. Today I just want to eat homely traditional Tuwo da miyen kubewa. The last time I ate that was when we were in Katsina and even then was thrice I think. I knew we had all the ingredients to make it and I didn't care if it'll take time. I need something that'll take my mind of everything and this might just be it.
As if knowing what's in my mind, Prince decided to speak up, "Aneesah already sent food for us" he said pointing to the food warmers I didn't notice were there before.
I only nodded and made my way to where the warmers are not really spending a second to look at his face. The first warmer is filled up with Chinese noodles; the second one is that of creamy jollof rice, and lastly another one of grilled fish. At the sight of the grilled fish I was already salivating. I've always loved fish for as long as I can remember, I love it more than meat.
I placed the lids back and walked to the cupboard to bring out two plates and other utensils. From the way that the food looked untouched I knew that he didn't eat. So one plate for me and one for him. I might be fuming mad at the mad but that doesn't mean I want him to starve to death. And yes, I know he has hands. I guess I've just been so used to it that it feels weird not to.
I didn't feel like eating in the dining, after all the two of us already have the habit of eating on the counter sometimes. I don't know you might call that a bad habit but we really don't care. I served him, then myself before pulling out a stool opposite him and we both ate in silence. The tension was thick in the air and we both were aware of it.
As expected, once we were done eating, he was the one to break the silence, "Do you want to talk about it now?" he asked a bit cautiously just in case I might throw daggers at him like how I would've done before but we're pass that level now. I simply nodded quietly picking up our dirty dishes. I decided to wash it first because I hate leaving dirty dishes like that, and I'm sure the maids have left already. Even if they were here, I wouldn't have left it for them. Ummi thought me better.
What I wasn't expecting however was him to come and help me with it. I wasn't complaining though, I'm not talking to him till he explains everything. So, I let him help me wash the dishes and afterwards we head to the living room where we'll talk.
I took the couch opposite him just like I did back in the kitchen. Normally, I know he would've complained about it but today he kept his mouth shut. However he didn't waste another second before he started talking. "I'm sorry" he started, "I'm sorry for not telling you about Hannah and I" he waited for me to say something. His eyes were fixated on my face and I'm sure he was trying to see what I was thinking. Unfortunately for him, he can't. Because I made sure my face didn't give a hint of anything. It wasn't that hard, it was exactly how I was feeling since.
Simply numb.
Then again he was waiting for my answer so I cleared my throat lowly, "Why didn't tell me?" I made sure my voice was monotonous.
He didn't hesitate to answer, "Because I didn't feel like it's something you need to know. Honestly I don't see why you cared that much about it"
Oh wow.
I knew he was blunt—always straight forth when it comes to saying what's on his mind but I didn't think he'll be this inconsiderate.
Ladies and gentlemen what a great way for him to start apologizing.
Apology of the year!
I couldn't help but snicker and roll my eyes. I really don't know what I was expecting from him anyway, "You didn't feel like I needed to know?" it was more of a statement than a question just to confirm what he said.
He closed his eyes and sighed, "Khadijah that was my past. It meant so much to me that I never told my own brother about it, I didn't tell my father or my sisters. And they are the people that I know will never judge me or leave me unlike you!" he stated not minding how harsh he sounded and I mentally flinched.
I was confused at first.
But as I watched his expression realization dawned on me.
My phone...
He saw it.
And as if to confirm my thought he voiced them out, "Yes. I saw the calendar on your phone when I was transferring your stuff. Any thoughts I might've had about telling you disappeared into thin air when I saw the calendar. All this while, I thought we were moving in our relationship but no! You are still counting your precious time until you leave me! I should've known. Now tell me how do you expect me to tell you about something that important to me when I know you are going to leave me in just a couple of months?" his gaze was that passive one of his but there was anger in his eyes.
This took the wrong turn earlier than I expected.
The tables turned.
Now I'm the one feeling guilty because I know he's right.
I had no right to be angry at him for not telling him when I was indeed planning on leaving him. Heck I am still adamant on it. Slowly the anger I had bottled up deep within starts to vanish slowly turning to guilt.
Prince didn't mean to come out and talk to her like that knowing that she's hurt but he couldn't help it. When he saw it on her phone the day they were to travel to Dubai he was fuming mad but he calmed himself down as he tried to understand her situation and keep an open mind. He hoped that after their little nirvana she learn that she can live him and she'll throw all her silly thoughts out the window of their plane but she didn't.
He didn't care what she thought, there's no way he's letting go of her. After all she cannot leave him without divorcing her and by Allah that's something he'll never do.
She's stuck with him for better or for worse.
None of them spoke afterwards. Prince wanted to apologize for speaking to her harshly while she wanted to apologize for blaming him when she too was guilty.
What Prince wasn't sorry for not telling her about his past. After thinking through it and remembering everything that happened he didn't feel so guilty towards her anymore.
Minutes passed with each of them lost in their thoughts. If this was before then they'll probably just avoid each other till Allah knows when but this time both parties were determined on talking this through like the adults they were.
"What happened?" Daihaah finally broke this silence this time as she turned to stare at him, her voice softer and this time have emotions in it.
Prince who had his head turned and staring at the TV that was turned off didn't need to ask her to explain because he knew what she was talking about. He sighed and closed his eyes as his eyes displayed the events of that night vividly like it hunts him every night. He inhaled before speaking up.
Prince who just came back from work walked into his home. From where he was he could faintly hear the chattering of his excited daughter talking to her mother about something. The girl's enthusiasm never failed to surprise him each and every day. Though that very day he had been grumpy since morning the girl's voice lifted his spirits up and got his thoughts away from wandering.
"DADDY!!!" The little five year old squealed as she saw her father who was now standing by the door of the kitchen. She jumped off the counter ignoring her mother who was yelling at the girl to be careful but she didn't mind. She ran to her dad who crouched down to her level and engulfed him in a bear hug.
"I miss you daddy" she said into his shoulder making him chuckle.
He pulled back and kissed the girl's forehead, "I miss you more princess"
She giggled and attempted to raise her brow just like how her father always does but failed miserably making them both t chuckle, "Daddy did you buy me chocolate? Mammy wouldn't give me any" she pouted ignoring the fact that her mother was there.
Prince looked up at Hannah who was playfully glaring at the little girl with her hands akimbo and chuckled, "I bought it" he whispered making the girl squeal, "But first you need to change" he said seeing that the girl is still her school uniform. Her mother probably just picked her up from school.
The girl nodded eagerly before running to her room to change. For most children her age they need help to dress up but the girl insists that she is a big girl and that she can dress up. Obviously that always ended up with her getting help from either of her parents but still.
Prince shook his head and stood up straight removing his tie and shrugging off his jacket. Hannah who was standing in front of the cooker turned it off as she was done cooking and walked to her husband to help him with his briefcase. "You're spoiling that girl too much. Noor now doesn't acre whether I stop her from taking junk because she knows you'll get her some" she said as the two of them made their way to the living room.
Prince shrugged with a sly smile on his face as he sat on one of the couches while Hannah sat down next to him with her head on his shoulder and his arms around her, "She's my daughter. I can't help it" And that was just the truth. The little girl is the typical example of daddy's girl. She has her dad wrapped around her tiny fingers and can get him to do anything for her with just putting up a few charades here and there. Hannah only hummed in response.
"So, how are you?" she asked. If this was around people then they'll take it to be a regular question but the two of them knew what she meant.
His face instantly turned cold, "I'm ok" he simply answered.
"Did you talk to Afnaan?"
He nodded, "Yes. She's still gloomy that I'm not attending yet another one of her birthdays"
"Can you blame her? You've never attended any of them" She raised her head from his shoulder just in time he turned to look at her, or more like glared.
"Hannah drop it. You know what this day means to me" It's Afnaan's 11th birthday marking exactly eleven years since his mother left them with no contact whatsoever. Every year on this very day he tends to be gloomy all day and that year was no better.
"Aamir so what if it's the day that your mother left? You have to get over that" she tried to reason but him being the stubborn person he is didn't listen. He never did.
He was never the one to listen to what others say to him.
It was a miracle that he even listened to his therapist.
"Hannah I don't want to talk about it so just drop it" he said now as his anger resurfacing. That managed to shut her up just in time to hear their daughter calling them for help.
Prince immediately stood up and went to help her just to get away from Hannah who sighed and stood up to answer her phone that has been ringing since.
Once Prince and Noor came out of the girl's room with her in his arms giggling at something he said, he saw Hannah coming out of their room putting on her coat with her bag in her hand. He raised a brow at her making her smile apologetically, "I have to go to the hospital, there's an emergency" she said making him nod.
She walked to where they are and took the Noor in her arms placing a kiss on the girl's forehead, before pulling back to place the back of her palms on the girl's forehead. Her brows furrow, "Noorie you're burning up again. Did you take your medicine today?" she asked while the girl nodded informing her that her teacher had her take in school. Hannah nodded but that still didn't stop her from worrying. Another thing that upset Prince more is knowing that their Noor was sick, like seriously sick. If not for his stubbornness and hate for hospital the girl is supposed to be admitted in the hospital right now but he wouldn't' let it. At first she was getting better but nowadays she was getting sicker slowly again. "Well eat your food with daddy then take them okay again baby?" she asked while the girl nodded again with a smile on her face that was so contagious Hannah had to smile too.
Other than Prince if there was anyone she loved the most is her daughter Noor. The girl was an exact replica of her dad, just that she's the girl version. The girl had nothing in common with her mother when it comes to physical appearance.
Hannah placed the girl back down on her feet and held Prince's hand dragging him to the kitchen away from the girl, "Aamir please don't take her out. She's burning up again" she pleaded, her brows furrowing.
Prince sighed using his fingers to smoothen the crease on her forehead. He smiled at her, "I won't"
"Aamir I know how you are. Wallahi I'm serious just don't listen to any of her pleas" she said seriously knowing how stubborn he is. She knew very well how sick the girl is, and that time of the year the weather is dead drop cold. It won't be good for her.
Prince sighed, "Sweetheart, your lack of trust in me is insulting" he said feigning sadness.
She rolled her eyes, "That's because I know the man I married" she stated as a matter of fact, "Just promise me. You don't even have to promise, I'm serious Aamir. Don't take her out"
Now he was the one considering rolling his eyes at her but decided against it, "I won't okay. Just go or you'll be late"
Hannah sighed, she leaned up and pecked his lips which he reciprocated with a proper kiss, "I'm leaving now. Bye" she waved at him as she made her way to the door only stopping by the door to kiss Noor goodbye.
Once she left, Prince and Noor ate and then decided to watch movies in the living room. And that was how he was forced to watched Cindrella for the hundredth time but he didn't mind because he was with his daughter.
"Daddy..."Noor started as she looked at her dad with a sweet smile on her face but there was still a hint of mischievousness in her eyes.
Prince shook his head knowing she was up to something, "What is it princess?"
Noor battled her eye lashes cutely, "Can I have ice cream please?"
He contemplated but didn't see anything wrong with it, "Sure" A little ice cream won't hurt, "I think we have some left from which your mammy made" he said making her shake her head.
"No daddy let's go and get it from the ice cream place near starbucks"
"Princess we can't go out. We have ice cream at home so we'll just have that okay? I'll go and get you that ice cream after mommy returns"
Noor's smile fell and almost immediately he yes well up, "No daddy. I want their ice cream now pleaseeeee" she pouted.
Prince shook his head trying to pacify his now crying daughter, "Not now princess. I promise I'll get you that later. I will buy you whatever flavor you like " he tried to compromise but she was having none of it. And that was when the waterworks began. The little girl kept crying till her father finally caves in. They made a promise that it'll stay between the two of them and none of them will tell her mother that he took her out. Besides, they will be quick.
Prince helped Noor into a coat that will keep her warm throughout. Her hands wrapped around her teddy bear which she takes everywhere she wants to go. He helped her slip into her pink boot and finally a matching beanie and with that they head out. By the time they left the house it was night time already but they didn't care. Plus, it wasn't that cold anymore. However, New York city was bustling with cars moving about up and down.
He drove to the ice cream place she keeps talking about and the two of them made their way together to the ice cream stand. There wasn't much people around the place and there was little to no car movement so much to Prince's content they will get this over and done with. Noor told him all the flavor she wants while he nodded telling the man their order.
Noor zoned out the moment her dad starts informing the man what they want. Instead she was more engrossed with the snow flkes that were falling. She had always been enthralled by them ever since she first watched frozen. Unconsciously she followed the flakes not minding where she was going. She was trying so hard to catch one. Plus, she enjoyed playing in it.
Once she finally got one, she squealed, "DADDY! SEE I GOT A SNOWFLAKE!" she yelled happily making her father to turn.
Prince who didn't know she left his side was more than surprised to see her in the middle of the road giggling. The sound of a car honk registered in his brain but before he could form coherent sentence and ran to his daughter I was too late.
Everything kind of happened bit too slowly in his view. One second his daughter was smiling at him, the next she was up in the air and the next on the floor unconsciously with blood pooling where she was.
From then, that was when everything happened in a blink of an eye. From him getting her in the car, to driving to the nearest hospital to having her undergo surgery at the very moment. So much scenarios played in his head that he could barely think straight. If he was bing honest then he didn't know when he called Hannah or what she told him.
The day was already bad enough and now this.
By the time the doctor came out, Prince who had been pacing nervously in the hallway with bloodshot eyes was quick to approach him and bombard him with questions. However the doctor's words were what shattered him completely, "I'm sorry Sir. We couldn't save her. It was too late"
The moment the words left the doctor's lips an ear piercing scream came from behind them. Prince was almost too slow in his movements when he turned and saw Hannah on her knees with tears just streaming down her face mumbling the word "No" over and over again.
He didn't know what to do but rather he walked to her and engulfed her in a hug trying to pacify her even though he too is having a hard time with his heart and everything going on.
What he didn't expect however was to be pushed away from her and a resounding slap following it right after. He didn't say anything, he knew he deserved it. He tried to hold her and apologize but that too was followed by another slap.
"GET AWAY FROM ME!!" She yelled glaring at him as her tears still haven't stop.
"Hannah I'm sorry" his words were barely above a whisper but that only infuriated her more.
He couldn't say anything; no matter how hard he tried he knew she was right.
If only he listened to her.
If only he didn't give in to his daughter's pleas.
She'll still be alive right now.
Noor's death is his fault.
He's to blame entirely.
"Hannah I'm really sorry—"
That was the day he lost two women in his life.
The same very day he his mother left.
Hannah's anger didn't subside. His heart broke more every time she locked herself in their daughter's room and cried her heart out, she only comes out when she's sure he isn't in the house. It came to a point that eventually she packed her stuff and left him. He couldn't bare it. But he knew an annulment is what's best for both of them. So, he divorced her. And after then, he hasn't seen her for two years with no contact from her at all.
He returned back to his family a year after that whom still do not have knowledge of any of that. Same time he found out about his betrothal to Daihaah and then he thought maybe, just maybe she might be his source of happiness again.
Daihaah was speechless after hearing all that. She felt something she had never, not for once felt towards Hannah. Pity. She felt sadness towards her. She might not be a mother but she knew the pain of losing a child you've grown to love is simply immeasurable.
But then she now felt guilty again for getting mad at him for not telling her. Clearly the memory is too painful for him to reminiscence. It was obvious that he was still blaming himself for the death of Noor and Hannah's words must've really got to him. She wouldn't blame Hannah though, she said everything out of pain and anger.
Prince intentionally omitted the part of the betrothal from Daihaah. That wasn't his secret to share. It was her mother's so he won't say a thing about it. Now telling her about everything felt like a weight had been lifted off his shoulder. It felt good to finally talk to someone about it. But, after the reminiscence, he wanted space. He didn't want to stay and watch her look at him with pity like he knows eh would. So, he stood up and left to his room.
Daihaah knew he needed space so she didn't push it. Instead, she stood up and head to her room promising herself to try and break him out of the thoughts he imprinted in that brain of his. She is willing to try and give this, them, a chance.
With that last thought, she prayed and watched a few movies even though her mind wasn't really there before falling asleep.
The next morning Daihaah work up a bit earlier than usual. She was planning on cooking breakfast for the two of them before they leave for work. She knew is she didn't wake up early the maids might beta her to it. So she quickly took her shower and change into a pair of black tank top and matching tights before throwing on a pastel open sweater. She tied her hair into a bun which Prince helped her unbraid when they were in Dubai or more like he unbraided for her.
She didn't bother putting on a cap knowing that there's no one in the house. She skipped downstairs a bit enthusiastically than she normally is every morning. Unfortunately for her, her plans were ruined when she walked into the kitchen and was met with a very scenic sight of her hubby dearest cooking. Honestly she was taken aback. She knew he could cook but she wasn't expecting to see him cook today.
Now that she's watching him cook she took a minute to take in his appearance. The white shirt he has on just showed the outline of his muscles from the black. He paired it up with matching shorts and finally an apron on it. Surprisingly he managed to not have a single stain on his white cloth.
Neat freak. She mumbled under her breath.
"You know staring is rude right" his words seemed to break her out of her trance.
She walked in making her way to the counter, "If it's at your husband, then it's not" she replied making him finally turn to look at her.
He had a small smile on his face, "Touche Mrs Aamir" he teased but none of them watched the others expression because he turned away.
"So what are you making?" she asked trying to start a conversation. She saw that he didn't want to talk about last night so she let it be though she knew they will have to talk about it sooner or later.
"Chocolate pancakes and croissants" he simply answered.
"Is there anything I can help you with?"
"Yeah can you set the table?"
"Sure" I nodded and get to work. Soon enough I had everything laid out and set. Ya Aamir was also done and since I finished setting it up before him, I made him his Earl Grey tea and hot chocolate with marshmallows for me.
Chocolate pancake with hot chocolate.
This is definitely not healthy but I don't care.
We both sat down on our respective seats and ate the breakfast which by the way was delicious. By the time we were done with the pancakes, I was sipping on my hot chocolate while he was sipping on his tea.
"You know the woman from yesterday she was just pulling your leg" he said making me look up.
"Huh?" which woman is he talking about again?
"The woman from work, the one who came to your office" he explained and I only then did I remember.
The one with chicken legs.
"Pulling my leg how?"
"She knows we're married. She just wanted you to confirm it" he answered.
"How did she know that?" It must be from one of her gossip habits. Hat woman can't mind her business at all.
He stared at me as if I just said the most stupid thing in the world, "You know when you were talking about this yesterday I thought you were joking. How can you think people don't know? The pictures might not have gone viral but the invitation card did. Besides they know your name, some even attended"
My bad.
He just chuckled at my reaction asking his head, "Sometime I wonder how smart you are"
This made me glare at him, "Hey! No need to insult my acumen!"
He creased up raising his hands as he stood up, "I was kidding. Calm down woman. And you might want to get up and change, we do have to go to work. I have a feeling today will be an interesting day" he had on a smirk on his face as he walked away leaving me to glare at his retreating back.
This should be a long day.
So you now know what happened!
I HATE PRINCE SQUAD, pardon the poor guy😊.
HANNAH IS A WITCH SQUAD, I don't even know what to say to you🤣🤣🤣😂
Hope the chapter was worth the wait.
Shaaa I want to know what'll happen at work today seff. Oh I mean tomorrow, I don't even know. Their today might be our tomorrow💁🏾 or our next month, you never know.
Who watched CHARLIE'S ANGELS? Goddd that movie is lit.
Who loves Alan Walker? I'm a sucker for him. Personally all his songs are my faves.
And lastly, I'LL DIE IF YOU DON'T UPDATE SQUAD, please bah don't die before your parents will wonder what happened and your friends will be like, "It's Fiddy's fault" or "It's Jannah's fault"
Seee wallahi I'll tell them I don't know anything.
Love, Jannah.
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