Chapter 39 👑
Dedicated to this beautiful soul ammielo. ❤ Today is her birthday 🍥 so this one is dedicated to you babe😘. I love you so much. Age with grace. I know I am late but it's better late than never. I want you to know I appreciate you because wallahi you mean so much to me and for that I love you unconditionally. There isn't a moment I ever spend with you that I regret. I know nothing I say could compare to what others said to you on this beautiful day but I want to let you know that to me words won't be able to explain just how much you mean to me. Not a sea of ink nor a ord of papers. Just like you can't count the stars or the sea my love for you knows no bounds and nothing can ever change that.
BTW I wanted to give y'all some more DhaMir moment but someone said she wants drama so here it is. A little dram won't hurt anyone right? Or maybe it'll hurt someone but......Okay let me keep shut before I ruin this for you.
Savage love by Jason Derulo ft Jawsh 685 (Laxed siren beat)
Khadijah Daihaah's POV.
Time really does fly.
And before I know it, Prince and I have been married for almost a month. We spent two weeks in Dubai before returning back to Nigeria as he had some work and meetings he has to be here for which was yesterday.
Which leaves me with 74 days left.
If I have to say then the time is really moving in my favor. Because as soon as the days are up then I'm free to go.
Speaking of work, I do want to start working and I've talked to my dearest husband about it but let's just say it didn't end up the way I would've liked it to be.
"Work?" Prince asked again as if to confirm if what he heard is right. Right now we're having dinner and today we're eating what the maids cooked up because we just returned back home an hour ago. The woman cooked up chicken biryani, lasagna and with tiramisu as desert and lastly pina colada.
"Yes" I nodded my head and crossed my fingers under the table. Not that it'll do anything but it calms me down a bit.
"Okay. Let me just make a call to the office and then have my current PRO transferred to another place so that you'll start working there tomorrow" he said raising his head to give me a smile before sipping his drink.
"What?" That is so not what I want, "I don't want you to give me the job. I want to work and earn the spot. And I most definitely don't want to work in El Khabir corp."
"And why is that?" he raised a brow continuing to eat his food.
"Maybe because I don't want you to start firing every guy that I talk to" I stated like it's the most obvious fact because it is. I very well know what he's capable of. And if I work there that means he'll be my boss. Let's not even go there.
"Exactly. That's why I won't let you anywhere else. Besides dad already wants to offer you any job you like there"
"Ya Aamir please let me work where I want" I pleaded totally ignoring my food not because I'm not hungry or I don't like it but because I want to deal with this first.
"Daihaah no. My decision is final. You are working at El Khabir corp and that's it. I don't want to hear anything else about this" He said in that assertive tone that I had no choice but to shut up because the look he flashed me itself was that stern one.
And that's where the conversation died.
The next day however I was able to make a compromise before we left for work. Or more like I made a compromise and he grumbled. One, he and I will drive separately to work. He will take his car and I'll take my brand new car. Secondly, we will hide our relationship at work which will be kind of easy because our wedding pictures and videos didn't go viral, we made sure of that. And also because I don't use his last name and will not use it. Thirdly, he promised to 'try' and not sack any guy I talk to which I'm not planning to do but just in case. And that's pretty much it.
After breakfast, we went our separate ways. He took his car and I took mine but because I didn't know where the place was I let him lead the way. Once we arrived there, he parked his car in the 'reserved' area and I parked mine somewhere else despite the protest he put up through texts. I simply ignored him. I let him go inside before going in and once I was at the entrance I met Suhad who was patiently waiting for me.
He offered me a smile when he saw me and walked up to where I was, "Amaryan mu so finally you're joining us" he said as we made our way to the elevator. To say the building is huge will be an understatement and the place was really beautiful masha Allah.
I chuckled, "Yes. I'm joining you thanks to your stubborn friend" I grumbled still irked that he made me work here.
Suhad laughed probably at my reaction, "Guess he went all husband mode on you"
"He did" I sighed as Suhad pressed the button to the 24th floor which is the second to the last. "And I didn't know you work here" I tried to change the topic which thankfully worked.
"Yeah. Being the CEO is a lot of work so a long time ago we merged the two companies and I became the CFO instead, it's less tedious that being the CEO and I like it" he explained making me nod.
After showing me my office which was spacious and very beautiful by the way, Suhad left after brushing me up on my job once again, not that I don't know but there's no harm in it. For now since I'm just starting today I'm just sticking to one thing first which is building positive relationships with stakeholders, media and the public.
A knock on the door brought me out of my chain of thoughts after having work for two hours. "Come in" I said and fix my veil again before waiting for the person to walk in after saying the salam which I answered. A lady of about the same height as me walked in all dressed in a pillar box red abayah and a matching veil wrapped into a hijab. She had on a warm smile on her face as she made her way to my table.
"Hi. I heard we have a new female PRO so I just wanted to come and say hi. You know it's not every day we get a female PRO" she said with a smile on her face as she sat on one of the chairs in front of me.
All I could do is smile because I don't know if she's good news or bad news, "Thank you"
We talked for a couple of minutes as she explained to me about the workers here and all. Apparently she works in the sales department and whatnot, not that I really care about it. "So you must be Alamin's new girlfriend" she stated bluntly just as she decided to keep quiet.
"What? No I'm not. What makes you think such?" Ok apparently she must be the gossip type. I should've known, the way she talked is just way too much. The woman was even telling me about the private life of some workers around here. Can you imagine?
"Well I saw you two walk in here together" she said with a fake laugh.
I thought she said she 'heard' that there's a new PRO.
Oh God.
"Yeah but that doesn't mean I'm his girlfriend" I said trying to be as nice as I can even though that is turning out to be harder than I thought.
"Oh come on. I saw the way you two were laughing. I'm not the only one that saw it too. Some of my colleagues do too" So she is here for gossip.
"I said we're not together. We're just friends" I said a bit harshly hoping she'll just drop it. It's not every day I make use of my home training and this woman is testing my patience.
"There's nothing to be shy about. No one can dare say a thing about it. Although there are rumors that you're married but I don't believe it. I mean you don't look like a married woman; in fact you don't look like someone who finished college long ago which is why I'm wondering how you got such a high position. I mean you know it'll make sense if you're with Alamin, then that'll means he pulled the strings for you even though it's kind of hard to believe knowing how strict the CEO is. But—"
"Can you leave my office please! I have work to do" This time I didn't care that I sounded rude. She was testing my patience with her whole gossip and whatever. God I haven't even been working here for good three hours and yet rumors are being spread about me.
This seems to do the trick because it shut her up. She nodded before picking up her chicken legs out of my office so I can finally work in peace. I released a sigh of relief one she's out and continued my work ignoring all the nonsense she said.
Three hours later, my secretary came and told me that the 'boss' is looking for me. So I rounded up what I was doing and made my way to the 25th floor where his office is. I exchanged pleasantries with his assistant who of course hates me at first sight, so cliché. But she knew better than to say something to the PRO.
I honestly didn't bother knocking and just went inside. The office just as I expected it to be was big which screams 'manly' with everything being black, grey or white. Prince is seated on his seat with his eyes fixated on the file in front of him, the sleeves of his white shirt rolled up and his neck tie slackened a bit, the blazer being the only thing that was draped on a coat hanger.
"Mr CEO, you called for me?" I asked as I made my way inside making him raise his head and a smile took over his features.
"Yes Mrs CEO"
I rolled my eyes with a smile on my face as I sat down on the couch beside the shelf of books, "And why is that?"
"Because it's lunch time and I wanted us to eat together"
I hummed turning slightly to look at him, "And what if someone walks in and see you eating with your new PRO?" I raised a brow not wanting a repeat of what happened earlier.
He shrugged raising his head up from the folder which he went back to reading "I don't care."
"Well I do. People have already started spreading rumors about me and I just started working here. See this is what I was trying to avoid when I said I don't want to work here" I said as a frown took over my smile as I remember the woman's words.
People just can't mind their business.
"What kind of rumors?"
"That Suhad and I are together? Can you imagine? And that I got the job because of him because of him. I can't believe the woman even got the guts to tell me that" I released a small fit of pique shaking my head to get rid of the thoughts.
"Which woman is that?" now I got his full attention because he closed the folder standing up and making his way to where I am.
"I don't know I didn't even get her name" I said as he sat next to me on the couch, "I don't even know if I'm over reacting but the thing is just annoying. And I know what you're thinking. Prince please don't go around firing people because of what they say" I pleaded or more like ordered, I'm not really sure.
"Fine! But if anyone dares something to you again that's the last straw" he said taking my hands in his and I sighed knowing I can't change his mind. "Come on, let's eat"
After eating together, I was able to convince Prince to let me go back to my office. Once I was in the elevator, my phone pinged. Thinking it was Prince I brought it out only to meet with a message from an unknown number.
~If you want answers then meet me at.....
There was address underneath and lastly the person's name. I snickered thinking the person's is crazy. How can she think I was going to meet her of all people. She must really be crazy.
Another message came in just as I was thinking of ditching her.
~You might never get a chance to know this so I suggest you think twice before ignoring me. After all, I have nothing to lose.
As much as I hate this, it won't hurt to hear her out right? If she tries something stupid I'll just leave her since I don't want any trouble.
So it's settled. I'm going to meet her.
I hope I won't regret this.
I sighed for the umpteenth time as I checked the time on my phone again. It was exactly 4:00pm dot. Prince had been calling me since but I wasn't picking it up. I have a feeling that one word from him and I'll be having second thoughts about this meeting. I don't know if h knows about this but I didn't care.
Once the call cut off, his message followed afterwards just like the other seven messages he sent.
~Khadijah pick up the call now!
~I promise, I'll explain everything. Just pick it up.
That message made me frown. So he does know about the meeting. What is it that he's trying to hide from me again? Doesn't he trust me or what? Frustrated, I turned off the phone and carelessly threw it in my clutch. I drummed my fingers on the table as I glanced at the door once again.
It took everything in me not to roll my eyes when she walked in the restaurant. For some reason I was not having a good feeling about this at all. I know she's no good news but the curiosity in me wasn't subsiding at all and it may just lead me to my demise. After all, curiosity kills the cat.
She however didn't seem the least bothered as she made her way to the table I am sitting. She was confident in her strides as always with her head held up high. Something about her look made my frown deeper, she was spotting a green turtleneck top tucked in a black jeans and a furry cream colored overcoat on top, a black veil wrapped into a lose hijab. But that wasn't it, it was the small box she held in her hand that made me more curious that I was earlier.
She reached to the table I am and without a rod shrugged off her jacket placing it on the empty chair next to her. She sat down crossing her legs and the box still held firmly in her hand.
A minute passed, and the chamomile I ordered for myself earlier was getting colder by the minute. It got to a point that the silence was unnerving so I decided to speak first, "What do you want Hannah?" I asked.
Hannah tilted her head a big before shrugging carelessly, "Nothing" she said much to my surprise. "You've taken everything I want and I had anyways" she added making my anger spiked up.
Even a blind man can see that this woman is obsessed with my husband.
I rolled my eyes, "Hannah I don't know what you're talking about. As far as I'm concerned, Aamir is my husband not yours so I didn't take him away from you"
She chuckled shaking her head, "I see he didn't tell you about us"
Is she serious right now? I hissed glaring at her "He did" I simply answered starting to regret meeting this psychotic woman. She's just wasting my time here.
"What? He told you that I am the one that helped him get over his bad acts? I was the one that helped him all through the way? I was the one that had always been there for him? And that I am his first love?" She stated humorously looking at me as if I'm stupid.
I don't know but her tone made me feel like I'm missing something. Was that all lies? No he wouldn't like to me would he.
"As much as I hate to break it to you sweetheart he wasn't lying. All that is true" she said and the woman had the guts to have a smile etched on her face. She sighed but the smile is still there, "I'm just surprised by how naïve and stupid you are"
Ok that is it.
That did it.
"I'm done here!" I said as I felt anger bubbling in me. I stood up hatily trying to pick my clutch which I did. I called the waiter to apy him for the tea.
"He didn't tell you the entire story..." She taunted.
Just ignore her Daihaah!
And that's exactly what I did.
"The most important part..." she continued.
After paying the waiter I turned to glare at her, "I don't have your time" I said through gritted teeth but she didn't waver at all.
Instead a smirk took over her features, "Did he tell you that he is my husband?" she asked and almost immediately I felt all the color and life draining from my face.
No it can't be!
She's lying.
It doesn't even make sense.
They're not married.
She's a liar.
She's just trying to get in my head.
He...he didn't say anything about that.
Nobody did.
No.....this is not true!
I slumped back into the seat with my eyes wide in horror. I kept the clutch or more like dropped it and shook my head, "You're lying" I said but it was barely above a whisper. The worst part is that I know I love him, and that's why it hurts more. I felt my eyes sting with unshed tears and with all the little energy I could muster I look up to make eye contact with her. If I wasn't so shaken then maybe I'll swear I saw her façade break down for a second and I will say she look hurt too but I know that will be a lie, "You are a liar. You're lying" I managed to croak out without letting the tears fall.
"My mistake. I meant we were married, until we got an annulment" she clarified as if it will make anything better but it didn't. Somehow I was happy that they're not together anymore but it just didn't make sense. I thought that she was lying but one look from her and I knew she was dead serious.
But it is not possible.
I remember the day we had dinner with her family, her father said something about them getting married not that they were married. That's two different things.
"How?" I asked even if I didn't trust her I knew she won't lie to me simply because she doesn't care about me and for that moment I was thankful that she did hate me. She might just tell me everything that people had been hiding away from me.
She adjusted her sitting position, leaning back a bit as if preparing herself. She closed her eyes before starting, "We got married in secret. No one knew except for Anty Rabi. Aamir never wanted her to know because of how much he despises her but I just couldn't hide anything from her, she was like a second mother to me so I told her even though he wasn't happy about it. She kept our little secret and it stayed between the three of us. We got married right after he was done with therapy and before he joined the military. It was all too sudden but we couldn't help it. As much as his family loved me they think very highly of marriage so there was no way they would let us get married under such circumstance so we hid it from them. No one knew except for the three of us, and that is how it stayed until today. Five years! We were married for five years before the incident happened. And then what? We got divorced even though I never wanted it and I know he didn't too. Those five years were the best of my life and I wouldn't change it for anything" by now, when she opened her eyes there was tears in it but she blinked them furiously back.
I just couldn't say anything but let the information sink in.
So he was her husband.
They were married.
Why didn't he tell me this?
Ya Allah it hurts more when she told me.
And it was obvious they loved each other so much to have wanted to get married without their families knowing.
But wait, why did they have an annulment when they loved each other that much.
"Why?" I asked.
"Why did you two divorce"
She breathed out before lifting the box that was in her hand. She had been holding it securely since, she was protective of it. Her hands shook a bit as she opened the box and put her hand in it. I however just watched quietly as she brought out what seemed like a picture.
She looked at it with her eyes welling up again before placing it on the table pushing it to me.
I looked at her cautiously before picking it up and if possible my eyes grew wider than it was earlier.
Hannah chuckled sadly, "I know right. Every time I watch it the resemblance hit me like a truck"
"Well you should be able to tell. She's your husband's daughter. She's our daughter"
Prince hastily parked the car without caring at the spot he parked. He jumped out of the car and looked at the nice restaurant that was not packed with that much people in it. He was sure this sis the address that Hannah sent him earlier when he was trying to find his wife that had been ignoring his calls and messages. When he got the message from Hannah he dropped everything and drove as fast as he could to get here. He knew Hannah will not hesitate to tell Daihaah everything especially after what he told her earlier.
The thing is scared. He's not ready to tell Daihaah that yet but if he was being honest her knowing might just be the best. At least Anty Rabi won't have anything to blackmail him with anymore.
He all but ran inside only to stop at the entrance when he saw Hannah walking out as she fixed her jacket, something she does when she's nervous and he knew that.
She stopped in her tracks when she saw him, her face was blank not giving out what her real emotions are.
"What happened in there?" he asked even though he knew but he hoped she'll tell him it's not what he's thinking.
"I told her everything" she said holding the box close to her again and his eyes followed her actions. His breath hitched as he remembered the box. There's no way he can ever forget it.
"Everything?" he gulped. He knows he should be furious that she got herself involved in his marital life but he couldn't find it in him to do so. She just hit his weak spot.
She snickered, "Well not everything, I couldn't tell her that. I can't" she closed her eyes shaking her head willing for the tears not to come. When she opened her eyes again it was fixated on him, he saw the anger in there and the pain, "What was it you told me earlier?" she asked as she stalked closer to where he is standing. "You said I'll never have you right. That whatever we had is now in the past and that you're sorry?" she spatted as her eyes narrowed at him.
She stood in front of him and reached out to fix his collar, "Aamir, after everything that I did for you, for us" she looked at him as she placed her hands on his shoulder, "If I can't have you, then no one should. Especially, not that girl" she stepped back as if her hands were burnt.
"You're wrong" Aamir finally had the courage to say. He was filled up with guilt, so much that he had a hard time looking into her eyes. The same guilt that ate him up five years ago. The same guilt that made him left her in hope that he was doing what's best for her.
She smiled sadly, "I know" she shrugged, "Whatever I do, you two will find a way to fix it up. You always do. And I accepted that" she bring out her phone and checked the time knowing that she'll miss her flight if she doesn't leave now, "I have to go else I'll miss my flight"
"Where are you going?"
She shrugged one again with a bitter smile on her face, "Does it matter? As long as it's far away from you then I'm okay"
He nodded flashing her a guilty look once again, "I'm sorry"
She just offered him a small, almost not visible sad smile before walking away.
But that might just not be what they need.
When he looked up, he was met with the sight of his disoriented wife which had eyes full of tears. One look from her and he knew there was no escape from this one.
You didn't see that coming did you?
And please, it's HANNAH not HANAN. Most of y'all have been confounding the two.
I have nothing else to say.
Love, Jannah.
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