Chapter 38 👑
Earlier this week since the news of the rape and murder case of Omozuwa broke out, women have been protesting in many ways. Not only women, some of the astute and responsible men that have sense have been helping in this case too. People all over are voicing their thoughts, letting their voice heard, speaking up.
As a woman, I need to talk about this too.
That inhumane act needs to stop.
Some men are like animals. How can you ruin someone's like just to satisfy your five minute desire? That desire of yours is what ruins that person's life. It scars them for eternity. How can you be that selfish?
And yet they have to guts to give excuses trying to justify their barbaric actions. She wasn't dressed appropriately, she is a prostitute, she has been throwing herself at me, she didn't say no, she didn't try to stop me, she has once irked me and I wanted revenge, it was the devils doing, I wasn't in my right sense at the moment, all that sort of pathetic excuses!
See, even if she is a prostitute, as long as she herself didn't throw herself at you, RAPE IS RAPE.
Honestly, try to put yourself in her shoes. Can you lie with the shame? The insecurity? The constant phobia? The never ending nightmares that'll be there for years to remind you of that moment you wish to forget forever.
And the nauseating fact is that people rape women irrespective of age. Do you know that someone raped a three year old? A three year old for Allah's sake!? What sort of pleasure will you derive from raping innocent child that knows nothing? What is her crime? Did she throw herself at you? Did she irk you I some way? By Allah we all know there's no reason that will justify such repellent act.
She is just a baby!
A child unaware of the evils of this world.
Having no experience on how cruel the world can be, and you just taint her!
How will she live her life? She might just be a child that might not remember what happened but that will not change anything. It will not change the fact that you took her innocence away from her before she even know what it means to live a life like any other.
Someone raped a ten year old. Now how do you think she'll cope with the trauma that came with it? While her age mates are living the best of their life she's somewhere in the corner of her room all curled up into a ball bawling her eyes out, living with the constant fear that you'll come back with her. No matter how many years passed afterwards, no matter how her life turned to, that pain will always be there. But you know what? She hides it under fake smiles that never fail to fool most.
Even if the story is covered, how did you think she'll live with it even if no one knows? Because no matter what people say some people will judge her for something she has no fault over. People will judge her.
Some of these victims can't report this injustice to the law officials. You know why? Maybe they're not rich enough so they're afraid people might not believe them or they have no way of speaking up. They don't have a voice to speak up! They don't have the means to express their pain and ask for help. They have nothing! And then maybe when you finally gain a little bit of sense you'll say you regret your actions.
That won't change anything!
Did you have pity on her when you were stripping away her innocence?
Did you listen when she said no?
No means NO!
Did you pay any heed to her when she was screaming? Pleading with you to spare her life? To let her go and have mercy?
Her screams of agony fell on deaf ears.
Pleads of pardon were shut and ignored.
Till the tears no longer fell.
Till she emotionally blocked everything out.
Till she became numb.
Not having the energy to plead anymore.
What was done has already been done.
It can't be undone.
And she'll have to live with that for the rest of her life.
And just when you think this is bad enough, you'll learn that some rapist don't stay at just raping women. Some will go to the extent of killing her! Subhan Allah just please tell me what was her crime?
They just dispose her like a used shirt.
I know some victims will prefer death than to live with that for the rest of their lives but Ya Allah that's just too much.
And you'll hear the people committing such evil acts are brothers, husbands, sons, fathers!
Have you ever stopped to think what if it was your daughter, sister, wife or mother in that situation, how will you feel? How will she feel?
Will you wish for a relative of yours to be in that situation?
Some might even say that this 'is not a big deal'. Just imagine, rape is not a big deal? Are you mad or something? RAPE IS PRETTY MUCH A BIG DEAL. IT'S INHUMANE, BARBARIC AND ATROCIOUS!
Men need to learn to respect women. Hijabi or not. A woman is a woman! And every woman deserves respect irrespective of religion, culture or skin color.
Though, yes I have to admit not all men are the same.
But you know the sad truth is that no matter how much we speak up, no matter how much we try to convince the victims that they're not alone, that we understand what they're going through, that is a big fat lie.
We don't understand what they're going through because we've never been in their shoes. And we'll never understand as long as we never experience that.
We might try to think of how they are feeling, what they're going through, but we can never really understand it.
All we can do is to continue what we're doing. We need to keep spreading the word and help fight these stomach-churning acts.
We need to help our fellow sisters going through this. We need to let them know that THEY ARE NOT ALONE! We all stand by them and we will help them get through this.
And to the entire rapist out there, you'll see the consequences of your actions in your life. It might not be now but you will see the corollary of it.
Because just like you reduce someone's life to rubble yours will not be any better.
Just wait and see.
Oya now that you've skipped it, go back and read it.
Khadijah Daihaah's POV.
September 24th 2019.
Seven hours, forty nine minutes later the jet landed in Emirates terminal 3 in Dubai International airport. If I am being honest then I'd say it's the last place I'd expect. Though I have an undeniable love for this place, I've always dreamt of coming here someday. Abba before he passed away once promised me that as long as he's alive and healthy he'll take me here and that day I was over the moon. Unfortunately since he has passed away, may his soul rest in peace I never got the chance to be till today.
It took everything in me not to squeal and hug Ya Aamir tight because I'm simply out of words. I just kept gaping like a lost fish. Just from the window the view I got is just mesmerizing.
"I'd take it from that look you like the place" Ya Aamir said, his tone laced with humor as he watched me stare in awe.
"Like? I love it. I can live here for eternity" I said not taking my eyes off the sight before me. I know I sound ridiculous but I'm serious. All I need is my cup of tea, a book, a blanket and I can live here.
He chuckled, "Min alsahl hunak wildcat. Ma zilna fi almatar; Easy there wildcat. We're still in the airport" he said standing up. He held his hand out for me, "Linunazil min hadhih alttayirat awlaan ;let's get off this plane first"
I couldn't help it. I had always been a sucker for this place. Not wanting to waste any time here again, I held the hand he stretched out for me and he helped me stand up. Once we were off the plane, there is a sleek raven Range Rover SVAutobiography waiting for us. Without wasting much time, we hopped in the backseat while one of the workers around the place placed our suitcases in the car trunk.
Once he was done, the driver took that as a cue to drive to wherever our destination is. My eyes were fixated on the beautiful places we passed and I couldn't help but stare in awe, "Iinah jamil huna: It's beautiful here" I murmured to myself but apparently Ya Aamir heard because he answered. I didn't care if he heard me though, I was entranced by the beauty of it all.
"Laysat jamilat kama kunt ela alrghm min fatina; not as beautiful as you though love" He breathed behind me and I felt his breath fanning my neck even through the veil. My stupid heart picked up its pace. Like I said before, I'll never get used to this.
I cleared my throat hoping that it'll ease the butterflies in my tummy. "Hal yumkinuni aleaysh huna 'ilaa al'abad?; can I live here forever?"
He chuckled wrapping his arms around my shoulder pulling me close to him as he placed a doting kiss on my temple, "Yumkinuna aleawdat 'iilaa huna fi 'ayi waqt turiduh; We can come back any time you want. But now we're here for our shahr aleasal; honeymoon" he said and when I turned to glare at him he had a smirk on his face.
"You make it sound like I agreed to this whole honeymoon concept of yours" I raised a brow feigning a blank face but we both know deep down I'm bustling with excitement.
He hummed pretending to think before he nodded, "And you make it sound as if you don't like it. Come on you have to give me credit for this. Did you know that I had to cancel the original plans I had because I found out how much you love this place?" he complained making it sound like a big deal when it's not really something big.
Let me tell you if you ever said I'm a drama queen.
He's much bigger one.
"And so? I thought you were making up for everything you did?" I shrugged his arm off me and crossed my arms waiting for him to say something that'll vex me. He knew better than to say anything that'll upset me now especially after everything tht happned last week and today morning.
He raised his hands up, "I was. And I promise I'll do everything to earn your forgiveness" he promised seriously as all trace of lark quickly disappeared from his face. I smiled at him genuinely and for the rest of the ride the both of us didn't say anything.
When the car parked in front of the hotel that'll be staying in, I had to resist the urge to squeal. But girl couldn't handle it, and so I let it out. Prince laughed at me shaking his head mumbling something under his breath that I didn't pay any attention to. I don't really care about him or what he says. He's invincible when I'm standing in front of a place I have never been to but I know.
Come on, there's no way, as in no way, absolutely no freaking way I wouldn't recognize this place. The pictures that captured its beauty from different angles were vivid and etched in my brain.
Burj Al Arab.
"If you're done gawking, can we actually go inside" Prince said in a tone that sounds like sulking, angry, or just both. He was mumbling something about him having to compete now with a striking hotel.
I shook my head ignoring again as I got out of the car with him by my side. He now has a knee length jacket over his outfit that he had on earlier. He held out his arm and I hooked it with mine as a bellhop came and took our luggage inside.
Before I know it, we are both standing in front of the receptionist's table whom had a bright smile on her face, "Marhbana bikum fi burj al arab. Walsiyidat alkhabiru. Yusharifuna 'an takhtar lana. Ha hi albitaqat 'iilaa janahak tamamana mithlama hajazat. Natamanaa lak shahr easal jamil; Welcome to Burj Al Arab Mr and Mrs El Khabir. We are honored to have you choose us. Here is the card to your suite just like you booked. We wish you a lovely honeymoon." She said with a thick Emirati accent that was thicker than that of Gimbiya Amarya's. I couldn't help but fall I n love with it. Prince has it too. But his is mixed with British so it was kind of refreshing to meet someone who has one accent alone.
Prince took a hold of the golden card that she handed to us, "Shukraan lak; thank you" with another ear reaching smile from her we head to the elevator. I didn't really pay attention to the floor he pressed and instead focused on the classic music that played in the background. It kind of looked like the 25th floor though, I'm really sure.
It was honestly kind of soothing.
Not long after we got off the elevator and into a hall way that had gold color walls and with a long endless red carpet that covered the floor. I didn't have time to admire the hallway though because we ended up standing in front of a double door which has 'ROYAL SUITE' in Stika heading font boldly on a golden placard.
Prince inserted the card and immediately I heard a beep. He took out the card and opened one of the doors leading me in. It's 8pm here and yet that couldn't hide the beauty of this room. There was only one word to describe it.
Seriously everything in here screams 'upmarket!!'
"Do you like it?" Prince said as he walked towards me after tipping the bellhop.
I grinned, "I love it"
"Good" .
Prince stood outside the theatre La Perle after watching a live show on a water stage that was fascinating by the way. Every time he comes to Dubai, he had always loved going there and so he was more than happy to bring Daihaah here with him. He knew she'd love it and indeed she did. She was awestruck by the breathtaking stunts in the air and so much more that words couldn't describe.
At first he was a bit nervous thinking that she wouldn't like it. He has been trying really hard to be on her good side and hope that she'll forgive. He'd love to explain to her that it wasn't want she's thinking, or more like what he made her thought because he didn't go to Hannah. No matter how much he wanted to, how much he needed to, he just couldn't.
He has Daihaah in his life now.
True fact that nothing or no one can ever change is that Hannah will forever be very important in his life no matter what the circumstance is. He has never, not even for a second regretted what they had.
How could he when it meant his life? When it meant everything to him? When every night he closes his eyes it's the last thing he thinks of before going to sleep?
Whatever happened in the past should stay in the past, though there are some things that cannot be left in the past. They are too important to leave in the past no matter what history it is. It was those types of things that'll make you wish you could turn back time and avoid it.
But, the past can't be undone.
You'll just have to live with the burden for the rest of your life.
He sighed visibly shaking his head to get those thoughts out of his head. He fixed his overcoat a bit by the collar as he waited for his wife outside the theatre. She had gone to the washroom to powder her nose and so he was standing alone outside waiting or her.
As he was standing there, three people came out of the theatre hand in hand. They all had smiles on their faces and looked like they were all happy. The little girl that looked nothing more than five year old giggled when who seemed like her father swoop her in his arms bobbing their noses together. The lady beside them who seemed to be the girl's mother had a grin on her face as she watched her husband play with their daughter. Ya Allah the looks on their faces will make you want to marry and have a child just so you can be that happy.
Prince smiled a sad smile,
If only...
He thoughts as watched them. If his past hasn't turned out the way will they be this happy now?
The answer is yes, definitely.
He was brought out of his chain of thoughts when a hand was placed on his shoulder snapping him out of the reverie he was lost in. When he turned he was met with Daihaah who is now standing beside him as her eyes followed his.
Something tugged as she watched them. To her, they so much reminded her of her past. Back before her life took a turn down unforeseen street and pass drastic lane. Back when she was that happy being her Abba's princess and her Ummi was always by her side. Her eyes tear up at the sight which by the way didn't go unnoticed by her husband.
Aamir held her hands in his and placed a kiss on her knuckles. He intertwined one of their hands wrapping it around her shoulder bringing her close to him in a side hug. This made Daihaah's mind wander. By now she was pretty used to his display of affection.
How can she not when he keeps doing that?
She wondered what if they had gotten married under different circumstances. What if they had met under different circumstances? Will they have maybe fallen in love before deciding to turn in the knot? Or will they decide to tie the knot and then fall after nikah? Will he love her? Will she love him? Will they have look forth to having family and be happy too like any other couple?
You know she is a lady. And just like every other lady she'd want to fall in love and have her own family. To know what it feels like to wake up in someone's arms, to be with somewhere who wouldn't be ashamed to tell the world that she is his wife and he loves her, someone that'll keep up with her never ending mood swings, her childishness, her over dramatics acts and her stubbornness. Because she herself knows God knows that whichever soul keeps up with her despite everything then that person must really love her.
She wasn't stupid. She might've feigned to ignore it but she knew action speaks louder than words. She knew Prince loved her. It might seem too early to say so but she knew that has to be it.
What else will explain while he's always being so clingy?
Why he's always trying to make her smile?
Why her opinion matters so much to him?
Why he tries so much for her to forgive him?
Yes, the past one week's events do ruin a part of her that wanted to believe her theory was right, but really doesn't know what to think anymore.
One thing is for sure, despite her persistence, she likes him.
You know what? Scratch that! She loves him.
And that is why she has been constantly trying to fight it.
It scares her to the core. Every single time something good happens, something bad follows afterwards. She is scared that if she embraced the feelings she might just end up regretting it and God knows she's fragile enough. She doesn't want to get hurt. She doesn't want to unravel anymore secret that will ruin everything they have.
But, for now, she's more than okay with what they are and how they are.
Just as the last thought crossed her mind, another came instantly. All that feeling she wished she had came back to her that moment as if she'd ever experienced it before. She closed her eyes as she feels a headache resurfacing; she heard a voice in her head telling her that he loves her, to always remember that.
But the thing is it wasn't Prince's voice.
It was a familiar voice but she couldn't point who it belongs to.
The force o the headache and the pain in mixture with the flashes made her stagger back a bit but Aamir was quick to hold her before she made the fall that she wouldn't have ever.
"Are you okay?" He asked turning her to face him completely.
She blinked a couple of times as the flashbacks stopped but the ache in her head is still there, she feigned a smile, "Yeah I'm fine. I'm just a bit exhausted" she said tying to wave off the topic. She pried his hands off her and tries to walk by herself but she staggered again making him catch her again, this time not letting her go.
"Alright Baby, we're going back to the hotel now" he said bringing out his phone with one of his hands to his driver to come pick them up.
She shook her head, "No. We have other places to go" she argued but didn't try to pry his hands off her again knowing it's pointless because one he won't let her, and two she doesn't have the strength to do it. From her tone you can detect that she is tired, and it mostly because of the flashbacks. She doesn't remember what she saw but the words and voice were still there. The problem is that she still can't tell whose voice it was. It was awfully familiar. It was like she was chasing the light and anytime she thinks she's about to catch it; it runs father away from her.
"Habibty, we have time. I promise we'll visit all the places you want to go some other day" he promised making her sigh in agreement as she felt the darkness threatening to engulf her being whole. Their car pulled up by the road and he helped her in telling the driver to take them back to the hotel. They've had enough of one night.
Daihaah unknowingly placed her head on his shoulder and drift off to sleep on the way back. Prince placed a kiss on her forehead before leaning his head on hers.
"Oh my God!" Daihaah exclaimed as she watched fishes swim around. It was like being underwater but you except with the drowning part. She has heard stories about the Dubai aquarium and how enthralling it is. But now actually witnessing it with her own two eyes is just...woah. "Ya Aamir how many animals do you think are here?" She asked with her eyes fixated on gigantic stingrays.
"About thirty three thousand or more" he shrugged trying to remember how much the fish population is. He remembers reading it on the aquarium's website but now he's contemplating on the number he saw.
"Cool" Daihaah said as her eyes stay fixated on the fish she had been watching since, "Do you think I can get a pet stingray?" she asked as she watched a blue spotted ray.
He chuckled, "You do know they are poisonous right? There's no way I'll let you get that. Banson wani kifi yakashe mun mata; I don't want some fish to kill my wife" he said and the look on her was priceless.
She gaped as she blinked, "Did you just speak in Hausa?" she asked as if it's the biggest deal in the world. The accent though crease up, for someone who she thinks can't speak Hausa fluently he just surprised her.
He shrugged, "Yes I did. Don't act as if you don't know I speak Hausa. I am pretty sure you remember that day that you first knew that I can indeed speak Hausa" he said mischievously a smirk taking over his futures when he saw her eyes widened when she remembered.
Daihaah felt heat rushing up her cheeks as she remembers that day, how can she forget the day she made a fool of herself. If not for the excess melanin in her she would've blushed beetroot red right now. She hid face in both her palm mumbling incoherent words about how that day she articulated what was in her mind like Niagara Falls.
Prince laughed this time around before stalking to where was standing throwing his arms around her as he pulled her close to him so that she now hid her face in her torso, "I'm pretty sure your mind hasn't change since then. And I'm sure you remember everything I said that day. You know I can speak Hausa fluently, more than you in fact. It's just that I hardly speak it"
She raised her head up and her eyes now met his immense dark ones, all trace of lark gone from her face, "I'm in love with you alone" she breathed.
Prince's body stiffened as he registered her words.
One second..
No response.
Two seconds..
No response.
Three seconds..
"What?" he asked as if he couldn't believe what she was saying.
Did Daihaah just say that?
Is she playing tricks on him now or what?
"I do remember everything from that day. You said if I translate what you said you'll answer any question I have for you. Estoy enamorado deti solo, I'm in love with you alone" she said seriously before she started to squirm under his gaze.
She probably shouldn't have said that.
And now she regrets—
"What do you want to know?" He asked interrupting her train of 'What ifs'.
She raised a brow as a look of confusion took over her features, "Huh?"
"I said I'll answer any question you have. Now ask me, I'll answer earnestly"
She shrugged not really thinking of anything to ask, "I don't know. But I'll let you know once I think about it"
He nodded, "Ok"
"Don't be a big baby. Just come in" Aamir said trying to persuade his wife into joining him in the indoor pool he reserved for the whole day since they decided to stay indoors today.
Daihaah held the rope she had on tightly around her figure as she stood by the edge of the pool staring at her husband who had been swimming since like the fish he is. And can you believe the man has been trying to persuade her into joining him?!
Ever since her pool episode back in Katsina she has developed a hate for pools. There's no way she's getting that pool. No way, nada, no freaking way.
Prince sighed. She's impossible to deal with wallah. She's just so damn stubborn for her own good, "If you won't join me then at least sit by the edge and let your feet in it. You'll feel better than to sit by the side all day"
"Prince I don't know. I really..."
"Please" he pleaded.
She groaned. Now how will she reject his offer when he's giving her that puppy look? "Fine, quit giving me that look" she said taking off the robe and walking to the edge of the pool to sit there. Cautiously she dipped her feet in the pool and surprisingly it was warm. She remembers Prince telling her that there is a regulator so that must be it. Slowly she left her legs to be fully immersed in the water releasing a sigh of relief.
Ok this feels good.
Prince duck his head back in the water and swam to where she was. He only raised his head when he was in front of her. He situated himself between her legs so that his hands are on either side of her legs and luckily for her she was still taller than him since the pool is deep. He looked into her eyes and smiled a mischievous glint in his eyes. Her smile morphed into a frown because she knew that look, it only meant that he will do something.
Before she could say anything he judder his head splashing water from his wet hair on her making her shriek trying to push him away but he wouldn't budge. He shrugged his shoulders with a sly smile on his face, "You see now you're sopping too"
She glared at him, "Yeah and it's your fault" she pouted.
Aamir chuckled leaning up to place a kiss on her nose, "Sorry baby" he apologized.
She huffed despite the fact she has a whole zoo performing some acrobatic show in her stomach, "You are so not forgiven"
"Oh I know. But I wasn't apologizing for that" he said with a smirk on that handsome face of his. His hair was in all directions and were soaking wet. Some clung to his forehead and slowly the water dripped down his face just like the others.
For a second she forgot what she was talking about and Prince knew that well, let's just say it's part of his 'plans'. He wrapped his arms that were by the side now around her as she spoke her next words, "Then why were you apologizing?" she asked or more like breathed out.
If possible, his smirk stretched wider, "This" and before she could register the words she was pulled into the pool with him without any warning or heads up of any kind making her screech in surprise.
Immediately she rose her head up she was met with the sight of a laughing Aamir who was clutching his tummy as he laughed at her expense. She angrily splashed water at him but that didn't make him stop. Instead he laughed harder, and when he calmed down, he splashed right back.
And before you know it; the place became a splashing mess with both of them laughing whole heartily as if they have no care at all. Maybe, and maybe just now, they are free from all their problems.
Here it's just them, Aamir and his Daihaah.
And no one can ever ruin this moment for them.
"Alright, alright! I give up!" Daihaah raised her white flag when she saw that she was in no way winning.
Prince stopped pulling her close to him, "better. You know you can't beat in me in that" he said and she could feel his minty breath on her face.
But then no words were spoke afterwards. Even when they just stood there gazing into each other's orbs, even when he made the first move and leaned in, even when he captured her lips in an osculate that hasn't happened again ever since that day in Katsina.
But then you know, they say actions speak louder than words. And right now he let his actions speak louder than his words because no words were needed.
And in case you're wondering, nothing happened afterwards. They just enjoyed the rest of the day playing around in the pool before finally returning back to their suite.
"This is my favorite so far" Aamir said as he and his wife walk around Fossil Rock in Sharjah. Today they decided to go camping and almost immediately Prince was howling with joy saying that he knows the best desert to go too. Daihaah however didn't mind which desert they go to as long as she will enjoy her life.
"Obviously" she muttered rolling her eyes at his enthusiasm. The man had been grinning very since they stepped foot in the desert he had been talking about it nonstop. By now she was finding it kind of annoying.
"Hey don't be jealous. You'll always be my number one" He said but the man's eyes weren't on her but rather on the setting sun. She knew his love for watching the sun set and so she didn't even try to compete with it.
"I see, that's why your eyes says a different thing" she shook her head bring out her phone to snap a selfie just to send to Jannah and rub it in her face about being in Dubai.
Like husband like wife.
Thirty selfies later, yeah thirty! She thought of something along the lines of finding the perfect one so....Prince finally joined her. "here, let me snap it for you" he said bringing out his phone to take a picture of his wifey dearest but all he got was silence.
He chuckled, "So now I'm getting the silent treatment" he said trying to get her to talk to him but she wouldn't even look at him. He sighed, "Come on habibty, ana asif; I'm sorry" he apologized and finally he got her attention.
"Just shut up and snap me" she muttered and he nodded immediately with a smile that was so contagious she smiled back.
Many many many poses and tons of pictures later of Daihaah, Aamir and the two of them together, they decided to go back since it was already night time. All through the way, Prince made some 'ground' rules about the pictures. She was only allowed to send it to Jannah and Aneesah. Plus Jannah has to promise not to upload it on the web, he doesn't want anyone seeing his wife's face and she irritated agreed.
Prince chose one of the pictures they snapped together and made it his wallpaper. Daihaah did the same too. In her opinion, the picture was just too scenic she has to.
Once they returned back to their hotel and in their suite, Daihaah took a refreshing shower, prayed, ate and then tiredly hit the bed. Prince stayed up late since he has some work to cover up. Somewhere amidst of his work he decided to check up on his sleeping beauty. And when he got there she was sprawled on the bed. He chuckled and went up to her. He picked up the quilt and draped it over her properly. He placed a kiss on her forehead before switching off the light letting her to get the nap she needed.
I don't know why need to hear this but..
Ehen...before you go and start hoping for a men like Aamir.
*sighs* *shakes head in disappointment* Now to those that skipped the note at the beginning, oya go back and read it.
So I'm gonna go now, if you need me, I'll be in my room watching TO ALL THE BOYS I'VE LOVED, PS I STILL LOVE YOU.
Btw if you haven't watch it the n you have to. It's really good. The first one TO ALL THE BOYS I'VE LOVED is hella good.
You know because of you I ditched that just to type. Oya shower me with the blessings of your comment.
Love, Jannah❤
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