Chapter 37 👑

Dedicated to my soulmate Rahma_writes


Khadijah Daihaah's POV.

Abuja, Nigeria.

September 24th 2019.

I stretched out my mind trying to find my phone knowing that that's where I left it, on the bedside table. It didn't take long before I found it. I took it and brought it close to my face turning it on to see the time. The time said 8:58am and I mentally groaned, that's way too early. It should be illegal to wake up that early in the morning. Groggily I sat up and when I looked to my side Prince was missing, and the shower wasn't running too so that means he's out. I stood up and head to the bathroom to do my morning duties before coming out and head to the walk in closet to dress up.

After searching my closet for the nth time, I still couldn't find what to wear. Personally, I think that's the hardest job in the morning; picking up the right outfit to wear. After being indecisive for minutes but seemed like hours, I finally settled on a pearl white turtleneck sweater and a mocha jean. I picked out a silver necklet with the letter 'K' and put it on before putting on a turban cap. I headed back into the room, picked up my phone, slipped into a pair of slippers and head downstairs.

Since the house is exactly like Adda's I knew exactly where everything was. I headed to the kitchen directly seeing that since a little past nine thirty now I should probably prepare breakfast for both I and Prince, wherever he is.

I screamed startled when I saw about five women in the kitchen. I looked between them when they all turned to look at me, all of them quickly walked to where I am making me move back quickly. One of them raised her hand up slightly gesturing them to move back, she offered me a small smile and as if almost carefully choosing her words, she spoke up, "Good moring Amyrah. I'm the head of maids that will be working around the house from now on. I will also be the one cooking for you and Prince from now on. These women will also be working around the house" she said making the others offer me smiles too.

"Okay..." I don't really know what to say, I'm still a bit shocked, "So have you prepared breakfast already?" I ask the woman who said she's the head.

She shook her head, "No. I'm sorry Amyrah. I was waiting for you to come down so that you'll tell me what to cook" she said.

I nodded, "Oh. Well in that case. Just leave it to me, I'll make breakfast" I said and almost immediately she shook her head no.

"I can't let you do that Amyrah, that's my job. Amyr clearly ordered us to not let you lift a fork" she said looking a bit scared as she mentioned Prince's name.

I should've known he was involved in this.

Not even lift a fork?

Well how am I suppose to eat food then?

That man sometimes doesn't think his decisions through.

"Well I insist. Don't worry about what he'll say. I'll handle him. You can go ahead and do other chores, I'll cook" I said after clearing my throat and mustering up the most affirmative tone I can ever have.

She looked a bit hesitant but nodded anyways when she sees my look not wavering. She ushered the other maids out leaving me alone in the massive kitchen that's looks like a carbon copy of Adda's. The kitchen is the only thing amongst the two houses that's completely the same in color and everything. I kept my phone on the Kitchen Island and head to the refrigerator. It was stuffed with everything that you could possibly use to cook which makes my work way much easier.

After picking out everything I needed to make what I want, I settled on making crumpet, baggles, focaccia which by the way I like served hot. I don't know whether Ya Aamir likes it cold though. I'm pretty sure he won't mind. I made hoagies too, French fries, pancakes and finally his Earl grey tea which I didn't forget that he likes taking. I made café au lait for me. Simple breakfast which I'm sure will be enough for just the two of us.

I took everything to the dining room and placed it all on the table. Just as I took my phone to call Ya Aamir, two arms wrapped around me from behind making me flinch in surprised but calmed down when I inhaled the familiar cologne. He placed his head on my shoulder and hummed, "Smells delicious. The maids have done a good job I see. But speaking of which, why are you the one setting the table and not them"

I rolled my eyes knowing that he can't see me which is good, he hates that. Ya Abdul and Ya Moh do too; I will never understand what's with men and hating the whole eye roll concept. Ya Abdul once said it's disrespectful though is I think that might just be it. "For your information, I made breakfast myself" I said trying to pry his arms off me but the man made my efforts futile by not even moving an inch.

"What?" he said slightly raising his head to glare at me I'm sure, "I told them not to let you lift a fork more less cook?"

"And what am I supposed to do? And where were you? I didn't see you around"

"I was out in the backyard playing basketball. And to answer your first question you're supposed to stay looking beautiful for your husband of course. Isn't that your duty as a wife?" he said finally letting me go but only for me to turn around before his hands were securely around me again.

I raised a brow just like he usually dies ignoring the feeling of goose bumps all over my body "And cooking isn't what good wives do? Or is it that you don't think I'm a good cook? " I don't think I'll ever get used to being this close to him all the time. The man had been clingy since we got married, and Adda says I'm clingy.

I am so not clingy.

If anyone's clingy then it's this husband of mine.

And that's a fact.

He shook his head quickly as a look of horror came across his features, "No. That's now what I meant, you know that. Though I've never ate anything you make doesn't mean I think you can't cook" he said trying to dismiss the topic but this is far from over.

"So just because you've never ate anything I made meant that I can't cook" I said feigning anger though somewhere deep within I was hurt. I admit I'm lazy to cook back when I was in Adda's house but that was only because one, she wouldn't let me and two, there were maids there.

He raised his hands up, "That's not what I'm saying" he tried to defend himself but I'd turned and took my seat already.

"Eat if you like. If you don't want I can ask the maid to make something for you" I said taking a baggle to munch on it after saying 'bismillah'. I almost moaned at how good it was but I refrained myself from doing that. Back at the days before my life took a drastic turn down unforeseen street I used to spend most of my time in the kitchen with Ummi. At first I hated it, but eventually I learnt to love it as it was one way we bonded. When I was studying in England I took cooking classes every Saturday since I usually don't have classes. So I can proudly say I'm a good cook but my dearest husband doesn't think so.

"Daihaah—" Ya Aamir started but I wasn't really in the mood to talk to him anymore.

"Just seat" I muttered before taking a sip of my café au lait. I usually don't take coffee in the morning but there's an exception to everything every once in a while.

He seemed to know better than to try me at the moment so he sat down quietly not saying a word more. He didn't eat though; he just looked at me for the longest time as I ate my food in silence. That however made more enraged than I already was. Once I was done eating my food is stood up and head upstairs not wanting to spend another minute in there.

Here I was trying to be a good wife by making food for my husband, in banda neman wajen zama ma.

And I've finally got what I deserved.

Next time I'll learn to stay in my place.


Prince sighed as he watched her walk away. He didn't mean it like that. Heck he didn't even know the situation was going to take a turn like this. He might not have eaten anything she made before but judging from the aroma and the way the food looks he was sure it will be delicious. He couldn't help but feel like she overreacted.

Hopefully what he plans for later will get her to forgive him.

He sighed again and picked up the baggles and ate it. If it was possible his eyes dilated at the taste and he was salivating to have another bite of it.

Delicious will be an understatement.

Scrumptious, delectable, mouth watering, appetizing, succulent, you mention the word and it still won't fit in to describe its heavenly taste.

And here he was thinking Aneesah is a good cook.

He is hundred percent sure his wife's cooking will put hers to shame.

His taste buds won't ever even consider another food delicious other than anything made by her hands. And for Allah's sake he has only taken a bite.

He quickly ate up the baggle that was in his hand and swiftly brought out his phone. He swiped till he found the camera app before pushing his chair back. He put on a blank face and walked to out of the dining room to sacn the area to see if there was anyone lurking round the place, or to be more specific if his wife is still there. When he was sure that there was no one at sight he came back. Like the professional photographer he feigns to be, he started to take pictures of the food from different angles. He even arranged the position a bit so that it will look more appetizing.

Once he snapped about fifteen pictures he stood up straight again with a goofy smile on his face and sent it to Suhad just to rub it in face about having a wife. He sent one to Faruk too saying that his wife is a better cook.

Afterwards, he quickly gobbled down the food like a hungry caveman who hasn't eaten in weeks; in the back of his head he was more than elated Daihaah is not here because if she was there was no way he could do everything he just did.

The moment he was done, he called one of the maids to come and clear everything up before he head upstairs to look for his wife to apologize knowing that she's somewhere sulking.

Once he reached the stairs he saw her figure at the top of the stairs sitting down, her head downcast as she clutch something. At first he thought it was nothing but once he was halfway there he heard sniffing he took up his pace and before you know it he's in front of her sitting beside her, "Baby what's wrong? Is it something I said earlier?" he asked as he tried to look at what she held in her hands but she clutched it really close to her.

She shook her head no.

"Then what is it?" he asked as he waited for her patiently to talk. He wrapped his arms around her pulling her close to him so that her head lay on his torso when she didn't talk. "Baby please tell me what's wrong. You know I hate to see you in tears"

She finally raised her head up to look at him with her tear filled eyes, "Ya A-amir p-please save him" she said, her lips quivering as her eyes sting with tears again.

His brows furrow in confusion, he used his thumbs to wipe her tears, "Who is Daihaah. Who are you talking about?" he asked perplexed.

She hiccupped as she shook her head again, "I love him. I can't lose him please" she pleaded and his heart sunk that very minute.

Did she remember Muhsin?


Does she want to leave him now?

So she regained her memories?

Does she want to go back to him?

And most importantly what happened to him?

All sorts of questions were running in his head but he did his best not let her see how much it affected him, "Who?" he managed to ask after trying so hard to keep his emotions in check.

"M-m..." she stuttered.

So it is Muhsin. He thought as he watched her again and saw how her eyes are now red and puffy from crying.

"My phone" she finally croaked out opening her hands to show him her phone that now looks like a hammer was used on it by the way the screen shattered completely.

Prince stiffened as it registered in his head.

Her phone.

She was crying over her phone.

What the...

What the jahannam?!

"Ya Aamir I didn't backup my pictures, messages, and my contacts. Innna lillahi wa inna ilaihi rajiun my life is over. You have to fix my phone, Hermano gave it to me. It has only been five months, I can't lose him. I love him way too much to lose him" she sniffed wiping her nose with the sleeve of her sweater as she caressed her phone in her hand like her long lost lover.

Prince held back a chuckle as his tensed muscles calmed down. My wife is such a drama queen, he thought in his head. He pulled her gain so that now he fully embraced her as he felt a smile creeping up his face, "Don't worry baby, I promise I'll get you a brand new phone as soon as possible. I'm pretty sure I can find a way to restore everything that was on your phone. Everything will be the same you cannot tell the difference ok?" he said moving his arms on her back up and down in a comforting manner.

Daihaah even not looking at him can tell that he was smiling at her expense and she was seriously pissed and sat right now, "Are you laughing at me?" she asked accusingly as she tried to pull away but he wouldn't let her.

"Me? Never" he said biting his lips to stop his laughter.

Who cries over a phone?

Women are crazy sometimes.

He can never understand their mood swings.

Daihaah calmed down and warped her arms around his him so that she was more comfortable, "You know I still haven't forgiven you for what you said earlier" she mumbled.

He chuckled this time around not bothering to hide it, "Don't worry bella. I know exactly how to fix it"



Khadijah Daihaah's POV.

So when my husband, Prince Muhammad Aamir El Khabir says he has a way to make it up to me what should I expect?

I was know maybe an apology and maybe dinner out.

Guess I should've thought big.

Like way out of the box.

Because now as I stood in front of the private jet I clearly remember him and Ya Faruk shares I began to think how silly my earlier thought was.

Apparently this was also his 'surprise' from Katsina.

So in other words we're going in a honeymoon.


You got the sarcasm right?

Because he seems to forget he and I are not a happily married couple that fell in love and decide to get married for the rest of our lives.

This is an 88 days left thing.

I know you're wondering where we are going.

Well I'll let my dear husband answer that because even I don't know.

He said I should just wait and see.

"Come on babe, let's go" he said taking my hand once he came back from talking to the pilot who seemed to be very close to. His aviators covered his eyes and his hair was left all over. The sleeve of his grey tee was folded as the shirt color contrasts his black jeans. I however am dressed in a simple black abayah with some grey spangles all over. My head was wrapped with a matching veil and just like him, I have on my sunglasses. The sun today was scorching.

Right now is around one thirty something, I'm not really sure. My brand new iphone eleven is held firmly in my hands. He kept his promise and not even an hour after what happened earlier someone delivered my new phone. The only difference was that while my other phone was black, this one is grey just like his phone. You can barely tell the difference between the two phones. He is also some sort of computer whiz because it didn't take long for him to hack into my old phone and transfer everything from my old phone to my new, except my contacts. He said he can't do that but I have a feeling he won't do it because he doesn't want me to have my old male contacts back because he only restored my female contacts. Can you imagine!

I sighed as he led me up the small flight of stairs and into the confines of the plane. I found a seat to sit by the window and sat down, Prince sat on the seat beside me. Just sitting here brings back the feeling of déjà vu. It was the exact same seats we sat on five months ago when I was coming back to Nigeria after I graduated except that it was under different circumstances.

Time really does fly.

A lot has changed.

Who would've thought Prince and I will be married now.

"Attention cabin crew, please take your seats. Flight......" I couldn't hear what the man said afterwards because Ya Aamir has his hands on my ear covering it. I tried to pry his hands off but he won't let me so I just let him.

Seconds after, he finally took his hands up making me glare at him, "What was that for?"

"I don't want you to hear where we're going" he simply answered.

"You should've just told him not to say it" I stated.

"Eh..I didn't feel like it" he shrugged giving me a sheepish smile.

I just shook my head with a small smile on my face as the flight took off to Allah knows where. Ever since he fixed my phone problem, I just can't seem to get angry at him for any reason. "So how long will this be? The flight I mean"

He brought out his macbook and I knew he was going to work. Speaking of which; I should probably remember to talk to him about me starting to work once we get back. I don't want to be the type of wife that will just stay at home and not do anything at all. If that's it then what's the point of spending all those years working. I'm thinking of working in a company as the PRO, public relations officer. I know it won't be easy but he knows people in the business world he might just pull strings for me.

"About seven hours and fifty minutes"

I nodded and leaned back. I wanted to log into social media accounts but I'm too lazy to do so, partially because I kind of forgot my password get a security code to change it and all just seem like a lot of work.

"Hey is everything alright?" Ya Aamir asked when he seems me aimlessly playing with my phone.

"Yeah. I just forgot the password of my instagram, twitter and wattpad account" I groaned thinking of how many book updates I'll miss on wattpad.

"Who forgets their passwords?" he chuckled.

"Me" I answered pouting a bit.

"Then get a new security code and change it" he said like it's the most obvious thing.

This man doesn't know how I am, "Too much work" I complained.

"Lazy girl", He picked up his phone unlocking it with his thumbprint before handing it to me, "Here, you can use my account" he said not even seeming one bit bothered that he just gave me his phone. I know some men will delete almost everything in their phones before handing it to their wives but he didn't care about.

I took it seeing that it's the only option I have right now. Hopefully, it'll keep me entertained for the next seven hours and fifty minutes.


The same day that Aamir and Daihaah left Katsina, Faruk, Aneesah, Samhah, Afnaan and Gimbiya Amarya returned to Abuja too seeing that the couple was the reason they're there in the first place. Now they have nothing to do there anymore so they returned back home. Sultan and Anty Rabi don't stay in Abuja, they only go there time to time so they stayed back there. Gimbiya Amarya however even before she left wasn't a fan of staying in Katsina surrounded by all that royalty and stuff, she prefer the quiet life Abuja provided. Plus, she wanted to spend time with her daughters since she's back now.

Qamrah whom was sitting alone in the parlor downstairs was on the phone with her daughter in law, Aneesah, "Mami wallahi I'm calling to report your son" Aneesah complained angrily making Qamrah laugh. She knows it's the pregnancy that's making her like this.

"What did he do now Anee?" Qamrah asked not a bit surprised by this. Ever since she came back, Aneesah had been reporting her husband for every little thing.

"Mami just because I told him I want waina and gurasa, the kind they sell on the street he said he won't go out because it's raining. Wai he'll have the maid prepare it for me instead, kuma it's not me fah Mami, it's the baby that's craving it. How can he deny our child of that" Aneesah said sobbing and Qmarah could hear Faruk's voice in the background trying to pacify her but she just keeps shutting him out.

"Don't cry Anee please, think of the baby. It's not good for both of you. I'll send someone out to buy and deliver it to your house. But first you have to stop crying kinji?" Qamrah said, her Hausa coming out very funny because of her thick Emirati accent. She can speak Hausa fluently but the accent makes it funny when she speaks.

"Okay Mami. Nagode; thank you so much" Aneesah said cheerfully before ending the call.

It was around seven twenty something pm the next day after they returned when the door bell to the El Khabir mansion rang. It didn't help that it was also raining heavily so Qamrah whom was sitting alone in the parlor was surprised. She wondered who it could be. If the guards let the person in then the person must surely be someone close but still, there was this unsettling feeling that she didn't quite like. Standing up, she walked to the book shelf and pulled out a huge book, she opened the book which was carved and there her pistol lay where she also hid it.

She hid it behind her as she carefully walked to the door. There was a loud thunderstorm at the moment but it didn't scare her. Instead she kept ion walking till she reached the door where the door bell rang again. She cautiously held the doorknob tightening her other grip on her gun behind her back as she slowly opened the door to see who the person is.

She released an unnoticeable sigh of relief but struggle to feign a smile.


There she stood in the threshold holding a bouquet of black and white roses, she as on one of her fake innocent smiles, "Good evening Mami. Can I come in?" she asked kindly making Qamrah nod.

"Sure. Come in" she shifted giving Hannah a way to walk in.

As Hannah walked in she noticed the gun hidden behind Qamrah and she internally rolled her eyes. Once Qamrah closed the door she turned to Hannah who extended her hands, "Here you go Mami. I brought you flowers" she said.

Qamrah nodded. She called out a maid and told her to collect the bouquet from Hannah. Hannah was a bit disappointed but quickly masked it away when Qamrah ushered her to the living room where Hannah took one of the posh couches and Qamrah sat opposite her hiding the gun away from the girl's view.

Hannah cleared her throat, "I know we haven't met before so you must be wondering who I am. I am Hannah—"

"Hannatu Yaqoub. Yeah I know who you are" Qamarh cut her off midway with her own fake smile. She just hates the girl's guts.

Hannah nodded, "Yes. Well I don't think you know that Aamir and I are close" she continued.

"I know. I know everything that's going on in my kids life"

"Speaking of which, I just came from Aamir's house. The gatemen said something about him not being there so I thought maybe he was here. I tried calling him but I couldn't get a hold of him"

Qamrah smiled, "Yeah he's currently on his honeymoon with his wife now" she stressed the words honeymoon and wife trying to make it clear to the girl whom can't seem to leave her son's life.

Hannah nodded and her smile fell and eyes hardened. Judging by the look on Qamrah's face and her words she knew playing the innocent card on her was a waste of time. "Well I can't wait for him to get back. I and his wife have a lot to talk about" she said a smirk dancing on her lips.

"Little girl. Get over your obsession with my son. Nothing you'll say at this moment will ruin the relationship he has with his wife. The girl already knows about the relationship between you two" Qamrah said narrowing her eyes at the girl that's just too dumb to say that to her face.

"But she doesn't know everything, you and I both know that. He doesn't have the guts to tell her that" Hannah said confidently loving how irked Qamrah is. She knows she can't do anything to the woman but she can vex her that might just work in her favor too.

"That won't change anything"

Hannah stood up fixing her jacket, she smiled at Qamrah mischievously, "We'll see about that" she said before turning on her heels and walking out leaving Qamrah there glaring at her retreating figure.

She knew that girl is trouble from the very beginning.




JOIN!! Pretty please.


Aamir and Daihaah's food🤣😂, lmao.

Daihaah crying over phone🤣, lol.

My Baby Hannah is on fire, I'm so proud of her😁.

Daihaah and Aamir on a honeymoon. Iyye..

Oya people let's come up with a ship name, just drop it in the comment section. I was thinking #DhaMir but I'm not really sure so I'm open to suggestions.

Love, Jannah.

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