Chapter 36 👑
Khadijah Daihaah's POV.
Prince pulled away from the hug after a very very long time. I didn't mind though, it gave me time to gather my thoughts so I wouldn't do something stupid. It's not my fault though, it just that I can't seem to think clearly when he's around me too close than I would've approved of before.
Without a word more, he made his way to our bedroom. I hesitated for a few minutes wanting to him some privacy but somewhere deep within I was so worried he was going to call Hannah again. Call me insecure if you want but after the stunt he pulled last time it was getting hard for me to trust him again even if it's to let him have his privacy for a while.
I didn't want to give him false hope that's why I told him I haven't forgiven him yet, and that's just the truth.
If he wants my trust again and my forgiveness then he has to earn it.
I stood up and followed him to our room where I heard shuffling from inside before I even open it. I tensed a bit, is he leaving me again? He can't do that right?
I held the handle and twisted it pushing the door open slowly dreading if my thoughts confirm to be right. I stopped in my track when I saw what he was doing.
"What are you doing?" I asked him as I stare at him going into the closet and then coming back with a handful of my clothes and putting it in one of his numerous suitcases.
He had already filled up the suitcase with my clothes and then he zipped it close. He raised his head and offered me a small smile, "We're going back to Abuja" he simply stated.
I just stood there watching him, "What? But we aren't suppose to leave till in a week or two"
That was the plan initially so why is he changing his mind now?
He sighed, "We can leave anytime we want. No one will say a word. And I say we're going back home. You and I have somewhere to go" he said as he head to the closet again to get Allah knows what.
"Where are we going?" I asked making my way to the bed where the suitcase lies. I'm sure it's not all my clothes he packed up in there. It only meant that I'm either leaving the rest here or Adda will bring it with her.
"If I tell you then it won't be a surprise anymore will it?" he answered from the closet which he disappeared into.
"Should I be worried about this?" I asked when he came back with a sorrel abayah with a matching veil and placed it in front of me. I immediately recognized it as one of those that Adda bought for me.
"No you shouldn't. Just trust me. Now hurry up change. Our flight leaves in an hour"
That's the problem, I don't trust him.
I raised a brow not looking at the clothes he kept in front of me, "Are you doing this to get away from your mom?" I asked sounding really serious. He has to know I'm not joking right now. I'm being dead serious.
He sighed rubbing his face with his hand, "Daihaah---"
"No Prince. You can't just run away from all this. You're going to have to face this sooner or later" I said sternly keeping my gaze on him but he didn't seem convinced the least.
"Then I'd prefer it to be later. And please just drop it; I don't want to talk about it" he said as his eyes met mine and I knew if I press this issue further he might end up yelling at me again. And believe me that's the last thing I want right now.
"Wait when did you book the plane?" I asked because he came back today and since he had been with his mom and then me. So when did he plan for the both of us to travel?
"Since before I came back" he answered reaching out to take his phone that was on the bed.
My brows furrowed, "You and me weren't in talking terms then? How did you know I was going to come with?"
He shrugged, "Easy. You're Khadijah. Figured you will want to get away from this place as soon as possible. And I had a backup plan just in case" he smiles as he moved his eyes away from me and to his phone which if I may say is his second wife. I'm sure he won't mind marrying his phone; he's obsessed with it I tell you.
"Which is...." I drawled eyeing his phone and then him.
He looks up, an amused smile dancing on his lips. "Believe me, you don't want to know. Just leave it as it is" he said, "Now will you go dress up? We're wasting time you know"
I nodded and picked up the outfit and head to the walk in closet to change. I slipped out of the clothes I have on and put on the sorrel abayah which has white spangles decorating it. The veil is moderate, not too big and not too small. I'm surprised he didn't ask me to wear a hijab knowing how he is. Nevertheless I put it on and picked out a white clutch to put my phone and other necessities in it.
By the time I walked out of the closet, the suitcase and Prince were both missing so I thought he's taken it out to the car. I head to the door after making sure I didn't leave anything behind. I met him in the living room as he came back.
"Are you all set?" he asked putting his phone in his pocket.
I smiled and nodded, "Yea I am"
He grinned and walk to where I am. Leaning forth, he placed a kiss on my forehead, "You look beautiful as always"
"Thank you"
He took my hand and intertwined our fingers, "Come on, let's go"
He led me outside to where a black Land cruiser was parked, he opened the back door for me to get in and I looked at him puzzled, "Aren't we going to say goodbye to the others?" I asked but he just shook his head.
"No. I've told dad, Faruk and grandma already. I'm sure they'll convey the message to everyone else" he simply answered.
"But..." I wanted to say that I want to say goodbye to Qamrah myself since I'm not sure when I'll see her again but decided against it seeing the look on his face. He looks really happy to be away from here, I don't want to ruin that for him.
"Fine" I got in the car and he got in afterwards telling the driver to drive away to the airport. I rested my head back and closed my eyes as the car drove out of the house that I've been kind of used to and the people that lived within its walls.
Goodbye Katsina.
Till next time.
One hour and forty five minutes later I'm finally in the house that I will call mine for the next few months to come. Jannah was right, this house is exactly like that of Adda Anee's except that while hers is painted golden and white with bright furniture, this house is more of grey and white with black and grey furniture. Also instead of mahogany doors like that of Hermano's house this house's is completely of oak wood. Other than that, everything is exactly the same. The rooms, kitchen, design, backyard, literally everything! It was like being in their house but not their house.
The master bedroom, or 'our' room as my dearest husband calls it is twice the size of ours that is in Katsina. This was more spacious and everything in the room was grey, black or white from the black furniture, grey curtains and white walls. It even has a freaking balcony with four Adirondack chairs and an oak wood table there. The hammock by the window will definitely be my favorite place here. I can already picture myself there sipping tea while reading a book.
Ah the feeling...
I didn't have time to ogle the room much because Prince came after me with the suitcase which he took to what seems like the walk in closet.
"I know you are tired so rest, later we're having dinner out with some close friends. I'm sure you'll like them" he said while I nodded heading to the bathroom. I performed ablution and then came out and prayed Asr prayer seeing that I prayed Zuhr before we left Kastina.
After that, I hit the bed that had been calling my name ever since I stepped foot in the room. I removed the abayah and threw on a comfy black tights and a white crop top before getting comfortable under the quilt. If I thought the bed back in Katsina was good then this is heaven. I could sleep on this for years and I wouldn't mind at all. It was like sleeping on clouds and the pillow was just as soft.
It didn't take long after that for me to welcome the darkness that consumed my whole being.
I woke up to someone poking my face. I groaned and pushed the person's hand away. The person chuckled and kept poking my face and this time I slapped the hand away and turned away mumbling stuff that even I can't comprehend. It's not my fault though, I just want to sleep but whoever it is, they clearly didn't get the memo.
The person sighed, "Daihaah wake up, we're going to be late for our dinner date" he said but I shoved his hand away that tried to poke me again.
"Go away" I whined hiding my face under the pillow as if to shut his voice out.
"Daihaah get out of that bed now or else"
I scoffed, "Or what?" the sleep was slowly leaving me and whether I like it or not I am waking up.
He sighed, "Or nothing. Just wake up please" he pleaded making me roll my eyes.
I sat up, "Fine!" I said pushing the quilt away from my body. "What time is the dinner?" I asked looking at Prince whom has changed out of the outfit he has on and into a black tee and a matching jeans as if he's going for a funeral. I resisted the urge to say something because one, he looks really good in it, and two that's just usually how he dresses up.
He smiled as if he just won something, "It's in thirty minutes"
I huffed narrowing my eyes at him slightly, "Thirty minutes? You could've at least let me sleep for another twenty minutes. I can get ready in ten minutes"
He looked at me as if I just said something stupid. His expression matches that of mine earlier, his eyes slightly narrowed too, brows quirked up a bit, "Are you kidding me? No thank you. I have a sister I know how you girls take an hour to dress up and you are no better"
"Well duhh. We need to look good"
"What's so hard in just putting on clothes and applying makeup. I don't even know why you girls like makeup. You guys are good enough just the way you are" He stated and I think he regrets it when he saw the look on my face.
Six minutes, thirty eight seconds later I'm still here lecturing him about why women need time to dress up. My dearest husband look like he rather be anywhere but here and he couldn't cut me off because every time he tries I just shut him off. I wanted to get back at him for disrupting me and by the look on his face, I did. "And lastly, I don't like makeup but since you said we're going out to meet some people I will apply makeup and for that I think I'll need at least forty five minutes" I crossed my arms and bit my lip to hide the smile that's threatening to escape when I saw how his eyes dilated.
"Forty what!? Daihaah we have to leave in twenty five minutes. Fine you win; I'll never say anything about you taking time to dress up just please hurry up"
I pursed my lips together, "Fine. I'll see what I can do about it"
"I'm going to change in the next room. I'll check up on you in twenty minutes" he said and didn't wait for me to answer before he stood up and walked out probably annoyed that I said I'll take a lot of time to get ready.
The moment he's out, I burst into fits of laughter. He can be funny when he wants to and I can't believe he bought that easily. I really must be a great actress, I'll make sure to use that to my advantage. I'm sure it'll come in handy someday soon.
I got of bed and made my way to the en suite where I took a quick shower before heading to the closet to pick up something to wear. I picked my phone and played Little Mix's song break up song before going ahead to pick up an outfit. I settled on a multi color gown with I decided to pair up with silver gray veil and a matching clutch.
Contented with my outfit, I sat on the stool by the vanity table and applied makeup on my face which I hated but I just wanted to do it. It took me five minutes and by the time I was done, I quickly put on the outfit I picked up and paired it with a simple silver necklace, earring and bracelet. I smiled at my reflection in the mirror and quickly took my phone to snap a pic.
"Thank Allah you're ready. I don't know what I would've done if you weren't ready" I didn't turn but I was aware he is standing by the door. I heard footsteps as he approached where I was and his all too familiar cologne hit my olfactory lobes. The same zest, spice and oudh as always.
He stopped behind and his eyes met mine when he looked at the mirror too, "And I may say so you look really beautiful. I smiled widely "Too beautiful that I shouldn't let you out" my smile dropped as I glared at him. He has now changed into a white getzner kaftan without a cap as his hair is gelled back. Now looking closely though it's much shorter than the last time I saw him. I wonder how he was able to cut it seeing how much he loved it.
I didn't wake up from my sleep, dress up and put on makeup just to stay at home.
"Tell me you're kidding" I said seriously making him shrug. "You are kidding right? You can't do this to me"
He chuckled, "If I do mean what I said by the looks of it you might just chop off my head, so dearest wifey I was joking. Partially at least" he placed his head on my shoulder while his arms wrap around my waist.
I tried to ignore the way the elephants in my stomach danced to it and rather tried my best not to show it, "Good. Let's go. We don't want to leave them waiting do we?"
He smiled, "No we won't. And even if we do I'm sure they won't mind" he said nuzzling my neck but with his subtle stubble it made it ticklish.
I giggled not able to hold it in, "Stop that. It tickles" I said pushing him away from me but he didn't budge. He did stop though and I felt his lips stretch into a smile, "And what happened to your hair?"
He pulled away looking at his hair through the mirror, "I cut it"
"Yeah I see that. I was surprised seeing how much you love it" I said turning around to look at him and maintain some distance between us.
He shrugged, "I'm trying something new. Change is good" I nodded in agreement. He looked down at his watch, "We should leave now, else we'll be late"
"okay let's go" I quickly picked up the clutch that I placed on the vanity table, picked up my phone too and then joined him as we made our way out.
El Paraiso.
That's where he drove to.
Being here brings back the memories of being here with someone, Adheel. Those were just months ago but it felt like years. When the news of my marriage with Prince broke out Adheel only said two words, "Told ya!" He was more than happy for me seeing how much I hated the idea of being married, to Prince nonetheless. He did attend the wedding though, and from the looks of it he and Prince get along just fine. They seemed to know each other for long.
Back to reality, we just got in the restaurant and the same man at the door from months ago, Bryan is his name I think is still the one right now. He offered me a smile probably having recognized me and I smiled back.
Tonight the restaurant was quite empty with only a few people, about five or six I think so unlike the other day. But everything was still just as I remembered it.
Prince took my hand in his and led me to a table where two people were sitting; a man and a woman to be precise. The woman however was oddly familiar. It took me a while but once we reached the table and when I got a close look at her, it clicked.
Her eyes met mine and she stood up walking towards me and engulfed me in a tight embrace just like last time, "Daihaah! It's nice to see you again"
I chuckled awkwardly trying to get her to lessen her hold around me, "It's nice to see you again too Saudah" I said when she pulled back making her smile wider, if that's even possible.
"I was a bit surprised when I heard about your wedding with Prince here. I'm sorry I couldn't make it though. I was on a trip with my husband at the time" she said and I took the time to look at her closely again. She was just the same as last time with her being flawless and everything.
"It's no problem really" I waved it off with a wide smile.
She turned to the other man whom was laughing with Prince as she pulled me towards them. "Khadijah, meet my husband. Adheel's elder brother, Anwar" she said pointing to the man that looks like an elder version of Adheel except without the dimples. He's just as handsome though.
"Hey" I said offering him a small smile.
He smiled back, "Hey. It's nice to finally meet Mrs Aamir El Khabir. I'm Anwar. I'm not sure if this husband of yours had told you about me but I'm one of his friends and business partner"
I nodded with a small, "He didn't. You know how he is. But it's nice to meet you" he and his wife joined me seeing the way Prince narrowed his eyes at me playfully.
"Now that you've both made fun of me can we get to the eating part? I'm starving. Saudah I hope you've whipped us some really delicious food" he said pulling out a chair for me to sit and I did while he pulled the one next to me and sat on it.
Saudah nodded, "You know I only cook up the best" she called one of the waitresses and asked her to bring the food out and we all sat patiently waiting for it as we talked about everything and nothing, just bonding.
Hannah watched from the other side of the restaurant as a lady she clearly remembers as Saudah hugged Daihaah. She angrily placed down the menu in her hand and stood up trying to make her way to the two couple trying to create a scene or anything to get them apart.
A figure stood in front of her blocking her view and stopping her from executing her plan. She angrily look up only for a look of confusion to wash over her features when she sees him, "Mubarak?" she asked as if not believing her eyes.
Muhsin looked behind her before his eyes met hers, his expression completely passive, "Turn. You and I need to talk" he stated simply.
Her brows furrowed but she shook her head, "No. Get out of my way. Can't you see I have something to do" she tried to walk by his side but he shift and blocked her once again making her release a frustrated sigh.
"What the hell do you want?!" she whisper yelled.
Muhsin didn't waver, "You and I need to talk about what you came to me the other day" That was enough to change her mind. She desperately hoped he agrees to what she suggested.
So, after looking at the couple once again she nodded in agreement and made her way back to her seat with Muhsin trailing behind her. Once back at the table, they both sat down with him opposite her.
She nervously looked at him with hopeful eyes waiting for him to say something, "So?" she asked.
He looked at her before deciding to say something, "After you came to me. I figured that you wouldn't just come to me like that. You must've tried something and it failed for you to come back to me for resolution" he started watching her closely for her reaction.
Hannah's eyes widened slowly but she quickly regained her composure. Unfortunately for her, he saw it, "What are you talking about?" she asked playing her innocent card which she use to fool everyone.
Everyone except Daihaah.
Muhsin's lips twitched up a bit. He put his hand in his pocket and pulled out a small leather with some white substance in it. He outstretched his hand till it was in front of her and he dropped it, "Does this look familiar"
She didn't even think twice before answering, "No"
Muhsin nodded with a small smile on his face, "Funny though. Percocet. That was the same thing that someone used trying to poison Daihaah with back in England but the plan failed since I figured it out" he said as if he's talking to himself but they both know he was taunting her.
"I don't know what you're talking about" Hannah said leaning back not even looking at the white thing one more time.
Muhsin chuckled, "Then it's kind of funny how it turned out to have your thumbprint on it" he said seriously making her eyes widen, "Doctor Hannah. You better drop that act of yours, you don't fool me. You were the one who tried to kill Daihaah back in England and I have evidence. If I may ask though, why?"
Hannah's face hardened as her eyes blaze with fury. With each and every second that passes that good in her heart is being replaced by anger and hate towards Daihaah, "She stole Aamir from me! I knew him first, I was always there for him, we had a perfect life together and we could've gotten back together is she just had to appear in the picture. Do you know that last week he needed help, he called me? But then when he was here, he gained some so called 'consciousness'. He didn't even come to me for help, he didn't need me so he stayed alone for a whole week! No matter how hard I tried he simply just shut me out? And all for that pathetic excuse of a wife that he has. If not for me that wife of his would've died. I should've let her died" she almost screamed but she knew better than to attract attention to them.
Muhsin rolled his eyes not a bit bothered by her outburst. "That only meant one thing. He loves her. He loves her too much to confide in another woman. He chose to rather be alone and deal with his own demons than to cheat on his wife. But you can't see that can you? You are blinded by anger. Just look at the way he looks at her, can't you see it?"
Hannah watched him as her features changed slowly as if realization just dawned on her, "You're not the old Muhsin" she whispered to herself but he heard her, "You aren't the one that was madly in love with her. Right now you don't seem to love her at all" she said staring into his eyes waiting for him to say something.
Muhsin just sat there watching her with an impassive look not uttering a word.
"Who are you Mubark Muhsin Murad?"
How was that?
I thought it was finally time to start unraveling the secrets.
Hannah isn't the miss goody two shoes she portrays to be. She was rather the one who tried to kill Daihaah the other time.
Who is Muhsin?
I love the whole secret thing, lol.
Love, Jannah.
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