Chapter 35 👑
Khadijah Daihaah's POV
September 23rd 2019.
Katsina, Daura.
When I woke up I had a migraine. My head hurts like hell and once I opened my eyes I could barely see clearly. But after a few tries I could see without much problem. The problem however was the fact that my head really hurts badly.
I tried to sit up and only then did I realize that I am on our bed. But, the thing is that I don't remember getting on it. Speaking of which only now did I remember everything that happened. Prince walked out on me after the fight we had about him and Hannah and I slumped down and cried pathetically.
But the thing is I couldn't help it.
It hurts. He was the only one I thought I had but he just had to go and do that. The moment he walked out I knew there was no one I could count on. I don't have anyone with me.
One thing though is that I don't remember passing out on the bed, I was on the floor crying myself to sleep when I lost consciousness.
So who brought me here?
For sure it wasn't Prince, he left already. I'm sure of that.
The door creaked open interrupting my chain of thoughts. I looked up and was surprised to see whom the person is. I wasn't expecting her to be here at all. She must've been the one that got me on the bed. But why would she?
She smiled warmly at me, "You're awake. I knew you will regain consciousness soon" Gimbiya Amarya said walking towards me with a salver in her hand which has a bowl on it and a spoon beside it. The smile on her face was motherly if I'd say myself, and there was just something about her that Anty Rabi never had.
I just sat staring at her perplexed. I was surprised to see her here no doubt about that because I know she and Prince aren't exactly on talking terms so even if he's not here I don't ever think she would be.
It seemed like she caught me staring because when she got to the bed she kept it on the bedside table and pulled out a Lap Gear Designer Lap Desk and placed it in front of me before placing the salver on it. "You seem to have a fever so I made chicken soup. It'll help" she said.
As if on cue, my stomach rumbled making her chuckle, "Well eat up" she urged as she pulled a seat and sat by the bed watching me.
I picked up the spoon and got a spoonful of the broth soup which smells really good, but I let my taste buds judge it and believe me it was delicious. I didn't mind that I was eating it fast because my hunger overshadowed the fact that she is sitting right here in front of me watching. I wonder why and how she's here. Right now I'll eat first and worry about that later.
Ten minutes later, I stare at the empty bowl in front of me and looked up to see her watching me with a smile on her face. "I see you like it" she said taking the salver away from me and placing it aside passing me a bottle of water which I took.
I nodded, "I did. Thank you"
"Don't mention it. I was just looking after my daughter" she waved it off with a chuckle and now looking closely she does really look like the old hag like so much. Even when she laughs, it's identical to that of Queen Dowager.
I just stare at her surprised at how casual she's acting around me as if we didn't just meet earlier today.
Wait? Is it still today?
"How long have I been out?" I asked as I couldn't peek outside as the curtains were closed. She must've closed it because I know I didn't.
"Two hours. It's three right now" she answered as she watched me closely.
I nodded; it isn't as bad as I think. "If you don't mind me asking, why are you here?" I didn't want to sound ungrateful but it was really suspicious what's she's doing here.
"Someone told me Prince left after you went after him. I know my son, he must been really upset and I know he can't control what he does when he's angry so I came to check on you when I found you on the floor passed out cold. It didn't help that you were burning up, you had a fever and probably still do but I'm sure the soup helped" she explained and if I'm not mistaken I spotted a hint of worry in her tone. Her eyes soften when she was stalking about it almost as if in empathy. I don't know if she's faking it but it really seemed genuine.
My eyes sting with tears. "He left me" I whispered more to myself and realization dawned upon me once again. I don't know why I'm telling her this but I guess I just needed to talk to someone about it and her being here I just can't help it. It also seemed like she could be the listening ears I need. I needed to talk to someone about it so as to get it off my chest and she is here.
She hummed in understanding shaking her head slightly. Her lips curving in a bit like she about to bit it but she didn't. "He went to Hannah didn't he?" she asked raising a brow making me just stare at her as if she grew two heads.
"How do you know about her?" I didn't bother to hide the astonishment in my tone.
She chuckled as she leaned back crossing her legs, "Sweetheart I might not be here but I know everything that's going on with my kids. I know about his friendship with that Hannah girl. If you ask me they are too close. I don't know why but I simply don't like the girl at all. She's too good to be true with how nice she is" She shook her head and I almost laugh at the look she is making. It was hilarious. From her tone you can detect that she too doesn't like Hannah.
"That's exactly what I said" I laughed and she joined me too and I was slowly forgetting about my problem with Prince.
If I didn't know about what happened before, or at least from Prince's perspective then I'd wonder why one will ever hate this woman. She's simply so carefree and nice.
"Well then you and I will definitely along. And don't worry too much about Aamir, the boy is smart but he's dumb at times" She rolled her eyes, a smile still lingering on her lips.
Did she just say he's dumb?
I burst into another fits of laughter again, "That you are right" he is dumb, and that's a fact. Sometimes I wonder how it that he's so smart is. The thing is simply ironical.
"No but really, if you ask me he is stupid to leave you and go to that girl. But it's not his fault; men are simply dumb when it comes to such things. His father was like that back in the days, I put some sense into him though"
"They're alike for sure, so much"
"They are too alike it's kind of creepy, from the way they act to how they dress and think. If I wasn't his mother then I'd been freak out. But they are too good for people like Rabi and Hannah in this family. See don't worry, I'll help you get your man back. That is a promise. I wouldn't want that girl to be my daughter in law, I don't think I'll feel the vibe like with you" she wiggled her brows a bit and there was a hint of mischief in her tone.
In a way this woman is definitely his mother by the same character they share though she's more outgoing.
"And how are we going to that?" I was kind of scared for one. I don't know what she has in mind so yeah, it's totally okay for me to worry about it.
"You'll rest for today but tomorrow, you, I and Aneesah are having a girls day out. We're going shopping, and then the spa and lastly we're having a sleepover" She explained using her hand to list it out. She seemed really excited for it by the grin on her face.
"A sleepover?"
"Yeah what's wrong with that?" She didn't give the impression of being worried by my tone.
"Nothing. It's not something I envision soldiers doing" I stated honestly hoping that she wouldn't feel insulted a way because I totally didn't mean it like that at all. I was simply stating what's on my mind.
"Hey I might be a soldier but I am a woman. And now that I'm here, keep aside the fact that I'm a soldier aside. I'm a mother in law, and a cool one for that matter"
"Okay I'll keep that in mind" I chuckled at her enthusiasm.
Tomorrow is going to be a very long day by the looks of it.
A week.
It's been a week since Prince left.
And a week since I've last saw and heard from him.
And 89 days left.
Nobody spoke about him, at least in front of me they don't. I couldn't just keep up with the pitiful stares they kept sending my way each time we are having breakfast. They were careful not to talk anything about him in my presence and for that I'm grateful. They made sure that I was never alone; I was either with Adda Anee, Samhah, or Gimbiya Amarya whom I've grown really close to. Seeing that I can't sleep in that chamber all alone, I had Samhah stay with me and she agreed to it.
He hasn't called me, texted me or reply to any of the messages I sent him.
Pathetic I know.
You would probably be wondering why I sent him a message when he was the one that hurt me.
Reason is that I know him. Deep down he is hurt and he needs someone with him. And as pitiful as it sounded though he chose to seek comfort from another woman he is still my husband no matter what.
God I don't know if this makes me stupid but I really don't know what to do anymore.
I didn't let the rest know about this though; they are already worried about me as it is. The only one that has a clue on what's happening is Gimbiya Amarya. And that's because I really can't seem to hide anything from her. She so much reminds me of Ummi and at that though I sighed realizing how much I miss my mother.
Right now I'm on my way back our chambers after breakfast. Everyone went their separate ways and later in about thirty minutes I and Adda Anee will accompany Queen Dowager to the orphanage she normally goes to. I'm excited honestly because I'm sure those children will take my mind off everything that's going on here.
I love children.
But then who doesn't?
I was so lost in thoughts that I didn't see the person in front of me till I bumped into them. I quickly looked up to apologize seeing that it's my fault but the thought got stuck in the back of my mind when I see whom the person is.
"Oh look if it's the bride whose husband fled away from her three days after their marriage" She said with a smirk making me sneer ignoring the pang I felt in my heart from how true her words are.
I ignored her and turned to walk away from her but she held my arm and dragged me back and because I was totally unaware of what she would dos he easily did it.
"I'm still talking to you bitch" she hissed glaring at me.
I snatched my hand out of her grip, "See I'm not in the mood for any of your nonsense right now. If you're looking for trouble, go and look for it somewhere else not with me" I stated calmly and it seemed to surprise her because she was taken aback probably expecting me to lash out on her.
She just stood there looking at me as if trying to see something. She huffed silently snickering, "Him leaving must've really got to you didn't it? Are you really that stupid?"
"No but you are" I glared at her causing a scowl to appear on her face.
"Watch your mouth. I will not tolerate you talking to me anyhow" she warned as her eyes narrowed at me.
I rolled my eyes, "Or what?" I raised a brow knowing that she can't do anything to me. She's just bluffing.
"You know very well what I'm capable of"
"As a matter of fact, I don't know what you're talking about" I said only to anger her more. She really has anger issues, she loses her calm easily.
"You have a smart mouth don't you?"
I resisted the urge to roll my eyes again. It seems like this mad girl likes stating the obvious, "I thought you figured that out by now"
"Prince is no longer here to protect you so I'll watch my back if I were you. I'm coming for you. You'll leave this family with your own two legs. I'll make sure of that"
I opened my mouth to reply to her but someone cut me off before I even get to chance to let my voice heard.
"Lay one finger on my wife and I promise you you'll regret it"
I stood there frozen.
Of course he just had to show up now.
I refused to turn and even spare him a glance no matter how bad I wanted to. My heart already took up its pace at his mere presence and his voice. As much as I hate to admit it he has that kind of effect on me. And a small part of me deep deep deep down is glad he's back.
She seemed just as surprised as I am as her eyes widen as she fixates her eyes at the figure behind me whom I refused to look at.
"Ya Aamir..."
He walked towards us and stood beside me but I still didn't even attempt to look at him. I couldn't. I just simply can't with him right now. How dare he? After all he said and did to me he is now protect me?
My husband is really the best.
You got the sarcasm right?
How can you not?
"How are you back?" she stupidly asks and I snickered in my head though my face stayed blank.
How can she ask him that?
It's just plainly stupid.
"That is none of your problem. And don't you dare ever threaten my wife again or else you won't like the outcome" He said coldly and even thought I'm not looking I'm sure his face is passive and hard as stone.
"Well surely you must've known something was going to happen to her when you left her don't you?" She replies back standing up straighter and maintaining the stare off they are having.
"Are you testing my patience right now Nabila? You know very well what I am capable of"
She nodded snickering, "Of course I know what you're capable of. But you won't dare hurt family"
"Try me if you want to find out"
"Both of you stop this now!" Someone said accompanied by clanks of heels on the marble floor. Even before we saw her we knew who it was. Her voice made that clear as day.
Gimbiya Amarya walked towards us with a straight look on her face. But, the thing is her gaze is locked on Prince only as she walked to us and stood between them.
"Nabila leave this place now!" she commanded in a tone I knew Aamir with.
Nabila hesitated but nodded seeing the no nonsense look on her face.
"And don't think you're getting off this easily. You and I will talk later" She said still not taking her eyes off her son.
'Nabila' gulped nervously before scrambling away quickly.
"Khadijah go back to your chamber and rest, I need to talk to my son" Gimbiya Amarya said to me still not looking away.
I didn't need to be told twice because I didn't want to spend another minutes with him in the same room and the atmosphere is already tense. I left quietly but before I closed the door behind me I heard her say two words to him.
"Follow me"
Prince looked at her retreating back as if she grew two head. How can she think he will do what she wants after everything? He looked away refusing to look at her again. She must be dreaming to think he'll listen to her.
Sensing he wasn't coming she stopped in her tracks and turned hands akimbo, "Aamir I'm sure you're not deaf. I said follow me now" she repeated but he didn't waver.
She almost huffed in disbelief. He is still as stubborn as he is when she left, "Boy I might be gone for long but I'm sure you haven't forgotten in that thick head of yours how I can be. Now let me repeat myself one last time, follow me or else" she threatened and Aamir pictured what was coming next before it happened.
The woman took off her heels. Something she does when they were kids and were being stubborn. She didn't care that they were grown up, she'll beat some sense into that thick head of his and he knew what she capable of. She raised a perfectly arched brow waiting for him to make a decision.
Do as she said and live in peace
Be stubborn and get beaten with a shoe like any typical Naija mom despite that he is a grown man embarrassing him though there are no people here.
That woman didn't care one bit.
He swallowed his pride as his pout a little bit and followed her making her grin widely. She put back her shoes and walked to the living room that was empty since everyone was busy.
Now standing in front of each other, he realizes how much he is taller than her. She's just as short as his wife which eh stupidly hurt. He has to admit, that was the most stupid he has done in a while and will spend years regretting and apologizing for it.
She sat down on one of the couches and folded her legs.
He went to sit down but she stopped him, "I didn't say you could sit down did I?" she raised a brow as the grin she has on earlier completely disappeared and now she is in full military mode. She uses the same voice she uses to train new recruits in the army.
He huffed. He couldn't believe her. But he knew better than to object.
"Now will you start by telling me why the hell you left your wife all alone after three days of marriage?" she asked calmly but he could spot anger behind her words.
He looked at her in disbelief. Is she kidding him right now? She knew the reason he left and it was because of her.
He kept shut giving her the silent treatment.
"Speak up boy or I'll make you" she threatened removing her heels again.
Prince eyes the heels. He can vividly remember a time before she left when he and Faruk did something and she beat them up with her slippers. They pulled a prank and completely drench her white Italian carpet with orange dye. That day she was beyond furious. Everyone knows after her children how much she adores her furniture and her love for decorating her home with new stuff every now and then.
Let's just say that was the day he started fearing his mother and her shoes.
And he is the way he is now because she wasn't there to put sense into him otherwise he wouldn't have turned up the way he is now.
He didn't know what to say. Now looking up closely what he is he did so with no reason at all, "I have my reasons" he simply said silently praying that she'll accept that as her answer and she did.
She sighed, "Look Aamir no matter how much you hate me, you can't bring your wife into this. The girl is innocent and has been through so much she doesn't deserve this" she reasoned with him.
He suddenly felt guiltier than he was earlier, "I know" he mumbled but she heard him. She didn't need to tell him. He himself knows he is a jerk.
"You know she fell sick when you left. Thank Allah I was there. I didn't want to tell you this but I felt the need to. At least now you'll know the consequence of your actions" she added looking closely at him to see his reaction and was not surprised to see a look of worry taking over his facial expression. "What happened with Nabila earlier was nothing. We both know how true how words are. Imagine how much it must've hurt the girl. I get you're hurt but..."
"You don't know anything!" this time he cut her off not caring about her threats.
God he's hurt too.
Have they considered how he is coping?
Gimbiya Amarya kept shut for a while knowing that she can't blame him. One look at him and she knows her son is broken and has been strong for so long. "I'm sorry Aamir. I can't take back all those years but I am here now" she tried reasoning as her eyes well up when she sees his eyes glaze with unshed tears.
"You're here now? Sixteen years later! And you expect me to welcome you with open hands. You weren't there when I went to college, you weren't there when I was breaking down and needed someone with me, you weren't there when I first fell in love, you weren't there when I met the love of my life, you weren't there when I got married and it' now that you want to walk into my life and make everything right?" He asked as he stared at her in disbelief. By now the tears he held back one escaped and followed by another.
Gimbiya Amarya stood up and cautiously took steps close to him as she silently weeps, "I'm sorry Aamir. I couldn't give you the life you deserve. But I'm here now and I promise I'll repay it" she said as she carefully took his hands and relieved to see that he didn't flinch away from her.
She knew amongst all her children she was closer to Aamir. She was everything to him. He always spend his time with her and barely anyone else so her leaving hurt him deeply more than the others.
"You can't. You can't change the past" He said smiling bitterly as he looked away closing his eyes momentarily.
"I know but I will change. Please tafalay alsaghir. Forgive your mami" She pleaded as she places her palm on his cheek watching him closely.
He kept quiet for minutes and just when she thought he had given in, he stepped away from her, "That boy is long gone. He grew up and is no longer the baby boy you know" He turned and walked away ignoring the way she kept calling his name for him to stop.
He needed to get away from her.
She brings back the bad memories.
The ones he had been constantly running away from.
Daihaah was seated in the living room waiting for him to come back. She knew he would and was waiting for him to come so that they can talk like mature adults. She wasn't willing to forgive that easily but they need to talk. Though she knows when he comes back he will be angry but still.
It was now or never.
When he came back he wasn't in the situation she was expecting at all.
She wasn't expecting to see him in tears.
The tears fall freely and he didn't bother to hide them. He looks really broken and tired. Like he is tired of making efforts or trying to hide his pain and pretending to be okay. The strongest ones get tired too and he is now.
He looked like he gave up.
She didn't try to go to him because it was like she was frozen in her spot. She just watched him as he walked towards her ever so slowly till he was in front of her. He fell on his knees as she was on the sofa so they were now of the same level.
"I'm sorry. I'm really sorry Daihaah. I'm sorry I know I messed up but I'm really sorry. Daihaah i-m—"
She cuts him off by wrapping her arms around him pulling him really close to her as he buries his face in the crook of her neck, "Just shut up" she mumbles into the hug and she could feel him smile a bit on her neck
"I'm sorry" he apologized again.
"I told you to shut up right?" she stated again, "And don't even think you're forgiven because you're not"
"I'll make it up to you and earn your forgiveness. For now I'm okay being like this"
And this time he did keep shut. She didn't forgive him, he knew that. But being her embrace was more than enough for him right now and she was content being like this.
Hope you enjoyed your sallah gift.
If I put a smile on your face then put one on mine by voting and dropping a comment.
Love, Jannah.
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