Chapter 33 👑
Khadijah Daihaah's POV.
Katsina, Daura.
September 23, 2019.
By the time Prince calmed down, I helped him and made our way back to our room hoping that he'll not notice me limping. Once in the confines of our room, I head to the en suite and picked out a small medical aid box I saw the other day seeing that his knuckles are neo stained with blood.
I walked back and saw him just as I left him, he was sitting on the edge of the bed. The difference from now and earlier was that he was no longer crying but his eyes were bloodshot red from all the tears he shed. He just sat there quietly and my heart broke at the sight. Gone was the man I was with earlier in the morning and now all I see is a broken man who looked so lost. I felt tears welling up in my eyes at the sight but quickly blinked them back.
I crouched in front of him and took one of his hands to treat the wound. After wiping the blood away, I kept the now blood stained cotton aside and picked up a bandage to roll it over the busted knuckles. I did the same to the other and once I was done, I looked up and saw his eyes on me. His facial expression was passive, the same look at blocks everyone out and the one I hated the most because I don't know what he's thinking of.
I stood up and picked up the kit. I turned and was about to walk away when he held my hand and brought me back to him. I gave him a confused look but he just stood up and made me took my place so that we were switching positions. He crouched in front of me and took my leg that I stepped on the broken glass and examined it. He opened the kit ad took out everything that he would need. He cleaned it but and bandaged it up. I tried to stand up and collect the kit but he just took it back to the en suite.
I waited for him to come back as I saw that he spent minutes in there. Just as I was thinking of checking up on him when he walked out and made his way to the bed. He sat down on his side and when I turned to him he outstretched his hands for me to take.
On other days I may have contemplated but not today, today was just off limit. So I took it as he drag me closer to his side so that his arms were wrapped around me and my face and one hand is resting on his torso. He placed a kiss on my forehead before leaning his head on mine. I sighed and closed my eyes as we sat like that for some time, none uttering a word to the other.
Just as my eye lids began to feel heavy, he spoke, "You want to know about her don't you?" he asked as his hand played with one of the strands of hair which he somehow pushed the head tie of my head earlier.
"Only if you want to tell me" I said lowly as sleep was still looming over me, but I knew this conversation was going to keep me awake.
He sighed as if preparing himself to tell me, "As I told you, she is my mother. Actually not just mine but all of us, with my siblings. She is grandma's niece that got married to dad and was his first time. Almost everyone loved her because she was such a nice woman whom always smiled. There was always this glint in her eyes when she smiles and the ways her eyes quint a bit was mesmerizing. Her love for kids knew no bounds and for as long as I've known her she spent most of her time with us rather than her queenly duties. She was dedicated to being a good mother first, and she was. As time goes on, the people in the palace saw that she paid attention to us and her job rather than her duty as a queen so they started to pressure dad into taking another wife, which he eventually did a few years after I was born. It didn't help that she was constantly away for work and her work wasn't exactly the one that settled down with the council members. Mom was away abroad on her work when he remarried and when she came back things weren't exactly the same in this household anymore because even a blind man could see that dad loved Mami more. People address her as Gimbiya Amarya while Anty Rabi was considered as the Queen mother because she was the one doing everything the queen should do. Anty Rabi would constantly look for trouble and Mami would give her what she asked for, she was never the one to back down from a fight. Things got worse when Anty Rabi had a miscarriage and it wasn't a surprise when she blamed Mami for it whom of course claimed it was a lie. She was right though, Mami wasn't responsible for it. She wasn't even in the country when Anty Rabi had a miscarriage as she was away on work so how could she be responsible for it?" he stopped for a while and I heard him take in a deep breath.
He left the strand he was playing with earlier and brought my hands to his face looking at the henna closely. His fingers trail the design on my palm until my eyes landed on his name that was there and of course he saw it too because I heard him chuckled lightly. He brought my hand to his lips and placed a kiss on it before intertwining them.
"Afterwards, Anty Rabi was never able to conceive again. Every time Mami would leave for work grandma would take care of us. I was the closes to her as Faruk was more outgoing than I am. He didn't have any problem socializing with people of the same age group as him unlike me whom was partially an introvert around people. I rather spend my time helping her cook, or travel with her when she was going to visit relatives or your mother..."
I raised my head immediately and looked at him, "Ummi knew Mami?" I didn't want to interrupt him but I just had to ask.
Was that what Ummi meant when she said she leaves me in the hands of his mother whom will take care of me as her own daughter?
"Knowing would be an understatement. They were best friends"
"But how?"
He shrugged, "I never knew" he continued with the story as I laid my head back where it was, "And then everything was still the same until the night she gave birth to Afnaan. That same night she somehow snuck out and left the house after just leaving a letter behind. I don't know why she did that but that night she left us with just letter. Much worse she left the baby she just gave birth to. The letter she left didn't give much information but I still remember her words
By the time you find this letter it means I'm already gone and for that I'm so sorry.
I'm leaving and I'm not coming back now, or possibly ever. I can't ever live in that house anymore.
Take care of my daughter for me please, and my other children.
It was as short as that. She didn't leave a reason or a clue as to how we'd find her. Obviously she went back to her family and dad tried to go after her but she just sent him away without any explanation. I've never seen my family break like that. Dad was lost, Faruk was never the same again, Samhah was barely five years old at that time and what's worse was that I had to watch Afnaan and she grow up without knowing their mother. They had no one to care for them but our aging grandmother and so called step mother who only pretended to like us in the presence of people. I know for sure I didn't handle that well because I was just fifteen and Faruk was eighteen. Dad thought of just sending I and my brother abroad to study because he couldn't just bear seeing us like that. He also put a gag rule on the matter, no one was allowed to even mention her name talk less talk about her. All her pictures were destroyed and the ones that were left were pixelated"
Wait...she's the lady from the picture I saw in their house in Abuja when we went for dinner that night. That woman's face was pixelated to so it had to be her. It all now just makes sense.
"I knew I rebelled at that age. It was my own way of releasing my anger because I lost her. Daihaah she was my everything; my best friend, my sister and my mother. That was the worst phase of my life because I spent the next six years of my life doing the most stupid things. I was in a different country, I was studying in America while Faruk was in England. I was alone and free to do whatever stupid thing I could. I got into fights, street raced at night for money which I could give out in a blink of an eye, gambled my father's money, partied all night long and thought that everything that was haram was halaal because there it was a normal thing" he hesitated saying that part and my heart fell in my stomach.
Street race
I so much wanted to ask what's was on my mind but I couldn't bring myself to say the words. It looked like he knew what was going on in my head because he answered the question after he sighed.
"Daihaah I never did what you were thinking, I might have lost my sense then but I still knew that was wrong on a whole other level. Daihaah I was such a bad person that whenever the pain came back, I just drink alcohol because then it helped me forget all about my problems. I was messed up for sure, wrecked if I may add. But, that was when I met Hannah..."
Hannah Hannah Hannah! She's always there in the story.
I should've known.
"My family barely knew what was happening to me, I hid it from them but I couldn't hide it from her. She knew what I was through my darkest days and helped me go through it. It wasn't easy because I pushed her away, a lot but she never left. Eventually she convinced me to go to rehab and I did because I was addicted to that life. I've spent over a year having therapy and she was always there with me through every step of the way, she didn't leave my side and she somehow filled the void of long my mother, I guess that was what made me fell for her. Before I knew it, she became my best friend whom knew all my deepest and darkest secrets. Eventually Faruk found out and later the rest did. After I've spent a year in rehab, I was already don with school so I joined a military academy where I spent four years. They were grateful to her and so was I because if it wasn't for her I would've been completely lost by now. Daihaah I don't want her to come back, I finally got my life back together. Seeing her will only remind me of how messed up my life was and how reckless of a person I was. She was the reason I had to go through all that and she's just coming back. How will dad feel? How will Afnaan react to this?"
I didn't know what to say. This was all too much to take in.
I knew he needed me to say something. Behind this facade of a perfect man was a broken one with a dark past. God this is all too much for one day.
I raised my head up and our eyes met, he was looking down at me with me with sadness in his eyes and my eyes soften at the sight, "Just forget about the past, it wouldn't change anything. Our past does not define us, not does it predict our future. It could only taint our image and ruin the possibilities of us changing for the better so we have to look pass it. Think of the brighter side of this, you, Samhah and Hermano get to have your mother back, Afnaan gets to know her and your dad gets to have his wife back. This could be a start of something good in your lives" I said.
He placed his hand on the side of my face as his eyes never left mine, "Daihaah I'm sorry" he muttered lowly.
I raised a brow, "Sorry for what"
"Sorry for this" and with that he inched his head closer and the next thing I knew was his lips is on mine in osculate I wasn't expecting with took my breath away.
Abuja, Nigeria.
Nnamdi Azikwe Airport.
The flight from Dubai landed at exactly 10:32 dot on Monday September 23. It took long before the commuters walk off of the plane and did everything necessary before making their way out.
A lady with a petite figure and a height of not more than 5'4 ostentatiously walked out all dressed up in a maroon abayah and a matching veil that was wrapped into a hijab over her head. She had on sunglasses and no makeup on her face. She dragged her suitcase as her heels clank on the floor.
She looked around and smiled a bit.
It was nice to be back.
Muhsin whom was waiting outside spotted her and almost immediately, a smile took over his features. He walked over to her with a smile on his face which mirrors hers and once they were within arms-length she pulled him into a hug, "Look at you! All grown up" she exclaimed aiming him chuckled.
"Welcome back" he said when they pulled back and he took the suitcase out of her hand to help her with it.
"It feels so good to be back" she said as they walked out and made their way to where he parked his Audi SUV.
"So where to now?" he asked as he unlocked the car with its remote.
She smiled, "It's time to visit the bastard who started all of this. I'm back for him anyway. I have to return the favor"
Lamido looked around wondering why Big Boss asked him to meet him in his office. Ever since he came for the wedding, he didn't leave because Big Boss wanted to talk to him. What he was surprised about is why Big Boss will ask him to meet him when they could just talk over the phone like they're used to. That was partially his excuse because he didn't want to see him. The real reason Lamido was scared was that with the wedding that just took place, Prince to married to Khadijah.
He knocked on the door and waited for Big Boss to answer him. He went in when he heard his groggily voice saying "Come in". He wiped his sweaty palms on his kaftan before opening the door and walking in.
His eyes fell on Big Boss' figure that was staring out through the window, his back to him. But even with that you can see his broad shoulder and the outline of his muscles. Big Boss was all dressed up in a mocha ritzy kaftan. Both his hands are tucked in the pocket of his kaftan pants.
"Uhm..Big Boss?" Lamido stuttered as he gulped. His nervousness could be heard as it was distinct in his tone.
Big Boss chuckled. He removed one of his hands before slowly turning and his gaze immediately met that of Lamido's whose eyes dilated a bit. He has never seen Big Boss this clear in the day where he can see his face until now.
Big Boss was definitely whom he doesn't expect to see. He thought of seeing an old man, all wrinkled up with his eyes bloodshot red from all the taking of alcohol he does. But instead he's staring at a man that looked totally nothing like the man he knew to be his boss whom had lost his sanity. This was someone you'd never expect.
His neatly trimmed hair was hid under his Zanna Bukar and his babbar riga was placed over his chair which was situated in front of his big mahogany table. There was a smile on his face which shows his pearl white teeth and his eyes squinted a bit. On his hand is a Patek Philippe which was bright silver in hue. The long sleeves of his kaftan had on silver cufflinks which matched that of his wrist watch and his skin tone was light.
"Lamido, how many times do I have to tell you to stop calling me Big boss? You make me sound like the bad guy" He said with a smile still lingering on his lips. He walked a little further and sat on his seat gesticulating to the seat in front of him, "Come, sit"
Lamido stared at him warily but quickly sat down. Why is he acting like this? He wondered. Is this the man he knows and work for?
Big Boss placed his hands on the table in front of him and his piercing gaze on Lamido which made him uncomfortable, "Now tell me, why did you kill Larai?" he asked, the smile still not leaving his lips and Lamido came to a conclusion, it was a taunting smile.
Lamido blinked remembering how he killed her, "She found out about you, she overheard our conversation and tried to snitch on us. She was trying to contact Prince and tell him all about you and me" he said, his blood boiling at the thoughts of how that woman could've worked for everything they had worked hard for, or so he thought.
Big Boss hummed in understanding, "And how did you kill her?" he quirked a brow, his smile widening making Lamido shift uncomfortably in his seat.
"I...I put something in h-her drink and made her take it unknowingly" he confessed.
Big Boss nodded. He stood up and made his way to his coffee machine. He turned it on and poured the coffee into a mug ever so slowly before picking it up and walking back to the man who thought he was his ally. He placed the coffee in front of Lamido whose eyes widened and smile.
"You mean like this? Take it"
Lamido eyed the coffee and back at Big Boss as he shook his head slowly, "Please boss..."
"Ah! Don't tell me you don't trust me?" Big boss looked like he was offended but deep down both he and Lamido knew he was faking it.
"It's not like that..."
"Then take it. I just want to see how you killed her"
Lamido bit the inside of his cheek. He looked back at the coffee mug and back to Big Boss whom was still watching him, his eyes narrowed slightly. He sighed and said all sorts of supplications he had ever said in his life before picked up the mug with trembling hands which didn't go unnoticed by Big Boss.
When he brought it just in front of his lips, he looked at Big Boss again hoping that he'll change his mind but the man did not waver.
Lamido's heart jumped in his stomach as he took a sip of the coffee, closing his eyes as he does so. He already imagined that today is his last day on earth. He was already wondering how many minutes it will take before whatever big boss puts in there will finish him off.
So this is how I'll die? He wondered in his head as he felt his throat constricting a bit. I've done everything for this man! He yelled in his head.
Big Boss watched as he took two more sips before rolling his eyes. The way Lamido closed his eyes and began to have difficulty in breathing just proves his point.
Lamido is indeed stupid.
He didn't even put anything in there!
He hissed lightly as he made his way back to his seat, "Will you stop that nonsense, that's just pure coffee. I didn't put anything in it and you're already acting like a dying frog" he leaned back on his chair and glared at Lamido as annoyance took over his features.
Lamido opened his eyes and focused on his breathing. Big boss was right. There was nothing wrong with him it was just his consciousness that was just messing with him and the bit of panic attack he almost had. He quickly placed the mug back and looked down seeing that now he can breathe properly.
"Aamir's mother is coming back today" Big boss said as he balls his fist at the thought of the woman returning back to Nigeria.
Lamido's eyes shot up, "But it had been 16 years since she left, why is she coming back now?" he asked as his brows furrowed. He sat up a bit on his seat and shift uncomfortably from the look he saw in Big Boss' eyes which scared him to the core.
"Isn't it that obvious?" Big boss stared at nothing for that moment before shifting his gaze back to this middle aged man, "Khadijah is now married to her son. She'll try to protect her from me"
Lamido sighed. This woman just wants trouble. "But she can't do anything right?"
Big boss snickered, he rubbed his fingers over his knuckles as he thought of what this woman can do, "She can do a lot. That is the difference between her and Aisha. That woman knew what she was doing when she let Aamir marry her daughter, it's because his mother will be back to keep her away from us"
"There's no way she can do much to stop us..." Lamido trailed as he felt himself become uneasy again.
Big boss glared at him, "Are you deaf or what? I told you she can do so much. You have no idea how that woman is, especially now that I don't have anything to use against her. I'm pretty sure she knows about Layla, I have to stop her from meeting her"
Lamido looked down. This woman really sound like trouble. What she finds out about him? Will she expose him?
Big boss was beyond livid and Lamido mere presence is just adding to it as the man wasn't helping him think of anything. He's underestimating her and he has no idea who she is. "Just leave, I'll contact you when the need arises" he dismissed Lamido who looked relived.
"What are we going to do about Aamir and Khadijah?" he asked just to know what to do before he leaves.
Big boss closed his eyes to calm down a bit. As much as he hates to say this he has to, "Leave them for now. With this woman in the way we have to lay low for a month or two"
Lamido nodded. "Ok. I'll get going now" he stood up and quietly left without Big boss saying a word to him.
Big boss slouched back on his chair as he thinks of things to do to keep that woman from meeting Layla. She can't ever meet her, she'll ruin his plans and he is happy with the way Layla is already. She doesn't need to know about this yet.
A few minutes later just when he decided to get back to his work, he heard commotion outside. It sounded like his secretary was trying to stop someone from getting in but the person wouldn't stop. He decided to check out what was happening but before he could stand up the door burst opened and closed the same way. His eyes widened slightly at the sight of the person but quickly a smirk took over his features. He leaned back and crossed his hands over his torso, "Oh look who it is. If it isn't my dearest Qamrah. Long time no see"
Qamrah glared at the man. She hissed and mad her way further into the room, her hatred for this man was simply beyond one's imaginations. "I'm back! Get ready for hell to unleash on earth" she said, her teeth gritted. Her thick Emirati accent distinct.
She was heaving from all the fight she got in with the secretary whom now had a broken nose. No one simply ever get the guts to put his hands on her. Does she seem like his playmate or what?
His eyes suddenly became hard, the smirk on his lips immediately disappearing, "What are you doing here?" Deep down he was thankful she didn't see Lamido in his office unknown to him she already knows of his relationship with the uncle to her daughter in law.
She smirk, "What do you seem scared? Do you think I wouldn't come back for you?" she raised one of her perfectly arched brows, her eyes still narrowed at the man whom made her lose everything. Because of him she had to leave her children for sixteen years! And now they all hate her when they didn't know she left for their safety.
He had no idea how the wrath of an angry woman is.
Does he knows how it felt for her to leave her family like that? She lost her husband and children!!
He regained his composure and shrugged, "You can't do anything to me Qamrah. Have you perhaps forgotten what I did to you all those years back?"
That was it. It was all it took for her to lose her calm. She angrily hit the table in front of him making some of the things shake and the coffee Lamido took earlier to spill from the impact, but she didn't even flinch from the pain it came with. It wasn't anything new, she was used it to anyways.
"If you had broken the promise and touched my daughter wallahil azeem I would've made your pathetic life a living hell!" she roared so much that her body shook with anger.
But Big Boss didn't even flinch, he wasn't the least bothered by her outburst, "Now that's my problem with you Qamrah, you have a short temper. Just sit so that we can talk huh?"
"You tried to kill Aisha?" she asked ignoring what he said.
He sighed knowing it is useless trying to talk some sense into this woman, "She's not dead is she?"
"You still attempted to kill her. How dare you? Haven't you caused her enough pain already?!"
"Qamrah just sit and we'll talk. You yelling at me won't do anything"
"You must be sick in the head if you think I'll sit and talk to a pathetic bastard like you. Don't think I don't know you're behind every unfortunate thing that has happened so far. Just listen to me clearly, I'm back and I will protect Daihaah from you. Get that in your thick skull" she pointed a finger at him and he scoffed at the audacity if this woman.
Everyone fears him and yet she dares to threaten him. Just who does she thinks she is. "Watch what you say to me. You know very well what I'm capable of" he warned his eyes narrowed at her and his fist tightened.
She threw her head back and laughed in a disrespectful manner, she looked at him up and down and then snickered "That was in the past when you'd think you scare me. You can't use that nonsense on me. Next time before doing anything stupid, just think of who you're going against. I, Qamrah El Khabir am back!" she glared at him once more before storming out and banging the door so loudly that it made his secretary flinch hiding his face away from her.
She was too strong for someone of her petite figure.
Big boss in his office scoffed. This woman is going to ruin his plans and he can't do anything.
As much as he hates to admit it, for the first time in two decades; he's worried someone will ruin his plans and that person is none other than Aamir's mother, Qamrah.
Layla ran into Qamrah's arms and hugged her tightly. She was beyond happy that she is back. This woman helped her through a lot, she was the one who told her everything that was hidden from her. She was the only one whom she trusts aside from Susu. Qamrah however was happy to see Layla, she was elated to see her. She was still happy that all those years back she was able to reach out to her and told her most of the things she need to know. Of course she let Big boss' apart out, she doesn't need to know about him just yet.
"Anty Qamrah! I'm so glad you're back" Layla said when she pulled back. She pulled Qamrah into the living room and made her sat in one of the numerous posh couches.
Qamrah smiled, "Oh my Layla, see how you've grown so much. So tell me how are you?"
"I'm fine, just finally glad that everything is finally over. But, I was surprised when I heard of Umma's demise. What happened?" she asked confused as she placed her hand on her belly which now has a small unnoticeable bump.
Qamrah sighed, "Lamido happened. What else" she said crossing her legs over the other.
Layla shook her head, "I don't know what is wrong with that man. What else does he want?"
"Who knows?"
Layla and Qamrah kept quiet for a bit. Qamrah knew very well what happened, or at least she had a theory but if she were to tall Layla then it would informing her abut big boss and she doesn't think she's ready for that yet. Layla however couldn't help but wonder what is it.
"If you don't mind, would you mind if I ask why you're back?" she asked Qamrah afraid that she might take it in the wrong way.
Qamrah smiled, "My dear I have been gone for long. I just wanted to come back to my family here, after all I have a new daughter in law. I have to see both my daughter in laws" she answered making Layla nod.
"So everything has ended right?" Layla asked with hopeful eyes.
Qamrah sighed, "For now, yes, everything is over"
For now she said. Layla thought. That means there's more coming.
Katsina, Daura.
The next day came quickly and before you know it we were standing outside as the Prados that escorted the Gimbiya Amarya parked. Sultan is missing, I don't blame him for not wanting to be here and Anty Rabi came out of her will, Queen Dowager didn't have to force her which she was planning on doing had she opposed to coming.
I had a hard time convincing Prince to come but I finally succeeded. Thank God he's being all savoir faire right now. He held my hand tight and his whole body posture is stern.
Queen Dowager, Hermano, Adda Anee, Afnaan, Samhah, Haya, Hama, and Maya were all here too as we waited for her. Adda Anee had been smiling at her husband encouragingly whom clearly she forced to be here. I have never seen him like this but he looked seriously vexed and a bit livid.
I was expecting to see a woman of probably the same height as Anty Rabi who was way taller than me come out all dressed up in a traditional wear and a heavy brocade alkyabba about what I saw was totally different when the door opened.
The first thing I saw was combat boot and navy blue slacks tucked in. And next khaki uniform which consisted of the slacks and a long-sleeved white shirt with black neck which a beautiful woman who looked of the same height as me wore and walked out with a matching khaki colored veil wrapped into a hijab.
He never told me that she was a freaking soldier?!!
Ya Allah.
So, am I the best or what?
You know my love for y'all knows no bounds bah.
Girl's on an updating spree.
So, we finally met Qamrah, Aamir's mother. For all those that think she was a bad person or that she was trouble, she is not. Actually I like her part with Big Boss.
Big Boss?
Poor Aamir...Hannah is an angel y'know.
Now let's talk about everything in the comments section.
Love, Jannah.
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