Chapter 32 👑
Dedicated to every single one of you whom either voted or commented on the last chapter ❤😇
Daura, Kastina.
That night Aamir quickly rushed her to the hospital. He was beyond livid. The man flipped whenever she goes out in cold season without a sweater so her being in a freezing cold pool wasn't exactly in the list of top ten places he'd want her to be. Jannah and Suhad came with him while Sultan took Aneesah home as she too was having a fever due to her condition.
Their family doctor came and checked on Daihaah. He ran a few tests on her before informing Aamir that she's be alright, "She's going to have difficulty breathing until she regains consciousness so we're going to have to supply her oxygen. Also, her body temperature is way too low so we're turning up the temperature in this room so that it can regulate" the man informed Aamir who nodded using his hands to massage his temples.
"Thank you Doctor Abdullah" Prince said extending his hands for a handshake which the man accepted before picking up his stethoscope and leaving the room.
Prince turned to Daihaah's figure which was on the bed as Jannah picked up the duvet and wrapped it around her unconscious figure. She dragged a seat close to Daihaah and sat on it taking her best friend's hands in hers. Earlier, they all left to give them privacy as Jannah changed Daihaah out of the wet cloth that hung to her skin and into a long sleeve top and jeans with a turtleneck hoody which had Prince's scent on it, definitely his which Mahira brought and a beanie.
Suhad patted Prince's shoulder, "She'll be alright and back to her normal self by tomorrow" he assured him as his eyes moved to the two best friends too, mostly on Jannah. He watched how her eyes never left Daihaah's face and how she adjusted her veil again when it started to slip off her head. From her eyes and demeanor he knew she was tired, but she still didn't want to leave Daihaah's side.
"Jannah you can go home and rest, I will take care of her" Prince said making her shake her head immediately, still not taking her eyes off her.
"It's okay, I'll stay here. You need to rest" she answered, her voice low probably tired from all the drama she went through that day. First with Suhad and now her best friend is on a hospital bed.
"You both will go home. I will stay here tonight with her" A voice said as a figure emerged further into the room. They all whisked their heads to the direction of the person and almost immediately they all looked down knowing they can't object her.
Prince sighed dejectedly.
Queen Dowager walked further into the room with a maid trailing behind her. She looked at Prince, Suhad, Jannah and finally Daihaah and her eyes softened. She came immediately after bidding the guests farewell. Obviously, the cocktail party didn't go as planned. They wouldn't have known what was happening if a guy hadn't run in and yelled the words that had Prince on his feet, 'The bride is fighting with Nabeela!'
They all ran out except Queen Dowager of course and a few elders whom just couldn't go around running. But by the time they were out they watch as she crouched low and extended her hands for Nabeela to take but instead of helping her out, she was dragged into the pool. Queen Dowager was worried about Daihaah, she knew she is a pneumonic patient and she definitely knew how Aamir is protective over her even with the slightest fever.
"But grandmother..." Prince tried to object but stopped when she held her hand up cutting him midway.
"Enough Muhammad. I said I will stay here. You and Firdaus should both go home and rest, you've had a long day" She said with finality in her tone which none of them dared to object from.
Jannah sighed and stood up. After looking at her friend one more time, she turned and left after saying her goodbyes to Prince and Queen Dowager. Suhad offered to take her home but not wanting to argue in front of the Queen Dowager and Prince, she nodded letting him lead the way out.
Prince walked further into the room and sat on the bed beside his wife. He leaned down and placed a kiss on her forehead before taking her now warm hands in his.
"Muhammad I will take care of her, I promise. She is now our responsibility all not just you. She's family" Queen Dowager said as she took the seat Jannah was occupying earlier. Her maid disappeared into the en suite after she kept the things they came with on a couch.
Prince sighed, "I'll make Nabeela pay for this" he muttered enough for the old hag to hear. His blood boil at the thought of what she did to his wife. Just how stupid is she to pull the Amyrah into the pool? He doesn't care what transpired between them she ought to know that is a disrespect on a whole other level. Yes, she's royalty too but there was never a rule that allowed a royalty to hurt another royal.
"Maybe this was all a big misunderstanding..."
"No it's not. You know the way they reacted when they found out I was marrying someone that was not from our family. I know that girl has been keeping tabs on my wife, she knew she was a pneumonic patient and she still dragged her into the pool!" his voice raised louder than he intended, but the Queen Dowager was already used to this act of his.
She raised the boy after all. There's nothing she hasn't seen before.
"Muhammad I always tell you this, learn to control that anger of yours. You never know it could be your greatest weakness" she advised. The maid she came with earlier walked toward her with a bowl of hot water and a towel in it. Queen Dowager took the bowl and kept it beside her. She picked up the towel and squeezed most of the water out before folding it and placing it on Daihaah's forehead.
"Grandma you know I love her. No one can dare hurt her and I'll let the person be. She is my wife, and I promised to take care of her"
Queen Dowager tilted her head to look at her grandson. She sighed knowing she can't change his mind.
Nabeela is in for it.
Silence followed afterwards. Prince didn't want to leave this place and is determined to spend the night here, his grandmother can't talk him out of that. How can he go back home and sleep in that chamber alone knowing that his wife is here on the hospital bed?
"She's a strong one" Queen Dowager said snapping him back to reality. The old woman took off the towel that was on her granddaughter's head and dipped it in the warm water again.
Prince chuckled as his thumb rub circles on the back of his wife's hand, "She really got to you earlier didn't she?" He knew his grandmother. The way she was acting around Daihaah was obvious that the girl had already won her over without realizing it.
Queen Dowager smiled squeezing out the water again from the towel, "She put on quite a show. I was surprised you didn't try to stop her"
"I couldn't stop her"
"You couldn't or you didn't want to. If you had taken that act of hers a bit further she would've given up. You make the girl nervous, it was that obvious" the old woman said placing the towel in her hand on Daihaah's forehead again. She laughed a bit remembering how the girl's eyes dilated when he pulled her close to him earlier.
Prince shrugged as he snickered, "It's not her fault .How can she not be smitten by a handsome hunk like me?"
Queen Dowager glared at him reaching out to smack his shoulder with her hand, "You? Handsome? Better stop dreaming. The poor girl just had to be tied down by an ugly guy like you" she shook her head feigning sadness for Daihaah.
Prince huffed, "Just tell the truth, I'm even way more handsome than your husband" he boosted talking of his late grandfather whom passed away years ago. Prince was in his early teen years when his grandfather passed away. But, before the old man kick the bucket, he and Prince will always argue about who's more handsome than the other.
Queen Dowager laughed, "See this boy, you must be hallucinating. Your grandfather is the most handsome man that has ever lived. You should thank Allah you got his good looks and mine"
"Oh please! I got my good looks from my father" he rolled his eyes amused by how his grandmother loves to boost of being the reason the El Khabir men are now as good looking as they are.
She raised a brow "And your father got it from who?"
He sighed, this woman is right "Let's stop talking of this!" he groaned knowing that it will in the end lead back to her.
"That's what I thought"
The next after Prince left to go to the mosque to pray subh prayer, Daihaah regained consciousness. Queen Dowager had the maid call the doctor immediately who came and did his job before informing her that Daihaah's condition is now stale and can be discharged in the morning.
Daihaah went to en suite, performed ablution and prayed. Afterwards Queen Dowager asked her if there was anything she wanted to eat but Daihaah declined it not trusting the old woman enough. She rather eat when she goes back to the palace.
"You do know that it's not fit for an Amyrah be caught in the middle of an argument the next day after her wedding right?" Queen Dowager scolded once Daihaah sat back on the bed.
Daihaah narrowed her eyes at the old woman muttering something like 'Should've known this old hag was going to say something' under her breath. She cleared her throat, "I didn't start the fight"
"It doesn't matter whether you started it or not!" Queen Dowager for sure was testing Daihaah again by seeing how far the girl can go to defend herself. "What matters is that you got yourself involved. And now people are going to think badly of you"
Daihaah rolled her eyes, "Like I give a damn about what they think" she shrunk back onto the bed and looked away from the old hag that's just too adamant on getting on her nerves.
Cut me some slacks woman! I just regained my consciousness. She thought in her head.
Queen Dowager thought of letting the girl rest but she just love seeing how sassy the girl could be. So, she continued to vex her "That is in no way how an Amyrah talks" her tone was harsh and so was her looks.
Daihaah wanted to scream at the old woman but she didn't. Rather she inhaled to calm herself and then exhaled. When she felt herself calm down, she answered calmly "Well that's how I talk, take it or leave it your choice"
Before Queen Dowager could reply, the door creaked open and a figure walked in. It didn't take long for his gaze to meet hers and a smile immediately took over his features. He walked further into the room and sat next to his wife, his eyes gleaming with happiness as he felt a huge wave of calmness wash over him. Daihaah didn't know what to say or act, so she just sat there staring at him.
She was totally cut off guard when he quickly pulled her close to him and wrapped her in an embrace, his face in the crook of her neck loving his scent on her thanks to the hoody which she didn't pay much attention to.
Her breath hitched, literally, for that moment but then relaxed remembering this as one of the "don'ts" around the old woman and anything to vex her is something she would willingly join.
When he pulled back reluctantly, Daihaah pouted, "Hubby when am I going back home, I'm tired of this place wallah" she whined placing her hand on his shoulder well aware that the Queen Dowager is looking at them.
He laughed at her act knowing exactly why she's being like this. He thought of having a little fun by using what his grandmother told him earlier. What's he going to lose in it? Plus he gets to have something to tease her with later. So, he pulled her closer to him, one of his hands resting on the small of her back while the other rested on the nape of her neck. He inched his face to hers and internally smirk when he noticed her breath hitched, "Soon" he murmured low enough for her to hear. "You have no idea how worried I was yesterday"
Daihaah gulped. She so much wanted to suck it up and play along but this was beyond her comfort zone, he was simply too close. She thoughts of her chances, should she quietly get out of this or just suck it up? The first one will save her of whatever it is she is getting herself into while the second will annoy the old hag?
So, which is it?
She decided to go with the first option. At least that would save her poor heart from its marathon.
She placed one of her hands on his chest and pushed his back a bit so that the old hag won't notice but the Queen Dowager had already seen that move of hers. She snickered quietly seeing that Aamir used what she told him last night and she was right.
She came to a conclusion.
Daihaah was strong, feisty, and sassy. But, when Aamir is involved, she's a weakling.
"Muhammad you still have to sign her release papers" Queen Dowager interrupted them already seeing as much as her old eyes could witness. She knows how shameless her grandson is when Daihaah is involved, that boy simply has no boundaries.
Aamir closed his eyes and pulled away from his wife reluctantly. Queen Dowager was right, he needed to do this so they can go back home, "Ok, let me just go and sign it then we'll leave"
Once they all returned back home, Prince and Daihaah left to their chambers. It took a lot of convincing from Daihaah for Prince to let her walk by herself there. The man thought that she couldn't walk probably because she might be dizzy or still having a fever. It wasn't hard to convince him but she did it.
Immediately they got to their room, she hit to the en suite saying that she needs a long shower, "I literally smell like sanitizers" she complained when he asked her what she wants to do.
She picked up the outfit that she would wear once she comes and head to the bathroom with it in her hand. They still have to go to for brunch at Queen Dowager's chamber. Apparently they can't have brunch in their chamber especially now it's the first week of their marriage. Some stupid kind of old rule they still have to follow.
She took her time to shower. She tried not to look her mind wander back to earlier's events but it was so hard when everything in there literally reminds her of him. The en suite was packed up with literally the gels he use, down to his lotions and a whole bunch of stuff which smells like him.
By the time she was done, she got dressed up there before placing the old she took off in the laundry basket. She held the hoody from earlier in her hand for long, God it smells so much like him, how come she didn't notice this earlier? She quickly placed it in the basket afraid of if Prince walks in and finds her holding his hoodie.
He might think I'm a creep. She thought an immediately shook her head off those thoughts.
When she got out, she met Prince in the walk in closet all dressed up in a grey getzner kaftan which looks so good on him and compliments his skin tone. He stood in front of the vanity table brushing hair with a brush when she walked in.
"You done?" He asked turning around slightly to look at her.
She nodded and walked towards his direction. She stopped in front of him and reached out to take the brush from his hand making him stop and look at her, "Let me help you with that" she offered him a small smile as she took it out of his grasp.
He flashed her a toothy smile and nodded.
"Sit first, you're too tall old man" she said feigning seriousness making him laugh at her before sitting on a stool in front of the vanity table.
"It's not my fault my wife is too short" he teased as she pick up a gel and put the content on her hand before applying it on his silky locks which she secretly likes.
She glares at him, "I'm not short" she said as she ran her fingers through his hair to get the gel into it.
"You so are short"
"I'm not!"
"You are"
"I'm not"
"You're not"
"I am...wait stop"
He laughed at her once she realizes her slip. She pouted as she stopped moving her fingers in his hair, "Not fair, you used reverse psychology on me" she battled her eye lashes making him throw his head back and laugh.
She got angry seeing him laughing at her expense. She held his hand out and placed the brush she collected earlier, "Brush your hair yourself" she grumbled turning around to walk away angrily but was stopped when he held her arm quickly and turn her back to look at him.
He stopped laughing but still has an amused smile on his face, "I'm sorry for laughing at you baby" he placed his hands on her waist and pulled her closer to him when he saw as she tried to fight back a smile, "You're so cute"
She rolled her eyes and picked up the brush he placed on the vanity table when he held her arm, "Let's get this done before they start wondering what we're doing here" she began to brush his hair back so that when he puts on his Zanna Bukar it will fit on perfectly.
"We're a newlywed married couple. They wouldn't care. They know we have our reasons" he stated like it's the most obvious thing ever.
"Allah shirye ka wallahi"
She finished brushing his hair and picked up the Zanna Bukar and perched it perfectly on his head. He placed a kiss on both her cheeks after thanking her.
Daihaah thanked Allah once again for the melanin in her body, if not he would've seen her blush beetroot red.
Even she doesn't understand what got into her that she's being this close to him. The man always reminds her of what butterflies feel like and he doesn't even realize it, or so she thought.
He helped her put on one of the numerous alkyabas Adda Anee had her closet filled with after she whined to him about how much she hated them while he just laughed ta her. She was too cute for her own good.
Afterwards she didn't bother apply makeup or putting on jewelry. She and Prince left the chambers hand in hand without having much are. The grads outside their chambers just watched the two walked out and were surprised by their PDA. But, it's nothing they haven't seen before. They've see Aneesah and their Sultan Omar too. The El Khabirs liked to show affection towards those they like in front of everyone without actually caring about what others think.
Daihaah was however getting used to Aamir slowly. As much as she hates to admit it, they were slowly getting closer and it has just been two days.
She still has 97 days to go.
They walked to Queen Dowager's chamber without any of them saying a word. Just like yesterday, the guard that was by the door announced their arrival once they stepped foot in there, "Amyr and Amyrah are here!"
This morning, Sultan Kabir was not there but the others were very much there including Anty Rabi whom wasn't present yesterday. Aamir didn't let go of Khadijah's hands as they walked in and when Aamir's eyes met that of his brother's, Faruk gave him a thumbs up.
"Good morning family!" Aamir said in a cheery tone which has been long since they heard him use before. No matter how happy he was, eh hardly act as if he's on cloud ten but today the man who was grinning widely as if he earned a lottery which was so different from how they thought he would act. With everything that happened yesterday, they thought he would be all grumpy and on a hunt for Nabeela but he's not.
"Good morning" Daihaah greeted them all but unlike yesterday, she didn't hug the old hag who raised a brow at her.
"Glad to see today you're back to normal. I was wondering yesterday what you took before coming here" Queen Dowager said taking a napkin. She knew her words would anger Daihaah and she was ready for what the girl's comeback will be.
Daihaah smiled widely at the old woman despite the fact that deep down she was enraged, "I didn't take anything. But, I did inhaled flavored oxygen and on my way here took a quick whiff of dry weed" she answered her eyes only on the old woman who nodded.
"I could see that" she said this time not bothering to hide the smile on her face. All of them there smiled at Daihaah's response including Aamir who smiled proudly.
He snaked his arm around her waist to turn her to look at him, "Alright there baby, let's eat now" he took a plate and just like yesterday placed food for the two of them.
"I'm glad to see you're okay Hermana" Sultan Frauk said making her smiled at him.
"Ahh I'm strong fa, you know that" she boosted shrugging her shoulders a bit dramatically making them laugh at her.
The atmosphere in the place today was so unlike earlier. Today they were all smiling and that was all thanks to Daihaah. Even Queen Dowager was happy thanks to the Tasmanian devil as she calls her.
"Well I'm glad you're okay too. By the way, the girls are all leaving alter along with su Anty Asmau. We should see them off after breakfast" Aneesah informed Daihaah whom immediately felt sad.
"So soon?" she complained making Anee smile a bit, "They have to. You know that"
They all ate their breakfast enjoying the atmosphere in the place, with Aamir feeding Daihaah and she occasionally taking turn to feed him. Today it wasn't because she wanted to annoy the old hag but because she wanted to. The others were all just happy for the two.
After breakfast, they all just sat there talking about many things with Aamir distracting his wife one way or the other. Queen Dowager looked at them all as she suddenly got nervous. Her eyes that of Aneesah's whom gave her an encouraging smile to let her knows that she's with her on this. Aneesah was the only one that knew of this and now was the time to tell the rest too. They needed to know.
"Uhmm...can I have your attention al here please..." she started and almost immediately they all turned to her noting the nervousness in her tone.
"What is grandma?" Sultan Faruk asked seeing how uneasy the old woman looked. She wondered how the children would take this information, her son for sure didn't handle it very good and that's why he wasn't where.
She contemplated for a while as her eyes met that of Prince's worried ones. He wondered what's going on. He has never seen her like this. He held Daihaah's hand a bit tighter without actually noticing it but she didn't complain, she just held his hands too and intertwined their fingers.
Queen Dowager decided to just tell them. It's now or never, she told herself "....Gimbiya Amarya will return tomorrow" she said holding her breath immediately as she watched their faces all.
Daihaah felt Aamir's hands tense under hers as his eyes widened. Aneesah too watched as her husband froze at the words.
Anty Rabi was the first to recover, "What?" she asked out of disbelief. She glared at her mother in law, "You can't possibly tell me she is coming back here?!" she yelled, her eyes glazing and nose flaring with anger. Her body was shaking with anger and her eyes narrowed at Queen Dowager.
Queen Dowager ignored her daughter in law as she was most worried about the grandchildren.
Afnaan looked at her sister and brothers perplexed, "Who is Gimbiya Amarya?" she asked and that was what ticked Aamir off.
He snatched his hands out of his wife's and stood up abruptly. Everyone watched him in worry especially Daihaah whom had only see him like this once, and that was the day of the dinner. His eyes softened when he met that of Afnaan's and just like that he stormed out.
Sultan Omar stood up too and left the room. He needed space to think. Aneesah stood up and followed after him as Daihaah followed Aamir too.
She watched him as he strode to their chambers quickly and she held her alkyabba up and quickly walked as fast as she could to reach him. She didn't mind as the guards watched them confused from the sudden change of event.
How they went to the chambers was different from how they left.
She ignored them and once she was in the confines of their chamber, she heard a loud screeching crash, followed by another and another. She stopped in her tracks when she heard something fall and crash too. She slowly took off her shoes and her alkyabba before slowly making her way cautiously in. She was scared of what awaited her in there.
She gasped at the sight of what has now turned of their once beautiful living room. Prince has shattered the glass center table, a whole lot of vases and the huge flat screen TV that looked like it costs a lot. But that wasn't what she care about. What surprised her was her husband whose shoulder rose and fall out of anger as his back was turned to her.
"Prince..." she started as she cautiously walked towards him careful not to step on the glass that was no literally everywhere. She flinched when she stepped on ne and saw the blood oozing out but she just removed the glass and winced at the pain and limped forward to where he was.
She placed her hand on his shoulder and almost like it was a weight on his shoulders he collapsed on the floor. Daihaah gasped in surprised and quickly kneeled next to him. She was even more surprised when she saw tears in the eyes of the strong man she knew to be her husband. His eyes were red as the tears fall and that scared her a lot.
She placed her palm on his face and wiped the tears as hers too well up. He took her off guard when he wrapped his arms around her and placed his head on her torso, he hugged her so tight as if afraid if he hug her any less eh would leave him "Daihaah she can't come back, she just can't" he muttered quickly but she heard him.
"Who is she?" she asked fearing what he'd say.
"Daihaah it has been way too long..." he said not answering her question.
Daihaah's heart broke, "Ya Aamir tell me please, who is she?" she pleaded as tears too roll on her face as she watched the sight of what has become of her husband. He was breaking down and she hated seeing him like this.
He inhaled and sniffed back another set of tears which he failed to stop. "My mother. Daihaah she's my mother"
Issa wrappppp.
Three chapters, three days in a row.
Goddd I'm tired.
Yesterday I wasn't able to reply your comments all but I want you to know that I saw every single one of it and I was literally grinning while reading your comments, you motivated me to update again today so thank you.
Old hag and her Tasmanian devil?
Gimbiya Amarya is Aamir's definitely didn't see that coming y'all. My PIC Xaharau not even you 😂
You'll get to know more about her in the next chapter.
Aamir and Khadijah are so cute.
I love y'all ❤😇
Love, Jannah.
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