Chapter 31 👑

Khadijah Daihaah's POV.

September 22, 2019.

Daura, Katsina.

Prince woke me up to pray subh, I performed my ablution and then we said our prayers together. As much as I hate to admit it, it was actually one of the best feelings ever. Afterwards, we both went back to sleep. This time I didn't mind how he placed his arm around me again and pulled me to him, though it was still a bit odd but I slept soundly afterwards.

And then, while I was enjoying the bliss of my moment, sleeping with actually no care in the world, my dearest sister barged in and basically threw a fit saying that she'll dump ice bucket on me if I don't wake up. Apparently, we're almost late for breakfast with Queen Dowager. God I hated that morning with passion, I was so tired that sleeping was the only thing that calmed me. Plus, with all the dancing I did yesterday, my limps are sore.

This Queen Dowager will pay for interrupting my beauty sleep.

This girl values her beauty sleep so freaking much.

Once I came out of the en suite I found that Adda had already picked out an outfit for me to wear. It's a grey with touches of green atampha sewn into a blouse with short sleeve and ruffle hem with a straight skirt which has a slit on the back. The blouse is high neck from both front and back side which is made of some lace while the bodice is completely made of the atampha. A golden alkyabba almost similar to the one Adda Anee has on is placed beside the outfit and a pair of grey heels on the floor.

"You don't need makeup but you still have to touch your face up, she can never you just wake up. That will only earn you bad points in her view. She believes that the princess should always be on time and right now we only have five minutes left so yallah hurry up and dress up" she literally pushed me back into the walk-in closet with my hands in hand.

A minute later she came in saying that she doesn't trust me to do my makeup instead she'll do it for me.

As she got to work, I asked her a question that had been on my mind since, "Adda where's Prince?" for all I know, he wasn't there when she came in but he definitely got back to sleep after subh.

When did he leave?

She picked up a matte cerise Huda lipstick and began to smudge it on my lips, "He left earlier with Faruk and Sultan and a few other men. It's something they do every morning they are here. They walk around, or more like drive around Daura to get updated on everything that's happening. They leave by 6 every morning, you'll get used to it"

I'll get used to it. That's what she's been saying since last night. But I don't think I will get used to it.

"And when do they get back?"

"They are probably with the Queen Dowager already, they always come back before breakfast"

I kept shut as I quickly dress up as my sister was panicking already over meeting the Queen Dowager late. While me, ko a kasan takalmi na. Honestly I couldn't care being late to meet the old wrinkled aged woman who was clearly trouble.

Once we left the chamber, a lady that's not as tall as I followed after us. She looked to be almost the same age as Luba from Adda's house back in Abuja. The guards greeted us as we made our way to the old hag's chamber. Adda's till telling me the dos and don'ts around the woman.

"Remember to address her as Queen Dowager only" Adda informed as she fixed my alkyabba again on our way there.

I puckered my lips forward, "And what do you call her?" I raised a brow.

Adda shrugged, "Grandmother" she simply answered.

"And what about Hermano?"




I nodded, "Oh so I'm the outcast that will call her Queen Dowager right because I'm not part of the family?" I huffed unbelievably.

Adda Anee sighed, "You'll just call her that for now until she agrees to let you call her Grandmother, I've been through the same thing" she tried to make me understand but I'd already understood enough.

When Adda saw that I wasn't going to say anything more she continued, "Greet her just as I told you, no hugging the old woman. Also, don't show any public display of affection towards your husband around her, she finds it disrespectful so that means no hugging him, pecking him or trying to feed him anything. Which means don't act all lovey dovey around her" she listed using her fingers to do so.

Is she kidding me? Peck him? Hug him? Feed him? Me?!

I wouldn't do that even if I was paid so that is definitely something she shouldn't worry about.

"Don't complain on how you're tired, nasan halinki. Please don't whine around her, she finds a person to be a brat when that person does that" she added as we talk inside what I assume is the old hag's chamber.

I rolled my eyes.

"Also, don't talk when she's talking, she doesn't like that. Remember not to address any of the guys like you're used to, please Daihaah. One more thing, don't use profanities or slangs of any sort around her. So, avoid using words like 'hell', 'damn' and all those other words you're fond of using "

I so much wanted to glare at her for saying that. This old hag just has way too much rules for someone of her age who is about to die.

"Remember that" Adda concluded as a guard open the door for us. Almost immediately we step foot in the place, the cool breeze of air conditioner and heavily scented bakhoor hit my olfactory senses. God this smells heavenly.

"The future Queen and the Princess have arrived" the man said loudly probably to inform the Queen Dowager of our arrival.

We walked a little further into the place before arriving at what seems like the living room. It's pretty big, ok it's really big with posh chairs, chandelier, air conditioners and Italian carpet which has different food warmers set up on it. The whole place is painted white with a tinge of gold with long floor length gold-rimmed white curtains.

Just as Adda said, all the guys were here and along with Anty Rabi, Samhah and Afnaan. And at what seem to be the head of the place is an old woman. She seems way too young for someone of her age though. Her hair is covered with a veil wrapped into a big hijab. Her Arabian woman face held no makeup but she is very beautiful. Her pink almost purple lips stretched into a thin line. Her eyes focused on what seem like a gold wrist watch on her left hand.

While everyone else sat quietly probably waiting for us, the woman was checking the time on her wrist watch. She looked away and opened a food warmer to take a peek at it. She picked up a serving spoon and scooped the food and placed it on her awaiting plate.

"You're a minute late" she said calmly not bothering to look at us.

Adda turned to me and mouthed 'apologize' making me look away.

Instead of standing there, I walked towards the rest, particularly in her direction. I crouched next to her and did what next had them all gasping in surprise including the old hag.

I hugged the woman tight taking her off guard.

"I'm sorry grandmother, I overslept" I pulled back with a grin on my face which got wider when I took in her surprised expression. "I hope this granddaughter in law of yours is forgiven" I smiled battling my eye lashes at her

From the corner of my eyes I can see Adda face palming herself.

When she didn't reply and just kept looking at me with eyes narrowed, I sighed loudly and stood up walking over to where my husband is and sat next to him who was looking at me with curious eyes and an unidentifiable expression.

"Good morning hubby" I flashed him a cheeky grin before turning to pick up a plate which by the way no one else apart from the old hag did but I didn't give a damn about it.

I said she was going to pay for making me wakeup that early and I meant it.

The rest all just stopped and stared at me.

I looked up to Ya Faruk and offered him a sheepish smile, "Where did my manners go?" I asked no one in particular chuckling at the end. "Good morning Hermano"

His expression immediately turned into an amused one. He smirked, "Good morning Hermana" he answered making his wife stare at him as if wondering he is seriously going on with this show of mine.

I turned to Sultan and offered him a small smile. I respect this man there's no way I'd act stupid to him, "Good morning Sultan" I greeted in a less high pitch tone unlike earlier.

He flashed me a warm fatherly smile, "Good morning Daihaah"

I looked at Samhah who beat me to it, "Good morning Daihaah"

"Good morning Samhah"

"Good morning Adda Daihaah" Afnaan said in her usual quiet and reserved tone. I smiled at her, I just love how introverted the girl is, "Good morning Afnaan"

And it just so happens that this is when the old hag regained her composure. She glared at me which didn't go unnoticed by everyone here who all looked a bit worried except me who ginned at her widely. "And why were you late?" she asked, her eyes on my face only. She picked up a tumbler which is filled with some kind of juice and brought it to her lips to take a sip of it.

I shrugged, "Let's just said because of last night's event, I was sore, I still am. God I'm tired! I feel like a truck ran over me" I used my hand to massage my temples.

The old hag chocked on her juice, coughing at my words with immediately made Sultan hand her a napkin.

"What did you just say?" she asked when she calmed down, her eyes a little wider than earlier.

"You know all the dancing at the dinner..." I said like it's the most obvious thing in the world. Poor woman looks like she almost had a heart attack.


"Damn I really shouldn't have danced like that" I sighed feigning innocence and blinked while looking at her. I turned to Prince and pouted my lips, "Hubby why didn't you stop me? Now my legs hurts like hell" I complained placing my hand on his shoulder.

I swear when I say this guy is a much more wicked than I am, believe me. The guy wrapped his arm around me and pulled me closer to him so that my hand rested on his torso. He leaned down and pecked my cheek, a smile dancing on his lips, "I'm sorry baby. You looked like you were having so much I didn't want to disturb you so I let you be. How about I massage it for you when we get back to our chamber huh?" he asked directly looking into my eyes. He used his other free hand to push my alkyabba cap back so that he can look at my face properly.

I nodded though I'm shocked that he went along with this charade of mine, "Okay" I whispered too scared to say anything that will give another idea to go further than I'll intend for it to go.

The old hag cleared her throat loudly so much that I wondered if she was coughing due to tuberculosis breaking us away from each other. She glared at me before moving her gaze back to the rest, "Let's eat shall we" she offered them a smile blinking her eyes making me smirk.

From then, everyone filled their plates in silence. I however was not done with her yet, so I sat quietly while everyone filled up their own plates. Prince noticed this so he turned to look at me with his brows furrowed, "Won't you eat? You didn't eat anything last night" he asked making the old hag's attention turn to us.

I shrugged not really wanting to say anything.

He gave me a confused look before pushing away my plate. He placed his in between us and turned to look at me. He took a spoonful of the food and brought it to my lips, "Say ah"

I raised a brow, he's not serious. But nevertheless, wanting to irritate the old woman more, I let him feed me. Occasionally, I took turns too to feed him.

If you're wondering how I'm comfortable with this, I really am not. But, I just suck it up knowing that it'll annoy the old hag and that is all I want.

"Well since you now know the tradition, try not to be late to breakfast tomorrow" The old hag said once we were all done eating, her eyes narrowed at me.

I took Prince's mug of Earl grey tea which he just took a sip from and took one myself before deciding to answer her, "I hope so too grandmother. But I can't promise you that" I took another sip before handing it back to Ya Aamir who was just staring at me baffled by all my charades, probably wondering where all that confidence came from.

She kept her tumbler with a loud thud, "An Amyrah can't be late to any event of any sort. You ought to know that" she said harshly, her voice raising a bit and the place became as quiet as a grave yard.

I looked at her directly in the eyes totally not shaken by her outburst, "An Amyrah is never late. Everyone else is just too early" I stated calmly infuriating her more.

Take that old hag.

Serves you right for disrupting my beauty sleep.


After the breakfast which was entertaining to them all except the Queen Dowager, she sent one of her maids to call Aneesah back to her chambers. Aneesah wasn't surprised when she heard the news, if anything, she was expecting it. So, she dressed up and went back to the old woman's chambers.

She met Queen Dowager in the living room they had breakfast earlier. This time the old woman had bowls of fruits brought and placed in front of her. She too had changed out of the outfit she was in earlier but didn't look any less stunning.

Aneesah sat down opposite the old woman with her legs folded as Queen Dowager dismissed the maids that were in room. Once they left, she turned to Aneesah and gestured to the fruits, "Aneesah bismillah, ga fruits kichi. You need vitamins in your body, I'm sure that little baby is still giving you a hard time since you're in your first trimester" she said, her Emirati accent distinct as she spoke in Hausa.

Aneesah smiled despite how nervous she is. She nodded, "Thank you grandmother" she said but still not taking it. She had other things on her mind.

Queen Dowager seeing the turmoil the future Queen is in decided to cut the chase and hit the nail instead of beating in the bushes, "Your sister is..."

Aneesah closed her eyes as the old woman drawled, "I'm sorry grandmother, I promise I'll talk to her. She's not usually like that, I don't know what got into her today" she apologized on behalf of her sister.

She didn't understand what got into Daihaah.

How could she just go there and do all the things she told her not to do?

Queen Dowager chuckled, "My dear I raised Aamir, there's nothing I haven't seen before of that sort" she said sincerely making Aneesah become confused.

It took a minute before Aneesah understand the old woman. A smile took over her features, "You like her don't you?"

Queen Dowager shrugged, a smile still lingering on her lips, "She's just like him. She's fierce and fearless, just like you were when you first got here. And believe me she will need those characteristics if she is going to survive in this family, you know that. That is something Hannah didn't have no matter how much she seemed perfect. She and Aamir are way to different and even they haven't seen that yet"

Aneesah nodded still amazed by the old woman's techniques.

Why didn't she notice this earlier?

"I'm happy for the both of them. Both of them deserve happiness" Aneesah said as now that her nerves have calmed down, she reached out and took a fruit from the bowl, a grape to be precise and put it in her mouth.

Queen Dowager nodded, "I am too. But, I can't imagine a mini version of the two Tasmanian devils. Their progeny will literally be a product of disaster, the two are too much alike" she shook her head making Aneesah laugh at her.

"Grandmother I can't believe you're already imaging seeing your great grandchildren. Although I agree with you, their child will be a trouble maker for sure" Anee agreed laughing at the thought of mini Khadijah and Aamir.

A comfortable silence followed afterwards. Both the two women were happy enjoying the peace. They were both happy for the brand new couple. But there was something Queen Dowager had to tall Aneesah and now is the best time. She doesn't know how long she could keep it a secret because sooner or later everyone will find out.

"Gimbiya Amarya will be back in two days" She dropped the bomb making Aneesah shoot her eyes up.

She exhaled, "Does Aamir know about this?" she asked, her voice trembling bit.

If she comes back a lot will change, mostly with Aamir.

Can he handle it?

Queen Dowager sighed looking down. "Honestly, I don't know. But she told me she wants to come back and you know I can't deny her of that. It has been way too long since she left. I don't know how Aamir will handle this though, Aneesah I'm worried about him. This can ruin his relationship with Daihaah" she admitted and Aneesah could see the fear in her eyes.

Aneesah inhaled before exhaling. She reached out and hold the old woman's hand, "Let's just pray for the best. In shaa Allah nothing will happen" she said to assure the old woman but deep down she was assuring herself.

With her return and Aamir's reaction, nothing is certain.

They just prayed for the best.


Khadijah Daihaah's POV

The kamu went smoothly without much problem, or any for that matter. The girls extorted money from the El Khabirs before letting Aamir unveil me, Jannah was the head in the extortion department. The woman she bickered with over the price turned out to be Suhad's mother, but the girl still doesn't know that and you should really see the way she worked her way around the woman. Even I didn't know until Aamir told me after the event and I am still not planning on informing the girl.

Now, I'm preparing for the cocktail party which was set to take place in one of the El Khabirs's houses here. It was set up in the huge courtroom and was decorated in a posh way. One thing is for sure, they outdone themselves. The place looked more like an event hall than a simple courtroom.

For this event I just wore a pearl white abayah kimono with heavy embroidery and a veil wrapped into a hijab. I had my makeup done for sure which I had to sit for hour through but seeing how I look now it was totally worth it. I paired it up with a cute stiletto and with my off white clutch I was set to go.

Just like the dinner, we drove to the house with Suhad and Jannah driving except now the two had conversations here and there. Well it was more like Suhad talked and she replied without hesitation. Something about his tone was a bit assertive, unlike how I usually know him to be. But, with these two things aren't ever how they seemed to be.

Prince and I, well after our show earlier I avoided him at all cost. I was still flustered from the show we put up and still can't believe he played along. I'm even embarrassed to meet him after all that I did so throughout the drive I looked out through the window to avoid talking to him.

The event started smoothly with Adda Anee introducing me to almost everyone. I think half the El Khabir family are here and so far most of them that I'd met were delightful. Adda Anee's attention was needed somewhere so she left me there after I promised her that I will be fine, she hesitantly left.

My eyes scan the crowd as I try to spot any familiar face, most of the girls are on the dance floor dancing their hearts out without much care. Surprisingly though, Jannah wasn't with them today.


I spotted Ya Aamir and Suhad talking to some men, our eyes met and he winked at me immediately making me look away. I stood there for some minutes thinking of going to get a drink for myself from one of the waiters walking around.

"New girl!" I heard the name I haven't heard in almost four years. But, I still couldn't believe my ears. It couldn't be could it?

I turned around and a grin made its way on my face, "Deen!" I said excitedly as I walk to where he stood watching me with a grin of his on that face of his.

"Look at you, all grown up and married. So not the freshman I knew five years ago. Me that was planning to come and propose to you and now Ya Aamir beat me to it bah" he teased and chuckled while I just joined him. He still hasn't changed in his character except in his physical appearance. He's taller than before, his hair trimmed unlike how he let it rest a bit over his forehead before. You'll be surprised by the way this guy loved his Fulani hair and flaunt it every chance he gets. He now have a subtle stubble too.

"I swear you bah, don't let Umm Sulaym hear you saying this unless you want her to flip"

"What can she do? I'm allowed to marry four wives fah, sunnah ce. If I take her as my first wife I can still take three more" he grinned wiggling his brows.

"You're not serious wallahi" I rolled my eyes.

"I am oo. I would've taken Jannah as my second wife but Suhad will kill me if I do" He looked around the crowd.

"Wait, what about Suhad and Jannah?" I raised a brow perplexed.

I knew something was up with the two.

He looked back at me and shook his head, "I see you don't know"

"Know what?"

"My brother is head over heels in love with the girl, he flips when he see another guy staring at her. You should see the way yesterday he almost burnt that place down when you guys were dancing, she in particular. I had no idea what he told her but I'm sure the man was furious when you guys left" he said not really minding that he just dropped a bomb here.

Why wouldn't she tell me about it?

"I didn't know about it but thank you for telling me" I gave him an appreciative smile.

He grinned cheekily which so much resembles that of his brothers, "No worries new girl, you know I always have your back"

We chatted for a few more minutes before he left to drag his girlfriend away from the dance floor when he noticed her join them. I laughed at the way he's acting, totally smitten by the girl. I juts wished hem the best of luck though.

A waiter came to pass and I collected a schooner of nonalcoholic champagne from him. I took a sip of it as many other people approach me and introduced themselves when I went outside to enjoy some fresh air.

This house has a freaking pool in the backyard! You should see the way it's glowing brightly.

We stood by it and talked. There weren't much people here and I'm thankful for that. I needed to get away from that much people.

By the time they left, I turned to look back when I collided with someone and the next thing I know is that I have a huge red stain on my white cloth. And the worst part was that it wasn't from my drink.

Everyone around us stopped what they were doing and looked to see what's happening. I looked up immediately taking my eyes away from my now ruined clothes as my blood boil.

Much to my dismay, the person that bumped into me was none other than the skinny bitch I met yesterday. She had a he smirk on her face as her eyes looked at my ruined gown.

"Oops, sorry! You should really watch where you're going" she said keeping her now empty tumbler aside.

"You bumped into me" I said through gritted teeth, my vision clouding with anger.

She shrugged, "Did I?" she raised a brow, "I guess my hand just slipped"

She just happens to be dressed in a white abayah just like me. But, she instead of a hijab like me she had a turban cap and her face all baked up with makeup.

I couldn't stop myself what I did next. I threw the content of my schooner at her face ruining her makeup and her clothes just like she did to mine. She gasped in surprise and her eyes dilated as she looked down at her now stained clothes

I placed a hand on my mouth and my eyes widen slightly at the realization of what I did, "Oh my! I'm sorry..." I tilted my head slightly to look at her furious face from a different angle, " hand slipped"

By now more crowd of people were gathering but I didn't care about them. All I care about is putting this wannabe in her place. She must seriously be sick in the head to try and pick up a fight with me again tonight.

She lurched forward onto me in an attempt to push me into the pool but just in time I quickly stepped away making her lose balance and fall into the sparkling pool. The people around gasped at the sight.

She swam to the top so that she won't drown and coughed out the water she took in, her makeup all smudged up as mascara stain her face like black tears. And that look with her white now stained with red outfit made her look like a banshee.

I smirked and crouched in front of the pool. I extended my hands towards her knowing that people are around and I don't try to help her out, they'll spread a different type of rumor about me. "Let me help you there" I smiled battling my eye lashes at her just to annoy her.

I was a bit taken aback when she smiled but I should've known what was coming because the next second I had my hand dragged and me into the pool with her with a splash.

I gasped as I swam to the top too. This pool is freezing cold and I can't stand the cold in any way.

She smirked, "There. We're both in the same level now"

My teeth chatter from the cold and my body shivers along with it. I glared at her but the girl just laughed at me clearly not bothered a bit by the water's temperature.

All those idiots just stood there watching us. Some of the dumb teen were already shooting videos but I couldn't care less about them.

I saw Jannah running towards us with Adda Anee walking hot on her tail, they both had worried looks on their faces as they approached me.

"Daihaah!" Adda exclaimed as she stood next to Jannah by the pool whom extended her hand towards me and I shakily took it.

By now almost everyone were coming out to see what happened. Some group of Barbie queen bee looking girls ran to where we are and helped the other girl out whom rolled her eyes at their late arrival probably.

"WHAT'S HAPPENING HERE?!" A voice boomed, a voice I knew very well whom it belonged to.

Ya Aamir.

Prince, Suhad, Hermano and Deen appeared too as people made way for them. Immediately his eyes met my shivering figure it glazed with anger. Adda Anee quickly put on a white dry fluffy towel around my figure as I began to cough.

The other girl looked scared for a moment as she looked at him. She gulped when their gaze met and his eyes narrowed at her.

In an instance they all reached where we are and the next thing I knew was that he took me in his arms with his arms wrapped around my figure not minding that I'm dripping wet from the little pool drama. "It's okay baby. I'm here now. I'm not leaving you" his hand moved up and down my back in a comforting manner as he hid my face in his chest.

Black dots covered my vision and just like that I was slipping out of consciousness.


If you can all remember Daihaah is a pneumonic patient so a freezing cold pool isn't exactly the best place for her to be in.

I still love that lady oo. She brings the drama to life.

Queen Dowager and all her rules, Daihaah's response to them...lmao

You guys gave me the comments I wanted so I fulfilled my promise.

Gimbiya Amarya?

Love, Jannah.

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