Chapter 28 👑


All her life she had make decisions, some of which might be considered irrational. From the moment she laid her eyes on him in the middle of Karaye's market she fell in love with the man. As time goes on, she began to realize that his love wasn't what she yearned for but rather his wealth. It was impossible not to fall for his wealth, his good looks and power were just bonuses.

The only man that managed to steal he heart at first glance was none other than the crowned Prince of Karaye, Yerima Usman Far.

Being the Royal Vizier's daughter has its own perks. With her father's title, it was easier getting Yerima Usman to notice her. She did everything in her will to get him ranging from accidentally bumping into him or showing up at the palace to greet the Queen or bringing a gift from her mother to the Queen.

It was no surprise when Yerima fell for her. After all, she was one of the most beautiful ladies in Karaye. She had this gift in tricking people into falling for her. Without much delay afterwards, Yerima Usman and Lady Larai got married based on Islamic teachings and then she was his wife.

As time passed, her attitude towards him changed. He had no idea what caused the sudden change in his wife but he was determined to know. He did everything in his will to get her to open up to him but to no avail, she pushed him away. Once he found out that she has been lurking around with his younger brother, he stayed away from her.

Larai however realized that with Lamido she could get her more than Usman could. After all, Lamido had always been the greedy one amongst the brothers. But, she still needed Usman for insurance in case something falls apart.

She was a blessing when she came into his life. When he crossed paths with Aisha he knew what love is again after being married for 10 years to Larai. He considered Aisha to be his angel in disguise, his blessing. Things became official when he took in a second wife, one that loved him with everything and showed him what being loved and cherished felt like again.

Larai fumed with anger and jealousy. She made a promise to ruin their lives at all cost. How could a little pest like Aisha just walk into her life and claim everything that rightfully belongs to her? What more the woman just had to walk into their lives with her own stupid problems, she just had to drag everyone into her own chaos and she expects everyone to just have pity on her.

Oh look it's poor Aisha, let's all just risk our lives to save her!


That's just bullshit.

Larai vowed to get rid of Aisha. No matter what it might cost she'll do it. And she did. She managed to end two lives in her way of getting revenge even if it was after 18 years over some stupid jealousy.

And now, to silence her completely on what she already has knowledge on, she was murdered.

May her should rest in peace.


Khadijah Daihaah's POV

August 20, 2019.


A month has passed already since Ummi woke up and Umma passed away the next day. The situation was ironic really, one wakes and another dies. One thing for sure is that Umma's sudden death shook everyone to the core. And, by everyone, I meant Adda Annesah. Sure, Umma had done a lot of things, most of which Adda Anee doesn't agree with but a mother is a mother, no matter how crook.

I can remember the day vividly, once Adda received the news she froze, literally. Up until they got into a car and left for Karaye with Hermano she stayed frozen, emotionless, and almost lifeless. I didn't know when the tears fell on my face, it wasn't mostly because of Umma, but for Adda's situation.

Prince and I had another fight over the matter. I so desperately wanted to go to Karaye and console Adda Anee and Umma's family but he wouldn't let me. My mother was in a coma and Adda did more than I could ever ask for and now that her mother passed away, he wouldn't let me. Obviously, it was an argument I didn't stand a chance at winning. But, that didn't stop the constant calls as I try to inquire and calm Adda down.

That was the longest week of my life.

Ummi got better and was discharged from the hospital. So, she stayed in the same compound with Anty Asmau. And, after three weeks of the demise, I got my Adda back even though, some things will never be the same.

The wedding prep kicked in full blast. I moved back into the apartment with Ummi even though Adda wasn't much happy with it, she tried to coax me into staying with her but my decision had already been made. What's the point in me staying in her house again when I have my mother back? I want to spend every minute with her to pay up for all the three years I couldn't have with her. Hermano supported me in any decision I made and for that I'm thankful to him. Prince thought I was just trying to run away from him, can you imagine the man and his imaginations? I left the part of convincing him up to Adda and Hermano.

That moment that I wanted to spend with my mother was short lived though. Now, the two women are on full wedding mode. They went ahead to plan every single detail together with Anty Asmau and my cousin Mahira. The torturous gyaran jiki session started a week ago, and ever with that, Ummi said I started it lately. It was the same woman that did it for Adda, the Sudan lady that looks like a herbalist. I'm not being rude but the woman seriously looks like a native doctor only without the outfit and make up.

Let's just say, before, she and I don't get along well but now we learnt to tolerate each other.

"Masha Allah I thought Aneesah had a good flawless skin but yours is much better! Your husband is indeed a lucky man" She said, the first day she made me go through that torture session. I guess that made me start to like her a bit, but eventually I realized she's a lot nicer than she looks. I just have to learn to look pass what's on the outside and focus what's in the inside.

Talk of all the gowns, ankaras and accessories have all been taken care of by these ladies. By now I have counted up to 43 outfits, 30 ankaras and 13 laces and believe me, those women are not done yet. Some of the unfinished outfits are still with the seamstress. So far, I know they had some outfits made by reedas, devouge couture, ANNA'S, pinkfluer, and many more designers I can't even remember, Adda knew them all.

The kayan lefe will be brought next week, and as per tradition I can't stay in the house for it. I'm not worried about that though, I was thinking of heading back to El Paraiso, I liked the food there and then maybe afterwards go to the park. I knew that would be difficult though, I'll just be locked up in Anty Asmau's home. They said and I quote, "A bride shouldn't go out especially if she has started the gyaran jiki"

The three rarely stay at home nowadays all the time, mostly they're out, checking out the event centers, outfits, and even invitation cards. Ya Rahman I had no idea how to feel when Adda Anee gave me the dinner invite card. I felt like crying, not because I'm sad and surely not because I'm elated. On the very gold-rimmed card is my name and that of Ya Aamir's! Prince Muhammad Aamir El Khabir and Khadijah Daihaah Uthman Fareed. Our wedding.

Damn it feels weird to say that.

I'm getting married to Prince.

Oh my God!

I guess I'm just being overdramatic because I'm so scared. I don't know what the future holds for me especially being Prince's wife. I'll have a new family, and I wouldn't be with my Ummi anymore, forever now. Thank God I have Adda Anee with me. That woman is hilarious I swear. I think the baby is messing with her brain somehow. Can you imagine the woman is already talking about double dates; she said we could go out for dinner, go hiking in the weekends and go on vacations.

My head was like, 'ehnn so all those plans will take place in 99 days abi'. So, I know if Jannah was here she would probably smack my head and then say something like 'your mental illness has worsen for you to think such idiot'. I laughed at the thoughts, I miss that girl.

My train of thoughts were interrupted by a resounding knock of my door. My eyes flicked off the novel in my hand, which I wasn't paying attention to obviously, to the door which opened and a tall, slender figure walked in all dolled up in an off white straight gown topped with a beautiful anemone print crimson pink kimono and matching killer heels, a white turban cap perched perfectly over her dark locks.

"Assalmu alaiki. Rise and shine zawjatu akhi" The only person I knew, whom could pull off any look and walk graciously in heels said as she walked into the room, a wide smile plastered on her face.

I smiled, "Wa alaikissalm Samhah" My eyes followed Samhah's.

She walked towards the bed and placed her purse on it, her eyes looked at the book in my hand before she nodded, "A Sackful of Wishes by Ummyameen. Almost forgot how Jannah said you're obsessed with her books, I'll make sure to tell Ya Aamir that. He'll for sure buy you all her books, signed copies for that matter, he might even set you up to meet her" She blabbed, mostly to herself and partially to me. She didn't have a care on how she sounded like and that's one of the reasons I like the girl. That's also one thing she has in common with her brother, they always say what's on their mind.

I chuckled, "Samhah, please, don't do that" I mean it sounds promising, but the last thing I want is for Prince to spend money on me.

She rolled her eyes, momentarily closing her eyes and her long lashes cast a shadow on her face, "Forget about that for now, let's head downstairs, Ya Aamir and Ya Suhad are waiting for us" she literally snatched the book out of hand and placed it on the bedside table where my specs are.

"What?" I didn't know he was coming today, Adda has been trying really hard to keep us away from seeing each other. One of the numerous things they said is that the bride and the groom aren't supposed to meet once the beautician starts doing her job. I'm fine with that though, I don't really want to meet him, that much. "Adda will have my head is she finds out he and I met" I protested knowing that I'm the only one in the house, they're all out again.

"That's alright, she knows" Samhah said nonchalantly as she head to my closet. She rummaged through it totally shutting out whatever I'm saying. She held out a Grey kimono with black stripes and hand it out to me.

I raised a brow at her and looked down at what I'm wearing. A black spaghetti crop top and a matching high waist knee thread bare jeans.

She shrugged, "Yaya wouldn't mind seeing you in that in the next four weeks so why not start now, it'll be a surprise" she said with a mischievous smile and I wondered if she hit her head somewhere.

"Yeah, I'm not wearing this" I walked pass her and into the closet to bring out a lilac abayah to change into.

She huffed dramatically, "Alright! If you say so. But just so you know you and I are not done yet. And by the way, just a little heads up, our cousins will be at the wedding"

I blinked, I don't see anything odd with that, "It's a wedding, obviously they'll be there" I said over my shoulders as I walked into the bathroom to change into the abayah. I quickly slipped it on and removed the head band on my head to free my hair from the ponytail and quickly into a low bun.

I wrapped it's veil and walked out to find Samhah sitting on my bed waiting patiently for me, "Yeah, but let's just say our cousins do not like the idea of Yaya getting married to someone that's not from the Royal bloodline" she explained as if this is something big that I should be worried about.

But, I couldn't care less about them, "Sai su raba auren in zasu iya, I don't like stupidity wallahi" I hissed collecting my phone which she handed to me making me smile appreciatively.

"Just to be on the safe side, stay away from them. You don't know what they are capable of" she warned as we head to the door, "Even though I'm hundred percent sure Yaya will have their head if they dare lay a finger on you, but still"

I wanted to reply, but I didn't see the need to. From that she's saying these cousins are clearly bad news, but that's just how cousins are. They are always the pests. I really don't have their time, they can go to hell for all I care. They can rot in there and stay with Lucifer for the rest of their lives and I wouldn't care about them. If they are that vexed about me getting married to Prince, they can go and hug transformer.

Even if I wasn't all in, in this marriage stuff doesn't mean I'm going to let myself be trampled on by everyone there. As long as I am married to Ya Aamir, they should learn to respect themselves.

Just as Samhah said, sitting in the living room is Prince and Suhad engrossed in some kind of conversation. Samhah and I both salaam-ed making them whisk their heads in our direction as they answered.

We both sat in a couch opposite them as we quickly exchanged pleasantries, or more like I exchanged pleasantries with Suhad who was all cheerful as always. I didn't dare look at Prince. My hands were all sweaty for the reason even I am unaware of. I just keep avoiding his gaze all through and find the curtest answers whenever he tries to start a conversation with me. I just hope the other two didn't notice this exchange between us.

The front door suddenly banged open and a voice boomed after it, "KHADIJAH DAIHAAH UTHMAN FAREED QARAYE!!" From the tone, the person is definitely angry.

All heads turned to me but I just sighed. I already know who the mentally unstable person is.

This should be good.

"Where the hell are you? Tunda keh bakida mutunci, ko neman mutane ba kya yi!?!" Clanks of heels on the floor neared the living room as the person came closer. By now I'm sure they all have an idea on who the intruder is, from the voice, it's impossible not to know who she is.

She confirmed my thoughts when she stepped in all dressed up in a midnight blue and amber off shoulder straight gown. Her head tie maneuvered into perfection as usual while an amber veil is hung on her shoulder.

Her eyes widen at the sight of who are with me, "Inna lillahi wa inna lilaihi rajiun!" She muttered loud enough for us to all hear, "Wayyo Allah" She quickly turned to glare at me before flashing the triad a nervous smile.

The next second we were all laughing at her, it was impossible not to. She looked like she'd seen a ghost. Leave it to Jannah to make a grand entrance without thinking of the consequences.

She slowly walked in and sat on a couch next to me after smacking my shoulder, "Idiot!" she murmured giving me one of the looks that if it could kill I'll be six feet under.

She turned to Samhah and flashed her a small smile before turning to Suhad and Ya Aamir. "Ina wuni Ya Aamir, Suhad" she greeted.

Prince smiled, "Lafiya qalau Jannah. How's Canada?" he asked making her smile wider. This is second time I'm hearing him speak Hausa and just the thought of it reminded me of the first time. Ya Allah!

"Canada Alhamdullilah. I'm finally done" she answered before raising her head to looks at Suhad whom was still looking at her.

So, three years ago, after I'd left for England, Jannah transferred to Canada where she completed her studies and her masters all together. I haven't seen her since then till today although we kept having constant phone calls and video calls. We didn't let the distance separate our friendship. We're still the best friends.

When she found out Prince and I are getting married, the girl freaked out. She was over the moon, you'd think she was the one getting married. She returned to Nigeria last week, Kano precisely but didn't tell me that she's in Abuja already. The girl is blaming me for not coming to see her. It's not my fault though, I'm not allowed out.

But I knew there was no way she could miss my wedding. The way the girl is hyped up you'd think she's the bride.

She and Suhad however, I'd been suspicious of the two. When I asked how they knew each other at the airport, she just told me that the once met and they haven't seen each other since then. I asked if he was the one that saved her from Scorpion but she quickly dismissed it ad said no, something tells me she's lying though. But, the thing is, why would she lie to me?

The two just kept looking at the each other. Suhad looked like he couldn't believe it's really her. She offered him a small smile before quickly looking away. There's something going on between the two and I need to figure out what it is.

After the awkward silence that followed afterwards, we continued talking about the wedding events. Samhah said the wedding has to be extravagant and Jannah agreed to it. I however told them that I don't want it to be too posh but of course, when your sister in law and best friend agree on something, your opinion doesn't matter at all.

After much argument we agreed on having five events. The Dinner, Bridal shower, Cocktail party, Kamu, and the Arabian night, courtesy of Samhah and Jannah, obviously. The two said it's either Fulani day or Arabian night so we settled on the latter.

The events that will take place in Abuja will be the sakun lalle, Henna day will be first and since it's just close friends there's no need in putting it on the invitation card then followed by the Bridal Shower, the Arabian night and lastly the nikah. That same day after the nikah I will be conveyed to Kastina where his family awaits. The Dinner will be that night. The next day will be the Kamu around 3:30-5:30 then finally the Cocktail party from 8:30 to 11:00. Basically the cocktail party will just be a small event where I'd get to meet the El Khabir family members and be familiar with them.

Ya Allah it's not even here yet I feel exhausted already. It's just too much but it's the least I could get out of Samhah and Jannah. The two are adamant on preparing this, and I know Adda is onboard with it too so I really have no say in it. Prince however didn't care much about it, he just wanted to know all the events so as to get the event center. If I didn't know him that much I'll say he's elated about it, but the man is an expert when it comes to hiding his emotions. I couldn't really say.

Finally, an hours of planning and picking out centers, events and everything necessary later, we decided to call it later. Samhah left first saying she has to meet with Adda at the boutique to get my Kamu outfits. She waved me goodbye and promised to call later. Suhad and Jannah left too after he gave her look leaving just Prince and I alone to my dread.

I kept mum, I didn't know what to say. I kept playing with the ring on my finger and didn't dare to look at him just as I'd been doing since.

"I never knew you were the shy type" he broke the silence with humor lacing his tone.

"I'm not" I said not taking my eyes up from my ring.

"Oh really" he mocked, "Ok then. Look at me" I'm not looking at him but I'm sure he's smirking. I wonder why he loves seeing me like this.

I thought about it for a while, I really didn't want to because I'm scared I might just run out of words if I dare look into his eyes. This is the first time I'm seeing him since I left Adda's house as he wasn't allowed to come. We only talk occasionally on the phone and even then he's the one that always called.

"See. Shy shy girl" he teased making me look up instantly to glare at him only to freeze at the sight of him laughing at me. The man should really laugh often, he looks so handsome when he's laughing which he rarely does.

"I'm not shy" I pressed regaining my posture from my reverie before he notices it. He's tease me endlessly for that and I'm sure he like it.

"Oh really?" he cocked a brow, "I guess that's why you kept avoiding my gaze since. You couldn't even talk when I'm talking, at some point I wondered if you couldn't talk anymore" he smirked as if challenging me to say otherwise because he knows he's right.

"That's only because I have nothing to say" I shrugged trying to keep my cool which is slowly crumbling down as he keeps mocking e with my earlier actions.

He laughed again, "Just admit, my presence makes you nervous doesn't it?"

My heart literally stopped beating, before it began to beat erratically. I gulped as my eyes met his again and I has to struggle to learn how to breathe again.

Does his presence makes me nervous?



Even I don't know why!

Will I let him know that?

No freaking way.

"It doesn't" the lie rolled off my tongue without my voice trembling.

He leaned forward, placing his eyes on his knees as he focused his gaze on me, "Really?" he asked, his voice lower and huskier. He's doing this on purpose and he knows it's getting to me. Somehow, during our exchange he took off the Zanna Bukar to his Kaftan and I'm just realizing it now. His silky locks were swept off his face and gelled back only to gleam under the light of the naked chandelier. His irises were raven, almost dilating by the second.

"No...wait, what?" I muttered lost in gaze only to realize my slip, "Yes!" I quickly recovered but he heard me.

He grinned, "You're cute. But we'll see about that soon" he laughed as he sat straight again. His grin turned into a smile, "I'm leaving for Abu Dhabi tomorrow" he informed.

"What?" I sounded sad, believe me even I didn't know where that came from, "Why?" it was stupid of me to ask that. The answer is simple, work; because that's the only thing this workaholic does.

"Work" See, I knew it, "There are things I need to take care of there"

"How long?" No matter how stubborn I am, I didn't want him to leave; deep down I know that but I'm not admitting that just yet.

He shrugged, "Two to three week maybe, it depends. But I'll be back just in time for the wedding" he offered me a small smile.

"Ok" I didn't know what else to say.

He reached out to pick up his cap, "Why do you sound like you'll miss me?" he teased again making me roll my eyes.

Because I will.

"I will not" I looked away.

"You really should stop rolling your eyes at me and lying to yourself. You'll miss me, you know that too" he perched his cap back on his head. "Don't worry Bella, I'll be back before you know it. Just keep yourself safe for me, I don't want anything to happen to my wife before the ties are even knotted" he smirked standing up and I did the same.

"I'm pretty sure Ummi and Adda won't let me out of the house, if not I would've ran away to get away from marrying you" I joked feigning a straight face making him laugh.

"Just try to do that, I'll look for you and I will get you, that's a promise" he shook his head as if knowing that I couldn't ever do that, and if I do, he will keep his promise. "I'll call you" he flashed me another smile before walking away leaving me standing in the middle of the living room alone as I watched his figure disappear behind the doors.


Outside the house, while Aamir and Daihaah were talking, Suhad stood in front of Jannah waiting for her to explain. He was beyond livid. It has been three years for Allah's sake, three years! And she just shows up out of nowhere?! How does she expect him to act?

Jannah bit her lower lip in frustration, but the act didn't go unnoticed by him. She didn't know why he's making this one big of a deal, he should've forgotten about her existence by now. Isn't this what he's good at?

"Suhad I don't really get you, why—"

Suhad cut her off by laughing humorlessly, he really can't believe her guts to say this to him, "You don't get why I'm like this? Really Jannah? I thought everything was good between us, we've gone out for a couple of months and everything was good, perfect even! But then you left without a trace, and all you left me with was a stupid message that I shouldn't look for you. It has been three years? Three years for crying out loud?! And you just appear like nothing ever happened between us!"

After his little outburst, Jannah felt angry at his words. How dare he? She thought. "Why should you care? Isn't this what you're good at? You date girls and just dump them like shirts! And you expect me to stay and wait for you to break my heart? Are you really that heartless Alamin? Everyone knows you, they warned me to stay away from you but I didn't listen hoping they were wrong about you but you, you proved me wrong, I was so stupid to trust you!" Jannah was never the one to lose her calm like that, but with him, everything was possible. He knows how to really press her buttons and he had the audacity to say that nonsense to her.

Alamin Suhad closed his eyes briefly, he couldn't understand what she as talking about, he had never seen her like this "I get it, I date a lot of girls in the past but ever since we started going out I have never cheated on you and I wouldn't think about doing something as stupid as that. You have to trust me" he literally pleaded. He didn't know when he turned from being livid to pleading to this girl whom has him wrapped around her slender fingers.

Jannah shook her head, holding back the tears that welled up in her eyes, "I did trust you, but you lost it. When trust is broken, it can never be regained" she spitted, the fury in her eyes glazing by the seconds that ticked.

Suhad was still perplexed, "What are you talking about?" he asked, looking at her closely as if searching her eyes for answers. Somehow he got lost in the depth of her irises. This girl standing in front of him wasn't the girl he saved five years ago, this was fierce and even more beautiful. She is now taller, almost model-like. And her eyes, God, the way it glints when she's angry is just beyond words.

She chuckled at his audacity bringing him out of his trance, there was nothing funny about her look and tone, "Don't look at me like I'm stupid Suhad, you know what I'm talking about. And please, do us both a favor and stay the hell away from me" she glared at him before trying to walk pass him back inside but he held her arm and brought her back.

"Please Firdausi, tell me what you are talking about, I don't understand you"

She turned to narrow her eyes at him, "" she gritted out through her teeth and he immediately let of her arm. She took this opportunity and walked back in just in time Aamir came out leaving Suhad there.

Aamir gave her a concerned look seeing how disoriented she is. She tried to flash him a small smile but she couldn't, so she just walked pass him and inside the apartment. He turned to Suhad who watched her figure disappear behind the doors before he sighed, "Man i really don't understand women" Suhad tried to joke, but the humor just wasn't there. Instead there was confusion, anger and sadness.

Aamir knew there's a lot to figure out between the two, and here he thought Daihaah is the most fierce he'd ever met. Surely, he has never seen this side of Jannah and Suhad is just in for it.

Things are never easy with the El Khabir men and Suhad.


Khadijah Daihaah's POV.

The week passed in a blur with the wedding preparations kept going smoothly without much problem. It has been a week since Prince left and he kept his promise of calling me, which he does every day and I try not to be so giddy about it, but I couldn't help it.

Jannah and Mahira took it in their hands to pick out the anko for the wedding, with my help of course, there was no way they could pick that out without my consent.

Today, the bridal gifts, the kayan lefe is being brought. Anty Asmau, three of my aunts, Adda Anee and Jannah are the ones to receive it while I am staying currently at Anty Asmau's flat with Mahira. It has been 30 minutes since the people arrived, or the lefe squad as Samhah calls them.

Mahira and I sat by the window upstairs as we watch them arrive. There were 10 sleek raven Land Cruisers in total who drove into the compound in a convoy. The first and last cars were filled up with fadawas while the other eight were of the lefe squad. Once they started bringing out the boxes I looked away, I just couldn't look. This all feels surreal, these women are actually here to bring my kayan lefe. Ya Allah. Mahira laughed at me saying that I'm just shy. Amongst the crowd of women I spotted Zainab Samhah, I chuckled remembering how she said she would be amongst them. All the women were dressed chicly and their postures screams elegancy.

30 minutes passed quietly as we waited for them to come out. Just then, my phone that's in Mahira's hand pinged. She handed it to me and I logged into my whatsapp to see the message Jannah just sent me.

Bestiee~ Keh!! 30 freaking boxes!

Bestiee~ Bottega Veneta, Neous, By FAR, Aquazzura, Roger Vivier, Jimmy Choo, Amina Muaddi, Stuart Weitzaman, YSL, Vincci, Dior, Viero Giaro, Chanel quilted bag, The Loewe puzzle bag, Louis Vitton, Birkin bag, Gucci Quilted, it's all here. It's like all the freaking designer stores are here, everything is designer! Nashiga Uku!

Bestiee~ Damn those laces!

Bestiee~ What the fucking hell, nothing here is less than 50 thousand fa, YA ALLAH!!

Bestiee~ Keh!!! there's a car key. There's a freaking 2019 Audi Q8 key here!!!!!!!!!!!

I almost laughed at how she's exaggerating. I handed the phone back to Mahira who laughed at the messages Jannah said before she viewed the pictures the girl just sent.

But wait, a car?!


"Keh wallahi she's not kidding, see these bags and shoes, oh Allah. The car key is here too, hegiyaaa gaskiya kinyi sa'a" Mahira showed me the pictures and I almost gasped at the stuff. This is too much, Prince really went all out. I thought Zainab was joking when she told me he went all out but now I believe her.

This is it.

I really am getting married to Prince Muhammad Aamir El Khabir.


Ya Allah! I'm not the one getting married yet I'm happier than the bride is, lmao.

So, the wedding's here. I hope y'all have your aseobi ready. We'll go to Katsina too, wayyo this girl is excited ooo. I swear I can't wait to meet the El Khabirs, their extended family.

What do you think of the Kayan lefe? Did the lefe squad try?

Jannah and Suhad, they're back oo. Who can guess what's Jannah's talking about?

Wait, lemme not stay here and be blabbing, I need to go and retrieve my Dinner anko. Ladies better hurry and get yours ooo.

Get ready for za grand wedding.

Ciao, Jannah.

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