Chapter 27👑
It's a long one!
Hope you'll like it.
Thanks for all the love on the last chapter.
I love y'all!
Khadijah Daihaah's POV
When I received Adda Anee's call I stayed for a minute not knowing what to do or how to react.
Afterwards I couldn't exactly say what happened. All I remember was trying to rush to the hospital faster than I could ever imagine. Indeed, I remembered heading up to my room to pick up a veil, shoes and money incase I'll need it. I ran out of the house forgetting about the existence of the drivers until I heard them trying to get my attention, asking if everything was alright as at the time I was already hailing a cab.
Knowing that I'll get to the hospital much faster with either of the drivers, I ran back inside and called up one of them who quickly ran to reach to the car before I could. Yes, I know I probably look like a mad woman running to and fro but they didn't seem to mind. Even if they did mind, they didn't let it show.
I'm pretty sure by now the news of my marriage with Prince has already got to them and the last thing they would want is get in the bad side of Prince for saying something bad about his soon to be wife.
But now, it's not the time to talk about weddings or Prince, it's all about my Ummi.
Maybe I should call and inform him about it.
I quickly got in the car panting a bit while the man revved the sleek Mercedes to life. He turn on the air conditioning system and I silently thanked him in my head, I needed it after my little marathon.
"Where to Amyrah?" he asked not turning back to look at me.
"The hospital" I simply answered looking out the window as he drove out of the house, "And please hurry up"
He nodded and didn't say a word to me again which I'm grateful for as I wasn't in the mood for talking. After contemplating for a while, I decided to call Prince. I'm sure he won't be so happy when he found out she has woken up and I didn't inform him, earlier will be prove to that theory.
I quickly picked up my phone and swiped up to the contact log and searched for his number which I saved as 'Prince'. Only when it started ringing did I remember Ya Faruk informing me that Prince has left for a meeting he has at work.
Maybe I shouldn't call him. He might still be I the middle of his meeting. After three rings, I decided to just end the call since he is in meeting. But as I was about to do that, he picked it up.
"Assalamu alaiki" his deep voice came in his normal assertive tone confirming my thoughts that he is in a meeting. I could hear faint voices of people in the background saying business related stuff.
His voice did something to my inside as it churned, my words suddenly got stuck in my throat as I gulped quietly, "Erm Uhm Wa alaikassalam" I finally said something that makes sense. I know he could detect the nervousness in my tone as my voice trembled as I spoke.
"Bella, is there something wrong over there? Or are you just trying to be a good soon to be wife by checking on your husband" he teased enjoying how I'm struggling to calm my erratic heart and trust me, his words aren't helping at all. And he knew that.
"Aren't you in a meeting?" I changed the topic hoping he'll not tease me any more than he already has. Somehow, this time I managed to make my voice come out bolder than earlier.
He chuckled, "I am. I have to admit, you're good at acting like a good soon to be Mrs. should" he said in a tone full of humor. Something tells me he's not paying attention to his meeting anymore.
I decided to save myself from this embarrassment and just tell him the reason why I'd called initially, "Ummi has woken up, I'm on my way to see her" I informed.
"Mashaa Allah, that's good news!" he said almost immediately, "I'll be on my way there now too In shaa Allah"
"But what about your meeting?" I couldn't help but ask.
"Baby, I'm the boss. I can call off the meeting anytime I want, no one is dare going to question me" he said a bit too cockily for my liking. Even if I'm not looking at him, I'm pretty sure he's smirking right now. And the endearment, damn.
My poor heart is beating 60 miles per minute.
"Bossy" I muttered under my breath but somehow he heard it.
"Bella you really need to stop calling me that while I'm asking you nicely" he advised, or threatened, I can't really say. But his words held promise. A promise which I don't want to unravel.
"And I told you stop calling me 'Bella'" I said ignoring the way my insides jump at his words. His mere voice makes my leg turn to jelly, and his endless teasing is not helping at all with erratic heart.
"Touché, but it's not happening anytime soon"
I rolled my eyes, arguing with him is pointless, "Arguing with you is pointless you know"
He snickered, "Nothing you haven't said before. Now if you'll excuse me, the sooner I cut this meeting short, the sooner I'll get there" I heard some shuffling around him, probably him sitting up.
"Ok. Bye"
"Ciao Bella"
I ended the call and kept the phone beside me. I leaned my head back and close my eyes trying to gather my thoughts before I get to meet Ummi. I'm more than elated right now. I'm so hard not to jump in my seat right now as I'm sure it won't be a pleasant show to the driver in front. I looked out at the window seeing that we're almost at the hospital.
The next few minutes felt like torture, I even got tired of telling the poor driver to speed up. I know he can't drive pass the speed limit but still! I had to try, I was getting more impatient by the minute.
Finally, as we parked by in the parking lot of the hospital, I didn't waste one more minute as I was already heading inside. I met a familiar nurse who smiled warmly at me, the same nurse I yelled at the other day, merely under pressure.
"She's awake" she said seeing the grin on my face only to confirm my thoughts.
I all but ran to Ummi's room and didn't hesitate to open it up. Hastily walking inside, at the sight of my mother seated on the hospital bed I could no longer restrain myself as I ran and hugged her tight like my life depended on it, she almost choked from how tight it was.
"Ummi nahhh" I squealed and hugged her impossibly closer.
She coughed, immediately making me let go of he only to hold her hands in mine, "I'm sorry Ummi. Are you okay? Do you need water?"
She shook her head and laughed softly. Ya Allah oh how much I missed my mother's laughter. Tears of happiness clouded my vision and the grin on my face not wavering.
"Oh Allah, Dijeh when will you grow up? How can you run into a hospital room like that?" She scolded, but the smile on her face gave her away. My mother can be strict whenever she wanted to, and she'll scold me so much that I get scared of her but not today. Today nothing is ever going to ruin my happy mood.
It feels so good to finally hear her voice again.
"Umminah I missed you wallah" I hugged her once again, this time more carefully, enough for her to hug me back.
She pecked my head, "I missed you more Dijeh na"
"I have so much to tell you Umminah" I murmured enough for her to hear.
I could feel her smile as she spoke, "We have all the time Dijeh na, I'm here now"
"Toh, yau Khadijah dariya ha kunne tunda Allah yayi Aisha has woken up" Anty Asmau, whose presence wasn't known to Daihaah said breaking the eerie peaceful that engulfed them.
While I like them mommy's girl I am leaned my head on my mother's shoulder, with my hand wrapped around her mother's shoulder, "Can you blame me? I miss my mother" I pouted her lips, snuggling more into my mother's embrace who did nothing but laugh at my puerile act. She couldn't stop me though, even she missed my company.
Anty Asmau laughed, "You will never grow up" she shook her head in amusement.
The door opened again, but this time slowly and a salaam followed as three figures walked into room with me still snuggled close to my mother. I'm still not willing to step a foot away from her. I'm going to stay here glued to her side like gum.
Adda Aneesah walked in first, with her hands intertwined with that of her husband's and Prince following after them. Both Sultan Omar and Prince are clad in a grey Gezna Kaftan with grey and a tinge of sand brown Zanna Bukar caps perched over their silky locks and they looked so exceptionally handsome it should be illegal. No one was allowed to be that handsome in this century. If you don't really know the duo, it would be impossible to differentiate them seeing how they looked too alike, like twins. Except while Ya Faruk looks older, Prince looked younger.
At the sight of them I knew that I should sit up, but I just couldn't. I don't care if they see me like this, or let me correct myself, I don't care if he sees me like it even if I'm sure he'll tease me for life.
Adda Anee laughed at me, "Ummi wallahi this daughter of yours ba! See the way she's clinging onto you"
"Toh yanaiya da ita?" Ummi laughed lightly, "You know how this sister of yours is"
Adda Anee chuckled, "Tananan Kaman kule, she likes sticking to people. Da Allah let Ummi relax and inhale fresh air, you're disturbing her" She said turning to look at me with a playful glare.
"Toh nima that's what I told her dai but she won't listen" Anty Asamau said making me pout.
"Dan Allah ku barni, let me be with my mother!" I batted my eye lashes trying to distract myself from his presence in the room watching every stupid thing I'm doing. It's not my fault though, partially it's his fault because he is in the room so I can't think rationally. "Ko bahaka ba Ummi na?" I turned to look at my Ummi with my best puppy look making her smile widely at me.
She held me closer, "Haka ne Dijeh na, you can stay however you like".
Her statement made me smile in triumph before turning to stick my tongue out at Adda making her roll her eyes.
"You're such a baby wallahi" se playfully glared at me as she went to sit on one of the couches while the two men exchanged pleasantries with Ummi. You should see the way Prince was acting all responsible, mature and many more words I couldn't have ever described him to be. He was a total gentleman around Ummi and she seems very fond of both he and Hermano.
As I stare him mouth agape, he turned and our eyes met. He winked at me and I quickly looked away hoping no one saw that and how flushed I am.
Some minutes later, everyone was engrossed in a conversation when Ummi dropped a question that made everyone still.
"Aneesah, Dijeh, where is your father? I haven't seen him since" Ummi asked looking curiously at us.
My breath literally hitched and so did Adda Anee's. My eyes met hers and she looked just as lost as I did. Neither Anty Asmau nor the El Khabirs knew what to say, they were all just looking between I and Adda Anee.
I sucked in a deep breath as my body stiffened underneath hers. Seeing that Adda was so lost in her own thoughts to even speak, I decided to tell her the truth. But, I was beat to it.
"Abba had passed away" Adda said quietly, but enough for everyone to hear.
Ummi's body stiffened this time, "What?"
"He died in the accident" I decided to cut in seeing that Adda couldn't do it. Saying it out loud hurt like the first time I heard about it.
"How long has it been?" Surprisingly, Ummi's voice was calmer than I would've imagined it to be.
"Three years"
"Innalillahi wa inna ilaihi rajiun"
To Him we belong and to Him we shall return.
Hajiya Aisha already knew of her husband's death before she even asked the girls. While she was in a coma, she could hear what everyone around her said and she picked it up from there. What she didn't know of course was that it has been three years already that she had been in a coma for three years. She knew if she pretended as if she was aware of Abba's death, then it will raise suspicions of Prince. She wasn't stupid, she might be old but she knew the boy was smart. He'll try to know what the reason she almost died again was.
Prince didn't just believe she was in shock. That's what her doctor told him when he inquired about what happened to her. If she was in shock then someone surely caused it. Who was it? Could it be him? Surely, all the El Khabir men knew of Big Boss's existence but they never knew who the man was. The only people that knew who Big Boss was were Lamido, Hajiya Aisha, Abba and Mami. All others just knew of his existence, but never the man behind the mask.
Layla however only knew of Lamido, she never knew that Lamido had a boss, much more the boss is after Daihaah. She only assumed Lamido was after Daihaah for money.
And the ones that were completely in the shadow was Aneesah and Khadijah. Khadijah to be precise since she has no idea on the threats on her life. A lot of people are after her which she is totally unaware of.
This makes this whole thing a big mess.
The doctor told them all to leave Hajiya Aisha to rest for a while and they all quietly left not knowing what to say anymore. Ummi drifted into another heavy slumber but this time woke up 4 hours later. She performed wuduh and prayed. Prayed to the Almighty to have mercy on her husband's soul and look after her daughter. She prayed for guidance from the Almighty for she knew only he can grant her that right now.
A couple of minute later, as she was sitting on her bed in the room alone, the door creaked open and she peeked to see who it was. She remembered cleary what happened last time when she was left alone and someone walked in, she almost lost her life, she's not making the same mistake again.
Prince walked in with a salaam to which she answered with a sigh of relief seeing that it's just him. He greeted her which she answered with a smile and offered him a seat.
Some minutes of silence passed and Ummi was well aware of why he was here, she was tempted to break the silence. She sighed, "Aamir you know, I don't remember what happen" she lied and it so easily roll off her tongue. She didn't want him involved with Big Boss even though he already is but that man is just as cruel as Lucifer himself.
Prince might have power and wealth, but Big Boss was equally as powerful. Prince stand little or no chance against him, or so she thought.
Prince nodded. He had ways to make her talk but this is Ummi, Khadijah's mother, there's no way he can treat her like he treats others. Beside, this woman has treated him like her own son, he couldn't dare even look directly into her eyes and say something stupid. "I understand Ummi. But please, do you know who killed your husband? What happened to your car? You are the only one that survived in that fatal accident" he said softly looking up to meet her gaze.
She suddenly remembered something, "What happened to Tanimu?"
Prince closed his eyes, "He passed away along with Sultan Usman, and his injuries were more fatal. He suffered the most" Prince never felt bad telling this story but now that he's informing Ummi, it felt worng on a whole other level.
"Inna lillahi wa inna ilaihi raji'un. May his soul rest in peace" she muttered taking in a deep breath. This is way worse than she thought. Big Boss no matter how sickly he was, he was actually right. She started this and now innocent people are paying for her deed and wrong doing.
What did Tanimu knew? He was innocent! And now he paid the price for something he had no hands in.
"Ameen" Prince answered, "No please Ummi, do you know who is behind this? We have to get justice for Abba and Malam Tanimu"
Ummi inhaled, she didn't want to say this but she has to. She had to tell the truth, "It was Umma". She didn't feel an ounce of regret in ratting her ex co-wife out like that because she believed that woman deserves no mercy.
Prince knew of this already, he just needed Ummi to confirm it. He promised that Umma will pay accordingly, but he can't help but think of Aneesah. According to the Islamic Shari'ah, the punishment of killing another soul is death. All his life, he made a lot of bad and tough decision, but he had never been in a situation where he doesn't know what to do until now. "Ummi how sure are you?" He asked, not because he didn't believe her but he needed evidence before he can sue Umma.
"I overheard her talking about it the day we left over the phone. She was talking of something about cutting the brakes of the car we left in" Ummi said trying to remember all that she heard.
Prince shook his head. That isn't enough, "But that was before you left, your accident happened on your way back" How is this possible? Surely it's related, but not the way he's thinking of.
Ummi's brows creased, "I don't know how it happened, but I'm sure of what I heard" she closed her eyes trying to remember who was it that Umma was talking to and what exactly they said, "How did Daihaah react to this? What happened to Muhsin? What about their wedding?" she was asking a lot of questions at a time, but only because she was sure Prince was the only one who could answer them earnestly.
"Due to the accident Khadijah faced too, she had temporary amnesia where she remembers everyone but Muhsin. She doesn't remember who he is or they life they had before. It's like he's erased from her memory completely. She's seen him multiple times but never remembered him. Afterwards, with all the trauma she's facing, we decided to send her abroad where she completed her studies in England. Now, we're preparing for her wedding with me. But now that you're awake, only if you agree to it. Treaty or not, I'm now willing to ask for your consent first"
Ummi smiled, a sad and happy smile. She wasn't happy to her about Muhsin. He was her only hope because she knew he was the only one that could keep her away from this life. He was the one that had no knowledge on all of this, or so she thought. On the other hand, Prince was the only one that could keep her safe, and she's glad that her daughter has him. She's sure her daughter will be in safe hands. She reached out and held Aamir's hands, "I give you my blessing Aamir, Allah baku zaman haquri" she offered him a wide smile which he reciprocated.
"Ameen. Thank you Ummi"
"You're welcome. Take care of her and keep her safe" she reminded him and he nodded.
"I will. I promise" And that was a promise which he will fulfill through thick or thin.
He suddenly remembered the other reason why he is here. He picked up the black folder he kept beside him and handed it to her. He was happy that he's finally returning this back. He had waited three years and now that she is awake, he's willing to give it back without delay. It's hers anyway.
Ummi looked at him perplexed. She stared at the folder in her hand and back at the Prince that is watching her calmly, "Aamir, what is this?"
"Open it"
She slowly opened it, her eyes scheming over what was written at the top. He watched as her eyes dilated as she reads the content of the folder page by page. She was tongue tied, she didn't know what to say. "How?" she managed to ask.
"I got it back. It rightfully belonged to you and your daughter, they had no right to lay their hands on it" he watched his vocabulary around her, he wanted to insult them but he couldn't, there's no way he could use profanities in front of his potential mother in law. Not in front of her at least could he dare insult them.
Ummi watched the folder than contained all information of assets of worth 10 million Naira inheritance from her late husband to both she and her daughter. How could the money be this much? "Aamir I can't take this, it's too much" she close the folder and handed it back to him.
He looked at her perplexed, "It belong to you and Daihaah. His wife and daughter"
Ummi internally laughed sadly.
If only you know Aamir. She thought.
"I know but I can't keep this. I don't need it" she kept the folder in front of him but he refused to pick it up.
"Ummi it's already under your name and Daihaah's" he argued.
Ummi smiled, "Fine then. If that's it. Donate it all to orphanages and use the rest to fix up mosques, hospitals and help the people in need. I don't need the money Aamir, and neither does my daughter. I have her and that's all that matters" she said sincerely and Aamir instantly knew that this is where Daihaah got her good heart from, her mother.
He couldn't argue with that, it seems reasonable enough. "Ok" he sighed, "I'll have my assistant fix up another contract, you'll sign it and everything will be donated, down to the last cent"
She nodded, "That sounds good. Thank you Aamir, for all your help"
"Don't mention it. You're family Ummi, and that's all that matters right?"
She laughed a bit, seeing the resemblance between Mami and Aamir clear. He really is his mother's son. "You're right son"
Layla bolted up from the chair she was she was sitting on at the news she received, "She's awake!" she stated more than questioned. "Alhamdullilah, thank you doctor" One of the benefits of having a doctor in the inside is that she get to be informed each time something happens to Ummi.
Though she's at work, she couldn't help but giggle excitedly. She felt like screaming out loud. Ummi is awake! She wanted to go and see her but she couldn't. She just mended her relationship with her husband. She would never make the same mistake again by going against his orders. That is worng both islamically and mentally. There's no way she can bear seeing Susu mad at her gain, the pain was bad enough the first time.
"What got my wife all excited and giddily?" A voice asked behind her startling her. From the husky deep voice and the way her toes curl at the endearment it was impossible not to know who the person was.
As she turned, she saw Susu leaning on the wall by the door to her office watching her amusement and adoration twinkling in his eyes. He is still dressed in the black Armani suit he left for work today earlier in. With the good news she just received she had forgotten all about her husband that was coming to take her out for lunch, something he had been doing ever since they mended their broken relationship.
She quickly ran to where he is and threw her arms around him almost losing her own balance but he steadied her with his arms locked firmly around her petite figure. She is still giggling with excitement and he couldn't help but laugh at how cute she was being.
"Susu, Ummi's awake. She's finally awake" she mutterd as her face is hid in the crook of his neck.
Susu smiled, he's genuinely happy for her, "Masha Allah. That's good news hayaty" He placed a lingering kiss on her head while she exhaled out of contentment.
She contemplated before asking him the question on her mind, "Susu, please can I go and see her?" closing her eyes, she crossed her fingers hoping he'll let her even though deep down she knew that the answer would be.
He stilled, "No" came his answer sternly without any hesitation.
She sighed, "Ok" she slipped out of his embrace and slowly walked back to her table to pick up her Louis Vuitton handbag. She placed all her necsaary essential in there and picked it up sliding it on her arm.
She turned to him and wal towards him, "Let's go" she offered him the best smile she can muster even though it didn't reach her eyes.
He nodded and pulled her close to him after pecking her lips. He knew she was hurt, but she going there was only to get her in trouble and he rather she stayed where he can keep any eye on her and protect her than be out there where she can be mistaken for someone else.
He had to keep his wife safe at all cost.
Prince waited in his office and a few minutes later, his attorney walked in all dressed up in her black suit. A raven black blazer placed over a white chiffon blouse which was tucked in the straight velluci sailor pants she has on. Her hair made into a tight low bun and her lips pressed into a small smile. The attorney of about 5'4 was short and a petite figure but her work is nothing compared to her size. She is the best attorney money could possibly afford in Nigeria.
"Good morning Prince Aamir" she offered him a small smile as she stood in front of his desk.
He smiled back and pointed to the sat in front of her, "Morning attorney Daniels. Please, have a seat"
She nodded and took her seat, something about her posture made Prince knew there was a problem. Something must've happened.
"What is it Attorney?" he asked, sitting up in his seat.
Attorney Daniels sighed and placed a folder in front of Prince. "Earlier today, the body of Hajiya Larai was found dead" she informed once he opened the folder.
He looked up abruptly, "What?" he sound enraged. He wanted to throw or break something out of anger but he had to keep his calm. "What happened? Was she sick or what?" His head was playing all sort of possible scenarios to make sense out of this misfortune but he couldn't think of a thing. What happened?
Attorney pointed to the context of the folder, "No, she wasn't sick. I had an autopsy done in the hospital she was taken and these are the results" Even she was surprised when she got the news. She had been keeping any eye on Hajiya Larai for 3 years now and other than the day to day quarrel with her co-wife, nothing seemed odd or out of place. And now this!
He read the context carefully, and let out a small humorless laugh at the end. His demeanor showed nothing but anger. Not anger towards anyone in particular, angry that this happned and he had no idea how the hell it happened.
Umma is dead.
She was murdered.
You've not seen that coming too did you?
Those who wanted her to attend the wedding, I'm sorry oo. Unless her ghost will be there, Umma is no more.
I pity Aneesah honestly, her mom was murdered.
Who could've killed our beloved Umma? Personally, I'd say Karma but oh well.
Love, Jannah❤
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