Chapter 26👑
*slowly walks in*
Hello! *squeaks*
So, *chuckles nervously* I know I'd abandoned you for long.
All that corona talk scared you, pfft I was just joking although I'm sure it wasn't very amusing to some of y'all😂
How are enjoying the break? Everything's been shut down due to this pandemic 😭 May Allah sees us through. Everything is no longer cool, even TV!
@ammielo is probably booking a flight to come to Bauchi and kill me already 😂LMAO, sorry babe!
@Xaharau, my PIC😁 stop that army you're creating with @Sawdea. Please you two should spare my life.
Y'all I'm sorry!
Nobody by DJ Neptune, ft Joeboy, Mr Eazi❤🥀
Nkan to ba fe, lo ma get
So ko ma lo be (eh oh)
Body on je je je, atarodo, omo you dey pepper dem (ah ah)
Toyin tomato, causing gobe oh
Apato peperenpe, jowo ma se mi le se ye
I don't wanna hear say
I don't wanna hear say you dey with another man
The way your body rotate
I no go like am if I see you with another man 🎶
How are y'all? How are you enjoying the corona break? Everything's been shut down unfortunately, may God see us through. WHO said African countries should prepare for the worst, Subhan Allah, may Allah see us through this fitnah.
First of all, I'd like to congratulate all those who wrote jamb this year, I hope y'all passed your cut off marks! Alhamdullilah, I'm satisfied with my result and I hope you are too.
Secondly, I'd like to inform you that with this break going on, I'd be updating more frequently now since I don't have much to do other than sit home, chat and chill.
Also, if you haven't read my book 24 HOURS yet, check it out. I promise you'll love it.
All those that borrowed money to buy asoebi for Prince and Daihaah's wedding, get ready don gaskiya zamuyi rawa, wannan yazama dole. Ina yen gaban goshi?
Baby Aneesah and Faruk on the way, I know none of you saw that coming. Not even @Xaharau, sorry babe!
Who miss Umma? Should we invite her or not? I know I'll love for her to be there.
Ummi is finally awake, who's ready for the drama that will come with that?
Love, Jannah.
Khadeeja Daihaah's POV
That night I cried myself to sleep.
I just couldn't help it. What are you to do if you were in my shoes? Some would probably consider running away but where would I go? For the past few years all I'd known is these people I've grown to call my family and they never gave me a reason to think otherwise until this whole mess started.
So, this is my life now.
I'd sat down and calculated the three months of being married to Ya Aamir to days.
99 Days.
99 Days with Prince.
I just hope I can survive it. How will i cope with being married to an El Khabir? Adda Anee survived it but she's stronger than I am. I don't know what to expect.
So far I'd only met the immediate family of the El Khabirs, I'd only once met their extended family and they were delightful. They were all so posh and honestly, I feel intimidated by them. They don't talk much and keep their lives to themselves. They don't like mingling with people that are not their family members at all by the looks of it.
So, to be honest, I'm petrified.
I just hope that I can survive for these 99 days. Hopefully, it will be drama free.
What can possibly happen in just 99 days?
The next day, I spent half of it sleeping. I really needed it though, all that crying exhausted me. When I woke up, migraine hit me like a truck and it hurt like hell. I could barely stand but somehow I managed to the en suite looking for some Panadol pills.
I couldn't recognize my face in the mirror. I looked ugly.
I silently groaned at my reflection before choosing to ignore it. I got more pissed when I realized that there are no pills here so that means I have to go downstairs before I get one. I really don't have the strength to be stubborn right now so I just picked out a hijab and put it on, slipping into some flip flops, I headed downstairs silently wishing I wouldn't bump into either Hermano, Adda Anee or Prince; I'm pretty sure Ya Abdul has left already, he has a house here.
Thankfully, there was no one in the kitchen and I'm thankful for that. The maids probably were given a day off, Ya Faruk always gives them that once a month and I think that is one of the reasons why they all adore him because he treats them like family.
I head to the cupboard where I know Luba keeps the first aid kit and when I found it, I rummaged through it looking for the pills.
"Here" a voice said behind me starling me, I squeaked and maybe, just maybe jumped a bit.
I slowly turned back, slowly inhaling and exhaling to calm down my erratic heart due to the shock.
My eyes widen when I was met with an outstretched hand and a stoic face.
My eyes looked down at his hand which held the pills once again. I slowly with trembling hands took it knowing that I need it, refusing it will also just get me into more trouble. And believe me, getting into more trouble is the last thing I need right now.
I looked around looking for a glass cup of water but he handed it to me again without uttering a word to me. His face is still cold, just like last night. His eyes didn't meet my face though, he just looked away.
I took the pill and kept the glass cup on the counter. None of us talked and believe me, I won't be the one starting up the conversation because I'm still angry. I need to stand my ground even though I know it won't be easy.
"Living room, now" with just that statement, he walked out and left me with mouth open in shock. Did he just order me? The knot hasn't even been tied yet! This is going to be harder than I thought.
Sighing, I just complied really just wanting this over and done with. I can't keep being stubborn, I'm tired of all these back and forth.
Thankfully, he was alone in the living room as he occupied one couch so I just sat on the carpet, opposite him and keeping some distance away from the man who had his eyes casted on his phone.
I fiddled with the ring on my finger, waiting for him to start the conversation.
"Talk to me"
I looked up to find him staring at me, I gave a confused look perplexed by his statement, "Huh?"
His demeanor didn't falter one bit, "What's wrong with you? Why are you acting like this?" his voice was soft yet stern, he wanted me to feel comfortable around him yet I know it wasn't just a question I could run away from. From his tone, he was being assertive and so he was determined to get those answers out of one way or the other.
I sighed looking away, "Nothing" I was playing with fire, and I know it.
"Khadijah, we can spend all day doing this but you must tell me what's wrong with you. I have my ways, don't try me" his statement held promise and so does his eyes. I know he won't stop until he gets what he wants and I don't stand a chance against him.
He really will get the truth one way or the other.
"I'm tired" my voice was barely above a whisper but I knew he heard it loud and clear. Just that simple statement held a lot of hidden meanings which I knew he doesn't understand until I elaborate more.
"You know you can trust me right? Tell me everything, I'm all ears" he encouraged and I knew I could trust him, despite everything he had always had my back who why not confide in him? I know we've had our own share of ups and downs but he never gave me a reason not to trust him, that stupid bet aside.
I decided to ask him the question that was root of my problem from the beginning of this.
"Ya Aamir, do you love Hannah?" I asked quickly before I can stop myself. I mentally smacked myself on the head for being so straight.
That definitely hurt.
More than my headache for that matter.
"Do you want to know everything?" He asked and his whole demeanor changed, I can spot conflict in his tone and eyes. He doesn't want to tell me this but he was trying to be honest with me. His hair fell a little over his eye brows which were now quirked, he used his hands to push it away and afterwards, placed his hand on his thigh and lean his head on it.
I nodded, biting my lip and tears welling up in my eyes.
He closed his eyes, rubbing his temples with his fingers, "Honestly Khadijah, I don't think you can handle it" he shook his head, his eyes refusing to meet mine. His eyes roam everywhere but my face, and then, it rested on one wall.
"You told me to trust you. Why can't you trust me?" I sounded desperate, but I wanted to know.
"I do trust you, but what Hannah and I have is just something you wouldn't understand"
Same thing she said.
"Try me" I think our roles were reversed at this time, it was his turn to tell me everything.
"She is my first love"
Why didn't I see this earlier? I wanted to ask questions, a lot of them but I didn't want to interrupt so I just let him continue.
"..There was a time in my life that I really needed someone and she was there, that's all you should know for now. Khadijah there is a lot of thing to know about me and I promise you'll understand later but for now, you don't have to worry about her, whatever we have is in the past and she knows that"
There it was, 'that's all you should know for now', that means there's more to the story that he is not telling me! But I have to know. Unfortunately, I don't want to try my push my luck, he's already telling me so I might as well just use my chance before I lose it.
"So you're not planning on marrying her?"
"No I'm not. You and I are getting married so all that matters to me is you alone" his lips curve into a small smile and somehow it made me feel better. I can feel a smile making its way on my face too. "Wait, is this why you hate her?"
I shrugged, knowing it's true. "I don't like her" I said honestly not bothering to hide how rude I sounded.
"Obviously" he shook his head at me, "Is that the only thing bothering you?" He knows there's more but he's trying to get me to tell him more myself.
"Ummi almost died again. If the doctors hadn't been there on time I would've lost her completely." Tears brimmed in my eyes once again and this time I couldn't stop them.
"What?" his voice was cold again. "When did this happen?"
"The next day after the dinner"
"And you didn't tell me?!" He was back to being assertive and on look at his face, you'll know he's seething.
"With everything going on I didn't want to bother you guys again. I'm always the damsel in distress and somehow I drag you guys into every mess of mine, I couldn't do that to you again; you might just end up getting tired of me" I looked down as a tear slipped from my eyes and onto my face which I wiped away quickly not waning him to see that, but he already did.
"I can't believe you think so low of us" his tone held sadness and a hint of anger, "After everything, you think we'd ever get tired to being with you, especially now?! Khadijah even if the whole marriage talk wasn't brought up you are still family to us no matter what, and nothing will change that, you ought to know that"
I didn't know what to say, all I could do was cry.
"Khadijah please don't cry" he voice was now softer and more soothing, he was trying coo me into believing what he said and it made me feel a little bit better. But, it wasn't enough to stop my pathetic waterworks.
When I calmed down, he sat quietly waiting for me till I didn't have the strength to cry anymore. I looked up and my eyes met his. I wanted to tell him that maybe we can work this out, he's not that bad so maybe I can survive these 3 months with him but the words weren't coming out.
"I'll fix you up something to eat, then you'll go back to sleep again, you need to rest" he said with a small smile to which I nodded.
If today wasn't bad enough, my stomach decided that now is the time to rumble, embarrassing me more. I'm sure if not for the excess melanin in my body I would've been beetroot red by now. I wished the floor will just open up and take me in it, I swear it's better than to withstand this embarrassment.
Ya Allah!
He chuckled, his eyes and face glinting with amusement, "I guess you really are hungry, I'll make it quick" with that, he stood up and head to the kitchen all donned in a navy blue Moroccan jallabiya.
Ok now that we're good let me take a minute to admire him. I know I should lower my gaze but Ya Rahman he's making it impossible for me to do so. He looks like a model coming directly from a magazine. I don't know what exactly he's aiming for, whether it's hair gel model, Jallabiya model, anything! With these looks he would pull it off.
Ya ilahi!
Before he catches me drooling at him, I looked away.
A few minutes later he came back with a tray of different food. One plate was filled up with chips and ketchup, another of sausages, sandwich, a mug of hot chocolate tea and finally, a bowl of grapes and apples.
My eyes widen, there's no way I could eat all this. He placed the tray in front of me and then sat back down on surprisingly, the carpet but sill opposite me.
"Ya Aamir I can't eat all of this" I gesticulated to the tray of mouth watery food.
"Yes you will, just eat" he was being stern again and I found myself eating, slowly at first but then this food is just so good. Did he make it? He couldn't have, boys can't cook. But then there's no maid around, who could've made this?
I didn't realize how hungry I was until I now stare at the empty plates and a bowl of half fruits, the mug of hot chocolate was now empty too. It's not my fault though since I didn't eat last night.
I'd totally forgot about Prince's presence until I looked up and my surprised eyes met that of his that glint with amusement again. He muttered something like "consumer" but quickly smiled when he saw my narrowed eyes.
I stood up to take the tray to the kitchen but picked it up before I even got the chance. "Just go back up and sleep Bella, I'll take this" he gave me a warm smile which I reciprocate trying to ignore the fact that he called me Bella, again. No matter how much I hated the name, I kind of missed it, I still hate it though.
"I can take it, just let me" I tried to argue reaching out to collect the tray but he kept it out of reach.
"I know that sounded like an advice, but it wasn't. Go back up and sleep, that's final"
I almost rolled my eyes at him, "Bossy" I muttered under my breath and I'm sure he heard me.
"What did you say?"
I just shrugged and walked away not being able to hide the smile on my face. So, we're back to being the bossy Prince and the stubborn Daihaah.
That moment, I went back to sleep with a content smile on my face knowing that at least this wedding won't be a complete disaster. I know that things might at least wok out for those months and I wouldn't have to think of a thousand ways to kill him. I laughed at this thought.
I'm at peace now.
It took me another 8 hours of sleep before I woke up again feeling much better than the last time. I don't have the headache anymore and both mentally and physically I'm feeling much better. I guess all I needed was to talk to someone about it and Prince was the best choice.
I still had a goofy smile on my face as I walked into the en suite to take a shower. I took my time to bath and possibly wash away every stress, pain and worries leaving it all way.
Afterwards, I applied lotion on my body, tied my hair into a tight bun and headed to the walk in closet to pick up an outfit. I decided on wearing a traditional outfit I haven't worn in years; a simple carmine atampha skirt and a ruffled hem blouse with sleeves that stopped at my elbow. I tied the headtie into a simple motif and with that I headed out determined to talk to the next person on my mind, Adda Anee.
Much to my surprise, I found her sitting on the bed patiently picking up something on her skirt. Her hands were later intertwined as she sighed and casted her eyes on them not noticing my presence. She looks much better than she did yesterday, but we both do.
She quickly looked up, and tried her best to offer me a small smile, "Daihaah, come sit" she patted the space next to her and I obliged.
It's now or never.
Immediately I sat, I turned to look at her and waited for her to say something. Let's just say I'm not the best at starting up conversations.
She smiled, a sad one. She reached out her hand to hold mine and before I had any time to react she had me engulfed in an embrace. "I'm sorry..." she muttered, "I'm really sorry Daihaah" she apologized again hugging me tighter to which I reciprocated.
"Adda why are you apologizing, I should be the one to apologize" I said making her pull back.
Her eyes were welled up and my heart broke at the sight, she reminded me of Ummi, "I should have never yelled at you. I was just so angry at myself thinking that I failed as your sister, I was supposed to love and take care of you"
I shook my head at her determined to not let her feel bad about something I'm fully responsible for, "No don't ever think like that, you haven't failed, in fact you have done much more than I could ever think of. I'm sorry for acting like a total bitch, I guess I just had a lot of things on my mind that I needed to vent it out, and I did, in the wrong way. I'm sorry for everything, I really didn't mean it. Can you ever forgive me for that?"
"Of course I can, you're my sister!" she embraced me once again and I'd never felt anymore contented.
After minutes of having to calm her down from her sob session, she smiled saying that she's alright and that she was just being too emotional. "I'm alright!" she exclaimed, raising her hand up to prove her point, "I'm just a bit moody"
I chuckled, "Well whose fault is that? Mine?" I joked making her shake her head.
"No, your nephew's"
Say what?
Excuse me did I just hear her right?
My breath literally hitched!
"Wait, you mean?" I had hopeful eyes and I silently prayed, fingers crossed that it's what I'm thinking.
She nodded with a wide smile on her face.
"Alhamdullilah!" This time I was the one that embraced her out of happiness, too tight for that matter out of excitement.
"Daihaah, too tight" she squealed.
"Sorry! I don't want Hermano to kill me for hurting his wife and child" I laughed, "When did you find out about it?" I asked.
"Last night. After my outburst, Faruk was hell-bent on me taking a test saying that it wasn't normal for me to act like that. After a lot of persuasion, I took it and it came out positive" she explained still with a smile on her face, her hand now placed on her abdomen.
"Do you have any idea how far along you are? I can't even believe you didn't notice this sooner!"
"Probably two months or one, I'm not sure though, we're going to the hospital later. And can you cut me some slacks, I had a lot on my mind to notice that I was expecting, unlike that husband of mine who had his suspicions for a while now" she rolled her eyes at her husband even though he's not here.
Overdramatic I know.
No I'll have to deal with an overdramatic, moody and sensitive Adda for the next couple of months. I'm okay with that though knowing that there'll soon be a bundle of joy in our lives. I can't be happier for the two.
"Can you blame the man?" I laughed.
She stopped to think for a while, before shaking her head, "No I can't" she joined me in a laughing session to which now felt so good.
I have my sister back.
"Have you and Aamir talked yet?" she asked suddenly sounding serious, all trace of lark gone from her face.
I smiled nodding, "Yes"
"Is everything fine between the two of you now?"
"Yes. Alhmadullilah, I think our marriage can be bearable, he's not that bad" I said honestly looking away for a while before my eyes met hers again.
She squealed, she's nuts I tell you, "Well it's about time! You two are the cutest, I can't wait for the big day already"
"Adda calm down, we're just going to be married for three months, afterwards we can have an annulment"
She hissed and stare at me like I just said the most stupid thing in the world, "Keep telling yourself that nonsense, you really have no idea what might happen in that three months"
"What could possibly happen in 99 days?"
Adda and Hermano had left for the hospital already, with bright smiles on their faces. It's cute really. Hermano was smiling goofily like a kid that has been given candy, and his wife was worse than he is. The two are really beyond happy about the good news.
I was left alone in the house with no idea where Prince is. So, I just crashed in the living room and watched TV. EMPIRE was being aired on Fox and I just watch the drama unfolding in the Lyon family. Lucious might be a devil but heck that man cares about his family and Cookie, damn she got it sister! Personally, she's my favorite.
I was watching the part, where Hakeem is singing starlight with Tiana when my phone rang. Quickly swallowing the popcorn I stuffed in my mouth, I answered the call not bothering to check the caller's ID.
"Daihaah, Ummi is awake and she's looking for you"
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