Chapter 25👑
Dedicated to my PIC Xaharau ❤
Khadijah Daihaah's POV
July 12, 2019.
"Hi Saudah" I smiled politely waving slightly at her. Her smile is so contagious that I found myself reciprocating it.
"You're Fateemah Aneesah Fareed's sister right?" she asked making me smile despite the tug I felt in my heart at the mere mention of my sister's name. I agreed to come here to get way from all things that reminds me of them and here she is, bringing it all back.
I cleared my throat as my smile wavers, "Yeah" I croaked out and it came out more as a small squeal.
"You two look alike; you both have the same vibrant smiles Mashaa Allah"
"Jazakallah" I'm starting to like Saudah now, she's so friendly.
"Wa fa anti. Anyways, welcome to El Paraiso, I'm glad Adheel here has finally brought you. He's been talking about you all—"
"Actually! It's not what it looks like" He cut her off quickly making the two of us laugh.
He is right though.
It's not what it looks like. But I do know why she thinks that way. It is just a mere misunderstanding.
She nodded not looking convinced a bit but nevertheless let it go, "Ok then. I'll have Ana bring you something to eat. And don't worry, it's on the house" she flashed us another smile before walking away to some other table.
Adheel and I both sat back down on our seats after exchanging another look to which he just shook his head, a ghost smile lingering on his lips.
"Don't worry much about her. She's my brother's wife"
I chuckled, "That justifies it. You two seem really close" I mean the way they joke around, they really seem close.
"It wasn't always like that. But, it turns out we just what do you girls call it again? Erm...'Click!' even though she gets along more with my elder brother Arshad. Sometimes, Ya Anwar complains that we're trying to steal his wife, kiji mutum da kishi fa, as if we're not his brothers"
I laughed glancing at the menu in my hand, "Kaga lefin sa? Can you blame him at all? Even I would've done the same if I was in his shoes. Haven't you ever heard of cases where the woman leaves her husband to marry his brother, su kanin miji?"
He shook his head peevishly, "Bawanin nan! Kawai dai he's just jealous"
"Ah ah, jimin mutum. She's his wife for crying out loud, how can he not be jealous when she clicks with other men, even if they're his brothers?"
"He.Is.Just.Jealous! End of discussion"
"Oh Allah!" I face palmed myself as I laugh at how he's being.
He placed his arms on the table, intertwining his fingers, his head rested on them as his gaze rested on me; he just stood there staring at me; a smile taking over his features.
"What? Is there something on my face?" I asked unconsciously reaching my hand to wipe out whatever it is.
My eyes widen as I frantically wipe my face with my palm, "What is it?" I asked hoping that it's not something bad.
He pretends to think for a while, his brows furrowed, "Lemme see. Your eyes, nose, eyebrows..."
I lightly hissed hitting his hand slightly, "You're not serious" I shook my head rolling my eyes at him.
He rubbed the place where I hit him and feigned pain, "Damn woman! You're violent. Can't a guy just joke?"
"Do you want me to hit you again?" I raised my hand in again giving him an angry once over. If one is to see us right now, the person would probably think I'm about to hit him again out of anger.
"No! Hannun ki kamar katako" he muttered under his breath but I heard him loud and clear.
"Kamar meh?" I asked narrowing my eyes in slits.
"Ni bance komai ba" he quickly said to cover up for what he said earlier but the small smile on his face gave his whole charade away.
I was about to reply when the door opened again, and some group of girls walked in. My gaze moved to their direction and all I could do was just look at them. If only you could see the way these girls are dressed.
There was about three of them and frankly speaking, they looked like is what we call in Hausa, 'itace a zani'. Their faces all baked up with makeup and they had on very tight clothes that basically hug the curves they don't have, their hair tied into high ponytails. They all have on dark shades which they took off once they walked in.
Unfortunately for us, they sat at a table next to us and I had to resist the urge to gag at how strong their perfume was.
Adheel scrunched his nose up in distaste, "Did these girls forgot to shower or what?" he asked turning around to look at them.
I laughed at his words making them turn to look at us just as they sat down. Honestly speaking though, they were kind of good looking especially the one in the middle who seem to be the one at the helm. Her eyes widen at the sight of Adheel and she was quick to turn around.
Was that a tint of blush on her cheeks?!
This should be entertaining.
"Don't say that" I said just as he turned back to look at me, totally unaware of the poor girl that's admiring him, or at least he pretends to be.
"I've spent half my life abroad and believe me, I've never met anyone that spread this much perfume, and that's a fact"
"It's what they call fashion nowadays" I shrugged.
"In Karaye ba?" he teased making me gasp.
"Kam balai, Adheel ka fita a idona wallahi. Ban san meyasa a rena niba"
"See this girl; am I not older than you?" He feigned seriousness, a scowl taking over his features.
"You're not and I'm not a girl, I'm a lady" I lied looking away from him knowing exactly what's coming next and I was prepared for it. He is going to brag about the fact that he is older than me with about 4 years to be exact. Besides, this is nothing new, we're always like this and I kind of missed having his company. It's been long since we've hung out like this and it's refreshing. He's more like a male best friend and a brother in one.
"You're a child. See this girl, when did you grow up?"
"Yesterday" I rolled my eyes.
A hand lightly tapped Adheel's shoulder making him turn, and my gaze to move from him to the girl that just tapped him.
"Yes?" he asked a little bit rudely but she didn't seem to mind.
The girl from earlier gave him a cheeky smile as she extends her hand for a handshake, "Hi. I'm Xaharau" she said slowly batting her fake eye lashes at him.
He looked at her face with a blank expression and then her outstretched hand, "Hi" he simply answered ignoring her act of 'kindness', if you could call it that.
She withdrew her hand back slowly, her smile fading slightly out of embarrassment, "Uhm...if you don't mind can I have your number please. Wallahi ever since you turned earlier you—"
"Sorry I'm a married man" he cut her midway looking away from her.
I resisted the urge to laugh at the two of them. Drama kan drama.
"But you can still marry another wife" she pushed further, her eyes gleaming with hope.
"No I can't"
"But...but she doesn't have to know ai" she added whining a bit. She was trying to give him a puppy look unfortunately for her he hasn't spared her any glance again.
"Babe..." he called making my eyes to snap to his direction.
You have to be kidding me.
"We have to go and pick up the kids from school in about 30 min ba?" He asked me totally ignoring her and I almost laughed at the act he's putting on.
I decided to have a little fun too.
"Yeah! We also have to go for the ultrasound later on, I can't wait to see our little angel" I placed my hand on my tummy rubbing it slightly as if I'm pregnant.
"Neither can I"
"Habeeby, can you ask this woman to leave please?" I pouted glaring at the lady who looks like she's about to explode out of anger. Her face was literally red!
He turned to look at her slightly, "Can't you hear what she just said? Can you leave please, you're disturbing my wife with your presence" he said coldly making her send me a glare before stomping away angrily.
She exited the restaurant with her friends running after her and she basically shoved Bryan out of the way on her way out.
Once she's out, both Adheel and I erupted in laughter.
I definitely missed him.
"You really shouldn't push them away, it's not right" Adheel said seriously after sipping his cocktail.
Joke time is over and now I just told him everything that happened.
I sighed closing my eyes with my palm, "I know..." I groaned "It's not like that. I just, I'm so mad at myself that I feel like I don't deserve them. Adheel they've done so much to me already and I'm always dragging them back with my problems one way or the other"
"And they never leave?"
"Yes" Why won't they just leave me?!
"You know why?" he asked fixing his gaze on me. All trace of lark gone away from his face and this is one of the situations where I see him more of a brother than a friend.
"No" I said stirring the ice in the straw wine tumbler in my hand.
"Because they love you, all of them. They are your family now even though they are not related to you by blood. DNA doesn't actually determine who your family is, ACLF do" he said keeping the cocktail on the Oakwood table.
I raised my brow, "What is ACLF?"
"Action, Care, Love and Feelings. You can know your family by their act towards you, how they love you, care for you and are always there for you in times of need. I'm not saying this because I know Prince but by the way you talk about him, he loves you, so much and he cares for you. The question is do you love him?"
That is the question I've been dreading.
But I know the answer already.
"No I don't" I answered confidently.
He smiled at that, "How can you accept the truth when you keep lying to yourself?" he asked shaking his head slightly at me.
I gave him a confused look, "What are you talking about?"
"You love him"
"What? No I don't" I know that I don't. I only like him, not love him. There's a huge difference between the two.
"Khadeejah I know you, you're in denial. You always have this smile on your face whenever you speak about him and the way your eyes glimmer at the mention of his name is not something to overlook" he said seriously as if he's trying to make me admit it.
I just stared at him with a blank expression. I don't know what to say to him nor feel.
A minute passed, with none of us speaking or saying anything. I was lost in my thoughts while he was just staring at me, waiting for me to realize what he was actually saying but I was far away from thinking such.
"You don't have to decide now but just think about it, really" he said once he saw that I wasn't willing to talk.
"Okay" I said barely above a whisper.
Once Adheel parked the car in front of the house, I thanked him as I exited. It's 5:30pm by now and this the first time I'm coming back home this early in weeks.
"Call me if you need anything, remember I'm here for you" he said once he stepped out of the car too to see me off.
I nodded as I walked towards him and engulfed him in a friendly hug which he reciprocated, I really need that. I know this is probably the least important thing right now but once again I just realized that I'm really short compared to him.
I pulled back afterwards and offered him a small smile, "Thank you Adheel" I said.
"You're welcome"
I waved at him before turning on my heels to walk back into the house. He didn't leave the spot he was in until he saw me got into the house.
Just like earlier, I exchanged pleasantries with the guards by the gate from heading in.
I was surprised once I stepped into the living room and was met with a sight of Adda Anee, Hermano and Ya Aamir with Adda pacing around the living room. Prince had his eyes closed as he is leaning back on one of the couches while Ya Faruk just looked worried about something.
I contemplated on just passing without acknowledging them or doing something else.
"Where are you coming from?" Adda's voice brought me out of my reverie the moment I decided on just walking away. Her gaze was squarely on me and if this was under some circumstances I would've been intimidated by it, but I'm not the least affected.
I put on a blank façade, "Somewhere" I answered.
She closed her eyes momentarily, "Daihaah don't start this with me today! Who was the guy you were with outside, the one you were just hugging?!"
What dafuq?
How did she know that?!
I rolled my eyes deciding not to let her notice my perplexity; "You've done much worse" was simply my answer. I knew that was low the moment I said it even for me but in my defense I didn't think before I said that.
She didn't seem fazed by what I said; instead, she looked like she was actually expecting this, "That was not what I asked you"
"Geez sorry mom, I didn't know we were having a Q and A session, I would've studied for it!" I was being sarcastic, rude and a total bitch, I know that but I couldn't help it.
"WHAT HAS GOTTEN INTO YOU?!!" she yelled and in more of a reflex action I stepped back a bit scared at her outburst.
She might get vexed at times.
She might get upset over some things.
She might yell at others.
But she'll never yell at me. Hack she has never been this angry in her life, I've never seen her like this and I'm the cause of this.
As usual!
This is my fault once again.
Her eyes were narrowed and her fists were clenched, she looks like she's about to explode, figuratively though. Her husband immediately tried to reach out to her but she pushed him away furiously.
"What is wrong with you?! Why are you being like this?! After everything! Khadijah I did everything I can to make sure you get whatever it is you want and this is how you repay me? I tried to understand you, where you're coming from but you just keep making everything hard. I can handle it if it was just me this is affecting but what of Aamir?!"
I wanted to cry.
My eyes sting at her words.
She was right.
But I couldn't do anything.
"He is about to become your husband and now you just go around hugging guys and going out with them?! I don't even see how he could still want to marry someone like you!" with each and every statement she utters feel like a slap on my face.
That definitely hurts.
"I never asked for any of this?" I surprised all of us by talking; even I don't know I was planning on saying that. Surprisingly though, my voice came out calmly making everyone's eyes snap to me.
"I never asked for any of this! I didn't choose to be like this. One second I had everything and the next I lost everything. Do you think there's anything that can ever replace that void in my life? Nothing! The moment something good happens, something bad follows after, that is my life! Do you know why I've been so distinct lately? How do you expect me to act Adda with all that happened at the dinner, the same one I wasn't planning on going but you wanted me there. Afterwards, I almost lost Ummi, that is what I'd been keeping from you!" by now tears began to fall on my face but I wipe them away quickly, "The doctors were barely able to save her. Do you know how helpless I felt when I saw my mother in that condition and yet I couldn't do a thing about it? That memory haunts me each and every night I close my eyes. That guy outside, the one you think so lowly of, he is the only one that understands me and I was actually thinking over what he said but now, I don't think he's right anymore. You aren't helping me because you are my sister; you're just doing that because you feel obligated. I should've known one day you'll throw it all at my face"
All the tears that were threatening to spill earlier have now disappeared. In place of sadness and pain, anger replaced it and now I'm fuming inside.
Adda face held mixed feelings ranging from pain, anger, guilt and confusion.
The El Khabir brothers knew better than to interfere.
"You know what Daihaah..." Adda started much calmer than earlier, "I just can't with you right now. When you're back to the sister I know, you know where to find me"
I let out a small humorless laugh, "You should've said that from the beginning. It would've saved both our time" With that being said, I exited angrily leaving them all standing there.
I'm tired.
A knock sounded on the door of my room. I wiped my face off the remnant of tears left and shouted a 'come in'. I'm glad I had stopped crying for a while now so my eyes are probably not swelled anymore.
Zalika walked in slowly, stopping just a few feet from the door, "Amyrah, your brother requests your presence downstairs" she informed making my eyes widen.
Which brother again?
"Uhm...which of my brothers exactly?" I asked hoping that she'll tell me it's Ya Moh and not the one I'm thinking.
"I'm sorry Amyrah, I don't know"
"It's okay. You can go"
Immediately she left I headed to the closet and brought out a long blue hijab and quickly put it on. My heart thumping loudly as my hands shakes slightly out of fear.
As I walk down the stairs, all I could think of was which of my brothers is here. I couldn't help it, it's an inevitable task. The last time I'd seen any of my brothers was three years ago so now I'm not sure if I should feel happy or anxious about this considering what happened last night.
I knew was being uncouth and ungrateful, but I was angry too. What she said really hurts.
Once I'm in the living room I was in last night, my eyes widen at the sight of the two.
Ya Abdullah and Prince.
Ya ilahi!
Prince as usual is scrolling something on his phone while Ya Abdul was on a call. I wonder why he bothers to attend when all he does is type on that stupid expensive phone of his.
I noiselessly cleared my throat as I walked in, "Assalamu alaikum" I said once I was in the confines of the living room.
Ya Aamir raised his head up, I almost gasp at the man I'm staring at; emotionless and with a cold look. I've never seen him like this and I know it must be because of me. I just stood there staring at him and he does the same, I just couldn't take my eyes off him. He stared at me with no emotion, so much that it made me feel scared for a moment.
I was so lost in a trance I had no idea what it was about that I didn't hear them answer my salaam. I regained my posture back when he looked away and focused his gaze back on his phone snapping me back to reality.
I found a spot on the Italian carpet far from the two and sat down, "Ina wuni Ya Abdul" I greeted, my voice coming out croaked.
No answer.
He didn't answer me confirming my thoughts.
He is angry.
Two minutes passed and no one talked, I didn't dare look up because I was too scared. If there are any of my brothers that I fear the most is Ya Abdul because he is the strictest, and that is why I'm trembling from within right now.
"Is this what you learned from the foreigners?" was the first thing Ya Abdul asked.
I closed my eyes momentarily knowing this was bound to happen.
I kept mum.
"I asked you a question dai koh?" he repeated, and when I looked up his eyes were narrowed in slits at me.
"No" I answered quietly.
"Will you open your mouth and answer me ko sai na saba miki kammani?" I could literally sense his anger, and this was what I feared most.
"No" I answered much louder than before.
"Oh so you just decided to be a nuisance and rebel against your elders?"
"No Yaya wallahi it's not like that—"
"Will you shut up?! How dare you talk while I'm talking, am I your mate?" He yelled and I immediately flinched at his tone.
"No Yaya, kayi haquri" I apologized but he wasn't having any of it.
"Is this how Ummi trained you? For you to around following boys, ko wani burodi da shayi? And you dare have the audacity to talk back to Aneesah? Wallahil azeem if only I had known I wouldn't have allowed her to send you abroad, duk yarinya ta baci? I would've let you stay in the custody of Baffa, at east Inna would've trained you better than this!" by now he was standing, almost hovering over me angrily and all I could do was cry.
Ya Aamir immediately stood up and held him back, "Abdullah calm down, don't yell at her like that" he said in a clam but warning tone.
"Wallahi Muhammad you're giving this girl too much freedom. How dare she? She is not the sister I knew! How could you still want to marry her, kayi qoqari lalle to stand this girl's mere presence?"
"Just try to listen to her first" Ya Aamir said letting go of Ya Abdul's arm once he was sure he wasn't going to do anything.
"Bawani listen to her, she doesn't have that right. Keh wait and listen ma, Baba Sarki wanted to have your consent on this but let me tell you that will no longer happen. You are lucky Muhammad still wants to marry you so listen attentively; you two will get married in two months, that's as long as I could give you to prepare" he closed his eyes to exhale slowly to calm himself.
My eyes shot to his direction instantly.
Ya Allah!
La ilaha illa anta...
"But!" he turned to look at me again, "I'll only give you one choice. Three months! That's all I could give you. If after three months of marriage you still don't want to stay with Muhammad, you can ask for annulment"
For those wondering, this is where the 99 days come in.
Finally! The real drama is about to begin.
The complete book is available on Okadabooks only from this chapter!!!
Love, Ferdeausee.
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