Chapter 22👑

Birthday gift #1🎂

Dance Monkey by Tones and I

Khadijah Daihaah's POV

Abuja, Nigeria.

July 11, 2019.

I'm the one around here that is not related to this family yet Adda Anee looks more anxious than I am. Ya Faruk had to take a hold of her hand to stop her from fiddling with it. I don't really get why she's this nervous; I mean she had been to this sort of dinners before so what makes this so different?

Immediately we stepped into the house we were greeted by five maids that were hastily working round the house.

"Barkan ku yu warhaka, Good day Your Royal Highness, Your Grace" they greeted Ya Faruk and Adda Anee who offered them small smiles walking further into the living room; hands interlaced.

"Good day Prince, Miss..." they traced off not really knowing who I am or how to address me. They nervously looked at Prince who has his eyes narrowed at them in slits.

I am honestly not comfortable with this special treatment they are getting so I'm totally good with the introduction I got. But, Prince had other plans in mind.

"She is your Amyrah and that is how you'll address her from now, am I clear?" he said with a daunting look and cold voice; his whole posture changed.


"Yes Your Highness" they quickly answered cowering at his tone. For a while I've forgotten that this is how he interacts with other people other than family; or more like other than people within the confines of his comfort zone.

"Ya Aamir..." he walked ahead without letting me finish or at least acknowledging the poor maids again leaving me with them not really knowing what to say.

I debated internally on whether to follow him or say something to the maids who beat me to it apparently, "We're really sorry Amyrah" they apologized looking seriously sincere.

'Amyrah' and 'Khadijah' don't belong in the same sentence, ever. It just doesn't, we're not even together so why do I need labels in their emirate?

"It's okay, really" I smiled assuring before following after Ya Aamir so that I would not get lost gawking at the magnificence of this house.

By the time I got to the living room, almost immediately I was engulfed in an embrace so tight that I could barely breathe, "Khadijah my dear, I'm so glad to see you after all these years" Anty Rabi gushed pulling back but still keeping me within arm's length.

"Thank you Anty Rabi, you look stunning as always" I forced a smile remembering what Adda Anee said about this woman hating her; it can't be true right? Anty Rabi is like the sweetest woman alive and honestly she looks really stunning adorned in a raven black cape gown which makes her look younger than her actual age and a veil maneuvered into a turban cap.

She beamed taking my hands in hers, "England life really suits you my dear, see the way you are glowing!"

I just stood there awkwardly not really used to getting compliments from her, "Well it's all thanks to Adda Aneesah and your sons of course"

Her face fell at the mention of Adda Anee which made me watch her curiously but she quickly covered it up with a fake wide grin, "At least she's good at making some things happen" she muttered under her breath.

"What?" I quirked a brow wanting her to repeat what she said.

Is it possible that she really loathe Adda Aneesah?

But why?

"No...nothing! Dinner is ready let's get going now, the guests are waiting for us already" She smiled tugging my arm lightly. Adda Anee and her husband are nowhere in sight, only Ya Aamir is here.

"Who did you invite today?" he asked in the same tone he used on the maids earlier but she didn't seem to mind his attitude.

"The Yaqoubs" she simply answered over her shoulder making him stop and look at me for no reason; he actually looks worried, before he masked away the look and followed us to where I assume is the dinning.

That was weird.

The hallway to the dining hall is painted pearl white; some fancy chic light bulbs adorned on the walls with pictures of past and current monarchs hung. There was one of the whole El Khabir family and another of the three El Khabir men. One picture however caught my attention. It was a picture of Sultan Kabir, Ya Faruk and Prince when they were young and another woman holding a baby. As seen in the picture, Prince and Ya Faruk don't look a day over 10 in the picture; they look so young and cute. The woman's face however is pixilated and that was what caught my attention.

Why would they pixel Anty Rabi's face?

Before I could brainstorm on that which doesn't actually concern me, we reached the dinning as expected. I'm glad neither Prince nor Anty Rabi noticed my newfound interest.

What I didn't expect however is the face that I first saw when we entered the room. The face I so much didn't expect to see now;





Are the only words I can describe this dinner with.

Everyone ate in silence with me stuck in between Ya Aamir who wouldn't let me out of his sight and Samhah sitting next to me. And it just so happens that the person sitting beside Ya Aamir is Hannah.


You all got the sarcasm right!

The only sound is the one of silverware clanking on porcelain plates and it's irritating! I'm trying so hard not to let it get to me because God this is torture.

Don't get me wrong. I love quiet states, but only if it's peaceful; but right now, it's quiet but tension is thick in here like a blanket. I just am barely standing it.

"This is why I hate this type of dinners" Ya Aamir whispered turning around to look at me with a scowl on his face which he didn't bother to hide it from the others who discreetly look at our little tete a tete.

I nod my head silently careful not to draw any attention to us, "I'm with you on this" I'm pretty sure I look like I'm about to murder anyone if I hear one more clank of spoons on plates.

He smiled at my guise and failed attempt to mask how I actually feel with a tight smile. He didn't seem to mind or care when the other people saw the smile he has; I'm pretty sure it's unusual and strange to them.

Mrs Yaqoub cleared her throat to gain the attention off us and onto her; clearly not liking what's happening.

"Fateemah, é un piacere to finally meet the donna who got Omar off the bachelors market. Mi dispiáce, at that time I was attending an exhibition quel aver luogo in Louvre" Hannah's mother said in a thick Italian accent dapping the corner of her lips with a napkin. (It's a pleasure...Woman......I'm sorry.....that took place in Louvre)

Adda Anee smiled, her eyes momentarily looking down reticently "Non çè problema signora, the pleasure is mine" (No problem ma'am) she replied making Mrs Yaquob smile.

I almost yawn at how these people eat. Slow and classy as if they will not eat it plus they don't talk without mixing it with Italian or French; mostly Italian. It just so happens that the Mother is the talkative one in the family.

"Well actually..." Anty Rabi cut in with a sweet smile on her face, "Omar is not off the market just yet"

"Come mai?" Mrs Yaquob once again asked after taking another bite of her vermicelli with radicchio (How come?). Apparently, Anty Rabi went all out preparing an Italian dinner mostly in preparing the reddish purple chicory which is eaten raw in salads for them.

I looked over to Adda to see her expression on Anty Rabi's statement but it remained neutral, almost like she knew what is going to happen. I can't possibly tell if I'm actually correct but by the looks of it I am while Ya Faruk looks like he's about to strangle his dear mother.

"Tu verdere Fateemah and I were talking, and seeing that Omar is the next King of Kastina, he should have an heir by now. Well as you all know he and Fateemah have been married for tre anos now and still, no news! So we decided that he should take in another wife" (You see.....Three years now) Anty Rabii replied with an overly high pitch tone that I couldn't help but find annoying; making Ya Faruk still.

Ya Faruk let out a small fit of pique, the look on his face displaying incredulity. He kept the spoon that was in his hand back on the plate of food slowly, calmly placing his hand on the table and fisting his fist, "You have no right to decide that for either me or my wife. Whatever happens is between us and I'm not taking in a concubine! I have a wife already and she is more than enough for me. The last person I will consider getting an advice on my married life from will not be an obnoxious meddlesome person who doesn't know where she is unwanted and---" he stated swiveling his head to glare at Anty Rabi; his tone cold and distant.

"Don't you speak to me that way!!" For a second I almost fear the woman I'm seeing right now who is completely an opposite of the woman that was smiling two minutes ago. The way her eyes narrow at him and her hand clutch the fork that is in her hand tightly is scary and dangerous; but Ya Faruk wasn't backing down with his stare too, it's surprisingly how Adda Anee refuse to look at any of them or try to calm her husband as usual.

I turn around to see Prince's expression on this and much to my dread; it was passive as that of Adda Anee. This is one of the things I fear most about him, when he's acting all cold and has put on that façade of him which I can't see through. It worries me a lot when I don't know what he is thinking or feeling because whenever he is like this, he shuts everyone out without much caring about their feelings; he tends to say things and act without any remorse.

"You interfere in their matrimonial life when I told you not to?" Came Sultan's voice for the first time and the place went deadly quiet.

Anty Rabi puts down the fork in her hand, a flash of panic overtaking her expression, "I was just trying to help Your Highness and you did hear the way he talked to me right?!" she said putting on an act to sell her charade.

Sulan choose to ignore her failed attempt "You dare defy the orders of your king!?" he said in an assertive tone I once knew Prince with. Except this time, his is ten times more dominant and intimidating. His tone send chills down my spine and make everyone keep shut that a drop of pin could be heard in this situation. None dared to say anything except Mr Yaqoub of course who didn't pay heed to anything happening right now; he seems least fazed by Sultan's act.

She quickly looked down, "I apologize. I'm sorry Your Highness"

He moved his gaze from her, and then to Mrs Yaqoub, Ya Faruk and lastly Adda Anee, "Now I want you all to listen to me attentively. No one and I repeat no one should dare interfere in the matrimonial issues of another couple. You don't have that right! And that is an order from a father" he looked at Adda Anee and Ya Faruk, "A husband" he moved his gaze to Anty Rabi, and then lastly Mrs Yaqoub, "And from your Sultan!" he warned.

A few seconds of silence passed with tension thick in the air; no one dared to speak.

"Sultan, let's just get straight to the point; I'm tired of sitting here like this..." Mr Yaqoub said breaking the awful silence; his head swiveled to have a full view of Sultan, "We're here for the promise so can we just get over to that part and skip this whole display of power and all?"

"What promise?" Sultan looked like he has no idea what they are talking about dismissing his bluntness; making Mr Yaqoubs brows furrow in confusion; his gaze moving back to a wide eyed Anty Rabi and back to an emotionless Sultan.

"I believe it's time for Aamir here and Hannah to get married"

And I believe my system shut down at the moment; I just sat there stunned, frozen. The familiar feeling of pain and short breathe resurfacing; his words ringing loudly in my head and it hurts a lot. This can't be happening right now, it just can't. Everyone else disappears and bile rise up in my throat, but I pushed it back down.

Afnan was the only one who noticed what happened to me. "Mami..." she tried calling their attention for the very first time. With all that's going on I don't know how I'm able to pay such attention to her.

The resonating loud sound of spoon being clouted on the table brought me out of my trance or more like mini robotic session.


Pushing back the chair he sat on with a loud screech, he got off the chair and head out not paying heed to any of us. His strides weren't fast; but with such calm that has ire hidden in it. Hannah opened her mouth slightly in what seem like an attempt to try and call him; but seeing that he wasn't going to pay any heed to her anyway, pathetically, she followed after him quickly without anyone caring about it.

Ya Faruk stood up too taking a hold of his wife's hand, he dragged her out while she robotically abided; her features same as earlier while his displays anger.

My mind was so jumbled up that I could barely think clearly; I don't even know what to do; so much happen in just a matter of minutes.

Well, this was nice.

They left me with an anxious Samhah and Afnan, a rueful Sultan, a nervous Anty Rabi, a smirking Mrs Yaqoub and a callous Mr Yaqub.

Just great!

Yay Dinner!

Tell me you noticed the sarcasm because this sucks.


Once again I found myself in this strange halls staring at a particular picture.

Dinner ended five minutes ago and was unforeseen.

And somehow staring at this particular picture calms me down and helps me forget what happened earlier. Actually, it doesn't calm me; it just gets my mind off of earlier events. It's so mysterious and I know it's none of my business but I can't help it; I need to get my mind off earlier events or I might go crazy.

I wonder where Prince is and whether or not he is with Hannah.

Will he come looking for me?

Did he forget about me?

And most importantly, is he okay?


What's wrong with me? Why do I suddenly care about him? He is getting married to Hannah for crying out loud and he didn't bother to tell me about it? He made me believe all those lies about him being serious with his feelings and all! That is so unacceptable.

"It's mysterious isn't it?" said a voice I very well came to know the owner of it disrupting my chain of thoughts. Just the last person I expect to see right now and here is he person.

Not wanting to reply but not seeing a reason not to, I slowly shake my head hoping that's enough signal to send the person away; but the person had other plans in mind.

"The El Khabir family is the definition of perfect family to others, because people oversee their flaws and side loops which is good I suppose. Yet at a point people can't help but feel suspicious. Gimbiya Ramlah, the former Queen of Katsina and mother to Sultan Kabir is the first Arab woman in the family, thereby starting a new line of El Khabir race and a new phase of racism. There's always an incomplete story in the family which apparently has a gag rule on it each and every time. From former Sultan Hasaan to Sultan Kabir, it's the same chain. So, to answer the question in your head, yes this picture is mysterious. But then again everything about this family is mysterious isn't it" Hannah said coming to stand next to me. At least she knew to use her head and keep her distance from me which is good for her.

"I don't remember asking you that" I simply answered not wanting to think over what she said although it is informative.

She chuckled, "I was just simply informing you, and you'll need it if you're going to survive in this family"

"You seem to know a lot about them" I didn't for once take my eyes off the portrait in front of me; I can't stand to look at her.

"Khadijah I know a lot of things about a lot of things" she now talks in riddles, "Let's just say the El Khabirs is one of them. Those people are like family to me, I know things you'll never know or understand"

"You really have a habit of telling people what they didn't ask you don't you?" I stated rudely and anyone could pick up the hint of annoyance in my tone.

She turned to fully look at me and from my peripheral view I could see her smiling at me, "I see what he sees in you" she said after a while of silence.


"I see what Aamir sees in you. You are a lot like him without actually realizing it. Staying with him must've rubbed off his attitudes on you I see"

I turned to look at her, and we just stood there looking at each there. Sure, she's taller than me and with her Fulani looks and etiquette of behavior and dressing is more than mine but I still look her up unwaveringly; I'm not the one to tramped on by anyone.

"You are closer to him than I am, so I'm surprised you can utter that to me" Damn I sound like a jealous girlfriend. I'm not even his girlfriend so I wonder where the jealousy is coming from.

She laughed at my attitude and choice of words, "Khadijah there's something between Aamir and I that you will never understand, no matter what happens I'll always be a part of his life now and forever so it's high time you stop thinking of me as a threat you can get rid of easily"

Despite her sweet smile and innocent façade, I know there is something about her that is why I don't like her from the beginning. "Can I be honest with you Hannatu? I don't trust or like you. You may choose to wear expensive and prime clothes, put on a bright smile and fool everyone but you can't fool me so just drop the act, it's pointless. If you have something to say to me just say it" I can feel anger rising up in me and I really don't like the feeling of it. That feeling of adrenaline rushing in my veins is toxic yet so addictive.

"I'm sorry if you think that way about me but I promise you I'm not the threat you think I am" she kept the smile on her face and walked closer to me, "You are my patient. I know things about you which you don't know. I also know that stress is not good for you, so you should stop over thinking and over stressing yourself; you need it" she patted my shoulder and flashed me one last smile that seems sincere before walking away once again leaving me alone in this hallway.

Ya Allah!



I slowly opened the door and carefully made my way inside after thanking Samhah for giving me a ride here. I really don't want to leave with the people I came with or go back to that house for that matter. This is where my peace is and this is where I shall stay tonight. I've had enough drama for one night and I don't need more.

A smile made its way on my face as I placed a kiss on Ummi's forehead. She doesn't look any different from 2 years ago except that she no longer has on bandages and plaster casts. The only thing she has attached to her is the life support.

"Ummi..." I smiled despite all the inner turmoil I'm having.

"I'm sorry I couldn't come today in the morning, a lot has happened and I didn't get the chance, but I'm here now" I held her hands in mine loving the feeling of familiar warmth though it's missing life in it, "3 years ago who would've thought this is where we would be right now. I'm finally done with my study, that's good right Ummi? That's what you've always wanted for me" I just can't help but speak to her as if she's going to reply. "Abba is gone..." my smile faded, and bile rise up in my throat, that burning feeling in my throat began as my eyes sting with unshed tears, "And you are still in a coma" the tears fell freely because I can't keep them in any longer.

"Ummi I'm sorry but I'm tired, I've failed you and I'm..r-really sorry" I choked on my own sobs as I used the back of my hand to wipe my tears and muffle the sounds.

I'm tired!

"I'm tired of trying to act strong; I'm tired of pretending to be happy. I—I know I shouldn't be bothering you with my problems right now but you are the only one I could talk to. I can't pull up my façade anymore Ummi because it still hurts. I don't have you or Abba, and that's what hurts more than anything. I know there are things I don't know, things people are keeping hidden from me and I'm so tired of that; why won't they just tell me and get over with it already! I'm tired of being kept in the shadows of my past. Was I maybe a bad person?" by now my sobs have become louder and I couldn't keep them in anymore.

Why me?! Did I ever do something bad to another?

I'm tired of trying to act strong and feigning happiness, I've held it all in for so long already and now I just can't anymore; it hurts so much.

"Ummi please wake up, I need you" I whispered after a few minutes later. My tears have died down and I'm now having a slight headache from all the crying.

I stood up and head to the bathroom, washing my face I performed ablution before coming out once again after washing my face of any trace of tears leaving the puffy face and red eyes. I picked out a hijab, put it on and brought out a daddumah afterwards placed it on the carpet.

I prayed and pour out all my problems to my lord azza waajal for only He I know will see me through this. I spent most my time in prostration and by the end of it, I ended up crying and feeling most of the weights being lifted off my shoulder.




Abuja, Nigeria.

Layla dropped the book in her hand with a thud on her lap with a low groan realizing that she isn't paying much attention as intended. It's not her fault though, her mind was somewhere else. She leaned back on the chaise lounge placing her hand on her forehead; briefly closing her eyes and releasing a small sigh.

She peeled her eyes open slowly and took a peek at the book on her lap that has '20 Ways to win back your Husband's Heart' boldly transcribed on the bright blue cover with a picture of a woman who seem to be advertising for close-up; with her 32 on display.

Layla had been trying to make sense out of these types of books for two years now, since her fight with Susu. A week after the argument, Susu stayed by his words and only acknowledges her with pecks on the forehead during breakfast and dinner with nothing more other than that. That same week he left for a 2 years program in Hungary for his company and she didn't leave together with him as intended from the beginning because of work she has too in Morocco; a new fashion line of hers was to be showcased.

Afterwards, she visits him from time to time and vice versa; he never spends 3 months without coming to visit her. But even with that, something about him was never the same as before since that they he stood her up for her acts. She knew she hurt him truly, that was why she's trying really hard to make up for it especially now that everything is over.

Lamido hasn't retaliated as she thought he would so it's safe to say everything is over and all that is left is for Ummi to wake up that is when everything will completely be over. She thought numerous times why Lamido will put up that much fight in the beginning when he was going to be out of that game that easily. All it took was for Prince to threaten him and that was it. But deep down, something did not sit right with her; there was this feeling of uncertainty, has everything really has come to an end now? She wondered.

Right now, all she has to focus on was her husband, she really hopes this time she can get back her old Susu back since he came back home finally yesterday. She has missed him so much and she really needs him right now; he is the only one that is on her side on this.

A gasp escaped her when the book that was in her hold was snatched out swiftly as she was engrossed in her thoughts to notice him walk in. Her eyes went wide when his eyes roam over what was written and she was quick to try and take it back from him but he was taller than her.

"20 Ways..."

"Susu give me that now!" she screeched blushing beetroot red at her husband who has on an amusing smile on his face.

"Nope, lemme just finish reading it" he put the book out of her reach and couldn't help the beam on his face when he read it.

She just stood there and stopped fighting him for a moment and just takes a look at him; it has been long since she last saw him beam like that.

Just as he turned around he caught her staring at him, he raised a brow at that.

She quickly shook her head, covering her face with her palm, "You weren't supposed to see that" she mumbled almost to herself and that moment she thanked the melanin in her body, if not she would've looked like a tomato now.

"But I did" he answered knowing it wasn't directed to him but still.

Peeking with one eye, she wished the ground will just open up and swallow her than to stand this embarrassment, "I--I'm gonna go downstairs..." she stammered, and basically ran out of the library before he could talk.

His laughter filled up the place as he found it amusing. It was cute of her to try this hard to get him back but he wasn't going to make it that easy on her. He rather have her attention all on him for now even though he knows he sounds selfish but he can't help it. Daihaah is back, so he needs to have all the time he can have with her before sharing her mind and thoughts with another person.

He will spend as much time with her for now for he knew the story is far from over.

Lamido will be back,

And so will the others.

All that is left is for Hajiya Aysha to wake up.


Happy Birthday to Me!

I'm officially a year older!

I'm so sorry I had abandoned you, things have just been so hectic right now and I have some important exams coming up so I can't bear any distractions. Mi dispiace!

I promise I'll be back with a lot more when I'm done.

Love, Firdausi💕

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