Chapter 21👑
It's been a while!
I miss y'all💗🌸😭
The little 10 year old boy almost too slowly walked to where the crib is, his mother trailing behind him. He can vaguely remember his mother and the baby's mother talking and laughing but all his attention is on the cute baby that's in the crib.
As he reached the crib, he took a peek at it and the cute baby smiled at him making him laugh; she is the cutest baby he has ever seen. He extends his hands and hold her small hands in his, laughing at how tiny her finger and nails are.
"Mami..." he called the attention of his mother who smiled seeing the way he is already fond of the baby girl, "She's so small and cute"
'Mami' smiled, turning slightly to look at Hajiya Aysha, "It seems like Aamir is fond of Khadijah already", she says almost cooing at how cute the sight was.
"Yes indeed, I guess you don't have to worry about him liking his new baby sister anymore" Hajiya Aysha said making Mami place her hands on her protruding stomach, she's already 8 months along.
"I know..." Mami sighed, a happy one for that matter, "But just look at the way he's staring at Baby Khadijah, it's not the same. Wait..."
"Wait what?"
"Aamir is the answer to all of these" Mami held Aysha's hand making her look at her questionably.
"What do you mean, I'm not getting you"
"When Khadijah is of age, get her married to Aamir. I can talk to His Majesty about this, I promise our family will take care of her and keep her safe. Whatever happened can't happen again, we have to make sure of that!" Aysha can't tell if Mami is actually being serious or it's the hormones that are speaking for her.
"I don't know Mami, it doesn't sound right. It'll be like we're forcing these kids into marriage and I don't like the sound of that, at all" she tried to argue but Mami was having none of it.
"Aysha just stop it, you know I care for you now let me take care of your daughter. Maryam won't come back ever but you can't lose Khadijah, we both know that and right now, Khadijah is my daughter too. Aamir is a very understanding young boy, when he grows up I know he'll be like that too. I know my son, please Aysha just agree to this"
Aysha looked at her baby girl that's in the crib, then to the 10 year old Aamir that just couldn't stop laughing whenever the baby smiles at him. He made faces at the baby who find it quite amusing and she has to admit the sight was just masha Allah!
"Ok...but if anything changes before then we're calling this off. We both know His Majesty won't agree to this so talk to him while I talk to Baba Sarki and Abba and we'll figure out a compromise, a treaty maybe?" she eventually gave in,
Mami beamed widely, "Allhamdullilah! I will talk to him right away, you and I will become family forever and I promise I'll take care of your daughter no matter what"
And that was how it started, that was when the promise was made.
JULY 10, 2019.
Prince Aamir out of all the seats available on the plane just chooses to sit next to Khadijah who had her headphones on, and had no heed on him. He has been trying to talk to her since last night but she is just so stubborn, he still hasn't given though. Giving up is a word that exist in his dictionary right next to never.
"I still can't believe you guys have a private jet, this is so cool!" Adda Anee gushed as she took a seat next to her husband who held her closely, placing a lingering kiss on her forehead. Married for three years yet despite all the vacations or Baecations they've had, she still gushes about how cool it is that they have a private jet.
Prince chuckled staring at the couple with admiration, "I didn't really see the importance of getting one but your husband here wouldn't shut up about getting one so we eventually each got it. I'm thinking of selling mine though, I don't see why I need it and one is enough", he said making Ya Faruk shrug with a sly smile.
"Almost everyone I know has a private jet so..."
"Yea fool, all your friends are mostly from the Abu Dhabi royal family. How can they have not had a pj?" Prince Aamir shook his head bringing out his phone to review a contract he requested with the Sayhan Foundation. He has been in business with them for two years now and he has to admit, Saudah Sayhan knows her way around business; being a wife to Anwar Shazad adds to it too.
Ya Faruk laughs, "You're right" he mutters something in his wife's ear making her laugh along with him. The two are just so adorable together; they never seem to ever get enough of each other with the smiles, pecks, and just everything! It makes Aamir wishes he'll get a wife like that or more likely Khadijah to be like that with him.
After reviewing the contract once again, Prince decides to disturb Khadijah for the meantime. He'll get her to talk to him one way or the other so why miss this chance? It's a golden opportunity! So, he removed the headphones from her making her glare at him.
"Give me back my headphone!" she screeched reaching out to snatch her headphone from him but he put it out of her reach.
He has to admit though, he loves how she looks when she's angry, "Have you always been this cute or are you being like this just so I can say you are cute?" he raised a brow, keeping the headphone at the far end of another seat adjacent to them so she can't get it.
She exhales and huffs knowing that he's just doing this to piss her off, "No. Now leave me alone please" she brings out her phone and log into her twitter account.
"Are you sure" he whispered making her look at him warily.
"Why are you whispering?" she asked in an equal tone as that of him.
He shrugs lightly, "I don't know. Why are you whispering?" he questioned back.
"Do you always answer a question with a question" so now they're both whispering for no reason at all.
"Are you still mad at me?"
"See! You're doing it again" she point out ditching his question which she doesn't know the answer to.
"What am I doing?" he feigns innocence.
"Answering my question with a question, duh!" she look around to see if anyone is watching their little...she doesn't even know what to call it.
"Am I answering you question with a question of mine?" and he did it again!
"Yes you are" she exclaimed shaking her head realizing that he has no intention of stopping this any time soon.
"No I'm not" He looked away and leaned back on his seat. "I see you're wearing the bracelet I gave you, it look really good on you like I thought it would"
She looked down at the bracelet and smiled, she really does love it a lot, "It was a gift anyway so thank you" she said curtly.
"You know you love it so just admit it"
She exhales and glare at him discreetly, "I don't know why I thought you'd change before..." she muttered to herself unknowingly to her, he heard her loud and clear. Well not actually loud but clear enough.
"What did you just say?" he asked in his usual assertive tone which he absentmindedly uses on her often. It's not his fault though, it has just become a part of him and he can't just change that with a snap of a finger and tada! All undone, it doesn't work that way.
She looks taken aback but covers it up, "No...Nothing" she dismisses quietly but he is not letting her off the hook that easily.
He had wanted to hear something from her that is not a comeback, just something with emotion in it even if it's the smallest but just something! Yes, what he did was wrong but he didn't think she would be this mad about it because he was sure she had no feelings for him, not even the tiniest bit but her acts now just proves him otherwise. He wasn't lying about his feelings for her. The proposal might've been a game but his feelings weren't; he was sincere in everything he said.
"Khadijah I'm not going to ask you again, I'm serious right now, jokes aside. What did you just say?" He sat up again and his whole demeanor changed, he is being dead serious right now.
She keeps her phone down and released an exasperated sigh, "I said I thought you changed! I thought we were past the whole teasing and going back and forward thing. But no! You just had to go and ruin it by playing with my feelings for some damn money you can give out in a blink of an eye. You ruined the small progress we were making, and then you go around and told me that whatever you said was true getting all over in my already messed up head, are you kidding me Aamir?!" she said almost too loudly getting the attention of the two lovely couple beside them that just happens to love a Khadijah and Aamir moment. Thank Allah Mahira and Anty Asmau are asleep, or so they thought.
Adda Anee looked at Ya Faruk with an amused smile whom has on the same expression as hers, so they moved a little closer to the duo. In the process, Adda Anee grabbed the popcorn that an air hostess brought them earlier while Ya Faruk picked up the bowl of peanut they ate earlier and helped her dump the popcorn inside it. All in all, they have a snack for the show ready and set to go.
Ikon Allah! Gulma dai...
"You just called me Aamir" Prince said with an amused expression making Daihaah look at him as if he grew two heads.
"Of all the things I said, that was the only thing you picked up? You're unbelievable!" she huffed looking away. She is beyond mortified. So maybe she might have a teensy weensy little bit of crush on him. Who wouldn't fall for him? He got it all, the looks, money, attitude, and basically everything. He was the one who helped her get back on her feet and accept qadr, he is always looking after her in his annoying ways, and he cares for her even if it's very small but still. He still manages to get in her head when he's not around and what else to explain why she hates Hannah? How can she not fall for him?
So... it's true.
She likes him. A lot.
"I did get what you said and I'm sorry if you feel that way but I never play with my words. Whenever I say something, I mean it, every word. And right now I know everything is messed up but you made me this way Khadijah don't you get it? Everyone in here knows I don't joke around with people other than the ones I care about, yet I enjoy teasing and annoying you and I don't regret it" for the first time she actually believes him but she is not letting him see that this easily.
He sighs when he sees that he has not convince her, "Ok I'm sorry, there you made me apologize for the second time since we met, let's just put this all in the past and move on, a fresh start! What do you think?" he asked and she just stood there looking at him, or more like they sat there looking at each other, none of them saying a word or showing any sign of emotion.
She knows that what he suggested was right, and they could really use a fresh start but she cannot just forget everything. They have a lot of good memories so it would not be right for them to forget them all. Besides even if she wants to forget, she just...can't!
"I don't want to forget what happened in the past, we have a lot of good memories Prince, and I don't want to forget it or put it in the past" she admitted honestly making him smile a bit.
"Then let's build up new memories on top of the past ones, I don't regret any moment I spend with you, ever and I mean it" he suggested with a beautiful smile on his face.
She smiled, or more like beamed; a happy one for that matter, "Ok then. To a new start"
The two just keep staring at each other with smiles on their faces, you would think they are about getting married with the amount of happiness radiating off them. They look more like Christmas goats, or chickens that escaped the chances of being slaughtered on Eid. None of them talked, the smiles on their faces speak for them.
"Do you think we are in India ne ko meh daza'a sa romantic music when you look at each other? Ko dai background music kuke so musa muku?" Mahira who just happened to awake all the while and watched their little exchange of words brings them out of their reverie.
Only then did Daihaah looked away shyly, turning around she saw the couple who too their eyes away from them instantly and Adda Anee pretended to be checking out her husband's shoe, "This shoe is fine faa. Where did you say you bought it ma?" she asked feigning ignorance.
Ya Faruk pretended to be looking at the shoe too, "Wallahi nima na manta. Let me check it in the internet" he brought out his phone while she nodded in agreement.
This is just pitiful; their attempts never work so why do they even try anymore?
"Yeah ask Google how to pretend to not be eavesdropping on people's conversation because you stink at it" Prince fired back making them all laugh. He just can't keep the smile off his face.
Ya Faruk stifle his laugh while he nodded, "Good idea" he mutters; him and his wife taking a mental note to come up with new ideas and possibly...ask Google if needed.
Prince turned to look at Daihaah who looked away as she is still disconcerted. He just smiles at how cute she is being and looked away not wanting to tease her about it.
Daihaah can't believe it. She just made peace with Prince! Ya Allah...
She just hopes they won't go back again this time.
What does this mean about their relationship though? She wondered.
JULY 11, 2019.
"Come on please Daihaah, I really don't want to be alone there with them" Adda Anee pleaded giving her sister her best puppy eyes as she sat on the edge of the couch Daihaah's sitting on.
Luba, the head of the maids walked in with two maids trailing behind her carrying snow-colored salvers. She bowed her head slightly in acknowledgement and as a signal for both maids put the salvers down, they did as commanded.
The first salver has on two tumblers of what seem to be chilled Coca Cola and another of straw wine. The second salver has two plates, one of blueberry muffins and the other of chocolate chip cookies.
With a curt nod, Aneesah dismisses all three of them w0ho left quietly leaving the duo alone.
Daihaah looked up from her laptop that is placed on her laps and reached out to pick a muffin, "You have been married to their son for 3 years, and they are your family. Besides, he'll be there, Prince will be there, Samhah and Afnan will be there too so NO!" She can't believe Adda is pestering her to join their family's dinner just because they are in town from Katsina, it's preposterous really.
No thank you.
"Pretty please, Anty Rabi doesn't like me wallahi but she seems to be very fond of you, so please just help me here"
"Adda Aneesah I really can't. Family ki nefa, how can I just join the family dinner?" Daihaah said as she clicked the shut down button on the pc, closing the laptop shut. She placed the muffin in her mouth, munch on it and almost moan at how delicious it is. This is heavenly...oh how she misses Nigerian homemade cookies.
"Faruk said I should tell you to join us if you want, besides I'm sure Aamir will love that too" she wiggled her brows teasingly making Daihaah thank lord for the excess melanin in her body, otherwise she would've seen the blush on her face.
"Don't bring Ya Aamir into this!" Daihaah warned knowing that that's what Adda Anee will use to get her to come.
"Don't bring me into what?"
They both look up to see none other than Prince Aamir and Sultan Omar standing by the doorway of the living room. Daihaah quickly looked at Aneesah as if pleading with her not to say anything but she wouldn't shut up.
Oh lord!!
"I just asked her to join us for dinner tonight but she doesn't want to" Adda Anee complained adding a little pout to sell her little charade to her husband who chuckles sitting on another couch.
"Daihaah just join us, you wouldn't want to sit alone in the house alone anyway" Ya Faruk as supposed supported his wife making her beam widely.
Daihaah shook her head at the obvious, he was going to support his wife anyway, "I wouldn't be alone, I have Netflix, internet, nutella and other food, I'll survive" she points to the two salvers with a fake wide grin.
Aneesah rolled her eyes seeing that Daihaah is in no way wanting to agree to this. So, she looked at Prince hoping that he'll help convince Daihaah.
"Khadijah just join us, it'll be fun" he said looking at Daihaah with that smile of his. He certainly does know how to make her give in against her wish.
"I don't know..." she started knowing that the next words that'll come of her mouth will not make any sense at all; so she kept shut.
She sighs, knowing that she'll not win against them anyway, "Fine! I'll join you guys" she said with the little bit of enthusiasm she can mutters.
Let's just hope this dinner will not be as bad as she thought.
I really don't want to go but I have to, for Adda Anee at least. So, I put on the Nude Rose paillette Kimono and matching skirt with a pearl white high neck top I picked out and see if it matches my mood. Taking off the earrings I have on, I replaced them with another pearl stud. I tied my hair into a bun and made a mental note to go to the spa soon and stretch it. I really don't like it when it's all curly and stuff anyway. It gets all too curly and ample, and really annoying. Don't get me wrong, I love my hair but I love it more when it's stretched.
Afterwards, I wrapped a veil loosely around my head and picked up my phone to snap pictures, I just love to do that a lot. Besides, with my new iphone 11 pro camera that mi hermano (my brother-Ya Faruk) gave me for graduation, snapping pictures are a must.
By the time I'm done snapping pictures, I slipped into one of my nude Aldo stiletto heels. With a final sprinkle of my favorite oudh perfume; I made sure not to spray too much though, I head out.
The triad is downstairs waiting for me, with Adda Anee dressed in an abayah which is Nile green in color with black clear-cut designs while the two El Khabirs are dressed in white Gezna Kaftans.
This is the first time I'm seeing them dressed in something like this; Adda Anee's wedding events excluded.
By the time I got down the stairs, I knew Ya Aamir's eyes were on me but I didn't dare look back; not even for a single glance. I just couldn't, plus I don't want to give this couple another KhaMir, AaiHa, or whatever it is that they call us now moment. Nothing between he and I is official, we're just good...friends!
Yea, that's it!
"Let's go, shall we" Ya Faruk smiled leading the way, his and Adda Anee's hands intertwined.
I kept shut and followed them quietly outside; with Ya Aamir by my side as we walked pass the threshold to the parking lot. Ya Faruk and Adda Anee got in to one of the SUVs leaving me with Prince.
"You're coming with me right?" he asked making me nod quietly. This is the first time that I'm agreeing to ride in the same car with him without actually thinking of 1001 ways to kill him in my head.
He smiled as we head to another sleek Toyota SUV 2019 which is heavily tinted. Honestly, all his cars are heavily tinted like I don't get why though.
He got in the driver's seat while I settle in the comforts of the passenger's seat lush leather. He revved the car into life, reversing before making it down the driveway swiftly with one hand; Ya Faruk's car trailing behind ours despite the fact that they got in their car earlier than we did in this one.
The El Khabir family house here is not the same as that in Kano where they live in the same compound. It's not that far from Ya Faruk's house though; they really love to stay close to one another. The drive is more like a 3-4 minutes drive, according to what Adda Anee told me earlier.
I just kept quiet fiddling with my fingers not really knowing what to say. I can't check my social media account for anything to keep me entertained, it's like everyone on social media is just out of ideas on how to cheer people up. I was actually hoping to see something from Northern Blog on instagram, I mean those people always have something to keep you entertained but today they have none.
"You look really beautiful" Prince Aamir's voice brought me out my reverie.
"Thank you"
"You're welcome. I'm actually glad you're coming with us, family dinners always bore me but now you're here" he admitted taking a sharp turn down another way.
"They can't be that bad..." I almost laughed at the way his face scrunch up at the mention of the family dinner.
"Are you kidding me? It's bad, really bad. My father's wife always invites some bogey snob family to join whenever they are here, and they are always annoying" he said actually reminding me of how blunt he can be...or more like he is.
I wanted to say something about the way he addresses his mom but I feel like I'm not in the place to ask such so I kept shut. "Then how did you survive all the other times before?" I asked before hoping that he'll not tell me that he affronts the family members because I know he can do that.
"Hannah is always there with me so she makes sure I don't say something that'll make them not be able to sleep at night"
There it is!
"Oh" was all I could say. What is between him and Hannah anyways that she means this much to him. Are they in a relationship or something?
Seeing that I didn't respond afterwards, he realized where the slip was, "Hannah is just a friend, and she's like a family"
Is that supposed to make me feel better?
It's not working.
Thank Allah we reached the house, and I almost gawk at the beauty of it. The gate opened slowly and I discreetly outspread my eyes to see who opened it but I didn't see any gateman of that sort. There was a gateman though, but he wasn't the one who opened it; instead he was chit chatting with a security guard and three royal guard dressed in green and red babbar riga, otherwise known as fadawas.
"Sannu da zuwa Yerima" they all stood up and went to the driver's window which Ya Aamir lowered.
"Sannun ku" he actually smiled; a wide one for that matter.
He drove further into the house pass the water fountain which I really have to admit is magnificent. Ya Allah! All the greensward and the flowers in there were neatly trimmed and taken care of. They also have a rose garden, Sugar Maple tree, a lot of Cypresses and Loblolly pine trees.
I didn't get enough time to stare at the beauty of it all as he parked the car and turn to look at me.
"Let's go Bella"
"Bella, what happened to Bonito?" honestly I like the new name better than the old one. But if I have a choice then I dislike them both.
"You said you didn't like it so I changed it" he shrugged picking up his phone in his hand. Him and his obsession with that phone!
"Just call me by my name please" I couldn't help but bat my lashes at him hoping he'll buy it. He'll definitely buy it, who wouldn't?
He sighed, "Fine, but only because you are cute" he smiled opening the door and I mentally did a happy dance in my head.
No more Barbie names!
Now, let's head for dinner.
I really hope this won't be disaster.
Allah Ameen.
With that prayer, I stepped out of the car ready for this dinner I have no idea what it hold in store for me.
Assalamu alaikum warahmatullah wa barakatuh.
Akhi and ukthis how have y'all been?
Don't worry, I'll be updating it every Tuesday and Fridays so it'll be over before you know it.
Who is your favorite character in this book and why do you like that character?
What do you think of the book so far? Is it too cliché or not?
Love, Jannah.
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