Chapter 20👑


Someone you loved by Lewis Capaldi.

Cambridgeshire, England.

July 9 2019.

Khadeejah Daihaah's POV

By the time I got back to the apartment, Rachel had already returned and was dressing up for the dinner. So, I went to my room too to change. I was in such a hurry to get dressed that I left the box Prince gave me on the vanity table; I still have no idea what's inside but I'll check it later. I can't believe he actually got me a gift for graduation. I didn't think he'd show up more less get me a gift. I have to admit though, I like the new Prince better than the old one; but I still miss his bossy and teasing side. Is it possible to have both sides in one person?

"Hey Daihaah can I wear your Louis Vuitton Alma clutch please?" Rachel asked as she walked into my room all dressed up in an aubergine knee length gown with long lace sleeves. Her usual curly hair is now straightened looking lustrous raven black which really compliments her grey eyes. It's surprising to see her putting much effort in dressing up; it's something she never does.

"Yea and btw you look stunning!" I beamed after putting on mascara. I really am not a big of makeup but tonight is an exception.

She runs her fingers through her hair again, "Thank you!" she literally squeal making me chuckle.

She made her way to my closet to pick up the bag while I tie my head into a bun. I put on my sorrel high neck top and black jeans, picking up an overcoat and a turban cap to finish of the look. I quickly slipped into one of my boot and picked up a clutch to put everything I could possibly need in there; lipstick, phone, and other things.

5 minutes later, we head to the restaurant and meet up with our mates that we're graduating with. One of our peer's parents are like so rich, so he booked the restaurant for the whole night just for us. Rachel ditched me when her boyfriend showed up and left me sitting next to Amanda who just happens to talk a lot, lucky for me. I hang out with her a lot too, mostly on taco Tuesday and freaky Friday.

So, taco Tuesday happens every...Tuesday. It's the only day taco is available in the cafeteria and honestly it's the best I've ever had since I came here; so it's get to the cafeteria early or miss it. Amanda is always there so that's where she comes in helpful. Someway, this feels like high school according to Amanda and Rachel.

Freaky Friday however is ironic; it happens every Friday in the frat house party. Somehow every Friday they manage to get look-alike of celebrities and have them perform a live song. If you don't know their tactics you'd swear they're the real deal with their looks and voice; it's freaky really. Like last week, they got a look-alike of Chris Brown and Lil Dicky to perform the live song of 'Freaky Friday'; that is why Fridays are the only days I attend frat parties. Amanda always saves me from drinking whatever it is they serve in red plastic cups; simply, she drinks it all.

Certain waiters pass around handing people champagnes and cocktails. Some pop music is played in the background as some people sway to it whilst talking. Right now, the place looks more like a classy club than a restaurant with the music, dancing, guests and chatters. I can honestly say I've never seen half of the people here; they were all just invited.

I loved every minute of it till some surprise guests showed up. One of the guys in particular looks oddly familiar as I watch him look around as if trying to spot someone. I was so engrossed in trying to remember where I know him from that I didn't notice when he sat on another seat next to mine.

"Hello Khadeejah. Nice to see you again" he smiled removing his jacket to keep it aside, running his fingers through his curly locks to mess it. His eyes twinkle as he smiles and his dimples props out; it was so unlike the last time I saw him. Then it clicked!

"You're that M.M Murad right? The guy from the hospital" I said almost to myself but I know he heard me loud and clear. Partially the question was directed to him anyways so I'm glad he heard me.

He chuckled nodding, "Yes I am. I thought you forgot me again" Even though he's smiling, I can tell it does not reach his eyes and his posture somehow seems...uneasy?

But wait... what did he just say?

"Again...?" I raised a brow putting my phone that was in my hand on the table. I look around the see the others he came with talking to other people and Rachel is still nowhere in sight. Nobody seems to care that he's here and talking to me.

He blinked once, twice and then smiled, "What?" he asked taking a sip of some cherry juice from one of the tumblers handed to him by a waiter when he came in.

"You said you thought I forgot you 'again'" I don't know why I'm repeating this to him again; it's what he just said.

"No I didn't say that" he shook his head and for a second I wonder if I actually heard him right earlier. But I'm 100% sure that was what he said. Is he trying to mess with my brain or something?

"Yes you did!" I almost laugh at the face he's feigning. "You're such a terrible liar" is shook my head laughing at his fake innocent face.

He shrugs "One, I didn't say that. Two, I'm not a terrible liar" he looked away trying to hide his smile.

"Just forget it. What are you doing here anyway?" It seems like he wants to avoid the topic and I'm not in the mood to dive into it much so I just let him off the hook.

He looks around as if trying to spot someone, "I was invited" he simply answered turning back to focus his gaze on me shifting to my schooner on the table.

I nodded and pick up the schooner of cocktail I was handed earlier; I haven't taken a sip of it since it was given to me. I brought it to my lips and was just about to take a sip of it when it was snatched out of my hand.

"What?!" I couldn't help but ask as he took it out of my hand and half of the drink spilled on the floor.

He smiled sheepishly, "There's whiskey in this. One sip and you'll get drunk" he said tilting the cup slightly as if to prove his point.

I'm left out of words. It's a cocktail so I knew there would be alcohol in it but not that strong, I was thinking tequila maybe. How does he know that there's whiskey in it? The more I talk to him, the more confused he leaves me and I notice he is hoping I buy whatever he says so he doesn't have to explain.

The last thing I want right now is to go discover something I'm not ready for. Some things are better left unsaid. I don't know if I'm just being paranoid or otherwise but I don't like this feeling at all.

As if knowing the question in my hand, he smiled, "I've been to this sort of parties a lot before"

"Oh" was all I could say.

"I have to go now, enjoy the party" he stood up with my schooner still in his hand. I wanted to ask where he was going with it but he just saved my life from getting excessively drunk and having a hangover tomorrow morning which I definitely don't want.

"So early? You just got here"

"Yeah but I have something to do. Take care ok?" his smile is beautiful, and this all feels too familiar as if I've known him before, but I know I've only met him once in my life so it's not possible.

"Ok" and with that being said, I watched him walk away and disappear in the crowd of people leaving me alone with my thoughts on how weird that was.


Muhsin walked out to the dumpster behind the restaurant that leads to an alley. Stopping midways, he looked back to see if anyone was following him but didn't spot anyone.

He held the schooner up and looks at it, slowly twirling it in his hand before putting his left hand in his pocket and brought out a white handkerchief.

He threw the hankie on the floor and crouched down to its level; slightly tilting the cup so that the drink will spill on it. As the cocktail made contact with the plain white hankie, it slowly turned blue.

Muhsin chuckled dryly, "Just as I thought, Percocet" he stood up and threw the cup in the trashcan leaving the hankie that has now turned completely blue there.

"Prince Muhammad Aamir you really need to up your game, more people are coming after Daihaah all because of you" he said to no one in particular, "I'm seriously tired of cleaning up after other people" he added before walking ahead down the alley and away.

A silhouette hiding behind a wall balls its fists and almost screamed out of frustration. The person's eyes well up with ireful tears, "You may have been saved this time, but I will kill you someday Daihaah, I promise" the person said, its tone dripping with hatred and anger. With every second that passed, every love that that person has in its heart is slowly turning into hatred and anger towards one person only, Khadijah Daihaah Fareed. Unknown to the person, there's someone out there that is willing to kill anyone that dares hurt Daihaah; that same person is the one behind Lamido's schemes.

The schooner fell from the dumpster and kept rolling on the cold dirty floor in the creepy alley.



I seriously had to resist the urge to yawn loudly. I guess I was so blinded by the glee of graduating that I didn't realize it will be this....boring! I look around to others to see if I was the only one bored and it just happens to be only me. Rachel is sitting next to me and looks like she's about to jump out of her seat and jump out of joy. I looked behind me and saw my family is sitting amidst of many people, even Prince is here and I couldn't be happier to have them here with me. Adda Anee has on the same expression as Rachel; you'd think she is the one graduating not me. They all flashed me beams, even Prince and I'm sure my expression mirrors theirs.

Everyone erupted in applaud and Rachel nudged my arm making me turn to her, "What?" I quietly asked when I saw her grinning like chicken who escaped the chances of being slaughtered on Eid.

"They just called you, second class upper! And you're still here" she squealed and only then did it all dawn on me. I frantically look around and saw everyone looking at me and back to our bald professor who has on a grin on his face.


I secured second class upper!


I stood up and made my way to the podium as applauds got louder. I'm probably about to scream out of happiness and almost danced my way there. I'm just so happy, I actually did it. I can't help but imagine dancing my way there in my head; it would be so cool!

As I collected my certificate, my eyes met Adda Anee's and my crazy sister is cheering louder than anyone and surprisingly, Ya Faruk didn't try to stop her. She brought out a tissue and wiped the tears from the corner of her eyes and mine almost well up at the sight.


The person who secured first class upper is no surprise because he is the same guy that is always in the library. I'm happy for him nevertheless.

From then on, everything went faster than the blink of an eye and the next thing I know I'm screaming with Adda Anee out of joy. Nobody seem to mind though, it's graduation day so we're excused.

"You did it!!" she squealed and for a second I'm questioning whether she's really older than me or my twin.

"I did it!" I laughed together with her.

"Congratulation Hermana" Ya Faruk said putting his arms around his wife to pull her closer to him.

I groaned rolling my eyes, "Thank you and btw I'm tired of your PDA, you're seriously mocking us that we're single" I put my lips in a straight line so as not to laugh at my failed attempt to sound serious only for them to laugh at me.

"She's right you know" a voice said behind me, Prince. He joined us and stood next to me, once again showing me how short I am.

"Toh who asked you not to get married" Adda Anee teased, and I'm pretty sure it's directed to both of us.

I sighed and resisted the urge to roll my eyes again, "Don't get me started on the marriage talk again, I've already had enough of it yesterday" I sulked making them chuckle, including Prince.

"What about you akhi, what's your own excuse not to get married" Ya Faruk asked Prince with a smirk on his face.

Prince looks amused, his brow raised a bit as if asking his brother's if he's really asking him that right now. He looked at me and a familiar smirk took over his features.

Oh no! I have a feeling I will not like what he's about to say or he might give me a mini heart attack with it. Ok, not necessary a heart attack but maybe a mini panic attack; you never know.

"I'm just waiting for Khadijah here" he simply asked and my brain shut down at the instance. Yea, I literally froze in my spot and if I was drinking something right now I'd choke on it. Unlucky me, I choked on my own words and breath.

"What?" I asked wide eyed. Did I hear him right or is there something with my ears. I think I'll go with the latter; at least that makes more sense to me.

"You heard me right" he was actually being serious. He turned around to look at me and his features were dead serious, all trace of lark gone, I actually couldn't believe my eyes, "Khadijah, I'm serious. I'd been meaning to tell you this for a while now but I never got the courage to say so. I'd fell in love with you the minute I set my eyes on you and right then I knew it will always be you; you are the one for me. Every time that you are not around, I slowly found my thoughts wandering over to you, what will Khadijah do today? If she sees me will she be happy? Will we argue again? Will she try to ask me a question again? Will she find me attractive again..." he laughs at his words in this point and I found myself wondering if this is true or not.

He loves me?!

Prince loves me?!

The Prince Muhammad Aamir El Khabir loves me?!

I mean he looks so serious and there's no trace of doubt or lark on his face. This actually explains his whole act yesterday. I never expect this; I don't even know what to do. Oh my Allah!

"I tried distancing myself away from you thinking that I'll get over it as long as I'm not around you. I thought maybe it's just another emotion I'm confounding for love; maybe it's just because you're different from the other girls I've met that's why I'm feeling this way. I was never the one to pay heed to anyone, or any girl for that matter yet somehow I warmed and opened up to this girl that knows how to get under my skin. A lot of times I wondered if you're really just vexing me out of coincidence or you really sat and plan out ways to piss me off. I can't help but find you cute whenever you're angry. I think you know that I am in love with you that's why whenever our eyes met, you smile. I'm not going to get you a ring and go down on one knee asking you to marry me but I guess what I'm trying to say here is I love you Khadijah, and I hope you'll give me a chance to show you that I can be the worthy spouse you deserve. Please, give me a chance Khadijah?"

"I...I... Prince I am really—" I'm in lost of words, literally. I don't know what to say or think of this and I'm thankful he cut me through.

"Don't...just don't call me Prince anymore, you can call me Aamir" he really sounded desperate for a second; I've never seen him like this, ever.

"Ya Aamir..." it feels really weird to say that, "I don't know what to say"

Let's just say I've long forgotten our dearest audience.

"Say you'll give me a chance" he looks nervous. Oh my God today a lot of things are not making sense to me anymore. The look on his face is that which I never expect from him; not now, not ever.

"Prin--Ya Aamir. I really..." So, this is our new thing now I guess; me stammering while he looks nervous. Things are never normal with us, ever.

"Please Khadijah"

"I..." This time I was interrupted by the sound of laughter, a really annoying one for that matter; Adda Anee.

My head flicked to her and my expression turn to confusion. She was laughing, real hard and clutching her tummy. My gaze move to Ya Faruk who is barely stifling his own laughter but failed woefully because he joined her too.

"I'm sorry, I just...couldn't hold it anymore" Adda Anee said amidst of her laughter; her eyes welling up because of it.

What is happening?

My head gave me an answer but that can't be it. This is not possible right? Please someone should tell me it's not what I'm thinking.

"Did you see her face?" Adda Anee is wicked I tell you; wicked! The way she's laughing could end a matrimony. She could barely catch her breath with the way she's laughing and her lovely husband just joined her. "Aamir you just got my money for this!" she said and Ya Faruk nodded in agreement.

"Mine too"

Money?! Wth!

"What's going on" I asked, halfway confused.

"I'm sorry ok" Ya Faruk at least stopped laughing and with the look on my face, I'm sure they knew I want answers, fast. "So yesterday during dinner, your sister here was hunting down instagram guys trying to pick a husband for you..." he started looking over to Adda Anee who shrugged when I glared at her.

"So I concluded that none of the guys was perfect for you, I knew you wouldn't pay heed to them anyway. I began to panic thinking that you'll spend the rest of your life alone, no offence but you'll send every suitor away, Mahira agreed to this too" she smiled sheepishly and somehow I knew where this conversation is heading.

"And then I said she was right, not even my dear akhi here can get you to fall for him that easily, he can't dare propose to you the least" Ya Faruk gestured to Prince who I still refuse to spare a glance again.

"But Aamir said he could propose to you and make you believe it. We all didn't think he could do it so we made a little bet, if he propose to you today and make you believe it we will all pay him up" Adda Anee confirmed my suspicions and I almost screamed out of frustration.

So it was what I thought.

This was all a game.

And I was the target.

I hate my family!

I balled my fists and exhaled slowly trying to calm my anger before I commit murder. Almost too slowly I turned over to Aamir and if looks could kill, he will definitely be six feet under right now.

He bit his lip to stifle his laughter, "If it could help you calm down, you were worth a lot. They are all putting 30k on this"

How the heck is that suppose to help me feel better!?

"I hate you!" surprisingly my voice came out calmer; I thought I'd actually scream at him right now but I'm not.

"Don't hate the player, hate the game" he tried to defend himself and the other two laughed at this.

I can't stand this anymore.

I'm beyond embarrassed, I almost fell for it. I should've known all that was a lie!

Not wanting to spend another second with them, I turned on my heels and angrily stomp away ignoring their calls.

I seriously hate my family, those three the most; plus Mahira who agreed to this.


I picked out my studs and put them on, it blends in perfectly with the jumpsuit I have on. Moving back to the bed, I picked up my veil and tied it loosely around my head. My jacket is already placed near my phone. I give myself a quick once over and I looked good.

Just as I'm about to turn, the black box Prince gave me yesterday caught my attention; I still haven't opened it yet. I sat back on the stood and picked up the box, carefully removing the silver bow and placing it aside. For a second I hesitated on opening it but put aside the thoughts and open it.

I gasped at the sight of what's inside.

A beautiful silver charm bracelet.

"Oh my Allah" I muttered picking it up to look at it careful. The curios on it are beautiful, from the heart shaped ones, to the one that looked like the Eiffel tower, even the cute stiletto one.

'There's no moment I spent with you that I regret, ever' is inscribed in a cute cursive font.

I almost laugh at the write-up. This is given to me by the person who played with my emotion for money and to prove a stupid point. Eventually I forgave them, even Prince who promised to make it up to me.

I know they're all patiently waiting for me downstairs to take me out for dinner before we leave tomorrow.


Finally I'll be back home. I really can't wait.

I know they are all tired of waiting for me but that's the price they have to pay for messing with me earlier. I'm purposely stalling just to waste their precious time. I'm not letting them off the hook that easily.

I quickly put on the bracelet, and as much as I hate to admit it; I love it so much. It's really beautiful.

Finally, I got downstairs where Adda Anee basically yelled an 'Alhamdullilah'; she's too dramatic I tell you. Prince new better than to talk about my dressing, I'm already mad at him as it is and I still haven't talked to him yet.

When we got out there were two cars there, and there are six of us.

"So, Faruk and I will go with Anty Asmau, Daihaah you will go with Aamir and Mahira" Adda Anee said making me instantly shake my head.

"Nope, no way, nada. I'm not going in the same car as him" So yes, we're back to square one, where Prince and I are arguing again.

"Stop whining and let's go" Prince retorted not looking up from that freaking phone of him. I wonder how he doesn't have an eye problem with the way he is always staring at that phone of his.

"Nope" I'm being adamant now; none of them can change my mind right now.

"Daihaah just stop it ok, just please go with Aamir" Adda Anee pleaded giving me her puppy look that she know I can't reject.

I tried to hold my ground, maintain an eye contact with her, "Fine" I huffed.

"Actually..." Mahira started holding her baby closer to her, "There's something Anty Asmau and I are discussing so I'll just be in the same car with her"

"What?" you have to be kidding me.

"Ok then, let's go. Aamir and Daihaah don't kill each other" Ya Faruk playfully warned, his gaze lingering on me because he knows I'll be the one attempting the murder.

"No promises" I gritted out making them all laugh at me as we went our separate ways.

Prince and I got in the car. Immediately I tuned on my phone just so I wouldn't talk to him, but that is becoming really hard considering that the car completely is ensconced with his scent; same zest, spice and that oudh. Ya Allah it's heavenly. I'm never going to admit it but I love it so much.

"You're seriously not going to talk to me?" he asked after a few minutes of silence.

"No Prince"

"I told you to stop calling me that" for a second he turned to glare at me before fixing his gaze back on the road. Is he seriously trying to show off that he can drive expertly with the way he held the steering wheel with one hand while the other has his phone in it. Both his sleeves are rolled up, and the left hand that he is using to drive is the one that he has his wrist watch on. With his half messy hair and casual looks, Ya Allah! Is he trying to make me fall for him or something? Not just me, any sane girl will fall for this look and somehow it's working.

I quickly moved my gaze so he won't get another thing to use against me, "It is still your name Prince"

He sighed keeping his phone aside to run his fingers through his hair "Why are you still angry at me?"

"I'm not"

"Yes you are"

"No I'm not"

"Wait...did you perhaps have feeling for me?" he finds this amusing as he smirks, the way his jet black brow rose us slightly and his lips twitch up is just....urgh!

My eyes became wide, "No I do not" I definitely, certainly, unquestionably, without a doubt, undeniably do not have feeling for him at all.

"Denial is part of acceptance" he stated, a smile making its way on his face.

"No it's not!"

"Yes it is. Besides, that is the only answer as to why you're still angry with me. Because you're hurt" he took a corner and I spot Ya Faruk's car parking in the lot of a fancy restaurant.

"I told you, I do not have any feelings for you" I smirked knowing that is not true, is it?

"Keep telling yourself that till you believe it" he shrugs parking the car next to that of his brother's.

I quickly tried to open the car to get as far away from him as possible but he beat me to it as he locked the car.

"Not so fast"

I turned and glare at him, "Open the door now"

"I will. But first, listen to what I have to say. Just so you know, not everything I said earlier was a lie. We said the proposal was a lie, but we didn't say anything about whatever I said" he tried to fool me with that innocent act of his but I knew better.

"Prince unlock the car now" I was only saying that because I don't want his words to get in my head. Plus, I don't want the rest to think otherwise.

"I mean it Daihaah" with that he unlocks the car and I got out as fast as I can, going to meet the others and it took a while before he joined us.

What he said can't be true right?

It's not true.



I wanted to update yesterday but I was seriously sick.

I hope you like it though.

Prince and Khadijah are back to square one.

We've reached 21k views, thank you all so much.

Instagram; Jannah_writes.

Love, Jannah.

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