Chapter 19👑


Cambridgeshire, England.

July 9 2019.

Khadijah's POV

I pushed back my spectacles and rub my eyes with my palm before putting it back on again. Most of the people in the library had left and it's just about five of us left in here. Three of them had fallen asleep already and I guess they must either be tired or bored already, the remaining two is I and the other guy I usually see in the environmental studies building; he's a total nerd and still dresses as if this is high school. But, I have no right to criticize his choice of dressing.

I picked up my starbucks latte and took a sip of it. I closed the textbook I was reading and picked up the three other textbooks and packed it up. I stood up from the chair and put on my overcoat which stopped by my knees; I quickly slipped into my Stuart Weitzman ankle boot and picked up all the textbooks in one hand, and my latte in another.

I walked over to the shelves and placed the textbooks where they belong seeing that the librarian, Claudia, is eyeing me somehow. That woman doesn't like anyone at all. Claudia is an old woman with grey hair that is always tied into bun with bangs, grey eyes, and her lips tainted with bright red lipstick and a silver rimmed spec on her nose always. Her black furry cat with bright green eyes, Maximus is always wandering around the library, and no one dares to touch it. I'm surprised one of the frats that come in here time by time hasn't done anything to the annoying cat yet.

After placing the books back, I head to the door deciding that I'm done for the day.

"Goodbye Miss Fareed" Claudia said with a strained smile.

"Goodbye Miss Claudia" I can't help but smile at my accent. Living here has actually made me have a British accent, not a very thick one but it is still noticeable.

"Are you ready for graduation?" Is she really trying to start a conversation with me right now? This is a first.

"Yes I am"

"Well good luck, I'll try not to miss you so much, or at all" her strained smile is now a fake beam. No wonder she's talking to me, she's just happy that another set of students are graduating and she'll no longer see them again.

"Sure you would" I nodded with a strained smile too before walking out of the library hoping to get away from her as possible.

I walked out of campus passing by students; most of them are just excited to graduate in three days.

Three days. That's all that is left before I can finally go home. It feels so good to say that.

Two years has passed, a lot has happened. Now I actually love this place. I've gotten along with the people around here and nobody treats me differently considering there are a lot of foreigners here. I've made friends too and surprisingly a few of them are from the fraternity; they're not as bad as I expected them to be except for the parties every weekend which I may have attended a few times.

Instead of staying in the dorms, I stay in an apartment two blocks from the university. I moved in there after Adda Anee and Ya Faruk left, which was 1 year 7 months ago. They moved back to Nigeria after Ya Faruk finalized everything here, they still come from time to time though. Prince however, I haven't seen him in two years, since they day at the airport. He did come here, but we never met because he never stays and I've never asked about him. We've talked about him a few times, Ya Faruk once told me something about him a year ago when I asked him something

"Where is Prince?" I asked Ya Faruk as we are sitting in the living room of their apartment. We are watching tv whilst talking about everything and nothing when the topic landed on Prince. Adda Anee is in the kitchen cooking something to eat.

"Why do you keep calling him Prince, you can call him Aamir, he wouldn't mind" Ya Faruk said with a small smile on his face as he looked away from the tv to me.

I shrugged, "I don't know, I'm just used to calling him that so..."

He nodded empathetically, "I guess he's with Hannah in the hospital maybe"

"She works here too?"

"Yeah, both here and Nigeria. But mostly here"

I tilted my head as I focused my gaze on the TV, so the male character with too many tattoos does something that upset the nice goody two-shoes female character so she ran out crying even though it's raining

'You said nothing to change the way you feel about me' the male character whose name I think is Harden said, his eyes glossy with unshed tears.

The female character, Tessa, nodded as a tear fall down her face, both of them are being drenched by the rain but they didn't care, 'Then, I guess, we're both liars'

I love this movie even though I haven't been paying attention to it. I've read the book, and I'll watch the movie later.

"Why does he always hang out with Hannah?" I asked before I could stop myself. I didn't mean it in a bad way though, I was just simply asking.

Ya Faruk seemed amused but still answered, "Well they're really close, and she means a lot to him" he simply said and I dropped the topic not wanting to dive into it any more than I already did.

And that was it. I never asked about them again. And even though I'm happy I no longer have to see him again, I still miss his bossy remarks and snarky comments.

Adda Anee, Ya Faruk, Anty Asmau and a few of my cousins will be here tomorrow for my graduation day, I'm so excited because I've missed them so much. I know you're wondering about Ummi. It's been two years and still no improvements. The doctors suggested a few times that we should just give up; life support is the only thing keeping her alive but after Adda Anee threw a fit, they never said that again.

Mahira, my cousin, had been telling me about her new step mother, Umma. I can't believe Umma actually married Baffa Lamido. According to Mahira, there wouldn't be a day that Umma and Inna Nana wouldn't fight. They do make a great couple though and I'm kind of sad I missed their wedding. Every time Adda Anee speaks to her, she always ended up asking Adda Anee to send her money. It's kind of pitiful really.

Speaking of Adda Anee, something happened to her a few weeks after we came here.

I was downstairs making us breakfast while Adda Anee was up in her room, Ya Faruk left for work earlier today so it's just she and I. I kind of missed all maids making us breakfast; I'm seriously a lazybones in the morning. Waking up in the morning wasn't exactly my thing.

So, we have sausages, waffles, pancakes, French fries, satay, croissant, a cup of tea for her and a cup of caffe latte for me. I set it all on the table and wait for her to come down.

A few minutes passed and I heard her yell from upstairs.

"Adda Anee?!" I said as I quickly went up the stairs and entered her room which she wasn't in. I checked the walked in closet but she wasn't in there. Just then I heard her yell again and it came from the bathroom en suite so I ran in there and nearly yelled seeing her holding the wash hand basin as blood stained her clothes and pooling the floor.

Everything from there on happened in a blink of an eye. From rushing to the hospital, to calling Ya Faruk, to him threatening the doctors to them telling us she had a miscarriage. When she regained her consciousness, it was really hard staying in the same room with them because both of them were broken, but Ya Faruk never left her side and so did I.

By the time I looked up, I'd already reached the apartment. From the lobby you could hear music blaring from the apartment and I'm sure it's Rachel, my roommate. Using the card, I opened the apartment and get in only to find Rachel dancing in the middle of the room to BTS song, Boy With Luv. At least this time she wasn't off key whilst singing karaoke this time, the lyrics of the song displayed on the TV.

Her hair is in curls and let to rest on her back, she has on a polka yellow and white halter and white jeans shorts. Rachel is from Korea, and thanks to her I can now speak Korean, not too much though but still. She just won't shut up when she starts speaking in it.

"Daihaah, join me" she threw me another microphone which I collected removing the overcoat and keeping it on the sofa.

"Got me high so fast I don't ever want to leave you side!" I joined her.

"Love is nothing stronger, than a boy with, than a boy with love" and then on she went on singing some part that I never understand what they meant even though this is like the tenth time we're singing this song. And the next thing I know, we are singing to random songs like we have no care in the world.

When we got tired both of us were exhausted, my throat hurts from all the warbling and we just happened to be lazybones so we ordered pepperoni and mushroom pizza and wait for it to get here. Afterwards, when our pizza had been delivered, we ate while talking about how graduation is going to be and I talked about going over to Adda Anee's tomorrow since they will be here then. Later, we crashed in our various rooms.


I pressed the doorbell and wait for someone to open it. I'm all dressed up standing in front of Adda Anee's apartment. I've really gotten used to dressing thickly because of the winter. I can't believe I could seriously stand the weather here. The navy blue high neck top I have on has covered the top of the black jeans; the thick off white parka coat helped a lot. The white beanie I have on is kind of my favorite, it's so comfy and soft, white hand gloves, and the lastly black suede ankle length boots.

I'm actually so excited to see Adda Anee and my family.


It feels so weird to say that.

2 years ago I thought family is just Ummi, Abba, my sisters and brothers but now, I realized it's not. Family is not just people you're related to by blood, but rather the people who are always there for you no matter what. The people that hold you back up and get you back o your feet when you are crumbling down. They are the people whom do not think twice about helping you; they would do it in a heartbeat and would never regret it no matter what arises. They rejoice with you in time of happiness, and sympathize with you in times of sadness and they don't ever think that you are not related to them by blood. And right now, in this apartment is my family, everyone one of them including the annoying, bossy ones.

The door swing open and the next second I am locked in an embrace that I could hardly breathe, Adda Anee. Damn she is really strong and breathing is becoming harder by the minute, "Too—tight" I managed to say making her chuckle and pulled back.

Seriously, this woman doesn't age; she doesn't look a day older from when I last saw her, "Look at you!" she said in the middle of her laughter, "My baby sister is all grown up now, I should preparing to get you married!" her voice is literally in high pitch because of the excitement, I think.

"Don't start" I said with a straight face which slowly turned into a smile.

She rolled her eyes pulling me inside by tugging on my arm, "Yeah yeah, you don't want marriage talk I get it, but you still have to get hitched soon, I mean it. That's why first thing to do when we get to Nigeria is husband hunting for you" she dragged me to the living room where Ya Faruk, Anty Asmau, and my cousin Mahira.

I rolled my eyes even though I know she is serious, she'll hunt every guy down to the extent that she might even put up with blind dates just to get me married. But, right now it's the last thing I want to talk about.

I hugged my family as they all kept saying that I've grown up and all. Mahira said I'm mature now than when she last saw me, I should be the one saying that to her. She has now become a mother and could barely keep her hands off her baby girl, Hanan. The baby is so cute though and she looks so much like her mother. True that I've grown more mature than before only because I learned to live on my own; my physical appearance is still the same, except I've added height. Other than that, I'm still me. Anty Asmau teased me about the same topic as Adda Anee, marriage blah blah blah.

Believe me, it was torture having them keep talking about it over and over. Did I tell them I want to get married or what? Thankfully, Ya Faruk came to the rescue and helped me out of the torture by telling them that they should allow me to make my own choices, such as getting married when I want to, not when they deem fit. The conversation felt like hours but half through the way, my mind was nowhere close to what they were talking about. It has travelled far thinking of a very annoying bossy person I know that is not here.


Later in the day, the sun is setting. Anty Asmau and Mahira had left to their rooms to rest while Y a Faruk is out, Adda Anee I have no idea where she is. She is probably crashing in her room; no surprise there.

I took my mug of macchiato and went up the balcony to rest before going back to my apartment. I just love watching the sun set; it has now become a habit. Every time I sit and watch the sun set, everything just goes away and become peaceful. It helps me think clearly and make decisions because I'm always relaxed whilst watching it.

The balcony is beautiful and it gave a great view of the city. Even though only the front view is uncluttered, the left and right view of the balcony is made of glass and one can see his reflection there. This apartment really is exquisite.

My breathing literally hitched when I saw a familiar silhouette against the sun set. I stopped in my tracks as I stare at his back. Is it really him? The familiar dressing confirms my hunch except instead of a hoodie; he now has on an overcoat and a black beanie. Has he been here all the while? Just earlier I was wondering where he was and now that he's standing 10 feet away from me I felt like running away and never looking back.

Nervous? Yes, very much for an unknown reason.

He has his back to me therefore I couldn't see his face and I'm sure he has not notice my presence too. Just like always, he is typing something on that phone of his as he's sitting on one of the Adirondack chairs, one of his legs over the other.

I decided to just leave, he is probably here because he's avoiding me since. The least I could do is leave him in peace, so I turned on my heels, careful not to make any sound and head back slowly and carefully watching my steps so as not to stop on a crack.

"And where are you going?" his voice came just as I remembered it; deep and velvety. I never thought I'd miss him and his remarks till now.

For a second I panicked but I shooed the thought away assuming that I'm not the one he was addressing. But it's just the two of us here so it had to be me. I face palmed myself as my plan to go away unnoticed went down the drain, so I just turned around knowing that there's no point in hiding.

"How do you know I'm here?" I asked, much calmer than I would've been 2 years ago.

Instead of a snarky comment on how I talk too much, he simply pointed to the left glass without raising his head up.

Oh right. My reflection!

"Plus, I know you'd be here" he added and even if I'm not looking at him I know he has a small smirk on his face.

"Why would you think that?" I did not move from my spot. I'm actually surprised at myself that I'm talking to him now without any argument involved. This is a record break for us. And I guess this is a way to start a conversation with someone you haven't seen for two years!

He turned around and our eyes met. He has a small smile on his face as he gestured to one of the seats with his head; and that was what I did. I walked over to one of the seats and sat on it, keeping the mug on the table. I pretended to focus my gaze on the sunset but discreetly watched him from the side view.

He sighed, looking away from his phone to the setting sun, "It's simple, you're Khadijah. You like places that are quiet and peaceful. Something about watching the sunset gives tranquility, a settling feeling inside of serenity far from this world and everything it. It is peaceful and helps one have a clear mind. Somehow it reminds me of you..."

I took the mug pretending to not be affected by his choice of words but my insides churn and the elephants in there are having a party. I brought it to my lips and take a sip of it, relishing the taste and the way it feels on my taste bud.

"You know sitting with you and watching the sunset is similar to me. Whenever I watch the sun set, it gives me this feeling of contentment and peace whilst sitting with you gives me this immense feeling of serenity, it's like a gushing wave of different emotions ranging from peace, happiness, annoyance and aggravation. Only you get that sort of emotion out of me"

Is this Prince Aamir or some look alike because he is not speaking like the Prince I know?

"Why...why are you telling me this?" I found myself asking. My treacherous voice had to come out calmer than I'd always talk to him. I'm surprise that I'm not beetroot red from his words.

What does he mean?

Prince chuckled taking off his beanie. He ran his fingers through his hair letting it rest on the nape of his neck, something I notice he always does when he's nervous, "I guess it must be the fact that this is the longest we've spent without getting on each other's nerves that's getting to me"

I chuckled too knowing he's right. If this was before one of us will be annoying or teasing the other. I guess time has really changed us, or maybe it was the distance that did so. The fact that even though we're not that close, we still learn to tolerate one another sometimes, sort of.

"Yeah you're right" I beamed finding this to be amusing in a way, "You've changed" I said after a few minutes of silence. Somehow I loved the silence, it's peaceful.

"You've changed too, no longer the Khadijah I know two years ago"

Why does everyone keep saying that? Ok so maybe they are right; I'm a little more mature but that's only because I learned to live on my own. I know what I feel like to depend on no one else but you and I survived in this foreign country having no one that I know, except the first few months I'd spent with Adda Anee and her husband. So maturing is a must.

"Have you been here since?" I asked taking another sip of the macchiato. My gaze now fully on the sun that is setting, just a little more and it'll be dusk.

"Yes" he nodded.

"Why?" I guess I'm being a little nosy but I just had to ask. I'm pretending as if I'm not sad that he stayed here all the while when he knows that in this apartment. A simple 'hello' and 'how is school?' would've been better than avoiding me. After all, he was the one that convinced me to come here in the first place.

"Work" he simply answered leaning back on the seat, his phone now kept on the table in between us.

The familiar smile crept up my face. Now that is the Prince I know, the one who is always giving excuses about how busy he is because he has work to do. "You always work"

"Yes, that couldn't be any truer" he stated and the next second we are both laughing knowing at least one thing is the same as before. He is always working and he is definitely a workaholic.

After our laughter calmed down, I still have a smile on my face as dusk sets in while he just sighs with a smile on his face too.

"This is nice" he comments sitting up, turning around to look at me. Now looking at him fully he hasn't changed one bit; nada, not a bit. He is just as I remembered him and honestly it's because whenever a picture of him is being posted on 'Keeping up with the El Khabirs' I always see it. At times it's baffling how many people like him and how many girls have a crush in him. They all act as if he's some celebrity that they're dying to meet while here he is, sitting in front of me.

"What? Talking or watching the sun set?" I asked snapping out of my reverie.

He pretended to think before chuckling, "Both. But talking to you without an argument tops it"

"We seriously deserve an award for this. This is the longest we've spent without arguing since we met and it's been three years already"

"Three years, it has been that long"

"Yes it has" I said as I checked my phone for the time. As much as I'd love to stay here and keep talking to him, no matter how much I love it; I have to go. Rachel is probably back from meeting her family too and we have to meet a couple of our friends later on for farewell dinner; I can't miss it. "Well this has been lovely but I have to go now" I said looking up from my phone to smile at him sheepishly. I took the mug and stand up, putting my phone back in the parka pocket.

He stood up too and put his hand in his pocket only to bring out a black box with a cute silver bow in the middle and hands it to me, "Ok then. Happy graduation bonito"

There it is! We're back to that 'bonito' thing again. Times without number I've tried to look up the meaning of that word but every time I attempted to do so; I decide against it. Somehow, it would've felt better if he told me the meaning himself.

I shook my head, "I...I really can't" I don't know why I'm rejecting it; it's just an instinct I think.

"What now? You won't take a gift from me? I insist, take it. It's a graduation gift" he smiled widely attempting to make this funny and he kind of did; he lighten up the mood as always.

I chuckled slowly taking the box from him, "Thank you"

"You're welcome"

I point to the door smiling a bit, "I'm going now"

"Well...Goodbye then. I'll see you tomorrow"

"Ok Bye"

I walked back leaving him in the balcony. I can't believe that just happened! I never thought that would be how our conversation will be the first time we meet again. I thought it would be all awkward and will end with argument, annoyance and teasing but it wasn't.

I only met Adda Anee there and it looks like she changed out of the outfit she was in earlier. I kept the mug and bid her goodbye ignoring all her annoying and teasing questions when she saw the box in my hand. I basically had to run out of there because of how she was pestering me. That woman just wouldn't shut up.

I walk back to my apartment with a goofy smile and the box in my hand to get ready for the party later.

I can't believe I'm graduating tomorrow.

Time really does fly fast.


As promised, I've updated.

Thank you all for the kind words on the last chapter, @bintmasheea and @HasmarhD and many others that I couldn't mention. Thank you all so much.

Love, Jannah.

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