Chapter 18👑


issan update!!! *yells whilst laughing cheekily*

Yo I'm so sorry for making y'all worry that much, but you have to understand me, I was heartbroken.

But when I read your comments, I realize that I was being unfair to you. It wasn't right for me to act like that just because I was sad. Yes, granted I was thinking irrationally but honestly I was just bluffing. There's no way I could survive a month without updating, I love y'all too much to do that to you. The comments did make my day though, and you guys we're right @zadee440, just because my heart was broken doesn't mean I should break your hearts too. Although it was kind of fun, I enjoyed seeing some of you comment for the first time! And while y'all were freaking out, I was laughing, honestly it was kind of funny.

Some comments made me laugh out loud, @khadeejatouu who said she'll freeze wattpad, daman sanyi akeyi. Abii my wattpad had already frozen due to the weather. And those who wanted to delete their wattpad, don't; we all know you're going to download it again sooner or later.

Sooooo, Munawwar finally updated JADWA, and 'cause she made me happy, I decided to call of my strike, the vacation has officially ended!

Some are already too impatient to read the chapter, and are eager to get this author's note over and done with, so I won't delay you any longer.


January 3, 2017.


Around 11am I was already done packing my clothes in the boxes, and so was everyone. Ya Faruk and Adda Anee are downstairs waiting for me since it's just three of us that are leaving. I haven't seen Prince though, I heard he left earlier so I have no idea where he went and I'm not interested in knowing; I've been doing my best to avoid him. Suhad is always with him and they left together today.

Speaking of best friends, mine absolutely hate me. She is so upset about me leaving that she hasn't been answering any of my phone calls or messages for the past two days. Ever since I told her, she had been ignoring me; she wouldn't even let me explain myself. I don't blame her though, I feel bad too, really. We have been friends for as long as I can remember, we went through everything together; she's like the twin I never had. And now; I'm leaving for Allah knows how long.

It's pretty messed up. Literally.

I stood in front of the full length mirror and check out my outfit. It's just an aquamarine primrose print jump suit; the sleeves are long and thick and the material is as soft as velvet. I tied my hair into a low bun, put on a white turban cap; slipped into a pair of white toms before picking up my phone in my hand. I go and stood by the vanity table again and decided against wearing the cap, I open the suitcase and picked out a white veil, wrapped it quickly and dragged my suitcase downstairs.

I met Zalika along the way and she quickly made her way to where I was and took a hold of the suitcase carrying it to the car outside.

"You ready to go?" Adda Anee asked coming out of the kitchen, a bottle of chilled pepsi in her hand. She is dressed in a lavender abayah decorated with white spangles in flower patterns and a matching white veil wrapped into a khimar. At times it's amusing seeing her dressed like this. The Adda Anee I know before would just put on a turban cap or a fedora hat with some top, jeans, denim, pallazo or sailor pants, and she will never, as in never wear an abayah except for photo shoots but I guess now marriage life has changed her.

I nodded with a fake smile on my face, "Yea".

'Ready' is not the word that I will consider being in my dictionary now, or ever. But if it was really going to be in my dictionary, then it would be right after never. This is it, I'm leaving Kano. Yea I know I may sound a little bit dramatic but this is my home, I've been here my entire life and it was bad enough moving out of my father's house but leaving the state is too much.


I miss him so much. He promised me he'll come back, he promised! But....

Ya Allah the more I think about it the more it hurts no matter how many distraction I get it only lasted for a few hours. Ummi is being transferred today; I can't believe I'm leaving her. But Prince was right; I'll make her proud, that I promised myself. Everything I'll be doing from now on is to make my mother proud, and I hope she wakes up soon, I miss her.

I didn't know my eyes were glossy till Adda Anee held my hand snapping me back into reality, "Hey it's going to be alright, I promise"

I blinked back the tears and nodded making her smile and tug my hand, "Let's go"

We walked outside to where Ya Faruk stood with Prince and Suhad; I thought they left already. The cold January breeze is hardly bearable, I didn't know what got into me to dress like this, and it's seriously freezing out here. Even Adda Anee's abayah is thick and could therefore shield her from this harsh cold weather. I begin to think of any possible solutions, I can't stand the cold. If Ummi was here, she would've killed me for going out without a sweater, jacket or a hoodie. I remember her clearly telling me to always go out with one.

"Daihaah it is freezing" Adda Anee said turning around to look at me as we approach them.

I almost rolled my eyes at her for pointing out the obvious, but I know she was just being nice, "Yea it is"

She glared at me, "You idiot! You're a pneumonic patient; we should just head back so you could change into something warmer" she scolded, like my mom; except Ummi will never call me stupid. She seriously needs to see a doctor because this woman has been having some kind of mood swings lately.

"I'm fine seriously, I can manage"

She groaned lowly, "If anything happens to you, Ummi will kill me" she whined making me laugh at how childish she's being. Where's the Adda Anee I was talking to two minutes ago?

I laughed lightly and rubbed my two palms together for some warmth. At least it helped in some way. I really should've worn something warmer. She was right, and I was wrong.

We reached where they stood in no time. Adda Anee walked to where her husband is, who in return smiled lovingly at her and snaked his arms around her. I smiled at their PDA and shake my head, slightly rolling my eyes at them. They are too cheesy at times, and don't get me started on their endearments and tete-a-tete.

"Good morning Daihaah" Suhad said in his usual cheery voice just as I unlocked my phone, except today he seemed extra cheerful.

I looked at him, discreetly stealing a glance at Prince and the two are dressed in the same manner. I really don't understand what's with the men in the family and dressing in hoodies and denims; although it looks really good on them.

I smiled back, "Good morning Suhad. You seem to be in a good mood today" I kept m gaze on him alone not wanting Prince to catch me stealing a glance at him; he'll tease me for life.

He grinned cheekily, "That's because I am. And if I may add, you look lovel-oww!" he crouched low rubbing his foot, slightly turning around to glare at Prince who is looking at his phone unaware of the glare he's getting; or at least pretended to.

For a second I begin to think that Prince stepped on his foot, but he wouldn't do that, would he? I mean it could be something he could do yet it could be something he won't do. The man is so confusing!

I had to stifle my laughter at how Suhad was sulking; he looks so funny right now. I looked back at my phone and tried dialing Jannah again. The most annoying woman in the world told me the same thing I've been hearing for the past two days and I'm considering going to MTN office to kill her, she's so annoying!

I pulled my phone back from my ear to glare at it only to feel something being placed on my shoulder. I stilled for a moment, my mind thinking of all possibilities of what it is. I looked up ever so slowly and my eyes immediately met that of Prince's immensely dark irises; I forgot how enticing they are till I'm looking at it now closely. I looked back at his hoody and then at him. I waited for a few seconds to process what just happened and possibly waiting for a bossy comment from him like always. It's kind of like a habit to him; being bossy that is.

Did he just give me his hoodie?


I raised a brow, my lips slowly twitching up into a smirk after regaining my composure, "So...what? No bossy or snarky comments today?" I couldn't help but ask and the look on his face made me knew it was worth asking him.

"Don't make me regret this; I'm trying really hard not to say something right now" He said running his fingers through his hair letting it rest on his nape, his eyes slightly narrowed at me indicating he's annoyed.

I looked at Suhad to find him looking at us with a teasing expression, he didn't bother to hide, before I moved my gaze to the lovely couple beside us who pretended to be checking out the car when I caught them staring.

"This color is beautiful on the car" was Adda Anee's lame attempt but Ya Faruk's attempt was even lamer, "Yea, I like the tires more" and they nodded as if they are interested in the car.

See! I don't know why they bother to cover up anymore; they're running out of ideas. They should just give up their lame attempts, it's not working anymore.

I immediately removed the hoodie cheeks flushed and hand it to him; "Thank you, but I'm good" I smiled politely despite the heat creeping on my cheeks. How can he just do that in front of his brother, and my sister and his best friend?

He glared at me, "Hold it, you can't go around dressed in that. There you made me say it, or do you need me to point out the reasons why it's inappropriate?" he raised a brow and I knew he wasn't kidding.

If I know what's best for me right now is to not let him state out the reasons. If anything a few times I spent with him I know he can spend 10 minutes pointing out the reasons "No you don't need to do that. What you need to do is take back your hoody, I'm good" I stretched it out for him to take.

"Take it, and since you're calling me bossy, it's an order"

"From who?"

"Someone older than you"

Oh wow. So this is what we're going with now? Where is that introverted Prince? I prefer him to this bossy one.

I couldn't help but laugh. Is he being serious right now? "Oh please, you're only about 3 years older than me"

"Ten" he said without blinking an eye.

"Ten what?"

"Years" he said coolly. By now I've forgotten about our audiences who by the way I'm sure am enjoying the show. I don't know but this has become more like a daily routine, he and I arguing over something.

"You don't even know how old I am" I said knowing that only Adda Anee knows my age, how can he say he's 10 years older than me. He looks about 24-25 years old, not a day older.

"Yes I do"

I stopped laughing and looked at him as If he just grew two heads, "You're kidding right?" I asked, my expression feigning horror. The last thing I want is for him to know my age. Didn't he ever heard the saying

'Never ask a student his average,

Never ask a woman her age,

Never ask a man his salary'

So how the hell did he know my age? I mentally smacked myself realizing what I just asked, am I seriously asking that?

"Do I look like I'm kidding?"

"You can't be serious" I held my arm back realizing he has no intention of taking the hoody. Now the black top he has on that been underneath the hoody looks really good on him.

"Believe what you want to believe but you're putting on that hoodie, end of discussion" he pulled out his phone like always and kept typing whatever the hell it is that he's always typing on that phone of his. Wait, is he chatting with someone or is he just working. Yea I'm being nosy but so what?

"Damn you're an old man" I muttered to myself looking away but I knew he heard me. So he's telling me he's 28 years old, oh please that's ridiculous.

"Language!" he rebuked looking up from his phone.

"Whatever. And for your info, you can't boss me around. Now take your hoodie, and leave me let me live my life in peace" I hand the hoodie to him again with a strained smile hoping he'll buy it and leave me alone. I don't even know why I'm being stubborn knowing I need it, I guess it's just a habit.

"I'm done talking about this. You're going to put that hoodie back on, pneumonic patients aren't supposed to go around dressed in that in this cold weather"

"How did you..."

"Are you really asking me that right now?" he quirked a brow.

"Arguing with you is pointless" I hesitantly put the hoody back on, more properly now. No matter how much I hate to admit it, the hoody is comfy and smells like him; zest, spice and oudh. Plus, it's oversize on me in such a way that I had to pull back the sleeves so as to adjust it. Now looking up closely, he's a lot taller than me too.

"Picking up a fight with me is pathetic; you're never going to win" he said with a smug look seeing that I've worn the hoodie.


"Yup. Now would you stop staring at me, gee I know I'm handsome but you don't have to stare that much" he shook his head and just as I expected, he's mocking me again.

"I'm not staring at you, and you wish you are handsome"

Big mistake. I probably shouldn't have said that.

"Oh really now? If I remember clearly, you yourself said that I am indeed handsome, attractive if I may add" he said making Adda Anee and Suhad laugh lightly while Ya Faruk just tried to stifles his laughter.

Thank you melanin, if not I would've been crimson red right now "Would you keep quiet?" I whispered hoping to shut him up.

"No I won't. Or is it that you don't want them to know what you said..."

"Shut up!!"

"You guys are so cute" Adda Anee squealed just as Ya Faruk wrapped his arms around her in an embrace, making him laugh at her choice of words.

"Yeah and as much as you're entertaining us all, we have to go now" Ya Faruk said laughing at Prince who frowned at them. "So ya akhi, say goodbye to her now"

"You two can go in that car, I'm taking her there in mine" Prince said to his brother making me look at him as if he's crazy. I'm not going in the same car again; he'll keep on annoying me till I can't take it. I thought that Ya Faruk will at least try to argue with Prince but he didn't, he just nodded and opened the door for his dear wife.

"Let's go" Prince said walking over to a black SUV, Suhad trailing behind him.

"I'm not going with you"

"Fine then, stay here" he said rudely and didn't even bother to look back. I felt like screaming out of frustration because he is annoying me.

"Don't mind him, let's just go" Suhad smiled at me as he stopped in his tracks, Prince however is already in the car.

I nodded only because Suhad is here, he can stop me from killing Prince if he dare say anything to me again, the man is bipolar I tell you. Bipolar!

By the time Suhad and I reached the car, Prince has already started it so I just got in the bakseat and sat quietly as they talk about something I don't understand at all, some business deal I think.

I unlocked my phone again and dial Jannah's number again which of course went straight to voicemail, so I just turned it off and look at the window. I'm tired of trying to call her; I know it's my fault nut the least she could do is let me explain myself. I plugged in my earphones and played All for you by Joeboy as Prince drove to the airport.

By the time we got to the airport, everything went by quickly. Prince, Suhad and Ya Faruk stood a few feet away from us and talked about something while Adda Anee and I stood waiting for them.

"Is there anything I should know?" Adda Anee asked me with a smile on her face.

I looked at her puzzled, "What are you talking about?"

"You and Aamir obviously!"

"It's nothing" I shook my head not wanting to talk about him.

"Yeah, keep telling yourself that till you believe it" she nodded sarcastically rolling her eyes making me look away.

Someone tapped my shoulder making me turn back. My eyes are almost wide as saucers as I watch Jannah panting heavily with a grin on her face.


"You idiot, you dare think of leaving without a goodbye" she feigned anger making me laugh at how cute she is being.

"You weren't answering my calls"

"That's why I'm here dummy" she wrapped her arms around me and I couldn't help but hug her back. "I'll miss your stupid ass bestie" she muttered and I felt my eyes sting with tears.

I laughed; "I'll miss your lazy ass" my voice came out croaked.

She pulled back as a few tears roll down her face, "Call me when you get there, I promise I'll answer"

"I will" I wiped my own tears.

Adda Anee cleared her throat, "Umm hello besties, are you forgetting about me? Wato Jannah it's me you'll not miss"

Jannah shook her head, "No I will not miss you. You that you're married already seff"

"Lalle yaran nan" Jannah smiled and hugged her which she reciprocated. "Take care of yourself, and less craziness please since Daihaah is no longer here"

"No promises"

"Ok let's go if you're done with the goodbyes" Ya Faruk said as they all walked towards us. "Hi Jannah, it's nice for you to show up, Daihaah almost went crazy since you've not been answering her calls" he teased making us laugh but her laugh was short lived when she looked at something or someone behind him. I follow her gaze and look back to see Suhad staring at her with the same expression.

"Firdausi Jannah..."

"Alamin Suhad..."

What's going on?



3 January, 2017.

"I seriously don't understand you anymore" Susu shook his head taking a seat opposite Layla, the further he distance himself away from her, the more he can think clearly and right now, this is what he need to do.

Layla tucked her hair behind her ear, pushing away the strand that fell on her face, "Susu I'm sorry but-" she tried apologizing for what seem like the thousandth time in the past few months.

"But nothing Layla!! First after the stunt you pulled, you pulled another by going back to Kano again, sneaking into the El Khabirs house just to see Daihaah when she was in a comma, and I knew you talked to her. Don't you know that even though she's in a comma she can still hear you and everything you say? If I didn't know what you were capable of, I'd wonder how the hell you sneaked into their house without them noticing you. I honestly don't know what to do with you anymore" he said, his voice low because he's tired of arguing with her over and over again.

"Susu I promise, I'll never do it again, I-I-I just I had to see her and make sure she's well catered for"

"Layla, Aamir loves her; he'll stop at nothing to take care of her. You however are my wife, but you aren't acting like it because you don't do what I ask you to do and I'm not sure how much longer I can stand it" He looked away not wanting to keep looking at her. This time, she really pushed his buttons and now he is beyond livid.

She felt bile rise up in her throat, but she pushed it back down closing her eyes momentarily willing the tears to go away, "I also visited her"

Susu's eyes shot up, "You mean Hajiya Aisha?" he asked hoping it's not true. Much to his forlorn, she nodded making him laugh dryly, "I'm done with this". He stood up not wanting to say a word more to her and head to the door, he can't stay around her, he needs space and right now being in the same room as her is suffocating him. If she can't respect him as a partner, at least she should respect him as her husband but no, the great Layla Waziri does whatever she wants whenever she wants and she does not listen to anyone.

"Wait! I know sorry will nut suffice this but..." she started making him stops in his tracks, but he still didn't look back. "I saw some men lurking around her room; they could be Lamido's men" she purposely let out the part when she met Jannah there, she was beyond thankful that she didn't suspect anything but if Susu knows that then...

No matter how angry he is at her, he still loves her and he knew this matters to her a lot, "Look I know this is important to you but I'm done with this, with everything that has to do with this. I've done what I can in helping you so until you learn that it's not always about you in this, don't think of getting me involved in it or any of your matters" with that, he walked out leaving her alone.

She stared at the door for a few minutes, hoping that he'll come back, hug her and tell her everything will be fine but she ruined it. She knew when she talked to Daihaah that she could hear her but she just had to do it. And if she made it through all that trouble to see Daihaah, she had to see Hajiya Aisha. Her heart literally jumped down her throat when she entered the hospital room and saw Jannah there, she prayed in her head hoping that she'll not suspect anything and thank Allah she didn't.

When the realization dawned upon her that he's not coming back; she let the tears fall freely which she wiped away quickly with palm. But, no matter how hard she try to stop it she knows this is her fault. If only she had just listened to what he said, none of this would've happened. What kind of wife is she? She mentally asked herself.

She went over to the walk in closet, and head to a door at the end of it. She typed in a code and the door pinged before it opened to reveal another room. She turned on the lights and walked over to the couch just by the window and sat on it. Two boxes are kept on the couch. The first one is a small plain black box while the other is a little bigger than the black one, it's brown.

She picked out the brown one first and placed it on her laps, she opened it slowly. A small smile made its way on her face as she took out the first picture. All the pictures in the box are half burnt. Clearly, someone tried to destroy them but she still found it. Leaning back on the sofa, she picked out the pictures one by one and once again it reminded her of why she's doing all this. The reason behind it all or at least she thought.


Vacation officially over.


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