Chapter 17 👑
A year ago today *sighs* *smile* I created this account and it's the first day I started reading books here *wipes tear*
I can remember when I almost went crazy while reading BROKEN HEARTS BY SONYSA. That book seriously is lit!!!!
DEDICATED TO @fatimatumardiyya who won the tag fest
FOR THOSE SAYING THEY'LL DIE IF I DON'T UPDATE *laughs* Biko don't die pleaseeee.
How can I leave you without giving you a piece on Daihaah and Prince?
*huffs* At least she met her Prince. My own seff is somewhere in the outskirts of his village riding a tortoise or a snail, whichever is common there that's why he has not reached here yet *laugh* 😂😂😁Biko, I'm here faa, someone should tell him to hurry up abeg. Where are the NBSB members?
If you're wondering about my sanity, don't. I'm fine ooo just happy 😁
January 1, 2017
"What?" I asked almost choking on my food. I quickly grab the tumbler of sparkling water and took a huge gulp of it before placing it back, all the while staring at Adda Anee.
She sighed keeping the chopstick in her hand in the bowl of the scrumptious capellini she's eating, just the scent of it is aromatic and for once I'm beginning to regret choosing to eat something otherwise. But, that capellini is peppery; I'm not sure how she could eat that. "Just hear me out ok?" she said, her eyes pleading.
"Ok" I muttered not actually sure what to say. I took another spoonful of bouillabaisse soup made by Adda Anee's chef as I wait for her to keep on talking and in the process, taking my eye away from her pasta. Honestly, I'm pretty sure I heard her right the first time I'm just not ready to accept it yet.
"I think it would be best if you go back with me back to England. I know a lot of prestigious schools there that I can get you enrolled in, and you don't have to keep staying here....."
"Hold up" I cut her off, keeping the spoon in the bowl. "Adda Anee I appreciate everything you've done for me so far-"
"Daihaah I get it-"
"-No, you don't. Just let me finish. I really appreciate it but moving with you abroad is just too much. I've already decided to stay with Anty Asmau and I can't just change that. You've done so much already, you and your family I just can't accept anything more from you"
"Daihaah you are my sister, there's nothing like getting too much from me. If you're worried about Ummi, worry no more, we're having her transferred to Abuja to a more exalted hospital" she argued, and from her tone I knew she is determined but I'm not backing down that easily too.
But then,
What did she just say?
"You're having Ummi transferred?" I asked, keeping aside the matter of moving to England aside.
"Yes we are"
We both flicked our head to the doorway where Ya Faruk and Prince stood. They were dressed alike in every aspect and if you don't know them intensely you would swear they are identical twins. They are both dressed in a grey hoodie and black denim, which they paired with black Nike sneakers. Ya Faruk's hair looks so messy, as if he ran his fingers through it multiply. Some rested on his forehead, he used his hand to push it away while Prince's hair looks the same as always, gelled in perfection.
Adda Anee looked away and focused on her pasta. Using the chopstick, she took another portion of the pasta and eats it ignoring her husband's presence. Since it was just the two of us, we decided to eat on the counter. I know it's not the best etiquette but it's what we do.
They both walked in. Prince headed immediately over to the refrigerator while Ya Faruk walked to the counter and pulled a stool beside Adda Anee, whom is still ignoring his presence. He snatched the chopstick from her hand and used it to take a piece of the capellini and munch it making her glare at him, but this time he ignored her and pretended as if she isn't there.
I chuckled at this and looked at Prince who took out a bottle of sparkling water and took a gulp of it. He shook his head at their behavior before making his way to the counter too, him and his brother exchanging a knowing look. He took a seat next to me and kept the water bottle aside.
"Good morning to you two" I smiled making Ya Faruk smile widely too, while Prince as usual flashed me a small smile.
"Good morning hermana" Ya Faruk said chirpily. Before I thought he was one of those brother-in-laws that hardly smile and whatnot, but getting to know him more I realized he is much nicer than I thought he was. He is nice, loves to tease people and has a bit of arrogance in him.
Adda Anee stood up from the stool in an attempt to either leave to get another chopstick, but was stopped mid way when Ya Faruk held her arm, dragged her back and made her sit back down without sparing her a glance. The funny fact is that they are both pretending as if the other one is not around yet they still acknowledge themselves.
He shook his head after taking another piece of the pasta, "This thing is spicy, and how can one afford to eat it? Aamir pass me that water" he said as if nothing just happen which only anger poor Adda Anee more. She looks as if she is about to scream out of frustration but held it in. Whatever they fought about must be serious, because I've never seen them like this.
Prince tosses the water over to Ya Faruk who caught it, before he took a gulp of it. I smiled a bit thinking if Ummi was here and I was the one that toss it she would've scolded me, but she is not here. And all that is just memory.
Luba walked in, accompanied with three others maid whom were carrying food warmers, silverware and porcelain plates on salvers. She bowed her head in respect to Prince and Ya Faruk whom curtly nodded. The three maids behind her placed the food warmers of lasagna on the counter, and went ahead to serve it on the plates for the duo. The maid who placed Prince's plate paired it with a mug of Earl Grey tea which always makes me wonder why he always has that tea every morning. So, I decided to ask even if the possibility of him answering it is small. He's not exactly an extrovert.
"Why do you take that every morning?" I asked turning to look at him.
"Huh?" he looked taken aback, but tried to conceal it before anyone can notice it. The couple beside us stopped fighting and looked at us probably wanting to know if he would answer me.
He looks at the mug, and then looked back at me "I just like it. It's a habit"
I nodded and turn back to keep eating my soup. Discreetly, I looked up at the duo whom are looking at us, but they immediately looked away when I caught them staring. Adda Anee pretended to be checking out the ceiling while Ya Faruk immediately took the water bottle again and took a sip. I laughed lightly because of how cute they are. I mean seriously, they can win the Oscar award with their charades.
Adda Anee turned to Luba after the maid that served Ya Faruk left, "Luba!" she called.
"Yes your grace"
"Can you get me another plate of capellini please? Also, get me a flute of champagne while you're at it" she asked politely with a smile on her face as if she's mocking Ya Faruk. She acts as if she doesn't care; he can have it, she can get another anyway. Granted, she's doing this to piss him because mixing that spicy pasta and wine isn't the smartest idea, and she knew that. So, in simple words, she's being reckless and puerile just to prove a point.
Luba nodded, but before she could speak someone cut her off.
"Luba leave. You're dismissed" Ya Faruk said making Luba nod immediately then looked at Adda Anee apologetically. She and the others left with the remnants of what they came earlier with.
Adda Anee closed her eyes as if to calm her anger. When she looked back to glare at him and maybe tell him off, he switched the lasagna with the capellini. She tried to push it away but he pulled it back, placing in front of her but she rudely pushes it away again.
He stopped eating and placed the chopstick aside. He cleared his throat "You should eat that in preference to this" he said lowly and I just had to perk my ears and eyes wide open so as to watch the show unfold. Prince looked up from his phone and watches them curiously.
She stubbornly pushed her lips forward, crossing her arms over her torso "I've lost my appetite" she grumbled.
"Do you really think you're in the position to say that to me? Now let me rephrase my sentence. Eat it" he said turning around to look at her. It doesn't take a genius to know that he's angry from his tone and look, all trace of lark disappeared in that instance. He held her gaze and I assure you it's a challenging one, I really think she should just do as he said.
It seemed like she knew he was right, she rolled her eyes before pulling back the plate and eats the lasagna sluggishly. I know she hates to admit it, but the lasagna looks better than the spicy capellini. But somehow, she loved it more. One thing I've learned about Ya Faruk is that he does everything for a reason, and right now he's making her eats lasagna over spicy capellini for a reason, let's not forget earlier he told Luba not to get her Chrysanthemum tea but she disregarded it.
"So Hermana, as I said we're having Ummi transferred to Abuja. And we've finalized your transfer documents too from BUK to Cambridge, you'll like it there. Everything has been set up including you visa and we're leaving in three days" Ya Faruk said making me look at him and Prince wide eyed. I blinked multiple times trying to digest the new information.
"But I said I don't want to go" I argued even though I knew they have my best interest in heart. I just can't, I can't leave Ummi.
Prince glanced at his phone before looking at me, "Sorry to say bonito, but you have no choice"
"Okay One, I told you to stop calling me that, whatever the hell it means. And second, I can't leave here and Ummi, I really can't"
"You should stop arguing, it's pointless" Prince nonchalantly answered both my questions with that statement. Did I mention I hate how much he loves bossing people around, he can't just tell me I'm leaving my homeland to live abroad for Allah knows how long. It's not done that way.
I looked at Adda Anee for help but she just shrugged gloomily and looked back to her food which she is now playing with rather eating it. I groaned inwardly knowing that I couldn't win against this triad. Arguing with them really is pointless.
I guess I really am moving to England.
This should be fun.
Note my sarcasm.
"ant qadim maeana sahih ya akhi * You're coming with us right ya akhi* ?" Ya Faruk asked Prince who shook his head keeping his phone aside.
"la , ladaya 'ashya' li'aetani biha , lakunani sa'akun maeak fi ghdwn 'usbue *Laa. I have things to take care of but I'll be with you in a week*"
" hal tahtaj 'iilaa musaeadati? *Do you need my help?*"
"la , yumkinuni alaietina' biha *No, I can take care of it* "
" ant muta'akd *You sure?*"
"OK" he took the last munch on his pasta before keeping it aside. "Since all that is now finalized, we'll get going, she needs to rest" he stood up and basically dragged Adda Anee out who tried to protest but wasn't given any attention to.
I smiled at how she keeps on protesting. Give them five minutes and they'll make up by then. I kept quiet and eat my food as my mind drips to the idea of leaving in three days. There's not much to miss anyway apart from my friends, especially Jannah and Ummi. I really hope that she'll wake up soon, I spend every day with her and I'll be leaving to visit her in about an hour or two.
I finished my soup in silence. Neither Prince nor I spoke. I've gotten used to him not talking at all. I mean seriously, he's quiet all the time except when he's with Ya Faruk, Adda Anee or Dr. Hannah whom by the way I still hate. I still don't get how he can act all carefree around her. At times, they talk, laugh and have fun and you could swear he's not the same person.
"They'll make up in less than five minutes" Prince said bringing me out of my thoughts. I'm still angry at him for everything he did about me moving. Why couldn't they just listen when I say I don't want to leave?
So, I nodded "Yeah they would" I muttered making him sigh.
"Listen bonita, i.."
"Stop calling me that" I glared at him, but he only gave me the bored expression. Seriously?! Bonito sounds like one Barbie doll and I ain't a doll. So maybe I'm being paranoid but that's only because I'm still recovering from the fact that I'm leaving Ummi.
"I am... I" he stuttered rubbing the nape of his head, his eyes looking everywhere but me. I can see the way he's closing his eyes as he tries to say what's on his mind.
What? So don't tell me it's what I'm thinking. Is the Prince Aamir nervous?! That's hysterical. Of all the emotions I expect to get from his, nervousness isn't one of it at all.
"You're what?" I asked feigning annoyance but deep down I'm laughing at his expense.
"I am sorry" he said quickly I almost didn't get it. Only now did I notice his accent, a mix of Emirati and British which is surprisingly astonishing.
I stared at him in stun. He's really full of surprises, and did I just hear him apologize? Chaiii! Wonders shall never end. Someone should help me check outside to see if it's raining pigs or maybe if steeds have grown horns.
"You're sorry?" I repeated just to be sure if in actually heard him right and my mind isn't playing tricks on me. I pinched my arm just to see if I'm not dreaming.
"What are you doing?" he asked when he saw me pinching myself.
"Trying to see if I'm dreaming" I answered looking at him as if I'm looking at an alien with three heads.
"I really am sorry, and please don't make me say it again. It's bad enough the first time" he rubbed his face with his palm, in the process running his fingers through his hair and my eyes followed his movement.
"Why are you apologizing?" I just had to ask.
"For not enquiring you first about transferring. I know you'll miss Ummi but think of how she'll feel when she wakes up only to realize that you've continued with your studies instead of dropping it, she'll be happy and proud of you. Plus, no offence but you needs to get away from all this, your father's relatives are gold diggers, all they care about is money and power"
"Gee thanks" I said, sarcasm dripping from my tone even though I know he's right. Ranging from Baffa Lamido, Inna Nana, Inna Balki, Umma and the rest they are just hungry for money and power, that's all they care about. And, it's not surprising he's right though, he's always blunt. I wonder if he's only blunt when it comes to this type of situations or not.
"You know I'm right" he said coolly with a smug look on his handsome face.
"Do I?" I pretended to think, using my hand to stroke my chin in feign thought and looked up.
He looked away and I could swear I saw the grin on his face which he's trying to hide. I really want to know why he likes to keep this type of moments to himself, why can't he be jovial all the time. The only time I've seen him like this is when he's around Hannah, and that's it alone.
"There" I point to his face, chuckling at his failed attempt to hide.
He looked back at me, his face creasing up, "What is it?"
"Your smile" I grinned, "So you know how to smile anyway. I thought you only know how to smile around Dr. Hannah..." immediately I slapped my mouth with my hand realizing the slip. How could I say that, to him?! Of all the things I could've said, it just had to be that. I face palmed myself.
He smirked, "Wait so you're jealous?" he chuckled when he saw my reaction and the sound was melodious. I think it's the first time I've heard him laugh to me, "Don't worry bonito, estoy enamordo de ti solo. Now and forever in shaa Allah"
Someone should please tell me the meaning of what he just said. For once can he stop speaking in some language I don't understand?
I paced my arm on the counter and lean on it, turning around to fully look at him, "Toh wannan Allah ya temaka bakajin Hausa. Allah mai halitta! Gani ga balarabe, kai amma fa wallahi nada kyau sosai. Larabawan nan duk sun kwashe kyau, barin dena kallan shi kafin ya aza wani abu nake fada. Ya Allah please make him stop speaking in languages I don't understand" I said smiling to myself even though I knew he heard me but he can't understand since he doesn't speak Hausa. And before you say I'm crazy, let me help you say it; Yes, I'm crazy but can you blame me?
He raised a brow amusingly, "What did you just say?" He asked as if asking for confirmation.
"Exactly, that's what you get for speaking in a language I can't understand" I smirked, mostly because he has no idea what I said, therefore cannot use it against me.
He laughed lightly, "Then let's make a deal, you translate what I told you in exchange I will answer one of the numerous question I know you have for me" he said and I eyed him skeptically. Well it's a good idea and I do have a lot of questions to ask him, it would be nice to know he's willing to answer any question I may have. But do I really want to know what he said?
He nodded before he stood up from his seat; "I should get going then" he walked to the doorway with me trailing behind him after placing the bowl aside. I should head back too; Jannah will be here any minute from now.
He stopped and looked back, his amused expression still there, "And it's nice to know you find me attractive. And by the way, I'm not fully Arab, just half Arab. Next time kafin kiyi magana akan mutum a Hausa, make sure that person really doesn't understand it" his tone held glee, as his eyes glint with it too. He looks as if he'll burst into fits of laughter any minute from now.
My jaw dropped and I stopped wide eyed, if I was a little shade lighter then pink will taint my cheeks right now. I felt like vanishing into thin air out of embarrassment, so he heard what I said and I literally told him he's attractive which is true but really?!
I never knew he could speak Hausa.
Oh My Allah!
"See you later bonito" he said trying to contain his laughter before he left me there with crimson pink cheeks and an erratically beating heart.
Now he has something to use against me.
I'll never hear the end of this.
Faruk closed the door with a loud thud in a way expressing his anger. Aneesah ignored him as she too was angry, why can't he just leave her in peace rather than doing whatever the hell he did earlier. So, she pretended as if he didn't just drag her here; and made her way to the bed and sat on it ignoring her fuming husband.
"What was that all about!?" he asked lividly and she knew he was talking to her; yet she ignored him. She unlocked her iphone 11 and started talking to one of her coworkers just to anger him more; in a way showing that she's feeling the same rage he's feeling right now, only more.
He grasped the phone out of her hand and threw it away; it hit the wall and shattered into pieces making her gasp, "What the hell was that about?" she is now yelling too.
"Don't you are ignore me while I'm talking to you. Do you think acting like a finicky five year old will change my mind or what!?" he bellowed, and for the first time she's seeing him like this.
"I'm done talking to you" she said calmly turning around and tried to lie on the bed.
"Well I am not done talking to you! Wallahil Azeem Fatima Aneesah don't you dare try me, you don't want to see my anger" he warned his voice now lower than earlier, and she knew one slip off and she'll see angry Faruk.
She knew better than to go against him now, so she sat up and watches him quietly, tears pool up in her eyes and his immediately softened seeing her. She hate that she's breaking down in front of him, she hates it when he's angry like this but she knows that's not enough reason to make her cry.
He released a small sigh and went over to the bed. He sat next to her and took her in his arms, she didn't try to fight it nor did she embrace his back. He pushed the turban cap off her head and runs his fingers through her silky hair that he loves so much in a comforting manner. The tears that she held back now fall freely dousing his hoodie, but he didn't mind. He made her cry and he hated that, but it was her stubbornness and irrational thinking that brought about all this.
When she calmed down, he held her within arm's length after placing a chaste kiss on her forehead, "I'm sorry" he murmured seeing her now puffy face and red eyes. He wiped the little bits of tears left with his thumb pad and she almost forgot everything that just happened, "But we still have to talk about what you did"
She sniffed, wiping her misty eyes with her palm, "I'm sorry for what I said and did. You were right, I was being irrational" she admitted making him smile a bit.
He maintained his poker face, "You still flout my instructions" he said making her stare at him in apprehension.
"What did I do?"
"Do you think I don't know that you took the Chrysanthemum tea I told the maids not to give you?" he raised a brow and she smiled sheepishly.
"Sorry, but I didn't see a reason as to why I couldn't take it. Besides, you know I love it"
"I do know you love it, but I also know it's not good for you"
"I don't even want to ask why you said that" she rolled her eyes making him chuckle. He joined their foreheads and right then he knew he found peace. She was his home and he couldn't want it to be anyone else.
"Besides" he placed a kiss on her forehead, "I can't" he placed another on her left cheek, "blame" another on her right cheek making her giggle as if she wasn't the one crying five minutes ago, "you" another on the corner of her lips.
"Why is that exactly?" she asked when he pulled away, interlacing their hands.
"You don't know?" he asked like it's the most obvious question.
Her face scrunched up in confusion, lips slightly pursed "Know what?"
"You're expecting. I thought it was that obvious"
Her lips slightly parted and she sat stunned, "That's not possible" she muttered looking at his face for any sign of lark.
He quirk a brow, a smirk formed on his lips "How can it not be possible. If anything, it's possible"
"How did you know?"
"Picked up a few signs, it was just suspicions though but Aamir confirmed it. Staying with Hannah really had her doctor expertise rub off on him" he shrugged with a grin on his handsome face.
"Oh my Allah" she murmured placing her hand on her bump-less stomach. "We're really going to be parents" she said as if not believing it's true. Her eyes well up once again with unshed tears of joy and a wide smile on her face.
"Yes we are babe" he said embracing her once again in a tender embrace.
Once again they've made up and revived from their numerous fights. Right now, all he needed was her. He needed her to stay, she did, and he loved her more than ever.
"You what?!" Jannah choked on the lemonade she's sipping. She looked at me and amusement twinkle in her eyes. I just told her all that happened with Prince earlier like I always do. She knows everything about me just as I know everything about her.
I groaned hiding my face in my palm, "Can you believe it? Che mishi nayi fa wai yanada kyau, I had no idea he could understand Hausa, better still speak it"
She laughed placing the tumbler of lemonade aside, "I can't believe this, it so much reminds me of when you first met Muba-" she stopped as if remembering something. She closed her eyes and bit her lower lip in an attempt cover up for her slip off but I heard her, I just don't get her.
"When I first met who?" I quirked a brow, eyes slightly narrowed at her.
She took the tumbler and swirl it, moving the ice cubes in it around, "Nothing. Sorry I just mistook your situation for that of Ummul Khulsum" she said and I couldn't tell whether she was lying or it's the truth, so I just dropped it.
"Where is Ummu anyway? I haven't been seeing her in a while now" I changed the topic and I could tell Jannah was happy about it by the way her shoulders slump and released a relief sigh. I raised a brow at her act but she avoided my gaze.
She shrugged, "I don't know. The last time I talked to her she left to Abuja after enquiring about Ummi's health and your wellbeing"
"Eyya. I'm a bad friend wallahi, we haven't talked faa since lokacin da tazo min gaisuwar rasuwa, I should call her someday. That girl loves Abuja too much wallah" I shook my head smiling.
Jannah moved closer, looking around to see if there's anyone who could be eavesdropping on our conversation, "Rumors spread around that she has been seen with The Layla Waziri. Supposedly they're related" she whispered making me roll my eyes.
"How can that be possible? No one has ever seen Layla, how can they know it's her she's lurking around with. Only her close family members and coworkers know her fa. The coworkers seff don't know her face, she hardly hangs around them"
She glared at me, raising her hand up and swats my arm making me whine whilst massaging my arm because of how it hurts, "See this goat! Shikenan it's not possible for her to be seen with someone as popular as Layla? Dadi na dake wallahi kina abu Kaman ragon kauyenku" she hissed back taking a gulp of her lemonade.
"Toh Gwaggo Janno, yi haquri. See the way you're acting da Allah, you need to grow up. You're 18 for crying out loud, almost 19 seff. Mama should get you married by now" I teased remembering her undying love for the person she met one time.
Honestly I think it's ridiculous even though I don't know who he is or his name but still. How can she fell in love with someone she met once? Does she think this is some wattpad book which you can fall in love with someone at first sight? Plus, is she sure she'll ever see him again? He might be a thousand miles away from her. And the odds of them meeting again are close to none.
"Say one more word and I'll kill you" she threatened knowing full well that I'm mocking her.
"Sorry" I chuckled standing up and walked to the closet to pick out another outfit to change into. I rummaged through it before deciding to pick out something identical to Jannah; a pearl grey abayah kimono contrary to her Prussian blue one. The edges of the sleeve and one side of the abayah are adorned with black stunning intricate design glittering with sequins. I stood in front of the vanity table and tied my hair into a low tight bun; I hate it when my hair sticks out of the bun unless I'm slacking.
I wrapped the veil loosely around my head, before going on to pick up a grey Dior small clutch like shoulder bag and a cute pair of black stiletto. Jannah joined me and we took some pictures because we're crazy like that. She being the internet freak she is started a live video on instagram, saying all sorts of things; some of which are just so funny before we left.
It's been two hours and I still haven't seen Adda Anee or Ya Faruk so I think they're together. I'm sure by now they've made up already. While Prince left an hour ago since apparently his best friend is in town and he's picking him up from the airport so it's just us and the maids.
We went to the parking lot and already the driver is there waiting to take us to the hospital. Just then, a car pulled in and I knew well enough it's Prince's and by the looks of it he's with his friend. The doors opened and I almost scrammed into the car to avoid more embarrassment than I've caused myself earlier, I've been avoiding him since. But, it seems like fate isn't on my side today because before I could scram, our eyes met.
Just in time that his friend came out, Jannah's phone rang so she entered the car first before she could see him or Prince; not before giving me a teasing look first.
It was as if my feet were glued there, I just stood and watch him make his way over. The beams of the sizzling sun fell upon him making him looks more striking than usual in the casual outfit he has on, his gelled hair gleam, not that much though but still. He runs his fingers through his hair messing it up; his usual taciturn demeanor now changed to a more outgoing one, but his aura still hasn't change. I don't know when our relationship turns from 'barely able to stand each other' to 'teasing buddies'. We're constantly going back and forth.
"Are you leaving for hospital now?" he asked when he reached where I stood, his friend trailing behind him. I didn't notice when he approached because I was in a trance which I'm now back from.
"Uhm...yeah" I stammered for the reason even I am unaware of. Partially because I'm still embarrassed about earlier, but other than that, I don't know the reason too.
"Oh ok" he said with a small smile.
"Assalamu aliki" said his friend. Now that I had a great view of him, he wasn't like I expected him to be, I mean I thought he'll be all rude and introverted like Aami...Prince but he's not. He seems nicer and the smile on his face is welcoming. But I shouldn't judge a book by its cover; he might just turn out to be like Prince later on.
"Oh yeah... Bonita, this is my best friend, Alamin Suhad"
I glared at him, the same time Alamin or Suhad looked at him too, amusement twinkling in his eyes and he did nothing to hide the smile on his face.
"Bonita?" he replied with a sense of amusement.
Prince shakes his head narrowing his eyes at Suhad, "Shut up and zip it" he said through gritted teeth.
"I told you to stop calling me that" I said for the thousandth time but he ignored me as always. I don't see the point in arguing with him anymore. I should just stop trying to fight it. Giving him a name will only mean I've give in so I'll ignore it, possibly he'll give up.
"Adawo lafiya" he said with a small smile before turning away to leave. Alamin Suhad smiled at me, "It's nice to meet you Daihaah and I'm sorry you get to see that idiot everyday" he said laughing lightly which I joined him.
Suhad is about the same height as Prince, but he's not Arab; he looks Fulani. He is drool-worthy handsome though, his eyes and smile is mesmerizing. Unlike Prince, his accent is fully thick British. His curly hair looks like gel has been applied on it and for a second I'm thinking he and Prince have everything alike ranging from their dressing to the way they socialize.
"It's nice to meet you too Suhad, and I should feel sorry tpwards you since you're his best friend and you have to put up with him all the time"
"I know right, I'm that unfortunate"
Prince turned back and glared at Suhad, who chuckled before walking to where Prince stood after giving me a small wave and a wide smile. Prince walked back to where I stood, I watched him curiously wondering what he's up to. He stopped in front of me and I quirked a brow
"What is it?" I asked looking at him skeptically. Is he back to make fun of me since I just made fun of him with his best friend?
He raised his hand and extends it to my face; I stood stunned in apprehension watching his actions carefully and closely. But he astonished me when he slowly picked up the veil that hung loosely on my head and covered it fully, his eyes focused on what he's doing. My eyes followed his actions and this felt all too familiar, I don't know why though but I feel as if this has happened before but when?
It's probably just my head messing with me again.
"There" he smiled retracting his hand, looking smugly.
"What?" Believe me I'm enthralled, that I couldn't make up sensible sentences. It looks like I'm in some trance that I can't get out of.
He smirked, "Cheerio" he said and left me standing there.
What just happened?
Prince what are you doing to me?
"If you're done day dreaming come let's go" Jannah's voice brought me out of my reverie. She just stood by the door holding her phone in her hand, her face full of amusement.
I closed my eyes, sighed and blinked twice before turning to look at her fully whilst making my way into the car.
"How long have you been there?" I asked once we're both inside the car and the driver started the car, pulling it out of the drive way effortlessly.
She chuckled dismissing my lame attempt to get her to not tease me, "I just got off the call"
"You haven't been there for long then. Have you seen his frined?"
She shook her head; brows creasing up a bit, "No. He was gone by the time the time I got off the phone"
"He's so nice, maybe I could pair you up with him, " I said just to get an emotion out of her.
She rolled her eyes, "No thank you. I'm good" she said turning on her data and logging in to what seem like her Wattpad account.
I laughed, "Are you sure? His name is Su-"
"I said I don't want to hear" she glared at me making me laugh harder.
"Ok then if you say so"
"You should keep day dreaming about your Prince rather than getting all up in my business"
"Shut up. I don't want to talk about it" I looked away so that she will not see my flushed face, if she does she'll tease me for life.
"Well it didn't seem like it two minutes ago. Did you see the way you two were looking at each other, like some couple that had been in love for years"
"I said zip it, he's barely someone I can tolerate" I feigned a straight face so that she'll drop the topic but she didn't.
"Are you sure?" she tilted her phone for me look at; I gasped wide eyed. What the hell?!
She took a picture of us earlier when he was fixing my veil! True I was looking at him while he was fixing it but we looked like one of Bella Naija couples. If this was someone else I would've found the picture to be romantic and beautiful but now it's not, it looks ugly.
"What the heck?" I tried to snatch the phone away from her but she pulled back laughing at my expense. "Give me that phone, and you better delete that" I threatened narrowing my eyes at her
"Not so fast dear friend. I'm keeping this picture till your wedding day I'll let you see it so you two can remember that moment" she quickly locked her phone before I could get it. The problem is not the lock, I know her pin but getting the phone away from her is the problem. She's addicted to her phone too much.
"Please delete it" I pleaded realizing it's the only option I'm left with.
She grinned, "Keh wallahi bazanyi deleting ba, better stop disturbing me and before you can think of deleting it, it's already on the cloud I can retrieve it back whenever"
I face palmed myself deciding to leave her alone. I'll get back at her on this one way or another; that is a promise. Ya ilahi I seriously have a crazy friend.
Today has been eventful. That reminds me I haven't told her about leaving yet because I'm unsure of how her reaction will be. It's now or never.
"Jannah I'm leaving" I said out of the blue, biting my lower lip nervously.
"I'm moving to England with Adda Anee, we're leaving in three days"
She faked a laugh, "Scratch that. What the hell?!"
This is going to be along conversation
JANUARY 3, 2019.
Karaye, Kano.
"Ni gaskiya ban yarda ba. What type of life is this? How is it that you won't pay me the rest of my money?!" Umma asked, hands akimbo pursing her lips forward in a menacing scowl.
Lamido winced at the high pitch of her tone. He angrily glared at her warningly in a way that meant she should lower her voice so the royal guards outside won't hear her but she's not having any of it unless he's willing to pay her back to the last cent he owe her. He was getting tired of her rants, can she get a simple hint that he won't pay her more than he already did. Besides, she didn't do anything at all except kept opening that blabbermouth of hers.
"Keep your voice down or I'll shut it up for you, permanently!" he warned, his voice low and his eyes narrowed in slits.
She gulped, before sitting on the carpet next to one of the royal intricate sag bags. She discreetly glared at him, "Where is my money?" her voice was lower this time making him smirk.
"Are you just that slow or just dumb?" he asked, his eyes dilating. "You are not getting another naira from me; I am not giving you any"
"But you promised!" she argued feeling her anger level rise once again.
"And I kept my promise of rewarding you for your loyalty"
"I killed my husband for you!" she yelled, the pain in her chest resurfacing. By now she was heaving because of how long she has spent shouting. She felt like balling her eyes out, everything has fall apart instead of how it was suppose to. And she just had to be a part of the reason why it happened.
He looked at the door hoping no one heard her little outburst before laughing lightly, "So? That was your bad choice not mines" he shrugged.
She stared at him in disbelief. How did she end up becoming his puppet to toss around? The last time she remembered they were on the same page, they were allies and now he's shutting her out! She should've never trusted his cheap self.
"But...but...I..." She stammered not really knowing what to say. Her mind was playing all sorts of scenarios of how her life just got down the drain.
He chuckled viciously, "Our nuptial will be announced on Saturday" he dropped the bomb and her body stilled as if the air has been knocked out.
Her bloodshot eyes shot up, her mouth slightly parting. Her mouth opened and closed like a fish as she was out of words, "What?" she asked in disbelief.
"You heard me right"
"I will not marry you, over my dead body!" she gritted out, the veins in her forehead tickling out showing just how ireful she is.
"You don't have a choice. You will be my wife, that way I can put a leash on that blabbermouth of yours. And if for one second you dare think of double crossing me, I'll put all the blame on you or simply, end your life. I think I'll go with the latter after all you are a sinner. You killed your husband, you killed my brother yet you put on a great charade by blaming our step daughter, and to top the list you did it all for money and worldly materials" he shook his head making the tsk tsk sound, mocking her. His calm composure was enough to ascertain her that he meant everything he said, every word.
She bit her lip as her eyes became glossy, yet she refuse to let the tears fall, "You are despicable" she muttered but he heard her making him snicker.
He laughed lightly, "It's just power. Nothing personal"
"Yeriman Katsina yazo ganin ka!" Shouted a guard outside Baffa Lamido's chamber making both he and Umma shot their eyes up.
Their eyes connected and both of theirs display worry and panic. They knew very well this wouldn't end well and indubitably it's either Sultan Omar or Prince. In this case, it's most likely to be Prince.
The door flew open making them jolt up, their eyes fixated at the door. Three guards dressed completely in black walked in first, all their faces hard as stone and none held a smile on it. The black glasses they had on covered their eyes and their muscles budge out through the suit they had on. Lamido couldn't talk and so did Umma.
After the guards, Prince walked in his glory. He was dressed in a navy blue three piece suit. His hair gelled back into perfection while he has on aviator glasses which covered his eye. His face is stoic and void of any emotion and yet he walked with confidence oozing. He was an epitome of perfection.
Behind him are five fadawas, each of them had on an emotionless facade. They walked as if they're ready to go for war, except not. Somehow, they managed to look scarier than the guards.
Lamido immediately regained his composure and faked a strained smile while Umma looked away and wiped the tears that fell on her face, "Prince Aamir, what are you doing here?" Lamido asked looking at Prince.
Prince moved his gaze from Lamido to Umma before letting out a snicker, his lips twitching up, "I didn't know this was some sort of hypocrites meeting" he said removing his aviators.
Lamido's smile fell, "What?" he asked almost to himself. But, he should've known better. Prince always says what's on his mind regardless of whom you are or your status. But still hearing him voice out his thoughts so casually is still surprising.
"What? Did I perhaps say anything out of the ordinary? It's true isn't it? You two are the mastermind behind all the turmoil that has been going on. I have to give it to you though; you're cleverer than I thought you were. For once I actually underestimated you, but you proved me wrong which if I may inform you never happens" Prince chuckled dryly. His eyes however held a glint of what seems to be rage or humor, or both. His tone dripped sarcasm and annoyance.
"Get out of my chambers!!" Lamido bellowed. This time he did nothing to conceal the angers he feels towards Prince. He has held it in for too long and he doesn't have the patience to play anymore games with him. After all, he's just a thorn in his way, and he needs to get rid of him. But, it won't be easy.
"Hattara Yeriman Karaye, Hattara!" Yelled one of the fadawas, his red eyes dilating as he took a step forth, "Be careful of what you utter to Amyr Muhammad, no one can yell at him!"
Lamido breathed out, trying to calm his nerves. Picking up a fight with anyone from Kastina emirates won't do him any good, he knew better. In the process of trying to calm down, he reached his hand up and adjusting his taut turban. "So, Prince, is this why you brought your entourage with you? So they can take on your fight for you? I thought the almighty Prince Aamir can take on anyone by himself" a snarky smile crept its way on his face even though he knew very well he's playing with fire, and he might get burned.
Prince smirked before making his way over to a lounger opposite Lamido and sat on it, crossing his legs while his arm is on the armrest. The guards and fadawa spread, some stayed by the door, some at the left side while some at the right side of the chambers.
Prince tilted his head to where Umma stood quietly, she hasn't uttered a word since he came, "And you, why are you quiet all the while?" he asked ignoring Lamido's remark, only to anger him more.
She looked away, "Please leave" she said after swallowing the remnant of her pride.
Prince faked a surprise gasp, "Did I just hear the omnipotent Hajiya Larai say 'please'?". When none of them spoke again, he shook his head and regained his cold expression. "Look, I'm not here to play games with you"
Lamido sat on lounger he was sitting on earlier, "You don't want to play games with me young boy, it can be dangerous" he said with a smile on his face.
"Is that supposed to be a threat?"
"Whatever you take it as"
Prince run his fingers over his knuckles, "I don't have the time to play with you old man, I don't play fair" he leaned back, his gaze squarely on Lamido in a challenging manner.
"Neither do I" Lamido said leaning back just like Prince.
"Well then, jokes aside. I'm here on business"
"In what way can I help you?"
"Help me? Never. But you can help yourself"
"What do you mean?"
Prince outstretched his hand and immediately one of the guards placed a black file on his hand, "It's a contract. I want both of you to sign Hajiya Aisha and Khadijah's inheritance back to them. In addition, you are also handing over all your rights over Khadijah since now you are her alleged guardian. The last thing she need right now is a crooked guardian"
Lamido's smile widen, he looked at Prince as if he grew two heads before laughing hard, "You must be out of your mind if you think I'm handing over assets of over 7million naira over to those trash"
Prince shrugged, his eyes moving around the chamber not missing a single detail, "This is a nice place and it just so happens that it's part of the land I own as a result of the treaty. Wouldn't it be nice if I turn this place into an orphanage? I can have it done within a week. And that farm you own, it's pretty big. I also heard the land is fertile, I'm sure the masses would love to own a piece of it. I can have it arranged for them in 24 hours"
"You wouldn't dare" Lamido's smile disappeared, and a scowl took over.
"Try me"
Lamido held Prince's gaze for a minute, just to see if he's actually being serious. He knows he wasn't bluffing, he could take away his farm and basically everything materialistic he own and he wouldn't have a second thought about it. Deep down he knew he could never stand against Prince, he's too formidable. But, the mini Lucifer inside of him wouldn't let him back down. He can't just give in to Prince's demands, who does he think he is?
Prince looked at his wrist watch; he is getting more impatient by the minute, "I don't have all day for you. So, either sign it or say adieu to everything you own. Your choice"
So this is the ultimatum? Lamido thought. He felt like screaming out of frustration. This can't be it; he can't just lose 7million naira in an instant. Besides, Umma has the other 3 million. How can it be that he's losing to Prince? Big Boss will kill him for giving away his legal rights over to the El Khabirs, he might as well be signing his death wish. But is defying Prince worth losing all his properties?
Umma huffed. She rather spent the rest of her life married to her late husband's younger brother than give Ummi and Daihaah a cent. Even if her life will be miserable, she's about to be married to the devil, Lucifer himself and be a co-wife to Inna Nana, it would be better than giving up her hard earn money. That is the extent of her hatred towards them.
Lamido dejectedly took the file and hesitantly signed it slowly, all the while making a promise internally to make Prince pay for this. This is the last straw and the last stunt Prince or any El khabir will pull against him.
"Do you need a special invitation or a memo to know that you have to sign it too?" Prince asked Umma after Lamido signed. A guard took the file and hand it to Umma but she shoved it away rudely, "Get this thing out of my sight!" she yelled.
"Sign it" Prince said through gritted teeth.
"Over my dead fester body! I'd die first before I hand over that 3 million to those two. Do you have any idea what I had to do before I get that money? And you just expect me to give it back to them. Chabbb! No I will not"
"I'm not asking you. It'll be better for you to sign it" Prince threatened and yet you can detect his anger through his voice and emotionless demeanor.
She looked at him, their eyes meeting, her face held determination "No" she said her jaws clenching.
Prince sat up, fixing his suit in the process. "I'm done talking" he looked at Lamido first, then moved his gaze back to her, "Get ready, because I promise you this, you will return that money within 48 hours no matter which means necessary" he said promptly with determination lacing his tone, his eyes and face aloof.
He walked away, his guards trailing behind him only for him to stop abruptly and turn back midway, he smirked " Don't worry much, It's just power, and yes it's personal" he said to Umma before he finally left them both raging with anger.
"Lamido I need your help on this" Umma said desperately looking at Lamido as if he wasn't the one she was calling a devil five minutes ago.
Lamido glared at her, his eyes narrowed in slits, the look is enough to send one to an early grave "You really are stupid to pick up a fight with Prince. You're alone in this"
Umma face turned with anger, she clenched her fists and groaned loudly whereas Lamido looked away grieving for his loss and planning what lie to tell Big boss as an excuse. She hissed and fixed her wrapper and Kashka veil before storming out, all the while muttering one thing.
"Nashiga uku. What did I just do?"
9193words people! This is equivalent to three chapters but I love you so much that I made it one. No one should ask for updates any time soon. I've tried enough.
So, how was the chappy.
Daihaah and Prince?
Adda Anee and Ya Faruk? Personally I think they're so cute.
Suhad and Jannah have crossed paths again, yet fate made it that they didn't meet; too bad.
England here we come!
Toh you are all invited to the daurin aure of Alhaji Lamido da Hajiya Umma, co-wife to Inna Nana. Chaiiiii Wonders shall never end
Mune yen gaban goshi.
I'm finally on holiday break, no more school for two weeks! Expect three to four updates in the next two weeks.
To those going to their village for holiday or Xmas; agaida su Gwaggo, Yapendo, Kaka, Inna, Baba, Mama and Iya.
Happy New Year in advance!
Love, Jannah.
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