Chapter 15 👑
December 16, 2016.
Kano, Nigeria.
Khadijah Daihaah's POV.
The only word to describe what I feel right now.
It was like I had been constantly trying to break down the rigid walls that keep me away from the outside world. But, like any other time I've tried, I keep on failing.
Granted; I could hear voices f the people around me, one of which I knew belong to Adda Aneesah. The others either sound muffled or indistinct. There was one particular voice that's exotic.
Finally, after trying for what seems to be the umpteenth time, I tried to get a hold of myself and move any limb, starting with my finger. Such an easy task that one could do in a matter of seconds but to me at this moment it felt like lifting a rock with my hand.
I calmed down for a while, and gathered the little bit of energy I have before concentrating real hard on moving it. Like all the other times, it didn't work. I felt like crying my eyeballs out of frustration but I couldn't. Heck I couldn't do anything, not even open my eyes.
I hate this feeling and state I'm in.
Being not able to do anything; all I could see was pitch black not a glimpse of light.
OK, I need a pep talk.
I can do it! One more time won't hurt.
It can't be that bad right?
I focused harder than I did last time, keeping aside all my frustrations and anger and for once I actually believed I could do it. It was like everything, every single fiber of my being is focused on achieving that. I can do this, I can get pass those walls.
It actually worked! I could actually move my index finger. Now, the next thing shouldn't be hard, opening up my eyes.
I slowly tried and peeled my sore eyes open, immediately regretting doing so. The brightness of the room was too much; I had to blink furiously to get accustomed to it.
My eyes first rested on the plain white walls, they were spotless and basically everything in the room is plain white ranging from the dahlia print curtains to the chaise lounge at the other end of the room. A small chandelier hung amidst of the slates, a flat screen TV opposite the bed I lay on which by the way is soft as velvet. The duvet that is draped on me is just as soft as the bed.
Two things are for sure. One; I can't remember what happened last, and two; this is not my home. The harder I try to remember anything my head hurts like hell. My whole memory is hazy and blurred; the throbbing of it doesn't help to.
Where am I?
I tried to sit up in a panicked state but I couldn't. I felt as if a sack of rice is placed on my already sore body. I looked around frantically to see if I could spot anything that could help me but I couldn't find any. An IV is attached to my left hand, and next to it is some weird beeping machines; one of which I knew is the heart monitor. The beep coming from it is more than annoying; I wish I knew a way to shut it up.
My eyes snapped to the door when it creaked. My instinct was on hyper alert mode, grabbing the closest thing I could get my hand on. And pathetically it just had to be a hair comb.
Deciding it's the only thing I have, I held it tightly, and eyes slightly squinted at the figure that walked in.
He stopped in his tracks once he saw me. His eyes sheens with that seem to be relief and happiness, but instantly changes to confusion as he furrowed his eyes brows, head slightly tilted.
Ok, so maybe I look kinda ridiculous. I'm reclined on the bed, eyes wide as saucers as if my eye balls will fall out and clutching on to the hair cob for my dear life.
"You know normal people would've tried calling for help, rather than..." he stopped to look at me, gesturing to my stance with his hand, "Whatever this is"
Silently huffing, I kept the comb aside reluctantly but decided against it, "What are you insinuating? That I'm not normal?" I asked, narrowing my eyes at him. Even if I don't remember much, I can always remember his cocky tone and arrogant self, not to mention his egoistic side.
He smiled an actual smile walking towards me. He stopped by the edge of the bed, holding a glass cup filled with sparkling water, "I never said that" he shrugged, "But that doesn't mean I wasn't thinking so. Oh and can you keep the comb back where it was, you don't need it. I'm not here to kill you even though I doubt you can do anything with it"
"Who knows? For all I know you're being nice to me and the next minute you'll strangle me. So, to answer your question Mister, I can very well do something with the comb but I will put it aside not because you told me to but because I want to" Hesitantly, I placed it back keeping my gaze squarely on him.
He gave me a bored look, "You talk too much"
I ignored his remark and tried to sit up, but I couldn't. My hands feel like jelly, they won't cooperate. I groaned in frustration earning a light chuckle from him.
"Here" he muttered, quickly coming over to my side. He kept the water cup on the bedside cabinet and extends his hands
"What?" I asked narrowing my eyes at him suspiciously.
He rolled his eyes, "Gee, for the tenth time I'm not going to kill you. I'm just trying to help you sit up"
Tentatively, I placed my hand in his hefty yet soft ones. My hands now seem small compared to his, and it fit right it. If this was some cliché story then I would say they were sparks, but those things ain't real and there definitely weren't any. I watched him with hawk eyes just to make sure he's not trying to make me fall off the bed. He is oddly confusing because the last time I remember, he and I weren't on talking basis and now he's more carefree than I've ever seen him and acting as if we're long lost friends. He helped me sit up like he said, fixing a cushion behind so I could rest my back and head on; pushing the bolsters aside.
"Where am I?" I finally decided to ask.
"My brother's house"
"You mean my sister's house right?" I said smugly. I know it's all probably the same but it is amusing getting a reaction out of him.
"Whatever helps you sleep at night" he said instead of the snarky comment I was expecting from him; I still saw the small on his lips though.
"You should take this. Hannah said it'll help ease the headache" he handed me some pills and the water which I gladly took because my head is still throbbing. I took the pills and gulped the water. I didn't realize how thirsty I was till I drank the whole cup. I really did need that.
Keeping the cup aside, I released that he just stood there staring at me. I hate to admit it but he looks so handsome clad in the plain raven tee and matching swanky slack which compliments his skin tone a lot. His hair is gelled back looking ebony black which matches his irises; his slender nose the most slender I've ever laid my eyes on. His smile is another matter.
The silence is thick in the air, none of us spoke. Awkwardly, I cleared my throat.
"Who is Hannah?" I asked because the name is not familiar to me at all.
A small smile made its way on his face, "The doctor that has been taking care of you" he said sitting at the other end of the bed.
I scrunched my face in confusion, "Can I ask you something?" I asked. Judging from my tone I'm sure he knows I'm being serious this time round, so he nodded silently urging me to continue.
I breathed out, "What happened to me?" my voice came out a little shaky but I forced myself not to act dither.
He knitted his brows, "You don't remember?" he asked.
"No I don't. My head hurts whenever I try to remember what happened" I closed my eyes momentarily, willing all the pain to go away. It's frustrating not being able to remember what happened last.
"You were in a semi-comatose for three days, you slipped in and out of consciousness for a while but I don't really think you remember that" all trace of lark was gone from his tone. He is actually being serious.
"What... why?" I can feel my headache resurfacing. My brows furrowed, my eyes practically begging him to actually tell me what happened last. I just have to know. Speaking of which, where is my family? My mom, dad and Addda Anee? Why am I here instead of being in the hospital? There are just so many things I wanted to ask him.
He looked away for a split second. "I don't think I should tell you that yet. And I don't think I should tell you this either but Muhsin is awake, and he wants to see you" and just like that, the old Prince Aamir is back; the cold one with an emotionless facade. I can detect the distaste in his tone, he didn't bother to hide it; but why?
And what did he just say?
"Who is Muhsin?"
The doctor Prince Aamir was talking about earlier came 20 minutes later. I didn't know why he seemed so surprise when I asked him who that Muhsin was, whoever he is. Without another word, he sprinted out and called her leaving me more confused than ever.
But there's one problem,
I hate her.
She seems too good to be true. She was flawless with her unblemished skin, sexy eyes, high cheekbones, slender nose and rosy heart shaped lips. She was dressed in perfection and she had that constant smile on her face. Once glance at her and I know she's Fulani. I hate to admit but she's dead drop gorgeous and her look screams elegancy and affluence. She was being oddly nice to me, so much that I don't know whether it's an act or true.
Thankfully, Adda Anee is here with me and she looks like a mess with her puffy eyes, but she convinced me that she was just worried about me that's all. Sultan Omar who came in with her looked at her warily when she says that but she just shrugged it off. She's now sitting next to me, holding my hands in hers.
Dr. Hannah walked over to where I am after talking with Prince at the other side of the room. She seems awfully close to him other than the fact that she's just a doctor, maybe they know each other long ago. She had a warm smile on her face but I'm pretty sure I looked like a paranoid old lady by the way I'm glaring at her. She's just too good, it's suspicious.
"OK Daihaah—" she started but I cut her off.
"It's Khadijah" I said with her a poker face, this made Adda Anee squeeze my hand as if asking what the hell I'm doing. I just looked her and shrugged feigning innocence.
Dr Hannah didn't seem taken aback by this, she just smiled wider, "Khadijah, can you tell me what you remember last?" she asked.
I nodded slowly, "I was on my way to Adda Aneesah's house with Aaliyah because Ummi and Abba we're travelling. And from then, I can't remember anything"
"Do you know who Mubarak Muhsin is?" she asked again.
I looked at all of them puzzled, "No....who is he? And do you all keep asking me about him?"
She looked back at Prince Aamir who stared at her too. She turned her gaze back to me, "Do you remember being engaged to marry someone?"
I looked at her as if she grew two heads, "No... Wait! What are you talking about? I don't have a boyfriend more less being engaged"
She nodded "That's enough. We should let you rest for now"
Dr Hannah, Prince Aamir, Sultan Omar and Fateemah Aneesah sat at the downstairs living room, leaving Daihaah to rest. Aneesah placed her arms on her thighs, burying her face in her palms. Sulatn Omar sat next to her, his arms wrapped securely around her in a comforting manner. Prince Aamir sat on another sofa, his hand placed under his chin in deep thoughts while Dr Hannah sat on another sofa opposite them.
"I...I don't understand this. What happened to my sister? Why can't she remember what happened and most especially Muhsin?" Aneesah asked with teary eyes, the last three days had been the worst; so much has happened and now....this!
Dr Hannah sighed, " It seems like Khadijah has Amnesia as a result of the shock that's she's been through. A part of her deep down remembers him, but because she doesn't want to accept the fact of what happened to him so she is unknowingly denying herself the chance to remember him. He seems to be the only one she doesn't remember, and let's not forget she had been traumatized. The only way for her to remember him is to trigger back her memory but I highly suggest you don't do that, it might just cause her Paranoia"
Aneesah had to hold back the tears, "She has to know what happened"
"You shouldn't do that, it—"
"She has the right to know!" Aneesah cut her off, they can't hide this from her. "I'll tell her tonight, no matter what will happen I just have to tell her"
Dr Hannah lamented, "Aneesah I won't stop you from telling her that. But for the sake of your sister, you shouldn't tell her about the accident"
"Hannah I'm not stupid! Of course I won't tell her about that. The least she remembers about it, the better" she knows she was being too rude because Hannah was just trying to help but she had been really stressed the last few days that's why she's grumpy.
Sultan Omar's grip around her tightened tenderly, "Calm down babe, stressing isn't going to do anything good to you" he whispered placing a doting kiss on her temple. She exhaled and nodded her head, closing her eyes for a moment to calm her nerves.
"Hannah I'm sorry, I didn't mean to be uncouth"
Hannah smiled, "It's okay, you're under a lot of stress so I get it" she said and she meant every word she uttered. She has always been the one to see the good in others no matter how bad they are. People tend to think she's just faking it but she's not.
"So it's settled, I'm telling her tonight"
I didn't feel like resting anymore so I made ablution and prayed, I spent what feels like hours in prostration pouring all my worries to my lord. Afterwards, I sat on the chaise lounge because I'm sick of that bed, even if it's the comfiest I've ever laid on. I just basically sat there watching the paint dry; in other words woolgather.
I flicked my head to my side taken aback, it's just Adda Anee. When did she get in?
"I'm sorry I didn't mean to scare you" she apologized with a small smile on her face as she sat next to me.
"It's okay"
"Hey, do you mind if we talk for a minute?" she said, her tone held seriousness.
I blinked a few times; I'm not so sure I want to hear she wants to say because by the looks of it, it won't be good. "Sure" I said hesitantly.
She sighed as if visibly preparing herself, "Daihaah something happened while you were in a coma" she started.
"What...what are you talking about?"
"Always remember, to Allah we belong and to him we shall return" she said, her eyes glossy.
I let out a small humorless laugh, "Why are you telling me this?"
"Don't cry for your loss, Allah won't take anything from a believer without replacing it with something better" by now, her words were coming out lower than before.
I stared at her in disbelief, "Just tell me what you're talking about for crying out loud!"
"On the day you went into coma, Ummi and Abba were informed and by the time was already night time but even with that they insisted on coming back. And on their way...."
"No! Don't you dare finish that sentence"
".....they met with an accident" Tears well up in my eyes and the waterworks began. Adda Anee chocked on her own words "Abba...he passed away"
"No...that is not true!" I yelled. She is lying; this is just some sick joke.
But deep down I knew it wasn't.
I wish all these was just some nightmare
"And Ummi?" I didn't know where I got the courage to ask.
"She's still in a comatose. The doctor's said they don't know when she'll wake up"
"Inna lillahi wa inna ilaihi raji'un"
To Allah we belong, and to him we shall return indeed.
Abba is gone.
December 18, 2018.
No matter how much I plead with Adda Anee she won't let me go out of her home, saying it's not safe for me. It has been two days since she told me about Abba and Ummi, I cried my eyeballs out. My father is dead all because of me.
I decided to talk to Prince Aamir hoping he'll make her change her mind and let me visit Ummi at the hospital since she won't me go back home, she said hell will break loose once I step foot in that house especially since Abba's death. I couldn't help but agree to that, knowing Umma will blame me for my own father's death.
Thankfully, Prince convinced her only if he'll go with me there. Now, I have no problem with him tagging along, the problem I have is his mood swings. One minute he's being nice, then the next he's being cold and closed off.
He drove us to the hospital and I no time we arrived. All this while I had been eager to meet my mom, but now I'm just nervous. My hands suddenly became sweaty when we stopped in front of her hospital room.
"Don't tell me you're backing away just now" Prince muttered, shaking his head slightly. "You know I'm a very busy man, I didn't tamper with my schedules just to watch you be a coward"
I narrowed my eyes at him, "Does your mouth have filter?" I sneered.
"No. I always say what I'm feeling; I was born without a zip on my mouth"
"Well you definitely need one 'cause apparently you can't keep your thoughts to yourself" I huffed.
He raised a brow in a challenging manner, "One more word from you and we're going home straight away"
"You're bluffing" I rolled my eyes.
A scowl made its way on his face "One, don't roll your eyes at me. And two, try me and see. You can say goodbye to seeing your mother and your freedom because we both know if not for me, you wouldn't be allowed out anytime soon"
That certainly made me shut up. Knowing Prince, he wasn't bluffing at all. This is what I mean by his bipolar mood swings, he's worse than a pregnant lady. Can't he be nice for five minutes without displaying his arrogance?
Not having the energy to bicker with his, I held the handle and opened the door. I stopped in my tracks and had to bit my lip to stop the whimper that wanted to escape.
My Ummi...
She looks so pale and lifeless. It seems like the life support is the only thing keeping her alive. I held back the tears and walked further into the room.
I took her hands in mine and I couldn't hold back the tears anymore. Her face and hands are covered with bruises while a bandage is wrapped around her head, her face is swollen. I sat on the seat next to the bed and did the only thing I've been doing for the last few days.
Only when I felt a hand placed on my shoulder I remembered Prince. I looked up at him and his eyes sheen with what seem to be sadness, as if he wasn't the one I was arguing with earlier. He actually looked as if he cared for me.
He ducked low to my height, enough for him to have a view of my puffy face. Using a handkerchief, he slowly wiped the tears that fell, his eyes softening as he does so. I don't know if it's just me but time slowed down at that moment, I was just lost in the depth of his irises and the story they behold. He didn't break away from the stare; words aren't needed at the moment.
"Beautiful women like you shouldn't cry much" he whispered, "You need to be strong for her. Yes at times when the situation gets tough, you cry out loud just to get it off your chest but there's a time when you need to be strong. Khadijah you need to be strong for your mother and always remember she loves you ok?"
I slowly nodded, "It's my fault" I shook my head willing to stop another array of tears.
"Did you cause the accident?" he asked; I shook my head indicating no.
"Then don't ever say that. Don't blame for something you had no control over. Now I need you to be strong no matter what the future beholds, can you do that for me at least?"
I nodded, unable to make a word come out. I'm sure if I was to say something, I'll say something stupid.
He smiled, his eyes glinting with it "Now that's my Khadijah" he said and my heart flutters.
I stepped out for a moment to get some fresh air. I'm surprised Prince actually let me out of his site. I found a bench outside and sat down. Getting fresh air sometimes is just what I need to clear my mind. My gaze moves around the place and stopped on the person sitting on the far end of the bench I'm sitting on. He has a black hoodie on which covered his head and matching denim, his hands tucked in the pocket of the hoodie.
He stared at me too, not moving away his gaze. I just stared at him equally, not moving my own gaze.
"Khadijah..." he muttered but I heard him.
I raised a brow, "I'm sorry do I know you?" I asked politely.
He looks taken aback by this, " don't know who I am?" he asked, but it seems more like the question is directed to him rather than me.
"So it's true" he muttered again.
"Have we met before?"
"No, and it's probably for the best" he said quietly.
He looked away and looked straight ahead. I however kept looking at him; he doesn't seem familiar to me. The wind blew by, adding a more serene feeling as people walk by. The peaceful and eeriness for once made me forget about my worries.
A few minutes later, he fixed his hoodie covering more of his face and stood up. He looked back at me and smiled a bit.
"Goodbye Khadijah" he said.
I smile back, "Bye. Can I know your name please since you seem like you know me?" I chuckled awkwardly.
He feigns to think for a while, "M.M Murad" with that, he walked way.
For what seems like forever,
But why do I feel this way?
Ya kuke?
How life?
So, another chapterrrrrrr,
Abba id dead,
Ummi is in a coma,
Daihaah doesn't remember Muhsin,
And now Hannah?
Honestly, I feel like Adda Anee is the best sis ever,
And Princeeee Aamir, I'm beginning to begin to fall in love!
Muhsin baeeeeeeeee
Hehheheheheh, so just so you know I'm enjoying this.
Now, drop a comment!
Love, Jannah.
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