Chapter 13👑
April 20, 2016.
Karaye, Kano.
After what happened earlier, the El Khabirs were adamant on knowing what the relationship between Muhsin and Khadijah is. So, when the guests who came for the anniversary left, the triad requested a summit with Baba Sarki, Hajiya Kaka, Lamido, Abba and Ummi as they demand for an explanation.
One thing about the El khabirs; once they're being serious they mean business.
The El Khabirs sat on three settees parallel to one another, their face void of emotion as they sat cross legged, their signature business look. Sultan Kabir leaned back a bit, his right arm placed on the armrest, fingers slightly caressing one another in deep mediation.
Sultan Omar however just leaned back, his hand stroking his chin in ponders. He's trying so hard to figure what was between the two; although it was clearly obvious that they're in a relationship. The question was that, how is it possible that The Fareeds know about the relationship yet they didn't wind it up.
Could they have possibly been betraying them?
He tried to ask Aneesah about it, but she refused to tell him anything to him other than the fact that the two are in love. That dialogue leaded to them arguing. He seem to have forgotten that she has no knowledge about this so to her it seem irrational of him to be this interested in her sister's relationship. It was odd to her but he wasn't having any of it so to wrap everything up, he's at fault. But then again, the blame cannot be pinned on him alone, she's at fault too as she's stubborn and he's arrogant. Those two characters don't go along too well at all.
So now, the relationship that they're trying to build up is on a thin string. Any slight mistake and it'll lead to another arguing session.
Prince Aamir however is an expert when it comes to masking his emotion. He can put up a strong façade and no one can penetrate through it. He just sat there; leaned back on the chair, his eyes on his phone as he keeps on typing God knows what since he didn't spare any of them a glance.
Baba Sarki seeing that none of them is about to speak up anytime soon cleared his throat, "Sultan Kabir you asked for this summit and I'm sure all of us here knows what it is about" he started but was cut off by Sultan Kabir.
"Honestly Mai Martaba I don't know where to start. This issue is between me and Sultan Uthman, and my son too so what happened earlier?" he questioned his gaze squarely on Abba.
Abba knew this was bound to happen sooner or later, so he decided to come clean, "Kubrah and Muhsin have been in a relationship for almost 4 years, their wedding preps had already begun long ago" he said and by the looks on the El Khabirs faces, he knew they didn't like the news.
"So all these happened long ago and you didn't think to inform us about it. Your family basically made a fool of us. Pardon me if I may sound rude but that's called double standard" Sultan Kabir said even though his voice wasn't raise or dripping with anger.
Prince Aamir listened to every word they said, yet he didn't try to cut in and say a thing. He sat there and observed them, mouth sealed.
"It's not like that, you have to understand you plan, I plan but Allah SWT is the best of planners. We've planned Daihaah's future ever since she came to the world...."
".....For her own safety!" Ummi cut off Abba for the first time. She felt like she needed to remind them all why they planned this from the beginning.
Sultan Omar laughed, "And you think that Muhsin can protect her from him? He can walk in anytime and take her and Muhsin can't do a thing about it. Unlike us, he cannot dare step a foot on our turf" he said with a smug look on his face.
Lamido kept shut all through. His eyes wide as saucers as he looks at them from one person to the other like a thief who has just been caught. It was so obvious he is guilty for something. The beads of sweat that formed on his forehead were evidence enough, but none of them noticed it.
"He might not be as rich and powerful as you are, but he does love her sincerely. That is enough reason for us to entrust her to him" Abba said firmly. He doesn't see any reason as to why he'll make his daughter marry a stranger for the sake of her safety. For Allah's sake it has been 18 years already and he hasn't come for her yet, he probably might never.
"Did you know about him loving her when you came to ask us for help?" Prince Aamir finally spoke making all head turn to him.
"What do you mean Prince?" Ummi asked.
"I meant if you knew she was to fall for another man then why make promises you couldn't keep? Look I don't care what you think but I was also involved in this, it was selfish of you to only have thought about the wellbeing of your daughter" Prince said calmly as he sat upright.
"Oh and I think you're forgetting that Aneesah and I are strangers too, yet you didn't try to wind up this arrangement. Faatimah Aneesah was never part of this, but as precaution and for both their safety you betrothed them to us" Sultan Omar stated knowing that what they're saying is pure truth.
"Aneesah's involvement in this is also because of her mother, she was never part of this" Hajiya Kaka replied Sultan Omar.
"Let me also remind you that your family came to us for help not the other way round. Yet we kept our end of the bargain and you couldn't keep yours" Prince Aamir added as he lightly brushed his thumb over knuckles, something he does to calm his anger.
Abba looked down for a second. When he raised his head back up he exchanged glances with Baba Sarki. Their side is at fault and for breaking a treaty with the El Khabirs, they know there would be consequences.
"Setting up Aneesah and Sultan Omar turned out to be a good decision because unlike Kubrah she had no plans of settling down soon. You have to understand Fatimah and Khadijah are two different people; Aneesha can handle such thing but Daihaah not too much. I'm sorry to say but the marriage between Daihaah and Prince Aamir won't happen" Abba said and right then he knew he ended the treaty.
"The treaty was that we would protect your daughter only if she marries my son. In addition to that, we own 30% of your turf because this is matter of life or death" Sultan Kabir said still not happy about what they did, but he didn't show it. Rather he let his words indicate that.
"You know there's no one you'll get that can do that for you, that is why you came to us" Sultan Omar added in support of what his father stated.
"We know that well enough" Baba Sarki said trying to find a solution to this. Treaty or not, The El Khabirs already own 30% of his land the day the promise was made so he saw no reason to end it. Daihaah might not see the importance now but she will in the future. All this is for her own safety, that's how much they all care about her. However, he has to support his son on this matter; he knows what's best for his own daughter.
"And so who would protect Daihaah if he comes for her?" Prince Aamir asked; eyes slightly narrowed at The Fareeds.
"He won't come for her" Abba argued even though he knew deep down that's not true.
"You know he will" Sultan Kabir stated. "But the decision now lays solely on Aamir not you. I hope you remembered that you can't back out of a deal with us" he added interlacing his fingers.
Prince Aamir exhaled, he moved his gaze from Abba to Ummi "If this is what you think it's best for Khadijah then I'll allow it. I'll also stay away from her but mind you if anything seems out of place I'll step in whether you like it or not, that's the price you'll have to pay for breaking the treaty"
"I understand and I assure you Muhsin won't give you a reason to step in, he can handle anything"
Prince Aamir smirked; he knows they'll come crawling back anytime soon. At that thought he let out a small laughter gaining all their attention "Pardon me but I don't think so" he said with a smug look. "Your family will come crawling back to us, and when you do we'll be willing to help you because that's how much Khadijah already means to me. Remember that" he added and with that he stood up and left, his father and brother trailing behind him.
It's only a matter of time.
Lamido sneaked out after the summit. He went all the way round to the other side of the palace making sure no one followed him. He cannot risk letting anyone in on this conversation.
He brought out his phone and hands trembling, he dialed the number saved as 'BIG BOSS'. Eyes wide as saucers, he scanned the area again before placing the phone near his ear. Little beads of sweat form on his forehead which he quickly wiped away with the back of his hand. Big boss always scares him to the core; reason is that he has completely lost his sanity long ago.
"Hello---errm—G-good aftern--evening! Big Boss" he greeted, bowing his head as if he'll see him. Realizing that he can't actually see him, he clench his eyes shut mentally cursing himself for being so stupid.
The other end of the line was quiet for a second, before came in a gruff voice "Lamido! You haven't been reporting to me for a while now!"
"I know and I'm sorry but I have good news, I think our work just got easier, the treaty had been terminated but we also have a problem, I think Sultan Kabir doesn't want to help me anymore" Lamido whispered enough only for the person to hear. He blinked multiple times before looking back again, just for safety reasons.
"You idiot! Treaty or not the El Khabirs are already involved, they won't step down that easily!" the person yelled out of frustration. "Sultan Kabir is a smart man, he ain't a snitch bitch! Just how dumb are you to think he will betray his family? He was just going along with your stupid plan because he was suspicious of you! I swear if your dumb ass rat me out I'll end your fucking life!!"
Lamido began to tremor out of fear "I-I'm sorry boss. S-should I send someone to kill him?" he asked his heart beating erratically.
The person released a fed up sigh. "If I could kill him and his family that easily don't you think I would've done that earlier?" he asked slowly.
"Yess-No!" Lamido slapped his head numerously out of frustration. Big boss always scares the shit out of him, especially when he's talking slowly or calmly; it's deadly.
"Good! Get your shit together. Lay low for now; let them think everything is alright. We'll hit when they let their guards down and don't you think of backing out or I'll have your head on a silver platter. I'll eliminate anyone who comes in the way of me getting Khadijah" the person said, his voice was deadly serious. He wasn't kidding, he'll go as far as taking someone life because he's lost his sane already.
It's do or die.
Go big or go home.
Game on!
December 13, 2018.
Kano, Nigeria.
Khadijah Daihaah's POV.
I dragged Ummi's last box out without much effort as it practically weigh nothing. The car trunk is mostly filled with cartons and sacks of food stuff which will be taken all the way to Zamfara. Malam Tanimu, our driver, stood by the driver's seat. His old faded blue Zanna bukar cap perched on his head reaching his forehead. His white shadda looks like it has been ironed extensively as seen by the minimal wrinkles on it. I could see the grin on his face; he has always loved travelling more than any of our drivers.
I've known Malam Tanimu ever since I was a little girl; he is a nice old Fulani man who never cares about what others think of him. He is one of those old people that likes making people laugh all the time. Honestly, at times I take him more of a fatherly figure than a driver.
"Malam Tanimu the one and only, all this wanka kace yau sai kwanan Zamfara" I teased as I approached him.
He laughed, "Khubrah kenan! Ai kibari kawai yau sai Zamafara straight!" he said rubbing his palms in anticipation.
"Toh malam tsoho kar dai kaje can kayi kauyanci" I said crossing my arms as we await Ummi and Abba's presence.
"Kauyanci ai sai ku" he teased back laughing.
"Ehen bawanin nan. All these looks you are forming are just to surpass Ya Muhsin" This made both he and I laugh.
He readjusted his cap and wrist watch, "Look at me, na to match I dey dress today fah. My watch seff is designer, Muhsin cannot compete with this" he said showing me his wristwatch which looks like it had been polished by the way it's glistening under the sun ray.
"Kai Malam Tanyyy, anya kuwa isn't this the watch you wore on your wedding day" I said faking a stoic face which failed miserably as the next second we erupted in laughter.
"Kina wasa da manya, I'm telling you this watch is designer, see" he pointed to where there was an inscription "Gu-ch-ee" he pronounced as if he was teaching a 5 year old.
"Malam Tany mai wankan Zamfara, I agree this watch is designer" I said as we both look over to the entrance where Ummi and Abba walked out of.
They reached the car in no time; Abba opened the door for Ummi who smiled. Malam Tanimu chuckles muttering, "Su alhaji wai Ramio".
I couldn't help but laugh; his pronunciation of 'romeo' was hysterical. But then again, I know he did it on purpose.
"Malam Tany you will never change" I said as looking back at Ummi and Abba.
"Na me the one and only" he said as he wiped the imaginary dust on his shoulders.
I chuckled as I walked over to them and hugged Ummi. For some weird reason I never want to let go of her, I just wanted to stay with her. Ever since last night, I've been having an uneasy feeling. I still am bothered by whatever reason was that she was crying last night. Does Abba know about it? Does everyone know about it and I'm the only one who doesn't? What was it exactly?
There are just so many questions running in my head, a lot which I can't seem to stop thinking about it.
Now, being locked in my mother's embrace just feels so right, but at the same time it doesn't.
"Toh Dijeh let me go mana" she said playfully making me smile.
Hesitantly, I let go of her "Ummi, we have a lot to talk about when you return. Also, we have a lot to do especially about the wedding" I complained peevishly.
She shook her head amusedly, "Toh kijira kiga nadawo lafiya mana" she said playfully pinching my cheeks.
"Ok. Adawo lafiya" I muttered pouting. "Abba adawo lafiya, Allah ya kikaye" I said to Abba who watched us in amusement.
"Ameen mamanah" he pecked my forehead side hugging me.
"Don't worry, we'll be back before you know it munchkin" he murmured in my ear making me smile.
"When you come back you and I will spend a day together shopping koh? Without Ummi" I feigned a stern face slightly squinting.
Abba nodded feigning the same look as me, "Affirmative" he agreed.
At the same time, we swiftly flicked our head to look at Ummi who is glaring at us impishly. A look that meant she definitely heard us and has a trick up her sleeve too.
That instant, we all erupted in laughter.
"Try that and none of you will eat food that day" she said narrowing her eyes at us.
Abba shrugged, "I have another wife so I've got no issue with that" he smirked making her gasp.
I stifled a laugh, "I have a stepmom too fah, qafan Abba qafa na" I said smirking too.
"Oya both of you should pack your boxes and go back to her flat since you're both ganging up against me" she rolled her eyes already vexed.
"Haba my better half, Umm Khadeejah, ya Ayush ai kinsan in bake sai nayi zazzabi" he said wiggling his brows, a goofy grin on his face.
I just stood there laughing at the duo. Alhamdullilah! I have the most loving and uproarious family. My family isn't like others; we tease one another a lot and still are a happy family. Although they are my parents, sometimes I can't help but envy the kind of love they have. Will I ever have something like that? It's the kind of life that not every Arewa couple has and if anyone thinks otherwise, they should argue with their keyboard.
Regardless, I'm more than satisfied to have my mother and father.
"We should hit the road otherwise we'll be late" Abba said giving one last hug before walking over to the other side of the car.
"Dijeh remember what I told you yesterday" Ummi said as she always does whenever she's travelling.
"Ok Ummi"
"Good. We'll talk when we reach there" she said as he attempted to close the door.
I nodded as I stepped back, I bid Malam Tanimu farewell as he turned on the car. It was when the car started moving that I remembered something.
"WAIT!" I yelled hoping they could hear me.
Thankfully, they did as the car instantly stopped.
"Dijeh lafiya kuwa---"
I didn't let her finish as I embraced her in hug. How can I forget to do that earlier? It didn't feel right to let her leave without a goodbye hug
She chuckled as she hugged me back, "Dijeh you'll never change. Don't worry I'll be back before you know it" she muttered.
I pulled back and held up my pinky finger, "Promise?" I asked with hopeful eyes.
She chortled, "Promise" she said as she intertwine our fingers.
Finally, I let them leave after one last farewell.
I can't wait for them to come back already.
But, there's this strange feeling.......something's not right.
An hour later, I've finally succeeded in packing up everything I'd possibly need for the next few days. I doubled checked it just to make sure I didn't forget anything, I'm always forgetting something one way or the other. And if by any chance I forget something then I'm sure Adda Anee will have a spare of it.
Before she got married it was so weird how she and I always have the same pair of stuff. Whatever one has, the other has such too. And I'm pretty sure even though she's married; it's still the same as before.
I quickly got dressed in a flaxen ankara gown which I paired up with a grey veil. I didn't bother to maneuver the head tie; I'm not really a big fan of it. I just wrapped the veil over my head, and lastly slipped into my flat shoes which just show how short I am.
I didn't apply any makeup too, it's so dated plus makeup is not really my area of expertise. I rather spend 5 hours watching Nickelodeon no matter how childish it might seem than to spend 3 tortuous hours baking up my face for no speial reason.
I held the little bag I packed my stuff into, my phone in my other hand. With that, I locked the house and head to the parking lot where another one of our drivers stood waiting patiently for me.
"Sannu Oga Samuel" I said politely with a huge smile on my face.
"Sannu Madam" he replied curtly as usual.
I entered the back seat and kept my bag beside me. I waited for him to get in the driver's seat and turn on the car. When he didn't attempt to turn it on I stare at him in apprehension
"Oga Samuel is anything wrong?" I asked.
He slightly shook his head, "No madam, we're just waiting for Ma'am Aaliyah, she'll be out in a minute" he informed.
I shook my head in understanding. To entertain myself before she comes I brought out my phone and snap pics of myself, I made sure to snap some crazy ones too.
A few minutes later she came out dressed in a ruby red skinny jeans and a black crop top, her oxblood Kimono that resembles a mosquito's net flung on her shoulder while her hair is tied into a tight pony tail. Her makeup is another matter of its own.
"Where do you think you're going dressed like this?" I asked her only to receive a glare.
"None of your fucking business" she hissed as she sat in the car.
I had to resist the urge to gag at how strong and disturbing her perfume is. I think Oga Samuel felt the same way too by the way he scrunch his nose.
"Who do you think you're talking to?" I said trying to contain my anger but I knew she wasn't worth it.
She rolled her eyes before settling them on me, "Some damn bitch" she gritted out.
I let out a small sarcastic laugh, "Say that to me one more time and I swear you'll regret it" I said lowly with a strained smile on my face. She knew very well I ain't kidding, her attitudes are getting hard to handle every day. Believe me we're always on each other's throats.
She held my gaze for a few seconds before gulping nervously. Hesitantly she nodded.
Oga Samuel started the car and pulled out of the driveway and onto the road. Adda Anee's house is a bit far and is probably a 5-7 minutes drive. Actually it's a family house, each of the emn have their own personal side while all the girl and Anty Rabi are at the main flat. I just leaned back and logged into my instagram account. I came across this account, _jannah_writes and her write-ups are amazing, literally. Afterwards I came across inky_jan and Godddddd she's talented. I don't know why but I just love her quotes so freaking much. Mehn! She's got it.
Halfway there Oga Samuel sped up and started to take turns which weren't the right ones. It was oddly suspicious and Aaliyah thought the same too by the look on her face. She stares at me questionably to which I shrugged.
He took another unexpected turn swiftly and it was beginning to scare me at the speed at which he's driving. It was highly alarming.
"Oga Samuel what's going on" I asked in a panicked voice.
He looks at the rear view mirror, eyes slightly squinted "We're being followed by the car behind us" he said taking another sharp tone.
"What?!" I shrieked looking behind. Sure enough there was a black RV with tinted windows on our tail. Whoever the driver is, he or she isn't joking by the way he is hot on our tail.
"This is not good" I whispered to myself as I gulped nervously.
We're in deep shit!
Dedicated to sawdeah for strangling me today at school because I didn't update and @the_wit_kitten
Sooooo I've been MIA for the past few weeks, thing had been so hectic I barely had any time to write.
But, I made this chapter worth the wait right? This is the longest chapter I've ever written in my life, over 4000 words! I've broken my record today.
Who's following them and what'll happen next?
Who's this 'he' they keep talking about and why is he after Daihaah?
Team Muhsin?
Team Prince Aamir?
The next few chapters will be a bunch of roller coaster rides, hehehe. Be ready.
Drop loads of comments and I'll update even with writer's block.
BTW I have a big exam coming up on 22nd so I need your prayers please.
Also, we've reached 10K thank y'all. AT FIRST SIGHT is almost at 50k so please tell your friends, neighbors, cousins, heck even your abokan fada, ehen those enemies tell them to read my books pweashhhh.
Instagram:-jannahhh_k, _jannah_writes and Arabcians.
Love, Jannah.
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