Chapter 12👑

April 22, 2018.

Karaye, Kano.

Khadijah Daihaah's POV

You might think that since Adda Anee will be getting married tomorrow she should be all shy and introverted most especially around her soon to be in-laws and future husband, but believe me it's the exact opposite.

Tomorrow being the nikah, most of our close family relatives stayed over for the wedding. Ya Muhsin stayed too on Abba's request and Baffa Lamido's too. Baffa Lamido never seemed to like Ya Muhsin much, but lately he had been sickly sweet towards him so much that it has been suspicious to me.

The El Khabirs aren't as carefree as they'd always been, with the exception of Anty Rabi. They are now a less blithe and more introverted. Neither Baba Sarki nor Abba said a word about this; it's like they knew what's with the El Khabirs sudden change of demeanor.

"So, we're all leaving on Sunday since Daihaah has to return the next day and so as Aaliyah and Ammah" Abba said as we're all seated outside having breakfast.

"Very well. We're leaving immediately after the nikah. We have to return back to Kano in time for our flight back to Katsina" Sultan Kabir said looking up to look at Abba who nodded.

"Muhsin, your father mentioned that you are travelling on Sunday too?" Baffa Lamido asked with a suspicious smile on his face.

"Yes, that's why I'm leaving early on Saturday, I have some work to take care of" he answered back. Honestly, I don't want him to leave but what can I do? It's not like I would ask him to stay.

Adda Anee who has been quiet all through spoke, "Umm Abbah.....I also have to go back to work on Monday. Apparently there's this new outfit designed by a well known designer, Layla Waziri. I was supposed to meet her personally, but she declined the offer ostensibly she never met any of her clients personally."

Abba looked between her and Sultan Omar, "Well as long as Sultan Omar agrees with it since by then you are his wife"

"It's okay. She can go, I'd already talked to her manager about it" Sultan Omar said with a small smile but I didn't miss how his smile wasn't directed to her but Abba.

What's going on here?

Adda Anee released a small sigh, "Thank you" she said to Sultan Omar curtly who in return just nodded. "It's dubious how this Layla Waziri never met any of her clients. I had done a research on her but in all her social media accounts there wasn't any clear picture of her and she's prominently famous" Adda Anee went further talking about this Layla Waziri. The way she placed her hand under her chin while it leaned on her thigh, her fingers lightly caressing one another in anticipation just meant that she's more than eager about this work of hers.

I've heard her name a couple of times from Jannah, and it's true there hasn't been any picture with a clear view of her face, but that doesn't stop the endless envy she gets from other females. I don't know much about her but I know she's famous, like so famous.

I wonder what she looks like....

"Maybe she wants to keep her identity a secret" Ya Muhsin said to Adda Anee as he kept his plate aside.

"That could be true, but then it's well known that she's Senator Jabeer Waziri's daughter" Adda Anee said seeming to be really interested in Layla's life.

"You should not get too involved with her life Aneesah, she has a reason for hiding her identity as Muhsin said so you should leave it at that" Umma said taking a slice of Apple. She has been trying to get back on Ya Muhsin's good side since the day before but it was all to no avail. He never made it easy for her.

"I never said she hides her identity, it was just a probability" Ya Muhsin said as he glanced at Umma with a stoic face.

Samhah who had been staring at her phone since we started eating breakfast looked up for the first time, "Only her close family members knows what she looks like unlike her brother" she said.

"She has a brother?" I asked because I never heard a thing about him. Ya Muhsin raised a brow questionably about my sudden interest in knowing about the brother. I shrugged and smiled sheepishly knowing that he might've thought I was interested in the brother.

"Oh yes she has a brother, an egoistic one for that matter. He thinks he's above everyone, he's bossy and arrogant. So to him, everyone has to do what he wants which is so stupid" Samhah pursed her lips forward, her eyes slightly narrowed as if remembering something that pissed her off. "I can't believe I actually thought deep down he is altruistic" She muttered.

Adda Anee watched her closely, "You seem to know much about him"

Samhah's eyes widen at this, "Yeah....well...umm...that's what everyone says about him" she said stammering and chuckled nervously afterwards.

"Ok....." I drawled as I made eye contact with Adda Anee who gave me a knowing look. There's more to this story than she's letting out.

"Let's hope that's just it" Prince Aamir said for the first time. He was been more quiet than usual and hasn't said a word to me since the day of the anniversary. I haven't been seeing much of him except during breakfast and dinner, since we eat together but other than that, it's like he doesn't exist at all.

"Yes yaya" Samhah said as she looked down fiddling with the ring on her finger. I noticed the small letter 'S' encrusted on the heart shaped ring adorned with what seem to be like small aquamarines. It is beautiful.

"The ring is beautiful" I whispered as I leaned closer to her.

She looked up and the frown on her face turned into a small smile, "Thank you, someone gave it to me" she whispered back which made me chuckle. This made everyone look at us.

"We'll talk later" I whispered again not minding to hide the smile that made its way on my face. I knew there was more to the story than what she said.

Like I said before, she's so much like Adda Anee.

And just like that, the topic about Layla Waziri was long forgotten.


December 12, 2018

Kano, Nigeria

"Haba Ummi please let me go with you" Daihaah pleaded her mother who is zipping her box.

"Dijeh I've already said no. I'm just visiting your grandmother because she is sick. Muhsin is coming to see you tomorrow before the wedding so you need to stay here" Ummi said trying to reason with her stubborn daughter.

"But Ya Muhsin will understand, he can come next week just pretty please let me go with you. Besides I'll be all alone here" Daihaah kept on whining to the extent that she dragged her mother's box and held it close to her all so Ummi would let her travel along.

Ummi finally stopped what she is doing only to glare at Daihaah, "I had already said no, and that's final" she said taking her box back from Daihaah, "And besides, that's why I asked you to stay in Aneesah's house since she's in town"

"But Ummi---"

"No more buts Dijeh!" Ummi said strictly making Daihaah groan

"Fine" Daihaah pouted. She got off the bed and walked out her mother's room closing the door shut, before she stomped to her room sulking.

She changed into a blue Smurfet pajama with a white beanie. As she walked pass the mirror she glanced at her sulking face. She stood in front of the mirror and stuck her tongue out, this made her laugh. She placed her hand on her hips and flutter her eye lashes, she did another and another silly pose again as she kept on laughing at her reflection. This would've seemed weird if she is the only girl that does such.

She took out her phone and snapped many selfies as that was what she knew best to do when she's fed up. She picked out the ones that stood out and sent it to Jannah.

When Jannah found out about Adda Anee's wedding, she was hell bent on going all the way to Karaye. But her mother was against it saying she can attend the wedding events but not the nikah as it was too far away, and she must go back to school because, she has disturbed her life so much already. So when the wedding came, she couldn't attend it because that very week, she and her family left for Umrah.

Just as Daihaah predicted, Jannah freaked out when she heard about Adda Anee marrying an El Khabir. She didn't believe her until Daihaah sent her a picture of the duo she secretly took. Even though the two didn't know about the picture, and were unaware when it was taken, the picture was so picturesque it could make society cover. Eventually when the news about them getting married came out, it became the talk of town.

As Daihaah sat on her bed chatting away on her phone,the door creaked down and Ummi walked in with two tubs of strawberry ice cream in her hand. Daihaah visibly gulped looking at the mouth watery tubs. Her eyes were fixated on it as she felt all the anger leave her body and is being replaced by the urge to have that ice cream. Because she has pneumonia, Ummi became so cautious that she stopped Daihaah from taking ice cream and anything cold.

Ummi walked further into the room and sat on the bed opposite Daihaah, she kept the tubs on the bed. Her long Kanuri hair tied into a low bun as she is dressed in a white pjs. It is surprising how Ummi doesn't look a day over thirty, and still manage to dress and look young. Her impeccable resemblance to Daihaah is mind blowing, but then again, she's her mother after all.

"Let's have some girl time before I leave..." She smiled handing a tub to Daihaah who collect it.

"Thank you" Daihaah said as she smiled a bit.

"So, how's our husband to be?" Ummi asked scooping a spoonful of ice cream.

Daihaah chocked on her ice cream, "Our husband?" she asked laughing hysterically.

Ummi chuckled, "Yes, our husband. That was what your grandma always said before your father and I got married. Your grandma would a times sneak behind me whenever your father and I were left alone to talk, she said she's the second wife so she must know everything. It was funny since we both knew she was just joking, but at that time, it was embarrassing, like sooooo embarrassing" Ummi laughed wiping the small bits of ice cream that was on her lips.

Daihaah chuckled, "I can't even imagine you doing that" she said.

Ummi raised a brow amusedly, "You don't have to imagine. Just wait, when I'm back from visiting your grandma, that would exactly be what I'll be doing, you know like mother like daughter" she shrugged hiding the smile on her face.

"Chabbb. Haba Ummi don't do this to me naa, ai bama haka" Daihaah smiled sweetly trying to blackmail her mother with that.

"Toh if you don't want me to do that then I'll ask Umma to do that for you" Ummi said as she laughed seeing Daihaah's terrified face.

"Wai, worst of worse kenan. Wannan ai she'll end the marriage before it happens" Daihaah shivered at the thought of that. But it really is true; Umma wouldn't hesitate to end the wedding that hasn't happened yet.

"True that. If it was someone other than Muhsin, her sight alone will scare the person away especially if she's wearing that scowl on her face. Ni I'm beginning to think her face will freeze like that because of how often she scowls" Ummi agreed getting another spoonful.

"I would love for her face to stay like that kuwa, gashi if she puts on that her reading glass, chab she resembles one she-goat" Daihaah laughed again.

"Don't say that about her!" Ummi scolded.

Daihaah shrugged, "But it's true. And I wasn't insulting her, I was just describing her"

"Ok then I supposes you are right. It's reading glasses yet she turned hers into a fashion one"

"I know right!" Daihaah laughed so hard that she clutched her abdomen. Just the reminiscing the memory of Umma with glasses struggling to read is hysterical, actually beyond hysterical.

"Ok that's enough about Umma. Tomorrow you're leaving to Aneesah's house, I've already informed her and she's more than excited to have you there" Ummi said placing the spoon back into the tub.

"I haven't seen her since her conveyance, I miss my Adda Anee" Daihaah said already thinking of all the things she can't wait to tell her sister in person. Adda Anee has always treated and loved Daihaah like her own sister from the same mother, so that is why she loves her so much.

"Toh mai sister. I'll only be away for five days so stay with her. Ni dai Dijeh remember, if the weather changes don't go anywhere without a hoodie or a jacket, and don't go around taking cold things anyhow, I know you well enough to know you can do that. Also, don't go around disturbing your sister, she's married now" Ummi tipped her off placing the now half eaten ice cream aside.

"Ok Ummi"

The mother and daughter kept talking about other things like long lost friends. It was something not every mother and daughter has, but still, it strengthens their bond. When it got late, they decided to call it a night. Ummi picked up the now empty tubs after telling Daihaah to sleep she'll take care of it.

Daihaah reclined on the bed, got under her comfy comforter and willed for sleep to come but it didn't. No matter how hard she tried to shut her eyes so she could sleep she just couldn't.

Around 12am when she still couldn't sleep, she got off the bed and slowly made her way to her mother's room. She slowly opened the door quietly careful not to make a sound but was surprised to see the bedside lamp still on. She tilted her head in confusion but nevertheless walked further into the room.

She saw Ummi seated on the bed holding what seem to be like an old wood box. The box isn't a big one, it's actually a small one and by the dust on it, it's a very old one. Ummi didn't notice Daihaah presence as she kept looking at an old photo from the box. She could hear Ummi's soft sobs as she clutch the paper like her life depended on it. Daihaah stood there in shock not really knowing what to do. Ummi looks so broken.

Whose picture is that and why is Ummi crying? She wondered.

"Ummi?" she finally find her voice.

Ummi swifty wiped the tears on her face with her palms, placed the picture back into the box and closed it shut. She looked at Daihaah and cleared her throat forcing a wide smile on her face.

"Dijeh, why are you still up? You should be asleep" she said kicking the box further under the bed.

Daihaah looked away from Ummi's face and her gaze landed on Ummi's feet which she used to push the box away.

"Ummi what is that?" Daihaaah asked ignoring her mother's earlier question.

"It's nothing" Ummi said walking closer to Daihaah.

Daihaah looked at her mother's puffy face which clearly meant that she had been crying for a while now. Her heart broke and she felt tears well up in her eyes seeing her mother like this. She can see behind Ummi's façade, she has never seen her this vulnerable no matter how much she tried to act like she's okay.

"It didn't seem like nothing, Ummi what was that?" she asked Ummi, her voice low practically pleading her.

Ummi chuckled "It's really nothing, don't worry about it" she said holding Daihaah's hands in hers.

Daihaah engulfed her mother in a warm embrace, it surprised Ummi but nonetheless, she hugged her back.

"Ummi I won't force you to tell me, but just know I'm always here for you"

Ummi so badly had to hold back her tears, "I know my daughter" she said quickly wiping the tears that streamed down her face so her daughter wouldn't see it. Daihaah had already let the waterworks began by now, and that's how much she was worried about Ummi.

"So would you now tell me why you're still awake young lady?" Ummi asked Daihaah a few minutes later. They are now both seated on Ummi's bed. Daihaah's head laid on Ummi's lap as she strokes her unbraided hair. Ummi didn't tell her why she was crying and she didn't ask not wanting to interfere in what she's not ready to tell her yet.

"I couldn't sleep" she replied feeling her eye slowly close in their own accord. All that crying made her exhausted.

Ummi hummed in understanding.

"Ummi can I sleep here tonight?" she asked half conscious.

"Of course you can"

And that was how Daihaah slept in the company of her mother, and she slept soundly.Ummi is still not ready to tell her about that part of her life yet, even if she knows that she has all right to know about it, but still. She has no idea how much it'll affect her but she knows it would. So, as long as she's alive, she'll keep her away from learning that truth for her own safety.

She won't ever let Daihaah know about that yet.



So, who can guess what's going on?

Hehehe, there's so much to come. The drama hasn't started yet and so as the story.

Spoiler alert! Get your fragile hearts ready and your tissue box pack by you side, we're about to encounter an extreme roller coaster ride

You've been warned, hehehe!



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