Chapter 1👑

Bismillahi Al Rahma Al Raheem.

June 17th.




The day I dread most in a week. Why? Because I have to go my haddah school, Madarasatul Tahfeez ul Qur'an. Don't get me wrong, I love the Qur'an and everything Islamic related but not that school. I've been in it for five years now and I'm in my final year, Hadda three.

I should be jumping in joy right? I should be elated that I'll soon be done-that all the efforts will be worth it. Trust me, I am happy but, I cannot wait to leave. Our teachers had become stricter on us, and it's suffocating.

The one thing that keeps me sane, regarding the issue is the remembrance that today's my last day. Tomorrow, I'll be a university student in shaa Allah. I'm done with secondary school, and the school semester starts the day after tomorrow so I have to move to hostel.

Sighing, I stood up from my comfy bed immediately missing its warmth. I just want to go back and sleep a little more-or a couple of hours more. I'm not picky, any one in my position would want the same thing.

With one last glance at my bed and a big heart, I closed my eyes and walked to the bathroom to take a long relaxing bath to wash the sleep away. Serves me right for staying up late talking to Muhsin.

Muhsin is a family friend, and in a way, boyfriend. At least, that's what my friends say. Honestly, I wouldn't put him in that position, the labels aren't that important. Perhaps they say that because sometimes, we act such away. But, it's just to goof around, nothing serious. All I am sure of is that we're close, we've always been for as long as I can remember.

In times when he needs to act like an elder brother, he's there. When he needs to act like a friend, he's there. And when he needs to act like a boyfriend, he's there. There's nothing official between us, and I prefer it that way. I'm sixteen, that's not something I should worry about.

After the shower, I stepped out of the bathroom in my robe and dressed up.

My father isn't the richest man alive. He's just an average businessman into marketing, and Masha Allah he has enough to feed his family. He has two wives, his first wife being Umma and then my mother, Ummi.

Umma isn't the nicest woman alive. Actually, the opposite. I might as well label her the cruelest woman I've ever came across.

She's that kind of over jealous wife. She never hides her attitude in front of anyone, not even in Abba's presence. She calls Ummi with all sorts of names and occasionally, use every chance she gets to gloat about how she has children while Ummi only has me. You know that mentality women have about how if you have many children, it means you own your husband and rule the household? She had that mentality engraved in her brain.

I don't see the point honestly.

Everyone can see that Abba doesn't appreciate the way Umma acts, though he never calls her out on it publicly. If I didn't know better, then I'd say that he would've divorced her long ago if not for old age and the children they have together. That's just my thought though, it might not be accurate.

Our home isn't a mansion. It's just a moderate house with two flats. One for Ummi, and one for Umma. Abba stays in both, based on the dates that is. Despite everything happening in our household, he doesn't treat Umma and Ummi any differently. He tries his best to be a good husband to both. Anyone can see that.

Umma has seven children. Four males and three females.

Ya Abdul being her first son and the eldest in the family, but he's nothing like Umma. He's nice though strict. He is 32 and married to a Fulani lady, Habibah.

Ya Abba being the second born and an exact replica of Umma-they have the same attitude, nothing less, nothing more. He's 29 and still unmarried.

Ya Audu is the third born, and he's the money obsessed freak in the family. His character depends on whether he's broke or not. If he's broke, he's worse than Umma. If he has money, he can be the nicest person alive. In other words, he can do anything for money. He's 27 and unmarried too.

Ya Moh is the fourth born in the family. He's nothing like his brothers or mother. He's my favorite if I have to say so myself. He's 25 and unmarried just like the others.

Moving on to the girls, there's Adda Fatimah Aneesah, or Anee as her friends call her. She's fashion obsessed freak, and a 20-year-old model. She's constantly moving from one rich boyfriend to another yet she's still not married. She had never been serious about relationships. But, underneath all that, she's nice. She along with Ya Moh treat me like a blood sister and not a step sister.

The next is Aaliyah, she's the nuisance. She's in her SS1 currently, and she's 14 years old.

Then finally, Baby Ammah, she's a sweetheart, but a prankster. Other than that, she's pretty amazing. She's 11 years old.

Being an only child has its good side too. I get everything from Ummi as long as she can afford it. Same thing goes for Abba.

After dressing up, I stood in front of the mirror to fix my hijab. Satisfied with how it looks, I picked up my bag and slipped my phone in to it. Technically, it's not allowed to go to school with phone, but that's a rule my classmates had broken long ago. The teachers don't complain about it anymore.

Immediately I stepped out of my room, the scrumptious aroma of my mom's food hit my nostrils making my stomach growl loudly. I quickly walked downstairs to our medium size kitchen and saw my mom by the gas cooker cooking breakfast.

"Assalamu Alaikum. Ina kwana Ummi na" I greeted heading towards her. I peeked over her shoulder to see the food she's making, only for my lips to stretch into a grin. Ummi never disappoints with her food.

"Wa alaikissalam. Lafiya Dijeh na" She teased. She knows how much I hate that name, Dijeh. It sounds like a name you'd give to a person who lives in a village.

"Haba Ummi please stop calling me that" I pouted slightly, making her laugh.

"Ok Kubrah na, now get the plates, I know you're hungry" She said turning the gas cooker off.

I made my way over to the kitchen cabinets and took out three plates, one for me, one for Ummi and one for Abba. I then placed them on the dining table and went back to the kitchen to pick up the food warmers that Ummi put the food she made into.

I picked up Abba's coffee mug knowing how much he loves coffee in the morning. For Ummi and me, I just picked up our two cups of tea and kept them all on the dining table.

Just then, Abba came out of his room all dressed up in his grey jellabiya.

"Good morning Abba na" I greeted making him smile as he took his place in the table. Ummi took the seat to his right, while I sat on the chair to his left.

"Good morning to you too mamana" He replied. I was named after my paternal grandmother. So Abba always calls me 'mamana' unlike ummi who always calls me 'dijeh'. To think she'd call me, who's named after her mother in law, with such a name.

"You're leaving for school tomorrow koh?" He asked after taking a sip from his coffee.

"Yes, Abba" I replied smiling widely. Don't blame me, I'm a jambite going to University after six years of secondary school. Honestly the last two years of secondary school was too boring, all I wanted to do was to write my WAEC and NECO so that I'll never ever have to wear uniform and white socks again.

"Sai dauki takeyi saboda university" Ummi shook her head before she chuckled, lightly. "Eyya my daughter, after first semester you'll no longer want to go to university again. You'd prefer the secondary school ma" Ummi said eating a spoonful of her food.

"I don't think so. Haba Ummi do you know how much I'm tired of secondary ne?" I complained, after chewing and swallowing the food in my mouth. This made Abba chuckle.

"We'll see mamanah" He said with a warm smile on his face.


I arrived at school thirty minutes later. I knew I am late without a doubt. So, when I reached our classroom, I peeked through the window of our class only to see the discipline master, Ya Mu'allim sheikh Shafi'i standing there with his hands intertwined behind him,

"حسنا حسنا. خديجة ، يا لها من مفاجأة جميلة ، تأخرت مرة أخرى
Hasanan hasana. Khadijatan, ya laha min mufaja'at jamilat. Ta'akharat marat 'ukhraa. (Well, well. Khadijah. What a lovely surprise, you're late again)" He said not looking in my direction.

How does he even know I'm standing here?

I bit my lower lips, briefly clenching my eyes shut. When I mustered enough courage, I exhaled, opened my eyes and walked into the class. Immediately my eyes fell on him, I offered him a small grin,

"معلم شيخ الشافعي. كيف حالكم
Mu'allim Shaykh Alshaafiei. Kayf halikum? (Muallim Sheikh Shafi'i. How are you?)" I asked.

All the class members were kneeling but since I had no idea what they did, and I wasn't around when they did it, I decided to sit. I shouldn't be punished for a crime I didn't commit.

" الركوع الآن. إذا لم تكن ذكيًا ، كنت أتساءل كيف ستنتهي في حياتك بموقفك هذا
Alrukue Alana! 'Iidha lm takun dhakyan, kunt 'atasa'al kayf satantahi fi hayatik bimuqifik hdaha (Kneel now. If you weren't smart, I would've wondered how you will end in your life with this attitude of yours)" He spat angrily.

I resisted the urge to roll my eyes already used to this act of his. The man won't ever let me off the hook no matter what I did. I don't know why he hates me so much. "معلم الشافعي. كيف يمكنني الركوع عندما لا أعرف ماذا فعلت؟
Muealam alshshafiei. Kayf yumkinuni alrukue eindama la 'aerif madha faelat? (Muallim Shafi'iy. How can I kneel when I don't know what I did wrong?)

I probably shouldn't have asked that, but I honestly like looking for the man's trouble. Besides, it's my last day here, I might as well look for trouble one last time.

"خديجة ، اخرج من هذا الفصل الآن! اخرج و اسجد تحت الشمس
Khadijat , 'akhraja min hadha fasl al'an! 'Akhraj wasjad taht alshams (Khadijah, get out of this class now! Go outside and kneel under the sun)" He shouted angrily.

I looked away. Now, if the circumstances were different, I would've done as he said out of fear for my wellbeing. If I end up in this man's hands, I'll know that I shouldn't mess with him.

I stood up and headed out. Before I leave the class, I saw him smirk probably thinking he won.

Bro, you're wrong.

I walked out and look around the school premises. It's was clear. Everyone is in their various classes. I walked towards the swings by the other side of the school and sat on one, crossing my legs. I didn't plan on kneeling, no thank you. I've knelt enough for the past years in my life.

I brought out my phone and chat with my friends on WhatsApp.

A few minutes later, I saw Sheikh Shafi'iy coming out of our class and looking around, looking around for me.

His eye glasses were resting on the bridge of his nose. His cap covering half his forehead. His short uztaz trousers stopping only a few lengths below his knees, and his long white half jamfa shirt stopping by his knees.

He was fuming with anger as he pace around to and fro mumbling probably incoherent stuff to himself. He brought out his Nokia torchlight phone with worn out keypad calling God know who. The sight was just hysterical, soon enough I erupted into laughter. Thankfully, he didn't hear or see me. So, I was safe.

And well, that's how my day started with me pissing my teachers off....


"Omo!! See this fine guy!" Jannah said scrolling through her Instagram for random people's pictures on Instagram. I'm telling you, the girl is wasting her destiny by that. But she won't listen.

We are all seated in our class talking about one thing or the other, our teacher is absent so were just passing away time. Mu'allim Shafi'iy hasn't come looking for me, thanfully so I am safe.

"Lemme see" Umm Sulaym said peeking at Jannah's phone.

"Which Instagram account be that?" Another friend of ours, Ibtisam, or Ibty as we call her asked Jannah. She's sitting close to the girl so they have been scrolling through the feed since.

"Keeping up with the El Khabirs" Jannah replied.

"El Khabir? Aren't they that rich family?" I raised a brow glancing at them. "I've heard about them from Addah Anee" I said turning around to snap a picture of myself on Snapchat with my phone not paying much attention to the guy they're ogling over.

"Yessooo. Man see his younger brother. Ya ilahi! Someone please pair me up with him" Jannah hand fanned herself dramatically. This best friend of mine is a drama queen I tell you.

I rolled my eyes at her behavior, that's all she knows how to do. "Jannah you be for water" I said taking another pic of myself with the flower crown filter, my favorite.

"Goat!" She hissed, "Abeg shrrup jorhh! Just because you have a handsome boyfriend you're now forming for us" She said glaring at me playfully. Being my best friend, she knows that Muhsin isn't my boyfriend. But, that doesn't mean she doesn't use it to tease me either way.

"Just forget about her. Now please see, shey the younger brother is finer than the older bro" Ibty said pointing at some guy's picture as she turned the phone for me to see.

"I can't decide. They're both fine, just pair me up with any of them" Jannah sighed.

"Ok then. Daihaah, who is finer please?" Umm Sulaym asked with a brow raised.

I glanced at the pictures. I couldn't exactly pick one out because they are both good looking. So, I said the first one that came to my mind.

"The younger brother" I said dismissing the topic already, I don't want to get caught up in the middle of this.


After school, I bid my friends whom I might never see again farewell. Even my teachers, hoping that they'll someday forgive me for all the stunts I've pulled up in school. I believe I've caused enough trouble for them. Honestly, I think some of them are happy that I'll finally leave, I could tell from the failed grin they tried to hide when I bid them goodbye.

My driver picked me up and soon enough I was at the confines of my home. I headed in after thanking the driver.

While walking pass Umma's flat, I saw her coming out with a friend of hers. I don't want to have anything to do with her knowing it won't be of any good to me but I couldn't just pass without greeting my elders. Ummi will skin me alive once she hears I've done that. So, I walked towards them knowing fully well what I'm getting myself into.

"Ina yinin Ku?" I greeted, squatting down.

Umma's friend was the first to reply. "Lahiya lau. Ahh lallai. Is this Aaliya? Masha Allah she has grown into such a beautiful young lady" The woman asked with a smile on her face.

I smiled back and was about to reply her when Umma beat me to it.

"Chab!!" She scoffed loudly. "Allah Sawaqe! Wannan fa diyar waccar matar ce. Diyar Shatu ce" Umma replied sending me a glare.

I looked away, moving my gaze back to the woman instead of Umma.

"No" I smiled, "I'm Khadijah"

"Masha Allah! You have grown into a beautiful young lady. Allah yi miki Albarka" The woman said to me, grinning. She then turned to Umma "Larai, kiji tsoron Allah. Me yarinyar nan tamiki to deserve such hatred from you?" She asked Umma who hissed loudly.

Umma hissed, "Lauratu idan wa'azi zaki min,ki tattara kayan ki kibar min gida yanxu!" She spat out angrily to which the Lauratu just smiled at her.

"Wallahi Larai kinji kunya" Lauratu tutted. "You don't know how you'll end up in life. One day Larai, you'll regret it. You will see the consequence of your actions"

"I thought I asked you to leave my house dai koh? " Umma ignored her words.

"Allah ya shirye ki" Lauratu said sparing Umma one last glance before walking out.

I stood up about and turned around to leave when Umma spoke up.

"Shedaniyar yarinya. See what you've done, you've separated me with my friend. Zanyi maganin ki wallahi matsiyaciya"

I turned around and smiled at her "Thank you Umma" With that, I took my leave.

I'm used to Umma's behavior. It had been one thing about her that hans't changed for as long as I can remember. One thing I learn about her is to never speak back to her or any elder for that matter. Ummi repeated that to me times without number.

The moment I entered my mom's flat, the heavenly scent of turaren wuta hit my nostrils. Leave it to Ummi to make sure it feels like home all the time. She has this obsession with incense which I will never understand. I know it's only natural for one to love it, I do too, but hers is another issue.

Immediately I threw my bag on a couch and laid on another. Clasping my eyes shut, I inhaled the scent deeply as the chilly air condition air hits me.

"Oh Dijeh daga dawowa sai kwanciya?" Ummi said coming in from the kitchen only to sprawled on the couch.

"Ummi na what did you cook please?"

"Your favorite" She said and a wide grin immediately made its way on my face.

"Ummi you wouldn't believe what happened today" I said sitting on the carpet with my plateful of what she prepared.

"What happened?" She asked and I told her all about what happened with Umma to which she ended up advising me to be patient with her. As always.


Originally written on: 17/07/19

Rewritten on: 17/06/21.

Love, Jannah.

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