Chapter 6 ~°ScalesWind°~
Azuna's/Luna's P.O.V
After Laurence got knocked out by a girl with red hair, I got furious. I heard Aphmau's voice yell Laurence's Name. Then the strange girl started talking.
"Why does that voice.." Aphmau asked herself.
"...Huh? Oh darn it. I knocked him out cold...Huh? Why does he look so Familiar..?" she asked.
" N-Nicole!?" Aphmau yelled. "I knew that voice sounded familiar!"
"...Please tell me this isn't a dream...I just now realised that you both have c-cat ears and tails..but this has to be a it?" Nicole asked.
I pinched her. "Nope this isn't a dream." I explained.
She screamed as I pinched her. "IT REALLY IS YOU APHMAU!!! IRENE BLESS ME!! I JUST CANT BELIEVE YOUR BACK!!" she yelled in excitement. "But this guy...IT MUST BE LAURENCE!!"
We remained silent.
"IT IS HIM!!" she yelled. "ITS SO GOOD TO SEE YOU!!" Aphmau yelled. I was really confused.
"You have no idea my heart just exploded when I realised it was you," she said. "...Unfortunately I have yo cut this short. I need to save a comrade who issues out a distress call." She explained.
"From abby right? Because she was the one who issued Aphmau with a distress call." I said.
"So Abby is safe? Good that means I can call off my guards. We can load up Laurence and we can all head to ScalesWind. But First who are you?" she asked me.
"I'm Luna. Luna Midnight." I lied. I had to I don't want them to think that I am a Divine Warrior..
"Nice to meet you Luna. Now we can..." She stopped. "Did..did you hear that?" she asked.
"Hear What?" We both asked. "Someone is watching us.." she explained.
She started walking towards the sound but she got knocked out. By Katelyn!?
"KATELYN!! Now we gotta carry her to her wagon that we were gonna put laurence in but now we gotta put both of them in her wagon!" Aphmau shouted.
"Look I thought it was a bandit that attack laurence..not my fault." She said.
"Technically it IS your fault. You shouldn't just ASSUME people for who they are." I explained crossing my arms.
"Um EXCUSE ME!?" she shouted.
"Katelyn...Luna break it up lets just put them in the wagon and go." Aphmau said. We growled at each other then agreed.
~TimeSkip To ScalesWind~
After we got to Scaleswind which I thought was a beautiful place.
I was on the balcony of Nicole's House she came towards I was at.
"Hey Luna.." she greeted me. "Hey..sorry for Katelyn knocking you out.." I said. "Its okay." she replied.
"Beautiful place..isn't it?" she asked me. "Y-Yeah.." I replied.
"Do you get out much?" she asked. I shook my head no. She frowned a little.
"I lost my family when I was nine years old." I said. " sorry.." she said putting a hand on my shoulder.
"Its okay..I never really liked them..they were really bossy to me so . . . i had to work for them . . ." I explained.
"But hey the past is the past . . . we have to move on at some point . . ." I said.
She nodded. "Yeah your right . . ."
"STOP HIM!!" I hear Aphmau and Katelyn yell in unison.
I see a boy maybe ten years of age, but he had blue hair. And was holding one of Katelyn's weapons.
"Katelyn whats going on?!" I asked her.
"This brat took my weapons!!!!" she yelled. "THEY'RE NOT YOUR DUMB LADY THEIR MY MOM'S" he snapped back. "DID YOU JUST CALL ME DUMB!?"
Then Nicole smacked him and he fell on the floor. Then a flashback came.
~Flash Back~
"Azuna Get down here and clean this mess up!!" My mother shouted.
"Y-yes ma'am . . ." i said as I got the broom. I cleaned up the mess and started reading a book.
She grabbed the book I was reading and started yelling at me.
"Why are you reading this!? YOU NEED TO FINISH YOUR CHORES!!" She yelled.
'B-but . . ." I said then she smacked me across the face.
~Flash Back End~
I felt a tear run down my face. Aphmau looked at me. "Luna?" she asked.
"I . . . I need to go . . ." then I left the room and to my room that Nicole gave me. I sat on the bed and started crying my eyes out. I started singing but only a little. . .
Got a secret, can you keep it . . .Swear this once you'll save. . .
Better lock it in your pocket. . . taking this one to the grave . . .
If I show you then I know you. . . won't tell what I said. . .
'Cause two can keep a secret. . .if one of them is dead. . .
Then I stopped. Tears kept coming out. I heard someone come in my room I see it was Laurence?
"L-laurence. . .?" I asked. Hoping he wouldn't see my cry.
"Are you okay Luna?" he asked me. I nodded my head yes. He sighed and sat next to me. I looked away. He put his hand on my chin and forced my face to see him.
He saw the tears on my face and wiped them with him thumb.
"Luna. . ." he said. But all i did was just cry more. I just showed weakness. That's. . .that's not who I am. . .
As I cried he pulled me into a protective hug. I cried onto his shoulder as he rubbed my back.
"Don't worry Luna. . .I know how it feels to be hated by parents. . ." he explained. What??
"L-laurence. . .?" I asked. "Shh calm down. . .don't worry your safe. . ." He said calming my down a little. I felt my face heat up. Soon enough I fell asleep.
Laurence's P.O.V ~Oh someone elses POV XD~
I see Luna asleep. I feel really bad for her. . .I put her in bed and pulled the covers over her. I smiled slightly and kissed her forehead.
I walked out of her room and closed the door quietly. I noticed it was getting dark.
I guess everyone else went to bed. I guess I will too.
I went to me room and went under the covers and tried to sleep which I couldn't. I can't stop thinking about Luna.
That smile that we first met.
I can't stop thinking about her. But I thought I loved Aphmau? I sighed in annoyance.
Then eventually I drifted off to sleep.
Azuna's/Luna's P.O.V
I woke up in my bed. I got up and I saw that Nicole left some cloths for me. I smiled.
She gave me a white shirt, dark blue shorts with leggings underneath, and boots that I can run in.
Not gonna lie but these clothes look nice with my cat ears and tail.
I left my room and as I was walking I bumped into some one and I was gonna fall but someone caught me. It was Laurence!
I felt my face heat up and again and his face was red too. Mines probably redder.
"Be Careful there Luna. . .you might fall. . ." He said. "Uh Y-yeah. ." I replied.
I pulled me back up and I was standing again. I thanked him and he smiled then nodded.
As we walked into the dining room we see Aphmau with Nichole talking and Aphmau was wearing a new attire.
After we ate breakfast we went outside to the front gates. I see the guy that I met at the broken down village. . .where his family died. I said no word and so did he we only looked at each other then looked away.
We see a family at the front gates and the father looked like he was crying.
"Excuse me what happened?" Nicole asked. "Our son. . .he had passed just a few minutes ago. . ." he explained.
"Please come in. . .we will arrange funeral arrangements. We have food water you can stay as long as you want." Nicole explained.
Aphmau went towards the child. "Irene bless you. . .my baby. . ." The mother said. I went towards Aphmau and the mother.
"I should say a prayer. . ." Aphmau said. I nodded. She started praying for the baby boy when a light came from Aphmau.
The boy was back to life. Aphmau was shocked. I knew she would be. . . Irene. . .you saved him. . .I smiled.
I know that you are Irene Aphmau. . .I know that you are but, I can't tell you now. Because. . .its not the time to tell.
But one day Aphmau. . .you will know the truth of me and who you really are. . .
You are Irene Aphmau. . .no doubt about it. Shad, Esmund, Menphia, Enki, and Kul'Zac. . .I know that you don't have memory of them. . .but you will soon Irene. . .soon. . .
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