Chapter 1 ~°Divine Warriors°~

Azuna's P.O.V

I recently found out that I have a very special power. But I am only 10 years of age. My village called me a monster. Even my own parents. I felt....betrayed...

I left my home village I could not take the hate anymore. I ran into a forest a very big forest. I was powers were controllable. I could control it.

Time went by and I sat by a tree. I was crying. I love my parents but they called me a monster because I have power.

I heard someone behind me. I hid behind the tree and heard a man and a women talk.

"Hello?" she called out. I was shaking. "We are not gonna hurt you.." a man's voice called out. I sighed and walked out.

They both looked at me. My head was down.

The woman came to me and put a hand on my head. I looked up and saw her. She had hazel eyes and she wiped the tears off me.

"Don't worry we won't hurt you." she said. She pulled me into a hug. It scared me a little.

"Do you know where you live?" said the strange man behind her.

She broke the hug so I can answer. "Y-yes..." I said tearing up again.

"Are you okay..?" the lady said with worry. "N-no....I ran from my village b-because....because..." I said stopping myself.

"Shh you don't have to say...You can tell us you want to go back to your village..?" she asked.

I shaked my head no. "They called me a m-monster because....I have power never seen before....they called me a monster and threw rocks at did my own parents..." I said crying again.

She pulled me into a hug again. This time I hugged back. I was shaking.

"You can stay with us.." she said. I was shocked "But you want a monster like me to stay with you..??" I said looking at her.

"Your not a monster. I can tell your power is very unique! Maybe stronger than my own!" she said. I look at her in shock.

"W-what?!" I asked. She nodded. She broke the hug.

"My name is Irene..The Matron.." She said. The man stepped forward. "My name is Esmund..The Protector.." he said.

"What's your name?" Irene asked. "M-my name is Azuna.." I said.

"That's a pretty name. Nice to meet you Azuna." Irene greeted me. I smiled.

"So I can live with you..?" I asked. She nodded so did Esmund. I smiled And hugged her. She hugged back.

She grabbed my hand and we started walking.

Time went by and we reached a cave. Where I saw four other people. I was scared. What would they think of me??

"Everyone I would like you to meet...Azuna." Irene said. They looked and me and another girl went up to me.

"Well hi there Azuna my name is Menphia..The Fury!" she said. I smiled a little.

The three other guys came towards me. "My name is Enki..The Keeper.." a man with white hair said.

"My name is Kul'Zac..The Wanderer.." Kul'Zac said.

"My name is Shad.....The Destroyer...." he said looking at me...he smiled a little but it went away.

I smiled at him and he cracked a smile. "Look! Shad is smiling!" Esmund said laughing a little. They all laughed but I just stayed silent.

"So Azuna..I can tell you have very high magic power.." Enki explained. I only stood there looking down.

He lifted my chin so I was looking at him. "Don't worry about your magic power. It happens to all of us. It may seem strange but its a gift." he explained. I smiled a little.

"Can you show us your magic?" Shad asked. I shrugged and sighed. "Alright.." I said.

I concentrated and put my left hand out. And a pink rose like scythe came out. It was a double one.

They looked at me with shock. "That's not all.." I explained.

I kept concentrating and pink rose armor appeared on my body.

They were looking at me. "T-that's..." Enki started but I cut him off.

"There is even more to this..." I said.

I held out my right hand and a rose like color magic circle showed. I raised it and pink roses were around me.

"These roses are special. These can help me fight...they turn into weapons different kinds. But my scythe is my main one. You guys can use my rose weapons also but only at my command that I can give it to you..." I explained.

"Very impressive power I must say." Enki said. I smiled a little. This was a little to much for me. My weapon, armor, and roses disappeared. I fell to the ground. Irene came to me.

"I'm..I'm just takes almost all of my energy.." I explained smiling a little. She sighed in relief. She chuckled.

She helped me up. I smiled. "Now that we know your you want to join us?" Irene asked me. "What??" I asked shocked.

"We are the divine warriors. We protect people and bring pease.." she explained. "Alright! Ill help!" I said smiling.

She brought me to a room and the others followed. "Azuna...with your power. Do you promise to use it for good? And not for evil?" she said. I nodded "Yes.."

Irene handed me a crystal like relic. "You are now Azuna..The Elemental Rose.." she said. Handing me the crystal relic.

I smiled and the others clapped. I was happy. That some actually cares for others who are out there.

The relic glowed and it went into my stomach. I was scared but Enki explained to me what the relic is doing.

I sighed in relief.

Esmund grabbed me and put me on his shoulder. So I was sitting on his shoulder. He smiled and so did I.

"Welcome Azuna..." he said. I smiled.

"Hey Azuna do you know what realms are?" Enki asked. I shook my head no.

He explained to me that realms are different places where They travel to fight the evil within. And that they bring pease to others. I smiled again.

Irene opened a portal or so called a realm. Esmund put me down and I stood next to Irene. Irene grabbed my hand.

"Are you ready to go?" she asked. I was shaking a little but I nodded.

She smiled. We all went through the portal. Irene was still holding my hand. I looked and saw a big white castle.

"Welcome the Irene Dimension...." Irene said. I looked at it with shock. "We will be only staying here for a while. When a minute passes a year passes in the real world." Irene explained.

I nodded. She grabbed what she needed and The others were with me. Irene came back. She opened the portal back to earth. She grabbed my hand again and we went through. We all did.

"Its been three minuets Irene.." Shad said. "That means three years went by.." he continued. "Three years..." I said.

"That means my village...." I started. "Don't worry Azuna...your village is okay. If you want we can stop by.." Irene said. I sighed and nodded.

"We all are going. If something bad happens to Azuna...we will be there.." Kul'Zac explained. I smiled slightly.

The rest nodded. Irene looked at me. I nodded yes. "Alright then. We all will go." Irene said.

We left the cave and and started walking back towards my old village. I hope its still intact. Even though my village hated me I still care for them...

Hey guys and I hope you enjoyed this new book!! And please take care of your self's guys. Okay? Thanks buh-bye 💖💖💖

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