"Harry," My insides freeze and my head spins in mental arguments.
"Yeah?" He asks with a small frown on his face, getting ready to push the canoe deeper into the water. He ceases movement and waits for me to answer.
"We- we can't go yet," I stutter out and look down at my fingers awaiting his response.
"Why can we not?" His deep british accent makes the words more evident as he says them slowly while eyeing me suspiciously. His eyes dart behind me but he looks right back.
"We need to find Jake." He gets ready to say something but before he can, I speak louder and beat him to it. "And before you say anything just hear me out." He sighs but nods and I say 'thank you' quietly. He motions for me to continue.
"I've seen... lots of deaths. I've seen things I never thought I'd see and things that only come out in the worst of my nightmsres. Harry I've seen every single freakin' person die or dead in that house minus Jake. They were killed, right in front of my eyes! And Jake, well he might still be alive. And if he is, then I can't just let him die. It's too much. It's too freaking much." I mutter with glossy eyes. I rub my fingers on my temple and breath in to try and control myself.
"Emery, I- it's too dangerous to go back. You can get h-"
"Fuck getting hurt Harry! Dammit!" I sob out my out burst. I can't help but feel that if Jake dies that I am just a failure and that it is too much. For god sakes, one person is too much as it is. "There can be someone dying right now! Please understand that. Just... please," I beg. My breathing becomes eratic and Harry let's go of the boat and moves closer to me.
"Okay first off Emery just breath,okay. Calm down." He places his hands on my shoulders and I close my eyes to concentrate. "I'm trying to understand. Can you please explain why you want to go back for him. He called you a muderer and threatened you. I'm just not getting this right now."
"Me neither. It's just... I feel like I let all those others die. And no matter what he said I can't just let him die like that. It is absolutely cruel. Besides, we are running out of time and what about all our stuff? The computer with the proof and everything. Clothes. Food. If we get him we can get that too." He looks at me but then looks away and let's go of my shoulders and turns around. It feels weird at the loss of contact and I wrap my owm arms tightly aroumd myself. It is getting a bit windy as well.
He stays there for a few seconds, back facing me, and his hand up seeming to be caressing his chin. He finally turns around and waves his hands in the air.
"No one is blaming you Emery and it is completely not your fault. Fine. Okay. We'll get him and our stuff and that's it. We come back, we leave and we figure it out from there."
I let out a content sigh quietly and give him a rushed hug and kiss.
"Thank you. Sadly now we have to go all the way back the hill again."
Harry grumbles behind me and we start walking.
We arrive at the entrance of the mansion a while later and step on the porch. The huge doors intimidate me but I force myself to suck it in. Harry slowly pushes it open to try and not make any sound and we do it successfully.
We start tip toeing up the stairs where we know Jake will most likely be.
"Do you think his room?" Harry whispers and I nod.
"Yeah. Just quiet." We venture up the steps and turn right to go into the hallway where most of our rooms are. Flickers of fire in lamps are the only things keeping light illuminating here making shadows seem to bounce off walls.
I flinch when I see a shadow that I thought was the black figure and mutter an apology at Harry when I bump into him.
Twisting and turning hallways takes up more time than we thought.
"Are you sure it was this side? I think we were supposed to go left." Harry says and points to the other side. I groan in frustration and run a hand through my hair.
"I don't know. I think?" I shrug and walk the opposite way making Harry hum in approval.
We walk in the creepy looking hallway filled with cobwebs and dark walls. Nothing about this place speaks 'happy' and everything is horrid. Up ahead that is when I see the stop and I groan.
"Harry!" I whisper yell to try and get my point across. "It is a dead end!"
"Um... okay I didn't expect that." He runs his hands over his hair and leaves them there. His eyebrows are knotted and he continues staring at the wall.
I squint my eyes to get a better look at him but he doesn't stop doing that. His scratches are still pretty evident but they do look like they hurt less since he is softly touching them.
"Are we going to go or...?" I trail off. He snaps out of his state and nods his head.
"Yeah yeah. Go ahead. I'll be right there." He walks closer to the wall and I look at him questioningly. What is this boy doing?
"Harry, what is going on. I thought you said to get Jake and the stuff quickly then leave. Why are you looking at the wall. C'mon, it's dangerous here." He turns around to glance at me and then points at the wall.
"Doesn't it look weird? It's too... plain. And flat." He reaches.towads it and touches it. Honestly, this is gretting a little weird as well.
"Walls are supposed to be plain and flat. We have no business here let's- " While I was talking Harry pressed the wall on the right side, making the whole wall turn and flip him on the other side.
I gasp. "Harry!" I run to the wall and start tapping on it like he was. "Harry are you there!"
I hear a groan on the other side of the wall and my spirits rise. "Harry? Are you okay?"
"Ugh. I hit my head on the wall and I'm in this... place. It's another secret door I think."
"Can you get out?"
"I don't know. It's more of a tiny room and there are no other doors. Shit." I sigh and place my head on the wall trying to figure out some sort of way to get him out.
"How did you get in there?"
"I was tapping the wall on the right side, just informing you, and it flipped suddenly." I start tapping but it's not working.
I decide to just push the right side when he starts speaking again. "But don't try getting in here it is too dangerous. I'll figure a way out." The wall moves under my weight, spinning like those doors in those fancy hotels causing me to release a shriek. "Emery! Shit."
All the walls are dark wood and a couple spider webs line the walls with spiders still in them making me shrink in fear. It is all a small room with no doors or nothing. No Harry in sight.
"Harry! Where are you?" I call out.
"On the other side. When you pushed it open I was sitting right on the wall and it pushed me back." He says hurriedly I groan and stuff my head in my hands then look up and count to ten.
"What if I try pushing it open again... and you just jump back here from the time that there is a small opening." He suggests.
"Yeah we can try that." I say. I take a few steps back into the small dark area and get ready to sprint throught the crack.
"One, two, three!" He yells slightly at the end and the wall starts spinning. I'm about to run through but before I can, Harry goes from a hopeful expression to an instant frown when the wall then continues to push him back into the room as well. Shoving me farther back inside in the process.
"Ow! Ahh!!" We both yelp causing Harry to fall on top of me. I hit my head square on the hard floor and put my hands to hold it while I groan. Although it may seem like a romantic position, it isn't so when your head is pulsing harshly and you were almost killed.
"You okay?" He asks and lifts himself up, grabbing my hand and pulling me up as well. The room is only about ten feet long and six feet wide, a tiny place as it is making me feel choked.
"Yeah. What is the purpose of making a tiny ass space with no logical meaning? You can't even do anything here. What's the point of the secret wall?" I mutter after the fall.
"Actually, I could name a couple things we could do in here." He sends me a wink and I laugh slightly.
"True. But seriously. How are we going to get out of here?"
"Hmmm. There is no lightbulb on the ceiling like that horrible cell we were locked in." I shiver just rememering that time. It was one of the worst experiences. "Bump into things and maybe it will move."
"Okay." We start ramming our shoulders into certain parts of the walls to no avail.
We go to the opposite wall of the one we came through and start working on that one. "Ugh," Both our huffs from banging our bodies against the walls fill the compact area. Then I stop for a tiny break and Harry continues on that same wall.
Harry gives it one final push and the wall spins. It rushes us out both hastily and harshly into god knows where and then we are on the other side.
We get up and notice that it is in fact another hallway. This one does have flickering lights as well and looks oddly familiar. Our backs are facing the wall and our vision is to the rest of the hallway. A few doors line the walls and everything is practically dim.
"Now we're in another hallway. Huh." Harry huffs and looks around. "You know what? It looks very familiar..."
"That's what I was thinking." Mindlessy, thinking nothing of it, I turn around. And then I realize that yes. This hallway is very familiar and it is not in a good way.
"Yeah?" He turns to the side and faces me.
"This is the hallway with the mirror." He slowly turns around and upon noticing the large mirror placed on the wall reaching head to toe, his face turns into one of horror.
This is the hallway where the people were killed.
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There are only a few chapters left. I'm not sure exactly how much but we'll see.
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