((This isn't edited. For some reason there are no spaces between some words...sorry. I'll fix it when I can. Enjoy!))
Ana's POV
Today, the Taylor's have a day off. I believe Jason and Gail went on a romantic night stay at the Four Season's hotel and Sophie and Ted are moving things in to their new apartment.
I stand in the kitchen placing dishes in the dish washer while watching my husband roll around on the white carpet with Juliet. Christian decided to come home early, luckily he walked through the door just as Juliet stated screaming her head off. He switched to Super Daddy mode, throwing his coat off and running to get on the floor and cheer her up. The second she saw her daddy's face all the wailing stopped and the giggles erupted. After Kenneth finishes a simple Kindergarten school paper, he jumps down from the bar tool and runs to Christian.
"Daddy!" He squeals and crashes into Christian who sits crossed legged in front of Julie, who is rolling around on her stomach.
"Hey, son." Christian chuckles and falls back with the boy on his chest. My heart breaks a bit but at the same time the affectionate action makes me smile. "What have you done all day?"
"I played and I also ate food and then I did some school stuff." Kenneth shrugs then gasps. "Power Rangers starts in a few minutes!" Watching the new episode of Power Rangers every week has become a ritual for my two boys.
"Well then, how about you turn on the television and I'll go grab us some juice?" Kenneth jumps off the floor and hops onto the couch with remote in hand. Christian chuckles and stands from the floor, dusting his pants off and striding over to me, where I still stand in front of the sink.
"Hello, beautiful." He whispers in my ear and kisses my cheek. "Hmm, barefoot and in my kitchen,love it."
"It's barefoot and pregnant." I correct. Every time I was carrying one of the kids, he felt the need to express his pleasure of finding me bloated and waddling around the enormous space.
"Not again, please." He groans. I flash a timid smile and his brows immediately furrow. He doesn't take his eyes of me as he reaches into the fridge and grabs the sparkling grape juice, little kid wine as Kenneth calls it, then he pulls me by the waist into his chest.
"What's wrong?" I just shake my head and look back at my son who sits patiently, waiting for commercials to be over.
"You know, he still hasn't called me mom." I whisper. I don't know if it is a ridiculous title to get upset over but every time he calls Christian "dad" or "daddy" my breathing stops and the mini voices in my head keep reminding me he hasn't acknowledged me as his mother.
It's been a little over three months.
"It may take time. I was the same way." He tries to reassure me, and I fight the urge to laugh.
"It took you two years to talk to your family at all. It took him two minutes to talk to us and less than a day to call you 'dad'. He comes to you for everything, I feel completely useless in his life." I whine and turn to retrieve two small glasses for my husband and son. Christian sets down the bottle in his hands and takes the glasses out of mine before capturing my face in his hands.
"Anastasia, you are anything but useless in that little boys life. He's just grown up as a pretty self sufficient child."
"We seem to have raised a lot of those." I grumble causing Christian to chuckle at my expense.
"When I first started talking to Grace and Carrick, it was easy to call him my father because I never knew my biological one. Titling Grace as my mother...it was harder because the only other mother I knew didn't take care of me, was a crack whore, and allowed a man to push me around. For me that was what a mother was, and I didn't want another woman in my life like that." He takes my hand and places it over his heart. "Same went for this."
Touch was to pain as abandonment was to mother.
The look in his eyes was showing me just how sincere and vulnerable Christian is in this confession. "Once I reevaluated my personal definition of a family and mother, I was proud to be a Trevelyan-Grey and call Grace my mom. Kenneth will come around, I promise." To seal his promise he plants a heavy kiss on my lips before pouring him and Kenneth a glass of juice and walking back to the couch.
Just as Christian sits down the theme song of Power Rangers starts and our little boy bounces up and down with glee.
I trust that my husband is right, and Kenneth will come around, but the temporary rejection is hard. To think this is what it feels like for a child to disown you, it stings. I'm sure Grace felt this way, if not worse, when Christian first arrived. Maybe I'll talk to her.
I'm just thankful Kenneth embraced the idea of a family with open arms.
Sophie's POV
Teddy and I aren't quite finished unpacking and we still have minimal possessions left at the Grey's but today we got an unexpected visit from my mother. I didn't even give her my new address. My dad must have told her, and I'm going to have to give him a stern talk later.
Since I graduated high school and decided to move closer to my dad, the woman has changed drastically. Not necessarily in a bad way, but no one has really warmed up to the new her except for my second step dad Bill. He is a correction facility head officer and hovers so much around my mom and I that we both had to get our concealed hand gun license, have a gun in our cars and bed rooms, pepper spray in our bags, and a taser for when we are alone on the streets.
I'm so glad I got out of that house.
When my mother showed up with her famous spice tea, which was my favorite as a child, she made us scrounge around for any cups we could fine which happen to be an old, cheap, vintage tea set Gail got me when her and my dad got married. It was almost an exact replica of their own wedding china.
The tea set looks expensive so my mom has no problem drinking from it. We all gather around on the white couch facing the enormous city of Seattle. The room feels a little smaller than it is due to the ample amount of cardboard boxes.
"Well, Ted, how has your new job been going?" My mother strikes up a conversation before taking a sip from her cup.
"It's been going great, Mrs. Cooper-"
"Oh, please, make me feel young again and just call me Angela." Teddy nods and blushes a little bit and I just feel awkward. Make me feel young again? Does her modern, colorful, 70's outfits not do that already?
"Well, my sister's boyfriend went from being my father's office assistant to being my mothers, which I'm sure he was thankful for." He chuckles and I smile too. After Teddy's first week as his father's right hand man he called Alexander, and I quote, " a lucky bastard" because he gets to work with Mrs. Grey, who we all know does almost no work when Mr. Grey is around.
"As long as you are taking care of my little girl, I won't hurt you." She gives him an obvious fake smile then turns to me. "How is my little girl?"
What she means when she says "How is my little girl",she means "How is my grandchild". I sigh and sit up a little straighter so she knows who has the control in this conversation.
"I'm doing great. Nausea has gone down a little bit, Teddy won't let me unpack anything really, and I haven't had to buy a whole new closet yet." I take another sip of my tea, which apparently the baby doesn't agree with, before I set it down on the saucer.
"Well that is just great!" My mother claps her hands and smile as me.
When I broke the news to her that I was already one month along she was ecstatic. Her only daughter was going to give her her first official grandchild. Her stepson has a daughter, but he isn't that close to Bill and his wife doesn't like my mom either, so they just stay away from them.
"Now that you are caught up on our recent events, Angela, how are you and Bill?" This is Teddy's second time to have a sit down conversation with my mother, and he has only seen Bill over Skype once.
"We are doing great, Ted. Thanks for asking. In fact he is thinking about getting a job at the Correction facility closer to our house instead of an hour away, so this summer he plans on us making a cross country trip."
"But, mom, you hate car rides." I interject and she just scoffs and waves her hand in the air, dismissing my comment.
"When you have a man who can tend to your every need, if you know what I mean, I would take a packed Volkswagen bug across the country with him." Okay, I didn't need that image in my head. I just nod my head and silents covers the room like a heavy blanket on a hot summer day.
"Okay," And the ice breaks, "I know my grand daughter or grandson is due in about, what, seven months, but when will the wedding be?" My eyes pop out of my head and I think Teddy chokes. We both look at each other and communicate silently. It was obvious the idea of marriage hadn't crossed either of our minds, I hope he doesn't think I told Mom we were planning one. Where would she get that idea from?
"Your reactions aren't good." She points between the two of us then moves to the edge of the couch. "Don't tell me you're going to have a bastard child?" My jaw drops. I can not believe her audacity. "Do you really want your child growing up being bullied because his parents weren't even married when he was born? I don't know if you have heard this before,but having a child out of wedlock is a sin."
Oh my, is she religious now too?And now a days, it's more common to find divorced or non-married parents than to find happily married parents.
"To be completely honest, I don't think either of us thought about a wedding. The surprise of Sophie being pregnant was enough to handle." I grab Teddy's hand that is resting on my lap, in hopes his touch will calm me enough so I don't explode on my mother. It takes some of the weight off my shoulders.
"Well, for you're child's sake I expect there to be a wedding invitation in my mail with in the next three months." Without letting Teddy or me get a single word in she stands and dust off her hands, before fetching the canister of tea.
"It was great getting to see you, but I must be going now." Teddy jumps up to call the elevator up for her. Immediately the doors ding open and she steps on. "You kids take care." She says and waves before the doors close and she is gone.
"Now we have to get married?" Teddy asks as he slowly walks towards me. I roll my eyes and throw myself across the couch and groan into the pillow. I hear Teddy chuckle before the cushion next to my head dips from his weight.
"So obviously, marriage isn't for us right now," Right now?!, "but I do have another proposal for you."
Out of curiosity, I sit up and stare at into his eyes, which for once doesn't show me anything but desire dancing in his mind. Silence falls between us and all you can hear is the faint street noise, my erratic heart beat, and our heavy breathing. He is waiting for me to say something, and after my next words his lips turn up into his signature, hart stopping, smirk.
"Enlighten me."
He stands up and walks over to a study like room in a small hallway on the other side of the kitchen. When he returns, he is carrying a manila folder in his hands and it looks pretty thick.
"My father is taking me on his business trip next week and I'll be gone until the following Thursday." He places the folder in my hands. "In want you to review the contents of the pages, Google anything you need to, and consider what I'm proposing." The look of desire is still alive in his eyes but his gorgeous gray eyes are clouded over with seriousness and blanketed with a distant frost.
No words seem to be able to form on my tongue, so I just nod and look back at the folder.
Now, endless scenarios flash through my mind. Some of them more sexually attractive than others.
Phoebe's POV
Alexander and I continue our small trek from one of my father's clubs back to where we requested Sawyer to pick us up at. Usually I wouldn't like to use a personal body guard and driver when Alexander and I go on dates, but tonight I thought it would be the better option.
"How has work been going?" I ask. One of my hands is clutching Alexander's jacket around my shoulders while my other is trapped in his. His thumb rubs soothing circles on the back of my hand as we take our time down the side walk.
"It's been going great. Don't tell your dad, but I like being under Mrs. Grey's instructions much more than his. It's pretty easy because she is running the publishing house from Grey House." He smirks. I giggle and snuggle in closer to his side. "I feel a little bad for your brother though. Since we have the same break time he will meet me at he deli next door, one day he came in and he was flushed and sweating."
"I'm sure he was. Dad's just getting him ready for his life in a few short months. He's going to break him before he builds him up." I glance up at my boyfriend who slightly nods his head in answer. We continue walking in comfortable silence and my eyes stay trained on his face. I still find it hard how a girl like me caught such an amazing young man like Alexander.
It's obvious he knows I'm staring when his lips twitch in amusement.I smile as well and reach up on my tip-toes and plant a swift kiss on his smooth cheek. Right before we reach the black Audi, with Sawyer leaning against it, Alexander suddenly takes me in his arms, dips me back, and connects his lips to mine. The kiss is heavy and intimate,too much so for being late at night in the middle of the street under a street lamp. To my displeasure, our connection breaks and I'm left to gaze into the shocking green of his eyes.
"I love you." He whispers, standing me up straight again, and running his nose against mine.
"I love you too." I answer. His signature breath taking smile breaks out on his face as he leads me the rest of the way to the car.As we approach, Sawyer keeps up his poker face and bows his head in welcome. "Miss Grey, Mr. Brown." He greats and I smile appreciatively. He opens the car door for me, but before I slip in I walk straight up to him to whisper a request in his ear. He agrees and I step into the car. Alexander gives me a puzzled look as he helps me into the car but doesn't push it. Sawyer closes my door before walking around the car to open Alexander's door as well. In no time we are all strapped in and Sawyer pulls into the busy night traffic of Seattle.
As we watch the twinkling lights of the beautiful city zip past us,Alexander's hand moves from my knee to take hold of the inside of my thigh. Swoon. My arms twist like a vine around his arm and my headrests on his shoulder. I can feel his eyes on me but I don't look up,instead bathing in the emotions radiating off of him.
His lips brush against my hair and I hum in satisfaction.
"I am one lucky man, miss Grey." He whispers and I flush a crimson, I'm sure matching my red bandage dress. My mood shifts a fraction and I'm plagued with my thoughts I disgusted with Sophie weeks before.
"Alexander, can I ask you something?" I say and tentatively lookup at him. His face is soft until he takes in my appearance and his eyebrows furrow.
"Anything, baby." He hangs onto my every move as I take a deep breath an close my eyes.
"Are you happy?" I ask, keeping my eyes closed, waiting for his answer. I hear his sharp intake of breath but no word flow from his mouth. Out of worry my eyes snap open to see the vibrant green of his irises, a dull sea weed green instead.
"Of course I'm happy, why would you think I'm not?" I shake my head. I'm obviously being to vague.
"Not just with me, but like...where we are in the relationship?The pace of the relationship?" I emphasize the second word,hoping he would catch on and he does. His eyes go wide and his breathing falters.
"Are you sure you want to talk about this here?"Oh no...his answer must not be good. Only when he glances at Sawyer, do I understand his diversion. I sigh.
"He can't hear us." I say but Alexander looks skeptical. I prove my point. "Sawyer." No reaction. "Sawyer." He doesn't move a muscle. I lean up and tap his shoulder, only then does he acknowledge us in the back seat, removing his ear phones.
"Ma'am?" He asks. I smile and tell him he can resume his previous activity and turn back to the man sitting across from me.
"So?" I press and Alexander inclines his head to the side, as if in deep thought.
"Why do you sound so worried about it?" He answers with a question. I sigh shrugging my shoulders, sounding defeated.
"Because we've been together for a few months now, we've straddled that imaginary line before but...I can see how much it eats you-"That probably wasn't the best word to use, "I mean, troubles you sometimes and I just-"
"Phoebe." He grabs my face in his hands, stopping me mid sentence. His thumbs run over my cheeks making my heart jump. "I. Am. Happy." He reassures me. "Yes. Okay, yes it's hard sometimes because I can't know you as well as I would like.Physically." He tags on and I blush.
"It's hard being so close to you, both of us aroused, and I can't take care of you. You must not know how big the effect is that you have on me. So yes it's hard and I hate that I can't claim you as mine, but I love you. And because I love you, and the innocence you still have, I'm not going to push something like that. Having sex a choice, and I'm letting you decide when. Your virginity is a perfect precious gift that you can't get back, and I don't want you to regret that decision to give it away to who ever it may be, whether its me or someone else. " He tucks a strand of loose hair behind my ear and caresses my cheek. I lean into his touch and wait for him to continue. "What we do now, makes me perfectly happy. Don't ever think you need to rush anything in this relationship to please me,especially something as serious as your first time." I close my eyes and tilt my head down so I'm gazing with interest at my fingers in my lap.
"What if I'm ready now?" I whisper. I don't doubt he heard me when he takes a sharp breath. I look up at him to see his eyes wide open and his face blank.
"Are you sure? Because I don't want you to feel like you have to-" I cut him off mid sentence when I throw one leg over his and sit on his lap. I capture his face in my hands and crash my lips to his, sealing my answer. His hands travel up my legs, nudging my dress up just a tad, and they settle on my hips.
"I'm absolutely positive." I whisper, running my nose a long the length of his, my breath fanning his face. He moans, hands squeezing my sides, and I feel his pants become more restrictive. He plants another heavy kiss on my lips before pulling back to look me in the eyes.
"Yours or mine?" He asks in a hushed tone. I swivel around and tap Sawyer on the shoulder. He pulls out one ear bud and looks at me through the mirror. He's face is indifferent when he sees me sitting on Alexander's lap.
"His place, please."
"Yes, ma'am."
As soon as he closes the front door, Alexander has me pinned to the wall with his hips and hands. His mouth works feverishly against mine. I moan in his mouth as his tongue laps over the velvety walls of my mouth and his hips move in slow circles against mine. I roll my head to the side prompting Alexander to explore more and he does.
Suddenly, his hips stop, his lips tongue and teeth stop, and he pulls away.
"Shit." He moans and rest his forehead against mine. "We can't rush this, baby. Let's take it slow." He murmurs.I nod my head and take a deep breath. He is right, this needs to be slow. Alexander takes a step back, taking my hand. He pulls it up to his lips, brushing them against my knuckles. He leads me into his dark room but neither of us turn on the light, the silver glow from the moon is enough for me.
Alexander steps away from me, arms length away, and his hungry eyes drink me in. With out it touch and just his blazing eyes, I start to shift uncomfortably and avert my eyes, staring at anything except him. I feel him take a step closer and take my chin between his fingers, forcing me to look at him.
"Relax." He whispers before placing a chaste kiss on my lips."Sit." He instructs and I do, sitting right on the edge of the bed. Before my mind and really process what is happening, or about to happen, Alexander is on his knees.
His nimble fingers start undoing the strap of my left heel, slipping it off at an agonizing pace. Once my shoe is up right, next to him he brings my foot up to his lips and places a lingering kiss on my big toe. His tantalizing lips slowly travel down the side of my toe and down my instep, planting soft, warm, wet kisses in their wake. I roll my head around, eyes closed, biting my lip in eager anticipation. His hands gently massage my calves, working their way upward. One hand wonders back down to grasp my ankle while the other one grasp the back of my knee. I feel him kiss up my heel before running his nose along the smooth skin of my calf.
My head is so fuzzy I can't tell left from right or up from down,but I am absolutely positive about three things.
First, I want to do this.
Second, I won't regret it.
Third, Alexander will take care of me the whole time.
Once his nose meets his hand behind my knee he delivers a wet kiss to the already sedated skin. He moves over to my right shoe, doing the same process over again, except this time instead of his nose,the very tip of his tongue ghost up my calf muscle.
"You already taste so good, baby." He whispers against my skin.I close my eyes and throw all my cares out the window, I am completely at his mercy. "I want to see your eyes." His fingers tap my temples and my eyes pop open to meet his. He pulls me to stand on my feet and I think I'm going to fall, luckily he is holding me up. "I've been wanting to peal you out of this dress all night."Wow, he is finally truly speaking his mind. I love it.
"I'm not stopping you." I mutter and he smirks before pushing the three inch shoulder straps down my arms. His lips start working against my neck, and down to my clavicle, not leaving an inch of skin untouched. Once enough attention is given to one side he moves to the other brushing his lips across my chest.
After my chest and shoulders are burning with his kisses his hands start to slowly peal the dress off my body, just how he wanted to.Not once does his hands break contact with my skin as they skim over my bra, over my side, and down my legs. He doesn't follow the fabric to the floor, just lets it drop, before his hands move behind me and pops the clasp of my bra. Because it's strap less it falls with easy grace to the floor.
The room is steaming by now, but once his cold fingers brush my breast, they perk up. I can see a smirk on his face as he leans in,pressing a delicate kiss on my sternum. As he pulls away my skin calls out for his lips once again. He doesn't seem to want to take his hands off of me as he drops down to the floor again.
"Let's get rid of this." He says as he pulls the dress off my body completely, pushing it, my bra, and shoes out of his way.Alexander, still on the ground, looks up at me with that lustful glare as he teases me with the slow unfastening of his shirt buttons.
Let me rip it off! I want to scream but hold back, drinking in the sight of him at my feet. Once the fabric is off his shoulder she places it over my clothes and scoots closer.
He purposefully hover his mouth over my white lace panties, causing everything south of my waist to quiver in excitement. I don't know how my legs are holding me up still, I was sure they had turned to jello by now. He places a lingering kiss over the lace...there.
"Oh." I moan closing my eyes for a brief moment before looking back down at him. He is looking up at me with a questioning look, as if to ask if I'm sure for the hundredth time. I don't give him a verbal answer, instead running my fingers through his jet black hair, scraping my nails against his scalp. He moans at the touch and rolls his head to the side. I love the way we both hold enough power in our pinky finger to make the other one com-bust with one touch. Once his daze is over, he doesn't look me in the eyes,just where his fingers are traveling to, hooking onto the side of my panties.
He rips them down my legs, exposing me to the fresh air, making my breathing falter and my blood freeze. I step out of the lace, keeping the back of my legs pressed to the bed for support. My blood is buzzing, heart racing, and insides swimming.
How can one get so intoxicated from another's touch?
His arms hook around the back of my thighs, bringing me closer to his anxious lips and tongue. He kisses my clitoris, sucking lightly,before blowing on the area.
"Alexander..." I beg. As he starts to stand, his nose skims from my waiting area up to my belly button before standing to his full height.
He takes his hands off me, standing in front of my face, waiting. I run my shaking fingers over his defined abdominal muscles, across his perfect hip bones, down his happy trail, and to the button of his jeans. I'm convinced God took a couple extra days to sculpt this man in front of me.
Some how I manage to pop the button of his pants open and pull them,along with his boxers, to the ground. Now it's my turn to be on the my knees. Once I pull the fabric past his backside, releasing him from the confines of the retched clothes, he sighs.
Wow. No wonder he sounds relieved. He is standing high,proud, big. Bigger than I've ever seen. My hands run over the top of his thighs, and as I stand I kiss the tip of his erection, making his twitch. He groans as he wraps his strong arms around my waist,crushing me to his front. My fingers slip through his hair grasping a nice handful for leverage. He nuzzles his face in the crook of my neck, a low growl emitting from the back of his throat.
"Any last words?" His voice comes out soft but strained. When I take too long to answer his teeth clamp down on my ear lobe in the most painfully pleasurable way. My fingers tighten in his hair as I moan.
"Don't stop."
At my two word answer I feel his heart rate speed up immensely inhis chest, and he pulls back. No, I whine, come back.
"Lay down." He instructs. My insides immediately turn to liquid and twist together as I sit down on his bed, scoot up to the pillows with my back against the head board, and lay my self completely under his mercy. With both of us completely naked, completely vulnerable,my mind is racing a good race. As Alexander moves to the end of the bed he grasp my ankles, pulling hard and fast towards him so I'm on my back. Slowly, slower than I would like, he crawls up the bed and rest in the push up position, hovering over me.
"You're safe. I'll keep you safe." He whispers, running his nose along the length of mine. I believe him. He exchange an innocent kiss, lips still brushing, as he reaches over and grabs a foil packet and ripping it open. My breath tumbles out of my mouth as the idea dawns on me that this is really happening. I know I'm not second guessing my self, but the idea that it is actually happening...
"You okay?" I nod. "Good, now let me make love to you." He whispers, kissing my lips hard once again before he rolls the condom down his shaft and settling back with his arms framing my face. "Are you ready?" He ask. I don't trust my voice so I just nod. Alexander shifts his weight balancing on one elbow while his other aligns himself with my entrance.
Holy shit! I can feel him. I keep my eyes on his face as he brushes his tip over me a few time before slowly pushing in. I wince,so he tries a second time and I relax. He is much bigger than his fingers. As he sinks in deeper, pulling and stretching, my hand searches for his. Our fingers braid together as whimpers fall from my lips. He keeps moving forward since I don't make an attempt to stop him, until I feel his pelvic bone against mine.
"I know baby." He coos. His fingers tracing my hair line as I try to adjust to the invasion. "If I could, I'd take the pain away." I squeeze his hand in reassurance and let out a deep breath.He takes my breath in, holding it, and rolling his hips forward. I cry out. My eye screw shut, but quickly reopen to find his worried green eyes staring back at me.
"Don't cry, baby." I wasn't even aware I was until he wipes astray tear. His body encases me, shielding me from the world. Us being the only two to exist.
"Again." I whimper. I know he feels like he is hurting me, not purposefully, but enough to make him doubt his choice. He shakes his head and I pout.
"No. It's too much."
"Please, Alexander." I cup his face in my free hand. "I need this." He squeezes his eyes closed so the dark hungry green is hidden from view and he shakes his head. I flex my hips, causing him to fill me to an all new depth, a low groan vibrating through his chest. I wince at the overload of new pleasure, and Alexander places a firm hand on my pelvic bone to cease my actions.
"Stop." He warns, but the inflection in his voice tells me he is trying his best to deny me.
"I need you." I whisper.
The hand on my hip is removed, it travels up, fingers entwining. Alexander's forehead rests on my own, gently squeezing my hand as he slowly draws out, and instead of him I'm filled with emptiness. My skin tingles with the sensation before he gradually rolls his hips forward again. The discomfort has lessened but the slight numb aching is still there. We don't kiss but our lips continually brush, it's comforting.
Alexander's head drops down to my chest. His lips leave wet kisses across my collar bones. I feel his mouth gently suck at the skin as he withdraws from me, once again. My free hand grips the back of his neck, my fingers tangling into his disheveled raven black hair. Teeth graze the valley between my breasts then back up to my ear. A throaty groan is emitted from Harry as he rocks back into me. I harshly bite down on my lip to stop from crying out, more from pleasure than pain now. His face come back to mine, green orbs locking with my blue ones. He willingly allows me to pull him down and connect our swollen lips.
I bit down onto the chain, Harry's heated gaze seeming to warm my entire body. His hips still continued to move gently but the pace became a little faster. I struggled to balance my breathing, the limited air I was drawing in, unable to satisfy my needs.
"Baby,y-you're so tight." He stutters.
My fingers are released,Alexander's large hand gripping the headboard above me. His heavy breathing puffs out, eyes screw closed. When he opens them, the sparkling green is replaced with a haunted green, puiples dilated. I have never seen him like this. A sob escapes my lips as he gives me particularly painful thrust. My nails claw down his glistening, naked back. He moans lowly in response, catching hold of my hip. His fingertips, deeply pressed into my skin, hold me in place as he continues to rock into me at a faster pace then I expected.
"Alex."I urgently gush, hoping he catches the tone in my voice and slows down.
Another hard thrust is delivered and a lone tear rolls down my cheek. When I gasp, finally his eyes seem to return to normal and his hips halt all movement.
"Phoebe." He whispers."I'm sorry." His voice is strained. I cup his face in my hand and run my thumb over his cheek bone, catching my breath.
"It's okay." I encourage.
His lips vociferously cover mine in a passionate kiss before dotting small pecks all over my face.Alexander lets go of the headboard, releasing my hip and resting his weight onto his forearms. It's so hot, perspiration trickles from his damp locks, down his neck as he conceals me with his naked body.
His movement pick up again and vary from small, quick thrusts to slow,torturous ones. My mouth parts, struggling to breath as his pace decreases again. The feeling is so intense, so overwhelming. But nothing like it had been a few minutes ago. That was rough, painful.Alexander's breathing is heavy, his eyes on my face the whole time.Intently observing me, attempting to see how I reacted to different speeds.
"You like it slow?" He whispered in confirmation. I nod and he smirks.
He is making love to me. Slow and romantic. I can't concentrate on anything but Alexander. It still fells uncomfortable, but it's bearable. My fingers trail down his back, he smiles, lightly moaning as my nails scrape down his back.His strong body arching into me as I repeat the actions with my nails.
"Shit." He throatily groans.
My head is encouraged to the side, Alexander nuzzling into the crook. Small,soft sounds escape from my lips as he lightly bites at the sensitive skin. I let out a strained giggle, his nose nudging against my cheek as he quietly whimpers, attempting to get my attention. The second I turn my head, Alexander's swollen lips are forced on mine. The kiss is sweet and playful, the side of Alexander that I love. His hips still continued to meet mine, the air around us increasing in temperature.
"Does it still hurt?" He mumbles.
His question takes me a little by surprise and there is no point in lying about the answer. Green orbs attentively explore mine as he waits for my reply. Alexander receives my small nod and he draws in a long breath. Pulling back, his expression is one of pain as he absorbs my revelation. His eyebrows creased into a frown. He makes sure not to move and cause anymore unnecessary pain.
Alexander's strong bodyshifts above me, a large hand skimming across my stomach and down towhere we connect. My eyes widen in panic, usually I would welcome thetouch, but right now I would be sent over the edge with no hope for areturn. I hastily grip his wrist. Concern flashing over his face.
"Ican't." I desperately tell him.
"But I want to make youfeel good." Alexander speaks, his nose running the length ofmine. My fingers entwine with his, urging his hand away and bringingit back to the side of my head.
"P-Please. It would be toomuch." I whisper.
The look in his beautiful eyes make mebelieve he is desperately begging for my forgiveness. My words wereobviously misunderstood, Alexander thinking I want him to stopcompletely. When he moves to gently pull out from me I catch hiship.
"No. You know I didn't mean that."
I know heis aware of what I'm asking. But he still seems apprehensive tocomply. When it comes to my comfort and safety, he is a stickler, soknowing he is causing me pain even with innocent intentions, I cantell it's eating at him.
"Please." I weaklysmile.
Leaning up, my lips press to his, fingers finding his nowdamp locks. Alexander hums into the kiss, his face screwing up in apleasurable almost-there-look. Hot breath emits into the small spacebetween our mouths, profanities tumbling from the angel-like figureabove me. Alexander is fighting to hold on, but seconds later largehands slide beneath me. I gasp, my torso lifting from the mattress asAlexander holds me tightly in his arms. My head rolls back as hegives me a few quick thrusts. I wrap myself around hisbody.
"Fuck...Phoebe." He moans.
My breath seems tohitch in my throat as I feel Alexander twitch inside me, releasinghis warmth into the condom. Our chests are tightly pressed together,the thump of our hearts beating furiously in time with each other.Kisses are pressed down his neck, a prominent vein protruding as
Alex rides out his orgasm.
I'm carefully laid back on the pillows, mybody feeling sore, completely exhausted as I sprawl out on the duvet.Alexander sweetly kisses my lips before collapsing on top of me.
Ana's POV
I'm layingback on the duvet, reading a manuscript, waiting for my husband toreturn from Kenneth's bed time story. Just like Teddy, Kennethchooses a Dr. Seuss book every night. Just as I flip the page,Christian strolls in barefoot.
"Hi." He greets.
"Hi."I repeat and place the manuscript on the bed side table. Christian discards his shirt, placing it neatly on the floor before struttingover to me. "How did it go?"
"He's out like a light." Heanswers. I crawl over to him, to the edge of the bed, and throw myarms around his neck. Christian grasp my hips and pulls me flushagainst his bare chest.
"What did you read him?"
"Ironically,'Are You My Mother?'." He sighs and I my heart breaks a bit more.Not just because that story is part of Christian's childhood too, butbecause...I really need to get over this. "Does it really botheryou that much, Ana?" I shrug my shoulders deciding silence is thebest right now. "I can talk to him about it."
"No. I don'twant to push something like this one him, especially since it is sucha serious...thing for him. I just need to overlook it for now." Inod and Christian's big warm hands frame my face. "Is everything inplace for your trip next week?" I change the subject.
"Yeah,Taylor will be driving me to Sea Tac Monday morning and we're dueback that Thursday."
"Is Teddy still going with you?"
"I'm starting to think I might let him stay and run thebuilding." I raise an eyebrow. "After all, if he so desires, thecompany will be past down to him, he can start learning on his ownnow." I nod.
"I'm just thinking about it." I nod again.
"Idon't want you to leave." I whine and kiss his chest, a deep darkmoan rumbling through his chest. In all our years of marriage, evenwith kids, I would always accompany Christian on more than one daybusiness trips. We decided it would be best to stay home since Julietis still pretty tiny and I don't know how Kenneth would feel beingwhisked away here and there.
"I don't want to either, but you,my love, are more than capable to run this house on your own for afew days." He pecks my lips before leaning over and pulling theduvet back. "Bed. Now." I smile and kiss his nose. I will neverget tired of this man.
Christian leavestomorrow morning, but he also decided to make Teddy stay here and runthe place while he is gone. Of course Teddy doesn't know, and won'tknow until the morning of said departure. While those two make finaltouches on any arrangements necessary for Christian's trip, Phoebe ishelping Sophie around her apartment, and Kenneth, Juliet, and I aretake a walk around town.
"Do you want to look for anythingspecific?" I ask Kenneth, who is walking beside me with a new toyplane in his hands. He shakes his head no and pushes his five dollarsuperhero sunglasses up on his nose. We have already been to threetoy stores around our area, a few name brand places and Kennethhasn't acted like he wants anything, except his model plane ofcourse.
"Since it's a nice day why don't we go get frozenyogurt?" Kenneth's head pops up and he pulls his glasses off justenough for me to see his eyes.
"Frozen yogurt?" I nod. "Ican do yogurt." He agrees, replaces his glasses and continueswalking. I smile and ruffle his hair, steering Juliet's strolleraround the corner.
I decide on pink lemonade yogurt, Kenneth getstriple chocolate, and I spoon feed Julie vanilla.
"How do youlike Seattle, Kenneth?" I ask and he peers up at me with a thicklayer of chocolate covering his lips. I don't say anything when hewipes it off on the back of his hand. I smile. I can see a lot ofmyself in him, how I was when I first met Christian.
"It'sbig. Expensive." I knew it.
"What's expensive?" I alreadyknow the answer. Every store we went to, if he saw something heliked, he would make sure to check out the price tag first. He abouthad a panic attack with he saw one of our purchases was a little overeighty dollars. I know the feeling though, I still like to buycheap.
"When I was with my mom, I got whatever clothes theneighbors gave her. Sometimes she would spend the night with peoplewho had kids and she would steal some of their clothes. There wouldeven be a man who would come by to give mom money and a few thingsfor me. All old stuff. That toy chest I told you she bought from theneighbors, she didn't really buy it. It was in their yard by thestreet so she took it. I've never had a lot, or anything worth a lot.Seattle is expensive." I nod my head and wait to see if he addsanything else.
"I was the same why when I first met your dad."I say. Kenneth turns, facing me on the bench, and I unstrap Julietfrom her seat so she can sit between us. As soon as I let go of hershe falls into her brother's lap.
"He would always want tospend money on me, and I hated it because I wasn't use to it. Once wegot married, it was hard to adjust to the idea that his money wasmine now too. I still hate spending a lot, but it's good to know Ihave the money if I need it." I make sure Kenneth is looking me inthe eye and understand what I'm saying. "You have money now too,Kenneth. I know it may feel weird to but something so extravagant,but it's okay. Your father encourages my money spending. You don'thave to want for anything anymore, okay. If you see something thatyou want, please tell me and don't worry about the numbers.
"Thislife will take some getting use to, but embrace it. Do you understandwhere I'm coming from?" I ask and he nods his head. I hand him anapkin after he takes another spoon full, finishing the chocolateygoodness. "Is there anything you want to do now?"
"Well,"Kenneth looks down at his shirt. "I really like this shirt. Do youthink I could get another?" His voice is small and it brings asmile to my face.
"Of course." I answer. "You can have asmany as you want."
"One more is okay." He replies back andhe seems to be fighting a smile.
"Okay, well, if we are alldone why don't we get going so we can get another shirt?" I ask andhe nods eagerly. Kenneth takes the trash from my hands along with hisand disposes of it in a tin trashcan a few feet away while I strapJuliet back into her stroller. When Kenneth returns, Juliet iscontent in her seat with shade and I am ready to start shoppingagain.
"Ready?" I ask my son who slips on his sun shadesbefore nodding his head. We have to cross the street and, luckily,just as we approach the curb, we get the signal to cross.
Ioffer one hand to Kenneth to hold on to, which he takes with outhesitation. Once we are off the street and back on the side walk Iexpect Kenneth to drop my hand, but he doesn't. In fact, he holds ontighter than before. We are one step closer.
((HEYYYYY I know it's been forever but here is one of the last chapter, there will be a few more. I hope you liked it. TBH most of the smut scene isn't mine, I altered it.
How did you like it?))
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