I'm woken up from the sunlight shimmering around the room. I feel stiff, my bones creaking as I stretch my arms and legs. It must come with age.
I feel around the bed, feeling cold sheets.
I shoot up.
"Christian?" I call. In seconds, Christian appears in the bathroom doorway, a towel wrapped around his waist, and another towel in hand drying his hair. I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding. He is still here. Christian laughs, discarding the towel in his hand.
"Hi." He struts over to the bed.
"Hi." I say, continuing to watch his every move. He climbs on the bed, pressing his fingertips against my chest, forcing me to lie back down. "I thought-"
"I'm still here, babe. I told you, Ana, I'm not leaving." He murmurs before delivering a fleeting kiss on my lips. "Gail is getting breakfast ready, and she told me she is excited to properly greet you?"
"You know, I haven't spent proper time with you in a month, and I would love to take you up on that offer from last night. You are dripping wet, in a towel, in our bed, but you're talking about Gail and that's kind of ruining the moment." I laugh, smoothing over his wet hair.
"You want to take me up on that offer?" Christian, not to subtly, lowers his body on to mine and rotates his hips. "I was hoping you'd say that."
I slip on one of Christian's shirts before accepting his out stretched hand so he can escort me to the kitchen.
"Ana!" Gail screeches before I'm even visible to her, but when I lay eyes on her she is already running towards me. As she collides with me, Christian still doesn't let go of my hand.
"Oh, Ana. Finally, I'm so happy for you – both of you – My God, it feels like an eternity since I've seen you two happy and together, and now we can move back home-"
"Gail," I stop her, laughing. Christian seems a little annoyed. "Thank you, but we want to take his transition back home slow. Which reminds me," I turn to my husband. "We need to call the doctor."
"Why?" He whines like a three-year-old.
"So, he can officially clear you. Then I'll catch you up on everything, and we can go to the office tell them. Later I'll call your family and invite them to dinner, I'll tell the kids too. Which means, Gail, can you fix dinner?"
"Of course, Mrs. Grey." I sigh, loving the sound of being addressed by my husband's last name again. "Is the dinner here or the Big House?"
"Big House. If the kids ask why you are back, tell them Christian gave you the day off." Gail says okay and is quick to collect her necessities before taking the elevator down.
We have breakfast all to ourselves now.
"You can start eating, I need to call Dr. Newton and see if he can get you in as soon as possible." I turn to head towards his office but Christian stops me.
"To throw your own words back at you, I technically just got you back as well, I don't want to be separated from you for another second." He yanks my hand so now I'm standing in-between his legs. I smile and run my hands over his chest and toned arms.
"I guess I can call from my cell." Christian smirks, helping me onto a stool and pushing a loaded plate in front of me. I give him a chaste kiss before dialing the good doctor.
"Dr. Newton's office, how may I help you?" A female voice answers
"Hi, this is Anastasia Grey. I was wondering if Dr. Newton was available so I could talk to him directly?" I hear some shuffling going on in the back ground.
"Yes, he is, I'm transferring you now." There are three beeps on the other end before a deep male voice speaks.
"Anastasia, how are you?"
"I'm great, thank you." I don't think we addressing Dr. Newton by his first name would be the best thing. Christian has changed in many ways since we met, but not so much in areas where it concerns me and other men. "I was calling about Christian."
"Good news, I hope?"
"Very. I'm actually here with him right now, and it seems that he is back to normal." Christian is watching me with a steady gaze. I smile and cup his face, not seeming to keep my hands off him.
"That's fantastic! Are you calling to have him come in?"
"Yes, your first opening would be great."
"My morning is surprisingly cleared until nine. Any time before that works."
"So, we can come in now?" Christian rolls his eyes and places his head on the counter. Baby.
"Yes. I'll see you two soon." I end the call and hop off the stool.
"Christian." I say and tug on his hand. He looks up at me. Damn, I'm lucky.
"Really, Ana?"
"Yes. Now get your ass to the bedroom." I say, pointing in the desired direction. Christian smirks and in a flash, I'm in his arms.
"I love when you talk dirty to me." He buries his face in my neck and nips at my sensitive skin, still red from this earlier this morning. He makes this so hard.
Oh! So is he.
"Christian, I'm serious. The faster we get to the doctor, the faster we can get home and I can take care of you." I smirk, knowing that's exactly what he needs. Reluctantly he sets me back down and kisses my nose.
"Well, every test we ran before has come back great. If you experience any severe headaches, call me and I'll prescribe some antibiotics." Dr. Newton says as he enters the room and takes a seat in the rolling chair in in front of us. Christian is sitting in a big green patient chair holding my hand in his lap. "They may come and go for a few weeks from the extensive trauma. Um, there is one test I'll run this time with Mrs. Grey in the room this time. Do you remember us asking you a series of questions soon after you woke up?"
"To be honest, Doctor, I don't remember that day much. I do remember seeing Ana by the bed, and not knowing who she was." Christian looks at me with heavy eyes.
"Well to be sure all your memory is back in tact I'm going to repeat the questions, okay?" Christian huffs. He hates this. It's hard not to laugh.
"Okay, just say the first thing that comes to mind.
"My youngest son."
"My daughter's boyfriend who works at my company."
"Juliet May."
"My youngest daughter."
"Phoebe Grace."
"My eldest daughter."
"Teddy or Theodore Raymond."
"My eldest son."
"Jack Hyde."
"My wife's old boss. A sexual predator."
"Christian!" I scold. He flashes me a look to not challenge him.
"It's true, isn't it?" I nod. He also happens to be Kenneth's-
"An old friend's cousin. The female version of Mr. Hyde." Christian gives an insincere smile. She too happens to be Kenneth's-
"London, Paris, Versailles, Monaco?" Christian's expression softens.
"Our honeymoon."
"The date July 31, 2012."
"Our wedding."
"My biological mother."
"Finally, Elena Lincoln."
"A long time, and use to be, business partner."
Dr. Newton looks between Christian's new answers, his old answers, and my descriptions from a month ago. He looks up with a smile.
"Well, Mr. Grey, you have regained your memory. Congratulations."
As soon as the elevator doors open Christian pulls me into the foyer of the apartment, pinning me against the cool wall.
"You still up for your offer from earlier?" Christian kisses me hard. In stead of answering in words I slide my hand down his torso, and take him in my hand. He takes a sharp breath.
"Why Mrs. Grey-" I cut him off with my lips, he hugs me tighter.
"Shut up and take me to bed."
I'm splayed out on his bare chest, our body heat trapped between us and the sheets. Christian smooths my hair down my back, his fingers dancing over my shimmering skin. I can't help but focus on his heart beat in my ear.
"So, what all have I missed?" His voice breaks the silence and I can't help but laugh.
"You make it sound like you missed work for a day."
"I missed my life for four weeks, Ana. I want to get back to normal probably more than you do if we are being honest." I shrug and get comfortable.
"What all do you remember about the kids and what not?" Christian takes a moment to think about it and I do too. So much has happened in our live I can't think of it chronologically.
"Kenneth, he...well I know you were worried about him accepting you. He seemed more emotionally attached to me, before." I nod in agreement. Kenneth was more attached to him.
"He calls me 'Mom' now." Christian smiles and looks down at me.
"Since when?"
"Since the second week you were in the coma. He also thought you had a vacuum in your mouth."
"I heard." What? I push up on one arm and look down at him.
"You could hear us?" He mirrors my actions, resting his head on his hand and looking at me.
"I heard everything, but I couldn't remember what had been said the day before, and I couldn't match the voices to people, but I heard every word. The longer I was in there the less I could start comprehending things." That's crazy. I don't know if I'm thankful he heard all that went on or embarrassed.
"I'm glad I didn't see you then. Gail was right, I probably would have flipped shit if I saw your dwindling health again." I nod. Those two weeks replay in my head and something comes to mind.
"I just remembered something." I mumble and throw the covers off me, scampering to the other side of the room for my small hand bag I brought with me. I feel Christian watch my every move and I blush. When I find what I've been looking for, I hold all three of them in my hand and return back to the bed.
"What is it?" He asks. I carefully place all three rings on the bed. "I didn't even notice they were missing." He confesses looking down at my bare left hand. I take his hand and carefully slide the ring on his finger.
"In sickness and in health." I say. Christian smile and takes mine, replacing them on my finger.
"Forever and always." He whispers back before capturing my lips with his. "I love you."
"I love you too." He pulls me to him, the two of us sinking lower into the bed.
"What else happened? Oh, how's Sophie doing?" How does he know already? "She must be well into her first trimester." He doesn't.
"Um, yeah...she was." I answer. Christian looks at me before it seems to register.
"When did it happen?"
"The day you woke up."
"Damn." He whispers falling back on the bed, his arm under his head. "How are they doing?"
"A lot better as far as I know. Teddy was heart broken and he really wanted you, but he pulled through." Christian nods.
"That's good. Anything else happen in the hospital?" Yeah, Kenneth's biological parents want to take him away from us and we have a court date in two weeks.
"Okay." I have to sit up for this. Christian must sense my reluctance to tell him this part, so he too sits up against the head board and crosses his arms.
"Ana what is it?"
"Promise me. Promise you won't let all hell break loose." I grab his hands and hold them tight. His face is stone cold.
"Christian. Promise me." He huffs and rolls his eyes.
"Fine. Now tell me.
"It's Kenneth's parents." His posture softens. It won't last long.
"What do you mean?"
"They came to the hospital, the day you woke up as well, and gave me some papers. They are taking us to court for custody."
"They can't do that." Christian argues. I take a deep breath.
"There are a lot of factors in the whole situation. We already had one court appearance a few days ago, and many things were brought up."
"Okay, who are they?" Shit.
"Genevieve and Jack." I rush and sure enough Christian stiffens again and I feel sick.
"Genevieve, the woman who tried to seduce our son?" I nod. "And Jack? Jack who?" He asks like he already knows he just wants me to confirm it. I don't want to. "Ana, Jack who?"
"Hyde." Christian closes his eyes and his hands grow tighter around mine.
"The fuckers!" He shouts, making me jump.
"Christian, please-"
"When is the next court date? I can call in a few favors-" I cut him off.
"Christian, I already have." He stops talking but his labored breathing continues. "It's complicated. Mr. Matthews can show you everything we have built up so far the day of, but this isn't something to stress about right now."
"Nothing to stress about?" I'm all too familiar with this tone of voice. "Ana, this is about the future of our son. Our son, not theirs. How can we not stress about this?" I kiss his knuckles, praying something, anything, will calm him down.
"Because, just trust me. If Kenneth is staying strong and calm through all this madness, then so can we." I run my fingers through his hair and his body relaxes, his face and breathing doesn't, but his posture does.
Christian doesn't say anything, he just nods. I don't think I can put into words how much I love this man.
"Anything else I should know?" My husband pulls me on to his lap, lacing his fingers with mine. I try to think of anything.
"Other than me scrambling to hid any traces of a family from you, having to keep the business running and taking care of kids, oh and today I finally told the kids about your lack of memory-"
"You kept that from them?" His brows draw together and I sulk under his stare.
"Yes, but I had my reasons, and when I told them it blew up in my face, but all is good now-" I'm cut off by his lips on mine.
"You babble a lot." How dare he. I open my mouth to argue but he stops me again, this time I sink into his delicious touch. "I love you so much, Mrs. Grey."
"I love you too, Christian."
Christian and I snuck into the building, he went straight to his office and I immediately called a meeting. I told him he might wanted to look over everything I did while he was in the hospital since I'm sure that information was kept from him. My name would be on the papers.
Andrea is in there with him, helping add my name back to accounts here and there. I wish I could have snapped a picture of her face when she saw the two of us in his office.
Most the staff, or at least the most important people, are sitting in the biggest conference room I could find. They are all whispering and looking around. I think I hear someone ask if jobs were going to be taken.
"All right everyone, have a seat if you can, quiet down." The room immediately gets quiet. "I'm sure some of you are wondering why I'm here, I haven't been around in two weeks, well I have some major news." They all look on anxiously. "Christian's memory has come back." There are claps and a few cheers around the room. "Yes, this is something to celebrate, but we all know he would hate that, so I will be around more once again, but we both ask that you treat him like the accident never happened. He is being caught up on everything in the last month, so no need to worry." Everyone continues to gossip about this and that, Christian being the hot topic.
"I guess the meeting is over. Thank you, guys, continue with your day." And the group disperses. I wait till the last body is out of the room before heading back towards Christian's office. Andrea exits as I enter.
"Hello, Mrs. Grey." He smirks, folding his hands on the desk.
"Hello, Mr. Grey. Were all my executive decisions up to par?" Christian hums and stands from his desk. I plop down in a chair, crossing my legs.
"I believe so, I didn't have to change too much." He smirks as he walks towards me. He bends down, hands on the armrest, trapping me. "I don't know about you Mrs. Grey, but I am exhausted from such a busy day." I roll my eyes. It has not been a busy day. We have been here for an hour. Christian grabs my chin forcing me to look at him. He says nothing about my eye roll, his eyes admonishing enough.
"Why don't you say we head home?"
"Home home?" I ask and he nods. Looking down at my watch I shake my head. "I think it's too early." Christian stoops lower.
"I can think of a few ways we can pass the time." And with that, we head back to Escala.
((Happy ( late) Thanksgiving! Or Happy Black Friday! I hope you enjoyed this chapter? I know it moved a little fast and it gave a quick reminder of what all has happened. Sorry about the lack of a schedule when it comes to updating, I can't promise a set date for the next update but I will try to get one written soon. We have a few more major plot points to get through and my goal is to finish this before Fifty Shades Darker comes out.
Sorry these last few chapter's haven't been edited.
Anyways, thanks for reading!))
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