Stage 2: The Attraction

One by one, all Taeyeon's friends started to come. Every time each of them arrived, they couldn't help to wonder who was the beautiful woman sat next to Taeyeon, wearing same sweater as Taeyeon. And every time they asked the question, Tiffany would take initiative to introduced herself properly and referred herself as Taeyeon's date. Taeyeon was surprised at first but she was also being thankful for Tiffany's bubbly personality, it wasn't hard for the woman to adapt and adjust to Taeyeon's friends. And silently, every time Tiffany mentioned that she was Taeyeon's date, she could feel a breeze in her chest. It felt good and she liked it.

"So how long have you known each other?" Sooyoung, the tallest woman who usually led the group to choose the menu, didn't even bother to order anything as she was intrigued by the new person in their circle.

"To be honest, just couple of minutes ago." Tiffany answered with a chuckle.

"Yah, Taenggoo! Did you kidnap random woman in this cafe?" Soonkyu gasped in surprise after hearing the fact.

Taeyeon laughed at the response. "In fact, she was a random woman in this cafe minutes ago." She looked at Tiffany and Tiffany understood what she meant. That was a fact, couple of minutes ago, they were just a stranger who sat in different tables.

"Unnie, are you that desperate to get a girlfriend?" Seohyun, the maknae had worried look all over her face.

"You know, Taeng is always hopeless romantic, maybe she really is desperate to have a girlfriend, Hyunie." Hyoyeon, answered on behalf of Taeyeon, earning a glare from Taeyeon, making the people in the table laughed.

"So, Taeyeon is a hopeless romantic?" Tiffany seemed curious about her date.

"You need to be careful, Tiffany." Yoona who was in charge to choose the menu to replace Sooyoung, joined the conversation. "Taeyeon Unnie is an expert in making women suffer from diabetes."

The table filled with laughters again after hearing Yoona's remark.

"How old are you, Tiffany?" Sunny was the one who asked the question.

"Oh my, I hate that question." Tiffany faked a sigh. "I just turned thirty-four last August." She answered anyway.

"Ah, I should've addressed you as Unnie then." Yoona covered her mouth, noticing she didn't use any honorific to Tiffany before.

"Aish, I am still the oldest here, I guess?" Taeyeon pouted after finding out Tiffany's age.

"How old are you?" Tiffany put her attention back to Taeyeon.

"Also thirty-four. But my birthday is in March." Taeyeon still had a pout on her face.

"It's okay, Unnie." Tiffany emphasized the word unnie and had a teasing smile on her face.

The rest of the women laughed at Tiffany's remark except for Seohyun. "You weren't joking when you said you just met couple of seconds ago?" Seemed like the youngest was intrigued by that.

"We are on a blind date set-up by Yuri." Taeyeon answered the question.

"Really?" Hyoyeon raised her eyebrows, doubting what Taeyeon just said.

"Yeah," Tiffany chirped in. "I arrived here early, and Yuri sent me message telling me that her friend had also arrived. She asked me to join the table."

"And how could you know Yuri?" Sooyoung's eyebrows knitted into one.

"Yuri is dating my best friend." Tiffany explained briefly. She didn't want to repeat what she told Taeyeon earlier.

Loud gasps filled the table. Of course it came from everyone in the table except for Taeyeon who already knew it a bit earlier.

Sooyoung eyed everyone in the group. "Any of you knew that Yuri is dating?"

"I just found out from Tiffany before you guys came." Taeyeon shrugged, explaining her lack of surprise.

"That answers why Yuri haven't been tagging along every time I am with Henry." Sunny chuckled.

"Did Yuri Unnie also asked you two to wear same sweater?" Seohyun raised the question as she eyed Taeyeon and Tiffany, didn't seem to get distracted by the fact that her other unnie was dating someone.

"This is totally a coincident." Tiffany giggled. "To be honest, when I entered the cafe and saw Taeyeon who wears same sweater, I was thinking that it would be cute if that woman was the one Yuri would introduce to me."

"Aaawww, that's cute." Yoona cooed, earning a side glare from her other friends. "What? I really think that is cute." Yoona defended herself, letting out loud huff.

"You know your voice is annoying every time you do that, Unnie." Seohyun stated candidly, making other women in the table muffled their laugh.

"Where is the crazy Yul, anyway?" Hyoyeon stated as she looked at the time in her phone.

Tiffany unlocked her phone and made a few tap before answered Hyoyeon. "Jess said she had arrived five minutes ago." She locked her phone and shrugged. "Maybe they're making out before coming to us."

Everybody went silent after Tiffany's remark, and it didn't go unnoticed by Tiffany. "Gosh, am I being too blunt?" She covered her mouth, feeling guilty for speaking to bluntly in this new circle of friends. Hyoyeon was the first who cracked a laugh, followed by the other.

"I love your bluntness!" Sooyoung laughed animatedly. "Taeng, you really need to date her." She smirked at the laughing Taeyeon who sat next to Tiffany.

"We're technically on a date, you know?" Taeyeon replied as she stuck out her tongue childishly.

"Hi guys!" A familiar voice joined their conversation. All head turned to the person who just greeted them, a tall tanned woman with a wide grin on her face. Next to her, stood a feminine woman who somehow seemed quiet.

"Your lipstick smeared." Hyoyeon remarked as soon as she noticed Yuri's presence.

Yuri immediately took out her phone from her jeans and opened the front camera while the woman next to her blushed hard upon receiving Hyoyeon's remark.

"Yah! My lipstick is just fine!" Yuri gestured a punch to Hyoyeon, making everyone laughed. "Anyway, this is Sica." Yuri finally introduced the new woman and the gang greeted Jessica. "My girlfriend," She announced and received silence from her friends. All of her friends just stared at her with their jaw hung opened. "Come on, guys! Don't do that!" She sulked and finally her friends bursted into laughs.

"We're surprised, Unnie." Seohyun chuckled as she stood up and introduced herself to Jessica. "I am Seohyun. Nice to meet you, Sica Unnie?" She seemed unsure on how to address Yuri's new girlfriend.

"Nice to meet you too, Seohyun." Jessica smiled warmly at Seohyun. The moment she smiled, all the shy and quiet aura she held before vanished and replaced by immense friendliness. Other women followed Seohyun to take turn introducing themselves to Jessica including Taeyeon. After everyone got their turn, Tiffany scooted closer to Taeyeon, giving Jessica and Yuri some space to sat next to them.

Yuri took a seat and grinned wide when she saw how Taeyeon and Tiffany wore same sweaters. "Dude, are you dating now? You wear same sweaters!" She commented delightedly.

"You set us up for blind date, remember?" Tiffany playfully rolled her eyes.

"I didn't remember telling you to wear couple sweater, though." Yuri continued. "Seems like you guys are destined to be together, huh?"

"Enough about me and Fany, Yul." Taeyeon jumped in, afraid that Tiffany might feel uncomfortable with the tease. "I think the folks here have plenty of questions for you and your Sica." Taeyeon smirked at Yuri before turning her head to her other friends which had burning curiosities painted on their face. And just like what Taeyeon said, right after she finished the sentence, Yuri was immediately bombarded with questions.

"Fany, huh?" Tiffany's husky voice intruded her ears.

"Huh?" Taeyeon was taken aback with the sudden question shoot at her from the woman next to her.

"Nice nickname." Tiffany chuckled and winked at her.

Taeyeon's face flushed, after realizing what Tiffany meant. "I am glad if you like it." She grinned in answer, trying to mask her shyness. Tiffany only beamed a smile as an answer and joined the group to question and tease the new couple. Taeyeon smiled at the sight, soundlessly thinking to herself, if Santa were real, maybe Tiffany was the best gift she ever received during Christmas. What a serendipitous event it was? Getting set-up for a blind date to a very attractive woman like Tiffany. Santa must've been in a very good moon this Christmas that he delivered Taeyeon's present earlier.


"See you tomorrow, Tiffy." Jessica hugged her friend before stretched her hand to Taeyeon. "Once again, nice to meet you, Taeyeon."

"Nice to meet you too, Sica." Taeyeon shook Jessica's hand.

"Please take care of my best friend. Don't you dare breaking her heart." Jessica stated with a smile, but somehow Taeyeon shivered at the warning. She could sense that Jessica really meant it. Taeyeon only smiled in answer.

"Yah, Sica. It's only our first meeting. Don't blackmail her." Tiffany tittered while shoving her best friend, earning a cakcle from Jessica.

"I will be the one who knock her head if she hurts your best friend, Sica." Yuri chimed in.

Taeyeon rolled her eyes at the way her buddy tried to look courteous, earning a knock on the head from Yuri.

"Anyway, we're off now." Jessica bid farewell to Taeyeon and Tiffany before taking Yuri's hand and left the cafe hand in hand. The rest of the group had also gone home, leaving the remaining two women in the cafe.

"So..." Taeyeon's voice trailed as she turned her head to Tiffany who stood next to her. "Can we continue our date?" She grinned nervously, silently wishing Tiffany would agree to the idea.

Tiffany dashed a smile, showcasing her eye-smile. "I am glad you ask." She replied keenly.

Taeyeon's grin turned into a smile, feeling relieved that Tiffany seemed to like the idea. During the hours they spent with Taeyeon's friends, Taeyeon found out how good Tiffany was in adjusting to the environment. She didn't seem awkward, she went with the flow. She didn't even try to hide the fact that they were set-up in a blind date by Yuri, to the point that made Taeyeon thought Tiffany was happy with the set-up.

"Anything you wanna do?" Taeyeon took her sling bag and put her phone inside it.

Tiffany looked at Taeyeon. "I wanna know you better." She answered innocently. But it was enough to make Taeyeon turned pink.

"Let's just stroll around." Taeyeon replied as she led the way to get out of the cafe. The cold breeze hit their face once they stepped outside the cafe. Taeyeon immediately rubbed her hands together, trying to look for some warmth.

"Are you sure you want to stroll around?" Tiffany laughed quietly.

"You're not cold?" Taeyeon continued rubbing her hands.

"I am fine." Tiffany replied as she stepped forward and walked down the street, while Taeyeon tried to catch up with her.

"Anyway," Taeyeon chirped once she managed to matched Tiffany's steps. "I don't think we had proper introduction earlier."

Tiffany cackled at that. "Yeah, the way we met was not ideal." She nodded in agreement. "I am thankful enough you didn't ignore me when I suddenly came to you and asked whether you are Taeyeon or not." She shook her head in amusement. Maybe her brain was playing the scene they did some hours ago.

"So, hello." Taeyeon jumped to the front and blocked Tiffany's way, earning a laugh from the latter. "My name is Kim Taeyeon, nice to meet you." She bowed a bit to Tiffany, making the latter laughed harder.

"Well, hello Taeyeon." Tiffany replied in excitement. "I am Tiffany Young. Nice meeting you too." She also bowed down. And both women laughed at what they just did.

Taeyeon stepped aside and positioned herself next to Tiffany while walking down the pavements. "Tiffany Young." Taeyeon mumbled Tiffany's name. "I think you're the only person in my life who has Young surname"

"My surname is actually Hwang."

"Huh?" Taeyeon turned her head to Tiffany and looked at her in confusion. "But you said your name is Tiffany Young."

Tiffany smiled at Taeyeon's confusion. "Are we in getting-to-know phase right now?" She teased the older girl, earning pink tints on Taeyeon's cheeks.

"That's the purpose of a date, right? To get to know each other?" Taeyeon cleared her throat.

"Can I assume you've taken an interest in me?" Tiffany wiggled her eyebrows at Taeyeon.

Taeyeon chortled in response. "I thought, the moment you agreed to continue our date is a sign that we both have taken interests in each other." She smiled at Tiffany, ignoring the heat she felt on her cheeks. She knew she must've been blushing. To her surprise, she also saw pink blush tinted Tiffany's cheeks.

"I am indeed interested in you." Tiffany threw her gaze away from Taeyeon, as if she tried to hide the blush on her cheeks.

"We're on the same page then." Taeyeon concluded. "Fany," She called out the younger woman and Tiffany turned her head. Taeyeon smiled and streteched her hand toward Tiffany. "Wanna hold hands?"

Tiffany didn't say anything, but she smiled and took Taeyeon's hand in hers. "I really wanna get to know you, Taeyeon." Tiffany stated firmly. "I have a feeling that I will like you a lot." She turned her head to Taeyeon and grinned. "Do I sound creepy just now?"

Taeyeon tittered. "N'ah, it sounds like a music in my ears." She stated, receiving a playful slap on her arm. "Why do you have that feeling, though? We barely know each other."

"That's the thing." Tiffany looked up to the dark sky above them. "We just met today, but I feel so comfortable around you." She swung their holding hand playfully. "I feel like I don't need to pretend to be someone else." She looked at Taeyeon and dashed a wide smile.

Taeyeon smiled at the sight of Tiffany dashing her smile. She felt like she really needed to thank Yuri for setting her up with Tiffany. So far, the time she spent with Tiffany was pleasant. She didn't feel like Tiffany faking anything, she was also comfortable to be herself around Tiffany. Of course there were moments when she was dazzled by Tiffany's attractiveness, but the ease she felt around the other woman made her able to be herself.

"Just so we're on the same page, there's something I wanna ask you," stated Taeyeon.

"Shoot away," Tiffany replied.

"I don't know whether Yuri told you or not, but when I agree to a date, that means I am really looking forward to take it to a relationship." She grinned sheepishly. "So, if you're not up to a committed relationship, please let me know in advance."

"Great!" Tiffany exclaimed, making Taeyeon surprised at the sudden exclamation. "I'm tired of casual dates and people looking for just fun." She huffed before once again beamed a smile at Taeyeon. "You have no idea how long have I been yearning to be in a relationship."

Taeyeon laughed at the unexpected response. "So, I think we're on the same page."

Tiffany nodded in answer. "Can we get to know each other now?"

"Tell me what do you want to know about me, Fany" Taeyeon replied excitedly. They started to exchanged questions to each other, and the smile on Taeyeon face never fell off. Even though she never believed in Santa before, this time she silently asked Santa, for this woman next to her was really her Christmas gift.


Author's note:

I hope you enjoy the story so far <3

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