Chapter 3 ༄ Another

A year later...

"I'm a big sister?" Kay couldn't believe her ears. "I'm a big sister!" She said more excitingly, looking at the small bundle in Ezra's arms. Sure she was a little suspicious when her Mom and Dad ran off and left Hera to babysit, who thankfully was there on time. She did notice her mom getting a little bigger, but didn't really care, what her mom did with her life was her choice.

"Yes sweetie, meet Freedom." Sabine nodded and Ezra lowered baby Freedom down to Kay's eye level.

"What's a Freedom?" Kay asked, slightly confused giving the baby an odd look.

"He's your baby brother." Ezra clarified and watched as Kay began to play with her brother's toes.

"I know." Kay rolled her eyes, something she had picked up from Ezra, which Sabine yelled at him about. "But why Freedom?"

"Oh she's wondering why we picked Freedom as the name." Ezra realized and Sabine shook her head. "Well Sabine let me name this one," Sabine nudged him in the side and Ezra let out in 'oof'. "We named him after the New Freedom mural on Lothal, we had quiet an adventure there in our younger days." He looked at his lovely wife and laughed.

Sabine smiled sadly remembering the good old days with Hera, Kanan, Zeb, Chopper and Ezra.

"Thanks." Kay smiled and said, becoming bored with her brother's toes. "Can I play?" She asked, pointing at him.

"No Freedom can't play yet, he's too small, but before you know it he'll be taller than you." Sabine advised and smiled at her daughter.

Kay made a confused face. "How will the small thing get taller then me?"

"Growth?" Ezra asked, a little skeptic.

"Fine." Kay pouted, not really satisfied with the answer.

Sabine laughed and took Freedom from Ezra. "It's time to feed him, I'll be back." Just as she said that the little sleeping baby started to stir.

"See ya." Kay waved at Sabine and Freedom as she went into her and Ezra's room. "I'm hungry too." She mumbled

"Then let's go get some food." Ezra reassured his daughter and the two went into the kitchen to get a snack.

"Hey." Hera walked in from outside, where she was helping to fix their speeder. She went over to the sink to wash her hands.

"Sabine went to feed Freedom she'll be back in a bit." Ezra told his space mom, and Hera shook her head.

"That's too bad, all I have now is little Kay to play with." Hera joked and Kay beamed.

"I kind of need to do a food run." Ezra told Hera as he was looking though their cabinets and she nodded.

"I know, I ate your last meiloorun." Hera said and laughed.

"Hera!!" Ezra said and pouted. "That was for me."

"Ezra, I didn't think you were the kid here." Hera speculated and Ezra rolled his eyes.

"I'm not." He whined and Hera just laughed again.

"Hungry." Kay complained, feeling they were forgetting her.

"Hey Kay, want to go on a food run with me?" Hera asked. "I'll let you get anything you want." She whispered.

"Yes yes!" Kay smiled, and clapped her hands.

"Thanks Hera." Ezra said, relived. "I'm going to go take a nap, you sure you can handle Kay here."

"I have for the past few days, one food run isn't going to kill anyone." Hera said and Ezra shrugged, walking off.

"Let's go!" Kay said, and ran to the door putting on her shoes.

"Let's go." Hera agreed and followed the small girl out the door.

The two walked on foot to town, Hera carrying Kay some of the way. They reached the local grocery store and walked in.

"Hello Hera." The twi'lek who was restocking/organizing the fruits said. "Hey little Kay."

"Hey Kelli." Hera called back. "I'm on a food run, for this little ones parents."

Kay nodded and Kelli smiled. "Well take your time and look around." She told them and went back to restocking.

"Go pick out something for you." Hera told the young girl, she nodded and Hera walked around the store grabbing what she knew her friends needed for the next few days.

Kay ran off to the space waffle section and grabbed two packs of them. She loved these, but Ezra never let her get them.

Hera had finished up with the shopping and Kay put the waffles into the basket.

"Waffles, huh?" She asked and Kay nodded. "You know who else likes these?"

"Who?" She asked, looking up at the twi'lek.

"Uncle Eights and Uncle Chopper." Hera answered and Kay smiled.

"Who are they?" She asked.

"Chopper is my droid." Hera started.

"I know, Chop Chop." Kay protested. "Who's Eights'?"

"Eights' is a really good friend of ours, Ezra knew him in his younger days." Hera said, a little bit sad, she didn't remember Eights, but that was when she was a baby so that was to be expected, but she was surprised that Ezra hadn't mentioned Eights' to her yet.

"Oh so he likes waffles, I like him then." Kay declared and Hera smiled. "Where is Chopper and Eights?"

"Well I left Chopper with The Ghost at the New Republic's flight academy and Eights' ran off with some guy about a year back we haven't heard from him since." Hera informed her.

"I want Chop Chop." Kay whined.

"Chopper can come visit soon, ok?" She said and began to get in the line to pay.

"Yay." Kay smiled and waited in line next to her. Soon Hera was able to pay and Kay got her waffles, they both walked out Hera carrying two bags of groceries and Kay playing with a stick like it was a sword.

"That's the Bridger's kid, rights?" Hera heard mumbling from a group of three, a twi'lek who was missing one lekku, a purple theelin and a human male, that they walked by on the way home.

"Yeah." The theelin answered, Hera ignored them and kept walking. She then saw the human and the theelin start to follow them, and decided to address it, she stopped and put the groceries near the wall of the nearest building.

Putting a hand on her blaster, and putting Kay behind her she said. "What do you want?"

The two seem taken aback that she would face them, and the human replied. "The kid." Then he made a move to grab Kay, Hera stopped him by grabbing his arm and punching him square in the jaw, the theelin made a move, trying to hit Hera back. Hera dodged her blow, resulting the theelin falling off balance onto the ground. The human pulled himself off the ground, and helped his friend up, they both made a run at Kay. Hera didn't give the theelin another chance to grab Kay before she kicked her back down to the ground, but she didn't have enough time to keep the human from getting near Kay.

Kay panicked, taking a few steps back, before closing her eyes and pushing her hand at him. The human flew back a few feet, without Kay even laying a hand on him. She looked up a bit rattled.

The two looked at them both shocked and started to run off the other way, Hera was satisfied and picked up the groceries.

"Yay Hera." Kay smiled and watched the two walk off, shaking a bit. "Your the bomb."

"You ok?" Hera asked the girl, worried.

"Yes." Kay nodded. "Just tired."

"Good." Hera said, thankful. Shaken up a bit as well, but even more angry at Ezra for not telling her Kay had the force.

They continued to walk back home, without any further intrusions, but what Hera didn't notice was that the twi'lek, who was missing the lekku followed them home that night. She walked inside and put the groceries away, Kay went to find Dad or Mom. She ran into her mom's legs after turning a sharp corner.

"Oww." Kay said and then saw Sabine. "Hey Mom."

"Hey sweetie, have a fun time with Hera." She asked her daughter.

Kay nodded and said. "I got space waffles and Hera kicked butt."

"What?" Sabine asked, picked up her daughter heading to the kitchen to find Hera.

"Hey Sabine." Hera smiled. "Good to see you."

"I want a waffle." Kay told Hera and she nodded.

"Kay said 'You kicked butt.'" Sabine asked, hoping for a bit more explanation as Hera put away the last of the food.

"We had a bit of a run in with some locals, we're fine though, but you didn't tell me that Kay had the force!?" Hera practically yelled the last part at Sabine.

"Ezra thought it would be best, since there is no way to train her, even if she wanted it." Sabine explained and grabbed a seat, next to Kay as Hera made her a waffle.

"Luke has started plans to build an academy to train a new generation." Hera told her and Sabine looked up.

"Really? That would be great for Kay." Sabine told Hera. "I'll tell Ezra when he wakes up."

Hera smiled and gave Kay her waffle, Kay began to eat the waffle, happy with her life, her new baby brother and excited for whatever the future may hold.

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