Ramon's 🏀 Camp!!


Day 1: June 11th

Today was the first day of this illustrious camp!! And this time, our little bruh-bruh Timothy came along! Unfortunately, our mom decided to stay home by herself- Timothy cried a bit about that-, but yah.

So anyway, we walked in and set our bags down that we got from the camp last year, and crossed the gym to where two girls our age were shooting.

(By the way, Syashia, we actually had to kindaaa, ha... lie, about our age a bit. 😀😀!!! The age limit was 15, though we had absolutely no idea until like a week before.

Luckily for us, Ramon's mom let Karrington and I sneak in. 😄😄!! Thaannk yooouuuuuu!!)

Anywho, we immediately recognized one of the girls from last year, and I hugged her, though she said she couldn't remember us. (She was the girl that was talking about the blowout.) Our Novean-looking cousin was also at that hoop too.

We started shooting, and I learned that thaaaannkk goodness my shot wasn't as bad as last year's. I guess that day outside at home with mah siblings and our 🏀 hoop was worth it!

After like maybe 20 minutes of that, we sat down together on some metal bleachers and started talking. Of course, I made sure I had my Wi-Fi on both my devices first! 😊😊!!

And a little later on, another girl we remembered, the one that tried to get that picture of the Duke shorts 😀☺, came. Her name is Nyena. She actually said she missed us! 😄😄!!

So we talked until it was time to hustle up to get chosen into stretch lines. Which was _ell, I tell ya, because they want like 200 campers to reeaally try to arrange themselves into shortest-to-tallest order.


But we somewhat got the job done and got split into 5 stretch lines. Well, 6. I had nearly forgotten about the cute _$$ little hobbits!! Aaaaaahhhhhh!!! 😆😍😩😆!!! I got to be in a line with Nyena.

And then, the beautimous moment everyone was waiting for!...

Ramon came out!! 😆👏😆!!!

He started talking to us, asked us who his longest-termed camper was (it was his sister's daughter, Jamia, who's been there all eleven years), and who were first-year campers. Lil' bruh-bruh stand up!

He also told us a little bit about his life story before he got in the NBA, and also asked some generic NBA questions. For instance, he asked how many picks are there in the Draft, and wouldn'ya believe it that he called on me to answer! Of course I answered correctly. 60! #WhatKindaGirlD'YaTakeMeFor?

And he also even explained what a 'hobbit' was, which is just an extremely short person. 😂😂!! This one hobbit boy raised his hand twice and proudly proclaimed, "I'm a hobbit!" And Ramon pointed back at him and declared, "You are a hobbit."



Then we did stretches while Nyena fawned over this one supposedly cute African-American guy in our line, talking about his curly hair and blue shorts and "high _utt". He actually was cute, but was I gonna say that?

Ramon also slapped the deriere of another AA guy as he began his set of high kicks. I have like 3 Caucasian boys that sit around me in my line, and they were saying that Ramon was gay for doing that.

Siiigh. If only they knew how respect works in the NBA. Trust me.

Then we went to do the drills, and do y' know just who the _ell our group got first?...

The chopping guy. I was like, 'Ohhhh Lllord'.

He was already a-smilin' away, clapping and saying, "Did y'all miss me? I know I missed y'all. I'm about to show y'all juuuustt how much I missed y'all!"

Meanwhile I was smiling and saying, "I'm ready!" But Timothy had no idea what we were about to be doing, and asked me. I told him, "This will be your woorrst nightmare. Juust wait." He said he hated me for not telling him afterward, and I just laughed and patted his head.

We then went through the lay-up drill, passing drill, handling drill, and boxing-out drill. Then I think we went to lunch, where when outside, the Wi-Fi doesn't work, but not my largest worry.

My largest worry, and probably will still be later on in the week, unless I get downgraded, is...

Being picked to be on the NBA squad.

Like first of all, what the _ell did I do in order to be picked there? Drills don't mean $_it! And second off, I can't do this!! I will be a dead woman with all these boys, though like 8 of 'em are girls... including Karrington 😅😆!! Thank Godness!!

But yeah, I'm positive that I'll be downgraded after today or tomorrow.

Anyways, we then got split up into 5 teams (after getting arranged into shortest-to-tallest order again). Thankfully it only had to be done with like 33 people.

Ramon did say that more people would be here tomorrow though, so we'll see. I'm just hoping that Cute Guy #2 and his girlfriend don't show up, and that one of our other cousins show up. Amiya is her name, Karrington reminded me. I also hope those two twins from last year, Annabelle and Gracie Louis, come too.

And of course we were both hoping that Lindsey would show up. But after talking to her grandma, she told us she was staying in Atlanta (which we forgot was where she lives), and that she wouldn't be able to. 😞😞😞. _amnit.

But taaaahh, back to speaking on cute guys, Cute Guy #1 was there too! But I did NOT want to get on a team with him. At all.

Let's just say it's obvious by his nice looks that he has a real temper problem. And it actually showed well today too. He hit the stanchion first, and later on slammed the ball down in anger. My whole team started shouting "Tech!! Tech! Gi' 'dat boy a tech!" 😂😂!!
I was just like, "...😐😐😐...".

Anyway, my team was all boys, except for me, and the whole time, I was just sitting there kind of away from them, playing with a penny I found. One of the guys was saying to the others that I looked a little sad.

I wasn't, actually. I was just _ELLA _ella nervous. I was wishing I was with the D-League or at least on Karrington's team.

When it was our turn to play, I asked the guy who had said I looked a little sad what my position was, because I didn't have a clue and I just wanted to be sure, _amnit.

And you know what he did? He freakin' laughed at me! Purely in amusement.

I was nervous! Our coach told me, and so with me being in the starting line-up somehow, I #UsedThat! I think we won that game, I can't remember. But Ramon had said that the games didn't matter.

The games tomorrow will. So I'm sitting there like, "😬😬😬!!!" I'm sure to be downgraded by tomorrow. 😔😔... 😌😌.

On the positive side of things though, I got to face Karrington's team twice! In the first game, her team's center asked me, since one team has to wear black jerseys, "Ain'chu supposed to be on my team?", and I told him, "Oh, no, you must be thinking of my twin sister." 😂😂!!

Allways, always.

Also in the first game, the same dude- he wears glasses- asked me, "You gon' guard y' sister?", and I just shrugged and said, "Yeah, sure", and he just chuckled at me again.

I'm just like, why? But whatever. We won both of those games too!

I'm just glad my presence on the court isn't affecting our chances to win too much. 'Cuz I can't half do $_it. I'm sure Ramon himself'll downgrade me. It'll hurt a bit, but I'll be fine. *Shrugs*.

But after all that _ell, it was finally time to go. We got our camp T-shirts that we'll have to wear all week- they're Underarmour!- and they picked a 'Player of the Day' from the hobbits, D-League, and NBA. Duh $_it I wasn't gonna be it!!

Also throughout the day, the coaches were asking about seeing one of us more than once or seeing double. We just grinned everytime.

Then we got a picture with Ramon, though I couldn't because my dad was calling at that exact moment. So I'll save it for tomorrow.

... _amn, a lotta tomorrows! I guess we'll have to see what happens tomorrow.

...Still my kinda camp!!

Day 2: June 12th

Start of Day 2!! We stayed around on our phones and talked again until it was time to stretch. One of the NBA girls had tapped me before it though, pointed to a guy behind her, and told me, and I quote,

"Hey, what's your name?" "Kayden." "Kayden?" *Head nod*. "Oh okay. Hey Kayden, he say like you!"

...Wwwhat now?

"Ahh..." "Yeah, he say you real fine. He say he wants y' number!" "Ah-huuh..."

And then I just dropped it. Quicker than when the tall yo-yo at the fair sinks back down. I didn't even look to see who it was she was talking about.

Even if he did supposedly like me, I'm-not-trying-to-get-a-boy-friend. I've told everyone this!!

But anywho. No stretches today (no chopping!). One of the coaches instead told us Ramon's story of working and slowly making it up to the NBA, all while being ridiculed and teased about his height and size.

It was pretty annoying, actually. For every stage in his career- as a kid, a middle-schooler, a freshman in high-school, a freshman in college, and an NBA rookie, aalll that-, it was just "Who is this skinny, short kid? Who does this kid think he is, tryna play with the Big Booyz?" Like uuugghh.

Anyways, after all 'dat, we had to get with our teams in order to play multiple games that have four 5-minute quarters. We're all in a playoff bracket, both the D-League and NBA teams. For both leagues, the first team to three wins gets a bye-round. The cute little hobbits just play.


Ramon assigned all the teams to a coach. Our team became Team 3. And juusst guess who my team was assigned to...

I'm sure you already knew. The _amn chopping guy.

As if I wasn't already in a boatload of _ell from just having to play on the NBA side. Perfect.

But uuuummm, I swear I'm still not ready and I don't belong. I mean, Syashia, my anxiety is sooo through the roof that is the ceiling. Before and during every game, my heart pounds and I feel overly nervous. I had to steady my breathing a little bit twice.

But my team and coach kept giving me some reassurance. He said as long as we play solid defense, he doesn't care what we shoot; we also must aim for 10+-point wins. And the tallest guy on my team is a nice sport. I mean, I know basketball definitely is, but he is too.

...He's cute. 😊😊!!

On my team, there are four cute guys to me: The dude with the glasses that kept laughing at me, The Tall Guy, one guy that honest to goodness looks like my guy Ahron Ulis, and a boy that plays my same position on defense.

I defend off the corners of the free-throw line and the diagonal parts of three-point line. I had to ask my coach what my position was to be while on offense, though everyone on my team thought I was raising my hand to admit that I had passed gas. 😂😂!!
I didn't! And I told them that!

But on offense, I play on the wings of the three-point line, like the glasses guy. I later found out his name is DJ, since he's our team captain. And do you know what else I discovered??

It was in our second game today, in which in the first game we had won! I had decided to actually shoot a three, and it was SO. _amn. Close! The chopper coach praised me for that. I get decent time, as we have 7 people.

I also managed to lose my team in between changing courts. 😂😂!! I just stayed in the same spot next to the Gatorade (which I hate), turning my head around everywhere- why you should move, Kayden-, in which took me a coupl'a minutes to find them. They were on the court where we do the boxing-out drill, and Chopping coach was already talking to the team.

So I pretty much sprinted over there and found a place to stand for the last 20 or so seconds of his speech. After dispersing, I laughed and told The Tall Guy "I lost you guys", and he smiled and also laughed.
(I hope they don't think I'm cute. And he reminds me of Jalen Canada.)

But uuuhh, the shocking discovery that I learned...

Is that DJ, and Cute Guy #1, Deandre is his name...

Are _ucking brothers.

How overly excited was I when Karrington told me?! The other girl on her team, one of our cousins, had told her of it, actually.

So I payed super extra attention to any possible interactions between them in our second game. As a matter'a fact, the best part of the whoolle day was this:

Chopping coach: "Okay DJ listen. You know who we playin' against." DJ: *Head nod*. Cc: "This is your brother." DJ: *Head nod*. Cc: "You with him 24/7! You know what ticks him off! You know how to make him mad!" DJ: *Another head nod*. Cc: "So what you gon' do, is get alll up in his _$$. DJ: *Silence*. Cc: "All up in his _$$." DJ: *More silence*. Cc: "Make him mad. Make him mad.

*Steps _ucking chest-to-chest with him though he's like maybe a foot taller than him*. "Make. Him. Mad."


Hot _amn can you imagine how much $_it I had to go through in order to not bust out vividly grinning like the trash $hipping idiom I am!!!

There were a few altercations here and there, but nothing big. And sadly, we lost that game too. We were 1-1 at that time.

Chopper coach said it was because it was a back-to-back game for us, while it was only their first game. But for me, I saw it as a humbling moment.

I know, I'm so professional.

Then we had lunch, in which Karrington, Timothy, and I got McDonald's. We let some of the other campers have some, but after leaving it for them, of course they didn't clean it up.

Siiigh. We're talking middle-schoolers here. *Shakes head 7 times*. I also watched some BTS, and one of the girls pointed it out, saying "You actually watch that stuff?" I just shrugged.

After lunch, teams were playing again. We played and won, on the court we started on. I began wondering if the side of the gym was a factor in our play.

...Hm. Either way, we're 2-1 now, and I'm shorter than my most recently-cut fingernail. The Ahron Ulis guy passed it way above my head in the 2nd game. 😂😂!! And Chopper coach told him to acknowledge it to me too. 😂😂!!!

But it's fine. We now only need 1 more win to get that bye! And I think a huuge part of our success has most definitely been the guy who plays my same position on defense.

He was getting pretty much everything down, hardly making mistakes, and defending extremely well. I had thought to myself multiple times, 'Coach, don'chu dare take him out for my sorry _$$'.

😂😂😂!!! But that's what I thought though. It's what I always think. I alllways get nervous before I go in. And I always tell myself to never, look at, the scoreboard. ...For the life of me.

But I said to myself, "He would be my pick for a player of the day." And when it came time to announce the Players of the Day, I was right! He was it for the NBA ones! For the D-League, it was cute little boy in my stretch line with very long, curly hair, and I forgot who it was for the hobbits.

Afterward, everyone got a Cleveland Cavaliers 😝😝 bag, a Chicago Bulls poster, 2017 Hall of Fame Enshrinement cards, one of those touch pencils, and a new wristband. But why does everything have to be Cavs or Bulls stuff, huh? Like, we got a Cavs bag and a Bulls poster last year!

Ramon sir, don't you think I'd want something more Charlotte Hornets or Washington Wizards-like?? Also, some campers got an autographed Ramon poster, including Karrington! Like, 🎤"Wheerre's miiiinne at?"🎤

But honestly, it's whatever. 'Cuz I got my picture with Ramon today!

We're so short, I know. He asked me didn't I get a picture yesterday, and I told him that only Karrington did, and then him, two coaches, and a parent talked about how such smiley twins we are.

😁😆!!! We showed them our smile wrinkles too. Honestly, how many people in the whoolle world can say they have those? At a young age?

... I feel special. 😊😊!!

Oh, and here are two pictures I secretly got of Ramon today and yesterday!:

😆😆!! He's a snack, Syashia, I know.

Anyways, second day! A lotta fun! And oh, don't worry, Karrington and I had pleeeennty to talk about after we got back. Y'know why?

'Member those two brothers?

.....We got a new $hip. 😌😌😌.

BrothersDon't@Me. Syashia.

Day 3: June 13th

Third day, no stretches again, no chopping again. But more games again, more throbbing nervousness again, more doubts again. I mean, Ramon did say on the first day that we were gonna play more games than last year.

But we were first blessed with being able to watch the D-Leaguers and the cute little hobbits play some Simon Says!! *Squeeeeaaallss*.

But I'm mad! The NBA people never got their chance! Ramon, you said all three groups would get to play!! Since when is 3, 2?? Or did you alluva sudden think it was too kiddish of a game for us?

_uck that, Sir! We're still kids, y'know! But whatever. After that, games continued.

So we had one more game to win before we could get that 1st round-bye, right? Well, turns out, we had to go to overtime, and everyone knows that saying:

'Everyone wants overtime... Except for the people playing in it.' Nothing unlike that time there too. I mean, blame DJ for pulling up all those panicky, $_itty _$$ meaningless threes with multiple seconds left on the clock. 'Cuz I learned very quickly,

Both these brothers can't shoot for $_it. Just sayin', 'cause when we first had to play them earlier, they had to have a shoot-off from the free-throw line to see which team would get possession first, since they're their team's captains.

It took those _iggas like 12 combined tries to finally get just one shot down, and you needed two. ...Siiigh. *Shakes head*.

Also, The Tall Guy, Chase is his name- I only learned since Chopper coach yells at him quite a lot- even imitated his shot, saying, "How the _uck is this even a shot? *Rolls hands upwards instead of flickin' da wrist*. How you even call this a shot?" DJ just crouched down silent-laughing.

But that was after the game though, and unfortunately, it didn't stop there. 'Cuz we had a 2nd _amn overtime. This time due to the Chase guy.

It was heartbreaking. The score was tied 34-all, and with like 5 seconds left, he had an open lay-up... But he missed it. And that was painful. Y'know what moment my head immediately went to?

This Brandon Knight moment while playing for Milwaukee in Brooklyn.

I think they lost that game too, after 2 overtimes. And guess what? So did we. 38-39.

When he had missed it, we were all of course disappointed, but I pushed my negative thoughts out of my head because I know how painful it is. It's never happened to me before, no, so I don't know what it feels like, but I could feel his pain.

He felt like it was all his fault he cost this game for us. Part of it was also that we let the game be taken away from us in the 4th quarter, thanks to this one dude with curly hair who kept on hitting these long-distance _$$ threes.

Moreover, it was also on the side of the gym that we had previously lost on. I was very suspicious then, still am now. Still, I patted his back twice and told him "It's okay".

Because the best game of the day is coming up!!

We played Deandre's team. We literally had to play Deandre's team like 3 _amn times today. Probably because both our teams had 2 wins. But whatever the case, that's what we did.

When we got over there and started randomly shooting and boxing out- which is my favorite 'practice'- one of the coaches saw I had on my purple headband and said, "Ohh, I see you girl, with the headband on. You go, girl!", and I just shook my head and smiled.

Poor Chase started venting out his frustrations at one point about the past game. He said that one of the referees had personally told him that they weren't gonna call 'anything for you, son!' I was like welp.

But anywho. Did I mention I don't start?

I don't. And I'm thankful for that. Waaaayy too much nervousness flowing through me to ever start in this tournament.

Actually, it was in this game where one of the short guys truly got his time to shine. Chase had told Chopper coach that he was fast and extremely athletic, as he was literally jumping higher than everyone else in the paint, helping to grab all the rebounds for our team. From then to now, Chopper coach has had him in the starting line-up. Must be nice.

But here! It was the 3rd quarter, and we were winning by like 13, and I was just out there doing what I was supposed to be doing. Defending my _$$ out there, running my _$$ back on defense out there, sooo not trying to dribble my _$$ out there, and definitely not shooting my _$$ out there.

...Or so I wanted to think. Chase wanted me to get out of the last one, so he told me he would keep passing me the ball until I shot it. And beyond, actually, but that was more or less his goal.

Y'see, I have this habit of panicking and not shooting the ball when a defender is coming at me, even when I'm open. Though it's a calm panic, as I just simply pass the ball off to someone. And I am naturally a pass-first guard, anyway.

But this time I was wide open behind the 3-point line, and my coach was off to the side chanting "Shoot that, girl, I don' care what you do, that's shot."

So of course I shot it, and obviously with all this build-up you know what happened... But I'll tell you what happened anyway.


It wasn't the nicest of swishes, but it was still a swish. It kinda bounced on both sides of the net, however the _ell that could be made to happen. And when I was going back on defense, our whole bench of three whole people was up and clapping, while my overly-animated human being of a Chopper coach was out of his coaching box and clapping n' yelling loudly while sticking his tongue out. My other teammates on the court were clapping too.

I tried not to smile, but who am I to ever abide by that? So I just broke out into a grin, and a few seconds later, the other team called a timeout. Then my team all high-fived me. One of my opponents also high-fived me after the timeout.

...I airballed the next three I took, but that's okay. At least the aim was perfect! Just like 3 inches closer and it would've been bank!

Anywho, since I said it was the best game of the day, at least for me, of course we won! We also had our 3 wins! I just didn't know if we reached it first. I know Karrington's team didn't; she told me her team was 1-3 at that time.

All five NBA teams sat down on our unlucky court as Ramon and the coaches showed us the bracket. He said that Team 4 was the team that got the 1st round bye. That's the team with Novean-looking cousin and Jamia.

But before that, we went to lunch, in which today I was blessed with Taco Bell. Karrington had Wendy's, I think, and I had to give three mexi-melts to Timothy.

Our dad was running a little late with the stuff, so we had to walk out to the truck to get it. Then as we were walking outside to give Timothy his stuff, a table of three NBA guys- Deandre, a dude with glasses on Karrington's team who I swear is our cousin, and probably the most muscular dude in the camp, whom Karrington told me she deleted from her cute list (I never mentioned we spent like an hour talking about cute guys after camp yesterday)-, all African-American (and all captains of their teams too, actually), were watching us.

They were all staring at us in confusion, especially the glasses one. I understand, but the other two were, well, just staring. Scrutinizing. The muscular dude was staring up at us from his food, while Deandre was staring us through our souls.

And lemme tell you, Deandre's not exactly blessed with happy-looking genes, which is probably why his brother looks and just is nicer. It's the eyebrows that make him look mean.

But in whatever sense, we just ignored them without really ignoring them. Then after Lil' Tim-Tim got his food, we sat down and started eating.

And since not much happened while eating, I'll just tell you who all's on my cute list, as well as Karrington's:

Like I said before, the four guys on my team, all African-American. Deandre, who also like I've said, has an obvious temper problem, but at least he's got cuteness going for him, I'll give him that. The muscular dude Karrington deleted, and the guy with curly hair- yes, Caucasian, Syashia- who's on his team. A European guy👀, and Glasses Dude that's got to be my cousin. He looks just like Lindsey! Oh yeah, and our Novean-looking cousin.

Karrington and I have pretty much the same list of cute guys, go figure, but the cutest one to her was another guy on my team. He's my height about, maybe like a couple centimeters shorter, and she said he looks like De'Aaron Fox a bit, though she didn't remember him from last year. I perfectly remember him, as he was also in the D-League last year and thought I was weird or something, but it's whatever. I think he's okay-looking, but alright.

After lunch, we started games back up again. Ramon had said Teams 1 and 3 had to play one another, and Teams 2 and 5 had to play each other in the 1st round. Once again, my team is Team 3 and Deandre's is Team 1, so I wasn't lying when I said we had to play then like three times.

I was like, 'This _igga again? Are you serious?' I wanted to take his hot-tempered _itch _$$ down. Harsh, but so is he. But he's still got _ella cuteness going for him, so yeah.

I'll just skip through all the $_it and tell you we won. Every game we've won has been by like 8 to 13, and it's alll been on the same court. Now I know it's the side of the gym we're on that affects us. I know it's that way for me.

And three parts of the game.
1: It was after the 3rd quarter had finished- I never mentioned that half-times are short as me (like 50 _amn seconds)- and we were up by maybe 13. I had been in the game since the middle of the 2nd quarter, and as far as I was concerned, I was playing some stellar defense. Confirmed, I love defense more than offense, no offense. Not to mention I was hyped up because my coach was.

He gave us some words, then asked me if I wanted to stay in. I told him I didn't mind what he wanted to do, but he asked me what I wanted. So I shyly answered "I guess", and then he asked if I was tired. I smiled and said "No" silently again, and then he told me to 'Get my little _utt back out there then'.

😶😶. OKayKay, Sir.

2: Not as long, but another Deandre-going-off moment. You know how it goes. I actually had to take this _igga on more than once, and I'm pretty slow going to my left, but I figured if I could at least slow him down, then I was doing something right.

At one point in the 4th, after some offensive call, Deandre was fed up with everything- keep in mind, they're still down by like 12-, and as he was walking past me, he said, "I'm done with this $_it". I just went "😐😐".

😂😂!! And 3, not even in the game, but after...: CUTE BROTHER MOMENT!! Deandre was mad- honestly, when isn't he?- after his loss, and didn't shake anyone's hand.

He was sitting there with his arms and _amn legs outstretched across the chairs, poker face on. I thought to myself, 'If this boy don' wanna high-five nobody, then fine. I don't wanna high-five his _itch_$$ either". So I skipped over him.

But when DJ got to him- I'm sure he's the older one- they looked at each other for like 2 glorious seconds. Then DJ playfully punched his chest a coupl'a times, smiling. 😆😆!! And Deandre _ucking smirked up at him.

I nearly wanted to _uckin' scream. Excuse the scenarios that rushed to my head in that moment!!! God_amnit!!

Oh yeah!, and before the game started, Chopper coach had us in a huddle to go over game plans. He talked about how they aren't able to avoid getting called for charges, and then he seriously asked us, "Aight, now who here is scared to take a charge?"

None of us said anything, and I definitely knew for _AMN SURE I wasn't gonna open my _amn mouth, even though I for _AMN SURE was afraid out my _amn mind to even form a thought about taking one. I mean, hellooo-oooo!?


And the reason I didn't say anything, was because I was 99% positive he would've forced me to try n' take one before taking me out. So I said nothing, but Chase already knew I ain't want none'a 'dat. He looked down at me, clearly amused, and I looked back up at him with a look on my face like 'Aw $_IT naw'.

😂😂!! _ell to the naw.

But anyway, I thought it was over, but we had to play them _iggas a-_amn-gain!! I was like Gooodd-_uckin'-_amnit!! Like when will it stop??

But I'll also skip all this unnecessary $_it and just tell you three things that stood out to me in this game:
1: Another cute moment!! The De'Aaron Guy, as Karrington calls him, couldn't get his black jersey on, so Chase- reminder, it's like a _amn 8-inch difference!- stood right in front of him and put it on for him. I'M TALKING EIGHT-INCH HEIGHT DIFFERENCE HERE!!! 😆😭😆!!!
2: I learned that Ahron-Ulis-lookin'-dude-on-my-team's name is Jakari. I was constantly forgetting if it was that or Jatari.
3: We won.

Yep, that's about it. We won the series!! Ramon then told our coach that we were to play Team 4 for the Semi-Finals. At that time, Karrington's team had lost both their games against Team 2, and was now in the losing bracket. Poor Karrington. And apparently, we made Deandre's team get in the losing bracket too.

I pretty much had to laugh inside my head at it. 😂😂!! What he gets. At the least we were gonna finish in the top 60 percent.

Then we also had to play Team 4, which had Jamia and my Novean-looking cousin, who I heard that his name was Ian. Now I remember that from last year!

Remember they had that bye? Welp, $_it didn't matter to us, as we also beat them too. Even when they brought in another person that had never been participating in the playoffs. DJ was like, "They really brought in (Blah-blah-blah)?! Coach, that $_it ain't fair!"

But it didn't matter. Like I've been saying, we've been winning all on the same court. Thank Gods Ramon considers this the main court for the NBA Playoff Bracket.

And speaking of Ramon, we actually had quite the nice _$$ conversation! It lasted for a good whole minute!! 😆😆!!:

I was sitting on the bleachers afterward, watching Team 4 play Team 2. Actually, during the past game, he actually made one of our players switch to the other team.

At the time, on the bench, I was like, "😶👀😶👀😶!!!" I realized that getting moved to another team would be worse than being downgraded... Even though I'd repeatedly asked for it, of course. 😂😂!!

But I had thought with a panic, 'I don't wanna leave my team! We've come too far for that to happen!' I felt- and feel right now, too- as though I had officially proved myself worthy of being able to keep up with the 'Big Boyz'.

But even through all that, I dead_$$ felt he was gonna move me too. He looked right at me a coupl'a times. But anyways.

We were told that our team got a bye after we had just won. Chase and DJ had gone like "Yeeeeeeeeaaaaaahhh!!" when we heard. I didn't really know what was going on until our coach informed us that we were...

Advancing to the Finals!! 😆😓!!!

I'm so nervous now!! I've been this whole _amn week. Whad'you expect of me now?? At least we've played every team now, but still. Timothy's D-League team is going to the Finals too. They're actually still undefeated.

But in any sense, since Team 4 had the 1st round-bye, but lost to us, and Team 2 had won their series against Team 5 and got a bye too, I assume, whoever won this game would be the team we'd play against in the Finals.

I was just listening to my music when Ramon came in front of me. He asked, "When are y'all playin'?" I was kinda confused 'cuz, like, he himself had just said that we had a bye.

So I told him that, we conversed some more, he remembered out loud that we're to be playing in the championship tomorrow, and then he walked off to the cute hobbits. And minutes later, he walked by again and asked, "Whachu doin' on that phone? Whachu listenin' to?" I just looked at him and smiled that one smile (Karrington knows 😂), then he smiled his smile and continued onward again. 😁😆!!!

Anywho, after a long _$$ day of games, we all sat down in our stretch lines. Glasses-Dude-that-I-swear-is-our-cousin is in my line, and he was sitting next to me, literally just watching me mess with my black basketball sock. It was weird. I looked up at him seconds later, he lifted his head to look at me, and then I closed my eyes in a cheeky closed-mouthed smile, and looked elsewhere.

😐😐. OKayKay.

But point being, the Players of the Day were announced- for the D-League, it was a girl in our line that Nyena and I talk with sometimes, and for the NBA, it was the European- and then the coaches gave away more free stuffisis. Half of the campers got a Chicago Bulls gym bag, like my lil' brother and the little hobbits, while the other half, not unlike mineself, got a Hall of Fame one. I had originally gotten a Michigan $tate green-colored one, while Karrington got a purple one. We're not in the same stretch line, so we communicated to each other that we'd switch colors afterward.

And then the best giveaway, NBA trading cards!! Last year, and I quote mineself, "I got Zach Randolph😐, Jaylen Brown😀, the great Ray Allen😄😄!!, and the Clippers' Deandre Jordan😆😆!!!".

This year, I received Marvin Williams☺, Steve Nash😄 when he was on the $uns, Jimmy Butler😊, and on the front of the pack, Andrew Wiggins😄😆!! Canadian! 🍁🍁!!!

I looked at Glasses-Dude-that-I-hope-is-our-cousin's cards and saw that, not only did he have Andrew's $hipmate partner, Zach LaVine, but he had frikkin' Eric Bledsoe back when he was with the $uns!! 😨😨. Not-faiirr!

I reeeaally wanted to switch with him, like Jimmy for Eric, but I decided against it. And on the way home in my Grandpa's car, Timothy said he didn't wanna keep his and gave each of us two. Of course Karrington got DeMar, and I got some Omer Asik guy on the Pelicans, as well as the $uns' Tyson Chandler! 😊😊!!

$uns fans need'a $_ut up about trading this man. It really annoys me. What don't these people understand about our team needing Leeaadership-ah?

Siigh. Looks like fans are no better than NBA scouts. *Shakes head in disappointment*😔😔.

Oh well. Third day complete! Championship tomorrow! And I'm on a mission: Learn I-hope-he's-our-cousin's name and figure out if he's actually our cousin. 😎😎!!

...Oh yeah, a picture of the two brothers I got today!:

😌😏😌. Ahem. $hiiiiiiipp-uh.

Day 4: June 14th

Still no stretches, which probably explains the _amn pain my thighs have been in all week. They reeally tryna kill me out here. But I really wanna get this over with, as this is literally fanfiction length right now, so lemme move on.

Nyena wasn't here for some reason, and Karrington and I were so sad. But the day went on anyway, which for Timothy and I, meant the championship games.

For Karrington, that meant more losing bracket games against Team 1, though we both thought yesterday's game against them was their last, in which Karrington's team had won. But I guess even the losing bracket has to play a Best-out-of-Three too. 😐😐. So it's basically torture on the legs for no reason. 😕😕.


I watched Karrington's team play all of Game 2, which they unfortunately lost, and then all the groups were told to sit on the bleachers of the main court. It was time for the NBA Championship to begin!

Until then, we were all just conversating, because what else are kids supposed to do? A group of like 4 little hobbit boys were talking about Karrington and I, debating out-_amn-loud who the better-looking one was.


We caught them too. They immediately stopped and just smiled at us. 😂😂🙅!!! Cutest thing, Syashia, I swear.

The last time we were talked about like that was back in 4th or 5th grade, when boys at the table were asking Garrett Steen who he liked more. (It was Karrington, by the way. 😊😊!! And I was all for it.)

Moments later it was nearly time for the teams to start. I didn't even realize until I saw my team doing lay-up lines, so I quickly turned off my devices, grabbed my water bottle (which I've been attached to this whole week, I'm not kidding), and bolted onto the court.
I'm always late to these things. I'm not really a great teammate. 😐😕.

And also there was this one extremely cute moment where Ramon was talking with some of the hobbits. I don't know exactly what they were talking about- he mentioned Simon Says, though- but after the little hobbits gave a cheer, Ramon, with his squirrel-like puffy cheeks as my mom calls them, scrunched his eyes up and grinned so widely, that I felt like my face was making the heart-eye emoji right there!!

!!!😆😍😫!!! That. Was. Cute.

...But uuhhh, we were to play Team 2, the team with The-dude-that-Karrington-deleted and the guy that shoots all the long, bold _$$ threes. His name is Seth, by the way.

I just hoped really hard to God to not mess up in front of everybody. I had already missed all three of the lay-ups I took while in lay-up lines.

But yeah. Apparently, the same guy that joined Team 4 yesterday- not the one Ramon moved but the other guy, the one that obviously must be older than 15, though who am I to really speak😀?- got to be on Team 2 too.

Chopper coach huddled us together after DJ started complaining about it again and told us about his and Seth's weaknesses. He always did that for every team. He wanted to make sure we took advantage of mismatches.

Mine was always simple: once a girl on the other team is subbed in, I go in. I don't mind. It's quite calming.

Yesterday, actually, when we played Team 4, he exclaimed that Ian is 'slow and big as _ell'. 😂😂!! He is slow, but he's not that big! Him and Novean at their finest, I swear.

Anyway, he said that The-guy-that-just-decides-to-join-in guy's weakness was him not deciding to shoot threes when being closely guarded. And Seth's was that he's slow in his handles, which is why he shoots off so many far threes. More importantly, he's perfecting it, clearly. We also have a shooter too, thank you very much. And his shots look better.

But yeah. He told us we got this, n' ish. And this was literally the first game since Monday where we didn't wear a jersey, so when our shooter (African-American, in case you were wondering) was subbed out for the De'Aaron dude, he started to lift his shirt up, but then remembered and blushed. Chopper coach started laughing too, saying, "Whachu doin'? Don't strip, boy!", which made the rest of us start laughing. I just smiled.

Anyway, I usually had to guard Amiya or a girl named Zaria that came in yesterday. I remember her from last year, as well as a girl Briana that for some reason didn't play.

She had asked me if I liked her, and Briana had told me to say no. I had simply smiled and said "I like everybody". 😁😁!! I mean, it's the easiest route to go, right?

Anyway, we got the win by like 13. 1-0!! Just one win is all we needed! After the game, Chopper coach congratulated each of us one by one in his overly-animated hyped-up way.

His for me caught me kinda offguard. He grabbed me by my shoulders and shook me while near-yelling, "Way to gooo, keepin' up and playin' with the Big Boooyz!!" I looked at him in slight surprise, but said "Thank you". 😂😁!! Still with a smile!

And this is very thrown in, but we both know how short I am for my own good. Over all the days of huddles, I've nearly gotten elbowed in the neck like 25 _amn times. Like _amn, Chase, move over a lil' bit!

I've also nearly gotten elbowed in the face by Jakari and then the breastisis and face by DJ. I had to move around 4 times in a specific huddle, and after the 4 times, DJ and Chopper coach just looked amusingly at me.

And I'm pretty sure Chase wanted to perch his arm on my shoulder or head for a resting spot multiple times. He nearly did it a coupl'a times, I could tell.

I had to remind myself that I was older than him sometimes. Buuutt anyway!

Then I sat down with Karrington and we gave each other a huge smile and a thumbs-up. We watched Timothy's team play, in which they won their first game too. Timothy said he hardly gets any PT, sadly. But he said he doesn't care, as he only 'runs around on the court all day' when in the game.

Then we had lunch, which was chicken tenders and fries. We actually ate it for once, as the Westons are obviously very picky childrens, but we had to go a little ways out to the back of the building, since the main outside place was already occupied by mostly D-League boys. The rest of the NBA squad was back there, too.

The tenders were very good, no lie; I just ate 1 out of like 6 to ensure that I wouldn't get full before the 2nd 🏆 game. And it's not like that was the important part, either.

For one, a dragonfly decided that Karrington's and my table was the absolute best acre of Earth to be on at that time. And two, like 2 tables were just watching us as and after we sat down. One was a table with Zaria, Jamia, Briana, the girl with two long braids that said someone likes me, and the guy Nyena likes. And the other was Deandre, DJ, The-dude-that-Karrington-deleted, and I-hope-he's-our-cousin. I could even feel Chase looking at us from beside the all-boys table too.

Did I mention that Deandre and DJ have slightly different friend groups? You know who Deandre's group is, and DJ's is Chase, Jakari, a guy on Karrington's team that she says has nice eyes, and the European guy. Um, call me biased, but I'd GLADly choose DJ's group, thank you lots. But it's cute to see them sitting together. 😊😊!!

Either way, WHAT'S WITH ALL THE STARING AND EYE-CUTTING AND GLARING?!? Like, what th' _ell did Karrington and I ever do? Even before we finished eating, Zaria and Briana had come over laughing, then Zaria proceeded to tell me something about the boy Nyena likes. But she stopped short and said she would tell me it later. Now I have a bit of a hunch.

I was kinda confused, but also a little curious. I still am, to be truthful, but not to the point where I'm begging to know. I'll honestly just let her tell me when she wants to. But I have her Instagram if that doesn't work out either.

It's not that she's mean. When I say staring, her, Briana, and Jamia were actually more so smiling. And Chase and DJ were simply amused, whatever we have for them to be amused by.

Unless it's that they've never seen any 'black female twins' before- though they should have with Annabelle and Gracie Louis already-, which I could then understand. Hey, don't laugh at me! It's happened before. It's what Novean literally said out loud when he first saw us.

Anyways, after lunch, Karrington's team played in their last game against that _itch Deandre's team. I didn't see who won, but Karrington informed me that her team...

Got kicked to the bone in that game. They apparently lost by like 30 in that game, but I didn't see anything. Where was I??

Maybe I was just too nervous. Maybe I was using the bathroom. Or maybe I was too busy watching the cute _$$ hobbits play their style of basketball.

But in whatever sense, poor Karrington's team came in last place. 😔😔. She said that it was because their only true big man had left somewhere else yesterday, and that the European guy was switched over to Team 4, in which he became the captain of.

And she also bruised her right thigh from falling. 😬😬!! Pooorr Karrington. But I'll bet she looked cool while doing it. 😊😊!!

And as far as the 2nd 🏆 game goes, I didn't go in at all. It's not like I minded; I'da much rather it happened that way. I would've just messed everything up. This game was much closer than most of the others have been. That, of course, due to Seth shooting and making all those annoying _$$ threes on us.

And uuhhh, another heart-tugging cute moment!!: During half-time, Ramon was walking over to the court that the hobbits play on, and this one hobbit (the same one that cutely said "I'm a hobbit!") was walking behind him, face in his deriere and small hands gripping his thighs.



But sadly, back to extreme heart-thumping nervousness. Seth would not _uckin' stop!! God _AMN all those sunken threes were annoying! Why the Scarriors completely ruined basketball. 😑😑.

Also, some of the African-American hobbit girls were cheering against our team, so that didn't really help. And that _amn Deandre had to come over behind our bench to start talking smack about both teams. I had wondered who the sudden voice change belonged to, and looked up a few seats to my right, only for him to stare me down for a split second.

Uhh ha. _itch I didn't ask for the right to be me! Go somewhere, _amn.

Anyways. Luckily for us, he lost his touch in the waning minutes, and The-guy-that-just-decides-to-join-in and The-dude-that-Karrington-deleted just can't half do $_it. And the main reason why?

Ja-kari. He was killing everything defensively, as well as on offense too. He got nearly every offensive rebound for 2nd and 3rd chance put-backs, and always got the and-1s. And did it all so humbly, too.

One of the other coaches had no idea he could take the ball up the court in pressure situations. Of course I knew. My whole team can do it, even our high-altitude shooter, who's just a tad slower.

Of course, when I say my whole team, I sooo don't mean me. I won't be dribbling for $_it. I can't dribble for $_it. Hellooo-oooo!

But aahhh, yeah! Jakari was just straight killing it, and at one point with like 1 minute left and the game very intense, the same coach was chanting as he took the ball from coast to coast, "You up next, boy! Myrtle Beach's finest! Superstar! Superstar!"

It was so inspirational! Proud of Ahron Ulis-lookin' boy! And finally, after all that work and doubt and worry and nervousness (for me, duh).....


!!!😆 😆 😆!!!

We #ClappedItUp with Chopper coach, high-fived the other team after their coach complained a little bit, and I made my way back over to Karrington to watch Game 2 of the D-League championship. Timothy's team lost, though he did start the game. It was the first time his team lost this whole entire camp.

But don't worry, they're only 1-1. Since there was no more time after that game, Game 3 out of 3 will be played tomorrow, most likely on the same court.

I guess it really was our lucky court. 😊😊!!

...After another long but exciting day of the best sport ever made, it was about time to go again. I went to go grab my Final Four bag, but almost turned around into someone. So I quickly apologised and he said it's fine, but get this: When I looked at him.....

Ohhhhh myyy GOD HE HAD LITERALLY THE MOST BEAUTIFUL EYES EVER. Or at least close to them, but for an African-American??

They were a _amn light brown, pretty much the same color as his skin complexion, which is a bit lighter than mine.

I usually can't hold eye contact with anyone, not even Karrington (and that's bad), as I tend to just look towards the side of their face or to their ear. But this dude's eyes were SO captivating, that I just had to. And even better, he struck up a conversation with me!

It was actually just a usual:
Him: "Hey, weren't you on my team?" Me: "Oh, no, that was my twin sister." *Points behind myself to Karrington on the bleachers*. Him, _amn beautiful eyes going wide in realization: "Ohh, oohhh!" Me, smiling: "Yeah, it's okay, it's normal." "My bad." "No, you're good, you're fine."

He is.

And Karrington later told me that he was the guy she was talking about with the nice-colored eyes. She said she kept forgetting if his name was Kyrie or Nyrie (or some other way of spelling them). I, for one, had never been able to look at them- or his face, really- until that moment, and after I did, I just couldn't, I-I couldn't.

And his smile is just so beautiful too. Soft. And I had no idea his voice was gonna be that light, but it fits him perfectly. Perfectly arched eyebrows, too!

...Let me stop. On to the Players of the Day! I already knew who it was gonna be for the NBA, duh. It was Jakari! Yuuuhh!!

For the D-League, it was this one girl who I felt like could've definitely been on the NBA side. Karrington had told her that and she had shaken her head like "Noooo no noo". 😂😂!! I understand. Saaame-uh. She's won about everything in the D-League contests, including that Simon Says yesterday.

And the Hobbit Player of the Day was probably the cutest-looking hobbit there- not that I'm crushing on a like 4-year-old hobbit boy, but still: cuteness never lies-, who was a light-skinned African-American with nice eyes too.

And that's about it from today. For some reason, my team didn't get to have a picture taken, but that's okay. I know we'll still be getting medals or a trophy tomorrow when they do the awards. At the very least everyone will have to receive a participation certificate.

I also had to help walk Karrington around, what with her bruised thigh and all. Since it was her right one, I propped her up from the left side and encouraged her to walk around in circles and figure-8s so that way it wouldn't feel as bad once she settled down.

So we just did that for the next like 10 minutes. I know, I'm such a good younger twin sister. 😊😄!! But those boys staring at us sure weren't good people.

How the _uck would you feel if you bruised one of the main muscles and parts of your dominant leg, DJ, Chandler, Ian, Muscular Dude, and Deandre?!? Huh??

God_amn. 😑😑😑.

Anyways. And that be all for Thursday! One more day! 😥😥!! You'd better believe we talked it up about cute boys and my newest edition, Eyerie, that afternoon. 😌😌.

Day 5: June 15th

Siiigh. Last day. 😭😭!!!

Luckily for us, there was no, 'hem, drama started like last year. I mean, don't blame me, that boy was very sensitive! But whatever.

What did happen was that we were a little late coming in, as Ramon's sister quickly ushered in, saying they had already started. I was a little anxious in thinking that we were going to interrupt whatever stretches they were in the middle of, but we didn't, actually. They weren't even stretching.

They were playing a game!, so of course we joined in. The game was one of timing, trying to reach the other side of the court off of whistles and stopping when the coach (Coach Hemmingway; cute, bald-headed coach, if I should even be saying that) blew his whistle and turned his head. Note: Extremely hard to do with cute hobbits.

We joined the side with the most NBA people. Either way, both sides still lost nonetheless. Note: Also hard to do with trigger-happy middle and highschool boys.

Then we split to do stretches. For the first time in forever. Killin' my thighs like that.

While we were doing the stretch where you bend to the right, one of the coaches stopped next to me to hear me count. He and another coach had whispered that I was one of the ones that always chanted it loudly and consistently (the counting goes 1-2-3-One!, 1-2-3-Two!, 1-2-3-Three!, and so on until you reach Ten). I was just confused, yet also amused, as I looked up at them, but did I meet their eyes?

_ell no. I couldn't, really, either. I only saw calves. Once again, too short for my own good.

Also, while waiting for my turn to do our high knees, the same girl with the two braids once again told me that The-same-guy-Nyena-likes really likes me. And the brother even nodded his head along with the statement!

Listen, Syashia, I'm filled with thanks! But what the _ell am I supposed to do in that _amn situation? Also for someone like me who doesn't want a boyfriend or that type of ish? Anyway, I was still a little skeptical, so I shrugged it off again.

We then did the rounds of drills, my line starting with lay-ups this time. Thus, we finished at the chopping (😯😓) drill, in which Chopper coach greeted me as 'Champion' with a hand-shake I grinned at before we started.

Right after that, we went to the bleachers for the last championship game for the D-League. Not too much happened, as Timothy didn't go in again, though two of the A-A girl hobbits asked Karrington and I if we were twins.

They were also curious as to whether we were identical of fraternal. They were pretty confused yet amazed when we told them. "It's a very hard sciencey thing to understand", we had told them. 😊😊!! I love when we have that affect on cute little kids!

That, and some of the other NBA guys were sitting around in front of us. Including, but not limited to: De'Aaron-lookin' brother, Chase, and freakin' Eyerie. Karrington tried to get a picture of his beautiful eyes, but the boy really would just never turn around. I know she told me yesterday that he had caught her studying/staring at his eyes once, and that it was kinda embarrassing.

$_it, I'da given anything to do that! Though she told me she had her head turned fully to the side at him, so she wasn't being very discreet. She said he had chuckled and asked, "Yyyou alright?", and that that was the embarrassing part. He started slooowly smiling at her (uuuggh, I can imagine) as she explained herself, and uuuhh, eye contact. So theenn... nevermind!

And Timothy's team won the chip! They got to take a picture on the court, which further increased my wonder for why we didn't take one, but it's not like I was jealous or whatever.

Also, during the game, there were 2 cute interactions!! I'll skip to the 2nd one, since the first one was too _amn cute, I'm serious!!:

It was just before the Hobbits All-$tar game started. DJ, with his smiley and friendly- ahem, Deandre- self, walked over and sat down next to Chase, which was right in front of us. I don't know what they were talking about, but all I know is that DJ placed his hand under his chin in laughter before leaving.

😆😍!!! And the overly cute one, I'm f'real serious, was still during Game 3 of the D-League 🏆. It was between these two boy hobbits, one of them being the Player of the Day from yesterday.

And I never did mention that the Player of the Day gets to wear a different T-shirt from the usual camp shirt we were given, the day afterward. I knew from the stawt that I would never get it, duuhh. But so yeah. That's been happening.

But anyhow, these two overly cute hobbits... were just... ugh.....



They were freaking playing together and holding each other's small hands, lacing their fingers and playing with each other's cute, soft, short fingers, and when it was time for the Hobbits All-$tar game, the PotD pulled him along with him, hand in hand!!!


Anywho, CUTE $_IT N' ALL, we all turned around to the other side of the bleachers to watch their multiple games. Every hobbit was an All-$tar and got a chance to play, in which the scores were always around 5-4.

Throughout the games, the same two coaches that always insisted they were frightened of us or seeing double, said so again. We always shook our heads, but this time, since we were around those few NBA guys, they turned to look at us too. Chase, for example, since he was sitting pretty much right below me, and also a Caucasian guy that was on Karrington's team.

But the most nervewracking part... was when _amn Eyerie peered around Chase to look at us. And he literally looked right into my eyes for a _amn half-second.

I swear my be_amned heart stopped. We were also sitting with our dad, who sometimes appeared in the gym over the week just to watch everything. There was this one kid in the last game where he _uckin' shot it with one hand and made it. ...And it was a three!!

All the NBA guys around us were like "Wait a minute!" with one leg up and a fist to their mouths in shock and disbelief. 😂😂!! Karrington and I were like that too. I was like "😧😧!!!"

Also in the last game, Ramon held up one girl from each team to try to get them to make a dunk. The first girl succeeded, but the second one didn't, as she actually tried to shoot it once she was at the rim. Her team was down by one, and it was the very last seconds of the game, too. We were like "Awwwwwww!"

Then we switched back over to the main court to watch the D-League All-$tar game. It wasn't really the most fun game in the world, especially since Timothy wasn't one of the 20 people selected, so I just stayed on my phone. Secretively though, since Ramon came over later to tell everyone to get off their devices.

But um, yeah. I forgot who won, but during the game, the coaches selected the 20 people for the NBA All-$tar game. I obviously knew that I wasn't gonna be picked, but I still thought about the possibility of everyone on the championship team being picked.

Turns out, I was the only one that wasn't selected. I was very disappointed, but obviously not for that reason. I already said I knew I wasn't gonna be picked. I was sad because I thought the games were gonna be like last year's, where there would be a Boy's and a Girl's All-$tar game.

But they apparently decided to change that up this year too. 😑😒. Way to deliver false hope on me. I probably woulda been picked too. 😑😑.

But it's whatever. And only the NBA All-$tars get a uniform to play in, which I don't really find fair, but, fine. If I could remember all the players selected, they were:

My whole team, excluding me, so Chase, DJ, Jakari, the De'Aaron dude, Guy-that-plays-my-same-position-on-defense (and also has tall hair, which I never mentioned), and our high altitude shooter.

Other than them, Deandre, I-hope-he's-our-cousin, Eyerie, the Caucasian guy on Karrington's team, the muscular dude, Seth, the sleepy-looking guy, Zaria, Jamia, Amiya, the girl with nice handles, and the girl with two long braids.

I don't remember the other two, because I'm pretty sure Briana was picked, but I don't know if she was able to play or not, since she didn't play in the championship games. And then I just forgot if The-dude-Nyena-likes-that-now-supposedly-likes-me got chosen or not.

Originally, actually, Zaria and Nice-Handles girl said they didn't wanna participate. They told the coaches that, and I was dead_$$ hoping that they would select Karrington and I in their places.

Later on, they would decide to play, but before that game, we all went to the court and sat around Ramon for more storytime! He told us more about his journey to and in the NBA, like college and specifically his 1st year in the league.

Like I said last year, he went to the University of Nevada after graduating from Myrtle Beach High School in 2004. While at Nevada, he said he won Freshman of the Year for his conference, which is awesome!!

He then told us how well each of his 3 Nevada teams fared in the illustrious... NCAA Tournament! He said all three teams got out in the 2nd Round, or the Round of 32. He then declared for the draft as a junior after much talk with his family, drafted 56th after much controversy, yada-yada, and then began talking about the beginning of his NBA life.

He started off with his franchise record of 24 assists as a rookie with the Milwaukee Bucks again, claiming he 'wasn't trying to brag about himself'. I was like, 'Uuuuhhhh-huh' in my head.

He told us that he got injured in the Summer League first, then got injured again. After he came back, he spent multiple months in the NBA D-League until he was called up for his very first NBA game. (Karrington and I were smiling at each other the whole time he was talking, by the way.)

Then he kept on emphasizing and repeating the part of how he was "Only a rookie, who had just been called up from the D-League with only 10 games left to play in the season, asked to play in his first-ever NBA game, called up to start his first ever NBA game in place of their injured point guard, and was doing this all for a playoff team"...And broke the assists record right in that game.

So he was low-key bragging, but I understand. I mean, it's not every NBA Draft where the 56-out-of-60th pick stays in the league for 11 long years as a great role player with very decent stats. Especially considering that the average duration of an NBA career is apparently only 3-4 years. I mean, I didn't know that!

He said that his career stats in points are a solid 10 points per game. He also achieved a career high of 44 points in his 2nd year, so he's not just, and I quote by The Ramon himself, he's not just "Some bum on the street that can't play ball." 😂😂!!

Regardless of how many teams he's been on- in which he tries to list all 10 of them here-, he's a well experienced veteran that can teach the 'Young'ins' well. And most importantly, it's all about opportunity.

After all that, he let us ask him as many questions as we wanted to. The hobbits kept on talking loudly throughout the question-asking, even after Ramon told them to quiet down multiple times. Listen, as much as I LOOOOOOVVEEE those overly-precious hobbits, I needed them to kinda $_ut up. But anyway.

Most of us asked about stuff relating to money and NBA life. Go figure. Some questions (along with the answer in parentheses and in italics) were:

"How much money have you made over your career?" (30 million), "How many cars do you have, and do you own a Ferrari?" (I have 4 cars, and yes, I do), "What was your favorite team to play on?" (Probably the Washington Wizards in 2015, when Paul Pierce was there), "Who is the hardest player to guard?" (There's three: Kyrie Irving, John Wall, and Russell Westbrook, and all for specific, different reasons, too), "How tall are you?" (6 foot 3), and "How many Jordans do you own?" (I've never worn a pair of Jordans since entering the NBA, never worn a pair of Nikes... I'm signed under Underarmour. I wear a lotta Reebok too).

Safe to say we were all confused at that last one before he said he was signed with Underarmour. See, when you're signed under a sports brand, you're only allowed to wear that specific brand, or else. But yeah.

Some questions that stood out to me were of course Karrington's, in which she asked who his idol was while growing up. He said Michael Jordan, which is such a boring answer. I'm sorry that I'm not sorry.

Another one was "Who was your favorite teammate?", in which literally everyone thought he would say Kobe Bryant. Meanwhile, the people with actual sense, hince, Karrington and I, already knew he wasn't gonna be it. It was the same ordeal with the favorite team thing when everyone thought he was gonna pick the LA Lakers.

I love Kobe, I reeally do, but I'm sorry. Ain't no way in Heaven was he gonna pick a player like Kobe to be his favorite teammate. As much as I love him, he was a bit of a ball-hog, and Ramon also said they fought a lot.

Ramon's answer actually kinda surprised me, but it didn't at the same time, too! It was very reasonable, and I think it only surprised me because Karrington and I both love him so much!!...:

(To the tune of Lion King) 🎤KEEEEEMMMMMMMMBA WALLKEEEERRRRRRR of the Chaarrlotte Hornets!!!🎤

Yep! Him! Ramon said he was the ultimate teammate, and that he still is, which I know and understand!! He's always smiling and having fun all the time. Who wouldn't love to be teammates with someone like that?

Anyways, and the last question that caused such a stir and riled up the whole camp, literally, was: "Who's better?! MJ or LeBron?!" Everyone literally went crazy and started arguing with one another. I simply thought inside my head that he would pick LeBron just because he passes more and makes all those around him better because of it.

But in the end, he chose MJ because he was just "that great of a player", and everybody wanted to play with him.

Fair enough, I guess, but still kinda weak in my opinion. The last one that stood out to me was "Do you own a mansion?" Not that one but the one following it: "How many rooms are in it?"

He said something like two kitchens, three bedrooms, and TEN bathrooms. And I scrunched up my face and said inside my head,

'_amn, all 'dem bathrooms just to take a pi_s??'


I am sooo terrible!! 😂😷😂!!!

Anyhow, then Ramon called up some of the D-League teams to play for some reason, Timothy's team being one of them. After that, we all lined back up in our stretch lines, as it was time for lunch.

Ramon let the hobbits out first, like he always did (Awww!!), and then the D-League champions, and next the NBA champions. There was pizza today, but apparently my dad had planned on bringing us Zaxby's. And I definitely wasn't complaining. It's basically now tradition that our family gets Zaxby's while on the way to Myrtle Beach. Not lying.

And speaking of family, Karrington, Timothy, and I all got a great present last night!! Dad had been gone the whole time after we came back from camp, and we honestly didn't pay any attention to it.

It wasn't until we were laying down in bed at night, when the doorbell rang, and seconds later, we heard a lady's voice in the hallway that led to our doorway. I was like 25% asleep, but I thought it belonged to my Aunt Lois.

But then, Syashia...


We immediately got up and rushed to give her a biiigg hug!! I nearly started crying, too. It gave me a big sense of relief, adding on to the fact that I did win the championship. We finally had the whole family back together again!

But yep. The team with the girl with two braids was released right after, in which she and the De'Aaron dude were talking behind me when she pointed to him and told me, "He like you!"

I just shook my head again as he protested "What, no I don't! Shut up wit' all 'dat $_it, (girl's name)." Then she laughed. But, I already figured he doesn't. I'm not $_upid. Either way, I definitely don't like him.

I'll let Karrington take him if she wants to. 😊😊!! Which I already know she won't, because we both don't want boyfriends. Duh-uuuh.

Right after that, though, De'Aaron Dude told me, "But 'dat other guy? He like you f'real." And the girl, "Yeah, he fuh'real like you. And he serious. He say he want yo' number!"

Flattering. I still went like "Ahh...", but inside my head I was a mixture of '😨😱!!' and 'Nooo!'

She then asked if I wanted his number, and I smoothly replied, "Nah, not really. I don't live around here anyway." "Really?" "Yeah. I live in West Columbia, but my dad grew up here."

😏😏. Smoothly avoided. 😏😌✊!!

But now I'm kinda startled. I still don't actually know if it's all true, but I guess I'd pretty much have to say so. I DON'T NEED OR WANT A _AMN RELATIONSHIP!!! But at least now I know. ☺☺!

Anyway, my dad was late with the food again, later, so after I applied some hand sanitizer, I sat down on the wall with my devices, waiting. Of course everyone was looking at me, but that was to be expected.

After we finally got our Zaxby's and gave Timothy his fair share (I finally allowed myself to eat as much as I gave myself, since I knew I wouldn't be playing at all), we had to go back out to the side of the building again. And once again, people were looking at us. Also, once again, particularly Deandre and his friend group. Actually, Ian was watching us too, but _AMNIT, STOP STARING AT US!!!

While there, though, Karrington informed me that the sleepy-looking brother stared after Timothy as he got up and went with his team. I apparently didn't see it, even though they were both closer to me than Karrington. I made up an image in my mind about confronting him about it, but I'd never actually be that mean or confident to do it.

As usual, we were the last two left, though one of the hobbit girls came around and sat at a different table. We just smiled at her. One of the coaches came to get her later, but yeah.

And I swear the kids near our age can't half clean up for $_it. There was a _amn slice of pizza on the concrete next to the gate. I literally can't with these people.

...Whatever. On the way back, Karrington told me she went to him separately to ask him another question. She had asked him who his favorite young NBA player was, which was of course, The Divavan Mitchell. 😏😌.

I'm shy, so I never asked him anything, but if I had, it would've been: "How does it feel knowing you'll be called by your full name for pretty much the rest of your life?" Like, I've always thought about that, along with the being-called-by-only-your-last-name-for-your-whole-career thing, too. I mean, must be nice.

Anyways, so then the NBA All-$tar game finally commensed! Last year, of course, I wasn't at all interested in the game. Obviously. Avoided it with every fiber of my being. But this year I paid close attention to very certain people. And by that, I mean:

On each team, Team White and Team Black- the jerseys looked excellently fresh, by the way!- I specifically wished 3 people to have a great game, including one girl each. For Team White, it was Chase, Jakari, and Zaria. The hobbits around me (the same AA girls that cheered for the other 🏆 team) wanted that team to win.

I wanted Team Black to win, because they had more people that I liked for one, as well as the bonus addition of Chopper coach being the coach of the team. Coach Curtis, one of the coaches that was always "scared" of us, was Team White's, as they were the championship team coaches.

But most importantly, they had Eyerie on their team. So he, along with DJ and Jamia, were the three people I chose to want to have the best games.

They also happened to have The De'Aaron Guy, much to Karrington's satisfaction, though she went for the other team, and they also had, in addition to DJ...

Deandre!! 😏😏😌.

Though I kinda wished they had been on opposite teams so they could possibly fight against each other, but oh well. I got a picture of them sitting on the bench together, though! I'm just not gonna put it because I'm at nearly 13,000 words here, so it would take for-_amn-ever.

Ahh anywhooo! So those girl hobbits that wanted Team White to win were all, "Leett's goo, Teeam Whiite, let's go!! *Clap, clap*!!", and some of the Caucasian D-League players accused them of being racist. I reeaally wanted to have them look at me while I rolled my eyes at them all. But anyways.

Not much happened that was out of the ordinary- including Muscular Dude playing like $_it as usual, though who am I to speak?- but the game was close at least. I forgot the score, but unfortunately for me, Team Black lost. 'S'aight, doe.

And finally, for the very last time (😭😭!!), we got back in our stretch lines to receive (at least) our participation awards. All the coaches were standing in a long line, waiting to shake our hands. And they all, plus Ramon, kept on encouraging us to clap for every single _amn person.

😐😐. Which wouldn've been anything at all if there hadn've been a whopping _amn 200 of us. I know I've already complained about it before, and self-arranging ourselves was already way too much unnecessary trust being thrust on a buncha kids, but come ON.

1: Do you really think we all gon' have the _amn energy, attention span, and patience to do that? There's a reason people say "Wait 'til the end for applause".
2: I have weak hands! If you've watched me in Orchestra class when Mr. Richardson (I miss his now-24-year-old self!) makes us clap, I almost immediately resort to slapping my left hand and right fist into each other. I really can't with both my hands. And I won't.
3: 🎤"Why caann't-we shooww each ootherr, the $aaaaammee loooovvee?"🎤 (#FredHammond😌) ...Because that's just the way people are.

So no, don't expect it. Of course I clapped for Timothy, saying "That's my little brother!", though applauses were very thin at that time, as our last name is Weston, which starts with a 'W'. But I was actually surprised when a bit of cheering and clapping started up again for me, and also a bit pleased.

I knew some of it was from Karrington obviously, but the cheering actually happened to come from some of the hobbits, as well as two places from somewhere behind me. I suspected it was from Zaria- since I looked back to see was smiling at me- and Dude-that-supposedly-likes-me, as I also looked back to see that he was watching me kinda closely.

😶😶. I guess they weren't lying.

And for all the panickers, I couldn't clap for Karrington because she was called right after me, and I was still making my way through all the coaches.

The same two coaches were 'startled' by my twin-ness again, the youngest guy coach ruffled the top of my head in congrats, and when I got to Chopper coach (2nd to last), I should've expected much more than just a handshake, but as usual, I didn't.

He basically said _uck the handshake and pulled me into a big hug. And of course I was thrown off, but of course in the best way, as I simply smiled and laughed after he pursed his lips and said "Girl, get in here!" 😂😂!!

And yes, Syashia, since we got an award, we got to shake his hand.

Anyways, throughout the calling, I did try to get certain peoples' names: I learned that DJ's and Deandre's last name is Chestnut, for instance, and I learned that I-hope-he's-our-cousin's name is Chandler Rush. Other than that, I literally forgot everything else important I was trying to catch.


I did at least catch his name being Kyrie, but I'ma stick with Eyerie 'cuz I'm smart and creative. And I also tried to catch Chase's last name, but I only remember it starting with a 'Mc', and then some two syllables after. 😑😑😑.

Anyways, then Ramon called for the NBA championship team- us, of course😌- to receive their medals. They look very nice!! See?:

Yaaaaahh!! 😈😤🏆😈!!!

And when we got them, we basically got to be knighted! While Ramon's sister called out each of our names, Ramon put the medals around our necks. We were all standing in a line, and I was the 2nd one.

When he got to me, I was blushing (though of course you couldn't ever tell 😄😄!!) as he put it on, and I shyly looked down smiling and muttered "Thank you". And as he moved on to the next person, which I think was Jakari, Chase and DJ looked over at me and Chase chuckled, "Soft smile". I just kinda cut my eyes over at him.

We took our picture, and then Chopper coach started talking about how much defensive effort and hard work we had put in throughout the whole week. He also said that DJ and Chase were great leaders for the team (Chuh, yeah right... DJ, anyways).

I half-expected, half-wanted him to talk about all of us individually, and thought about what he could've possibly said for me. Probably something along the lines of, "Now this young lady here did an excellent job of keeping up with the Big! (enthusiatic-clap-on-the-shoulder part 1)-Boys (enthusiastic-clap-on-the-shoulder part 2)!!"

But oh well, didn't happen. I'da just looked down grinning and blushing as usual, but whatever. Then he lastly informed everybody that you only win when you're having fun. ...I'll take his word for it.

After we came back, Ramon lastly called out 5 awards for each group level. They were 'Best Defender', 'Best Hustler', I think something along the lines of 'Best Driver' or at least something having to do with offense, 'Best Sportsmanship', and of course, 'The MVP'. In other words, the best player from each All-$tar game.

I don't care much for relaying who all won what- and it's not like I remember everything by now anyway-, but some things I'll say are that both of the A-A hobbit girls got an award ('Best Hustler' and either 'Best Defender' or whatever the offense one was). Even though they cheered against me, I was still very happy for them. They were two of my favorite hobbits. 😊😊!!

And wouldn't-cha believe it-when I told ya the youngest hobbit won an award: 'Best Sportsmanship'! It's actually that same overly-cute hobbit that proudly exclaimed, "I'm a hobbit!" 😆😍😷!!!

I didn't really care much for the D-League awards, but the girl that won a lot of the other stuff throughout the week won 'MVP'! 😄😄!!

And as for the NBA, I first off just knew _amn well I wasn't winning anything.
Just sayin'. 👐😊👐!!

For 'Best Defender', I just immediately knew Jakari was gonna win! 😊😊!! The-Muscular-Dude won the offensive one, and no offense, but he has no offense... All puns intended. (He really doesn't have good offensive skills, though, for someone of his caliber.) 'Best Sportsmanship' went to the European!, and 'Best Hustler' went to Zaria!!

And the MVP was, well, to be expected. Mainly because my 🏀 cousin unfortunately doesn't have any sense of a suspenseful build-up. Siiigh. *Shakes head* 😔😔.

Why? Because he happened to announce a certain 'Best Hustler' award 2nd-to-last to a certain Zaria, and before he gave out a certain 'MVP' award, he told that certain Zaria to "hurry up and hustle-hustle-hustle back to your seat!".


So in saying that, we knew or at least figured that Zaria was gonna win it, and she did! 😊👏!! But the best part about that was that Ramon informed us that it was the first time a girl won the MVP of a primarily all-boys All-$tar game!! 😄😆!!! Amazing!!

After congratulating her, Ramon called out Caucasian-Dude-on-Karrington's-team, Muscular Dude, and Chase, exclaiming that they would be too old to attend next year (Bish, look at me!, I'm over!), so they would get to keep their All-$tar jerseys. Muuusstt be niicee!

After that, there was more talking by Ramon, until he got all of us to do our end-of-the-day huddle. We did all that until those 5 dreaded words came up.....

It's time to go home. 😭😭😭!!!!! As for Karrington and I, WE WON'T BE ABLE TO GO HERE ANYMORE!!!!! 😭🏀😭💔😭!!!!!

Unless👆!!... Unless... Timothy!, oh precious, goin'a middle school Timothy... wants to come back!!! Then we could just sit somewhere and watch!! (And stalk cute boys, like Eyerie!) Oh pleeeeeaaassee let it be so!!!

And speaking of Eyerie, the boy was wearin' the full _amn Adidas outfit. I'm standin' there like '_aaaaammmnnn, boy!!' He walked right past us, but we didn't try to say anything. Instead, we eyed him aallll the way until he went out the door, just watching him extremely closely. I'm telling you, Syashia, he is _UCKING beautiful.

Then we got the sense to ask one of the lady staff members about Chandler. We asked her if he was related to Ramon, and...

He IS!!!

I forgot the exact relation, but she did explain that we were like his half-cousins. However the _ell you can have half-cousins. But point being.....

I-hope-he's-our-cousin, now to be forever remembered as Chandler Rush, IS OFFICIALLY AND FOREVER OUR COUSIN!!! 😆😆😆!!!

What a great way to end the camp for us!! Karrington and I just finished shouting and dancing and chanting "I-hope-he's-our-cousin's our coouusinn!, I-hope-he's-our-cousin's our coouusinn!"!! ...For now!!

We're probably gonna start up another giddy riot after we review all of our cute boys! Which just reminds me, I'm really $_itting on myself for not getting a picture or 11 of Eyerie all today. 😑😑.

And I'm also actually feeling quite sad about Chase not being able to attend camp next year. 😔😔. But he did say that there could be a couple'a coaching spots open! 😊😊!!

So yah!! Basketball forever reigns!!! 🏀😈!!!

AAAAAAAAAAAAAAYYYYYYYY TOO LONG!!!!!!! 😖😖😖!!!!! SUCH a _amn difference from 1,700 words, and this was supposed to be out a _amn TWO MONTHS AGO!!!

😑😑😑. I'm done.

There goes your All-Access chapter, Syashia. *Yaaaaaaawwnn*!! Tiyud.

For ANYbody that read through ALL my worthless, petty $_it worth 15,000 be_amned words (most likely only Karrington, but maybe Syashia as well)...


SERIOUSLY. (I don't even care if this gets votes. At least not at the moment.) And if you didn't have the patience to read through it all⬇⬇⬇:


Thank you, and I gotta LOOOOOOOOTTA $_it to catch up on. 💜🏀💜.

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