Little did you know, that was the last day you'd be on Earth...
"God, why is this taking so long!" A familiar voice groaned, he combed the front of his bright red hair with his fingers.
"Kikori? Yuki?" You asked, seeing your familiar ex-guildmates.
[View chapter 6 for more info!]
"Oh, hey! Y/N!" Yuki said, running over to me, "I missed you! It was soooo hard to not talk to you! Even when you were there!"
"Yuki," You grabbed her shoulders and shook her hard, "What happened to you?! You were so quiet and cold! What-!"
"Oh, that?" She answered calmly then beamed innocently, "It was all a lie! It was all an act! Stupid Kael!" She pouted, puffing up her cheeks, "He said it would be easier to talk to you if we acted like that! Liar! I'm going to have to get him back for that!" She concluded, shadow boxing the air like a cat.
"And? Does that mean, he is...?" You trailed off, looking in Kikori's direction.
"Yep, I fell for such foolish trickery, that little bastard better be ready to die," Kikori said with a forced smile.
*I would never openly tell her about my magic, quick thinking, Yuki.* He thought to himself, faking his forced smile, *Of course, if she ever meets Kael, we'll actually have to physically hurt him...*
You sighed, "I guess I really don't know you guys..."
"Yep, that's true!" Yuki piped up, "You might not even know if our names are legitimate too!" She beamed innocently.
"Wait, what?"
"Nevermind, Yuki and I, our names are real, don't worry, it's just... the persona we had was fake," He shrugged, "Em, yeah, sorry for deceiving you and all, Princess."
"Princess? Ain't that the weird pet name that you called me? I thought that was fake?" You asked in confusion. Why was he calling you princess if it was fake last time?
"Oh, yeah, we need to explain the situation first," He reminded himself, "Okay, listen close because I will only say this once because if I'm correct, something should be happening near you, or at least your body. Magic is finicky like this so that either time will go quickly within this border or it will pass long. Time, my magic and Aminus, don't really go well together, just like how you have your subspace and all." He sighed.
"Kikori, you do remember, Y/N-chan isn't a native, right? She probably doesn't understand these fancy terms!"
"Ah... yes," He paused then sighed again, "Well this is going to be a long time. Hopefully, luck is on our side again and it'll be short in the real world."
"I have a question, what if they think I'm dead in the outside world?" You asked hesitantly, they wouldn't bury you, right?
"Don't worry, Y/N-chan! They won't, you're just in sort of, a coma of sorts, you're still breathing and alive, but you are, like, sleeping? Anyways, hopefully, they'll put you somewhere safe. We will be practicing for a year or so here."
"A year?!" You shrieked, "How am I supposed to contact them?!"
"Well, it depends on how fast you develop, the quicker you, the quicker you can learn the way out. Of course, it's only a temporary leave, then you have to come back and finish training." Kikori summarized, "But let's get onto history first."
"Fine." You sighed, all you wanted to do was just get back home.
"Okay, so there are 4 kingdoms: The Spade, The Heart, The Clover and The Diamond Kingdom, right?" You nodded, "Okay, so, there has been...another kingdom. That no one except the natives know about. Crazy, right?" You were about to say something but he stopped you, "It was a rhetorical question. Anyways, It's called the Aminus Kingdom. Odd name, huh? Well, it's a little different than your kingdoms. Instead of just Mana in our kingdom, we use Aminus and Mana. Aminus is similarly constructed to Mana but supplied from Gaia, the goddess of the world. You Manains, as we refer to you, solely rely on mana for your abilities. We rely on Aminus. We could fend for ourselves without self-made mana for years. Of course, provided with minimum food and all. Aminus is the Mana in nature and air, even if it's as simple as a droplet of water. If you mix that with normal water, it all becomes Aminus-filled water, but less pure in Aminus," Your mouth formed an 'o' with amazement, "Of course, that's natural Aminus. There's also second-hand Aminus from animals. If Aminus is in water, naturally, it'd be inside the animals who drink that water, correct?"
"But living beings that do not use Aminus such as cows, can replenish their Aminus without consuming anything since their body is used to it. We humans either need to draw the Aminus out or eat the animal to obtain some of it. Of course, we just drain it. It's similar to leaving a cup out during a rainstorm and taking that water to drink while leaving a new cup out for the next rainstorm. It auto-replenishes so we don't have to worry. Then again, we also have the basic ability to draw Aminus and Mana from the air and environment around us."
"Wow!" You exclaimed, your eyes shining.
"Well, if you think that's impressive, don't get so excited. That's just basic knowledge for the natives," He pushed up his-non existent glasses.
You just stared at him blankly.
"What?" He demanded.
"You're... not done, are you?" You asked.
"Oh yeah, I forgot that I was still explaining to you," He continued with the history of the Aminus Kingdom, "So, we extract it from the animals rather than consuming the Aminus-filled animal. The animals are similar to an infinite Aminus source. Aminus also fills the ground and herbs on the ground, so most of the Aminus Kingdom are vegetarians. That also means our desserts such as cupcakes and others, are imbued with Aminus. We can survive without water for a good while because of the ability of Aminus to run through plants. Aminus is similar to the compound of water but reducing it with mana. As long as we consume enough Aminus, we can use it as an alternative for water. That's why when you come to the kingdom, you'll notice that some people live without a house or even on the mountains."
"I get the living without the house, sort of, because they can use their mana or aminus to bend water or something, but on the mountains?" You scrunched up your face in bewilderment, "There's no grass or nature there!"
He grinned at you, "Correct! But, that doesn't mean we can't survive in there, ya know? There are edibles inside caves too as well as on the mountain. On the mountain, since it's different land from yours, some minerals are edible. Well, not minerals per se, but crystals. They can be turned into jewelry, weapons or food. It's also a good source of Aminus. There are many types of crystals. some examples are Tierian crystals, Klosenite crystals, and Carean crystals. Tierian crystals are mainly used for jewelry and the colour varies where it's found. It's also a very popular crystal because it can withstand a spell being cast on it or absorbing the spell. It has a maximum of 2 spell slots. Those slots can be used to absorb power from a spell targeted to the owner, they can have a spell cast upon them such as a basic defence spell so it protects the owner if attacked by an ambush or they can fire back spells that they absorbed. Firing a spell takes up one of the slots. Klosenite is very durable yet can be moulded once heated to its boiling point. Once it hardens, it becomes more durable than diamond. The last example of gems we have is Carean crystals. These crystals are very fragile. Similar to sugar crystals in texture, these are easily breakable and have a salty flavour to them. They don't fill you up but they can help you survive if you get bored of bland tasting water."
"Wow! How cool!" You exclaimed. The Animus Kingdom seemed to have their life set out on everything! They could survive eons without basic staples!
"Sorry, not finished. Okay... You're probably why no one knows of our existence. That's thanks to the first King of Animus, Klorikionus Agausterius. Tongue twister. Anyways, he had the ability to hide things from sight and mana detection, cloaking magic. So he used it for the kingdom. If anyone were to learn our ways, panic and chaos would usurp the world. Anyways, someone performed a sort of longevity spell and now we remain hidden. In a good way, of course," He paused, "I mean, if they were to learn of the surviving races, hoo boy, they would go berserk."
"Hush," He put a finger to your lips, "We co-exist with many other races. We believe in not one god but gods. We accept everyone. Including half breeds. Some races within our kingdom are dwarves, elves, Dragonborn, dark-elves and many more. Dragonborn are a kind that are usually misconceived. They are not a human and dragon offspring. They are just dragons who have manifested a human body. Of course, they have the ability to fully turn human, same age limit and all, but they'll still have dragon fangs, wings and scales."
"Do you have the race of valkyries?" You asked, after all, you were from that heritage.
[Check Chapter 13]
"Hah!" Kikori laughed at loud as Yuki stifled a laugh, "Where'd you hear that from?! Valkyries aren't a race, god, you're stupid!" He pointed at you while laughing, "Valkyries more like a holy job! If you get blessed by the gods, you'll be able to use holy sword magic, the magic of valkyries. AKA the magic of angel warriors. You were blessed at birth! LMAO, however told you that shit is a god! A god of jokes!"
*Ryujikan...* You thought internally.
Normally, you would've expected a retort by now, but you hadn't received one.
"Can I not contact my spirits?" You asked Kikori.
"Hm, I don't know... Yo! Yuki! Check Rank 1 member privileges!"
"On it!" She left the subspace and rejoined, "Yep, she can't use her spirits... Don't worry, just adjusted it. Try now!"
*Yo, Ryuji! You there?*
*Oi! The fuck was that, miss? I was like in a white cube! It was horrific!*
*Sorry about that... But why'd you lie about valkyries being a race?
*Y/N! Heyyyyyy!*
*Hello again.*
*Ah, miss Korimizuta, nice to see you again!*
*Same here, I guess.*
"Agh!" You jumped back instinctively.
"What? You weren't responding? A glitch on your end? No... That isn't possible, we initiated contact... A glitch on ours?" He thought aloud.
"Sorry, I was communicating with my spirits."
"Spirits?" He emphasized the 's.'
"Um, yes?"
"Holy shit, Yuki!" He turned around with sparkles in his eyes to Yuki as she matched his look, "We have a multi-spirit princess!"
"Whoa. Hold up, Princess?!" You shrieked, "I'm a fricking princess?! What the fuck! Who- Why- Wha-!" You struggled to find the words for all the questions in your head.
You were a Princess. How were you a princess? Why were you abandoned? What the actual fluck?! When did they learn of your existence? How did they?
"REEEEEEEE!" You screeched, "WHY MEEEEE!"
"REEEEEEE!" Kikori screeched back, "BECAUSE WHY NOTTTTT!"
You sighed, "Thanks for screeching some sense into me..."
"No problem," He gave me a thumbs up and a wink.
"Um, yeah, we ain't that comfy yet man..." You trailed off, "But you said something about training for a year here? What's that about?"
"Ah yes. Since you grew up in a non-Aminus community, your body is probably unsuitable for that and we can't have a multi-spirit princess not know how to use Aminus!" Yuki explained, "So, we have made a custom sub-mergeable false-reality for you. Using one of our strongest mage's illusionary magic, we've created a training program. This took us a lot of time after we left the Golden Dawn. OF course, the liquid inside is breathable and will not suffocate you, it's just to give your body the full sensory experience. You will feel pain but not death. You will end up where you started every time you die. Of course, this is not the training, this is just the stretching. This will train your mental and physical state. It will make you think above and beyond as well as train your mental state. But you won't be able to interact with those in real life. People might mistake you for dead, but your breathing, just in a coma of sorts..."
[Source: I am The Sorcerer King]
"Wait... What?!"
"No time to chat, good luck!" Kikori snapped his fingers and put you into a bathing suit as he shoved you into the blob of sorts.
Soooooo, it's been a year! Happy 1st anniversary and thank you for those sticking by with me through this journey! I gtg so I'm rushing this but have a great day! Don't forget to smash that vote and follow button, comment and thank you so much for reading this story!
PS: ILY Guys! Thx for being with me!
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