29th of January
Today on the Middle-earth Calendar: (to be updated)
Video of the Day: Kids React to The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey.
Quote of the Day: "Go back to the void from whence you came!" - Galadriel
Word of the Day: (to be updated)
Question of the Day: Are Elladan and Elrohir twins?
Answer to Yesterday's Question: False. She had two brothers names Elladan and Elrohir.
Today's Topic: Thranduil Thursday | Episode Three: Dare Week
Reader Leaderboard:
Luthien2018 | 70 points
BJKaplan | 50 points
AryaMiriel | 45 points
BilboRoth | 40 points
Gallifreyanhobbit | 20 points
AbbyFantacyLover | 10 points
-Spark | 10 points
WillTreatyRA | 10 points
luckygirl1013 | 10 points
dreamescape07 | 10 points
Applelady2 | 10 points
2001ecw | 10 points
Lady_Eruwaedhiel | 10 points
legolasxelisabeth | 5 points
jordieblob16 | 5 points
JuliaAntoinette | 5 points
Random_Elf | 5 points
TheWarlock2101 | 5 points
*curtains come up*
Audience: *cheers*
Tarwa: This week is Dare Week!
Legolas: Unfortunately...
Tarwa: Just a warning: there is intense craziness ahead! In this episode we'll de-fabulize Thranduil--
Thranduil: WHAT?
--and pull pranks! PLUS, we've got a veeeeeery special dare from Merry and Pippin at the end. You don't want to miss it!
Legolas: *sarcastically* I can't wait...
Tarwa: Okay, let's get straight into it! legolasxelizabeth dares you to cut off your hair!
Thranduil: WHAT?! NO.
Tarwa: Yes!
Thranduil: Fine ... can I just cut off a little tiny bit?
Tarwa: I guess so ... I wouldn't want all those Thranduil fangirls to kill me for making you cut off all your hair...
Thranduil: *cuts off a strand of hair*
Tarwa: C'mon, more than that!
Thranduil: *cuts off two strands of hair*
Tarwa: *rolls eyes* *grabs the scissors* *cuts off a lock of hair*
Thranduil: Eek! *watches the hair fall to the ground* *falls to his knees dramatically* NUUUUUUUUUU!
Tarwa: *laughs evilly*
Thranduil Fangirls: WHY, CRUEL WORLD?!
Thranduil: Now I've got an awkward chunk of hair that's shorter than the rest! *whines*
Tarwa: Oh please, it's the latest trend.
Thranduil: *huff*
Tarwa: Anyway, WillTreatyRA says: "Thranduil, I dare you to dye Legolas's hair purple!"
Thranduil: *pulls a rope hanging from the ceiling while laughing evilly*
Legolas: *purple dye splashes over him* SERIOUSLY?!
Tarwa: Well, don't worry Legolas, you get to have your revenge with this next dare by WillTreatyRA and TamurilofMirkwood! This one is for Smaug too. *whispers the dare into his ear* Now go and get Smaug to do it with you!
Legolas: *grins evilly* *runs off*
Thranduil: Where has he gone?
Tarwa: Oh, you'll see. *evil laugh*
Thranduil: There are way too many evil laughs in this episode.
Tarwa: True, true. Anyway, this one is from reiningnerd: "You need to give Lady Galadriel a hair cut in her sleep, dye it pink, and then give her a mustachio with her hair!".
Thranduil: Oh gosh, I need to touch THOSE split ends?
Tarwa: It's a dare! You have to do it!
Thranduil: Ugh ... fine...
In Lórien... 🌾
Galadriel: *taking an afternoon nap*
Tarwa: Okay, here is the pink dye and the scissors. *hands them to Thranduil*
Thranduil: *glares at her*
Tarwa: What?
Thranduil: I hate you. *leans over to cut her hair*
Galadriel: *sleep talking* Sparkly pineapples...
Thranduil: *looks at Tarwa worriedly*
Tarwa: *shrugs*
Thranduil: *starts cutting her hair* *whispering* Eww, look at her ugly hair!
Tarwa: *filming everything*
Thranduil: *starts putting on the dye* She looks absolutely horrid in pink... *puts a lock of hair on her top lip to look like a mustache*
Tarwa: Picture time! *snaps a photo*
Thranduil: This is going on instagram! *posts it* *sits back and watches it go viral*
Tarwa: *watching the likes go up by thousands in seconds* Geez, how many followers do you have?
Thranduil: More than you ever will. *sassy hair flip*
Back on the set of Thranduil Thursday... 🎥
Smaug, Legolas, WillTreatyRA and TamurilofMirkwood: *sit there giggling and whispering to each other*
Legolas: *gives Tarwa a thumbs up*
Tarwa: *grins and turns to Thranduil* You look exhausted, Thranduil! Why don't you go take a shower and maybe wash your hair? You'll feel better.
Thranduil: That's the best thing you've said all day! *rushes off to the bathroom*
Tarwa: Well, Legolas, while Thranduil is being pranked, I have a dare for you now!
Legolas: -_-
Luthien2018 says, "I dare Legolas to watch Pirates of the Caribbean!".
Legolas: What's that?
Tarwa: Oh, you'll see. *puts disk into DVD player*
Legolas: *starts watching*
Will Turner: *comes on screen*
Legolas: HELLO! Who is that gorgeous being?
Tarwa: Does he look familiar? *giggles*
Legolas: He looks a little bit like ... me! O_O
Tarwa: Yup! He's played by the same actor as you.
Legolas: Actor?
Tarwa: Oh gosh, how do I explain this?
Thranduil: *screams like a girl* *walks out in his towl*
Audience: Ew! *look away*
Thranduil Fangirls: OH MY GOSH, HE'S SHIRTLESS! *faint*
Tarwa: *covers eyes* Ugh! Thranduil! Let's try to keep the PG rating, please?
Thranduil: *holds up shampoo bottle* This is not my You'll Never be as Fabulous as Me shampoo! This is some cheap imposter! Look at my hair! *literally pulls a chunk of his hair off* It's falling out!
Tarwa: Your hair is VEEEEERY delicate, isn't it?
Smaug and WillTreatyRA: We stole your shampoo...
Legolas and TamurilofMirkwood: ...and we switched it for a cheap one!
Thranduil: *steam comes out of ears*
Tarwa: Alright Thrandy, calm down. This next one is a fun one. But first of all, put some clothes on before our fangirls in the audience have to be rushed off to the hospital.
Thranduil Fangirls: Awww... :(
Thranduil: *gets changed and comes back in*
Tarwa: Okay, Luthien2018 says, "I dare Thranduil to watch Guardians of the Galaxy!".
Thranduil: Oh, I've heard of that movie. It sounds ridiculous. I saw that first 20 minutes and then turned it off because they guy's dancing was weird.
Tarwa: Well, there's one scene I want you to watch. *puts in disk*
Ronan: *comes on screen*
Thranduil: Ugh! That guy has no fashion sense at all!
Everyone: *laughs*
Thranduil: He's just plain creepy! O_O
Tarwa: He'll never understand. *laughs and turns off the TV*
Tarwa: I don't know how that movie was so popular.
Tarwa: But they're the Space Avengers! *pouts*
Thranduil: *rolls his eyes*
Tarwa: *huff* Anyway, EmilyMaurer says, "I dare Legolas to propose to any fangirl and I dare Thrandy not to be fab for an entire day".
Thranduil: Well, I'm already not fab thanks to all these dares. *sulks*
Legolas: Umm ... can I propose to Tauriel?
Everyone: No!
Legolas: Okay, fine. Oi, Dess!
Dess_Basilisk: *comes running in* Yes?
Legolas: *gets down on one knee*
Dess_Basilisk: Oh my gosh. O_O
Legolas: Will you marry--
Thorin: Nuuuuuu! *jumps on Legolas* She's marrying ME!
Legolas: No, ME!
Dess_Basilisk: Now I know how Katniss feels!
Legolas: Well, Dess? Who do you want to marry?
Dess: I ... I'm leaving! *runs away*
Legolas: Oh.
Thorin: No! Come back! *chases after her*
Legolas: *tries to run after them*
Tarwa: Nope, you're staying here! *pulls him by the ear*
Thranduil: No, not his fabulous ears!
Everyone: Umm...
Thranduil: His ears are fragile! *strokes Legolas's ears*
Legolas: *stands there awkwardly* Umm, Tarwa? Continue?
Tarwa: *laughs* xxblackbutterfly16 says, "Take me to Mirkwood to paint everything a fabulous shade of pink!".
Thranduil: Pink? No way. We're painting it rainbow.
Everyone: YAAASSSS!
In Mirkwood... 🍂
Thranduil: *grabs a paintbrush* LET'S GET FABULOUS! *throws paintbrushes to his guards*
Mirkwood Guards: -_-
Legolas: Ada, do we have to paint our ENTIRE ancient city in rainbow paint? -_-
Thranduil: Of course! This old colour went out of fashion loooooong ago. *starts painting his throne*
Legolas: Ugh...
Tarwa: *sneaks up behind him* *throws bubblegum pink paint over his head*
Thranduil: *shriek* WHAT THE FRIED RAINBOW CHIPS?!
Tarwa: *straps him down to a chair* Alright Thranduil, I'm going to shave your hair into a mohawk now.
Thranduil: WHAT?!
Tarwa: *gets out shaver* Just hold still. *shaves and gels his hair into a mohawk*
Tarwa: *unstraps him from the chair*
Thranduil:*runs around like a chicken without a head* WHAT WAS THAT FOR?!
Tarwa: *tries to hold in laughter* Sierra_Evans dared me to cut your hair into a bubblegum pink mohawk...
Thranduil: *faints*
Back on the set of Thranduil Thursday... 🎥
Mirkwood Guards: *fan him to try calm him down*
Thranduil: I've had it with dares.
Merry and Pippin: Now you know how we feel!
Tarwa: Sorry Thranduil, there's still one more dare to go.
Thranduil: Ugh ... someone shoot me.
Tarwa: This is not really a dare. It's more like a nomination.
Thranduil: Fine, let's get this other with. *puts on a blonde wig*
Tarwa: Right! So Merry and Pippin have nominated you to do the ice bucket challenge!
Legolas: GOODBYE. *runs out*
Thranduil: What's his problem?
Tarwa: He's just a scaredy cat, that's all.
Thranduil: So, what is this challenge?
Tarwa: All you've got to do is nominate some people, pull this little rope thingy hanging from the ceiling and donate some money to the ALS foundation.
Thranduil: *stares at the rope hanging from the ceiling* I don't know ... it looks kind of dangerous.
Tarwa: Well, we're already rolling the camera. *points to a camera* Aaaand action!
Thranduil: *flips his fake hair* What's up, people? It's the one and only King Thranduil here. I've been nominated to do the ALS ice bucket challenge by two twits.
Merry and Pippin: -_-
Thranduil: I nominate Yoda, Effie Trinket and my fabulous friend Loki.
Tarwa: An interesting combination of nominees...
Thranduil: Now, I'm just going to pull this rope. *reaches out to it*
Legolas: *runs in slow motion* NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! *tries to stop him but epicly fails and icy water splashes on both of them*
Tarwa: *laughs* YOU TOTALLY FELL FOR IT!
Thranduil: *eyeliner running down his face* I just can't win...
Tarwa: I'm surprised you don't know that all little rope thingies hanging from the ceiling mean trouble.
Thranduil: *lies on the floor, defeated* Maybe I should read the twits' book more often. I could learn from their mistakes and not get humiliated like this.
Tarwa: *turns to readers* Well, there you have it! Over 1,800 words and many autocorrect problems later, Thranduil managed to complete all your dares. Next week is going to be another wacky week. We're going to discuss some scary and exciting things happening in Middle-earth!
Legolas: *wiping his face with a towel* You can contribute to it by answering this question: What's your favourite OTP? It can be from any fandom.
Merry: If you want to see Pippin and I do the ice bucket challenge, just head over to our book Only the Craziest and click on the ice bucket challenge chapter.
Tarwa: Also, check out the screenshot of Thranduil's Instagram post in the media section!
Thranduil: That's my cue to run! *runs away*
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