whare am i?

hELL. Or, at LEast, that's what thEy caLL it in thE audiEncE's univErsE.

whaht do wee cahl it?


ohh... whoo...

am i? tEchnicaLLy spEaking, i'm yOu. my namE is fEbuary.

am i... deead?

nO. just uncOnciOus via thE timE bOmb.

sooo... Iam in... tymeout?

...yOu arE a disappOinting bEfOrE pErsOn. but... i summOnEd yOu fOr a rEasOn.

rEmEmbEr thEsE wOrds, my bEfOrE pErsOn.

it's hEr birthday.

this phrasE is impOrtant tO thE timElinE. i bEg yOu tO kEEp it clOse.

fOrgEtting it cOuld rEsult in dEath, Of yOu, and yOur friEnds...

thaats reeassuring...

hEh. i wish i cOuld sEnd a mOrE happy mEssagE. but aLas. nOw, thEn, fElicianO.

wakE up.

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