Chapter 18

Turkish narrator : Holla dearies, so where do you think we were at? hmm, they are about to travel together so let's travel with them then.


"Ok Raff it's time to go now, I'll give you call once I reach" she hugged him gave a letter which had wax seal on it. she turned to Jathin he gave her his hankie? I wonder what happened. and do people really write letters? that to nowadays when we humans have come these far in technology? this seems way to immature at the same time cute.

Then again Raff murmured something to Maya, then I took my sack. my friend rushed to me "realize what i said" i nodded. he patted on my shoulder and we did our bro hugs.

Raff and me also did the same, " Maya come let me help you in" she nodded to Raff and they checked in. I turned Jathin.

"What" don't you wanna go" asking he walked around me. nothing to say him. because I wanna just go. if I agree what he stated before?  that i like her. it's not that I don't. but i like being around her. so how could I put this in words with my very clever friend!.

"Jathin you were factual before" he squinted his eyes. " so you agree ahh" I nodded, if not with best friend then with whom will I share right.

"Yeah I do, but not the way you think" I reasoned he shuck it off and he embraced me on arm. I know he wants to talk so much but Maya is staring at us from check-in desk. we bid our bye and I asked him to return. and Raff also came back handing all her things, he also went off hugging her again.

I neared to her, " don't you think he is bit emotional" asking I turned to my right, ohh no she is already whimpering, I handed my hankie but she had Jathins. "it's alright Maya" I patted o her shoulder. she nodded with tight smile.

We walked in and got seal on our passport. we passed to waiting.

"How do you feel getting back home?" I draw my attention on her, she seems fine now. no watery eyes, and loose pants, fluffy black full sleeve sweater, black boots, loose black hairs falling all around her shoulders, every now and then when she pulls her hair back, my hand itches to do the same.

I grunted and " blissful" she nodded and held her hand under the chin.

"And how do you feel" she rotated her head towards me. " jubilant" I nodded. why are we acting like new people here? is it because I lied, did she notice?

"Hot chocolate?" asking I raised my eyebrows.

"No thanks" I did not expect this answer for hot chocolate. again she turned away.

"Maya are we ok?" I can't resist this behavior longer.

"Ya we are fine, your publisher and I'm working for you" I couldn't say a thing so I sat quite, we did not talk even a word and the announcement started and we passed in. we sat at third row and I sat left to her.

"Is this your allotted?" motioning her hands to the seat.

"Yes, why?" I'm confused, she is not behaving normal.

"Ok" she turned away again.


Why am I acting like actual bitch? he could have told me yesterday that he is travelling back because my book, but he didn't and why would he? I'm no one to know everything about him. but I will keep my distance.

I'm on the window side, I can't sit quite you see? but I don't want to talk to him either so I turned to him, " would you mind sitting on this side" 

"No, why?" with his curious eyes narrowing at me.

"Then why don't we change the seats" I smiled to get the seat. and he nodded and let me sit on.

Thank god he didn't catechize, I saw a handsome next to me and a old man, they both smiled at me and the flight is taking off I sat firm,

I opened my "vintage feeling" not glancing to right, " oh this is new book, this isn't available in market?" I hared from the handsome man, I lowered my book and looked at him.

"Yeah, I own a book shop so I get it before." he nodded and extended his hand, 

"Hi, I'm Ritesh" I tried extending my hand but it wouldn't come out so took glance to my right hand,  this man is terribly mad it seems to me. he has such a tight grip on my hand that I couldn't pull back. so I turned to handsome again.

"Hello, I'm Maya" and he smiled, wow what a smile any woman could fall for him. (TN : I'm sure something is awfully wrong with Maya)

"I'm from Bangalore you?" he said and the old man took glance at us and smiled to me again. I didn't budge turning to my right.

"Even me, where do you stay" I asked and the hold on my hand had tightened way to much.

"Btm and you?" he motioned with his hand to me.

"I stay at urus" I said. and shrugging his shoulder he said " even I stay there itself"

"What a coincidence Ritesh" he nodded.

"Yeah, what a  coincidence all the passengers here are going to Bangalore?" I just want to stuff something in to his mouth. I never thought Mahesh could act this way.

"You might known that shop? where they sell book and bread? do you?" the voice from my right blared louder than wanted again.

Ritesh nodded to me confusing. " she is the owner of that shop" saying Mahesh raised his eye brows to Ritesh. he smiled and looked at me.

"Oh, great, we should have coffee sometime" Ritesh seems good guy to me, I nodded to him.

I turned to Mahesh "thank you" he stretched his lips way too much. smirking he loosened my hand,


That fellow seems to had too much information about her? and they are from same vilas,  I held her hand tight and when she turned pulling her hand? I wanted howl but I didn't. something is really wrong or else  Maya would have never acted this way with me.

He turned to her again and I took hold of her hand.

"This is my father" he introduced her again to his father and his father promised to visit her shop.

"You should come with your father Ritesh" she seems doing it purposefully, he nodded. but I feel like punching on father son's face.

"Yeah I will be there waiting" I retort back in between there conversation. she took glance at me biting her right cheek. 

"By the way your name?" his father questioned.

"Mahesh Ediga" his name. how could she state instead of me. well I nodded.

"Oh, so you are the new CEO of Edigas" I nodded. "nice meeting you" I smiled to the old man.

"Nice meeting you sir" Rithesh responded. I did not react.

"Then mam you might be his" he didn't complete the sentence I nodded. he turned away.

Maya swift to me again, "what did you node for" I shrugged my shoulder.

"Why is he not talking to me?" she narrowed her eyes on me.

"How would I know, you want him to talk to you?" asking I raised my eyebrows.

"Ya, I'm getting bored" I narrowed my eyes. "what?" asking she widened her eyes.

"Talk to me then" i shrugged my shoulder,  she shuck her head and turned away, opened her book. "you think I'm a halfwit don't you" I half twisted my head. she turned around so quick.

"No, why would you say so?" with dramatic face. 

"Mm, hmm" I responded. "then why are you behaving so distant, what happened Maya"


He pinched his nose, what happened, nothing happened, in real I just want to be distant.

"Nothing" I shrugged my shoulder.

"Ok fine, I would like my seat back" his nose wrinkled, he seems to be annoyed.

"Ok" we changed our seats. 

"Hello I'm Leena" a lady from our front seat made her presence. and the annoyed human from left replied her.

"Hi, Mahesh" with a cheerful face. wow, this is what he does to new people. 

"I heard your conversation before" he nodded. how could she eardrop.

"Tell me Leena, is there any help I could do?" he seems interested in conversation, is he crazy.

" Sir, I had been waiting for your appointment through one my friend?" he nodded again with serious face. I had never seen him in such a seriousness. " to establish an new block regarding the shares of your company" 

"Ok, we have and upgraded level blocks Leena" her face fell off aww how sad. "I could give you a chance" her face lit up thank god I can't handle sad fracases. he extended his card.

"Meet me sometime next week but with the presentation" she smiled and assured him.

"Umm, great business man" he twisted his head squinting his eyes.

"Of course I am" with that annoying smirk, " and this is not even the business meeting" i nodded.

"If your in good mood can we please change the place" 


Asking, wrinkles appeared on her forehead. I sat quite. if we change then again that illogical conversation will start so I can't endure that shit.

"Mahesh" I didn't budge answering. "Mahesh" again, "Mahesh"  on top of her voice. and the  attention from our front and back seat is more irritating now. I turned facing her anyway.

"What Maya, what do you want?" she seems not registering my irritation motioned her hand to my seat. am I incapable to understand Maya.

"I wont change the place" I stated smirking, I couldn't even be mad at her? I just got to accept.

"But motive" with dramatic voice, I can't take this anymore, I narrowed my eyes she turned away. I feel like we are brawling like children gathering everyone's eyebrows.

Later about 30 minutes she got up and went, and came back in  minutes and a guy followed behind.

"Ya tell me" talking to him she held her phone from the bag and he gave her his number. I doubt what for?  then thanking he went away.

"What did I just witness?" imploring I twisted to her.

"No trace" she tight smiled. "what does it mean no trace, you just shared your number to an unknown man" 


His jaws went tense, why is he furious. "he is content writer and I think of hiring him" his jaws went slack and he loosened a bit.

I held my book he held his laptop, "working?" I couldn't sit quite you people know me. "yeah, do you wanna bring out" corners of his mouth raised. I nodded.

 I couldn't bring out even after he was ready to hear. "I'm listening Maya" I nodded again. "you, you would have told me the reason of your return?" his eyebrows lowered.

"What exactly did Jathin narrate" his eyebrows pulled together. "you had personal engagement's to settle" I said and he nodded. he is a lair. Jathin filled me that he is coming because of my book but see now, how could he lie?

"It's true, and we two are holding a press conference" his words seems to just make me satisfied, why I'm feeling there's more into his return.

"Two, you mean you and Leena?" asking I narrowed my eyes.

"What on earth is wrong with you?" he fake smiled asking. I changed my position folding my legs to sit,  focusing my full attention on him noticing me he also turned.

"What?" I shrugged my shoulder.

"Why would I even hold a press conference with someone I just met? and I don't know her" he narrowed his eyes,  point then press conference with me then. for what?

"Ohh, then with me?" he nodded and turned away. then this is the reason he is coming back.

"By the way. why do we need a press conference? we are not yet done with the process isn't it?"

"In 3 days whatever we need for the conference will be ready" I hummed in response. I wanted this conversation to be a good one to remember even after reaching home. but it seems like we will be grumpy passengers sitting.


I bet everything is wrong with Maya today, if I'm the cause? well I don't know?

She held out her protein bar and had. 1,2,3 then she took a glance at me offering I took a bite. I assume ill never understand her. "Maya did I do something?"

"No, why?" she shuck her head saying. I nodded. Leena from our front turned to me. we started a conversation regarding shares. does Maya even feel anything? I'm sure liking her but if she doesn't then, after about 15 minutes I turned to have a look but she was asleep already.

I held her book to fold, I opened first page. " I prefer being alone when, actually, I crave deep emotional connection and understanding but I'm too scared of showing my vulnerable side to anyone".  this totally seems like real Maya to me. anyway I kept the book in my backpack.

They announced landing and she is still sleeping, "Maya wakeup we are landing" she opened her eyes.

"So soon, 10 minutes more, she leaned on my shoulder" I actually don't let anyone lean on me other than my  nice but, Maya seems to found so comfort leaning.

"Maya" she hummed in response, "wakeup" again she hummed, I feel like I'm her care taker.

"Maya" again, I can't take this anymore. "Maya wakeup" instantly she sat straight and switched on her phone, and held her sling bag turned to me.

"Thank you for waking me up or else I would be the last one to get out of the flight. I mean this use to happen" I smiled. 

"Umm, Mahesh" I focused on her nodding. we are landing she held my hand tight. if she travels alone who would she hold hands with? I'm curious to know. and we landed she started looking for?

"Maya what are you looking for?" 

"Did you happen see my book? " I nodded shaking my head. "it was new and I'm the first buyer" 

"No, I did not see" her eyes became small. and we made it to the baggage. she called her brother, and my driver called me. we walked out. 

"I want hot chocolate you want something?" I said no and she went and came back in  5 minutes holding a cup. she called her brother "gate number 1 hutch I'm waiting? I can't stand come soon" what she can't stand, such a big lair.

Someone neared us and she jumped on him. I'm just looking at there childishness. "ok my dear, it's ok, why do you even travel" she got off him.

She turned to me. "sorry this is my brother Mayank and Hutch this is Mahesh" she raised her eyebrows on him.

"Hello nice meeting you" we shake hands. he seems ok. and he loaded her sack, and biding bye he went to there car.

"Mahesh " she pulled her hairs back in a bun. "I have something for you?" she pulled out a small rapper from her bag?.

"My pleasure" I extended my hand. she handed me a rapper, folded her hand to chest and stood straight.

"Open it after reaching home or when  you are free" that curios smile got me thinking. I nodded anyway.

"Bye I should be going now" she walked away, I nestled in my place, after 10 steps she stopped walking, turned towards me and turned away again? I reached home in 40 minutes. nobody is awake if I would have told my mom, she could make a  big buzz about it so. I freshen up and the time is 6am I held the rapper which Maya handed me.

Raspberry bar, and a small note which says. "thank you for taking care of me all along" she knew I care . I fell asleep with the smile. 

Turkish Narrator : even I have that smile Hero,  what do you people smile like do let me know in the comments.

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