Chapter 25. Finale

=// Alice P.O.V. //=

I slept through the night. I didn't have any dreams that I could remember but all I really can remember at this very moment is the sound of my annoying as hell alarm clock waking me and Simon up. We fell asleep in each other's arms because we woke up that way. For a few seconds I feel a bit disorientated. But I eventually find my barings and I pull away from Simon. I turn off the clock. It's seven. According to Simon his flight leaves at twelve thirty. So that means that we have five and a half hours until his flight has to leave.

It sucks. It really does suck. Why does he have to go. He is innocent. He told me the story himself. I roll on my side and I just lie there thinking. Not wanting this all to end. I feel him wrap an arm around me as if he was spooning me.

He held me close to his chest and for the first time in what feels like ages I feel warm, safe and protected. It makes me feel like I could sleep for hours and I like this feeling. But I have to get up and make breakfast.

I pull away from his grasp and then turn around to face him. He has a smile on his face...But it dosent look anything like what a happy one should. Instead it looks forced. As if the smile just wants to take a holiday to Disney land but instead it got stuck on Simons face. I lean forward. Just a few inches and then he closes the gap. He kissed me. Then I decided to kiss him back.

It wasn't really a heated kiss but there was some passion in it. It was probably one of those PG -13 kisses that you see now in G rated kids movie in pretty much every cinema.

I pull away. "Morning Ali-nyaa" He says to me. I bet Tye told him to say that. No way have I told him that before that Ali-nyaa is my nickname...I'm gonna kill him like I always do. Then I'm gonna revive him so I can kill him again...Then revive him so I can- you get the idea.

I smile and say good morning back to him. I roll out of bed and he follows. We walk into the kitchen. "Hey Alice why don't I make something while you sit at the table" He says to me with a smile that seems kind and genuine but still with a hint of force. But I am happy he wants to do this for me so I take a seat on the couch and I turn on the T.V.

There isn't really anything special to watch. Just the same old loony tunes and that stuff. But I rather loony tunes to twilight so loony tunes it is then.

I start to watch. Then Simon brings me a plate of super fluffy scrambled eggs and bacon on toast. Wow I wish Tye was here so I could rub it in his face. He sits next to me and we start watching it together while he eats his share of breakfast and that's exactly the same as mine. We both laugh at the characters and the stupid corny jokes and we enjoy each other's company.

This is really what a couple should be. Chilling on the couch while watching TV and just having a laugh. A simple but effective relationship method.

The show ends and then I look at the time. Now its seven thirty. He reaches for my hand. I give it to him and he runs his thumb over each one of my fingers. He looks at me with a smile again. It's the same smile. Its intentions are good but its all forced. But Is he doing that just to make me feel like he was fine? I don't know but it certainly doesn't feel fine at all.

He gives me a quick peck before he takes our plates and puts them in the dish washer.

"So what do you wanna do today?" He asks me with a smile again. But this smile seems more real as if he really did want to do something with me in his last few hours of being here. It makes me smile a real smile back at him.

"Well we could invite Tye over and we could just hang out. The three of us. I might also invite the other girls to. Gwen, Floofy and Reigan. You remember them?" I ask him and he still keeps that smile and he nods. "Sweet" I reply back. I pull my phone that just for the pure convenience of this story is in my pocket.

I send a text to our group chat and invite them all over. Tye didn't reply straight away but he was the first to reply. "Tye's in" I say. "Wait so is Gwen. Wait got another message. Reigan is coming to and so is Floofy" I say then I look at him. "So its. Seven forty five now and they'll be here at eight. We are having a party" I say. "why don't you invite the rest of the Sidemen to come along?" I ask him. He shakes his head. "Alice...I don't think so. They all believe that I was being a pedophile with that girl. They texted me about it and...I don't think it's such a good idea to invite them. I know it's a shame because I'm sure you would like to say goodbye to them but. Maybe not this time" he says. It's fine with me. I understand.

Tye shows up first five minutes early. He has a habit of doing that. He is either early or on the dot. "Welcome Tye" I say as I let him into the house. I don't normally do that because I don't like Tye in my house but I can make an acception.

"Hey Alice, Hey Simon" he says trying to lighten the mood as if to hide the truth but we all knew that no one could fake it.

The rest of the girls show up later but just a couple of minutes late at exactly the same time. They must have met up or something. I do the same with them. I let them in. Soon we are all in the living room area...this is the most anti-climactic going away party ever known to man. We all just sat there and said nothing. Literally nothing.

Come on mind lets get the conversation starting!

I shout in my head because I am sure that we have all had those moments in our life where we shout stuff in our heads for no reason and just hope that it gives you something to work with.

"So this is it then" Says way to state the obvious GWEN

"Yeah I guess it is" says Floofy. "Maybe one day you guys can catch up together. You can fly to England easily enough and I'm sure Simon wouldn't mind" Reigan says after that. He smiles at me. "Of coarse I wouldn't mind it if you visited me" he says with that smile that has changed and that actually does feel real and genuine and no sign of being forced and that relaxes me. To know that he is happy for me to drop by whenever I want because I do whatever I damn please in this world.

That actually seems to get the part a way. At least we all started talking and dare I say it..."BEING...SOCIAL"

"Hey Simon remember time that you spelt your drink all over Alice in the food court?" Says Tye. We all laugh because let's face it. It was a pretty funny moment.

The time just seems to fly by because we are having so much fun. I glance at the clock and my heart's ten. Is that really how long it has been? And if Simon has to make it to the airport in time we have to leave at ten thirty. So we only have half an hour left. Then it really is it once he has gone. But that's still two hours away so I don't feel like I should be worrying about that just now.

I look at Simon and I can tell he knows while Tye and the rest are talking about something that they find quiet amusing. We join in on the conversation. " I KNOW RIGHT! IN EVERY FANFICTION IT IS A GIRL MAIN CHARACTER!" I practically yell out like hell because it's true.

This conversation goes on for a while. It mostly just changes from fanfictions and more random crap like YouTube and fun things like that.

Then with one last look at the clock I realise...It's time. I tell the guys. A sad look spears on there faces and one by one they all stand up. They each say a nice goodbye to Simon and they leave. Leaving just me and Simon alone. "Well should we get going?" He says bringing back an obvious fake smile that can be spotted a mile away. But I return one. "Sure" we get up and we leave the house. I lock up and then get into his rental car. He pulls out the driveway and he starts the drive to the airport.

We are on the road now. But barley a single thing has been said. He looks at me while he is driving. "Remember how we first met?" He says to me. Then it hits me. It has felt like ages since me and the guys went to get autographs. It was only five days ago but if this story was a book I'm sure it would have been something like twenty chapters or so ago.

I remember I dropped my note book. Then our hands touched and that is what started it all. I'm glad that day happened. Then we went into the food court where he spilled his food ok me. Then we went to his hotel and he recorded a vlog with me...Then when he dropped me off home...we kissed on my door step. It was a moment I hope I never forget.

"Yeah I remember" I say with a smile as I recall all of these moments in the last five days. Going on a date to the beach. Sleeping in his arms. Seeing him after school. That moment where I saw him at my door and everything melted away and we just hugged and we had chicken together.

I smile and I hope that one day we can meet up again and catch up. But I have his number so I will have the ability to
call him or text him whenever I want and he can do the same with me. I hope he does as well because I would hate to ever loose contact with him. 

The airport is getting closer and closer by the second and I hate it. Every second that drags by followed by the next second and then the next second until...The seconds are up. We are at the airport. We get out of the car. He gets his luggage out of the boot of the car and we pulls out the handle and we start walking. He offers out his hand and then I take it. As we walk hand in hand to the front entrance I can not help but feel a sad feeling that is taking over me. It makes my heart drop. 

We make it to the entrance. First we have to go through customs. once we have done that we have a half hour till he has to go...only thirty minutes. Last week I would have given anything for just thirty minutes with Simon. But now I would would give up anything for thirty more minutes. 

We go over to the gate where his plane is taking off. At the gate we meet the rest of the Sidemen. They are standing in a group as if they are excluding Simon. Wow it looks as if they value Vikk more than Simon and that is saying something. "Don't worry I'll deal with them later" He says. 

We sit down a few meters away from them on one of the seats. Hand in hand. Then I can't help it anymore. A tear streams down my face. I wipe it away and then I see one going town his face as well. It is horrible to have to let him go like this over something he didn't do. 

I look out in the window. The plane is there just waiting for the passengers to board it. Then the call comes. "Could all passengers boarding the twelve thirty flight to england please make their way to the boarding ramp" I hate that voice. 

We stand up. He wraps me in his warm and loving arms. "So this is it then" I say. He lifts my chin up. "No Alice it's not it...Its see you soon" He hugs me and then we kiss...One last time. I will never forget the feeling. I just know I won't. I can't. He finally pulls away. Wiping the tears from my face while I watch him move into the gate. We wave goodbye one last time till he goes around the corner...Gone. 

I stay there and I watch the plane take off. The plane has lifted off and Simon is officially off Australian ground. I watch him fly into the clouds. He's gone.

"See you soon" I say. "And be safe...I love you"


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