The destinies bounty

Nya walked back into the main room where the others had started to watch my little pony. Nya sat down and joined them. After it had finished she decided she had to tell them that Cole had done it.

"It was Cole!" Blurted Nya " he killed him because he attacked Dawn"

"Oh" said Kay "I thought that it was probably Clouse"

"What should we do?" Asked Lloyd

Cole walked through the wall And turned invisible while listening to their conversation.

"Will he come willingly?" Asked Kay "that would make this a lot  easier"

"He will not" said Zane "we will have to force him"

"Let's take him while he sleeps" said Nya " I'll give him the sleeping pills from the third aid kit"

"Good Idea" said Lloyd "see you tonight"

They walked away in different directions leaving Cole in the room. Cole felt hurt that his friends were planning to drug him.
Was he really that untrustworthy?. Cole knew he had to leave as soon as possible. But he needed to stay with Dawn as the others didn't understand ghost medicine.

Cole's room

Nya found Cole's Cake in a box in the centre of the room and started to put the pills into it. She only felt minorly bad about it as Cole was severely breaking the law.

She went back to the main room to find the others there waiting for her.

"Time for Cole to have an early night" said Kay and he walked out of the room and to Cole who was, predictably, in the infirmary

"Cole" said Kay " it's time for bed"

"It's half past six" said Cole " we haven't even had dinner yet"

Kay realised the flaw in his plan and started to make things up.

"We aren't having dinner tonight" said Kay " we need to eat food we store in our rooms"

"Time for dinner!" Shouted Wu, hitting the gong

Cole raised an eyebrow at Kay. Kay turned bright red and backed out of the room.

They went to dinner and Cole decided to mess with them

"This food is delicious" said Cole " I won't need to eat my cake tonight"

"I think you still need to eat the cake" said Lloyd " you have eaten a cake every night for the last year"

"That's a lot of cake" said Wu "today give it all to them"

"But we don't want Cole's Cake" said Kay " and Cole buys it with his own money "

"My decision is final" said Wu "Cole, get the cake"

Cole came back in with the Cake and put it in the table. When sensei put it on their plates they were hesitant to eat it.
Wu found this strange as they would usually sneak into Coles room to try and eat it. Wu managed to make them all ,except Cole,eat it

They went back to the rooms and wondered whether they were allowed a really big lie in.

The next day Cole woke up at nine and everyone else was asleep.
He went into the infirmary took Dawn and the ghost medicine and left.

At one the others woke up. They remembered the sleeping pills and came out to check on each other. They met in Lloyd and Jays room (currently only Lloyds) to talk

"Cole and Dawn are gone" said Kay "what do you think happened?"

" either the police arrested them" said Nya "or Cole ran away"

"Searching prison database" said Zane and he performed a scan
" Cole and Dawn are not there, not even in custody"

"What should we do?" Asked Lloyd "They are our friends"

" We should tell the police that it was Cole" said Nya "then they won't be arresting the wrong people"

"Maybe we should try and protect Cole" said Zane "it would be betrayal to tell the police"

Wu came in and looked round angrily

"You tried to drug a brother!" Shouted Wu "No wonder he ran away!"

" But he killed someone " said Kay "we can't protect a murderer"

" Well you must! " said Wu "Nya, Zane and Lloyd go find him, and Kay, please drink this while pouring this into your ear"

"You have got to be kidding" said Kay and he followed Wu

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