Day 15

Part 2 to the last one, sweeties.

  My pen scribbled a few more grades down. Passed. Failed. Barely passed. Passed with flying colors. Nerd. It went on like that until I memorized the answers and didn't need to look at the answer guide. The silence stopped when Mr. Bane came running into the room with a pile of clothing. He slammed the door. "Close the blinds." I did as I was told, and he started the strip.

  "What are you doing!" Teaching assistants don't usually change clothing in front of a student.

  "I got to get to a party after this. Enjoy the show, or not if you don't want to." He grinned. This man will be the death of me. He quickly threw off his shirt and put on a fish net shirt which hid nothing. He might as well have worn no shirt. He was very lean and thin. Oh my God. I am not attracted to him. He threw a white jacket over that, and next went his pants. I looked away when he took them off. My face did started to heat up. This whole thing is awkward and embarrassing. Him changing right in front of me. "You're missing the best part, you know." When I looked back he had on tight white skinny jeans that made me wonder how he got into them. Then he took out a black bag. "Do you have a mirror?"

  "No." I really don't carry around mirrors. I never care how I look. "You can use my phone a mirror, I guess."

  "Perfect hand it over." Reluctant, I handed over my phone. He held it up to his face and opened his bag to reveal tons of makeup. Like the amount of makeup Isabelle has. He started applying it. It was amazing to watch. How his hands made a perfect wing with his eyeliner, his eyeshadow was a smoky gold color, and he topped it all with glitter. He started to do a few things with his hair until he gave up and gelled it into spikes. Also with glitter. "Thank you, Alec. I would put my number into your phone, but I don't have time." Did he just say that? Did he just flirt with me? Maybe he was just teasing. Isn't teasing flirting? By the Angel, I'm so confused. "Aww. You're blushing."

  "Yeah, it happens a lot." Why did you say anything?

  "Cute. How do I look?" He did a little twirl.

  "You look fine. You're going to a party right?"

  "I sure am. I would invite you, but you're my student and you don't seem like the party kind of person."

  "You're right, I'm not."

  "I can read people really well, obviously. Well, I still have time until I have to leave, and I can't leave you here alone because I'd get fired, and neither of us want to grade papers. So, tell me about yourself."


  "I'm pretty sure 'yourself' means you. Start talking, sweetie."

  "I'm boring. There's nothing to me. What about you?"

  "Obviously, I like parties, I throw parties, and I go to parties, but I like other things. I like my cat. His name is Chairman Meow."

  "We have a cat, but he hates everyone. His name is Church."

  "Chairman likes a few people. That's how I decide who I'm going to date. Whether he likes them or not."

  "What an interesting system." We talked a but more. Turns out we have a bit in common, and he's easy to talk to. Soon enough out conversation had to come to an end.

  "Magnus! You in here?" A man with green hair walked in. He was dressed a lot more toned down. "Magnus! Oh, you are in here. Hurry up. Cat is already waiting on us." Magnus. So that must be his name. I like it. It suits him.

  "I'm held up here for a little bit. We'll leave in a second, though." As Magnus and his friend talked, I sat there awkwardly. "Ah, Ragnor, this is one of my students. I guess you can call him that."

  "Oh. Do you happen to be Alexander?" Has Magnus talked about me? Oh no, I'm even calling him by his first name now.

  "Y-Yeah, I am." He gave me a once-over and turned back to Magnus.

  "Amazing how you got ready so fast. I'm shocked. That should be on all the local news station's. 'Magnus Bane gets ready in less than an hour.'"

  "I know. I should be on the news anyway. More people need to recognize my beauty."

  Their conversation carried on until it was time for them to leave. They started to walk out the room when I stopped them. "Um, I don't you can't walk out the school like that."

  "Why not?" Magnus asked.

  "Because a teacher or someone can see you, and you'd get fired for dressing like that." This school is very strict when it comes to how teachers dress. Even teacher assistants.

  "Shit, you're right. Any ideas, my green Prince?"

  "I'm not sure." He looked around the room. "You." He pointed at me. "Let him borrow that hoodie."

  "My hoodie?" It was a big gray hoodie with the school's athletic program on it.

  "Yes your hoodie. He could get pass with the jeans, but not with that shirt. Give him your hoodie so we can leave already." I didn't want to mess with this guy, so I took it off and handed it to Magnus. Underneath I had a long sleeved black shirt that hugged my figure. The only reason I wore it was because it was a gift from Isabelle and I could hide it under the hoodie.

  "Nice. An athlete," Magnus sighed as he put the hoodie on. "Okay, Alexander you can go home now." Gladly. I couldn't wait to get out of this awkward atmosphere.

  When I got home Isabelle greeted me, of course. "How'd it go," she sang.

  "Fine? He had to go to some party and did his makeup and everything in class. He wore tight ass and revealing clothing."

  "Is he hot with makeup and that clothes?"

  "Yes." Oh the storm I witnessed after that.


  The next week I stayed after school, and Magnus was starting to become really friendly with me. I'm not sure what it was, but he was just nicer. He even told me to call him Magnus when we're not in class. Oh the teasing I've been through by Isabelle. She will not shut up about how cute we would be as a couple. It's terrible.

  "Hey, Alec. Meet me in the auditorium today after school. There's a band member that I just have to show you," Isabelle told me.

  "Whatever, sure." There was nothing weird about it. She was just trying to set me up again.

  At the end of the day I was laying down on the stage, wearing the hoodie Magnus borrowed. It faintly smelled of sandalwood now. There were no band members, but I still waited for something. "Alec Lightwood. You are technically my student, so this type of behavior is highly inappropriate," I could hear the smile in his voice. Magnus stalked over to me with some notes in his hand. "I don't think Isabelle would realize that I've been grading her work for the past week and I know her handwriting by now. I just came to see if you were here." He handed me the notebook paper, and I read them with horror. It was everything I've ever told Isabelle about Magnus. How I liked his name, how I thought he was attractive, oh by the Angel it got worse. "So I just want to know, are all of those things true?" I pulled my hood over my blushing face in embarrassment. What should I say? Yes or no? Yes could embarrass me even further, but saying no could hurt him. I decided to say what was a better choice.

  "Yes," I groaned.

  "So you really think I'm attractive? And nice? And you like my name? And you-"

  "Shut up! I don't need to be reminded." My face was burning, and I attempted to make myself feel smaller.

  "Alexander, take that hood off your face, so I can see your adorable blush." Slowly I removed it. Everything happened so fast I didn't have time to think about what I was doing. I reached for his tie and pulled his face to mine. We stared at each other, waiting for the other to make a move. Not a second passed until I leaned up and kissed him. It was sloppy and at an awkward angle, but it was our first kiss. Isn't the sediment what matters?

  Next day at school, Magnus wasn't there. It kinda saddened me. That night we made it official and talked until the sun started to rise, so I wanted to see him. Even if it was at school.

  In the middle of class I got a text. It was from Magnus. My heart leaped. Isabelle smiled at me.

  I Quit. I didn't need it anyway. Now it won't be so inappropriate, will it? ;)

Original title: CUTEE THANKS IZZY

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