Day 13

Part 3 to the Youtuber couple trilogy. And happy early birthday to my girl Jenna!

  "Come. Let's get ready!" Isabelle yelled. Magnus had convinced me to go on a road trip with him all the way to New York. Why had I let him convince me? Worse, why did I invite Isabelle and Jace? Maybe because Magnus said that they should see their parents too. It's all a mess of Magnus convincing me to do thing I knew I was going to regret.

  "We don't even know if they're going to be working or not. Our trip would be waisted then," I said in a final attempt to get out of it.

  "I'll still want to see the place where you grew up in." He leaned in. "You're not getting out of this, love," he whispered.

  "I can try."

  "At least you're not the one driving the first day. I need my sleep, and I was working on something last night."

  "I'll stay up with you, if you'd like so you don't have to be the only one up."

  "Only because you're adorable, and you don't have to." He smiled at me. A smile that said he knew he won.

  "Chairman Meow is adorable. I'm...not." He chuckled.

  "Of course you're not. You know you're just proving my point the more you speak. So just keep those pretty lips closed and I won't say anything, maybe."

  "Magnus," I hissed.

  "We're ready!" Isabelle yelled. She got in the back seat along with Jace.

  "Good. It took you long enough. What were you packing?" I asked. She did take quite a while doing last minute packing.

  "I needed all my makeup."

  "No you don't. We're going across the country and only staying a few days in each state. And she we get to New York we're not even staying that long. You don't need to get all dolled up every day."

  "Says the guy who brought his camera, computer, Polaroid, and who knows what other electronic stuff."

  "That's all for the channel. Filming, editing, and the Polaroid is the only thing I'm using for solely pictures."

  "Sure. If you say so. Let's just go. Its going to take a while to get to New York."

  "Come on," Jace groaned. "I want to get to New York as quickly as possible. It must've missed me."

  "No one missed you, Jace," I said.

  "I'd like to object! I'm sure someone should've missed me."

  "No one did. That's like someone wouldn't missed you back in London. You were only in London until you moved with us. You were seven. The only people you knew was your care taker. That's about it."

  "The London air misses me. For our next trip we should go back to London!"

  "We have a lot of places to travel to, then. After this we'll go to Spain. It's time we go somewhere you grew up in." I didn't suggest Indonesia because that would be terrible. He's told me about his past. His Father, step Father, and Mother. All dead. It would be rude of me to take him where so many of his bad memories come from. It's be too much for him. Spain would be much better. Everyone would like it, and Magnus would be happy. He had some good memories there. Good thing all of us learned Spanish at a young age, or we'd all have to rely on Magnus to translate. Which would probably end up with him buying the most extravagant things; Isabelle would be the only one that would be okay with it.

  "Spain would be lovely. It's always so pretty there. It's should be a round trip. First London then Spain. Who knows, maybe we should just tour Europe," Magnus said. It's good that he's on board with he idea. 

  "I'm out. I'm not touring all of Europe. Not all of us make money from making videos that can be made anywhere and any time, " Jace yelled.

  "Yeah, and I'm working on doing to that modelling career! Magnus, next time you get asked to do something please put in a good word for me," Isabelle said.

  "Of course! I wouldn't want to keep you from your dream, and I'd be glad to help! But since no one else wants to tour Europe, it's just going to be you and I," Magnus said.

  "I'd be okay with that," I replied.

  "It's going to be perfect. Just wait and see."


  I had heard that road trips were tiring, but I didn't know that they would be this tiring. My back ached and my eyes were tired. Magnus stopped driving and now it was Jace's turn. Magnus was extremely tried and fell asleep as soon as he got the chance. What makes it worse is that I'm driving next. I got as much sleep as I could to prepare for my turn.

  Just as we entered Utah the car started making strange noises. "What the hell?" Jace muttered. He kept driving, trying to get as far as he could, but it just gradually slowed down until it stopped. "What the hell" Jace yelled. "Magnus, did you put gas in the tank?"

  "Yes, I'm sure I did. Of course I did."

  "I'm not sure what happened then." He got out of the car and opened the hood. It starting smoking and he started coughing. "What the hell!" Next I got out of the car to see what happened.

  "What happened."

  "I'm not sure but I'm pretty sure it's not supposed to be smoking like this."

  "I'm not an expert on cars, but I'm agreeing with Jace," Iabaelle yelled from inside the car.

  "Well what are we going to do? We're in the middle of no where!" It was true. There was just open land stretching out in front of us.

  "I think we passed a gas station a bit earlier. Someone should go see if there's any one who can help."

  "Who's going then? We don't have all night, and plus, I don't want to get murdered by any weirdo who comes out at night." It does sound undesirable.

  "You should go, Magnus is still tried, and you can easily charm someone into helping you."

  "I'm not going alone. Who else is joining me?"

  "I'll go!" Isabelle called out. "I've got nothing else to do, so might as well."

  "Okay, so Magnus and I will stay here. Is he still asleep?" I asked.

  "I'm not, I just don't feel like opening my eyes," he said groggy.

  "Okay. I'll stay with him, you two go."

  "Deal. Do you want to borrow my Swiss army knife? Protection for you," Jace asked.

  "No, I don't need it."

  "I'm leaving it anyway."

  "Whatever. Just go." They both walked away until they were out of our sights. Hopefully there's someone who can help us. "Magnus,"I whispered. "I know you're not asleep."

  "I'm not. Are the others gone?"

  "Yeah, why?"

  "Because I don't want them bothering me." He sat up. "Come, sit down." I climbed into the car and sat next to him, and I rested my head on his shoulder.

  "Odd that the car just stopped like that."

  "Yeah it is, but now I get to spend time with the person I love." He kissed my temple. "Lay down. You must be tired." The back seat was small, but we could fit if we were close together. It was something I could look past. My head fit comfortably under his chin, my arm rested on top of his. It was perfect. The moon was bright, the air was still, the stars seemed peaceful. It was quiet, and I was with the man I loved the most. This was the definition of a perfect night.

  We stayed in a comfortable silence for quite some time. Isabelle and Jace still hadn't come back. Juts when I though Magnus had called asleep he squeezed my hand. "Alec. Can I ask you something?"


  "Why don't you want me to meet your parents? You made excuses for so long, and you tried your hardest to get out of this trip." This is what I had been avoiding for so long. I knew he would ask at some point, but I had hoped he wouldn't. My relationship with my parents had never been the best. They were never there. Never once were they there for me. When I came out unexpectedly, I didn't get as much as a phone call. All I got was a confused text from my dad, asking if it was true. After I said yes, there was no reply. They could care less about me, but I still know about them. How they must feel about me.

  "They aren't the friendliest to me."

  "What do you mean."

  "They don't care. I don't exist in their perfect golden family. I'm just the forgotten son that no one cares about. They didn't bat an eye when I moved to California, and they wouldn't want to meet you. I know they disapprove of me. Of us, probably. I didn't want to see their reaction when they meet you."

  "Alec, I'll take whatever they throw at me. Good or bad. You know why? Because I'll do anything to keep being able to love you. I don't care if they disapprove of me and send me to another country. I'll still love you. Isn't that in all those movies where the main character gets married? 'Through thick and thin,' I'm going to stay by your side."

  "Magnus. You don't know them. They're cold, ruthless, and will do anything to get what they want." They're lawyers, and always working. Being cold comes with the job.

  "Didn't you just hear me? I said I don't care. You mean too much to me to care about what your parents say. It means absolutely nothing to me. If they did send me off to some foreign country, I'd find a way to get back to you. They could use every slur they know and I'd stay strong for you. Trust me, I've been called plenty of slurs in my lifetime, but I love you enough to look past what they say. But, I'll raise hell if they start talking about you because there is nothing wrong with you. You're gay, so what? A lot of people are. You think you're nothing special. Well to me you're the most special person. You're amazing in every way to me. That might not be the same for everyone else, but it is for me." This man is great to me. He loves me. He loves me and would do anything for me.

  "What did I do to deserve you."

  "Exist. I love you, and that's all that matters right?"

  "Of course. That's why I decided to marry you."

  "Mmhhh. I can't wait for that. It's going to be perfect. We'll be married, and you'll be stuck with me for the rest of your life."

  "Is there a downside to that?"

  "I'll leave glitter everywhere."

  "I still love you enough to ignore it."

  "And I love you."


  The night went on like that until we lulled each other to sleep. Isabelle and Jace soon came back with a mechanic and got the car fixed. I no longer feared Magnus meeting my parents. What ever happens, I know he'll stay with me.

Original title: AWWWWWW CUDDLES

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