Siddiqah Hameed Barau is finally getting married to the love of her life, and it's that special days of hers. It's her wedding day!

She had been planning this very day ever since she met Ammar Edrees Bulama. She had planned every hour, every minute heck every second just to make sure everything goes as planned and nothing or no one ruin her day. She wants everything to be perfect!

Ammar loves Siddiqah more than his own life but that doesn't change the fact that their families are sworn enemies and only decided to put aside their differences just for their kids.

But the question is that would they be able to pull up that act and not mess it up for those two?

Everything she planned took a toll when a group of unexpected guests travelled all the way to Abuja just to pay them a lovely visit. But! They're visit comes with a handful of drama.

Chaos awakens between the two families and everything happened in just 24 HOURS!


The room was so eerily quiet that a drop of a pin could be heard. The only sound that could be heard is from the air conditioning system that keeps the place well ventilated. The chandelier hung above glisten the schooners and tumblers which were filled up with champagne.

The gold-rimmed floor length curtains were modishly drawn up, in such a way that it allowed the stream of beams of light into the room. But, the windows were not opened.

One side of the wall of the room is completely made of glass; it gave a great view of renowned city of Sokoto from such a height. It sheens under the light of the sizzling sun outside. Beside it is the wine cellar, loaded with non alcoholic wine from different counties and years.

Everything in and about the house screams money and elegancy.

Two round posh sofas were placed opposite each other, another two beside them. Just a single glance at the sofas and you'll know they caused a fortune. They are pearl white clean and there isn't a single drop of stain on it.

Seated on the sofas are two families; each family occupying one side.

A brunette dressed chicly in a knee length evening gown sat on the chair situated in front of the piano. She starts to play the acoustic of Unity by Alan Walker on the grand piano. Swiftly yet adeptly her fingers move from one key to another.

One of the women seated on the left side of the room scrunched her face in distaste. Her dressing was just ritzy; the white with small touches of pink six piece Super wax atamfa wrapper adroitly maneuvered into perfection. The long sleeve ruffle hem blouse blended perfectly with her crimson pink veil. Because of the occasion, her head tie fixed in the old fashion ture kaga tsiya.

Her lips parts slightly as a small gasp escaped. Placing one hand on the sofa, she looked over her shoulder only to glare at the brunette, "Ah ah! What is this kuma?" she asked; eyes slightly squinted at the other family.

On the right side of the room, The Barau family sat. Seated beside Mr Hameed Barau, seemingly his wife; huffed. She rolled her eyes leaning back, "Something you're not used to. But then again, it's not surprising. Your family knows nothing about being sophisticated. You can bring a horse to a river, yet you can't make it drink it; that's just like you". Mrs Hameed was dressed in an Anemone print teal and cream white lafayah. Her face held no makeup whatsoever, she was beyond confident of her natural Fulani beauty. Her whole demeanor points out how brash she is.

"Hey old woman, mind what you utter with that mouth of yours. We're not here just to listen to you bark like the basenji dog you are" Another lady from the Bulama family said; her tone dripping boredom and her thick English accent distinct. She was elegantly dressed in a claret color with light touches of small oyster white ornaments laffayah; her face held the lightest makeup which brings out her natural British beauty. Her wrists and ring finger were adorned with 24 karat gold bangles and ring. Her poise alone screams elegancy. Despite being fully British, she still managed to pull the look of the traditional Shuwa arab look having spent 32 years married to a Nigerian. And that is where her son got the British look from.

It was as if she and Mrs Barau are competing for the sophistication award which was difficult to decide whom the winner is.

If not for her son's sake, nothing will make her step a foot in Sokoto, more less the Barau family house. Of all the ladies in Nigeria, England and the one he could've met in Cambridge; he just had to choose to marry a girl from Sokoto, worse; the Barau family.

Mr Edrees Bulama was quick to cut in, "I'm sorry, she didn't mean that". They all know how much they despise each other, but the least they could do was try to be civil about this since they'll become a family soon.

Mr Hameed Barau eyed them discreetly. Slightly pursing his lips forwards he hummed, "Yes but the way she said it seems like she really meant it" he said interlacing his fingers, resting them on his lap.

There was a minute of awkward silence, so much that pianist was in turmoil to know either to continue or stop, afraid that she might upset them. In between themselves, they exchanged hateful glares, and a few snickers here and there enough to vex them both.

Mr Edrees Bulama cleared his throat, none of them wanted to speak anytime soon so he should break the silence, "For both our sakes, let's cut this conversation short" his gaze was on Mr and Mrs Hameed Barau only. "We're here to ask for your daughter's hand in marriage for my son"

"Inaaaaa!!!" shouted a lady from the Barau family, "My niece will not marry into the Bulama family. Kunyi hauka ne? *have you gone mad?* after all the things your family did, you think we'll let our daughter marry into your family. Chabbb!! You're saying the impossible?"

"Kya fada musu dai! *you better tell them*" exclaimed another man from the family. He stood up, "You all walk in here, swaying like gecko lizards as if you own the place" he swung his arms pretending to imitate how they walk, "And you want our daughter to be part of your family?" he pursed his lips giving them a once over.

He first pointed at Mrs Bulama, "You kept flaring like a headless chicken, whining and acting as if you're better than us. And you" he pointed at the first lady that talked, "With the too much makeup you have on you basically resembled a Barbary ape"

The two women gasped; if only looks could kill he will be 6 feet under by the glare Mrs Bulama sent him. "Listen here Mister, if you—"

"50 male Chickens, 10 white goats, 6 cows, 2 sheep, 5 bags of Kola nut, 7 bags of local groundnut made in Bauchi, 4 bags of Pistachio imported from abroad, 6 bags of hazelnut, 3 bags of macadamia nut directly from Australia, 2 brand new cars, bride price nothing less than 500 thousand Naira..." the man cut her off by reading what's written on a piece of paper he held. The papers seem to be filled with an endless list of demands.

"Excuse me, what are you reading" Mr Edrees Bulama asked.

Mrs Barau's jaw dropped dramatically, "You mean you don't know" he placed her hand on her chest for a more dramatic effect, "If you want to marry my daughter you must bring all those as a sign of respect to the traditions of our forebear"

"Excuse me I just had to ask, are we perhaps in the 18 century or what?" Another man from the Bulama family asked for the first time, since he had quiet and hasn't uttered a single word because he had his entire attention on his phone. He seems to be not more than 30 years old based on his appearance, and he definitely isn't an extrovert, rather, he's an introvert.

The man that was reading the list looks between Mr and Mrs Bulama, before gesturing to the fella, "Ehh, who be this guy?" he said after giving him a once over.

"That's my son, Ammar's younger brother, but---"

"But right now we are talking about your ridiculous list; we will not buy it at all. We are here for our son's sake and that's it! So either give us the answer we want or we'll leave" Mrs Bulama said standing up. She took a minute or two just to fix her laffaya indicating that she wasn't joking at all but they knew otherwise.

The Baraus couldn't care less about her futile rants. They know for sure one way or the other they'll come back to them. After all, they're in their territory and they wouldn't just give up after going through all that troubles for Mrs Bulama's endless carp.

So, it's either they do what they ask them to do or they will not be any nuptials taking place between their two families any time soon.

Mr Bulama sighed, rubbing his temple with his thumb. Something he does every time he wants to calm his temper. "We will give you everything on that list, in exchange, you will agree to this matrimony because my son really loves your daughter. We all know that if he does not, we wouldn't be here" he said hoping this cut this conversation short.

Mr Barau grinned, "We have a deal, we shall discuss further about this some other time when our families aren't getting on each other's throats" he stood up and extend his hand for a handshake. Mr Bulama released a sigh of relief as they shook hands.

"For our children" The two men smiled.

Mrs Bulama and Mrs Barau exchanged another series of glares and snickers once again.

"Agama lizard" Mrs Barau muttered under her breath pursing her lips forwards.

"Bantam fowl" Mrs Bulama murmured glaring at Mrs Barau as if her eyes will fall out.

The woman in white and pink atamfa from the Bulama family raised a tumbler, "To Zayd Ammar Bulama, my nephew" she smiled brashly. Unfortunately for her, no one paid any heed to her.

The man with the list of demands raised another, "To Siddiqah Hameed Barau" he said smiling widely revealing his 32.

The guy that had been staring at his phone raised a schooner, "To the newly made relationship between Barau and Bulama family" he whispered not loud enough for them to hear. He took a sip of the wine before smiling wittily, "Damn this will be one heck of a wedding"





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