9. 24 Hours~ Sweat and Tears.

Perhaps it was perfect timing, or bad timing—Aydah couldn't really tell. All she could focus on was the fact that Maryam, Ummulkhayr and Liana chose that time to enter the room chattering unaware of the tense atmosphere in the room.

When Aydah's eyes settled on them, Maryam to be precise it was like all the little bit of sanity she had left her and all she saw was red. Laure must've seen it because she placed a hand on Aydah's shoulder to comfort her but it wasn't working.

"Aydah you have to calm down, you can't act out of anger" Laure said lowly as if expecting Aydah to listen to her but she knew there was no going back with Siddiqah when she's mad.

The three girls stopped in their tracks when they noticed the tension thick in the air due to the silence.

"What is happening here?" Maryam was the first to ask noticing the glare Siddiqah shot at her.

Internally, Laure was smirking. She waited for Aydah to blow up at that instant throwing all sort of tantrums but what Aydah did completely took her off guard.

Siddiqah Aydah smiled as her tensed shoulders slumped, "Anty Laure was just giving me the usual aunt advices, it sort of made me emotional" She said blinking her eyes to fight back the anger tears that were threatening to spill. She looked at Laure, "isn't that right aunt?"

Laure whom was fuming internally did what she knows how to do best, she put on a fake smile which they all passed as a real one, "Yeah" she said in a feigned warm tone, "Don't worry. Everything's going to be alright in shaa Allah" Laure patted Aydah's shoulder.

Aydah smiled as a tear escaped her eyes, she quickly wiped it away. The others mistook it as an emotional tear unknown to them it is tears of the anger she's trying to suppress. "Thank you aunt" Aydah said.

"You're welcome" Laure pulled her into an embrace, "You did well by suppressing your anger" she said the opposite of what she's really thinking of at the moment but she couldn't show her that.

"It's hard" Aydah muttered back choking on her tears. "It's just doesn't make sense for her to do that. She can't do that to me, or him. It's unfair on the both of us" she whispered.

"You're doing well though. But remember not to trust everyone. That was the mistake I made, you shouldn't make the same mistake. But you're right, it's unfair on you both", Laure patted her back for a few more moments before she pulled back. She turned and looked at the girls, "Let me leave you girls alone to get ready for the event then" she said flashing them a smile. She turned to Aydah and gave her a slight nod before she headed out leaving Aydah alone with the girls.

"Don't cry best friend" Maryam said walking towards Aydah. She slung her arm over Aydah's shoulder making Aydah rest her head on her shoulder.

"I know what will cheer you up" Ummulkhayr said joining the two.

"Look what we got" Liana raised up the leather she held in her hand up.

Ummulkhayr showed the boxes in her hand, "Pizza and Ice cream, whichever you want"

Ayadah smiled genuinely, "Aww thank you girls"

"You're welcome. We figured the nerves wouldn't let you eat heavy food so this was the next best option" Maryam said once Aydah raised her head from her shoulder.

"Are you guys going to chat or are we going to eat because I'm hungry" Ummulkhayr said walking past them and settled herself on one of the bean bags. She placed the pizza box in front of her and opened it. She picked out one slice and started eating it.

The girls gather around and set themselves in a circle. Ummulkhayr and Siddiqah Aydah were the only ones that ate the pizza as Maryam and Liana settled on taking ice cream alone only. After they were done Ummulkhayr and Liana took the empty boxes outside leaving Maryam and Aydah alone.

Maryam reached out to pick her clutch. She opened it and looked around looking for something. "That's weird" she murmured.

"What is weird?" Aydah whom had been watching her silently asked from where she was sitting.

"I can't seem to find one of the bundles of money I kept in my bag"

"Maybe you kept it somewhere else" Aydah suggested as that could be an explanation. She knew nothing will ever get lost in her room, it had never before so why now?

Maryam shook her head, "No. I'm sure I kept it here" she said still searching the bag, more carefully this time. "You know what?" she said looking up. She closed the bag and threw it on the bed, "I'm sure it'll come out. I'll look for it later"

"Ok" Aydah said looking down at her henna covered nails which now seemed to be of interest to her. "Um Maryam..."


She and Maryam said at the same time.

Maryam smiled, "You first"

Aydah nodded, "Don't take this the wrong way please" she started making Maryam look at her in confusion.

"Alright, I won't"

"You and I have been friends for years right?" Aydah asked making Mayam nod, "Can I always count on you?"

Maryam nodded immediately, "Of course you can"

Aydah nodded as if that's all she wanted to ask. She decided to keep quiet but she couldn't as she blurted the next question out, "You'll never betray me right?"

Maryam looked at her confused. One of her eye brow rose slightly, "You know I'd never"

Aydah nodded and chewed her bottom lip lightly as she carefully picked her next words, "You'll never hide anything from me?"




Aydah nodded with a small satisfied smile on her face.

Maryam sat down on the bean bag she was sitting on earlier next to Aydah, "But Aydah might I ask why you were asking me that?" she asked sounding really taken aback by the questions Aydah asked her. It wasn't like Aydah to ask questions like that out of the blue no matter the situation. It just doesn't belong among the things that Aydah could do.

Aydah sighed and smiled slightly, "No reason really. You know since I'm getting married and all everyone's telling me to be wary of friends so I needed to know the ones that I'll always keep. I know it doesn't sound like me but the wedding is making me really emotional and..."

"Hey..." Maryam said softly to cut Aydah's rambling short when she saw she was getting over board. "I understand" she offered her an amused smile which helped her relax visibly.

"Thank you for always being here for me Maryam. You really are a good friend"

Maryam smiled in return and gave Aydah's hands a small squeeze of assurance.


Hajiya Laure made sure she was at safe distance away from the flat where Aydah stays before she pulled out her phone. She dialed the first number there and brought the phone to her ear and waited for a few minutes for him to pick up the call.

"Mom..." Came Fahad's voice.

Laure looked behind her to make sure that there was no one there before she continued the call, "The plan failed. Aydah didn't react to it. I don't know what's wrong with the stupid girl but she remained calm"

She heard Fahad grunt in frustration on the other end of the call, "What should we do now?"

Hajiya Laure smirked, "Move on to the second phase of the plan of course" she said thinking of the consequences of what she's about to do.

Fahad closed his eyes, "Should I send it to you? Will you show it to her now?"

Hajiya Laure hummed, "Well...Yes and no" she paused, "Send it to me but I know when to show it. It just won't be now. I know the perfect timing"


She cut the call afterwards making Fahad sigh. He who sat alone in his car face palmed himself as he thought of something. It was more like a flashback...


Fahad sat on the lawn of the university with his back leaned on a tree alone. His hair that used to be all curly stood perched on his head in locks. Back then it wasn't as long as it is now so it was moderately short but in a cute way. His big round glasses were pulled up covering his bright hazel eyes.

He had on a goofy smile on his face as he stared at his phone unaware of what's happening in his surroundings. That was, until he heard people calling out one name, 'Ammar Bulama!' This made him look up just in time to see Ammar and his friend JD walking towards him. Ammar smiled at the people that called out his name as he raised his hand to wave at them. Fahad sighed as he watched Ammar being the popular guy he is back in the days when he, Fahad that is, was just seen as a nerd even though they're in their sophomore year in the university. But, being close friends with Ammar Bulama made some of the guy's popularity rub off on him.

"Sup bro" Ammar said sitting beside Fahad while JD sat opposite them.

Fahad offered them both a small smile as Ammar leaned down to see what Fahad's looking at, "Woah...who is she?" he asked still staring at the picture of the girl Fahad was looking at.

Fahad quickly turned off the phone and hid it away, "No one you should know" he said offering Ammar a smile that shouted 'stay away from her'.

Ammar and JD exchanged a look before they burst into fits of laughter as they high fived. "Does Fahad have a crush on a chick?" Ammar teased poking Fahad slightly.

"Is he hiding her away from us?" JD joined as the two laughed at Fahad's misfortune.

"Come on bro, at least tell us who she is" Ammar probed as he didn't see her face clearly so he couldn't tell whom she is.

"Yeah a name can work" JD supported as he leaned back on the grass carpet.

Fahad glared at them but didn't say anything.

"Come on..."


"Alright!" he cut both of them short, "It's my cousin, Siddiqah" he said hoping that they'll both shut up now since he'd given them a name.

Ammar nodded while JD looked like he was lost in thought, "Wait...Isn't that Aydah Barau?" he asked making Fahad nod.

"Her real name is Siddiqah" he corrected though both names are correct.

Ammar's eyes widen in realization, "Yeah yeah" he waved Fahad off, "That chick is hot" he said making JD nod in agreement. "Is she your girlfriend?" he asked Fahad who shook his head.


Ammar grinned, "Cool. I might totally hit on the girl"

"No! Nope! Not happening" Fahad shook his head suddenly sounding defensive, "You have a girlfriend"

Ammar and JD exchanged looks as if what Fahad just said was nonsense making them laugh again.

"And so?" JD said.

"So he shouldn't go after another girl especially when you have a girlfriend that loves you" Fahad said as if that's supposed to knock some sense into the two but it didn't.

Ammar scoffed, "Oh please..." He chuckled.

"Nerd alert" JD muttered under his breath looking away. Thankfully it was only Ammar that heard him and Fahad didn't.

Fahad glared at them both for ridiculing him, "I don't like Aydah okay! But Ammar I want you to stay away from her" he warned Ammar who shrugged dismissively, "Dude promise me" he knew he was lying about that part of him liking her but he only did it so that his friends will think that he's cool and so he can be one of them. 'Love' isn't exactly something they do so they don't consider a person that does that cool.

"Alright alright!" Ammar raised his hands in surrender. He rolled his eyes only for his gaze to fall on his girlfriend that's approaching him, "Hey cupcake!" he said as if he wasn't the one that was just planning on cheating on her a minute ago.

Fahad watched Ammar and wondered if a person like him will ever change. After all, no one knows him as much he did.

Back in the present day, Fahad opened his now tear filled eyes as he thought of the mistake he made those years ago of ever letting Ammar know of Aydah. He knew what Ammar was capable of despite being among the top players he knew back in their university days but he still let him get close to Aydah and he didn't do anything to stop him. What more he knew Ammar was sure as hell that Fahad liked her but that didn't stop him.

Angry and frustrated with the current situation and himself, he hit the steering wheel multiple times till his fist stings from the impact. He leaned his head on the steering wheel as he heaved, "You deserve what's about to come to you Ammar. This is what I should've done nine years ago" he muttered to himself as all the bits of remorse he felt disappear into thin air.

By fire by force he was going to help his mother ruin this wedding come what may.




Aydah sat alone in her room waiting for the girls and the makeup artist to come. When they left, she thought of just doing the makeup herself but weirdly enough she couldn't find her makeup kit. She dismissed the thought thinking that she just placed it somewhere and that she'll find it later. So, now she sat reminiscing over what happened earlier.

She didn't know what made her react the way she did because she was honestly seconds away from ripping Maryam's head off her body and then something snapped in her. Maybe it was the fact that she knew deep down Maryam will never do that to her and that it was just a hug—maybe it didn't mean anything; if it is real that is.

Maybe it was just someone planning to ruin their wedding that sent that to her aunt. She thought. She knew Laure was among the people that didn't support her and Ammar's wedding in the family but she knew Laure's reason and so she didn't blame her. But she also knew Laure will never stoop so low to fake something as that.

She wanted to face Maryam about the issue but she held back. Reason was—she didn't know herself. She didn't know what made her stop.

Sounds of footsteps snapped her out of her reverie. She looked up to see the makeup artist and her friends. She and the makeup artist exchanged a few pleasantries as the woman set her things out.

"Are you ready?" she asked Aydah who nodded.

"Yeah I am" she smiled nodding.

The woman started her makeup while the girls got two other makeup artists to start their own as the event will start at four so they got no time to waste. After all, this was the event they were all looking forth to.

And this was the event they sure will never forget.




The event planner paced around the hall making sure everything was correct and ready for the event that's supposed to take place in less than two hours. The man was short with bald head and a skinny body one could pass him as a sickler patient. The man had grey mustache which accompanied the few wrinkles on his faces which only showed his age more. The man seemed to be at least fifty years old.

Meet the overdramatic, easily poignant, and on most occasions confused event planner, Mr. Okparakpo.

He has on an oversized suit which consisted of suit pants that will be enough for three people of his figure to fit in and a suit coat that stopped by his knee. His shoes were another matter entirely. In his hands he held a checklist with a pen held firmly in his hand.

As he was walking around whilst checking the items on his list he stopped by the florist fixing flowers on the tables. "Hey hey hey! What color is this?" he asked.

The florist looked at the roses then looked at her boss, "Sir they are red" she said.

"Which shade of red?"

"Damask red"

"Ah!" he dropped the checklist on the floor and paced his hand on his head, "You want to kill me right?" he half yelled dramatically as his eyes widen.

"No Sir...of course not" she quickly said as the people working around stopped what they were doing and watched them.

"No....You want to kill me" he shook his head, "I said make them carnation red. CARNATION RED! Not damask red!"

"But Mr. Okparakpo..."

"You see those rich people" he pointed at the door though there were no people there, "They will useless me anytime they want! They will condemn me simply because I didn't provide what they want" he said sounding as if he'll cry. "And you!" he pointed at person fixing the curtains, "How long is that?"

"13 sir"

"FATHER LORD!!"The man yelled again as he started pacing around the place, "I said 11.5! ELEVEN POINT FIVE!" He yelled exasperatedly. He found a place and sat down, "You people will not kill me alive, take this all down and remake it correctly this time. Else if I lose my job you will all lose yours! WICKED PEOPLE! You don't want to see me succeed. Ah!"

"Sorry sir"

"Sorry yourselves. Fix this now!"

"Ok sir"

The workers quickly scampered around to fix and redo the parts necessary. Mr Okparakpo stood up from the place he sat on while hand fanning himself with his lips set into a frown. Just as he was about to continue walking and examining the décor, a lady walked up to him and patted his shoulder to gain his attention.

"What do you want now?" he asked her in a harsh tone.

She fiddled with her fingers trying to pick out the right words.

"What is ha'an?!" he yelled raising his hands to gesticulate.

"Uhm...Mr. Okparakpo I just got off the call with the bakery"


"Well they won't have the cake ready by today, said the order was for tomorrow" she stuttering a bit knowing what's about to come next.

Mr. Okparakpo watched her with his eyes widened. "You want to kill me abi?" he asked in a tone that sounded like he's about to cry.

"No Sir...." She shook her head watching the man old enough to be her father sit on the cold tiled floor with his legs spread apart and hands on his head.

"You want me to die? You want to condemn me? Abi? Scatter me? Destroy me? Obliterate me? Ruin me and my career huh?" he asked spreading his hands out dramatically.

The woman shook her head again with her brows creased up in both fear and pity because she knows with the way he's acting he can easily fire her and not blink an eye over it.

"What has this old man done to you?" he half yelled, half cried though there were no tears so it was just him being his overdramatic self.

"Nothing Sir...I..."

"Shattap! See" he pointed his finger at her, "I don't care if it's garri cake or Semovita cake, no matter no matter what, get me a cake in less than two hours! If you like get the witches from your village to help you else you're FIRED!" he yelled making her flinch. She knew whenever he started his 'No matter no matter' thing he was being dead serious.

She nodded and scrambled away.

Mr. Okparakpo turned to look at the people whom once they noticed his gaze on them quickly shift their gazes. He glared at them with his lips curved down, "Hypocrite!" he exclaimed, "You...you...you..." he stuttered, "You wanted to see this old man lose his job right? You will not! Hi refeat you will not!" some wanted to laugh at how he sounded pronouncing 'I repeat' in the form of 'hi refeat' but they held it back. "Ha...H...Hi swear you will not!" he stood up pushing his lips forward.

"Where is my cap?" he asked looking around looking for his hat.

The people stared at him as if he's stupid.

"I said where is my cap?!" he bellowed.



The man gulped and pointed at his head, "It's on your head Sir"

Mr. Okparakpo stopped what he was doing and reached out to feel his head and his hat was indeed there all this time. He licked his lips and nodded, "You may continue your work' he said sounding much more sane now. With his head held up high, he continued his job.



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Love, Jannah.

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