7. 24 Hours~The Joy



"The day we've been waiting for is finally here. Cheers to a new beginning. Congratulations Mrs. Zayn Ammar Edrees Bulama. Te quiero mi esposa"

Aydah folded the card with a smile plastered on her face as her eyes flicked close. A flash of light followed her movement. She looked over her shoulder to where the bouquet of chocolate roses that lay on her bed which was delivered the minute the knot was said to be tied and another flash of light came.

She slowly placed the card back and walked towards the balcony with the long train of her mermaid gown made by Hudayya flowing behind her. She pulled the curtains stopping the natural light from coming into her room and another flash of light followed her actions when she smiled.

"And that's it!" Announced the photographer as he brought his camera down.

The room became noisy as he and his crew packed their belongings and moved out to snap pictures of the bride's mother and the event happening at the main flat. They've snapped enough picture of the bride already for now so they need to leave her to change and for her to go downstairs before they continue from where they stopped.

Once they were out, Maryam closed the door behind them before walking back into the room Ummulkhayr and Siddiqah are. Ummulkhayr and Maryam had their own fair share of the photo shoot as the bride's best friends. They snapped some pictures with the bride while they snapped some pictures separately.

Siddiqah opened the balcony door immediately welcoming in the fresh air. She breathed it in closing her eyes as her lips twitched up. The happiness she felt at the moment was immeasurable. She still found it hard to believe that she is finally Mrs. Zayn Ammar. She had finally married the love of her life and no one can dare say otherwise. She's finally a Bulama and no longer a Barau.


"Oh...Iyye...See the way she's smiling to herself" Maryam teased as she crashed on Aydah's bed exhaling through her mouth.

"I know right! Irin ita she's now a Mrs" Ummulkhayry added removing her heels before sitting next to Maryam on the bed.

Siddiqah still not able to hide the smile on her face turned and playfully glared at them, "Shut up" she muttered as her cheeks became crimson red making the two girls laugh.

"So.." Maryam started leaning on her arm, "how does it feel to be married?" she asked.

Aydah shrugged, "I've only been married for like...thirty minutes. How will I know?" she asked Maryam as if the question she asked her sounded ridiculous.

Maryam hissed lightly, "Ehen how do you feel in the 30 minutes?" she probed.

Aydah sighed and walked towards them before sitting at the far end of the bed. "Honestly..." she started, "It feels surreal. I can't believe after everything Ammar and I are finally married. Supposedly I'm his wife now"

Ummulkhayr rolled her eyes, "Well duh...I'm happy for you"

"Yeah me too" Maryam said reaching to her clutch. She pulled out a tissue apaper, "I just can't believe my baby Aydah is finally married" she dabbed under her eyes pretending to wipe her fake tears.

Ummulkhayr patted her shoulder to comfort her, "Do you need more?" she asked referring to the tissues as shes too pretended to be emotional.

"Yes please. Tissue!" Maryam pretended to sob louder.

"Oh shut up!" Aydah said laughing at her two goofball of friend.

Ummulkhayr was about to say something when the door flung open and a girl walked in, or more like a lady about the same age as Aydah, Khair and Maryam. The lady is dressed up in an oxblood mermaid gown that hugged all her curves and her silky hair was tied into an elegant low bun with a few blonde tendrils falling on her face by the sides.

"Well hello y'all!" the lady exclaimed in an American accent; her pearl white 32 on show.

Aydah pushed herself off her bed and approached the girl, "Liana!" she exclaimed reaching out to hug the foreigner.

"Oh great, vanilla essence is here" Maryam muttered under her breath rolling her eyes but Ummulkhayr heard her and so swatted her on the shoulder.

"Be nice" Ummulkhayr said through gritted teeth though she too was struggling to be nice around the girl.

"What?" Maryam's dilated a bit, "Did I do anything wrong?"

"But you will!"

"So?" Maryam raised a brow slightly, "She deserves anything I throw at her" she said in a hushed tone.

Ummulkhayr gave her a disapproving look but didn't say anything. They both turned to look at Aydah and Liana whom pulled out of their embraces, each with smiles on their faces.

"I didn't know you were going to come" Aydah said chuckling.

"Oh well you know..." Liana started grinning, "I will never miss your wedding"

"I will never miss your wedding" Maryam mimicked in a low tone scrunching her face up earning her a glare from Ummulkhayr.

"Will you stop?"

"No I won't" Maryam said glaring at Liana who's unaware of what's happening.

Aydah placed her hand on Liana's shoulder, "You didn't have to, really"

"Yeah but I wanted to"

"Thank you" Aydah grinned genuinely. She flung her arm over Liana's shoulder, "Now my wedding will definitely be the best since you're here"

Maryam scoffed. She leaned closer to Ummulkhayr, "How happy do you think Aydah will be when she finds out that Liana's still going after Ammar and that she's only here for him and not her" she muttered to Ummulkhayr whom looked at the duo then back to Maryam.

"How sure are you that she's here for him? She might really just be here for Aydah" she muttered back making Maryam huff and roll her eyes.

"Look at her" she pointed at Liana who's now engrossed in a conversation with Aydah, "I know a snake when I see one. She clearly followed him back here. Should we tell Aydah?"

"No" Ummulkahyr shook her head, "We won't say a word to Aydah till we're sure" she said unsure of if Maryam's assumptions are real. Or really, she's scared what if they are real? She knew Aydah won't take the news lightly and she didn't want anything to spoil her good mood.

"Come and meet the girls" Aydah said snapping her out of her chain of thoughts.

Liana looked at the girls and smiled. Ummulkhayr noticed how the girl refused to look at Maryam but rather kept her gaze on her instead. Aydah however, just dragged the American towards her bed and made her sit with them. "Guys...It is Liana!"

"Yeah we can see" Ummulkahyr heard Maryam mutter as she sat up.

"Hey girls. It's been a while" Liana said with a smile on her face. For the first time she turned and glanced at Maryam who outright shot her a glare.

"Hey Liana..." Ummulkahyr said politely and waited for Maryam to say something to the girl but she didn't. So, Ummulhayr nudged Maryam slightly.

"Hello Americana" Maryam said referring with a name that she used to call the girl back during their university days.

"Ummulkayr. Mariam" Liana said making Maryam glare at her.

"It's Maryam" Maryam corrected her.

Liana's lips stretch into a smile, but Maryam could see the menace behind it, "It's the same thing"

Maryam's eyes narrowed at her, "Idan kikamin maganar banza ubanki zanci nikam" she said making Liana's and Aydah's brows furrow.

Aydah shot Ummulkhayr a questioning look but Ummulkahyr just shrugged. Aydah knew Maryam had a beef with Liana but she never knew why exactly because whenever she asked her, she'll just change the topic.

"What did she say?" Liana asked Aydah making Maryam smirk.

"Dadinta ba kya jin Hausa" she rolled her eyes.

"Maryam..." Ummulkhayr said in a warning tone making Maryam roll her eyes for the umpteenth time.

"Guys the event has started, I need to change" Aydah said quickly changing the topic when she felt the atmosphere become tense. She stood up from her bed, "Ummukhayr help me?"

"Sure" Ummulkahyr stood up too. "Let's go Maryam" she said tugging Maryam's arm but she just slapped it away.

"I'll be there in a minute" Maryam said not breaking her gaze away from Liana whom wasn't giving up too.

"Okay...Liana, join us" Ummulkhayr offered with a small smile.

"No thank you. I'm good here" Liana dismissed politely.

Ummulkhayr looked at Aydah for help but she just shrugged and walked away. Ummulkhayr sighed and gave Maryam a warning look before following Aydah to her walk in closet to help her change.

Once the two were out of earshot and eye sight, Liana stood up and started walking towards the balcony but Maryam held her arm and dragged her back. Liana turned and glared at Maryam, then looked down at her hand holding her arm, "Let go of my arm you filthy being"

Maryam tightened her hold on her, "What are you doing here?" she asked lowly.

Liana smirked, "What else?" she huffed slightly, "I'm here to take what's mine"

"And what is that?" Maryam asked though she had a pretty good idea what Liana's talking about.

Liana held Maryam's gaze for a few seconds, "Not what, who"

"Who is it?" Maryam asked lowly again as her eyes flare up with anger.

Liana tilted her head to the side, "Ammar of course" she replied, her voice barely above a whisper but enough for Maryam to hear.

Maryam hummed, "And what makes you think you'll succeed, I can tell Aydah about your plan"

Liana snatched her arm out of Maryam's grip. She held her head high slightly making Maryam look up to glance at her as she's taller and stood closer to her, "Go ahead" she murmured. Her eyes met Maryam's, "I dare you" she added, "Who do you think she'll believe? You or me?"

"Me of course. I'm her best friend!" Maryam raised her voice slightly but not enough for Ummulkhayr and Siddiqah to hear them.

Liana's lips twisted up into a smile, "Oh please! After the scene you just created? I highly doubt that" she said angering Maryam more because she knows Liana's right. If she say something against her to Siddiqah now she might just think she's making things up to make her look bad.

"Well guess what? They're already married dumbass" Maryam spat making Liana watch her unaffected as if she had thought of this before.

"He can marry another woman"

"How dare you do this to her? She trusted you!"

"I can say the same to you" Liana smirked when she saw how Maryam's eyes widen slightly. Liana smiled and reached out her manicured hands to pat Maryam's shoulder, "But don't worry, that's what makes it more fun" she said with a grin on her face before turning on her heels and walking to the walk in closet leaving Maryam standing there alone.

Maryam watched Liana's figure disappear in the closet as she released a sigh she didn't know she was holding. She knew from the very moment Liana walked in that she was going to cause trouble.

But the question is, how will she protect Aydah from her?


The old women at the main flat yodeled to their heart content celebrating the new union between the Bulmas and the Baraus. Amongst those women is Hajiya Iya whom dressed up in the outfit she had Mintako retrieve from Tanko Me guga.

The outfit is just the only Superwax she own in the world. The brown with light touches of yellow and white star like design on the wrapper and a big brown colored blouse. She tied her head tie in the old fashioned 'Choke' and lastly a big while veil matching her flat shoes. Her makeup only consisted of kohl with white powder as she had claimed that blushes, concealers, and such are for 'turawa' and not for 'mu yen Hausawa'

The 'masu kidan kwarya' that were hired sat amidst of the flat in the open area doing their job. Women came out and danced to their songs which blared through the flat. Some of the teenagers form a circle beside the women and danced to their hearts content.

The rich teenagers and other adults whom feel like they're pass the level of dancing to such traditional song, the yen rigima squad watched from upstairs by the rail. Some pulled out their phones and were already videotaping the whole scene so as to upload to social media as that's the only thing they knew how to do best.

Hajiya Aisha Hamida watched them with her friends by her side form upstairs as they all rejoiced. She smiled knowing that they're all present because of her daughter's wedding. She and they stood in a secluded area upstairs by the door where the bride will soon come out with her friends at tow.

Cheers erupted making Hajiya Aisha to move her gaze to see what's the cause of the noise the same time Hajiya Talatu walk out too with her best friend beside her. The old woman stood beside her daughter. Both women were dressed elegantly as they both were dressed in expensive French laces sowed into iro and buba with their head gears maneuvered adeptly. Today being a big day, both women had their faces caked up with makeup-though not heavy one.

"What's the cause of the noise?" Hajiya Talatu asked as she tried to watch the people downstairs though it proved to be hard as they have formed a large crowd covering someone. However who ever the person was surely was going at doing what she did because even some of the rich kids upstairs rush downstairs to video tape her.

"Who else?" Hajiya Aisha Hameedah chuckled, "Her" she pointed at the figure.

Amidst of the crowd of women is Hajiya Iya dancing as if she'll beak her fragile bones. The old woman was dancing to the point that she removed her veil and tied around her waist. She had pulled her wrapper up so now the hem was above her ankle but still that didn't satisfy her. She held half of the wrapper up as she crouched low and danced while people keep cheering her up. Some even went to the extent of chucking money on her.

And what did the old woman do?

She packed her money and put it inside her shirt as she danced. This made the women cheer louder while Hajiya Iya grinned shaking her body as the kids started singing 'A girgiza kwankwaso' for her while the 'Masu kidan kwarya' took a break.

Hajiya Talatu and Hajiya Aisha Hameedah along with their friends laughed. It's not every day you see a 64 year old woman dancing with her cockroach body. On normal days if you see her slim fragile body you'll swear that the woman can't even shift her body in the wrong way because it'll just end up breaking but then here she is dancing. The dance she's doing some fifteen year olds can't do it.

"Hajiya Iya kikeji! The very life of a wedding" Hajiya Talatu said laughing.

"Who knew she could dance like this?" Hajiya Aisha Hamidah said incredulously.

"You should see her back in the days when we were teenagers. She was the best dancer in our block" Hajiya Talatu said watching her old friend do what she does best. Back in the days, Hajiya Iya had always been the one that looked forward to dandali nights as those were the nights she could show off her dance moves to everyone.

"If anything that just proves it" Hajiya Aisha Hameedah said pointing at the old woman whom now started to do something that looks like break dancing.

Just in time, the bride walked in accompanied by three of her friends whom stood behind her holding the train of her gown. The cheers got louder as they all made way for her and her friends.

"Ayiriri amarya! Ke kikace kina so, dabaki ce kinaso ba da ba'a baki shi ba" The little children sang jumping up and down like monkeys high on cocaine.

Aydah stopped in her tracks when she saw Hajiya Iya dancing. She laughed but still made her way towards them as the 'masu kidan kwarya' now continued to sing instead of the others. The bride along with her friends danced their way to the center. Hajiya Iya approached the bride and held her hand making her dance along with her with her as the cheers became louder.

More people including Ummulhayr, Maryam and Liana came forth and chucked money at them as the two danced to their hearts content. Aydah was surprised as to how good Hajiya Iya can dance. She thought the old woman couldn't even walk for long distance without getting tired but here she is!

Hajiya Talatu approached them along with her friend. She danced too not too much though and focused on chucking money on them rather though Siddiqah made sure that she danced with her Ada half as much as she did with Hajiya Iya. The thing is though that Ada did the senior moves dance that consisted of swaying side to side.

Hajiya Aisha Hameedah stood upstairs and decided to just watch them. She refused to go down and dance like a clown in front of all these people. If anything, she'll save her dance for the after party later just not now. And her group of clowns that she called her friends agreed with her too because that's all they do. Agree with whatever decision she makes.

Another group sat outside on mats that they spread themselves as they waited for food to be served to them. They didn't care about the dancing or the songs, all they cared about was feeding their own stomach because that was why they were there. They waited for the food but didn't see a sigh that the food was coming any time soon.

"Eh...Jimana!" Said one of the women when she saw one of the numerous housemaids about to pass by them.

"Yes Ma'am" the lady said turning to look at them.

"Nace when will the rice arrive?" she asked licking her lips in anticipation.

The worker smiled and looked down before looking back up, "It's not done yet miss"

"Ah!" another woman exclaimed putting a hand on her head, "You people wan kill us with hunger abi? Which type of ice is it that it isn't done since?" she dragged the word 'since'.

"Ai shine dai!" Said the woman that first spoke.

"I'm sorry" Said the worker.

"See..." the second woman said, "Once it's done, make sure you bring it t us first. We don't like waiting unless you want us to die of hunger"

The worker nodded, "Of course ma'am" she ducked her head low and walked away not wanting to interact with those women any longer.

"In banda rowa ace abinci tun asuba be dahu ba!" exclaimed one of the woman hissing loudly.

"Ai shine dai!" Agreed the second woman, "Even if it's stone they are cooking it ought to be done by now" she pushed her lips forward.

"Leave them!" said the first woman, "rice ne dai we must eat"

"Yes we must!"

The gates of the mansion were opened as a car came in. The car passed the parking lot and parked in front of the porch. The backdoor opened and a figure stepped out. The woman fixed her veil as she turned to look at the mansion properly. From the spot she can hear the noise coming from inside the mansion probably from their small event taking place.

"Hajiya should we go in?" her assistant asked her as she came out of the car and stood next to her boss.

Hajiya Laure smirked, "of course. That was the plan wasn't it?"



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Love, Jannah.

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